duckchu · 21 hours
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I love this man. I need him to either get me pregnant or me to get him pregnant
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duckchu · 1 day
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⌕ trigun stampede • vash.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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duckchu · 4 days
How would Heartsteel react to being proposed to with a ring pop? Alternatively, would they "propose" back?
(Honestly, if Ez or Phel said yes, I'd be like "cool, let's have the honeymoon now")
Ily btw 🩵⭐️
That's so cute 🥺
He'd have this stupid smirk on his face
"well of course you want to marry me" he'd laugh
But he, ever the benevolent, would accept
He loves you so of course
"Sure" He'd say with the brightest smile
He wouldn't tell you, but this would give him butterflies
He'd look at you with a smirk, teasing you afterwards
"So you want to marry the prince huh?" He'd laugh, hugging you
Would 100% propose back
He'd accept it with a happy nod
He thinks it's silly, but oh well
If you're in private, would kiss you all over your face
If not, a quick kiss on the cheek will have to do
Would probably propose back
"uh... thanks"
He doesn't really know how to respond
But doesn't want to hurt you so he'd accept, though he thinks the entire thing is silly
Would still give you a smile, which he doesn't do often
"YES" he's so enthusiastic
Almost like if it was a real proposal
He loves you so much so of course
He's a gentleman, so he'd 199% would propose bwck
He'd accept it without question
Grinning like an idiot
But he'd tease you after
Also becomes more touch starved for some time
You just made him a little softer with this
He wouldn't propose back, but would take you out for your favourite food
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duckchu · 16 days
[ Within Your Grasp ]
A/N: First time writing a chapter based fic in like...ten years or something lmfao I hope you guys like it hopefully i finish this story....... based it off a c.ai bot i made
Pairing: knight!kayn x princess!reader
Tags: female reader (i'm sorry it was tough to make it gender neutral),Alternate Universe, it is Runeterra name and lore wise but we're going by average historical romance settings of royalty and stuff is this even slow burn? who knows. do we have one sided enemy to obsessive lover? maybe, we'll change the tags when i write more chapters LMFAO
Wordcount: 1.1k
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Prologue. [ A Friend ]
9 Years Old - Summer of xx85
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You carefully step out from behind your mother’s embroidered robes, her gentle touch trying to coax you out from the safety of the flowing sparkly cloth. A tender smile as she slowly walks aside to give you space.
You were young, it was hard to really understand what everyone was talking about. All you could tell was that it wasn’t too serious, nothing bad happened and you weren’t in trouble, so that was good.
Why father was here and talking to the man with white hair was beyond you. The head of the knights? You make a guess, you’ve seen him around when he was tasked to take care of you sometimes. Probably the knight captain then. Finally curious enough to look around, your eyes move away from your parents and land on him.
Long messy black hair.
A scared yet otherwise expressionless face.
And finally you see it as his eyes meet yours.
The most striking yellow almost gold eyes.
Almost instantly enamored, your young self couldn’t help but stare. His features are so unlike anyone’s you’ve ever seen. Like you, he was similarly half hiding behind Captain Zed half trying his best to seem unbothered. Before you could continue to stare, you hear your fathers stern yet caring voice call out.
“ My little princess, come over here”
You listen as your father beckons you over. With elegant steps (to the best of your little 9 year old body), you walk to stand by the king’s side. Doing your best to stand up straight as you turn to look up at him as he speaks to you directly.
“ In the recent war, our Knight Commander Zed here found this young Noxian child. And this child will be your Knight from now on. Zed chose to...”
As the King spoke, your own attention wanes as you look over to see the child’s head slowly turn to look at you. For the briefest of moments, a glimmer of…something in those sunshine yellow eyes as he actually sees you. “ …he’s the same age as you too, so we talked about…” Your father’s words are nothing but background noise as you examined the new potential friend. You revel in the beautiful golden sparkle of his eyes briefly before watching them return to that dull and empty gaze.
It was hard to blame him. After all, escaping Noxian control to only be ‘forced’ to serve you? That definitely sucks. And for you? It was the horrible and sudden realization that if you have a personal knight… it means it is now all the more harder to be up to your usual mischief. You start scheming about how to win him over to your side. Partners in crime instead of enemies. Diplomacy, right, that’s what all those lessons you’ve been to have been teaching you.
How else were you going to run away from classes if some other kid is going to legally stalk you. You’d find a way to sneak around him for now. Father and Mother are out to ruin you…honestly…
“ …those Noxian genes would hopefully make him a good fighter and knight for you. Go introduce yourself, my child.”
Your head snaps back up to look at your dad as he directly speaks to you, his hand gently resting on your back. Doing your best to offer your dad a smile before trying to remember what you learnt from etiquette class. Ok…you neatened out your dress and made eye contact with the soulless looking Noxian child.
Were you supposed to curtsey when you introduced yourself? Or was it to shake his hand? Maybe you should reconsider skipping all those classes so often…
“ Lovely meeting you, I am the Crown Princess of Ionia.”
There is a brief pause as the adults look at you before Zed nudges the boy a little roughly.The messy hair child replies.
“ Kayn. I’m Shieda Kayn.”
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It has been a little over a week now. Sighing as you sipped on some sweet honey tea in the royal garden. Kayn was doing his best on the job between looking after you and training with Zed.
The maids and butlers have all walked away after serving you. Having completed their orders from you they scattered to tend to other more pressing castle matters, leaving you and your knight-in-training to guard you. Perfect!
As the adults leave the two of you alone you couldn’t help your young inquisitive mind from questioning your new companion. You’ve been waiting for a chance to get to talk to him like this.
“ Hey, Kayn, can you tell me about what it’s like? Being a Knight?” “ Why would ya wanna know that, Princess.”
He replies softly, almost rude in tone, as if he was on guard for you mocking him in some way.
“ I’ve seen you train with Sir Zed, it looked fun! Sword Fighting is way cooler than learning Ionian History for hours. Tell me more Kaynie…I want to get to know you.”
“ Do I have to-”
“ Would you tell me if I order you to, my little knight?”
He seemingly flinches at the nicknames you had forced upon him, yet, he speaks anyway. Voice still soft but his expression less distant than before. It was an order…so of course he answers. If what little knowledge he had about nobility and his past in the army from Noxus taught him anything, he knew he should do as he was told.
Still standing at attention though no one is really watching him but you, the knight who was but a year older than you tells you about his life at the castle thus far. How ‘Master Zed’ really pushes him to his limits. How its like when he has to wake up early to train. How he actually likes the food he gets to eat now compared to his past.
You listen in excitement, prompting him to tell you more about his entirely different experiences compared to you. Gradually, his reserved voice gets a little clearer and almost…excited when he continues recounting his tales to you. The smallest crack of a smile creeps onto his face. Your own innocent gaze, eyes looking at him with pure adoration and your absolute yet unshaking attention almost make him want to run away. Attention from authority never went well for him in his past experiences, you couldn’t blame him for his apprehension.
“ You were from Noxus right? So what was life like then?”
And then he freezes. However little he opened up to you closed off instantly.
“ There is nothing of value to talk about then, Princess.”
You finish your tea time in silence after that.
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duckchu · 24 days
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duckchu · 25 days
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On this day 1 year ago, I drew my very first Valorant fanart. To celebrate a year of being into the game, I decided to redraw it!
Old artwork from a year ago under the cut.
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duckchu · 25 days
If I don't see a new update to the iso x reader tag soon I'm gonna explode I NEED MORE OF THAT MEN I NEED TO BE PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILDREN
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duckchu · 26 days
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Stardew Valley Text-Posts
Please reblog haha you’re so sexy
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duckchu · 26 days
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Stardew valley is on my mind 24/7 again. I have to make bad quality meme about it
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duckchu · 1 month
Reblog if it’s ok for your mutuals to tag you in posts they think you’ll like even if you don’t talk often.
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duckchu · 2 months
nobody does it better than the stardew valley chicken
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lets goooooo little dude you know exactly whats going on
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duckchu · 2 months
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Gwen fanart
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duckchu · 2 months
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oh okay man sorry
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duckchu · 2 months
heartsteel kayn and ezreal with a virgin reader?
😳 alright I have a lot of experience in being a virgin
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"What? You've never done this before?"
He's shocked, I mean someone as pretty as you must have done it before right?
But if not, then he can teach you, no problem
Will even tone down all his kinks (if not exclude them completely) to make sure you're as comfortable as can be
He will say stupid shit during it, but will be careful to make sure you're enjoying every second of it
"Oh crap"
He's also a virgin and was hoping you would take the reins
But oh well, you both can do it, right?
I mean it's not like it's rocket science
He's way too stressed, you have to remind him to relax
He will try his best to make you feel good, but he may need a little guidance
And if you also didn't know a thing about sex before, you're in for a wild ride
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duckchu · 2 months
so I had an idea after reading your headcanon about the reader being a graffiti artist and I would like to request a version where the reader is a famous action figure designer and is working on a project about Heartsteel boys action figures.
Dont forget to take your time and drink water
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He was stocked
Thought it looked really cute
But won't tell anyone because he doesn't wanna seem like a nerd
Thinks it's cute
Will put it on his desk
Becomes one of his most prized possessions instantly
"Omg it's meeee"
He loves it
Makes sure you get every little detail right
He's flattered
Flustered even
He puts it on display in his room
Loves it, thinks it's really cute and fits in with his room perfectly
Sends a picture to Ma immediately
Will gush to everyone about how talented his so is
Wants to take it everywhere with him like a kid but also doesn't want to damage or lose it so he settles on it staying in his room but he shows it to everyone who comes in
He's the most flustered he ever was in his life
And that's not easy to do
He loves it and makes sure it has a safe space in his room
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duckchu · 2 months
Actually going feral for Iso from Valorant. I wanna write something for him but I have zero ideas
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duckchu · 2 months
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Pissing myself rn
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