do you even know how happy I was to see your name in the tag! on my dash?! miss you so much and wishing the best for you :( 💗
if it helps, you probably will forget about me in a few weeks. or days. or hours!
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Don't go don't go don't go don't go
we'll miss you so much Virgil but I just hope you really look after yourself. Come back for Will in s5 we will be here we will be here
i have found no point in being in this fandom any longer. which is why i am deleting the account. i doubt i will be back for s5. and i doubt you will be there, either.
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goodbye, everyone. thank you for everything ❤️
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will byers is a disney princess!
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btwwwww that anon was lying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you have the shittiest takes ever. the byler fandom is better of w/o u
noted, thanks.
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give it a rest, bitch. nobody cares about you.
i mean i already knew that but 🤷‍♀️ anyway it doesn't matter anymore. bye.
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NOOOOO DAMN IT I wanted to send nice anons for you to come online to to beat the other anons with a bat because they're all bullshit but I failed. and idk why you're like? stalked? it's so not fair on you. you've done nothing ever but be awesome with correct takes and have a kind open mind and heart. I hope you're blocking anons and IP addresses where you can!
thank you, you're very sweet and i love you ❤️ but um you know, people don't actually send me any nice anons. when i came back i had 15 hate anons telling me to kill myself, and not really any nice anons.
so given the evidence, i think i'm more inclined to believe that more people hate me than think i'm "awesome with correct takes". 🤷‍♀️ but again thank you for sending this 🥰
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wtf, you're back? shouldn't you be dead by now :/ damn, now i'm disappointed
fuck off.
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"it doesn't matter what will's sexuality is! it's not important to his arc, we don't need to label it! he doesn't need to tell us what this part of his character is. the only thing that matters is that we know he's in love with mike!"
... see, that sounds weird if you make it like that, doesn't it? so why do you people always insist on saying this about mike?
mike's sexuality is important, it should still be explored in the show. because his sexuality is a literal driving force and explanation for many of his actions in the show. the show should still make a reference to what he is — gay, bi, etc. even if he ends up unlabeled, the show should make it a point to show us he is (i.e making him unsure himself). because this may come as a shock, but there's a difference between purposely making him unlabeled, versus leaving his sexuality ambiguous and unaddressed.
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things are gonna start looking up soon virg hold on
in the time since you sent this ask, i've gotten like 46 hate anons (i counted while deleting) and also my life has fucking gone downhill. i'm sorry, but i don't know how much more holding on i can do. and i don't know how much more i want to hold on.
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Hey!! I'm a mutual of yours and I just wanted to say fuck the haters in your ask box, I would be really sad if you deactivated. I originally followed you because of byler content and I was so happy to see when you followed me back and I loved the byler wips you posted, I thought they were really well written. If you do deactivate, I understand, people are mean, but just know that you will be missed!! (Sorry that this is on anon, it's only because I'm considering leaving byler tumblr)
i'm sorry about the wips. i deleted most of them because they're shit. it's cool you liked them though, you're probably one of the only ones who does. i don't want to make content for this fandom anymore. but it's not a big loss, i presume. i already got rid of the fics on my account anyway. and i don't think i'll be missed, but you're sweet for thinking that. the majority of inbox are full of hate anons so i think most people want me to leave. and i only have very few nice anons sent in.
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Welcome back human
i'm not back. people have made it clear to me they hate me and don't want me around anymore. i just returned to check in but seeing the hate in my inbox, it made me remember why i left in the first place. so fuck this. it was soooooo nice to know i was appreciated. 🙄 it's nice to know nobody cares.
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you're such a whiny, petulant shit. "boo hoo people are mean to me :((" grow the fuck up. what are you, five? no wonder you don't have any friends. must be so hard to be around a person as annoying as you.
nice to know i was missed
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holyvirgilscriptures · 2 months
the way none of your "friends" are defending you lmfao. just admit to yourself they're all thinking the same thing, that the world would be a better place if you were gone.
i already knew all of that, that i don't have friends... and the other thing you said. so just stop already.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 2 months
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modern art
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holyvirgilscriptures · 2 months
"everybody hates me" factoid actually just a statistical error. The average person doesn't hate you, especially not your friends. You, a person who sits in your room experiencing self loathing every day, are an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 2 months
for april fool's day i'm deactivating!! but also it's kind of not a joke!!!i
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