these helped me spot scams!
this helped me with the scammers using Palestine as an opportunity to scam ppl
thank you anon I will look into it
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that most recent post of urs is a scam i get these up to 5x a day they all say the same thing
😭😭man I had no clue
I don't know how i can figure out if it's legit or not atp, I am afraid if they are someone really in need and this could help them ,
How can people find it in their hearts to take advantage of an ongoing genocide
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 3 days
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{Margret atwood & Franz Kafka}
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 3 days
Is it okay if I repost your poems or words on tiktok with credits? Just asking cause you never mentioned having a tiktok and it also said I needed to ask consent before hand. I don't mind if you refuse!!
Anyways, your poems are really beautiful. I can tell they make a lot of people feel happy, and I hope you keep doing this for the people who need them, including you. Stay happy and don't get hurt.
Thank you for the kind words anon , life is starting to pick up some light again , i hope it lasts longer and i hope you find happiness and peace too I am sorry but tiktok and pinterest are the two places i don't want my edits to get posted on :( I hope you understand
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 27 days
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1)Van Gogh +Paul Valéry, from Collected Works, The Voice of Things 2) May Sarton, from a journal entry.
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 month
Hi, Just wanted to say that whatever you choose, whether to stand firm like a rock in the face of adversity or be adaptable like water flowing through crevices, navigating around obstacles with grace and resilience, I hope you make it through and find the peace and love that you so very much deserve. Just hang in there:) Take care.
🥺😭 i love you .
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 month
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i'll be in love with them for as long as i know them, they make it so easy to do so, which is so difficult for me
“I loved my friend
He went away from me
There's nothing more to say
The poem ends, Soft as it began
I loved my friend.”
― Langston Hughes
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 month
Heyyy I'm sure you posted a Web weaving once about grief and how it's polite, and you can take it to a store. It won't embarrass you. I can't seem to find it though. I've looked through multiple tags. Do you know which post it could be?
Hey this is the post you are looking for X
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 month
hello ! I am currently writing a post about being an hopeless romantic! Can I use one of your picture quote? (tagging you of course) <3
Yes 💗
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 1 month
Hiiii, hope this text finds you well, this blog was the sweetest thing on Tumblr for me , I loved scrolling your blog for hours and how you would comfort a stranger or give them suggestions in the ask box, your blog has helped me to learn and deal with so many things and has opened my heart for beauty of literature, hope to see you around soon 🤍
I am flattered, I am glad to know my blog was helpful for you , i do love this app and people here but i happen to stop passing by on this app due to some issues life is really a mess apparently
Thank you for the kind words , you can still find my posts on my Instagram if you ever feel like reading 🫂💗
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 3 months
Spring is here , the true beginning of the year , the season where my soul reborns and blooms .
I have made some progress in terms of the person I am becoming, truly in all my honesty all that i have done is to stop caring for everything that once used to matter , the less I care about anything in particular the less I am bothered and the happier i stay. And i really hope everyone here is doing well and I appreciate all the love that was sent.
The problem is I care a lot about everything and i don't even get the bare minimum in return and when i do get it it's too late, so much time has passed by then ,when it comes by then i do not want or need it because it's the not care that came out of love it came out of their guilts. And the longer i wait for it to come by -the more I learn why I don't need it anymore .
I am slowly learning to value myself ,trying to put myself in a position where I can agree that i too deserve all the good things and love even on the days when i have nothing to offer .
Idk guys I am just here to rant and to be stupid
Better late than never they say , I guess it's not too late for me either, I will start my life and live up to what I want & how I feel ,i don't have to care about anything else as long as I feel alive in my bones things will eventually flow, I will fall in love with myself little by little day after day.
I will choose myself instead of choosing others and I will fall in love with my solitude instead of bearing it with me , i don't care if I end up alone if I do end up all by myself I will be with someone who i know has a tendency not to give up .
Life is really short i just don't want to sit and watch it pass by , if I am lucky enough I will have 40 more springs to experience , I have clear boundaries and thoughts in my head now, eventually i will find peace through it I hope so.
Ramdan kareem to people who celebrate it here please remember gaza in your prayers and fastings
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
Hii ( this is a scheduled post )
If you are reading this now just know that this was written 3 days ago, i have been doing terrible in all aspects of life ( in Everything you can possibly imagine = family, love , friends, career , mental/physical health etc) .
I hate to admit but things are really dire and have been traumatic from a couple of months now, when i say traumatic I mean the real shit like real !
So much of the time has passed ever since i have been trying to battle everything in my life , and i have been carrying myself all this time while I reached my exhausted self long long ago ( this is coming from a person who doesn't give up or who never easily gives up on anything)
I would need a break from everything while I search for myself , and get over the voices in my head and flash backs of all the trauma which wakes me up in the middle of the night with rage, i don't even feel safe where i stay currently i genuinely hope sooner I will be able to change it.
I carry so much rage and grief inside me , which is eating me up from inside, more rage than grief or more grief than rahe I am not sure which one is true ,I can't even properly keep this text to one topic it's a combination of so many things that has led me to this state .
I used to achieve so much as a child and teen i don't know how things got so bad overtime and now i am failing at everything as an adult and even Falling apart ,time has passed so quickly i can't accept it .
I hope the next time I come back online to this site I will be much better, in case you ever miss my poetry or work , a mutual from here takes care of my instagram and posts it ( I believe she would be able to keep it active for a while ) !!!
I will take a break from everything and have some time away from everything , i can go on living without having access to the phone for a couple of weeks i have done this before hopefully I will be able to do it again !
Thank you for always hearing me out, the amount of love i received on Tumblr is so massive 💗🫂, i have never been loved so much anywhere else as I have been loved by people here 🙏Your anon texts have helped me to keep moving from time to time !
“i have spent all of my life trying
Trying not to lose my last hope ”
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
JUDAS: Why ... didn't you make me good enough so that you could've loved me?
-Stephen Adly Guirgis, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
Heyyy I am curious which reader app do you use ? Everything looks so aesthetic !!
Hii, I don't use any reader apps I don't read e-books, I prefer physical books . I edit the excerpts I like and resonate myself with .
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
hello! im sorry if this is a weird message, feel free to completely ignore it, but i read some of the asks you get and thought id try to express my feelings, since i have literally no one else to tell them to, and because i relate so deeply to so many of your posts.
i had my first love in 2022. i kind of kept an eye on them for months before we started interacting, and when i got to know them i was blown away–i couldn't even dream them if i tried. i remember thinking to myself for hours on end about how perfect they are, thanking the heavens for crafting someone so unbelievably beautiful as them. the embarrassing part is, our "situationship", if you could even call it that, lasted two weeks. just two weeks. and i feel so fucking ridiculous because i still love them.
i've met someone i really, really like and got into a relationship, and it kills me because although i care about my partner a lot, they're not them, you know? they're not my first love. my current love.
i don't know if i'll ever get over them, and i honestly don't even want to. my feelings are the very last string somehow still connecting us, and i don't want to live in a world where there are no signs of us ever existing, even though we never really did.
and these feelings are not painful for me either–thinking about them doesn't ever make me sad, just nostalgic, really. i only feel thankful that they were my first love, and that we get to exist under the same sky together. just thinking about this person going about their day, wondering what they're currently doing, brings warmth to my heart.
anyway, even if you don't reply to this message, thank you so much for making this blog so welcoming it made me feel like it was okay to share my feelings. hope your days are lovely.
I read all of it, I can't say for sure if i resonate your feelings, i do believe a part of everyone stays inside us whom we once loved, i have never been lucky in terms of love , yes I used the word luck here cause in terms of efforts I do believe I have given my level best I try and try and try again until i have nothing more to offer , people fall in love with me and then they fall out of love idk how people are capable of doing that ( losing interest/feelings) I don't want to get into more details, as for you I don't much to say I cannot say i understand you , all I can say don't let your past or any person from past effects those who are now willing to love you to their best abilities and don't let it stops you from loving them to your best capabilities , I am sure you already knew it . I have nothing to offer you not even words
“ Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them. ”
― Richard Siken
This blog is welcoming to everyone, even if i don't respond to the anonymous asks i have read them you have my best wishes for everything, this is the only thing I am Good at words and in the end they are not enough too .
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
I wish to be loved like this, cause this is the way I love
i’d grow daisies from my lungs if you told me you liked flowers
I loved you to the point of ruin. I loved you until my lungs were filled with ash.
—Tina Tran, Until I started choking on our memories
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 4 months
i’d grow daisies from my lungs if you told me you liked flowers
I loved you to the point of ruin. I loved you until my lungs were filled with ash.
—Tina Tran, Until I started choking on our memories
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