errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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Ai generated images need to be controlled and regulated!
The music industry has shown that this is possible and that music, musicians and copyright can be protected! We need this for visual art too!  The database scraps all art they can find on the internet! Artists didn’t give their permission and there is no way to opt out! Even medical reports and photos that are classified are being fed into those ai machines! It’s unethical and criminal and they weasel they way around legal terms!
Stand with artists! Support them! Regulate AI!
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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🥦 Grocery clerks 🥦
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
What would happen if Toby found this cute ball of fluff of a mystery creature and took it home because he that it'd probably die without help. Then as it grew older it started to learn how to talk, hunt for its own food, ect. Then Slender realized it's actually a super powerful demon, but Toby was already kind of like it's daddy and it loved the proxies like family?
“New pet :)”
“..Toby, no.”
It’s incredibly risky to have this cute call of death and destruction hobbling around the manor on Toby’s shoulders
As much as he is notorious for bringing home things he shouldn't bringing home a creature of death is certainty around the top of the list.
there are more Beasts of the Black Forest than one would assume. It's one of the first things that Toby learned about when he arrived at the manor.
Not only do other beings pose a risk when out on the field, but Beasts are dangerous to encounter depending on which kind you are dealing with.
The one that Toby has brought home is unidentified, which makes Slender think it's nothing but bad news. Every time Toby steps into the room, something bad happens.
Now, that's usually the norm for Toby, but he should at least be interacting with something or someone first.
Just the near presence of that creature has almost cost Slender death by bad luck. A knife falling, nearly tripping into the open loaded with steak knives dishwasher, almost dropping Mother's prized vase (she would have had his head on a stake).
He's fully convinced that the creature promotes Murphy's Law (added with some spice of near-death experiences as well).
Toby's new pet, who is now named Murphy who overheard Slender's complaints, had to be kept outside in a makeshift dog house that it will certainly grow out of in the future.
Toby spends all of his time with it, finally getting the dream of playing with his own 'dog' since he was little.
So perhaps Slender can make arrangements for the new family pet.
"You want me to w h a t?" Mrs. P merely glanced at the creature and furrowed her brow at Slender.
"Uncursify it, if you can. All it's good for is bringing bad luck and stealing food from dinner plates."
"Slender, darling, I'm not even sure if that's possible if it was born with it, but I suppose I can try to do some work on the poor thing."
And so, Mrs. P. took Murphy for a few days inside her little cottage on the cliff. She avoided and miraculously survived falling bubbling potions, burn marks, a pack of rabid opossums, and even Eyeless Jack falling through her chimney.
Although she was unsuccessful, Mrs. P managed to find a loophole around this mysterious force residing inside little Murphy.
Slender came with Toby that day to pick him up, and the inside of the cottage was in near shambles but Mrs. P looked pleased with the result of the beast.
"Oh you put bling on him." Toby laughed and held both of the beast's paws to admire the sparkling necklace around his companion's neck.
"It's a charm blessed with luck and whatever handful of crystals and luck-based artifacts I could get my hands on in three days. And since he's had it on, I haven't been attacked by a single opossum. In fact, they all mysteriously fell asleep in the fire pit."
"Why do you say possum like that?" Slender squinted.
"Like what? I say it just how you say it except I write it with an 'o' on paper."
And with that note, they left for home, and Murphy was allowed to eat off Toby's plate once more. Murphy will continue to grow into the size of a large dog, but he's content being the perfect size to nap across Toby's shoulders for now.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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Don't mind me doing an experiment on how to get the silly adult filter off of this post
My >5 words, like we discussed: A creative Eef with taste.
Splendor [MA AUIDENCE]
When horny, this motherfucker is the biggest tease you'll ever meet.
He thinks your reactions to the small things are so cute and funny, and he can't resist squeezing them out of you.
Under the table, when dining with friends in engaging conversations, Splendors clawed fingertips continuously raked up and down your bare thigh.
You were so close to just beating the hell out of him with all of the silverware you didn't know how to use and wiping that coy smirk off of his face.
But you didn't, because you enjoyed the feeling of his hands along your thighs.
You squeaked, feeling his finger wrap the hem of your pants.
"[Y/N], are you alright?"
"I'm fine-."
"They're fine." Splendor chimed in, presenting that charming smile that could ease anyone of their worries.
Back at the house, you barely made it through the front door without Splendor nipping at your heels.
His lips smashed against yours as the back of your knees met the bed. He was absolutely hungry, devouring you in love nips and kisses as his lips traveled your body.
He was rough, excited to get your clothes off and feel your body. Every time felt like the first time with you. Upon pondering, you decided to take the reigns and take the lead for tonight.
Your bodies rolled in unison, leaving a trail of kisses to your destination, and despite his towering figure, it was ridiculously easy to straddle his lap.
The bulge of his erection pressed between your thighs, and gently teased you through your rustling fabric.
You sighed against him, running your fingertips down the curve of his spine. Splendor shivered and nuzzled against your pulse, "Oh sweetheart, the things you do to me..."
A bell chimed, then another one, and another one. The cold metal of Splendor's bells bit your heated skin as the tendrils slithered up your torso.
His ombre skin held such a beautiful gradient from black to a crystal pale, and not to mention the smoothness of his hand against your face was to die for.
You danced your fingertips across his skin, trailing a layer of pleasant goosebumps where ever you led. His cock kept poking your thigh through his suit pants, nudging to get your attention.
You couldn't wait, because if you decided to start another section of foreplay, you'd be sucking his dick all night long.
Splendor moaned softly, it was barely a moan, but you picked up the gentle whine as you rolled your hips across his lap.
"Oh, my love, please be kind to me." He chuckled sheepishly, blushing through his freckled cheeks. "You know how much I hate a tease." Those damn puppy dog eyes capture you every time.
"Hypocrite." You giggled, cupping his jaws and pressing a long kiss on his lips before rolling your hips one last time, and finally sitting down on his cock.
Splendor groaned, framing your hips in his large hands to help you steady his twitching member. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to hush your shaking legs.
"Are you alright, my love?" He hummed, soothingly running a hand along your back. You nodded with a content sigh, and raised your head from the cologne-smelling crook of his neck to peck him on the cheek.
"You know, we don't have to do this. We could- [Y/N]!" Splendor gasped at the sight of you raising and plopping down on him. He was the only man you've met that made your entire body quiver with lust.
His chest heaved with a sigh that morphed into a pleasurable growl, staring at you through those precious eyelashes of his.
His canines poked out just enough for you to feel threatened, but that excitement only motivated you to raise up once more.
Splendor clenched the softness of your thigh and your waist, and with a devilish smirk, helped push you back down onto his cock, nicely stretching you out for what was to come.
He was just too big, and it was a struggle to adjust properly, and Splendor allowed you to have this moment of control, rolling your hips and humping his cock like the desperate creature you are.
It felt so good filling you up, pushing your stretching boundaries to their limits.
It felt so good, almost too grand for Splendor to handle. Your body was intoxicating to him, every time you took your clothes off it felt as if he was entering a new realm of love and desire. He couldn't control himself. He wanted more, he needed more of you.
His lips hungrily attacked your skin, leaving both quick tastes of your flesh and full hickeys where he pleased. But your legs were growing tired, and shaking too hard to continue their journey of pleasure.
No matter, Splendor will gladly take the reigns in your comfort.
His legs propped up, and he pushed into a bit further, causally positioning you close to him, all while having the delight of your pleasure in his palms.
Melting into his lips, you could feel his claws carefully dragging up your thighs, across your curves he oh so much loved to compliment, and finally rested on your back in a firm squeeze.
You couldn't hold the kiss for the first pump, his full-length vaulting into you. That moan absolutely sent your lover into a craze. He needed to hear more, he couldn't care about his own pleasure less. He wanted to hear you scream, hear you moan his name, and clutch at the sheets.
Which you did.
All. Night. Long.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
How the slashers comfort you when you're upset
Time for some self-indulgent fluff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jason Voorhees
Most of the time when you’re upset, Jason’s first instinct is to offer you physical comfort. He remembers how his mother used to hold him close and whisper sweet words into his ear when he was a little boy and someone hurt him. He thinks it was a great way to make someone feel better.
Jason has been through many, many situations that have caused him mental (and physical) pain, and he hates to see you go through those same emotions, even if the reasons behind them aren’t the same as in his case.
God forbid, if anyone ever actually bullied you, Jason would cut them in half on the spot. He doesn’t really care anymore what other people think or say about him, but he does care what people dare say about the person most important to him.
Jason will wrap you in one of his mighty bear hugs and refuses to let go until you either have trouble breathing or need to go to the bathroom.
If you want to talk, Jason will listen to. He is a very good listener! And it’s only partly because of his reluctance to speak himself. He wants to know what you’re upset about, but he won’t pressure you into telling him if you don’t want to.
If there’s anything concrete Jason can do to make you feel better, he will do it. It doesn’t matter what it takes. You want ice cream at three in the morning because you had a bad dream? Jason will get you some.
It might take a while, but he will not return without some ice cream.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba’s go-to way of cheering people up is trying to make them laugh. He will act all silly in front of you to provoke a smile out of you. It becomes his current mission to goof around until you feel better.
Although Bubba himself thinks his plan to improve your mood is better than anything else, he will stop dashing about and listen if you needs to get something off your chest. He will pet your hair and let you cry into his chest the whole night if you want to.
Bubba is also a top-notch cuddler, and will gladly provide a man-sized body pillow to hold onto if you want to be close to him. You don’t need to talk if you don’t want to. It’s perfectly fine to just lie down together in bed and listen to the calming sound of his breathing.
Chop Top Sawyer
When Chop Top that notices that you aren’t as expressive or chatty as usual and can’t quite keep up with him, he gets worried. He’ll be all over you in a matter of seconds, fussing in a half-serious manner about whether you’re sick or sad or about to leave him.
Chop thinks that the best way to get one’s mind off something depressing is to ignore all negative feelings and go about as usual. Or in Chop’s case, go about in a way more chaotic manner than usual. He tells you that that way, by the end of the day, you’ll either have forgotten about your low mood or will have worn yourself out so much that you don’t care anymore.
If this doesn’t sound like a good deal to you, you can also tell Chop Top to leave you alone for a while. Let’s face it: with his personality and energy levels, it’s difficult for him to be mindful about the fact that some people prefer to have quiet time when they’re upset.
It’ll be quite the task to get Chop off your back, though. If you want alone time, it may require you to evade him until you feel better.
Chop doesn’t always understand why you would want to get rid of him, either.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas grew up in an environment where talking about your troubles was the best solution for them. When he sees you upset about something, he wants to sit you down next to him so you can tell him what it is that’s bothering you.
If you’re not into talking about it, he will leave you alone until you are. He doesn’t feel like there’s anything more that he could do for you in those situations. It’s not that he wants to leave you alone when you’re feeling bad. He just thinks that perhaps an opportunity to think things through will help you clear your head and make you feel better.
Of course, you can suggest something else if you know what it is you need. Although he thinks talking is the best medicine, Thomas is not going to deny you anything something else.
You want him to hug you close? Done. You want to cry into his shirt? Go ahead. You want him to go saw off someone’s limbs and/or head? He can do that.
Whatever will help, he’ll do it for you.
Brahms Heelshire
Contrary to what you might expect, Brahms can be very empathetic at times. He often worries if you’re actually happy about staying with him (not that it would matter one way or the other if you weren’t – he would keep you regardless).
He knows that because of the life has imposes on you, he is essentially your entire world. He has to be the one to offer you comfort; to offer you anything you could ever need in a relationship. Brahms knows that, and he respects that.
He tries to make himself approachable when he sees you’re upset about something. He immediately stitches out of his ‘little boy’ mode and embraces his ‘big, strong and protective man’ mode. The times when you’re upset are the kind of moments where he wants to be the more responsible one in the relationship.
He likes it when you take care of him, but when you’re sad, he wants to be the one to care for you. Just as he is your everything, you are his everything.
Brahms likes to comfort you with physical gestures. He will lie you on the sofa with your back against the back of the sofa and your face burried into his chest. He’ll pet you rhair and nuzzle the top of your head while occasionally humming out a slow tune.
Michael Myers
Michael does not care if you’re feeling bad. He has no sense of comfort in his entire being. If you tell him you’re feeling bad, he will give you his signature blank stare before going back to his own business.
He might stop whatever he is doing if you insist that he comfort you. He won’t be happy about it, but he’ll do it. He doesn’t understand why you should feel bad, especially if there’s no specific reason. He would get it if you were upset about someone sucker-punching you in the street, but other than that Michael doesn’t see why you’d let your emotions run wild as they are.
If you’re strong enough to ignore the fact that he’s basically dead inside, you can get something resembling comfort out of him. He will cuddle you if you want him to but no promises that he won’t demand a sexy reward afterwards
If you cry, Michael gets uncomfortable, so that’s your best weapon against him. He will do almost anything to make it stop, partly because he hates to see you that upset and partly because it’s messy and annoying.
You want to play with his knife? Would that make you feel better? Get a few tears onto your cheeks and you have a fair shot of making that happen.
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Head is confused: What do you mean you’re upset? You do realise you’re in Silent Hill, which means you are supposed to be upset? It’s not a happy place, and no happy or innocent people end up there.
Human emotions are a difficult concept for Pyramid Head to grasp. You’re spewing water out of your eyes, but it isn’t because of the ash in the town? How bizarre.
He acts like he doesn’t understand and doesn’t give a shit, but he cares about you in his own strange way and wants to make you feel better. He knows physical suffering better than most, but doesn’t pay much mind to his or others’ emotions, so it surprises him when he sees you so openly vulnerable and sad.
Pyramid Head has no idea what to do or what you want from him, so you’ll have to walk him through the process of comforting. Tell him explicitly what it is you want. He will do his best to provide you with what you need.
If you let him take charge of the situation, he will take you out for a walk to get whatever’s troubling you off your mind. Pyramid Head is certain that what exists in the bowels of the town will be so much more disturbing than what you’re going through, and it will help get your mind off things.
He is right.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
hii could you write a fluffy blurb about reader taking spence to like a rooftop or somewhere cozy where they can stargaze to try to distract and relax him from his season 6 migraines that he’s been so aggy about (just thinking abt warm kisses whilst being in the cold, n im defo seeing spence in his purple scarf while this happens)
"This is going to be worth it, I promise." You assure Spencer as you take the stairs to the top of the apartment building where you both live. "Trust me when I say it was difficult to convince Steven to give me the keys."
"Y/n." He winces, clearly having a more intense moment of his two-day-long migraine.
You wish you could help him, but all you can do is let him squeeze your hand as you open the door to the rooftop. He's pressing his palm into his eye as you reveal your surprise.
There are fairy lights over the open metal gazebo. You've made the floor more comfortable with some cushions, blankets, snacks, and anything you could think of that might relieve a migraine. It does look cute, in your biased opinion.
"You did this for me?" He asks as he takes it in.
"I did." You say, motioning for him to sit down before you do the same thing. "You're pretty bad at taking care of yourself, no offense, so I'm going to do it for you."
He smiles gratefully, leaning his head back as he relaxes slightly. "Thank you."
"I got a bunch of things to help, just some internet research so I don't know if it will work." You continue, grabbing the bag to take things out of it and handing them to him. "Ginger, essential oils, magnesium pills, Advil, vitamins, lots of water, tea, and this random thing that I brought online that's basically a cold compress."
He melts, smiling at you as much as he can without it hurting. "Thank you. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."
He actually looks relaxed for once, and you lean down to kiss him gently. "Drink some water, baby." You direct as you grab the ice pack headgear you'd brought and put it on him. "Then we can lay here until you sleep or feel better."
"The cold does feel good." He admits, resting back against the pillow. "It would also help me feel better if you cuddle me."
You smile at your pretty boyfriend, even if he looks more drained than usual. "Sure, handsome." You agree, nestling down into his arms, and pulling a blanket over both of you.
"I love you." He says, pressing a hand to your cheek and tilting your face so you can kiss him again and again.
"I love you, too."
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
OK since we’re on the slendad train (I’m loving it) and I need more wholesome content. Like a scenario Slender who’s like a dad to the reader, could I request slender’s reaction to finding out he’s gonna be grandfather and how the reader goes about revealing the surprise
With the current state I'm in this works out better mentally in headcanons for me, I'm very sorry, and I hope you enjoy regardless. I just got way too many scenario requests this time and that really tires me out.
Also, left it unstated how the grandchildren are coming into the family so the reader could stay GN
Slender had quite honestly never even stopped to consider what life would be like if he became a grandfather. He had you, and he had the other residents, and he had his business. In his mind, he was all set and complete, and especially because he never wanted to make you feel like you'd have to get children of your own someday, he never really had grandchildren on the forefront of his mind.
So, when you sit him down saying that you have big news (because really, just openly breaking it to him that way is the best idea), he was NOT expecting you to tell him that he was going to be a grandfather, and he's completely blindsided by it. Of course, due to the shock of it all, he's completely silent for a moment, trying to process it, but once you start worrying he's quick to tell you he's not upset in the slightest, he just wasn't expecting it. In fact, the more he thinks about it, he's honestly really quite excited about it! His mind is filling with thoughts of new children running around, of new smiles and faces filling up the mansion, and he's really truly quite excited about the fact that you'll be bringing kids into your own life as well. 
He is also fully completely supportive and there for you if you need any sort of help. Parenting advice, assistance with getting a bedroom ready, help with getting things for the kid, also?? BABYSITTING??? This man is more than willing to babysit for you every now and then if you just need a little break, and I mean not every day obviously, but if you need him to pop in and help out sometimes he has no issues fulfilling that grandpa role and looking after your kid, helping them out, being a tutor or just taking them out for a day of fun so you can get in some extra sleep and rest that you will probably need. Slender is fully excited and prepared to be the best goddamn grandpa that he can be, trust me, he's just as excited about the new little one as you are. 
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
some dad zalgo comforting his teen when their stressed out
I am thriving with all of the dad Zalgo content. I wish Zalgo was requested more, I miss writing for him
Zalgo is no stranger to being stressed out himself. He's the king of the Underworld, in charge of ruling over its entirety, and he has his own business on the side, which means he's doing a lot of work all the time. He's no stranger to burning out, even after having been training for this his whole life, and with you around always harping on him to take care of himself he tries to.
So, when he senses you having the same stress bubbling up inside of yourself, he feels himself sighing and shaking his head as the tables have finally turned. Zalgo is a man that works behind the scenes, taking care of things in the background, and that's what he does in this case. He knows he's not the best parent, what with his schedule and responsibilities, but he can't stand watching you be so stressed. To remedy this, he comes up with a nice little surprise for you. He'll clear both of your schedules for a few days, and he'll make time for the two of you to have some time off to spend together, whether you go out on a vacation, or just stay home at the castle spending time together.
When he tells you of such plans he can sense immediately that you're going to argue against it, tell him you're fine and you can keep going, you have to finish these things, but when he tells you that you get upset at him when he makes the same arguments you finally relent, going along with his plans. You end up being glad you did. The two of you have a lot of fun together, spending time cooking together, something you don't often get to do, watching some shows and movies together to show Zalgo things he otherwise wouldn't watch, going out sightseeing a little bit, just talking and venting and enjoying your time together. It's wonderful for both of you as an amazing bonding experience, just letting the two of you have some time to destress and be together. He might not be the best parent, but he sure as hell tries, and when you give him that happy, stress-free smile, he feels like he's finally doing something right. He promises to himself that he'll always be available to do this with you, and that's a promise he will absolutely keep.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
dad zalgo reacting to finding his teen sleeping in his office?
Zalgo is an incredibly busy man, obviously, as the king of the Underworld and the owner and founder of his own assassination business. Because of this, he doesn't often get to spend as much time with you as he would like to, especially when he has jobs and meetings away from the castle, making him unable to see you.
That was the current situation. He'd been away for several days, and told you he would be returning tonight. Of course, as luck would have it, he'd gotten held back and was returning far later than he'd meant or wanted to, and he was sure you'd, unfortunately, be in bed by the time he'd actually gotten back. What he wasn't expecting, as he trudged through his many halls and up all of his staircases to get to his office, was to find you asleep inside, curled up and sleeping peacefully in his huge, plush office chair. His heart sunk immediately at the sight, knowing you'd probably been waiting up for him, wanting to see him before going to your own bed, and it greatly saddened him that he wasn't home to be with you more frequently, as you deserved his attention.
He quickly sends you off to your own bed with some magic, already getting to work at planning something to make it up for you. When you yourself trudge downstairs the next day, expecting an empty castle, you're shocked to see him sitting at the dining table, a large breakfast prepared by him for you sitting on the table, an apologetic smile on his face. He explains he's taken some time off work, a few days as it's all he can afford, to spend time with you and make up for all of those days he couldn't. He'll spoil you rotten, take you wherever you want to go, do whatever you want to do. You say the word, and it's done. He knows he's not the best father in the world, but he wants to be there for you and make you as happy as he possibly can. He loves you dearly, even if he's not the best at showing it, and so he tries his best to make it up to you, in any way that he can.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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#mabsdrawlloweenclub day 13: thirteen
#mabsdrawlloweenclub2022 #mabsdrawlloweenclubday13 #JasonVoorhes #campcrystallake #fridaythe13th #horror #horrormovies #horrorfan #slasher #monsters #horroraddict #dailydrawing #horrorart #horrorartwork #horrorfilm
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
I for once remembered to record a speedpaint again.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
Hey!, how are you?, I just read your "accidentally hurting/killing their s/o’s" posts you did for Jeff, E.J., Slender and the Proxies and I was wondering if you can do for Laughing Jack and Jason The ToyMaker?, it's okay if you choose to ignore it, have a nice day/night (n_n) <3
The poor bois. I decided to only do LJ to save time, but shoot another request and I'll be happy to do Jason :]
Laughing Jack
He didn't even realize what he did until your legs suddenly folded, and you collapsed into his arms.
You asked for some candy.
A single piece, no more or less.
Just to taste a sweet drop after dinner to bless your taste buds. After all, Jack always had the best tasting candy, considering he makes it himself.
But Jack, having a busy mind that night with recent work events and politics, happened to absentmindedly pluck one out of his pocket and give it to you to enjoy.
And it tasted better than usual, like all of your favorite flavors swirled into one piece of heaven. It was truly delightful, and you had no time away from the distraction of flavor to realize your organs were shutting down.
The poison set in very quicky, wasting no time in attacking your nervous system and bringing you crashing into Jacks shaking arms.
He cried out in hate towards himself, and disbelief that there was nothing he could do. Such a foolish act to create a poison and no antidote.
He wanted to say something. Anything. Anything at all that would soothe you in your final moments. But you were already gone. His distraught face was the last thing you saw before the life faded from your eyes and bloody tears cried wherever they could seep out.
You were dead.
And it was his fault.
He made the candy. He gave you the candy.
You died without a second thought. All because you trusted him.
Because you loved him.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
Blurb on Derek giving spencer “advice” on
How to swoon reader but when he desperately tries to flirt with reader by acting like Derek the reader is all like “you know you can be yourself right?” This is just so cute and funny to me 😍
Love love love
“I just really want her to like me.” Spencer whines, trying not to look at you from across the bar. It’s basically impossible when you’re so enticing. He can’t help his eyes drifting over to you.
“You have to be smooth then, charm her.” Morgan instructs him. “Flirt with her, play some cat and mouse, touch her a little. You have to make her want you, and before you know it, you’ll have a girlfriend.”
Spencer shakes his head firmly. “I can’t.” Even with two drinks in him, when he’s bolder than usual, there’s no way he can flirt with you. “Seriously. She’ll just think I’m an idiot.”
“No, she won’t, kid,” Morgan reassures him. “I’ll give you some pointers if you want.”
Spencer’s first instinct is to shut him down. He’s never going to be able to get with you so why not try with one of Morgan’s routines. But the longer he thinks about his friend's flirting, the more clear the answer becomes. “Okay.” He agrees. If Morgan’s gotten countless girls to go home with him, something he does must work. “But I’m not baby-girling her.”
“Good. Garcia wouldn’t be happy with you.” Morgan reminds him. “What you need to do is go over there.” He points to the bar where you’re sitting with the girls. “Stand behind her with your arm on one side of her so when you talk, it’s in her ear. Ask her if she wants a drink. Then sit next to her, tap your knees against hers, compliment her and let the conversation go from there. Easy.”
It doesn’t sound easy. “Is that really going to work?” Spencer asks, not wanting to be set up.
Morgan hands him the rest of his beer. “If you drink this, ditch the cardigan, roll up your sleeves, gain some confidence, make eye contact and stop thinking so hard. Also, lower your voice.”
Spencer unhappily gulps down the rest of the beer, grimacing at the taste. He much prefers cocktails with enough sugar in them to make a normal person sick.
Morgan slaps him on the back as he gets up. “Go get the girl, lover boy.”
He’s nervous as he walks over. Although he’s permanently nervous around you. Following Morgan’s instructions, he places her hand on the bar to your right side and hovers behind you.
You don’t expect such a bold move to come from Spencer Reid, but you recognize those forearms and that cologne. “Spencer.” You hum, looking up at him. To your left, JJ and Penelope are watching eagerly.
“Want a drink?” He offers, already flagging down a bartender. His voice does make a noticeable shiver run down your spine.
You order another of what you were drinking and Spencer, much to your surprise, orders a scotch. It’s his own improv move, figuring Morgan doesn’t go around sipping cocktails.
He slides into the seat beside you while your drinks get made, and he spins the chair around so you’re facing him. That was smooth.
He taps his knee against yours, hoping you realize it’s more than just because he’s tall. “Green really is your color.” He says, looking at your olive-colored blouse.
“Thanks.” You reply, slightly suspicious. You hadn’t even realized Spencer noticed things about girls until now.
“It might be my new favorite color now.” He continues, cringing at every word. “Or maybe your eye color.”
You laugh, and he tenses, worried about how you're reacting. "Tell me more." You prompt.
"I'd love to." He agrees. "At mine or yours?"
"How do I know you're not a serial killer?" You ask, leaning closer and grinning.
He frowns at you. "What do you mean? Obviously, I'm not, we work together against serial killers."
"Really? Because I thought maybe you were one of those frat boys." You nod to a group of backward-cap-wearing, colored-shorts kids. "Who definitely have fake IDs."
"What?" He asks again, confused.
You touch his knee lightly with your hand. "Spencer, you know you can be yourself around me, right? I like you, not some really odd persona."
He's blushing, more from your confession than embarrassment. "You like me?" He squeaks.
"I do." You assure him. "Real you, though. Can I have him back?"
"Yes." He nods quickly. "You can."
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
Make a slasher x fem y/n with a weird way of stimming! (Basically they pace around rooms or open spaces in circles or weird patterns whispering to themselves pretending someones there, full on imaging conversations! Id like to see how bubba and brahms would react to this hut its ur choice! :D
>.< That imperative mood kinda hurt my feelings but thanks for requesting anyway.
I know nothing bout stimming (and it prolly shows) but this was fun to write regardless ^^
Bubba Sawyer
Is so confused!
Because Bubba grew up and currently lives under a rock, basically, he didn't know such a thing as stimming existed until his s/o explained it to him.
He is still unsure why they do it, exactly, but Bubba thinks that as long as it makes them feel better and doens't cause harm to them or anyone else, it's fine.
Sometimes when his s/o is in the middle of their stimming business, Bubba likes to copy them. He doesn't benefit from the activity but thinks it's mighty fun. Like a game he can play with his s/o!
If anyone else copied his s/o *cough Chop Top cough* and especially if they did it in a mocking manner *side glance Nubbins*, Bubba would be furious.
If their game; his and his s/o's alone! Everyone else ought to back off or Bubba's going to break out the buzzaw...
He'll stop stimming along if his s/o tells him that it's annoying or disrespectful or disturbing. Bubba knows people have boundaries and wants to respect them - he just gets too excited and carried away sometimes.
Othertimes Bubba has to follow his s/o on their stimming route throughout the house because he knows they don't always close the things they open and put things back in their rightful places, which drives Drayton crazy.
Bubba wants to protect his s/o from the wrath of his brother! (He is very good at it, because he knows what kind of things get under Drayton's skin).
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms doesn't really care what his s/o does in their private time. Or he tells them so, while in reality he either hangs out in the same room all the time or watches them from inside the walls.
(Which is nasty, and his s/o has told him to stop but he won't)
Anyway, when Brahms first saw his s/o dashing about the sitting room whispering to themself as if enagged in a fascinating conversation, he becase very suspicious.
Were they talking to someone?
Did they have headphones on and had managed to call someone without him noticing?
Were they trying to hide the conversation from him?
Were they saying bad thigs about him?
Did it have something to do with him?
When he confronted them about it (in a manner that was simultaneously pouty and aggressive, as is Brahms' style) and they explained it to him, brahms kind of lost interest in the whole thing.
As stated, he doesn't care what his s/o does with their own time.
That doesn't mean that he has stopped watching them from inside the walls, whether they're stimming or not. A small kindling doubt about his s/o's sincerity does gnaw at his brain when he sees them do it.
What if they do get on the phone to someone?
If it seems like his s/o is true to their word, Brahms won't confront them about it again. Unless they give him reason to do something about it, he just leaves them to it.
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errorbxtchmariah · 1 year
If this counts as a scenario you don't have to do it, but I wanna know Slenderman, Offenderman and Zalgo's reaction to their s/o making them breakfast in bed.
If you don't mind I will make us all drool
The breakfast: strawberry shortcake style pancakes with bacon, panda express styke noodles with ham and sunny side up eggs in top, a sundea with the prefered flavor of ice cream, and a couole freshly baked cookies with either mikk or juice or whatever drink they want.
Pretty please and thank you
- 🐺
I did not mention all of that food because that would take up a majority of my writing, but breakfast in bed here we come~
You have to get up EARLY to get this man breakfast in bed because he gets up at like six in the morning every single day, so for you to do that in itself has him feeling special. So long as he has some coffee, normally he's fine, but he'll indulge in some of the food you've brought him. He has a small appetite in the mornings and doesn't eat a lot, but he must admit it's nice to just sit back, relax with you first thing in the morning, and not have to worry about making his own little snack food for a change. He'll talk with you about his day and yours, what's coming up for the two of you, and just relax for a little bit longer before he has to go about all of his responsibilities. He does feel bad he doesn't eat most of the food, but he'll return the favor for you tomorrow by preparing you your own breakfast in bed, made with all of your favorite foods and treats. 
Wanna know what the best way to absolutely ruin, destroy, and wreck his heart is? DOMESTIC SHIT! As a natural romantic, stuff like this absolutely ruins him, and he'll feel so fucking special and fall even harder for you if you make him a big breakfast in bed, it just melts his heart, and he can't handle how flustered it gets him first thing in the morning. He'll snuggle up with you, have the two of you feed each other some bites of food, and exchange kisses between bites. He definitely takes his time with you in such a situation, just enjoying the atmosphere and spending his morning with his favorite person in the whole world. You make him so genuinely happy, make him feel so loved, and seen, and appreciated, and he doesn't know what he would do without you. He figures he can start, however, by spoiling you for the entirety of the day as thanks for making him breakfast and surprising him like that.
Zalgo loves spending his mornings with you whenever he can, as he's often always so busy, so for you to wake up a bit early and surprise him with breakfast in bed genuinely has him feeling so lovestruck and emotional. He'll sit you in his lap and feed the two of you, sneaking some smooches as his hands tiredly wander, rubbing and smoothing over your skin. It's wholesome and loving, as he just feels most at peace when he can feel your presence. He also takes his time and relaxes with you, going over his schedule for the day and planning when the two of you will be able to spend time together, making time for you even amidst the busiest of his days. Of course, he'll also make time to have a few gifts delivered for you as thanks, and he'll try and sneak out of work a bit early to prepare you a nice, homemade dinner to eat with you and repay you for your hard work this morning. You deserve nothing less for the joy and love you give him.
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