lord-of-gender · 4 hours
Waiting for new Sides ep like
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lord-of-gender · 7 hours
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lord-of-gender · 3 days
Oh mighty lord of gender, I seek gender wisdom from thee
(Also I love Ninjago and MCYT too!)
The gender lord will impart wisdom on thee
Dyed Hair
that is all
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lord-of-gender · 3 days
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Well hello there [LOUD TESLA COIL NOISE]
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lord-of-gender · 3 days
Oh mighty lord of gender, I seek gender wisdom from thee
(Also I love Ninjago and MCYT too!)
The gender lord will impart wisdom on thee
Dyed Hair
that is all
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lord-of-gender · 4 days
Round 6 (SEMIFINALS) - 1st Battle
guys if you let the song I wanna lose win I’m gonna be very disappointed.
Against The Kitchen Floor
“I swear I’m really trying”
BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA
“For what it’s worth”
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lord-of-gender · 5 days
Blazeborn X?
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hes a little toasty :)
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lord-of-gender · 6 days
" oh I love scar!! "
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Its so scarover.
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lord-of-gender · 7 days
This is so cool, I want a fic now
Withered Dolls AU
Ok, I think I'm calling my AU withered dolls. Here are the basics:
•Months after Secret Life Scar starts making dolls of his friends using clay, wool, and flowers. However, some of these dolls come to life as the souls of the winners are attracted to them. They look and feel like real people. However, they also have flowers growing on them around the injuries that killed them.
•Scar is the only one who can create these dolls and he isn't sure how, he just feels this inspiration and starts creating and, suddenly, he creates a doll based on someone from a different world he shouldn't even remember.
•Also, once he starts creating these dolls, somethings begin appearing in the world, and they are similar to Scar's dolls except that they are faceless.
If a living doll dies, Scar can create a new body for it, but Scar still works under Secret Life rules. He can just abuse the button to get back to full health, but he isn't sure what would happen if he died since none of the dolls can create or heal.
•I think that I will also have more than just the life series winners here as well. I'm having 3rl Grian, LL Scott, DL Pearl, LimL Martyn, and RL Cleo, of course, but also DL Scott (he did technically win as well) AND witchcraft Scott (might add the winner of minecraft SOS too)
•Here is a list of what flowers each doll has:
3rdL!Grian- Poppies
LL!Scott- Corn flower
DL!Pearl- Lilac
LimL!Martyn- Dandelion
Rl! Cleo- Mushroom (Yes, I know it isn't a flower shhhh)
DL! Scott- Cyan Flower
Wc! Scott- Wither Rose
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lord-of-gender · 8 days
Can we take a second just to admire cc!Joel Smallishbeans. Like my guy is currently on two smp's, he keeps up with Hermitcraft, he is somewhat present on SOS. Also his base is incredibly detailed, its large, and he has gotten really good at armor stands out of nowhere. He updates an average of once a week, he took a vacation to Japan and still managed to keep up with Hermitcraft.
He can follow the bit and has an uncanny ability to stop himself from being the butt of the joke. Like for example the neck kisses thing was at first a kind of 'ha ha that's really weird Joel' then he leaned into it so hard that now Etho is the one obsessed with Joel's neck kisses and both of them are obsessed with each other and its not just Joel.
And the whole ieseki harem bit too?? Like he has half of the server around his finger cause of a bit.
Also he is actually kind of good at tricking people? Like bro convinced three (I think) people that Etho built the statues not him.
Hes funny as hell and also he is like really bold? Like my guy posted himself singing a Minecraft parody to 'Money Money Money' he makes Hollywood level intros in Minecraft. His intros are the best by the way always have been. They're more elaborate now and they are really funny but there was a charm to when his intros were him standing in front of a horse hilling machine with no acknowledgment of it.
Joel appreciation post completed
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lord-of-gender · 9 days
You're so real for that tho
I think if someone read my mind they would not believe that I'm aroace
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lord-of-gender · 9 days
I drew the characters from @rhapsoddity’s Vigilante Sheriff AU on a DnD alignment chart.
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lord-of-gender · 9 days
Drown him
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lord-of-gender · 10 days
That a demiboy sticker on Jimmy’s computer? :0
its a trans flag! the comic is mostly mono-coloured so it just shades of blue lol
for those who dont remember/didnt notice jims a trans guy!
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lord-of-gender · 11 days
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I'm sure its fine dont worry about the colours Jim
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lord-of-gender · 12 days
Scar passed by Grian’s fishing shack one day to see the man fishing again. His back to the land, a pole in his hand, the perfect picture of peace. It reminded Scar of fond memories in early game, fishing and chatting with his friends late into the night. Scar took a picture and went on his way.
It wasn’t until the evening, laying in bed and bringing up the picture to send to Grian that Scar noticed something was off. Grian wasn’t wearing his fisherman’s best; rather, he was in his permit office clothes, kaki pants and all! Scar chuckled- if he had noticed that at the time, he surely would have bugged Grian about some permit or another.
<you whispered to Grian: looks like someone forgot to clock out>
Scar sent the image and lay back in his bed. It wasn’t like Grian to be seen in his permit office clothes, but he understood the grip an obsession had on a man. But Scar made a note to visit Grian the following day, to poke some fun at his blunder.
The next day came, and Scar wheeled himself across the stretch of grass to Grian’s place. He slowed, then stopped, when he caught sight of Grian. Fishing. Right where he’d left the guy the day before. In the same office worker clothes.
“What the- Grian!” Scar rolled up and tapped Grian on the back. He was kind of weirdly wet. Scar wiped his hand on his shirt. “I’d like to discuss getting another permit, please.”
Scar chuckled at his joke, but Grian remained still, fishing bobber floating in the water. He didn’t say anything, just jerked his head slightly to acknowledge Scar’s prescience.
“G, buddy, you can’t just be abandoning all of your life for fishing, no matter how much you love it. Have you even slept? Eaten? You definitely haven’t taken a shower, I can smell you from over here, woof!”
Grian still said nothing. The bobber went under the water, but Grian just watched it. Scar waited, but the thing just eventually came back to the surface, unaffected. Scar frowned, unnerved by Grian’s silence. He wasn’t shifting and giggling like he did when playing a prank.
“Here, at least let me get you some food.” Scar said. “You have some cooked fish in the barrels over here, if I remember correctly. Not that I go through your things or steal food, I just- what on earth?”
Scar opened up a barrel to find it filled with a deep red material, like the inside of a fish or other animal. It wasn’t packaged or anything, just out in the open. It glistened with some kind of liquid, and there were definite shapes deep within the substance. Scar blinked rapidly.
“G, what on earth are you keeping in here? You creepy little man.”
Scar heard heavy, slapping footsteps behind him, and he wheeled around to confront him, but stopped mid-breath. Grian was standing behind him, and Scar’s words failed him as he took a proper look at him for the first time in days. Grian’s face was sagging, his black eyes sunk back in his head, drooping even more then usual. His skin looked shiny and discolored, and his mouth was hung open listlessly.
“G, you know Halloween isn’t for another few months now.” Scar said nervously. “But the costume looks great! Can’t even tell what you are. I think I’m going to go now… goodbye!”
Scar took off, and he could have sworn that Grian had reached for him as he did. Scar did a big loop in the sky and headed to the big lighthouse across the river. Maybe their neighbor, Gem, had some answers. She seemed in on his hyjinks often enough.
“Gem! Gem! Have you noticed that something weird is going on with Grian?” Scar landed next to Gem, who was painting something on the side of the lighthouse.
Gem turned around to face Scar, moving her body to face his in a way that looked deeply heavy and cumbersome. Her eyes were distant, greyer then usual. His fingers were covered in a thick, translucent slime. She opened her mouth and let out an awful, gargling sound, and Scar watched two pink tendril looking things appear at the back of her mouth, coming up her throat. Scar wheeled backwards with a shout as his brain struggled to process what he was seeing. It wasn’t tendrils he was looking at, but thick, slimy antennae.
Gem lurched forward, but Scar didn’t wait around to find out why. He wheeled backwards off the lighthouse and deployed his elytra. He spammed rockets until he hit the side of his train, and scrambled in the engine car. Down in his maze of a storage room, back so far that he himself wasn’t sure how to leave, he sat, shaking, trying and failing to not picture the snail coming out of Gem’s throat.
Thats what it was, what it had to be. The antenna was far to familiar to Scar, who had been plagued by those sneaky snails before. He’d wondered where they’d gone, and it seemed he finally had some semblance of an answer. He thought of the red matter in Grian’s barrels, and his stomach lurched. He closed his eyes, but the darkness brought on horrors of his own, of being taken out piece by piece and being worn as a meat puppet. He shuddered, and wondered how long until he would be like them. The snails seemed to like messing with him, after all.
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lord-of-gender · 13 days
“Too many,” Sheriff chuckled. @astarrypoet @glitch-thysia I don't know who else to tag
Last line challenge
Tagged by @battlekilt
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
“You’ve done enough. And now you deserve some rest.”
@ylvisruinedmylife @starsofatlantis @crazycriter @majorsoapfan @tumblingghosts @hannahhook7744 @cleverqueencommander I have no idea who else to tag because I’m not sure whether they do or don’t write/draw or how much :p
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