haechanniesluvr · 16 days
vampire! haechan oneshot
idk wtf this is, we all know the one image that comes to mind when you think of vampire haechan...... yeah
you moaned in slight pain as he sunk his angular fangs into the soft flesh that was your neck deeply, feeling him strike through multiple layers of your tender skin. hyuck had been eyeing your neck all night, unable to shake the image of him taking you into his hands, going limp in his arms with vulnerability as he drinks you up until you're barely grasping at life.
"are you okay my love?" he asks as he retaliates from your neck, a smear of red dashing his lips as he awaits your response. eyes dazed, you nod gently. "fuck, sorry, i got carried away. you're like a drug to me, y/n." hyuck hummed as he stroked his fingers through your dark hair softly, untangling the wild strands with a gentle tug. you lay your head in his lap, body sprawled out across the bed, one strap of your nightgown halfway down your arm.
you shook your head weakly in protest.
"no.. it's okay. you know i'll always give you my everything hyuck." you shakily responded, raising your hand to cup his usually pale cheeks, although they were slightly blushed at the moment. he shut his eyes as you ran your thumb over his lips, smearing the crimson down his chin.
"i love you, my eternal prince."
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haechanniesluvr · 16 days
sorry for the random drabble my brain cant comprehend the 200 m/v. spider mark is like.. official now!?!??!?£2pqkrpqjrij
my brain is in overdrive so take this spiderman!mark drabble loves<3
"fuck-" mark curses loudly against the wind as he has a very near miss with the busy new york roads. he had been the "friendly neighborhood spiderman" for about 2 years now, yet he still hadn't gotten the jist of using his webs to swing narrowly through the tight streets and alleyways of the concrete jungle that was new york.
swinging swiftly into a dark alley, he planted his feet firmly on the damp ground. he dropped his backpack to the ground and started to grab his regular clothes out of it; pulling his mask over his head in one clean motion to reveal his messy hair slightly damp at the tips with sweat.
mark tucked his suit messily into his backpack, zipping it back up and throwing it over one shoulder. he walks back into the bustling sidewalk, blending in seamlessly. after all, mark lee was just a regular member of society, nothing more. spider-man was his alter ego, an outgoing gentleman with a thirst for helping those in need. he liked to keep these two lives separate, if they mixed it would make things so much harder.
the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans attracted him to a cafe like a moth to a lamp. after a long morning of rescuing stray cats and helping frail elderly people cross the street, he was more exhausted than you'd think. grabbing the handle of the tall glass door firmly, mark walked into the building, immediately being serenaded with the sweet scent of pastries and various hot drinks.
at the counter he saw a woman. she was beaming a smile at the customer she was serving, nodding and agreeing with whatever nonsense the old customer was spouting at her. she looked glowing and stunning, her hair pulled back into a perfect ponytail. mark blinked himself out of his partial trance and queued up behind the old man.
"next please!" the young girl spoke at him sweetly.
"oh right, hey. can i get a uh.." a puzzled expression plastered his face, one of his eyebrows cocking up as he scrunched his nose reading the menu above the girl. his eyes joined hers momentarily as he decided what he wanted, a faint blush painting his cheeks at the glinting of her curious eyes.
"i'll just get a caramel macchiato please." mark responded, shooting her a quick, closed mouth smile before fumbling with his pockets for his wallet.
"$2.85 please." the lady said smiling. mark was still fumbling in his pockets with a few mutters.
"sorry just give me a sec.." he dropped his back off of his shoulder onto the floor before unzipping it quickly, making sure to keep his suit concealed. of course, that didn't stop her from catching a glimpse at the red fabric with the webbed overlay.
"ah here it is." he laughs nervously whilst handing her his $5 note. he noticed her eyes fixed on his bag as she mindlessly took the cash, responding with a monotone "thank you sir.".
seeing her fixed gaze on his bag prompted him to quickly fumble with the zip and throw it back on his shoulder.
"your.. change.." she said dumbfounded as she handed him $2.15 in change.
"yep, uh, thanks." mark took it, quickly stuffing it in his pockets as he walked to the other counter, head pointed at the ground in embarrassment.
as he grabbed his drink, he noticed an arrangement of numbers drawn in small handwriting at the base of the cup. no, it wasn't an arrangement of numbers it was someones phone number. mark flashed the girl that served him a quick glance, and was met with her eyes yet again. she smiled and winked as she turnt back to the customer she was serving as if nothing had happened.
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haechanniesluvr · 21 days
☆donghyuck after an argument with you oneshot!!☆
☆song recommended for this fic - Y Si Fuera Ella by SHINee's Jonghyunnie☆
- small tags : established relationship, slight angst?, boyfriend!hyuck, lots of tears from hyuck:(, tears from y/n too, it's a crying party, make-up make-out, hyuck standing in the rain. -
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"Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me about this, y/n?! Hm?!" Hyuck shouted at you as he shook the papers he found hidden in your nightstand vigorously in front of you. The papers stated that you had been accepted into University of Busan. You and Donghyuck lived in a small house in Seoul, and had been doing so for 2 years. You were happy together. Seoul to Busan would mean moving, leaving everything behind, leaving Hyuck behind.
"I thought you'd be angry, and you are!" you screamed back, not allowing yourself to be reduced to nothing by him.
Yours and Hyuck's love was just like this. Rough and passionate. Everything in your relationship was passionate, from the sex to the arguing. You both were constantly overwhelmed by the emotions that would arise when being together, and you fucking loved it. You loved him.
He sighed shortly and pressed his thumb and index finger to the top of his nose bridge as he looked up momentarily, frustration pent up in his normally relaxed face.
"No, y/n, it's not that. It's the fact you didn't bother asking me if this was okay. No, no, it's not even that! It's the fact you didn't tell me you got this letter in the first place."
Hyuck's eyes had gone from sharp and piercing to teary and desperate.
"Are you.. are you going to leave me?" He whispered, his voice cracking slightly as he swallowed the lump arising in his throat. He felt like his neck and been wrapped in barbed wire, and it was being tightened from behind.
You gently padded over to him and pressed the back of his head down so he was resting his face on your shoulder.
"I don't know, Hyuckie, I don't know." You felt his chest heave, making your tears begin to drop too. His nails began to dig into you as he lifted his head, pressing his forehead to yours.
"You can't leave me here. I need you. I want you." He whispered shakily against your lips. He looked down and grabbed your hands, squeezing them. His eyes were red and puffy, cheeks painted with a rosy hue and glasses steamed slightly.
You looked down at where he squeezed your hands, thinking for a moment. Was it worth leaving the love of your life for something that could change your life? No. Your life wouldn't mean anything without him in it. But still, the thought of what could be lingered. You could study your dream degree.
"Hyuck, I'm going to leave for a while. I need to think very long and hard about what I'm doing with myself. This might be the most important decision of my life." You huffed as you slowly unlinked his fingers from yours, letting his hands droop to his sides.
Grabbing your coat, you began to walk towards the front door, grabbing your bag and hanging it over yourself. Donghyuck was walking closely behind you, muttering the words 'don't go.. don't leave' as he watched you head for the door.
You didn't get far out of the driveway before you collapsed onto your knees, rain soaking your hair and body. Bringing your hands to your face, Hyuck ran over to you and wrapping his arms behind you, sniffling. He turned you so you were crying onto his chest, not caring about getting drenched.
"No.. I can't do it, Hyuck. I can't imagine my life without you. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." You blabbered over and over into his chest, muffling your voice and cries. He gently stroked your wet hair, shushing and gently swaying you. You felt the droplets from his wet hair land onto your head.
"It's okay. Don't be sorry, I should be sorry.." He placed his chin on top of your head as his eyes fluttered closed.
Hyuck lifted your chin so you could meet his eyes.
"You have your dreams. I can't control that. All I ask is that you never stop loving me." He softly speaks in your ear.
You stare at his eyes, then down to his lips.
You kiss Haechan as if you had been starved. He melts into your wet touch, his tongue fighting with yours for dominance. Hyuck picks you up bridal style and shuts the front door behind you both whilst you pepper soft kisses down his neck. He groans slightly at your softness, and places you down onto the couch gently. He removes your coat, then your shirt and he replaces your bra with a towel.
He softly kisses your forehead as he removes his soaked shirt, and brings himself to share your towel.
"I love you y/n. I'll support you, no matter what you want to do. Forever."
"I love you more Hyuck."
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haechanniesluvr · 23 days
☆ softie mark oneshot
☆song recommended for this oneshot: ‘cry’ by CAS☆
- small tags: bf!mark, mark is a cutie, gentle fluff, nothing too crazy guys
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he sighed, raising his eyebrows and pulling his hand to his hair, clawing through it. you watched as it bounced effortlessly back into place. your boyfriend was always like this; effortlessly pretty all the time. you would constantly pinch his cheeks and tell him how cute he is, although he never believed you fully.
“well it sorta resembles a bookshelf right?” he lifted the bookshelf assembly manual next to his creation and you laughed, you behind him with your head on his neck. “i-it’s not funny! i tried super hard man..” he says, defeated. he had somehow managed to build it the completely wrong way, despite you telling him numerous times ‘no thats not right..’ or ‘i don’t think that goes there.’. mark would insist he was doing it right, trying desperately to impress you and seem more manly.
“it’s fine baby, we can redo it..” you sigh, your hot breath causing goosebumps to raise along his skin. mark immediately swivels around to face you, taking your hands into his own as he stares down at them. he fiddles with the rings on your hand nervously.
“sorry i fucked it up. i just wanted to seem like the ‘man of the house’..” he pouted.
without saying another word you brushed a few fingers through his soft brown locks and slid the back of your hand down his cheek. you were never that good with words, so your touch spoke everything your mouth was unable to. mark pulled you into a hug. not just any hug, a hug that felt as if your two souls connected. you were twin flames.
“it looks great markie, i promise. this house is going to be beautiful. it’ll be somewhere we can love, laugh and cry right?”
you kiss him gently, in which he responds by swiping his tongue over your lips which grants him entrance to your mouth. you allow the kiss to get more heated as you both thud onto the couch. he pulls away, his lips slightly plumped.
“god i don’t know what i would do without you y/n..” he hummed softly.
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