flappingdragon · 14 hours
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Ya know what Month it is?
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flappingdragon · 20 hours
This is so beautiful.
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This was a very large project I'm very proud of completing! You can see the improvements I made as I continued the pieces. I added new criteria to each set of 4 eyes to increase the difficulty and work on new aspects of my art. I really enjoyed this project and I hope you enjoyed it too, Crew!
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flappingdragon · 23 hours
Bouta make Micheal taste his own medicine for once istg this bitch will PAY 😤😤
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Michael is not happy learning who Luci's study partner is.
M- Where the hell have you been? Do you not know how to answer your phone?
L- I texted you that I was studying with Diavolo.
M- Diavolo? You mean that rich kid that can't keep his eyes off of you? I told you not to talk to him.
L- He is my study partner in class. I have to talk to him.
M-Is that so?
M- Change partners or drop the class.
L- But...
M- Do it or I won't pay the light bill.
L- Ok....ok I will see what I can do.
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flappingdragon · 2 days
I've been thinking that growing up surrounded by luxuries and being a prince, Diavolo, as the future heir of Devildom has all in his hands. And everyone around him has been reminding him of it all his life and praising him always in an ostentatious and tiresome way. Always comparing him to the greatest things, the most powerful creatures and the most valuable treasures. Feeling that the flattery is nothing more than an act of pure interest towards his person, empty words.
And then one day Mc arrives, a human who doesn't seem to understand that they are in hell, and stares at him.
Mc: Your eyes are beautifull.
Diavolo: Ha, ha, people usually say to me the look like gold-
Mc: They have the color of sun-kissed honey… Feels like home.
And then, leaves quietly, as if nothing, after dropping the bombshell, leaving Diavolo a blushing mess unable to process what just happened.
That day Barbatos found in his young lord's search history "how to marry a human, being the future king of hell?"
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flappingdragon · 2 days
Bro I just made the greatest discovery ever
Yk that one song "It's not like I like you!"
It's lucifer and diavolo, why?
"And I wonder what you would think, if I let my pride down let it sink, can we hold hands, kiss? Live our lives in gentle bliss"
"We could"
"I'm not talking about you! Your not my prince in this"
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flappingdragon · 2 days
ongoing: dirty town, Diavolo x Lucifer Vampire AU: tumblr, ao3
killing me softly (with his song), Diavolo x Lucifer Hanahaki AU: tumblr, ao3
chapter fics:
love is a losing game, Diavolo x Lucifer mates AU: tumblr, ao3
a life in your shape, Solomon x Asmodeus: tumblr, ao3
even the mighty may fall, luke centric simeon falling AU: tumblr, ao3
touch up, Asmodeus x Solomon (TW eating disorder centric) : tumblr, ao3
survivor’s guilt, Solomon centric Birthday OneShot (implied Solomon x Asmodeus): tumblr, ao3
it’s work, Diavolo x Lucifer Actor AU: tumblr, ao3
lonely bunny, Diavolo x Lucifer Bunny Event (insecure Diavolo): ao3, tumblr
cavity and sweet tooth, Diavolo x Lucifer hand holding: tumblr, ao3
getting you back, Solomon x Asmodeus, general, Mask Event: ao3, tumblr
the bet, Diavolo x Lucifer (sleep deprived Lucifer, getting together): ao3, tumblr
who left the hickey?, Solomon x Asmodeus, based on the og hickey chat: tumblr, ao3
dear diavolo; dear lucifer, Diavolo x Lucifer (love letter accidentally gets published, pain ensues) ao3, tumblr 
the lament of asmodeus, (asmo not dealing with having become a demon/ character study-ish), ao3, tumblr 
133 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
love is a losing game, chapter 1: seasons change
It was one foolish night where Lucifer had let his emotions slip. Nothing more than that. How everything had turned into this big mess that seemed to be his life right now, Lucifer couldn’t quite tell. The fortunes must really like tormenting him, he mused as he was sprawled over a toilet seat, nauseous to the core.
It was Friday night and for once, Lucifer was free since he had finished all of his work right on time . Normally, he would have additional paperwork to go through because of his brothers’ wrongdoings but for once, they had miraculously behaved this week.
Sitting in front of his desk, Lucifer stretched his aching muscles until he could hear his bones pop in a satisfying manner. It had been a while since he’d had a week this relaxing.
Slowly, he started to clean up his desk, filing away papers and retrieving all the stray pens and paper clips that were spread out on his desk. Just as he finished, the doors to his study flew wide open.
Unfazed, Lucifer looked up to see who had intruded ever so rudely. He was used to his brothers barging in like that from time to time, seeking him out with foolish requests and random nonsense.
This time however, it was none other than Lord Diavolo himself. Honestly, Lucifer found himself less surprised than he’d expected himself to be.
„Lucifer!“ Diavolo crossed the room with confident steps until he stopped right in front of Lucifer’s desk, slamming his hands onto the table with too much energy. „Word says you’re free today?“ he asked with a smile on his face.
„Good evening, Diavolo. You are correct, I’ve just finished all my tasks,“ he answered, standing up. Diavolo simply smiled at him and for a moment, there was an awkward silence between them. With a sigh, Lucifer crossed his arms and gave in. You really had to pull everything out of this man’s nose. How troublesome. „Why are you asking?“
„Well, we haven’t been able to meet up much recently, so I was thinking dinner at Ristorante 6? What do you think?“
Lucifer thought it over for a second. Indeed, they hadn’t been out in a while.
„Sounds good. Just let me get changed and then I’m ready to go.“
A big grin spread over Diavolo’s face. „I’ll accompany you to your chambers, if that’s alright.“
„Of course.“
They left together and while Diavolo waited in front of Lucifer’s chambers, Lucifer quickly changed into his everyday wear and fixed his hair. For the first time in weeks the reflection in the mirror didn’t look sleep deprived and tired, but rather lively almost.
He joined Diavolo and together, they made their way towards Ristorante 6.
„Lord Diavolo, Lucifer! What a pleasant surprise!“ the waiter forced out nervously as he bowed deeply, his body forming a perfect ninety degree angle. „The usual table?“
„Yes, that would be the one, thank you.“
The waiter lead them to their usual table, a table for two which was located in the back of the room, granting them a little bit of privacy. After all, Lord Diavolo and Lucifer were quite well known and respected around Devildom. However, that never stopped curious demons and reporters from being nosy. Especially the reporters were like vultures looking for their next title stories, so Diavolo and Lucifer had to be cautious.
They ordered their food and chatted about everything and nothing, enjoying each other’s company. Minutes turned into hours and before they’d noticed, hours had passed.
„It’s getting quite late. I think it’s time we head back,“ Lucifer finally said and Diavolo nodded in agreement. He paid for both their meals under Lucifer’s protests and left the waiter a charitable tip.
The night air was crisp now as seasons were slowly changing. Lucifer shivered slightly as the cold air hit his cheeks.
Diavolo, au contraire, wasn’t bothered whatsoever. Due to his astounding powers he was constantly warm, his body radiating heat like an oven.
Although Lucifer was a demon through and through, it was undeniable that his circumstances were slightly different from Diavolo’s. Truth was, to Lucifer’s dismay, certain aspects from his former life as an angel had stubbornly remained.
Heaven had always been neither cold nor hot, but rather clean and bright and neutral. Angels rarely experienced different seasons except for when they visited earth, so there had never been the necessity for their bodies to adjust much. The weather changes in Devildom however were brutal and quick in nature.
Soon after his fall from heaven Lucifer had realized that despite him being a demon now, that part of his former nature hadn’t changed; his body’s heat regulation was definitely lacking and barely existent. Refusing to confess this weakness of his, Lucifer hadn’t told anyone about it, not Barbatos and certainly not Diavolo.
Even though Lucifer had kept quiet about it by now Diavolo had probably figured it out though. When you’ve known somebody for decades you tend to notice little details like that.
Subconsciously, Lucifer rubbed his hands together, trying to create warmth as his breath showed in icy puffs in the air. Of course, he could just cast a fire spell, but that would be way too obvious now, wouldn’t it? With an annoyed tut he buried his hands in his coat pockets as he strolled down the dark streets, Diavolo close nearby.
All of a sudden, Diavolo pressed his side closer to Lucifer and smoothly let one of his hands slip into Lucifer’s coat pocket. Warm fingers interlaced with icy ones.
„Diavolo, what is the meaning of this?“ Lucifer asked with furrowed brows, feeling Diavolo’s body heat warming him up little by little.
„It’s fine, no one will notice.“ He nodded towards their hands. „See?“ Diavolo’s hand firmly grasped Lucifer’s, hidden in the folds of his coat pocket, making it look as if they were simply walking a bit too close to each other.
Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat and abashedly, he tore his gaze off the coat pocket. With a sigh, he let it slide. He was too cold to argue and deep down, he didn’t mind this at all. Not that he would ever admit that out loud though.
„Fine, just this once,“ he grumbled as he turned his head, hiding an ever so slight smile on his face.
It was a thirty minute walk to the house of lamentation, but in good company, it felt much shorter than that.
As Lucifer and Diavolo arrived and he begrudgingly let go of Lucifer’s hand, Diavolo lingered in front of the gates. Lucifer turned around to him, his cold fingers resting on the doorknob.
“Today was nice, wasn’t it?” Diavolo mused. “Did you have fun, Lucifer?” His eyes shone piercingly in the dark of the night.
Lucifer tried not to shiver too noticeably as he let go of the doorknob and paid full attention to Diavolo again. “Of course,” he answered as he hid his hands in his pockets. “It’s been a while since I could take it slow for an entire evening, so thank you.”
“No need to thank me! I’m just glad you had fun! However, it’s pretty late already and I’m afraid I have a request to ask of you,” Diavolo started, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Would it be too much to ask if I could stay over tonight? It’s cold and I don’t feel like walking back home.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow in silent question but didn’t inquire any further.
Normally, he would’ve sent Diavolo home, used to his sudden childish outbursts and outlandish requests. Tonight however, he felt quite comfortable and relaxed, so he decided it would be fine to humour Diavolo this once.
“I will ask one of the servants to prepare one of the guest rooms. It might take some time though.”
A lazy smile spread on Diavolo’s lips and he grabbed Lucifer’s shoulders, letting his hands linger for a moment too long. “That’s my Lucifer, thank you!”
Lucifer coughed into his hand. “Diavolo, didn’t I-”
“Why don’t we go inside then?” the demon prince interrupted Lucifer, way too energetic for that time of the day.
After Lucifer had informed the servants of Diavolo’s sudden stay and was informed that the preparations would take them an hour at most, the two of them made their way up to Lucifer’s chambers.
During daytime they would’ve spent their time waiting in the music room, but since it was night and Lucifer didn’t want to wake his brothers or Yuuta, he took Diavolo up to his chambers.
Diavolo immediately threw himself onto Lucifer’s bed without asking for permission, laughing as he spread his arms in a childish manner.
“Diavolo, should you, our future king, really act like that?” Lucifer asked as he mustered him exasperatedly. A sigh escaped his lips as he ran his hand through his hair. Over and over again he was surprised by Diavolo’s carefree behaviour. Whether he was amazed or appalled, he couldn’t quite say.
“Come on Lucifer! We’re both off duty, so it’s fine!”
“Don’t you act the exact same way when you’re on duty?”
Diavolo waved it off as he closed his eyes and relaxed. “There’s nothing wrong with being honest,” he said with a smile on his face.
Lucifer simply sighed, deciding to let it drop. He felt a shiver run through his body and as he rubbed his arms, he weighed his options. After all, Lucifer knew his body wouldn’t warm up as quickly as it should and due to their thirty minute walk home, he felt about ready to turn into an ice statue.
Option one was simple; wait it out until Diavolo’s room was prepared and hope he wouldn’t show any signs of hypothermia until then. Option two was the more honest one; he could just get changed into something warm and admit defeat when it was due.
After a moment of deliberation Lucifer decided on option number two. After all, he was quite sure Diavolo had caught on already. At this point, it was just Lucifer confirming his suspicions.
“If you don’t mind, I’ll get changed quickly,” he simply said, making his way towards his wardrobe as he saw Diavolo giving him a thumbs up from the bed.
This man.
Lucifer randomly grabbed the first thick turtleneck he found and
took off his waistcoat and dress shirt. For a moment, he just stood there, shirtless and freezing, when he suddenly felt another presence behind him.
“Diavolo, what are you doing?” he asked, not having to check whether he was right in his assumption or not. There was no demon with a presence even remotely similar to Diavolo’s. Lucifer had spent year upon year with his demon prince, so by now he could recognize him by scent and presence in his sleep.
Suddenly, Lucifer felt warm fingers tracing over his back. They seemed to follow a certain pattern, carefully tracing raised skin with soft fingertips. The warmth of Diavolo’s hands almost felt like fire on Lucifer’s cool, porcelain skin.
With the softest of touches, Diavolo ran his fingers along the edges of Lucifer’s scars; scars which were the only thing left where once there had been a majestic pair of pure white wings.
Lucifer stopped in his tracks as he realized what exactly Diavolo was doing, his head slightly lowered.
To this day, Lucifer could still remember the feeling of his wings being ripped off his body, could remember the terrible cracking sound filling his eardrums before the pain set in; a last flash of excruciating white before Lucifer plummeted into the comforting darkness.
Now all that was left were those memories and jagged scars.
Lucifer didn’t move as Diavolo explored those scars of the past, almost caressing them.
This was the first time Lucifer had allowed anyone to see his scars so close up front, let alone touch them. Why he granted Diavolo this right, he didn’t know. At any point, he could have interfered and asked Diavolo to stop. Truth was, deep down Lucifer felt safe enough with Diavolo to let him come that close.
He still shivered as Diavolo explored his back with kind hands.
Suddenly, Diavolo froze in his tracks as he spotted the thick turtleneck Lucifer had picked out. His eyes narrowed for a second before he realized how cold Lucifer had felt to his touch. Generally, Lucifer always had a chilly aura surrounding him, but today, his skin felt downright icy.
Diavolo softly grabbed him by the shoulders, making him turn around. He mustered him from head to toe before speaking up. “Lucifer, your lips are blue. Are you sure you’re-”
Lucifer’s cheeks were dusted pink, standing in stark contrast to his fair skin. “I’m fine,” he grumbled, but was ultimately betrayed by his chattering teeth.
“Fine, my ass!” Diavolo exclaimed as he pushed Lucifer forward by his shoulders. “You’re coming with me, this is an order.”
Lucifer tried to protest as Diavolo pushed him onto the bed, climbing onto it after him. Before Lucifer could act up Diavolo grabbed a blanket, threw it around them and pulled Lucifer close to him, flush against his chest. He had Lucifer in a deadlock grip, arms wrapped tightly around Lucifer’s midsection as Diavolo’s knees touched the inside of Lucifer’s.
“Diavolo!” Lucifer protested, but couldn’t help but notice the way his body lost a bit of its stiffness as he was surrounded by Diavolo’s warm body. “Is this your idea of a joke?”
Diavolo pulled Lucifer even closer. “Nope. I’m keeping you right here until you’ve warmed up, since you seem to refuse to take care of yourself.”
Lucifer felt Diavolo’s ever so hot breath graze his neck and shivered, but in a way entirely different than before.
“I do take care of myself,” he protested, which earned him one of Diavolo’s trademark laughs.
“That was a good one, tell another one! Lucifer, you are the most competent demon I know but I’ve never seen you put your health first, not even once. So it’s my duty to make sure you are not overdoing it.”
“Diavolo, I can assure you-”
Diavolo pressed his face into the crook of Lucifer’s neck, shutting him up immediately as his lips momentarily grazed cold skin.
“Just let me take care of you for once,” he mumbled against Lucifer’s neck.
Lucifer could feel his skin heat up where Diavolo’s skin met his. His thoughts flashed back to moments before, to the way Diavolo had caressed his scars without any hesitation, without any judgement.
Quickly, he turned around in Diavolo’s arms, now facing him. His eyes roamed over Diavolo’s face, searching for an answer in his prince’s eyes. Why would Diavolo go to such lengths and beyond? Was he trying to tease Lucifer or was he being genuine right now? Did he maybe have an entirely different goal in mind?
“What is your goal here?” he finally asked, torn between the comfort he found in Diavolo’s warmth and his own inability to fully understand his superior’s motives. “Why would you even-” he stopped as his eyes met Diavolo’s and he found himself painfully aware of the situation they were in right now. This was way beyond your regular work relationship. He could feel the rise and fall of Diavolo’s chest against his own naked one, could feel Diavolo’s warm arms wrapped around his body. Lucifer was painfully aware of the way Diavolo looked back at him with a certain twinkle in his golden eyes.
Holding eye contact, Diavolo grabbed Lucifer’s face with one hand and mustered him. “How haven’t you noticed?” he mumbled, cheeks slightly red.
Ever so slowly, he closed the distance between them, stopping as he saw Lucifer freeze for a second. Before he could pull back again there was a change in Lucifer’s eyes and the demon brought his hands up to the back of Diavolo’s neck. Encouraged, Diavolo pressed his lips against Lucifer’s. Slowly, he moved his lips and was delighted to see Lucifer reciprocate. Cold lips quickly heated up with passion as soft kisses tuned into more sloppy ones.
They spent their night taking delight in each other’s bodies, leaving rough marks and blushing hickeys all over. As if a dam had broke, they completely lost themselves in passion, lost themselves in swollen lips, bruised hipbones and scratches down his back, lost themselves in their own world, pent up until they finally both found refuge in an ultimate union.
It was early in the morning hours when Diavolo hastily dressed himself, throwing one last look back at Lucifer’s sleeping face.
Regret filled his chest as he looked down at the demon he had slept with hours prior.
“I’m sorry, Lucifer,” he mumbled as he pressed one last chaste kiss to his cheek. “Forgive me.”
He pulled the doors shut behind him as he made his way down the hallway, away from his right hand man.
Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10
71 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
Fr, like it haunts me. And also “taht”
I just can’t escape. It’s like a curse 😭
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4K notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
Why is this getting so much attention
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I said I was going to take a break from writing fanfics…. How am I supposed to do that if this is constantly in my head!! 😭
Damn it.
I might break my promise to myself (and so early too! This is terrible! 😭)
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flappingdragon · 2 days
Alright. I guess I can pitch in :)
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
Uhhhhh…. Just to keep the chain going: @turtleybeachin @tealtopaztiger @hgvhehehe
tag game 🤭
rules: color the sentence that's true about you
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
this is a whole lot of yellow lmfao
no pressure tags: @marthawrites @schniiipsel @aemonddtargaryen @aemondsbabe @adragonprinceswhore @arcielee @black-dread @lovelykhaleesiii @aemondsbabygirl @valeskafics @connorsui
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flappingdragon · 2 days
It’s alright, man. I’ve only read the first few sentences but I understand every bit of it. My art block kind of turned into me stop drawing and forgetting how to do traditional. I lost count of how many years have gone by with art block. And the lack of motivation doesn’t help, either.
I hope things get better for you! And hopefully that new drawing tablet doesn’t cause any problems for you later :)
Sorry for the absence.
I kinda hit a Art block and motivation stump. The new tablet didn’t help things. I’m struggling to get used to it. Maybe I’m being a baby, but it was upsetting to read comments about how the art looks fine, but it felt like pulling teeth to draw. I can’t get a comfortable grip anymore, it hurts my ears for some reason, I’m impatient trying to get used it. It’s a mess.
I needed to back off and do other stuff. Drawn other stuff but I haven’t posted here. But maybe later I’ll feel more comfortable to share.
I know I said I’d do commissions this month, but it’s a little too late for that. I’ll see if I can properly set them in June. So sorry again.
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Here’s a dawg
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flappingdragon · 2 days
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112 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
i just think lulu wouldn't like me... but that doesn't stop me from LOVING HIM
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178 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
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Lucifer and the Morningstar
I did a wallpaper for my cellphone and I wanted to share it! <3
And yes, u are free to use it <3
1K notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
Mc: What are you eating?
Lucifer: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty.
Mc: I’m dating you, don't I?
466 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
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Behind the scenes
124 notes · View notes
flappingdragon · 2 days
My little Mermay contribution but it’s just tails and for my new OM fic🔥
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10 notes · View notes