invertedfate · 2 hours
Thanks so much to everyone who caught the premiere! It was really fun. The full video is available now to view. c:
Coming Sunday, June 2nd at 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern time, I'll be discussing the ways that Undertale, Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers all use leitmotifs to build up to climactic moments in their respective stories and soundtracks. Be they final boss themes, grand story reveals, or all of the above, leitmotifs are a fantastic means for melodic buildup and payoff!
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invertedfate · 3 hours
What will be the next part of Asriels psyche?
I can't give too many details due to spoilers, but what I will say is mus_denial exists.
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invertedfate · 4 hours
Is everything okay? In every single video and community note you post I see you talk about the algorithm and how you need the videos to make money
Because it's true. Youtube is an important part of my income, and so video performance is pivotal. x_x That's the downside about things like the algorithm. I basically get by on Patreon and Youtube income, so how much I make in a given month is basically down to the whims of the algorithm. I can generally cover my rent just fine, but it's pretty tight. I apologize if it's too much, though. Admittedly, I'm a very anxious person and tend to latch onto stuff like that pretty hard.
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invertedfate · 4 hours
Just a little over an hour until this premieres! Any signal boosting is super appreciated, as my most recent video before this got hit with a contentID claim, and I need this one to perform well for financial reasons. x_x Thanks, Youtube. Thanks, copyright.
Coming Sunday, June 2nd at 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern time, I'll be discussing the ways that Undertale, Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers all use leitmotifs to build up to climactic moments in their respective stories and soundtracks. Be they final boss themes, grand story reveals, or all of the above, leitmotifs are a fantastic means for melodic buildup and payoff!
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invertedfate · 2 days
So, when Chara and Frisk get split apart by Asriel, the HP total (20) gets cut in half and shared between them. Does that have other implications? Does it also mean that Chara and Frisk both feel physically weaker than they normally would?
Likewise, are their split souls not as strong as a normal human soul?
I think there's definitely the possibility that their stamina for really rigorous activities might be lessened and it may take time for both of their souls to like... heal from the forced separation. Undyne has heaps of DT stockpiled that could help assist with that. The way I see it, if they're both in the same space, they'll probably fare better because of that shared connection from when their souls were amalgamated, but they might tire more easily if far apart while all of this is still fresh. I think it's something they can adapt to and get treatments for, and Frisk would take a living Chara with some setbacks over keeping Chara a prisoner inside themself.
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invertedfate · 2 days
...Did Asriel restore Chara's clothes when they were revived? They look to be in pretty good condition all things considered.
No reason the clothes wouldn't be in the best condition they can be in. Only the best for his BEST FRIEND FOREVER. =)
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invertedfate · 2 days
did flowey kill mad mew mew at one point in the old timeline? she doesn't appear in rift 6 but he mentions he's killed everyone in his vines in angel's promise
He didn't include Mad Mew Mew mostly because he didn't care to. It's safe to assume at the very least that he killed Glad Dummy a few times.
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invertedfate · 2 days
Here's the next part of my Deltatraveler VOD series, for those who were interested in my thoughts/experiences with Deltatraveler. I am excited to finally stream section 3 in the near future since I know IF Papyrus appears in it. I have known this entire time, but I have been deep in the Persona fic brainrot, so I am months late. Looks like a new build is on the way, though, so I am tempted to wait for that first.
Part 2 of my Deltatraveler Obliteration Run stream VOD has been posted! You can find the full playlist here! All that's left now is Hard Mode until I get around to Section 3. My next VOD series to post will be Paper Mario 64 Prologue - Chapter 3... since I need to resume playing. xD;
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invertedfate · 3 days
While you wait for more IF, I'm releasing a 40 minute video on leitmotif buildup and payoff this Sunday! A lot of work went into this, so please consider checking it out!
Coming Sunday, June 2nd at 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern time, I'll be discussing the ways that Undertale, Sonic Adventure 2, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers all use leitmotifs to build up to climactic moments in their respective stories and soundtracks. Be they final boss themes, grand story reveals, or all of the above, leitmotifs are a fantastic means for melodic buildup and payoff!
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invertedfate · 3 days
Teasers/Progress Update
Hey, folks! Just popping in with some small updates and just a compilation of the recent teaser images Liz has shared.
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First, a teaser that surprisingly doesn't have the background layers disabled! This is slightly outdated, as Liz ended up taking a slightly different approach to the base background, but it's one of the few (mostly) uncensored teaser pics, since ones like this...
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Have certain layers/shaders disabled.
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And this one outright has the bg disabled.
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Bonus grumpy Chara. Anyway, Liz is working on animation for Rift Part 7 now. I don't have an ETA on when it will be done, and at minimum, they'd like to get Rift Part 8 completed before we release anything, and we can't show too much from Rift 7 due to spoilers. But your continued patience is appreciated. Animation production takes a lot of time, and I have zero interest in crunching Liz. I think the fast updates last year and in 2022 made it easy to forget that oru releases used to be much slower with ambitious video projects (the Undyne hiatus was two years). I doubt it'll be that long, but just hang in there.
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invertedfate · 6 days
Hey, is inverted fate gonna be in this year's underevent?
Even if it was, I wouldn't be able to say. But I wouldn't count on it. We presented the last UE trailer as our final trailer. Development's just taking longer than we anticipated.
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invertedfate · 7 days
Sorry for the double ask in case I already asked this, but what do you think Sans' max HP really is?
Tbh, the exact HP doesn't really matter that much to me. I think, functionally, in UT him having 1 HP is kind of a funny programming joke to go with his other stats being 1 and him only being hit once to end the fight anyway. If people wanna run with it being his literal HP, that's fine, but I personally don't because things like Flowey's vines ensnaring everyone and Sans surviving that stick out to me when even a fake hit to Undyne deals one damage.
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invertedfate · 11 days
Hey, guys! I'm setting up a new channel to host stream VODs and thought I'd share here. I'm still debating if the IF anniversary streams would go here or on Fireglobe (leaning toward the latter atm), but otherwise I'm gonna be gradually working on this in the near future.
I'm starting up a new Youtube channel to host my stream VODs! Here's the first VOD hosted: my original Deltatraveler Section 2 Pacifist playthrough from back in 2022. I have a lot of VODs to upload in the near future, including: - Paper Mario 64 - Persona 3 Reload - Undertale Yellow It's also my hope to host future stream VODs here, too. Because this is a new channel, it may take some time for everything to get uploaded, but I wanted to have it up for archival purposes.
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invertedfate · 14 days
A new Undertale/Deltarune "Mini" Newsletter just dropped, but there's hardly anything "mini" about it! Lots of adorable sprites that may potentially foreshadow future chapters, a fairly detailed and honest update on the game, an incredibly charming Papyrus Q&A continuation, and a touching story about Toby's latest collab are all factors that make this one of the most memorable newsletters yet. In this video, I give my thoughts, speculation, and just have a good time with this lovely lil' snack of information.
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invertedfate · 14 days
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Liz removed the background layer to censor what the room looks like, so our heroes are floating in space.
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They dancin' (funny timeline scrub moment).
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No context. Anyway, these are your teaser thingies.
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invertedfate · 16 days
I posted this at an ungodly hour, so it probably was a lil' slow with views. Rebloggin' for better visibility!
A new Undertale/Deltarune "Mini" Newsletter just dropped, but there's hardly anything "mini" about it! Lots of adorable sprites that may potentially foreshadow future chapters, a fairly detailed and honest update on the game, an incredibly charming Papyrus Q&A continuation, and a touching story about Toby's latest collab are all factors that make this one of the most memorable newsletters yet. In this video, I give my thoughts, speculation, and just have a good time with this lovely lil' snack of information.
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invertedfate · 17 days
While IF is still being worked on behind the scenes, a new UTDR newsletter dropped! Here are my thoughts.
A new Undertale/Deltarune "Mini" Newsletter just dropped, but there's hardly anything "mini" about it! Lots of adorable sprites that may potentially foreshadow future chapters, a fairly detailed and honest update on the game, an incredibly charming Papyrus Q&A continuation, and a touching story about Toby's latest collab are all factors that make this one of the most memorable newsletters yet. In this video, I give my thoughts, speculation, and just have a good time with this lovely lil' snack of information.
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