lmm16 · 2 months
So…… Scenario Idea about Kalim running away…. But with a twist.
So basically, sometime after Jamil overbolt, more overbolts, constant reminders that maybe he needs to do better, and Constant underestimation from his fellow dorm heads, Kalim realized that he needs a break from everything.
And what’s a better break than going to another country, see how people who aren’t rich live, and not telling anyone. Of course he would need a place to stay…. And what better person to ask for a place to stay is Ace!
Why Ace? Because he’s one of the only people who others won’t ask where he is. In fact, he’ll just gaslight people into believing that he doesn’t know where Kalim is.
So when Kalim ask Ace if he knows a place where he can stay in the Rose Kingdom, Ace helps him cause he knows that this would lead to chaos and that’s what he lives for. So Ace Tells Kalim he can actually stay with his Family! And you know what? ACE GOES WITH KAILM!
Cause not only would he be showing Kalim how non rich people live, but he also gets to skip school. So next thing you know, Ace and Kalim get permission to have the next few weeks off, they make their way to Ace hometown, and not tell anyone!
…….This however leads to chaos
(Fell free to respond to this post so we can continue the story)
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lmm16 · 4 months
Charlie: Alastor! There is a dead human in the lobby!
Alastor: Oh…what do you know…How did this young fellows body get here?
Charlie: Alastooor, what did you do?!
Alastor: Me? I had nothing to do with this fellows demise.
Charlie: Explain what happened, Alastor!
Alastor: Why I never seen him before in all my afterlife.
Charlie: Why did you kill this person, Alastor
Alastor: I do not kill….on weekends. I usually kill on Monday afternoons
Charlie: Tell me, Alastor, exactly what you were doing before I came back.
Alastor: Alright, well…I was upstaire
Charlie: Okay…
Alastor: I was sitting in my room…
Charlie: Yes?
Alastor: working on a script for my next radio broadcast…
Charlie: Go on…
Alastor: And then I felt the presence of this young gentleman enter the hotel…
Charlie: Okay…
Alastor: So, I teleported up to him…
Charlie: Yes…
Alastor: And then I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.
Charlie: Alastooooooooor, that KILLS people!
Alastor: Oh….Well, I forgot about that
Charlie: How could you forget about that?!
Alastor: After living in hell for quite some time, you tend to forget humans die easily.
Charlie: What happened to his hands?
Alastor: What’s that?
Charlie: His hands. Why—why are they missing?
Alastor: Well I cooked them up and ate them of course.
Charlie: Alastooooor!
Alastor: Well, I was hungry.
Charlie: Why in the name of heaven would you do that?!
Alastor: It’s been so long since I had human before, could you blame me?
Charlie: Alastoooooor!
Alastor: Have you ever had human before, it’s quite delicious.
Charlie: Alastor!
Alastor: Especially the heart, you haven’t lived until you tried the heart.
Charlie: What is wrong with you, Alastor?!
Alastor: Charlie, you do remember that we are in hell. I’m here for a reason
(Based on Llamas with Hats)
Alastor: I do not kill….on weekends. I usually kill on Monday afternoons
Crying this is so funny
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lmm16 · 4 months
I need someone to make a fanfic of this
Imagine if one day after the events of season 1, Alastor brings Rosie to the hotel to visit, and immediately everyone claims Rosie as their aunt and got to her when they have a problem.
Need someone to have a small chat with? Get Rosie
Need someone to help you catch bugs? Get Rosie
Need someone to help plan activities? Get Rosie
Need someone to talk about your now dead crush/maybe boyfriend? Get Rosie
Need someone to talk to about your ex wife? Get Rosie
Need someone to get a certain Moth off your back? Get Rosie
Need someone to confine in you about your religious Trama? Get Rosie
Need someone to help you hide a body? Get Rosie
I would absolutely love for this to happen. Rosie may be a cannibal but they all love her because she gives the best advice and can snap you out of something if you need it
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lmm16 · 9 months
You can’t tell me that Floyd wouldn’t win in a fight against Malleus if someone just gave him Red Bull
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lmm16 · 10 months
After the disaster now known as the ‘I’M IN MISERY Arc’(named by Idia), everyone is now somewhat used to their new surrounding.
Now all they have to do is find a way home, which is gonna be extremely hard. They first try to figure out the most common questions.
Such as why the portal opened in the first place? Who opened the portal? Why it only sucked specific people in when it was clearly meant for Yuu since it brought them home? WHY did the portal lead to Yuu home?
And after a whole lot of other questions with no answers, Kalim unknowingly asked the brilliant question that might lead to all their answers…….. ‘How did Yuu get to Twisted Wonderland in the first place, and why?
After that question was asked, everyone paused. Cause Kalim was right, how did Yuu get transported to another world? If they can solve that problem, it won’t only help the stranded group, but Yuu as well.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a world where magic exists, meaning that their aren’t any, websites, books or historical places where they can learn more about the magic that got them into this mess……….or maybe their is.
Milly(Yuu mother) buts into the conversation saying from what she remembered from Yuus Lore explanation of Twisted Wonderland and Night Raven College, the stories of the the Great Seven sound awfully familiar to the old fairytales that are told to children. She says that maybe if they can find the books about these Fairytales, maybe there would be answers within.
Not only that, but she also remembers on the other side of town, where she used to live as a child, there was an old man who owned a small shop(that’s more like a small museum) that holds many trinkets, big and small. Though Milly hasn’t been there in many years, she remembers how the trinkets he held always seemed…… unworldly. Like they weren’t even made from this world.
And though some trinkets did seem they were from this world, like stuff you would find in your grandparents basement, they still had this strange feeling or aura about them that still made them feel like they also weren’t from this word. And was as if the trinkets both worldly and unworldly were somehow……magical
If she also remembers correctly, the only man is still alive and well. And though he still works at his store(museum) that is still up and running perfectly, it’s his granddaughter and her girlfriend that run things nowadays.
Everyone pauses to think about it. Whiles it’s not the biggest leads they have, it’s still something worth checking into. After some more pondering, everyone agrees that some will look for the books, some will look for the old man’s Store, and the rest well go grocery shopping because Milly has to go work double shifts now to support everyone and they’re not about to let this women go grocery shopping when she already has enough on her plate.
After drawing some sticks, it was decided that Cater, Sebek, Idia, would go to the library. Floyd, Kalim, Grim, and Yuu would go to the Old Mans Store. And finally Leona and Ace would go help with Grocery Shopping……this makes me wonder however……if they’re gonna run into any trouble….while not only making new friends…..but also new enemies.
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lmm16 · 10 months
I’m gonna be honest, I typically don’t really like AUs where characters get sent into the real world. It usually isn’t executed as well as it could be and a lot of times just feels like an overused trope or a really contrived excuse for a self-insert to get with a character.
But your New York Stranded AU?
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, UTTERLY AMAZING IN EVERY WAY. And yes, I am aware that the inclusion of Cater probably influences my opinion somewhat, but what you’ve done with it so far is really cool for all of the characters! I really hope that you keep up the amazing quality of this storyline! Please don’t burn yourself out though. Make sure you take breaks from time to time and that you aren’t neglecting your own needs for the story. After all, you’re way more important. Take care!
Thank you so much!!! It means a lot to me that others find my work enjoyable.
I mostly got inspiration from the first half of Season 3 of Amphibia. Even though the characters and settings are extremely different, I feel like the situations while they were on Earth wouldn’t be entirely different.
I also try to make the group reactions as realistic to their character as possible, the only things that are probably gonna change is them finally admitting they need therapy.
And as for the self insert stuff, I’m not a big fan of that stuff either. But hey, it’s not for everyone.
Thank you once again for the compliment. I’ll try not to burn myself out. Have a good day.
P.S: saw your other ask, don’t worry about it.
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lmm16 · 10 months
My Personal Hc on what disability on which some of the group members has.
Sebek: Level 2 Autism and mild OCD
Kalim: ADHD
Ace: Level 1 Autism
Idia: Level 3 Autism
Floyd: ADHD and/or Bipolar disorder
If you want to learn more about these disabilities to under stand better, check out these links:
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lmm16 · 10 months
The first few days in New York for the group was……well it was……you see the thing is……..It was a disaster, a fucking disaster.
Leona almost killed multiple man for insulting him and catcalling a women nearby(Leona out here drinking respect women Juice and we Stan for it).
Sebek got kicked out of multiple stores after being ‘Too Loud’, when all he wanted was some books to read.
Kalim got lost on the subway at least 20 times in a row just the first day alone, got the point where he has a backpack with a leash now.
Floyd kept on scaring the shit out of everyone who walked by the group by even an inch, and he too has to be held on a leash.
Idia ears started hurting because of how loud and crowded everything was, so everyone helped him out by taking him to a peaceful, silent place to clam down in. (Hc that he’s on the autism spectrum)
Grim, Ace, and Cater were the only ones who didn’t have a completely shitty first few days. The first few days still sucked for them though in some way or another.
(P.S, I’ll probably make a post about what kind of disabilities I think some of the group has. I’ll also probably make another post about how during the groups stay in New York, they learn about their disabilities, what they are, how it effects them, how they can work around them, and in turn learn more about themselves. Cause let’s face it, Crowley almost, if not none, doesn’t do shit about the mental health or disadvantages his students have)
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lmm16 · 11 months
So after a series of outfit fitting montages, our group has finally decided on there new outfits.
Leona: (imagine the shirt is a plain white shirt)
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Cater: (instead of a purple cardigan it’s an orange one)
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Floyd: (more similar color to his camping outfit)
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Idia: (Jacket would be more of a navy blue possibly, also he would wear normal jeans)
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Sebek: (……I have nothing to change this is perfect, also those are color of eye contacts he wears)
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Yuu: (couldn’t leave them out of the fun, also this outfit if also perfect for them)
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Kalim: (out would be more orange, and red, and maybe all sorts of colors)
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Ace: (selves of the jacket and the would be red)
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By the end of the shopping trip, they all leave pretty decently happy, probably the most happy they been since the day before. (Thanks to @zayray030 for Leona and Ace outfits)
Meanwhile with Grim, he is having a blast playing with cat toys that Milly(Yuu mom) also had lying around. Though it’s strange that she already had that stuff in storage, and as much as he refuses he’s a cat, Grim doesn’t mind much because those cat toys are fun ass hell…….
On the other hand however, Milly can’t help but be reminded of an old friend she had. Milly then looks over at a picture on the hallway shelf…a picture showing her in her teen years….and if you were to look closer, you would see that she was holding a small black kitten….
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lmm16 · 11 months
Unfortunately no. I have wrote small fanfics before, but when it comes big fanfics like this one would be, I tend to get unfocused.
I have possibly one of the most craziest ideas I can think of, and it involves one of the most randomness group known to men. This idea was helped structured by @zayray030, so big thanks to them.
So It starts out with the TWST cast just hanging out, being somewhat buds, and all in all having a pretty decent time…….Until a random portal opens up, that’s when things get crazy.
It gets even crazier when NOT only Yuu gets sucked in, but also: Grim, Idia, Leona, Floyd, Kalim, Cater, Sebek, and Ace get sucked in as well.
Everybody else tries to save them, but it’s to late as once they get sucked in, the portal closes.
Meanwhile with Yuu, they fall into an alleyway. At first Yuu is confused as fuck cause ‘What the fuck just happened’, but then they hear all to families sounds. Yuu takes a little sneak peak around the corner only to see the families streets of New York City, aka Home! (Look man, for some reason I feel like Yuu is from New York….I don’t know why I just do)
Yuu at first is extremely happy, cause not only are they home, but someone decide to do the Headmasters job for him since it’s pretty obvious the headmaster hasn’t been doing shit to get Yuu home.
….That’s until Yuu hears a big crash behind them……they look behind their shoulder only to see Grim and some of their friends their on the ground groaning and wondering where the hell they are…….except Floyd, he’s just laughing at this whole situation……also the Portal was gone……..yikes
So even though Yuu is back home, now they get, Grim, Idia, Leona, Kalim, Sebek, Cater, Floyd, and Ace back home. Cause in the worst case scenario, the government will capture them for experimentation. But one things for sure, this is gonna be a long ass explanation for Yuus mom when they get to their apartment.
At this point, this adventure is gonna turn out to basically be a 50 episode season version of Amphiba first half of season 3.
I shall call this Au…….The New York Stranded Au!
Feel free to reblog on what happens next.
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lmm16 · 11 months
Some of the ideas were helped made by @sbk-zgvlt, big thanks to them.
Now that our group of stranded sad teenagers(and one adult cause I almost forgot Leona is an adult), have taken a long rest, it’s time for the next course of action………..figuring out how the fuck to hide the non-human features of Leona, Floyd, Sebek, and Idia. Not to mention the whole group as a whole needs a new set of cloths since there Uniforms kinda stand out from the crowd(except Idia since it just looks like he’s just wearing an oversized jacket and not a uniform).
So they decided to got to the store to get the four some cloths at the nearest store, so after leaving Grim in the care of Yuu Mom(who I’m gonna name Milly) the group sets off.
After taking to most longest, complex route to the nearest clothing store(Forever 21), they managed to sneak the four into changing rooms thanks to Ace, Cater, and Kalim distracting the employees from noticing them by asking for outfits suggestions and also somehow making a route that avoid security cameras.
Yuu meanwhile grabs certain accessories for the guys in the changing room so they can hide their non-human features.
For Floyd, he was the easiest to get accessories for, since all he has to wear is a simple face mask to hide the teeth. For the other three however….it’s a little harder.
It took a while to decide what to get for Leona, while its easy to hide his tail, it’s a bit hard to hide his ears. But in the end, he wears a beanie, though the ears do pop up making it look like the beanie has a cat ear shaped design on too much to Leona dismay.
At first, Yuu thought maybe putting an eye mask over Sebek eyes would be best while making the excuse Sebek has sensitive eyes so people wound get suspicious. They would chose sun glasses but they’re see trough…….the end up choosing Contact lenses in the end.
Idia however, was the hardest to figure out. While it was easy to hide his teeth with a face mask, it’s incredibly hard to his his hair, since his hair is literally FIRE! It took them 20 different accessories to just decide what to do with his hair……the group had to hold him down to cut some of his hair off so they can hide the rest on a beanie(which they has to sneakily use magic on to make it fire proof, the group was surprised to learn that not a majority of clothing in Yuu world was fire proof)
So now that the group managed to hide Leona, Floyd, Idia, and Sebek non-human features, all left is to find actual outfits to fit in the crowd……….
…….which I’ll post about when I find out what their outfits would look like.
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lmm16 · 11 months
Continuing where we left our group last, you can’t tell me it takes at least 2 hours to explain the whole plot of TWST wonderland to Yuu mom once everyone gets inside.
And while Yuu is pulling a ‘Matpat’ on their mom by trying to explain all the lore of TWST, everyone else is just exploring the apartment. They’re actually amused how similar this world is to their world, cause before hand they just thought Yuu lived in some kinda dystopian world……..yeah don’t know why they thought that. Idia though is just looking at Yuu Xbox and thinking, ‘Yuu needs a serious upgrade’.
After managing to explain the intense lore of TWST, Yuu mom decides that it’s best for everyone to make their main place of stay her apartment(which is a 3 bedroom apartment) since according to her, ‘You many sad children need a good home, so it might as well be this home’.
Once claiming getting the explanation cleared away, everyone starts to get the rooming situation figured out.
It’s actually quite hard since Leona mostly wants to be alone cause if he doesn’t get peace and quite for the night he might actually kill someone(not Yuu mom though he respects the women), Floyd would most definitely almost kill someone in their sleep if they disturb him in anyway, Sebek is like Leona would also need some personal space especially after the day he had, Cater doesn’t really care where he sleeps as long as he can get a peaceful night, Kalim just doesn’t want to be alone, Ace is just gonna go with whatever he gets cause after all the shit that happens he didn’t even care where he sleeps, and Idia would have an extetial crisis no matter who he’s paired with. The only person who didn’t have a hard time figuring out where to sleep is Grim since Yuu mom just so happens to have a cat bed lying around.
By the end of it, everyone gets a place to sleep. Cater and Kalim get the right side of the guest room while Sebek gets the left side(Kalim and Cater don’t mind sharing a side cause they’re both kinda clingy during the night and they both know sebek needs some personal space). Idia sleeps in the living room which isn’t much at first then the lucky part that comes for him is that the living room has the Xbox. Floyd gets to sleep in a kiddy pool on the balcony in his eel form which is good enough for him, of course they have to hang some curtains outside on balcony so people won’t see Floyd when he’s in Eel form. Leona sleeps on the kitchen counter facing a mini dinning area cause Leona can sleep anywhere and somehow get comfy no matter how hard or uncomfortable the surface may be…..also he’s technically a huge cat so it’s kinda funny. Finally for Ace, he gets to room with Yuu in they’re room, not only that, but they have to share a bed, which for Ace is actually okay, cause I’m retrospect he could have worse.
Once everyone goes to sleep, Yuu mom makes a nighttime check to make sure they’re all okay, once she gets back to her own room, she wonders what the future has in store, not only for her own child, but for the other 7 children and cat she has unofficially now adopted. By this point Yuu mom basically pulled a ‘I’m not gonna be your adoptive mom…..Im gonna be the mom who stepped up.’
The only problems they have left now is trying to find a way back to Twisted Wonderland, avoid the government, and trying to find a way to hide some of the groups more……..interesting features.
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lmm16 · 11 months
FR, bro been around so many touched starved people they become touched starved themselves.
I have possibly one of the most craziest ideas I can think of, and it involves one of the most randomness group known to men. This idea was helped structured by @zayray030, so big thanks to them.
So It starts out with the TWST cast just hanging out, being somewhat buds, and all in all having a pretty decent time…….Until a random portal opens up, that’s when things get crazy.
It gets even crazier when NOT only Yuu gets sucked in, but also: Grim, Idia, Leona, Floyd, Kalim, Cater, Sebek, and Ace get sucked in as well.
Everybody else tries to save them, but it’s to late as once they get sucked in, the portal closes.
Meanwhile with Yuu, they fall into an alleyway. At first Yuu is confused as fuck cause ‘What the fuck just happened’, but then they hear all to families sounds. Yuu takes a little sneak peak around the corner only to see the families streets of New York City, aka Home! (Look man, for some reason I feel like Yuu is from New York….I don’t know why I just do)
Yuu at first is extremely happy, cause not only are they home, but someone decide to do the Headmasters job for him since it’s pretty obvious the headmaster hasn’t been doing shit to get Yuu home.
….That’s until Yuu hears a big crash behind them……they look behind their shoulder only to see Grim and some of their friends their on the ground groaning and wondering where the hell they are…….except Floyd, he’s just laughing at this whole situation……also the Portal was gone……..yikes
So even though Yuu is back home, now they get, Grim, Idia, Leona, Kalim, Sebek, Cater, Floyd, and Ace back home. Cause in the worst case scenario, the government will capture them for experimentation. But one things for sure, this is gonna be a long ass explanation for Yuus mom when they get to their apartment.
At this point, this adventure is gonna turn out to basically be a 50 episode season version of Amphiba first half of season 3.
I shall call this Au…….The New York Stranded Au!
Feel free to reblog on what happens next.
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lmm16 · 11 months
If you don’t mind me adding something, but I feel like the the song Ace would make would be familiar to that of Kikou, a well known vocaloid artist in the vocaloid community, as he himself is well known for his dark lyrics and rythems.
I just want to start this by apologize since i sent you two questions that's almost the same- So you don't need to answer the second one, the one without OC
Up to my question: Imagine, Ace is secretly an underground composer that's very popular on the internet for his upbeat, yet intense and dark lyrics songs. So one day, he just reveals his identity and TWST casts start freaking out because they just worried for his mental health?
Yea, pretty weird brainrot if you ask me.
Once again, I apologize for the inconvince that I may have cause you.
Okay first of all, sweetheart, it's okay! 90% of twst blogs here have OC's or make work with OC's or yume. It is everywhere and I am not surprised you thought I would also have OC's! It's completely fine and it's now in the past! 💕
Now! Funnily enough I'm pretty sure I had an idol ace fic idea I posted back last year lmao. Oh how time has been
First, ace is surprised that they recognise him. He never thought that his music would be anything that the Twst cast would listen to. Idia he isn't particularly shocked about but Riddle?!?! Vil?!?! Kalim!?!??! Yeah, he was more or less having an existential crisis to actually go 'oh shit they listen to my music'
The first years are running around like headless chickens to see if there were any signs that Ace was hurting himself, relistening to the lyrics to see if there are any clues
They've taken to tailing him 'discreetly' and had Ace not been having a crisis he would have seen them coming from a mile away. Bit as of right now all their stumbling and tripping over one another is unnoticed
The dorm senpais don't let him out of their sight. Trey uses the excuse of wanting to use Ace as a tester for cheery products. Trey was slightly fascinated by how many cherry treats there were. Meanwhile Cater just uses the excuse of hanging out with him. Riddle however doesn't have an excuse or motive and he can't use rules because Ace has already written about that already written about that
Meanwhile basketball senpai are stuck in a loop what they should do. Floyd doesn't know if he should act kinder to Ace or mot because he doesn't think Ace would actually believe it. Meanwhile Jamil preperares an extensive bunch on mental health care and bags Ace a sweet treat everytime they have practice.
Idia was practically blackmailed by Ortho into playing a videovame with Ace. Ace is a practical celebrity in Igihide, and Idia was trying to stamp out the urge to ask him for a photograph
Savanclaw are confused. They don't care much about Ace but they're seeing Jack running around frantic trying to make sure that his best friend has a will to live do they kinda just take it upon themselves to fight Ace's bullies for him. Very effective but Ace is starting to catch up and Jack is also too much a tsundere
Diasmonia are in a similar boat. Lilia is also a fun of the music but keeps his mouth quiet be ause he knows right now is a sensitive time, but he's keeping those CD's tucked away so he can get them signed later. Silver offers Ace help in school work and the like in an attempt to bond and reassure the redhead. He ends up falling a sleep on his shoulders more times than not. Malleus has ten to appear randomly around Ace to make sure he's okay and alive. The others argue he won't be much longer if his heart rate continues to beat so high.
Pomefiore has a bit more look in the sense they have Vil, a celebrity on their side. However, my guy has absolutely no idea how to approach this because Ace keeps running away from him
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lmm16 · 11 months
Luckily they managed to be convinced that these are just really good cos-players, and plus side is they managed to get to Yuu apartment…..only for Yuu mom to slam to door open and almost choke Yuu with a hug.
I have possibly one of the most craziest ideas I can think of, and it involves one of the most randomness group known to men. This idea was helped structured by @zayray030, so big thanks to them.
So It starts out with the TWST cast just hanging out, being somewhat buds, and all in all having a pretty decent time…….Until a random portal opens up, that’s when things get crazy.
It gets even crazier when NOT only Yuu gets sucked in, but also: Grim, Idia, Leona, Floyd, Kalim, Cater, Sebek, and Ace get sucked in as well.
Everybody else tries to save them, but it’s to late as once they get sucked in, the portal closes.
Meanwhile with Yuu, they fall into an alleyway. At first Yuu is confused as fuck cause ‘What the fuck just happened’, but then they hear all to families sounds. Yuu takes a little sneak peak around the corner only to see the families streets of New York City, aka Home! (Look man, for some reason I feel like Yuu is from New York….I don’t know why I just do)
Yuu at first is extremely happy, cause not only are they home, but someone decide to do the Headmasters job for him since it’s pretty obvious the headmaster hasn’t been doing shit to get Yuu home.
….That’s until Yuu hears a big crash behind them……they look behind their shoulder only to see Grim and some of their friends their on the ground groaning and wondering where the hell they are…….except Floyd, he’s just laughing at this whole situation……also the Portal was gone……..yikes
So even though Yuu is back home, now they get, Grim, Idia, Leona, Kalim, Sebek, Cater, Floyd, and Ace back home. Cause in the worst case scenario, the government will capture them for experimentation. But one things for sure, this is gonna be a long ass explanation for Yuus mom when they get to their apartment.
At this point, this adventure is gonna turn out to basically be a 50 episode season version of Amphiba first half of season 3.
I shall call this Au…….The New York Stranded Au!
Feel free to reblog on what happens next.
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lmm16 · 11 months
Yeah…….takes a while to calm him down…..takes a while to calm everyone down really. Cause for Idia, Kalim, and Floyd, they’re never gonna see their siblings again. Leona, even though he didn’t have much of a relation with his family anymore, still has some melocoly feelings about this. Sebek didn’t even know what to think about this whole situation, and the same can be said for Cater. Grim didn’t know how to feel about any of this.
I have possibly one of the most craziest ideas I can think of, and it involves one of the most randomness group known to men. This idea was helped structured by @zayray030, so big thanks to them.
So It starts out with the TWST cast just hanging out, being somewhat buds, and all in all having a pretty decent time…….Until a random portal opens up, that’s when things get crazy.
It gets even crazier when NOT only Yuu gets sucked in, but also: Grim, Idia, Leona, Floyd, Kalim, Cater, Sebek, and Ace get sucked in as well.
Everybody else tries to save them, but it’s to late as once they get sucked in, the portal closes.
Meanwhile with Yuu, they fall into an alleyway. At first Yuu is confused as fuck cause ‘What the fuck just happened’, but then they hear all to families sounds. Yuu takes a little sneak peak around the corner only to see the families streets of New York City, aka Home! (Look man, for some reason I feel like Yuu is from New York….I don’t know why I just do)
Yuu at first is extremely happy, cause not only are they home, but someone decide to do the Headmasters job for him since it’s pretty obvious the headmaster hasn’t been doing shit to get Yuu home.
….That’s until Yuu hears a big crash behind them……they look behind their shoulder only to see Grim and some of their friends their on the ground groaning and wondering where the hell they are…….except Floyd, he’s just laughing at this whole situation……also the Portal was gone……..yikes
So even though Yuu is back home, now they get, Grim, Idia, Leona, Kalim, Sebek, Cater, Floyd, and Ace back home. Cause in the worst case scenario, the government will capture them for experimentation. But one things for sure, this is gonna be a long ass explanation for Yuus mom when they get to their apartment.
At this point, this adventure is gonna turn out to basically be a 50 episode season version of Amphiba first half of season 3.
I shall call this Au…….The New York Stranded Au!
Feel free to reblog on what happens next.
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lmm16 · 11 months
I have possibly one of the most craziest ideas I can think of, and it involves one of the most randomness group known to men. This idea was helped structured by @zayray030, so big thanks to them.
So It starts out with the TWST cast just hanging out, being somewhat buds, and all in all having a pretty decent time…….Until a random portal opens up, that’s when things get crazy.
It gets even crazier when NOT only Yuu gets sucked in, but also: Grim, Idia, Leona, Floyd, Kalim, Cater, Sebek, and Ace get sucked in as well.
Everybody else tries to save them, but it’s to late as once they get sucked in, the portal closes.
Meanwhile with Yuu, they fall into an alleyway. At first Yuu is confused as fuck cause ‘What the fuck just happened’, but then they hear all to families sounds. Yuu takes a little sneak peak around the corner only to see the families streets of New York City, aka Home! (Look man, for some reason I feel like Yuu is from New York….I don’t know why I just do)
Yuu at first is extremely happy, cause not only are they home, but someone decide to do the Headmasters job for him since it’s pretty obvious the headmaster hasn’t been doing shit to get Yuu home.
….That’s until Yuu hears a big crash behind them……they look behind their shoulder only to see Grim and some of their friends their on the ground groaning and wondering where the hell they are…….except Floyd, he’s just laughing at this whole situation……also the Portal was gone……..yikes
So even though Yuu is back home, now they get, Grim, Idia, Leona, Kalim, Sebek, Cater, Floyd, and Ace back home. Cause in the worst case scenario, the government will capture them for experimentation. But one things for sure, this is gonna be a long ass explanation for Yuus mom when they get to their apartment.
At this point, this adventure is gonna turn out to basically be a 50 episode season version of Amphiba first half of season 3.
I shall call this Au…….The New York Stranded Au!
Feel free to reblog on what happens next.
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