escad-dacse · 1 month
Tips on how to be numb?
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escad-dacse · 1 month
I wonder what it feels like to be loved fiercely, to receive a love unconditionally for a change. I just wonder, then reality hits me back.
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escad-dacse · 2 months
I think I'm down pretty bad. I don't even know why I like you. Is it the long term touch deprivation talking? The hidden insecurities? I don't even know. I just want to spend most of my time being with you.
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escad-dacse · 2 months
Dinner date (although I really wouldn't call it a date I guess lol whatever) with glasses guy was kinda nice. Idk if he was just being polite or something but I won't look too much into that. I enjoyed his company though I hope he had fun and was comfortable too.
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escad-dacse · 2 months
I may be a hypocrite for saying this but insecurity is unattractive, especially if it's coupled with attachment issues. Just saying nothing personal, it's tiring I'm sorry.
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escad-dacse · 2 months
Why am I so fucking horknee?! I need an intervention or an exorcism or something. Fuck.
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escad-dacse · 3 months
Here's me joining a dating app for the sole purpose of improving my social interaction skills. Well never thought I'd write that down on my bucket list lol.
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escad-dacse · 4 months
How do you seduce straight guys again? loljk. I'm no homewrecker. 🤡
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escad-dacse · 4 months
Okay scratch option E since he's apparently taken and straight lol easier to let go then that's that. 🦖
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escad-dacse · 4 months
I have a thing for cute nerds (glasses-core, braces-core, etc.) apparently, I blame myself for this. lol
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escad-dacse · 5 months
Develop romantic interest in:
A. A pastry chef / entrepreneur
B. A gym bud freelancer
C. A coffee economics nerd
D. None of the above
E. Cute braces guy (probably straight but whatever I'm stupid that way lol, heck they're all probably straight except C lol)
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escad-dacse · 6 months
"Alone but not lonely."
What does it mean to be lonely? Is it simply a feeling? A state of being, or rather the absence of a certain state?
We must've "experienced" this at least once in our lifetime. But is this something universal?
Is it much "felt" when we're alone? Or does it "feel" the same even when we're with other people?
Empty. Devoid. Intangible. I can think of different words associated with it but it doesn't give justice to what it truly means.
One song even says, "Nobody wants to be lonely." but does this hold true to all? There might be a person out there who wants to be in that state?
Should we worry? Is it dangerous? A threat to one's being? Is a person not allowed to feel loneliness?
So what does it take for one to be "lonely"?
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escad-dacse · 7 months
Hello creeping feeling of loneliness.
It's not that I'm bothered by it, rather it makes me feel self aware of my feelings. Makes me feel more "human"?
Or am I just rationalising my ass off again. Anyways chile. 🦖
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escad-dacse · 7 months
Maybe it was performance anxiety? Idk? Not comfortable being in public spaces? Well anyway that's sort of like a bucket list? lol
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escad-dacse · 9 months
I think I need a "healthier" relationship with alcohol. I'm not a drunk or dependent on it but once I drink I have a bad habit of not saying no. Well maybe it's that people pleasing side of me that needs to piss off around these times. 😮‍💨
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escad-dacse · 9 months
I'm feeling extra horknee tonight but whyyyyyy. Freaking hormones. 😩
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escad-dacse · 1 year
Idk, maybe I should just get laid "properly" once so I can get my horny-all-the-fucking-time phase ahead of me.
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