dailykinley · 1 hour
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9-1-1 7.05 | You Don't Know Me
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dailykinley · 3 hours
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✨ frame of the day ✨
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dailykinley · 5 hours
got these homosexuals and this song stuck in my head. bon appetit
audio from here
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dailykinley · 8 hours
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🌈 the LB's of the 118 🌈
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dailykinley · 8 hours
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oh babe don't worry he will kiss you soon
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dailykinley · 9 hours
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dailykinley · 12 hours
bucktommy prompt: different (flirty) first meeting 🤭
mornings are sweeter with you
Apparently, Starbucks is a popular place very early on a Monday morning. Who would've thought?
Buck feels like an idiot as he rambles his order to the poor, stressed-out-looking young woman on the other side of the counter, knowing, that he's already five minutes late and will likely have to wait for plenty more minutes, judging by the way the line only seems to keep growing.
And there will be traffic. Bobby is going to be pissed.
He had a horrible night and knows that it’s not an excuse but having only slept five hours because of the stupid nightmares that have taken over his mind ever since being released from the hospital, he needs caffeine before he gets to work.
He pays and goes to stand off to the side, where at least six other people are waiting for their to-go drinks. He stands further away from them and closer to the counter so that he doesn't get in their way and so that he gets a better view of the blonde woman yelling at the manager for having their employee screw up their order.
He checks his phone, only to pocket it soon after when the messages from 118 come in, asking where the hell he is. Buck isn’t the type to be late, he really isn’t. In fact, he loves to be early just about everywhere. But today, coffee is more important than anything else.
When the woman who took his order places a cup on the counter, calls out a name that Buck doesn’t hear because he’s still half-stuck in his thoughts and stares at him for a few seconds, Buck steps toward the counter and grabs the cup in his hand.
”That was fast,” he mumbles to himself, and despite feeling horrible for the workers getting yelled at for making drinks wrong, he has to make sure that it isn’t the case with his own drink.
So he takes a sip and swallows the cold liquid down with a small frown on his face.
It’s not correct. It’s nowhere near correct.
”What the hell?” He whispers and eyes the line that goes out the front door.
He doesn’t have time to go to the end of the line and wait for his turn to tell them that they made a mistake.
And so he speaks up, even though he feels terrible about it.
”Excuse me?” He says, trying to sound as polite as possible despite the stress of being late weighing down on him.
The woman who took his order looks at him as she makes another drink.
”My coffee, it’s made wrong,” he says.
The woman sighs and sets the cup she has in her hands to the side and walks over to him. Before she gets the chance to say anything, somebody comes to stand right next to Buck, casting a shadow on the counter in front of him.
”That could be because it’s mine,” an unfamiliar voice says and Buck turns to look at the person it belongs to.
The man is a little taller than him and the first thing Buck notices is the way that the outer corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
”Here. Look,” the man says, taking the cup out of Buck’s hand, brushing their fingers together for a split second, ”Tommy.”
Buck tears his eyes away from the man’s face and looks down at the cup. Written on its surface with a black marker is a name that apparently belongs to the man in front of him.
Now he feels even more like an idiot, ”Oh my God, I am so sorry, I-”
"Don't worry about it," Tommy tells him with a small wave of a hand and another smile. He leans against the counter. "I guess someone is in desperate need of coffee."
Buck gulps, ”You- You could say that.”
”Is your name Evan?” Another woman, also standing on the other side of the counter, asks.
”Uh…” Buck shakes his head to make his mind more clear again. He’d started telling them his real name after someone misheard him and wrote ’Fuck’ on his cup last year. ”Yeah, it is.”
”Here’s your drink,” she tells him, placing the cup on the counter in front of him.
The two workers hurry off to work on the other orders.
”I can pay for your coffee. As an apology,” Buck tells Tommy, nodding toward his drink, ”Or you can have mine, and- and I can finish yours since I already got my lips all over it.”
God, that’s a weird way to say it.
”I mean-”
Tommy chuckles. Buck has to stare down at his shoes for a moment, allowing the warmth spreading to his cheeks to go away.
”I’m willing to taste yours,” Tommy tells him then, already reaching for the cup in Buck’s hand.
And Buck gives it to him, willingly, and makes sure to touch the man’s hand to feel his skin again. A little rough, a little soft.
He is so confused by everything right now.
He watches Tommy take a sip and frown at the drink the same way he did a moment ago.
”That is… quite something, Evan.”
The way his name sounds like coming from the stranger makes his heart skip a beat.
Buck decides to ignore it and chuckles instead, ”Well, I wouldn’t talk if I were you, I mean… That was terrible.”
Tommy laughs right back at him and Buck bets that if he rested his head against Tommy’s chest, he would feel the rumble of it.
”Well, to be fair, that isn’t my usual order,” Tommy tells him, still leaning against the counter in a way that makes his shirt a little tight around his biceps.
Not that Buck is looking or anything.
”A friend of mine told me that the Starbucks near them is giving out drinks in rainbow cups for Pride Month if you order a certain kind of drink,” Tommy explains. ”Either they were fucking with me or that’s just not the case at this particular Starbucks.”
Buck nods, only half-listening. For some reason, his eyes are focused on Tommy’s cleft chin.
”W- What do you usually order then?” Buck finds himself asking, now looking up at the light blue eyes staring back at him.
”A flat white with two sugars. If I’m ordering from Starbucks, it’s a Venti but if from any other place, it’s just a large,” Tommy chuckles and Buck swears that he sees his eyes looking him up and down for a split second, ”That’s the way I like it. Tall, light… Sweet.”
Buck has to swallow again. He leans against the counter as well, not really knowing what else to do, ”S- So what did you order today?”
”Iced coffee with oat milk,” Tommy says. ”Judging from the way you reacted… Not good?”
”No,” Buck says with a slightly more relaxed laugh. ”Not great. And you didn’t even get a rainbow cup.”
”No, I didn’t,” Tommy chuckles under his breath. ”My friend must think they’re very funny, getting me to order something like this.”
He places the cup with the iced coffee on the counter, pushing it back gently to make it clear that he doesn't want it, and then hands Buck his cup back.
"I could uh…" Buck starts, trying not to focus on the way that Tommy's fingers scrape against his once more. "I could buy you a coffee from this other place I usually go to on my days off. It's a five-minute walk but I mean… You need your caffeine too. I could even draw a rainbow on your cup if you want me to."
Tommy smiles at him widely and tilts his head a little. Cute.
"I'd love that but I've got to take a raincheck," he says, glancing down at his watch. "My shift starts in half an hour, so…"
”Oh,” Buck mumbles under his breath and takes a quick sip of his coffee.
He doesn’t think about the fact that Tommy’s lips rested in the same spot of the cup just a moment ago. He really doesn’t.
"But I'd love to do that sometime," Tommy continues then and grabs one of the many markers on the counter.
He leans forward and for a moment Buck stiffens for no good reason, and watches as Tommy writes something on the side of his cup. He twists it around to see it when Tommy is done and smiling proudly.
On top of ’Evan’, it now says: Call me sometime, and under his name is Tommy’s phone number.
Buck smiles at him, ”I will.”
”Great. It was lovely to meet you, Evan,” Tommy says then and pats him gently on the shoulder. ”I’ve got to get going now, I just know the traffic’s going to be terrible. Don’t forget to call. I’m going to hold onto that promise of a drawn rainbow on my coffee cup.”
”Y- Yeah, I’ll…” Buck has to clear his throat. The spot on his shoulder where Tommy’s hand just was feels like it’s burning. ”I’ll work on my drawing skills.”
Tommy smiles once more as he starts making his way out of the Starbucks. Buck’s eyes follow him.
”Bye, Evan!”
”Bye,” Buck whispers back when Tommy is already out the door.
He stands there, holding his cup until a very annoyed man rushes toward the counter, nearly knocking him out of the way. Buck walks out as well and looks around a bit to see if he can get one more glimpse of the man he just met. He doesn't see him anywhere but just the thought of him makes Buck smile.
Coffee tastes better now than ever before and even the sun seems to shine brighter and warmer.
And despite being late, Buck isn’t in a hurry.
This turned out better than I thought it would, so I also posted it on AO3 :) Here's the link: mornings are sweeter with you - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Thank you Anon for the idea!
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dailykinley · 14 hours
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TOMMY KINARD | “You already know that I’m interested.”
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dailykinley · 16 hours
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dailykinley · 19 hours
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Endless Buck: (43/?) » “There Goes The Groom - S07E06” 
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dailykinley · 21 hours
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big beefy firefighter getting flustered about his big beefy boyfriend
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dailykinley · 23 hours
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Buck getting kissed by Tommy vs Buck kissing Tommy
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dailykinley · 1 day
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You're thinking of changing things up, aren't you?
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dailykinley · 1 day
Please, I need Tommy and Buck to let out their curl and both of them to brush through the others curls
I 100% agree <3
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(anon i misread ur ask i'm sorry akjhsdg but here's bucktommy with their natural hair)
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dailykinley · 1 day
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dailykinley · 1 day
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TOMMY KINARD | 7.04 - Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
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dailykinley · 1 day
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12 headers under the cut.
headers 640x360.
please like or reblog if you save or use.
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183 notes · View notes