dnofsunshine · 4 months
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dnofsunshine · 4 months
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Image Description: A reference sheet of an older Kaito Shinonome who's around 17 to 18. His hair has grown out more but it's still dyed yellow and is in a ponytail. He wears a blue tank top and a thick brown belt. His pants are green with disks sowed through around the thighs. Strands of fabric go down to the rings of the pants below the knee. He wears black platforms with silver shoelaces. He also has a silver locket with Dracmon's eye on it.
There are two fullbody drawings and two bust up drawings of Kaito. The first fullbody drawing has him standing away from the camera but looking over his shoulder to look behind him. His right hand is in his back pocket while the other rests against his waist. The first bust up drawing is Kaito rubbing the back of his neck with his right arm while blushing from embarrassment. The text "Affinity with Kaito up!" is displayed next to him. The second bust up drawing is him stretching after a supposed fight. He has bandages wrapped around his arms and bruises are randomly placed on his body. His right arm is stretched upwards while the other is reaching behind him. The second fullbody drawing is of Kaito standing and fidgeting his hands together while looking off to the side. He wears a leather jacket which covers up his necklace and shirt. The background is blue with a white border and his name is displayed on the right side of the drawing. End Image Description.]
Day 7 of @surviveweek: Post Game/Future
Headcanons under the cut (along with another doodle)
Full disclosure I've only played the Harmony route of Survive so my opinions will probably change in the future to become more accurate if anything's off.
Older Kaito tries really really hard to not get into fights and control his anger. He still has episodes but he knows every calming strategy under the sun and with Dracmon by his side, he's able to envision himself in a happier place and relax.
He runs daily early in the morning to not only stay active but get rid of excess energy if he's stressed. You can bet he's listening to hardcore metal most of the time during his jogs to really go all out. Sometimes Minoru joins him on a weekend and they take a slower pace together and vent out frustrations about family.
Despite the times they've butt heads, Ryo and Kaito hang out a lot one on one after Survive. They often are silent most of the time, but enjoy each other's presence. Aoi joins them every now and then to eat together or watch a movie.
Kaito has many videos downloaded on his phone of relaxing music to listen to while working. Even if he isn't the biggest fan of technology, he loves music and it helps improve his mood a lot. He has an MP3 player to use on his runs and Miu helps him download youtube videos of relaxing music to fall asleep to.
Kaito wears a locket with two photos: one of the gang together after a party and the other of him, Miu, and Dracmon. Whenever a major panic attack is building, he holds it close and looks at the photos to try to calm himself down.
While he's still on the antisocial side, Kaito has gotten better at being friendly and more trusting towards new people. Yes, the survive crew matters the most to him, but he tags along with his friends to certain school events to be more open.
Kaito loves to jokingly wrestle with friends. He and Takuma fight sometimes while hanging out and Aoi will indulge and arm wrestle every now and then. If Minoru and Kaito fight while playing sports together, they often chase each other around while Dracmon and Falcomon watch in amusement. Also, Miu loves to go on his shoulders and back. Not only to feel more tall but to make fun of Kaito if he shows any sign of struggle or weakness supporting the growing Miu. She does appreciate him trying for her but doesn't admit it
After survive, Kaito tried to let Miu handle her issues by herself more. He recognized that his violent habits often made things worse with her social life, so he agreed to back off. He only broke this promise once when he stumbled upon a couple of boys a year under him made fun of Miu and attempted to get physical with her. He ended up telling Takuma and they both scared the bullies off with as little violence as possible. Miu did get upset at Kaito, but forgave him after they sat down and talked about the situation.
also final headcanon (feat in progress older Miu design):
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[Image Description: A digital doodle of the matthew gay lol meme as Miu and Kaito Shinonome. Kaito holds his head in his hands as he looks hopelessly a tv displaying "Kaito gay lol" in comic sans. Miu takes a selfie of this with a cat face and a thumbs up. She wears a purple shirt, lots of miscellaneous jewelry, and green fishnet gloves. The walls of the room are brown. End Image Description.]
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dnofsunshine · 4 months
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digimon survive week day 6: dark/loss
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dnofsunshine · 4 months
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I just finished playing Hacker's Memory, and I like this poor cute Wormmon.
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dnofsunshine · 4 months
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Miyuki Minase from Digimon Survive. She’s standing outside with a sakura tree and grassy field behind her. Facing forward, Miyuki’s eyes are diverted to her right, looking away. She seems shy as her hands lying on her dress fidget with each other. Her hair and dress is slightly blown by the wind. End Image Description.]
Day 4 of @surviveweek: Supporting Characters
Since Miyuki isn’t technically a part of the main cast in the beginning, I took this as an excuse to draw her! I loved seeing her in Part 8 during the Harmony Route, so I wanted to make a drawing inspired by those interactions near the lake.
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dnofsunshine · 4 months
Has anyone done an "Always an angel, never a god" edit with Takeru and Hikari because that'd be hype
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts. 
May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.
I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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Kazemon redesign!!! If you think too hard abt it the sexual og design was implied pedophilia since shes sort of also a little girl (long ass story for those who dont know digimon)
Also it just always bugged me how sexist season 4 was in general
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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deranged beast
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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Digimon Games released a survey asking about what kind of things we'd like to see in future Digimon video games!
Take the survey here and let 'em know what you want!
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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★ 【Ducartoon】 「 💐Date + Bond!! 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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So I will starting to use this account. I've always loved drawing and only now I'm starting to invest a little more in it.
I'll post some old drawings first, until I can get to the most recent ones. I want to see how much my style can improve, too!
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
Digimon Secret Santa Exchange 2023: Don't blame me (you started it)
Kuga Yuuya never texted her first. Until he did.
Written for @hallowed-nebulae for the @digisecretsanta 2023 exchange! :3
a/n: i'm your secret santa and (like i said on ao3 lol) i'm not entirely familiar with the digimon world series, or i wasn't until recently, so i hope i did your two favorites, Rina & Yuuya, justice!! i've enjoyed the gameplay so far of Re:digitize Decode and i enjoyed writing these two. i hope you have a safe and merry Christmas, and happy holidays!! <333 :D
Oh, and here's my Digimon discord server if you wanna yell abt digimon with us!
Read on AO3! || Read below the cut:
Kuga Yuuya did not texted her first.
It wasn’t something subjective—it was a simple, known fact! She wasn’t sure Yuuya texted anyone first. Often, when Rina texted him, Yuuya left her (very cruelly) on read. Sometimes he left her on delivered. Which was like, extremely rude, thank you very much.
(Granted, none of those messages were because of actual emergencies, but still. Her memes were nonetheless very important and warranted a response. But Yuuya had ignored her. Because of course he did. The jerk.)
So, naturally, when Rina’s phone vibrated and pinged, and Yuuya’s contact lit up her screen, Rina gaped. She blinked, surprised, and it took several moments to register that oh yeah, she should read the message.
Hey, Yuuya had written plainly. Jeesh, and he called everyone else boring.
Yeah, the world had totally ended. Sometime in the last few minutes, the world had ended and Rina had died and gone to an afterlife where apparently Kuga Yuuya texted her first.
She debated on calling him to see what was up, but that ran the risk of scaring him off because he didn’t even text, let alone call; so Rina leaned back in her chair and did what she did best.
Rina: hey!!!! ���( ^◡^ )┘whatcha up to???
Yuuya: Studying. You use a lot of exclamation points, Rina-san.
Rina: and u text like the heir of the gigo company lol
Yuuya: Is… that a good or a bad thing?
Rina blinked again, her lips curving into a frown. She narrowed her eyes at her screen suspiciously, and who could blame her? Since when did Yuuya care about her opinion of him?
Rina: not bad!!! was just kiddin lol (≧_≦)
Yuuya: Okay.
She sent him another text that mostly consisted of emotes and exclamation points (perhaps proving his point), and this time, it took a while for Yuuya to respond. At least a good ten minutes.
Yuuya: What about you? What’re you up to?
Okay. Wow. She peeked out her bedroom window—yep, still snowing. Which meant it was still mid-December and she was still in Japan. Maybe. Probably. If she wasn’t… did it snow in the afterlife? To what afterlife had she been sent, for Yuuya to not only respond but ask about her in return? Smug, snooty Yuuya? What the hell was even happening? She couldn’t even begin to know the answer to that. 
Instead, she answered Yuuya.
Rina: just chillin!!! not really doing much haha it’s boring w/o V.V. here tbh
Yuuya: I see.
Another pause followed. Rina stood from her chair and made her way to her bed to sprawl out, phone in hand, as she awaited the continuation of their conversation. She got bored waiting on minute three and decided she couldn’t handle the suspense anymore.
Rina: so whats up???
Yuuya: I’m studying.
Rina: well duh u said that already i meant why did u text me
Yuuya: You text me all the time.
Rina: yeah! but u like never answer soooooo
Yuuya: Sorry.
Oh good god, okay. Yuuya, apologizing? Prideful, arrogant Yuuya? Maybe she’d gone to some alternate dimension—somewhere that wasn’t the digital world—where everything was the same except for one fifteen-year-old Kuga Yuuya.
She frowned again, this time in contemplation. As she pondered how to respond, she kicked her feet idly against her bed, tapping the back of her phone case if only to keep her fingers moving.
She wondered absentmindedly if his dad scolded him or something. From what she knew, Kuga Kenzou was more insufferable than Yuuya—which, of course, made sense considering he was Yuuya’s father—so it wasn’t much of a stretch to say he wasn’t all that great of a parent.
Her chest ached inexplicably at the thought and her frown deepened.
Rina: is ur dad being a bitch
Yuuya: Huh?
Rina: ya know ur dad is he being a bitch lol
Yuuya: I don’t see what he has to do with the conversation.
Then, after about a minute:
Yuuya: Father is always being a bitch.
Rina: lol!! i believe it honestly
And because Rina was a gremlin with no sense of self-control: 
Rina: his ass must really hurt from the stick shoved in it
Yuuya: Lol.
Rina blinked once more in surprise and then grinned at her screen because this was another new thing—Yuuya laughing at a joke? A joke she made? She didn’t even know Yuuya could laugh, much less over text. She didn’t know he even had a sense of humor.
They spent the next hour or so texting, with Rina sending memes (the normal amount) and emotes (also the normal amount) and Yuuya telling her that it was, in fact, not the normal amount. Eventually, the time between Yuuya’s responses grew longer and longer, and Rina assumed that he’d averted his full attention back to studying.
Rina: ur a fun texter lol
Rina: not as fun as me obviously but still fun just sayin
She sent it without really expecting a response right away, but she was surprised yet again when the reply came in only a few minutes.
Yuuya: Wow. One person approves of my texting habits.
Rina laughed out loud. This was a fun side of Yuuya to see.
(And no, it wasn’t because she felt a little warm inside that he seemed to trust her enough to make jokes with her.)
(She didn’t feel warm inside at all.)
(Yuuya was simply growing on her.)
(Like a fungus.)
Yuuya: Is this supposed to be an honor or a shame, since the person is Rina-san?
Her laugh quickly turned into a scandalized gasp as she stared down at her phone in offense. No, she changed her mind. Yuuya wasn’t growing on her.
“Rude,” she said aloud as if he could hear her, without any hint of fondness in her voice. None at all. "Yer such a punk."
Oh, who was she kidding—she sent him memes, shitposts, and festive, holiday-themed selfies every day after that for the rest of the month. If he was pissed about it, well, he texted her first.
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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my demons are escaping
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
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dnofsunshine · 5 months
2 genres of fanfiction:
1) put that guy into situations
2) take that guy OUT of situations for the love of GOD let them REST 
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