dany-is-azor-ahai · 13 hours
I just finished my rewatch of bridgerton season 1 and there is a reason why this is ranked the lowest season and book for me
First of all I did like certain characters more on my rewatch like Eloise but especially Portia. I am not trying to downplay how abusive she is to Pen but she is a strong female character nonetheless and I appreciate the writing.
The Duke and Daphne...... They sure have chemistry. No one can deny that but that scene where she forces him was totally unnecessary. It is worse in the books but nonetheless it is also disgusting in the show.
Simon is no better, I hate the annoying miscommunication trope. TALK TO EACH OTHER FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Half of the latter season was me hate watching the season.
I hope my re-watch of season 2 fares better than this mess of season 1. I did like both pen and colin this season. I also liked marina surprisingly when I couldn't like her on my first watch. It was fucked up what she did but I can also sympathize and understand where she is coming from.
Let me talk about Rose. I loved her so much. A devoted character who is kind, lovely and overall amazing.
I also love Siena and how she told Anthony to fuck off. This is why I can't stand season 1 Anthony. I don't think I will ever rewatch this season again but I might just for Rose.
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This user was found crying in a ditch 😭😔 In hindsight after watching queen charlotte I broke into tears.
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Also lady danbury is the mvp this season. Perfect character and THAT is how you write your female characters!!!
LMFAOOO 😂😂💀 Why is Charlotte out here being messy for?
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Ok let me start season 2 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 15 hours
Brigerton S1 Polin Rewatch
okay so I decided to rewatch Bridgerton bc I literally cannot get enough of polin, but I'm skipping most scenes that don't include pen or colin, this is S1. I'm just pointing out what catches my eye be it romantic or showing character. ❤️ will be something I think is related to polin. p.s. I have not read any of the books and I may put some speculation on meanings.
Pen calls her mother tasteless and tacless as LW, lmao
❤️when leaving the home, Eloise says hi to Pen across the st. and Colin looks over afterwards
❤️Colin stares at Penelope when she is presented to the Queen
LW says she doesn't like the alphabetical naming, and Portia calls LW out on writing a lot about the bridgertons
❤️Pen stares at Colin as he dances w/ another girl
Pen seems happy when Marina receives callers, I mean listen to LW dialogue about her
Portia tells them^ to bid farewell to "even Penelope" - she thinks of her at the bottom of her daughters
❤️Colin ignores Pen's sisters saying goodbye and goes straight to her to crack a joke, no nodding or curtsy or anything
❤️ Colin walks up to Pen at a ball, this time they do curtsy bc it's in society, she tries to get him to notice her dress but he says nothing (bc of Cressida)
❤️Colin denies Cressida a dance and takes Pen in front of her - Pen's first dance!
Colin is a jokesterrrr (first about Daphne's dress and then about "sticks")
Pen is the only one to go and check on Marina - she cares
Pen thought pregnancy came from cake, lmaooooo
Pen knows how to twist her words to please her mother
Pen is such a romanticccc and you can see it w/ Marina's situation
Pen goes to try to help Marina like Eloise tried w/ Daphne when Nigel was calling
Pen even offers to stay in for Marina
my boy Mr. Finch's first appearance! and later they flirt about cheese MY HEART - Pen seems to find it cute too
❤️again Colin goes to Penelope w/ no curtsy and make innapropriate jokes, I mean he sneaks behind her and says a joke w/ the intention to make her laugh - he looks for her reaction!!!!
❤️Colin looks at Pen, but she looks away!!! - who would look at someone like that, oh Colin you were bewitched before you even knew
❤️ Colin then talks about Marina to keep talking to Pen, he couldv'e walked away but decided to extend the convo!
❤️ poor Pen hearing about Marina hoping to entrap Colin, she tries to hard to softly disuade her
instead of saying anything about her feelings, Pen decides to pretend to try to sleep to kick Marina out of her room
Peneloise's first fight :(
Colin brings in his mother drunk lol - you can see how happy drunk she is w/ her little sensitive boy
Colin ends up helping Daphne - he is caring and sensitive towards her situation
❤️Pen meddles in Colin and Marina's convo, poor Pen seeing her crush courting someone else :(
❤️Pen keeps trying to disuade Marina from Colin and says it outloud
Peneloise angst
❤️Pen staresss at Marina and Colin
gentleman Colin - no kissing Marina, but proposes, he thinks he is so mature and doing the right/expected thing by society standards
Colin announces his engagement to Marina
❤️poor Pen being hurtful by said news
Anthony think Colin wants to get it on and thinks of him so young and immature with his actions and decisions
Colin says he is hurt in more ways than one when Anthony does not give him blessing - he cares so much of what others think of him
Violet and Colin have a heart to heart convo, and Colin says he is never taken seriously except by Marina - prob why he went to her bc he longs to be seen as such
Pen feels mocked and pitied by Marina? basically she cannot accept a compliment from her and is also mad w/ her by the whole Colin situation
Pen vs her sisters, never seem to have a moment of getting along or fitting in
Colin tries to sell Marina to his family, cracking a joke too
❤️Pen asks Colin for a word and he says "Pen, of course" - as if there is not even a need for her to ask bc he will always have a word w/ her, no hesitation
❤️unchaperoned and alone Pen tries to talk seriously but Colin cracks a joke and then sees her expression and apoligizes to let her talk
❤️Pen tells Colin that Marina is in love w/ someone else - not to her own benefit but to try to get Colin out of a marriage where he is not/ may not be loved
❤️Colin tells Pen she is good, while holding her hand??? - he sees how Pen tries to help him out but it's no matter to him bc he thinks he and Marina know each other so well, but knows Pen was just looking out for him
Colin aplogizes for his family's actions
Colin is such a romantic toooooooooo, he proposes getting eloped
Portia doesn't even care for Pen when she is supposedly sick, she probably has been disregarded most of her life
Pen proves Marina wasn't denied by George to try to end her engagement to Colin and for Marina's love?
❤️Pen worries about Colin being deceived, she knows Marina would be safe but she worries about Colin in the matter
Marina catches on and tells Pen that Colin does not even see Pen as a woman - which tbh is true at the moment bc Colin only sees her as "Pen" girl next door, sister's bestie, and someone he can joke with from childhood
Pen goes to Eloise and cries - now I read someone saying they thought this wasn't bc Colin was getting married or bc Marina called her out but bc she had used LW to hurt/expose someone she cared for, both Marina and Colin, Pen so thoughtful and knowing how harsh words can be just used LW to bring scandal to them in order to end the engagement, to prevent Colin being tricked into marriage
LW publishes Marina is with child and Colin was conned
❤️Colin's bedsheets are yellow? hmmm
Daphne checks on Colin, he thought he was in love and puts his heart before his brain, he also catches on something going on w/ Daphne - he is so observant on other's emotions and putting those first
Colin thought he was loved and is hurt that was a lie along w/ Marina's entire scam - Colin is emotional, and I don't mean in the way we think of but he shows emotions and is in tuned with his and with others, he again puts other's first as seen when if told the truth he would've married Marina
❤️even though her family is in scandal Pen asks about Colin
Pen finds Marina unconcious - still caring
Pen comes and checks on Marina, ready to care for her with water and a rag - still caring about her
❤️"one day he will see it" Marina to Pen about Colin
❤️Colin is singing and quiets when he sees Pen - was he just caught by surprise or shy of Pen seeing him in this state?
lol Philippa "did I lose it" - it being her dowry
❤️ Polin catching each others eye across the dance floor, he was ready and already marching to her and then she put her head down - my poor Pen, again no curtsy
❤️Colin acknowledges Pen was looking out for him in his best interests
❤️Pen was ready to declare her feelings for Colin
❤️Colin tells Pen he is leaving and tells it's bc of her bc she reminded him of who he is and what he wanted
❤️Colin asks her to dance, and she says no - he notices something in her saying no and stared at her leaving, whippppedddd before he knew
❤️Colin leaves but looks at Pen's home maybe???
❤️Pen ofc cries as Eloise comforts her about her father but she looks out the window to Colin - crying for both?
Pen is sad to see Marina leave too - someone who seemed to be closer to her than her sisters
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 2 days
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Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington
Bridgerton S3.E2 ∙ How Bright the Moon
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 2 days
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"Every tall guy needs a short girl to drive him crazy."
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 2 days
Your choice:
Heavens. Well, accidents will happen. Miss Featherington, I shall find a maid to help you. ...Miss Cowper
I am afraid I cannot offer you that dance, Miss Cowper. I'm to escort Miss Featherington to the floor.
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 2 days
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100% better than the previous ones. LET'S GO!
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My girls look so good 😭 Rhaena holding a dragon egg?? Still a chance for morning to grace our screens!!???
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 3 days
I know I don't talk about hotd that much on here. That is because I am trying so hard not to be negative. So far the trailer wasn't appealing to me because mainly I had issues with the dialogue but I have decided maybe it needs context and it will be better that way.
I am still excited about it though!
Especially about:
1. Jace. His overall arc kicks off this season and I am excited how Harry will play him.
2. Battle of the burning Mill. Y'all I can't contain my excitement over this! We will see black aly ( hopefully)
3. Alys rivers. I want to know more about her and how this character translates from book to show.
4. Mysaria. She is another character that is so interesting to me.
5. Rook's rest 🥲😭 I dread it but at the same time I am excited.
6. Addam of Hull. Since they made Laenor live, how are they going to make seasmoke bond with him. ( He is my favourite 😭)
7. Sabitha Frey and lady jeyne arryn. My two powerful women 🤭
Overall I truly am excited. I just don't want to be negative before it drops. You get it?
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 3 days
Season 1 bridgerton rewatch 1x4;
Marry Daphne or die!
The Duke:
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Also Anthony is a trash can atp 😭😂 He is lucky he is amusing and played by the best talented actor in this show Jonathan... Or else 👊
A Polin moment 😉
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" penelope what a barb!" Sir THAT is not how you stare at your friend or talk to. Like he was so flirty for what??! That tone--
Not me watching Siena the whole season. Someone please cast her in a big show like bridgerton again 🥺 she is so talented
Interesting that there is a scene where Pen straight up tells Eloise, "what if I do want to marry?"
Why does Eloise scoff at the idea that Pen wants to marry in S3 when she heard her say it? 🤨 Does she have amnesia we are not aware of?
Is she desperately holding onto Penelope? Like projection issues or is it straight up negligence?
I think Eloise is genuinely scared of being left behind 😭 I love my girls please be together again 🥲
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 5 days
Pray for everyone in rafah there's heavy bombing right now there. I can't sleep thinking of my family 😭
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 5 days
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colin + his brown coat
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 5 days
Pray for everyone in rafah there's heavy bombing right now there. I can't sleep thinking of my family 😭
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 6 days
The horrors I just witnessed going on in Rafah. Bismillah 😭 The videos. Children being massacred. Bodies everywhere. I know Palestinians have been going through a lot but tonight.... Tonight has been hell on them. Please! Please! Don't stop talking about Palestine. Keep them in your prayers. No child should go through that. No human being deserves to see their loved ones go through that. Free palestine!
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 7 days
I am rewatching season 1 to see my babies Polin because the wait is too much for me 🥹 Y'all was I stupid when I first watched season 1 because how did I not clock that pen was lady whistledown? 🧍
Did everyone know it was her on their first watch? LMFAOOO 😭 the camera pans into her every time. Her dialogue is literally the same. She doesn't change how she talks when she writes.
Lady whistledown speaks about Daphne and the Duke then bam it pans into Pen 😂
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Also season 1 Anthony 🤬 This man IS TRASH in this season!
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 7 days
Jace haters who always say that he is boring suddenly want him to know about Rhaenyra's abuse by daemon for him to turn a blind eye in the name of "character development"
You have to laugh at how desperate they are 😭
They say he is boring yet they headcanon their favourite character to be like him and give them Jace's character traits. Those greencels can never compare to Jace and the worst of them all are the delulu daeron stans.
Their favourite is not even mentioned as a throwaway line and they come after Jace. LMFAOOO 😭😂
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 7 days
My thoughts about certain things;
Even though I still don't like Cressida I don't want her to marry an old man forced on her.
Now with Eloise, I see people angry at her for telling pen to come clean about the lady whistledown business. I am sorry but Eloise is completely in the right here. That's her brother and a relationship cannot start with lies. They have to talk and come clean to each other. I love Polin but I want them to be healthy.
Now with the ship between Eloise and Cressida. Y'all this is 100% better than Sir Philip and I am saying this as someone who doesn't ship them. This man is the worst love interest in the books and Eloise deserves better than him 🤬
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 7 days
⚠️ Spoilers look away! ⚠️
Photos dropped let me fangirl over them! I am excited for the songs that will play as well 😭
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I will start with this one! I am crying because they are both smiling and in their happy bubble. I am especially happy for pen 😭
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This beautiful dance! They are alone first of all and Colin's smile because he doesn't have to pretend with her. They both don't have to pretend! Is she telling him how she has always loved him?
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My favourite! My babies dancing in public nonchalantly without caring about society and they are just in their arms.
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dany-is-azor-ahai · 8 days
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It just hit me on my 47638367483 rewatch of those last 8 minutes that Colin really is entirely oblivious to the notion that Penelope has loved him since they met. He genuinely has just enjoyed her company & friendship & his hope is briefly dashed when Pen proclaims “but we are friends.” Which speaks to his character. Because many other men in the ton would expect Penelope Featherington to swoon at a proposal. But Colin is truly putting his heart on the line because if she says no, he’ll lose the love of his life, and his best friend.
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