dyemelikeasunset 4 days
Hello! I hope life is treating you well. I wanted to ask: what's your approach to developing your characters' inner lives? Dom and Mor read so organically when it comes to their careers, friendships, and dynamic with each other, and it's really fun and engaging to read.
Thank you!!
I want to preface this saying that my method won't work for everyone, but I hope talking about it helps you discover some new things to try
When approaching my characters' inner lives and identities, I often start from a place of personal connection. Many of my characters are based on an amalgamation of myself and people I've known. I don't prioritize "writing what I know," but I start from a place of empathy, with a very nose-to-the-ground perspective. It helps remind me of their humanity. It really, really comes down to humanity. Not every writer is required to be this way, but I know that I personally can't ignore the humanity of the people I write, and I think my goal is to show nuanced experiences that reflect that well
Even in their jobs, I chose professions that are already my passion and hobbies, that I enjoy learning and know enough about so that I had a jumping off point. It made research a lot less overwhelming, and more focused on checking details, rather than learning about an entire industry I'm a newcomer to. But more importantly, I actually try to focus more on the person behind the career. In my current arc for Fashion Month, for example, I've gotten some messages and comments that implied people are expecting the glamour and fun outfits of fashion week, but I'm already 2/3 through the arc and most of the focus has continued to be on the characters' lives and humanity, identity, and struggles behind that facade. It comes back to humanity. Who are they behind all that? That's a more important question to me
Interpersonal relationships also feed back into that, as so much of our lives are defined by other people. I think through what another character means to my main character, how they affect them, what role they play in each others' lives, etc. Even family trees, even if the audience never sees the full picture, I do that work behind the scenes so I know what their childhoods were like, what their place in their families were, what kind of friends they made, their schooling, everything. It helps make sense of the person they became
And again, humanity. I'm writing a very insular story that primarily revolves around two characters so I can afford to really dig my teeth into them and do this much detail work. So I wanna say again-- my method might not be for everyone, but it is my approach, and part of what I think makes my characters feel vivid. They are human to me, they are alive because I am putting in that amount of work to make them exist outside of the fiction too
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dyemelikeasunset 5 days
first of all, congratulations on this recent arc! It's so well done. I think your last update almost had me sobbing on the floor. May I ask what inspires the love Dom and mor have for each other? I know you once said they "live" for one another. I guess im just curious on this radical gentleness they both possess. it's so lovely
Thank you!! I've been working really hard on this arc and it means so much that you're enjoying it 馃ス
Some of the Babygirls' love for each other will be explored in their prequel series, but they meet after near death experiences and are trying to find the balance of trauma bonding without unhealthy enmeshment. I guess I can summarize it as the meeting of two people who love in opposite ways but match each other in intensity.
Mor is a person who craves love and flourishes when loved back, while Dom avoids love but finds meaning when she finally has someone she wants to love
On a personal level, their love is inspired by the kind of affection and safety I've always wanted and found in my wife, and i wanted to express to my readers that this kind of love is possible and not unrealistic
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dyemelikeasunset 9 days
The people of Gaza are asking for YOUR help today. Here are some VETTED campaigns you should donate to and share widely.
(may 23rd):
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip (@amjad20011) - Amjad needs to evacuate with his wife and his son, who isn't even 3 years old.
Support Ruba's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban) - Ruba's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; she has an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Help Belal and his family to evacuate from Gaza (@alaajshaat) - Belal has lost too much to this war and needs to support himself and his family.
Help Ahmed's family evacuate (@malkzaeem) - Ahmed needs to save his wife, 4 children, and severely injured father.
Help Ezzideen Shehab and his family evacuate (@helpezzideen) - Ezzideen, a young doctor, and his parents, siblings, and young brother Mazen聽urgently need to evacuate.
Help Iman鈥檚 family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Support three orphaned children and their mother聽(@abedbahlool) - TW Graphic image. Asmaa is a mother of three and lost her husband due to the aggression.
Help save Bassam and his family (@lailashaqoura) - Bassam has five young children and has already lost 9 members of his wife's family.
Save Firas' family (@prosolitudeeee) - Firas is a of two children, a 10-month-old boy and a two-year-old girl, who are in need of safe haven in Egypt.
Help Hani's family evacuate (@skatehani) - A Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
Marah needs to save her family (@marahsalem) - Marah is trying to get reunited with her family, which consists of 5 members who need to urgently evacuate.
Help Mahmoud's family evacuate (@mahmoud0qassas) - Mahmoud and his family need to get to Egypt. His brother in law needs medical attention ASAP.
Yosof's family needs to evacuate (@yosofzaeem) - Yosof鈥檚 family needs to evacuate urgently; member of their family needs medical attention.
This list is supposed to call you to action. Please do not scroll past without contributing. Choose at least one fundraiser to support today. $5 can save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.
Looking for more campaigns?
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dyemelikeasunset 10 days
"not yet" but eventuallyyyy the proposal will arrive!! 馃き馃き
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dyemelikeasunset 10 days
This is similar to the anon about Farid's face, but I like how Inessa's mouth is mostly like :U when she appears and that makes me laugh but also she looks pretty and happy and that makes me go aww ;^;
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even poltergeist form Ness is muppet!! :U
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dyemelikeasunset 11 days
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One last sweet thing before our Babygirls are separated 馃槶
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dyemelikeasunset 11 days
It could just be my Weird Sense of Humor but watching Farid's face devolve into just a mouth and eyebrows absolutely SENDS ME
LMAOOO I'm so glad someone appreciates it
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dyemelikeasunset 11 days
Thank you for loving them 馃ス馃А馃А
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I luv dem so much
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dyemelikeasunset 16 days
I've been kinda buried in work, but today is a day I feel really proud of the work I do. It's been a really wild learning experience to see how intuitively my storytelling has been coming to me after 10+ years not doing comics. I don't think anyone is a "natural" at anything, but I think I spent so long not realizing how the culmination of my art and writing skills makes me a good comic artist. Sometimes it feels like coming home to a part of myself I buried
Getting into the social media space with comics has been a weird experience too. I've had people-- both to my face and sneakily too-- tell me they don't think I deserve the recognition I get. That the stuff I do is "easy" and they should do romance/slice-of-life too and get the audience I got. That they can rip me off bite off me and copy me. And lol, I've watched them try and fail. And yes it hurts to be percieved as easily marketable by artists I once respected, but a part of me is also lowkey happy that their spite only shows that no, I'm not easy to copy-- that it takes a lot of heart and discipline and care to make a story like mine
I wish them success but I also wish to be left alone and respected, and I'm relieved I'm in a place where I can see my own value
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dyemelikeasunset 21 days
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A little ribbon and lace- pins and perfumes. a princess鈥檚 favorite things. 馃馃巰
Close ups under cut:
Keep reading
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dyemelikeasunset 23 days
Hey there, I feel like this is a necessary post because we have some Brazilian girlies here.
The southern state of Brazil, my state, is literally underwater right now, thousands of people lost their homes, some died and some are missing due to heavy flooding. If you're in one of the affected areas, please be careful, pay attention to the news as some emergency numbers aren't working anymore, they're sharing new ones. Seek safe shelter, either with family members or the public ones. There's also a risk of dam failure, the Civil Defense is constantly updating on those, be aware to know when you have to evacuate the area. If you can help with donations or even sharing the news to get to more people, you're more than welcome. I'll leave some links showing how to help. Please be safe, it's a disaster out there! And no matter what your personal belief is, please pray for those people.
Civil Defense - To get updates on the situation
SC Internacional - To donate
Gr锚mio - To donate
Public shelter in Porto Alegre
Civil Defense - To donate
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dyemelikeasunset 25 days
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The uncensored version of page 8 can be found on my Patreon for $5 馃槶馃槶
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dyemelikeasunset 26 days
you were my first introduction to leabianism when i was like,,, nine years old with same and sara in Picture This Picture That on deviantart. thank you for introducing me to the lgbt community because ive saved lives and been saved time and time again through this crazy beautiful love. im pretty sure i send this to you annually but i will keep doing it until i die because u r like the closest thing my agnostic self could ever presume angels to be like. mwah mwah kisses i love you and your art has changed lives for the better repeatedly!!!
I've been sitting on this message for a couple days, cause it means so much to me and I don't even know how to begin replying in a way that properly conveys my feelings
Thank you, and I'm so happy and grateful you found a big piece of yourself through my art
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dyemelikeasunset 1 month
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Language of Appeasement by Dr. Dafina-Lazarus Stewart
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dyemelikeasunset 1 month
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some of my favorite replies to this tweet. happy lesbian visibility week!
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dyemelikeasunset 1 month
how many girlfriends did Mor dated in the past?
a total of about 6!
two serious girlfriends (Dylan and another one named Clara) and 4 that were short-term (around a month give or take)
She never really did hookups so a lot of her heartbreaks come from hoping "this is the one" 馃槶
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dyemelikeasunset 1 month
I have a question did Dylan (Mor ex) ever really love her? Because when I was reading the ex meme. It felt like Dylan was only just dating Mor just for the sex or it feel like Dylan did like Mor but was too emotionally unavailable to put the effort into the relationship because i鈥檓 sensing Dylan has took advantage of Mor and never really appreciate her and has probably emotionally abuse her too.
oof so this is spoilers for their prequel series 'it was you & i & the afterlife" so i'll put it under a readmore
CW: toxic relationship, ableism
but yeah, you're not wrong at all. Dylan dated Mor out of convenience and ended up relying on her a lot bc Mor's a really loving partner. She tried to love her, but in the end she just took advantage of the relationship and hurt Morgan.
Dylan was a little emotionally unavailable but she actually was more reliant and a bit of an emotional leech. She expected Mor to take care of her mental health without making any room for Mor's mental health. When the onset of Morgan's schizophrenia was exacerbated by their lifestyle together, Dylan panicked and couldn't support her at all. A lot of Morgan's trauma is the overlap of Dylan's toxicity in the midst of her figuring out her mental health needs, and essentially her neurodivergence coming to a head because of how terrible the relationship was at the end
Mor has a lot to navigate in the wake of this break up, and is largely what her journey in you&i is about. It takes her a while to realize how abusive the relationship was at times, and it takes her an especially long time to realize Dylan doesn't deserve her at all
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