lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
You are angry about something. “Clam down,” I text you. You assume I have made a typo, but in fact I am holding a small soldier clam in my hands. He died so young. War is hell
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
May you always have enough for rent.
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
I bestow upon you the title: Sandwich Slut
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
sometimes making tea is less about drinking it and more ab it keeping you company
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
why is lotion so annoying to apply i want to be soft and smooth but this is too much
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
Social media is wonderful because it let the common folk enjoy endless posturing, making of enemies, and flaunting of wealth and romantic prospects. All of which was previously reserved for the aristocracy.
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
october is about to be octover :(
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
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Rock Apparently Factors Into Girlfriend’s Shower Routine
SEATTLE—Saying he was confused about the full extent of its purpose as well as its overall benefit, local man Jacob Ferris, 25, nonetheless surmised today that the oblong rock located in girlfriend Sarah Milstein’s shower caddy must somehow factor into her bathing routine, sources confirmed.
“I guess at some point while she’s showering, she rubs a rock on her body,” said Ferris, expressing what he claimed was “the only possible conclusion” about the light-gray rock in his girlfriend’s bathroom. “I mean, it looks sort of nice, so she could just have it there for decoration or something. But it’s usually right near all the other soaps and her loofah, so I think it’s probably something she actually uses while under the water.”
“I really don’t know how it all works,” Ferris added. “All I know is that in between Sarah getting into the shower and getting out, there’s a rock involved.”
Ferris, who said he was unable to determine exactly when in the showering process the rock first comes into play, told reporters he is equally clueless about what part of the body the rock is used on.
In addition, Ferris said he occasionally inspects the roughly 3-ounce object when he’s in Milstein’s shower, and told reporters that the rock is nearly always wet and is occasionally moved to slightly different spots within the bathtub, leading him to believe that his girlfriend uses it fairly regularly. He also noted his girlfriend’s bathing time never seems particularly longer than the average person’s considering she has added a rock into the mix.
Ferris added that all attempts to incorporate the rock into his own shower routine have ultimately been unsuccessful.
“I tried rubbing it on my skin once, and it hurt,” Ferris said, concluding that pouring soap and water directly onto the rock neither made it softer nor easier on his skin. “I could maybe see how it could get some dirt off of your body, but it seems too painful to work. Her skin usually looks nice though, so maybe I’m wrong.”
“There is a chance it could be a hair thing,” Ferris continued. “Maybe she rubs the rock in her hair? I don’t know.”
Ferris confirmed he has considered numerous reasons for why his girlfriend uses the rock in the shower, including that she has some type of skin condition, that the rock is some sort of weird tradition her family has, or that everyone uses rocks in the shower and he has been out of the loop the entire time.
“It could be for cleaning the bathtub,” said Ferris, adding he once suspected the rock was a device for making the bathroom smell nice, but then noticed it had no discernible smell whatsoever. “Like every few weekends she scrubs the tub with this rock? I guess I could see Sarah doing that.”
While Ferris said he is mostly certain that the rock was initially purchased at a home goods store of some kind, he was not able to completely rule out the possibility it was just a rock that his girlfriend found on the ground and decided to put in her shower.
“I wonder if I should put a rock in my shower for when she’s over here,” said Ferris, who said he once tried to locate a rock at a Bed Bath & Beyond, but left after not wanting to walk up to a sales clerk and ask them where they kept their “shower rocks.” “Or I could just tell her to leave a rock at my place if she wants.”
“I’m probably not going to do that,” Ferris added.
At press time, a visibly perplexed Ferris had seen the rock sitting in Milstein’s trashcan and then looked in the shower to see another rock sitting in its place.
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
Finally listened to all music! My favorite song was an untitled file called “ssssddsdrt66677888.ogg” that I found on a flash drive that I found in a landfill in Tunisia
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lumpyrenaissancecat · 5 years
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