formywriyinglalala · 16 days
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Pornsick moid realizes porn stars are human.
Leave her the fuck alone!!
I hope she gets help and support soon :(
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formywriyinglalala · 23 days
To make a world where straight women aren't consistently ending up with horrible men, we need to make a world where they aren't afraid to end up single. Where it is clear that lifelong celibacy is the preferable option a lot of (or even most) of the time. A lot of straight women don't want to end up in a big house all by themselves, or have to raise kids all by themselves, so I think we need form more communities of women intentionally living together apart from men.
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formywriyinglalala · 25 days
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formywriyinglalala · 26 days
You gotta say it how it is: this bimbo girl math cutesy stupidity shit is utterly pathetic. It's not cute. It's not quirky. It's pathetic. One of my aunts bit her way through trade school at 14 and you're 22 trying to appear stupid for views. Develop a sense of shame, girl
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formywriyinglalala · 28 days
the ultimate blackpill is when you realize that most men view rape as desecration of property rather than an act of violence against another human
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
i see so often people talk about how labels like lesbian or gay are limiting and are boxes into which they do not fit and I wonder if this is because people turned sexualities into personalities and they no longer see lesbian as a woman who is attracted to woman but as a set of characteristics in which they do not fit. no one ever says that calling themselves blue-eyed is limiting even though being blue-eyed and a lesbian are both innate things which are just. there. I hate sexualities being called labels or identities for that reason, like it does a good job in separating our sexuality from us
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
man: lesbians need to suck my dick y'all: that’s horrible man: i wasn’t done. lesbians need to suck my dick bc i identify as a woman y'all demons: you are so right
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
I saw a post saying "If porn and prostitution were empowering men would be doing it" and while I absolutely agree I would add:
"If porn and prostitution were empowering men would be fighting to prevent women from doing it at all"
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
i can't fucking stand usamericans and their obsession with individual choice. oh my god the neoliberal brainrot is real.
i can't physically stand any type of analysis or critique about social issues coming from usamericans because they'll legit be like "the sexualization of women is a big problem and we shouldn't pressure young women into presenting themselves sexually for the benefit of men. HOWEVER if a woman CHOOSES out of her FREE WILL to use her sex appeal and be sexy BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO, it is completely fine!! slay 💅" there is no way you are this dumb. you have never thought about anything ever. you don't understand how society and human behavior work.
actually, basically nothing that you choose is completely out of free will. free will doesn't really exist in the sense that we are a social species and we are constantly influenced by our environment and our past experiences. your choices are inherently tied to your environment. there is no such thing as a completely individual choice.
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
I will never get over how offensive “sex isn’t real” rhetoric is. It denies the present and past realities of billions and billions of women. It obscures how sexism is systemic. 50 years ago, banks could deny women opening their own accounts (in the US!!!). Was it random? How did they decide who was allowed to and who wasn’t if sex is so obscure and not real and nobody can really tell? Yes, people with DSDs and gender non conforming people have always existed but that doesn’t mean society has/had no concept of men and women. It’s so absurd. I don’t understand how people can say sex isn’t real. I have like award winning professors who say that.
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
I think we've all seen news of former porn stars who tried to pursue another career, but were fired from their jobs because men recognized them. Now, imagine this in the era of OnlyFans. Thousands of young women are faced with the harsh reality that they cannot make enough money to survive by selling nudes/pornographic videos online. What are the chances of them being able to hold down a regular job before one of their "clients" recognizes them? That is going to be a gigantic social crisis. And we will need to demand government measures to protect these women or they will kill themselves in droves.
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
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Why Are Libfems… like she almost got the point, but because of sex posi bullshit she spun it the wrong way. It’s SAD that so many women in kink/BDSM are trying to use it as a bandaid coping mechanism for trauma. It’s sad that the men involved in that scene prey upon women they know are vulnerable. It’s not badass by any means. Hypersexuality as a response to trauma shouldn’t be romanticized.
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
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formywriyinglalala · 2 months
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I found the single based redditor! After all this time! I can finally, finally stop searching
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formywriyinglalala · 2 months
“Passing” as a concept is bs but this is especially true for non-binary. You’re asking everyone else to pretend that we can’t tell what sex you are and to be up to date on gender trends so we can accurately guess how you want us to perceive you. Like is [some hypothetical male] wearing an ugly dress and lipstick in a trying to be a woman way or a trying to be non-binary way. We know we’re supposed to pretend he’s not a man but we also have to guess if we’re supposed to tell if he’s just badly dressing up as a woman or is deliberately being some other third thing.
Many trans identifying females only perform androgyny in ways that cater to the male gaze. Sure they’ll have a stylish short haircut and wear flannels but they almost always remove their body hair and continue to wear makeup in a “lighter” style. Unlike mean hairy butch dykes, who they would never look like (gross) they “reject gender” without meaningfully challenging gendered roles. They seek to position themselves as “not women” while safely obeying the most sacred rules of presenting as a woman. By adopting new pronouns or a new label they can justify fulfilling the tomboy, girl next door, effortless beauty male fantasy. A woman who rejects the patriarchal beauty standards without rejecting her identity as a woman is infinitely more transgressive than a woman who takes no meaningful actions and invents a new label to reframe her conformity as deviance. It’s just lazy.
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formywriyinglalala · 2 months
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