friendshiptothemax · 11 months
NBC Universal is pulling shady shit. Please consider signing the petition and helping them picket at Universal:
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[Image ID: A tweet threat from Katherine DiSavino from July 15th that reads in it's entirety:
I’m a WGA strike captain & lot coordinator at NBC Universal. On the 2nd week of our strike, Universal began construction on the sidewalks we were picketing on. On day 74 of our strike, they have fenced in and demolished every sidewalk surrounding Gates 1, 2, 4, and 5. (1/3)
(this tweet includes an image that reads: NBC Universal risks Picket and Public Safety. Sign the petition to demand the construction of a pedestrian lane!)
It has made picketing at Universal a challenge, and our incredible Captains and picketers have risen to that challenge every day. But enough is enough. Universal MUST install what the City, County and LAPD Labor Relations have deemed necessary: a protected pedestrian lane. (2/3)
Please sign the petition. Please share it. And please come picket with us at Universal so we can continue to make it clear that the WGA will hold this picket line no matter what. (3/3)
Click this sentence to go to the Google docs petition.
You don’t have to be WGA to sign. If you like sidewalks and walking safely, consider signing!
[/End ID]
Tagging people I think might be willing to boost this under the cut:
Sorry if any of you have posted something about this already
@neil-gaiman @dduane @jeanjauthor @wilwheaton @flanaganfilm @fans4wga @friendshiptothemax @seananmcguire @writergeekrhw @reallyndacarter @teamlynda
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
I've done some research on how I can support the current strikes, but is there any advice anyone can give to me to help?? I know there isn't any movie boycotts but i also cant donate because i dont have extra funds to do so
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
I think if a studio exec says they want to force you to starve to death so you’ll be made to accept garbage wages, you should crush them in a hydraulic press incredibly slowly
Like the fact that rich people have gotten to the point where they think they can just be like “oh yeah I’m literally trying to kill you” without fear of repercussions is beyond infuriating. They need to know what it feels like to be beaten to death by hammers.
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
I believe the part about him being the only one able to get it across the finish line is referring to post-production (editing). While we had long finished writing the final two episodes, the writer’s strike began before we had finished post-production. Writer’s strike rules prohibit writers from being in the editing room.
“I was very, very glad we were able to end it exactly the way we wanted to end it. It was deliberate and we weren’t taken by surprise in terms of when the ending was going to come,” he tells The Associated Press. “You’ll see that the ending has conviction and we commit to it.”
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
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we're six! 💜👑
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
I’m really glad Sean Hennen finally got his plane crash. In the waning days of season 7, mid-March 2020, Sean got assigned to write an outline for episode 722, and I was assigned to help him. We came up with this really, really fun episode -- and after the season 7 arc had been wrapped up, the final scene of the season would be Red and Dembe, sitting on their plane, talking. All of the sudden, the plane would make an odd motion, and Dembe and Red would run to the cockpit in time to see Edward parachuting away as the plane dove toward the Atlantic Ocean. Off their faces, end season 7!! 
We were very proud of it, and very excited. He was supposed to pitch it to the Johns on March 12th. I couldn’t go because I had an optometrist appointment, so I called him after I got out. “How’d it go?” I asked. “Yeah, here’s the thing,” he said, “we’re shutting down the season early due to COVID.”
By the time we came back for season 8, episode 722 had been turned into episode 803, Sean and I were assigned to other episodes, and our original outline didn’t really make sense any more with the structure of the season. But that plane crash always remained our white whale, and I’m so, so happy we finally got our parachuting Edward!
(By the way, I really respect Sean Hennen. He’s a great writer, a great mentor, and a great leader. I promise you he’s going to be running his own show one day, so keep your eyes out)
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
Louder for the people at the back!!
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
Hi, WGA strike captain here, and I just want to say that the other unions taking contracts is NOT disappointing news. I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that the point of this isn’t to take a strike, it’s to get a good deal.
DGA, we can quibble over whether it’s a good deal or not. (I personally think everyone got too excited about a triple strike summer and forgot that the DGA was simply never going to strike)
But SAG-AFTRA? They got an absolutely killer strike authorization vote. They walked into negotiations with a loaded gun. That plus the fact that with everything shut down most actors aren’t working right now anyway, their leadership is incentivized to hold out for a deal with everything they want in it. Many of those demands overlap with ours, especially concerns about AI, which SAG membership is VERY fired up about.
If SAG gets a great deal with everything they want, then that’s GOOD for us. If the AMPTP were still fucking with them the way they fucked with us, “rejected our offer, refused to counter,” then that means the AMPTP isn’t feeling the pain of strike and doesn’t care how long this strike goes and is happy to stonewall indefinitely. But if they’re giving into the actors? Fuckkkk they’re hurting and this means they might actually come back to the table with us and negotiate in good faith finally. And if SAG gets strong language about AI, you bet your ass we’re going to argue for the same thing.
The DGA built on the writers strike to get a better deal. SAG is hopefully building on the writers strike and what DGA got to get an even better deal. And we’re hopefully going to build on our strike and what DGA and SAG got to get an even better deal. We’re all working together!
The point is not to strike, the point is to get a good deal. I think SAG will, and in my opinion that’s a massive win for us.
Does anyone have an update on where things are at with the writers strike? It's disappeared from my various feeds and algorithms.
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
listen i am more than aware that hormonal birth control can do fucky things to your brain and body. i have been there and i have dealt with it and i don't take that lightly. but i do want to say that if you're sexually active and can get pregnant, the last people online you should be listening to are the "divine femininity" cryptofash tradgirl influencers who are spouting leftist-sounding rhetoric while telling you to throw out your birth control and "just track your cycles naturally" at a time when it's functionally impossible to get an abortion in many states. i cannot stress this enough. these people are white supremacists who have learned to cloak their right-wing, reject-modernity beliefs in language that sounds appealing to the left, and they are winning, and you need to be really vigilant about the influencers and messaging you are following and consuming and helping give more of a platform. because this shit is everywhere and women are going to die because of it.
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friendshiptothemax · 11 months
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
“This cat saying “well hi!” in a southern accent”
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
The sequel:
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If I fits I sits
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
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If I fits I sits
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
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For All Mankind (1.03 "Nixon's Women") Sonya Walger as Molly Cobb
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
"So-and-so has a problematic kink" "So-and-so likes a ship I don't like" I've figured out which bloggers are actually cylons
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