httphamssell · 2 years
A request where you teach Charles to braid your hair
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httphamssell · 2 years
Pairing: Dad!Charles Leclerc x Mom!Female!reader.
Summary: Charles wants to learn how to tie your hair, for his unborn daughter.
Warnings: Fluffy…
Word Count: 392
Requested: Yes
Author's Notes: Hope you like it. I also ended up changing a little of what was requested, I hope you don't mind. English is not my first language, so sorry for any grammar mistakes!!
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You and Charles were in Sardinia for your penultimate baby moon before your daughter arrived. You had found out it was a girl a few months ago and he was over the moon about becoming a father of a girl.
At the moment you were lying on the lounge in the villa you two rented. If being five months pregnant was exhausting, you couldn't even imagine what it would be like at the end of pregnancy.
Charles was in the kitchen making you sandwiches. He had gotten it into his head that you could only eat natural and healthy things. He had fully gone into father mode from the moment you told him you were pregnant.
You were almost asleep, when you hear footsteps coming from the kitchen, already knowing who they are, you don't even open your eyes.
“Mon chéri” Charles calls calmly, not wanting to scare you.
“Yes,baby” You reply, opening your eyes slowly to get used to the sunlight.
“Could you teach me how to tie your hair? You know, by the time the little bean starts to grow hair, I'll know how to tie it.” He asks you shyly.
“My love, you know it's going to take a while for her to have hair to tie. Right?" You look at him with a loving, amused look in your eyes.
"Yeah, I know. I just want to be prepared for when that day comes!”
"Okay then." Charles flashes a smile in your direction, and sits behind you on the lounge chair.
“It's not as difficult as it looks. First you gather the hair into a fist, and then with your hand with the ponytail you run it around the hair in your other hand.” Your husband does exactly what you say even with a little dificult.
"I think it's a little crooked." He says looking at the ponytail he had just tied himself.
“Usually it doesn’t look good when you do it for the first time, but you can keep training if you want.”
And so, you spend the rest of the afternoon with Charles tying and undoing your hair, until he manages to secure the ponytail straight.
Even though your daughter wasn't here yet, you already knew that Charles would strive to be the best father to her, just as he was the best husband to you.
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httphamssell · 2 years
If you request are open, could you do one for George Russell and female reader where George takes you to dinner with his parents who have begged to meet you multiple times
Sorry for the wait. Hope you like it!!
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httphamssell · 2 years
Emparelhamento: George Russell x Female!reader
Summary: After months of dating you meet George's parents.
Warnings: Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy
Word Count: 332
Requested: Yes
Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait. And sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language!!
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You and George have been together for about six months now, you've both decided to keep things to yourself for now. That didn't mean no one knew about your relationship, your friends and your parents did, they just hadn't been introduced yet.
George's parents have been dying to meet you ever since George told them about you and how he really was in love with you.
Both of you were lying on the couch, watching an old fashioned romantic comedy when he brings up the subject, and you decide it's time for him to introduce you to his parents.
Now here you are in front of his parents' house, George thought it would be a good idea to have dinner at his parents' house.
“What if they don't like me?” You ask George, fear evident in your eyes.
“Honey, they liked you even before you met, and they will like you even more after today” George reassures you.
So the two of you go out George's Mercedes and walk hand in hand to the door. George rings the doorbell and Alison (George's mother) answers with a smile on her face.
“You've finally arrived!” She says as she pulls George into a hug.
“Mom, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
“It's so nice to finally meet you. George has said so many nice things about you, darling.” Alison says as she pulls you into a hug too.
The three of you get in, and looking at the walls you find lots of family pictures and pictures of George from his time in the kart.
Dinner went well and smoothly, both George's mom and dad are lovely people, and as the hours go by, you don't even know why you were scared when you two arrived. A few hours later you and George go back to his apartment with the promise to come back soon for another dinner and to meet George's siblings.
Maybe the next step is for George to meet your parents.
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httphamssell · 2 years
Summary: You and George enjoy a morning off
Word count: 306
Author's Notes: First of all, English is not my first language, so I used Google Translate to try to have as few grammatical errors as possible. Second, this is my first time writing something, so it's probably going to suck, I'm also horrible with titles and summaries.
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Did the light enter the room through the uncovered blinds, why do you always forget to close the curtains anyway?
Maybe it's the fact that you didn't intend to sleep when you got into bed yesterday.
You roll onto your side, open your eyes and find an empty space. He didn't come to bed yesterday, you see.
You and George don't often argue, much less fight like you did yesterday. The reason? Something silly, that now you don't even remember what it was.
You get out of bed, go to the bathroom, take a shower, then leave the room looking for your boyfriend. You find him sleeping in the guest room which is only used when your parents come to visit you. He never sleeps there, even if you're fighting he always goes to bed. You approach slowly, not wanting to startle him.
“George” You call softly close to his ear.
He shifts in bed, but doesn't wake up yet. George has always been a heavy sleeper. Unlike you who wake up with the slightest noise.
“George” You call again. This time he slowly opens his eyes and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close in an awkward hug.
“I'm sorry about what I said yesterday,” he says in his sleepy husky voice.
“I think we were both wrong yesterday” It's your turn to apologize too.
“You just want to forget everything that happened and help me with breakfast” George asks with a small smile on his face.
You both get out of bed, and while George goes to your shared room to brush his teeth and wash his face, you go down to the kitchen to start making pancakes.
Minutes later George joins you in the kitchen. And so you have a great morning, cuddling and watching some silly movies from the Netflix catalog.
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httphamssell · 2 years
Hello everybody!
• First of all, English is not my mother language, so ignore the grammar mistakes;
• I've always enjoyed reading fanfics and one shots, so I decided to start writing too;
• As I'm starting to write, probably the fics will be a little (or a lot) bad for now;
• I write for Toto Wolff, GR63, LH44, MSC47 and CL16. I will add more people as time goes by;
• I'm still learning to use tumblr.
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