dogcat27 · 2 days
Zero regrets. 100% doggo would do it again.
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dogcat27 · 2 days
One area that the Prozac has made zero difference is Topaz’s gear shyness. We have plateaued. I don’t know how else I can condition her to gear. It doesn’t matter how many times I put it on the floor and reward for interaction and try to increase criteria after she starts coming toward it, but then she won’t go any further. She is still scared of the harness and nothing I’ve done has improved it at all. Clearly the rewards are just coercive but I literally don’t know what to do here. Does anyone have some different approach I can try? How can I make this better?
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dogcat27 · 2 days
"Disabled applicants continue to be devalued as candidates by human recruiters and hiring AI alike due their divergence from rigid qualification standards which serve as predictors for future success but have no bearing on actual job performance."
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dogcat27 · 4 days
There's some dust around and I'll manually write up the metadata for all the images soon but ricky.pics is live!
This weekend I'll set up RSS and add more pictures (also probably some image compression), just wanted to bash this out
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dogcat27 · 4 days
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Sébastien from Solano County Friends of Animals in Benicia, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Solano County Friends of Animals' main website.
Ever dream of a feline friend who's as playful as he is cuddly? Look no further than Sébastien! This handsome dark brown/black tabby fellow is a neutered adult cat, roughly 5 years old, who came to us from the streets of Vallejo. While Sébastien may have started out rough, it didn't take long for him to discover the finer things in life, like engaging toys, comfy blankets, and most importantly, the company of his favorite humans. There was no way we could leave him to the streets!
Sébastien is a purrfect example of an easy-going companion. He loves his food and stays well-hydrated, a great quality to have as he ages. He seems to get along with other cats and while not tested with dogs or children, his mellow personality suggests he might adapt well to a loving home with a variety of companions.
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dogcat27 · 5 days
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Never gets old 🥰
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dogcat27 · 6 days
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Monday, May 27th: Hello everyone, I’m Gem, a bi, mentally ill, and disabled woman in desperate need of help, as I'm currently struggling to pay off my overdrawn account and get groceries!!!
As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few years due to COVID-19 and my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under continuous reviews, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. After a lengthy health assessment, I was declared unfit for work and received the basic ADP, which I won't receive until the end of the month (May 31st) but I have no food now and need help.
To be quite honest, these past few months have been absolute hell for me, and with no other income, I've been relying on the kindness of others to get by. However, due to chargebacks and fees, I am now back in the red with my PayPal and desperately need help to pay it off and get groceries!!
I know this is a lot to ask, but if anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much.
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dogcat27 · 6 days
Transformation from Cat to Shape:
Step 1- begin with An Cat
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Step 2- begin the stretching process
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Step 3- now that the Cat is malleable, form An Shape
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Step 4- refine the Shape
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And there you have it! An easy 4 step guide.
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dogcat27 · 7 days
Wanting to be prescribed pain medication so that you can have a better quality of life with chronic pain does not make you a bad person.
Needing pain medication for your chronic pain does not make you a bad person.
Life with chronic pain is difficult. It is not bad to wish for things to be a little easier and to utilize the tools you are given to help.
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dogcat27 · 7 days
Another day with no water dropping :/
Apparently today the whole municipality is without water.
What are we going to do?
Maybe the nearby Coca cola factories and similar could stop production? Water is a basic need au contraire of soda.
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dogcat27 · 8 days
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dogcat27 · 10 days
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Keeping watch over his little sister 🥰
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dogcat27 · 10 days
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please consider helping Larry, who is in critical condition tonight and might not make it. Larry and his human are a very dear, positive presence in the breed, and i am heartbroken to see this happening to them.
after being a fan of him online for quite some time, i met Larry a few years back at silkenfest in WA. he was every bit as much a gem as he’d seemed on social media, and so was his person, regina.
there are a lot of worthy causes to donate your money to in this chaotic and unfair world, but i hope you will consider sending a few bucks regina’s way. this boy is her world, and since he has multiple preexisting conditions (she took him on as a wee megaesophagus puppy), he is her only uninsured dog. those of you who’ve had pet emergencies know just how fast the bills can add up, even with insurance. to not have it at a time like this is devastating.
thank you for reading. ❤️ if you can’t send help in the form of money, please beam all your love and healing light to Larry tonight.
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dogcat27 · 10 days
How can chronic pain patients be “addicted to pain meds?” That’s like telling someone with a prosthetic that they’re addicted to their prosthetic. Or a cardio patient that they’re addicted to their pacemaker. Or a diabetic that they’re addicted to insulin. What is the thought process here?
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dogcat27 · 11 days
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Look at the whiskers on this kid! 🧡
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dogcat27 · 12 days
Yusuf is a little boy battling kidney failure at Kamal Adwan Hospital in north Gaza. He needs to evacuate the Gaza Strip with his family in order to receive adequate treatment. Kamal Adwan has almost no electricity, putting Yusuf’s limited treatment in further jeopardy. He is suffering immensely, and remains in serious danger of attack by the occupation. His fund has made very, very little progress, and time is running out. If you cannot donate, please reblog this post and repost the link to all your social media accounts.
Thank you
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dogcat27 · 13 days
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Republicans not wanting to fund libraries is part of their plan to make the next generation illiterate. That is why they are banning books too.
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