Check out my other blog..
@throughmylenswithmypens all original poetry and photography
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A millionaire announced he would bury his Bentley for his afterlife. After lots of negative reaction, he revealed the publicity stunt about organ donations. “People bury things that are much more valuable than cars and nobody seems to care”. source
image via carscoops
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Check out my other blog..
@throughmylenswithmypens all original poetry and photography
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Rest in peace, Alan Rickman. Gone but never forgotten.
“When I’m 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I’ll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, “After all this time?” And I will say, “Always.”
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I cant stop laughing oh my god
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you deserve someone who isn’t embarrassed to love you and tells all their friends about you and saves your selfies, whether they’re good or bad to look at when they miss you and loses sleep to talk to you and tells you how much they love you and how beautiful you are all the time and i really hope you find that one day because you deserve to be loved
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“Hey, Doc. It seems like 2015 kinda sucks.” - Marty McFly, 10/21/2015 [x]
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True i think a lot of us forget its only a tv show lol
Do you ever stop to think..
That if John hadn’t played Hide n Seek from Sam and Dean then Sam never would have left college? I mean he went to Lawrence with them when Dean called about their old house, so he was there which means he was getting all the calls from Dean before Dean went and got Sam. So if he had just told Dean he was okay then Dean never would have pulled Sam from school. And then what, would the apocalypse still have happened?
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Sure i get that but at the same time if sam had stayed in school he would have ignored everything like he ignored his dreams about jessicas death. He and dean wouldnt be fighting together dean wouldnt have known sam was taken with the other demon blood children which means he wouldnt sell his soul to bring back sam which means he wouldnt be in hell to break the first seal. Their lives were predetermined sure, but i feel like they were sped up a bit by their dad leaving without telling them where he was
Do you ever stop to think..
That if John hadn’t played Hide n Seek from Sam and Dean then Sam never would have left college? I mean he went to Lawrence with them when Dean called about their old house, so he was there which means he was getting all the calls from Dean before Dean went and got Sam. So if he had just told Dean he was okay then Dean never would have pulled Sam from school. And then what, would the apocalypse still have happened?
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Do you ever stop to think..
That if John hadn’t played Hide n Seek from Sam and Dean then Sam never would have left college? I mean he went to Lawrence with them when Dean called about their old house, so he was there which means he was getting all the calls from Dean before Dean went and got Sam. So if he had just told Dean he was okay then Dean never would have pulled Sam from school. And then what, would the apocalypse still have happened?
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Other blog
feel free to follow my other blog @throughmylenswithmypens
its all my own pictures and poetry
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Picture from @omg-itscastiel Day 5: Favorite Misha Character I really like when hes Castiel in seasons 4/5 cuz hes still a full blown angel but is starting to rebel and become friends with the boys and i love that he doesn't understand why they act the way they do
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Day 4: Favorite Female Character Jodi Mills is my favorite female character. Shes been thru everything and still puts on a smile and cracks jokes and gives the boys a run for their money. Im glad shes still in the show i hope she stays
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Supernatural challenge day 2: Scariest scene/episode/monster? The first time i watched the series the bloody mary episode really creeped me out. I dont know why, i guess cuz it was done really well. But after rewatching the series(several times) i still have a problem watching the episode with Lisa when the children are all kidnapped and replaced with monsters...changlings i think? I cant remember. I usually skip that episode.
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follow welaughmeme for the lols
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