kingprinceleo 6 hours
desert vampire au is cooking...........
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kingprinceleo 11 hours
May I ask for Vampire Shadow鈥aving a really relaxing chill day
wasnt sure if you meant if you meant vampire au shadow or vampire shadow from desert vampires fghhdg drew both
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kingprinceleo 11 hours
2 random vampire au thoughts:
1) If Shadow stopped being a feral coward, Sonic's wings would probably be an extremely comfy blanket for a nap. They're large enough to wrap around him and protect his back. And Sonic seems like the type to be naturally good at cuddling
2) Hoax has absolutely called Shadow a 'snack' at one point to flirt with him, and Shadow nearly shot him in irritation
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sonic is not good at physical affection !! he usually only experiences it when amy throws herself at him fdhgjjhfd
and i dont think hed call him snack to flirt tbh ! just to tease and bother him on purpose, but it could easily be interpreted as flirting just because of his natural charming swagger LMAO, snack would fall under the 'nicknames shadow hates' list alongside, bloodbag, bloodbank, and vending machine
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kingprinceleo 13 hours
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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kingprinceleo 13 hours
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Welcome back, my lovelies! I do hope you all have had a delightful day so far! Thank you all so much for providing your voice through the interest check. I am very pleased to announce that the contributer applications are now open! We're seeking any passionate artists, writers, cosplayers, and more to help create a dazzling piece for my zine, regardless of skill or past experience. Applications close on June 10th, so I'd suggest that you fill it out as quickly as you can. Acceptance emails will be sent out on June 17th with a link to our fabulous discord server that you absolutely must join!
Well, that's all for now! I do hope I'll be seeing you soon!
xoxo, Rouge <3
Sign-Up Here!!
@sthzinecenter @fandomzines @zinefeed @zine-scene @all-zine-apps <3
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kingprinceleo 14 hours
Desert vampire! Shadow is snek ?? 馃く
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hes not a literal snake but he does have that tail Sometimes ! closer to a scorpion bc its got segments
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kingprinceleo 14 hours
this phase of healing might actually be more hell than the other LOL
i can draw for a decent while without any pain, my hand is getting better hurray!!, so i really want to go back to drawing everyday, but i KNOW my hand is still healing and vulnerable to getting reinjured argghhh !!! i need to take whole day breaks for a few days at a time to let my hand rest.... but i itch to draw so badly..... this is fucked
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kingprinceleo 15 hours
I noticed in the most recent ask shadow get sedated for trying to main and kill- is this just literal? Who does it? Some government officials on the street or-? Or is this just a joke lol
mostly just a joke but could feasibly happen in the au- hoax bit and sedated him for trying to attack other vampires, hes just gonna go drop him off at his house and hope shadow isnt too mad the next time they see each other fdjdgkjhfd
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kingprinceleo 16 hours
True, but like, all I thought was Fang's head on a snake body while he's holding his popgun at the end of his tail. All while smirking menacingly. Now I've probably cursed you even more with that imagery so I'm sorry
well its not my problem bc im not the one who sees it LOL, enjoy !
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kingprinceleo 16 hours
I don't know if it's just me, but seeing the Vampire Shadow from Desert Vampires doodle and because my minds playing tricks on me, I thought that looked like Fang the Sniper as a snake fgdslkl';jhk
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what have you done
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kingprinceleo 17 hours
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gonna be honest, im scared flats color picked from karasuno's illustrations bc theyre very pretty
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kingprinceleo 1 day
May I ask for Vampire Shadow鈥aving a really relaxing chill day
wasnt sure if you meant if you meant vampire au shadow or vampire shadow from desert vampires fghhdg drew both
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kingprinceleo 1 day
2 random vampire au thoughts:
1) If Shadow stopped being a feral coward, Sonic's wings would probably be an extremely comfy blanket for a nap. They're large enough to wrap around him and protect his back. And Sonic seems like the type to be naturally good at cuddling
2) Hoax has absolutely called Shadow a 'snack' at one point to flirt with him, and Shadow nearly shot him in irritation
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sonic is not good at physical affection !! he usually only experiences it when amy throws herself at him fdhgjjhfd
and i dont think hed call him snack to flirt tbh ! just to tease and bother him on purpose, but it could easily be interpreted as flirting just because of his natural charming swagger LMAO, snack would fall under the 'nicknames shadow hates' list alongside, bloodbag, bloodbank, and vending machine
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kingprinceleo 1 day
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vampire au- GUN's favorite project
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kingprinceleo 1 day
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i want to know the process of how other people draw silver's front quills LOL do you guys segment it one by one, divide it into different shapes or base it as one shape, etc
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kingprinceleo 2 days
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"show me your molars bro"
rando garbage sketch i did while waiting for me n the boys to watch dungeon meshi thursday
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kingprinceleo 2 days
Hey! Big fan of your comics and art! Just wanted to say I ALSO love your vampire AU!
I just want to say that it's ok if it feels like your story is falling apart. This happens to me too. But sometimes our stories have to fall apart for things to come back together better than before. And even if you don't pick up the story again in the same way, it's such a fun and dramatic AU and I love seeing any and all your art about it!
This has happened to me too!
As someone who's been constructing my own AU for literal years, I 100% understand your pain and frustration. (I have been crafting my AU since Forces released in 2017. Then redid the AU within the context and canon of the IDW comics. Then again when Frontiers released because I'm tying all those together. I will make Forces a more coherent story even if it kills me!) I've been working on my AU for 7+ years at this point and there were a lot of times where it felt like everything I built up was falling apart. But with enough time, giving myself room to breathe, things that I loved about what I had made, it came back to life, albeit years later.
What I mean to say is, you don't have to give up on the narrative you made. If you need/want to because it's too stressful, people will understand. But also don't be afraid to let your ideas take new shape and forms, you may like what you revise more than what you crafted originally! Anyway, this hopefully is encouraging and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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hughghhbuhhh thank u, me when other people are very nice to me and tell me things are going to be ok and im not alone and its not the end of the world hhggubuh
idk i just feel the vampire au started getting away from me when i tried to throw in so many bad guys and started taking everything way too seriously- the original vision was always meant to be silly and not some giant grand plot, but then i started really connecting with the versions of the characters and wanted to give them more, and i just kept throwing more stuff at the wall without really fleshing things out and now i feel all tangled up in ideas i only half like and code spaghetti .its just been so distressing and has killed my mood for entire days sometimes
currently, the ideal tonal goal for vampire au would be kinda mashing Splatoon story modes and dungeon meshi together- pretty lighthearted and very silly but Watch Out
its just so hard to try again on a clean slate bc my brain is just so adjusted to the old version its hard to come up with anything new to replace stuff with </3
and man good luck with tying you own au together !! u got this !! have a good day as well !
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