cypriathus · 19 hours
I updated his family section.
Here is my version of Ares!
WARNING: There are very brief mentions of genitalia and coitus
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Uresaphon is a courageous, blunt, and selfish fallen angel who’s marked by an insatiable lust for beautiful women and gruesome fights. He enjoys creating chaos and discord off the battlefield, and is a massive lover of death and the chaotic side of war. He’s exceedingly brutal, unsympathetic, and ruthless, and has blatant anger management issues. He throws absurdly violent temper tantrums when things don’t go as planned and is more vulnerable to succumbing to his unpleasant impulses. He doesn’t respect strategy and heroic ethics due to his physical aggression, recklessness, and overly ambitious nature. Despite his horrible behaviour, he strongly abides by angelic and demonic law, and has an extreme distaste for sexual assault. Uresaphon is surprisingly gentle, patient, and protective with his mother, wife, sisters, and every woman he encounters, viewing them as well-valued superiors to men.
He’s a 7’ 1” (215.9 cm) mesomorph with an inverted triangle figure, a chiselled musculature, a square chest, a well-endowed penis, and white-backed vulture wings. He has pallid skin that’s covered in numerous battle scars and a golden canine, and his lower lip is horribly chipped. His face is adorned with war paint: a large dark pink band across the midsection and two light teal stripes on both of his cheeks. Uresaphon’s left eye is a red copper and the other is a pinkish orange, and he has a curly taper fade of matte brownish-black with stubble. He dons a badly tattered cape of shimmering sapphire and bronze pauldrons that have barn owl feathers tucked underneath them. He wears a vermillion-plumed helmet, cuirass, war-belt, and greaves in pure gold that shine with a phosphorescent starlight. His war-belt is adorned with a silver vulture skull buckle and his hoplite shield is made from brazen goatskin that’s emblazoned with a poisonous serpent encircling a lone woodpecker. He’s often brandished with a bronze-tipped spear, a flaming kopis, and a moonlit bow with arrows that have been thrusted into rotting corpses.
Uresaphon endows places, objects, and living creatures with a savage, dangerous, and/or militarised quality, and can summon arrow-shooting birds and fearsome dragons. He creates armed warriors that spring forth from the earth after the teeth of murderous dragons were sown in a fertile field. His abnormally powerful strength can be empowered by anger, hatred, combat, danger, death, destruction, and cannibalism. As a gift from the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri, they have granted him absolute speed, stamina, and violence to fulfill his warlike duties. He’s able to manipulate the destructive and cruel side of war, sheer brutality, bloodlust, fire, rage, and masculinity, and has great killing instincts. All of his natural senses are heightened significantly compared to the average mortal, and he’s a master of militant fighting. He can understand his opponent's method of thinking and fighting, and possesses an indomitable courage. Uresaphon is able to summon a battle cry that inspires courage, strength, and bloodlust in those who hear it.
Unnamed Angel of the Harvest Month and Destructive Time or “Cronus” (grandfather)
Unnamed Angel of Comfort, Good Living and Fertile Mothers or “Rhea” (grandmother)
Ziesowa (father)
Herivota (mother)
Hespazotun (younger brother)
Unnamed Angel of Youth or “Hebe” (younger sister)
Unnamed Angel of Childbirth or “Eileithyia” (younger sister)
Apurvolen (younger half-brother)
Artemokhus (younger half-sister)
Dionusza (younger half-brother)
Hermazotius (younger half-brother)
Heraklotius (younger half-brother)
Hadeszloni (uncle)
Poreszudani (uncle)
Athemozinus (wife)
Aphrezoditus (lover)
Unnamed Angel of Panic, Flight and Rout or “Phobos” (son)
Unnamed Angel of Terror and Dread or “Deimos” (son)
Unnamed Angel of Harmony and Concord or “Harmonia” (daughter)
Angel of Brutal Warfare, Slaughter and Courage
The Brutish
The Bloody
The Swift
The Brazen
The Warlike
The Fearsome
The Piercing
The Manslaying
The Spear-Brandishing
Feasted by Women
Armed with Bronze
Stormer of Cities
Insatiate of Fighting
Man of the Golden Helm
He Who Rallies Men
He Who Fights Under The Shield’s Guard
As an Æylphitus, his name means “bane, ruin, curse or imprecation”.
He’s often in the Circle of Ire or the Circle of Barbarity
He’s one of the least popular members of The Pantheon
His affair with Aphrezoditus led to much animosity amongst the Greek Pantheon, especially in regards to Hespazotun who felt as though he deliberately tore apart their brotherly love.
Hespazotun ensnared him and Aphrezoditus during a make out session in a golden net that was invisible to the naked eye, thoroughly humiliating them through the laughter of most of the Greek Pantheon members.
He was once imprisoned in a bronze jar after losing a battle with a group of mischievous, yet strategic warrior giants.
He’s often subjected to humiliation
He’s strongly devoted to his mother, willing to do anything that would satisfy her and protect her from harm’s way.
Ziesowa once scorned him of his cruel, violent, and hateful nature after he groaned and whined about his injuries after a gruelling battle.
He has a pet dragon that’s covered in a golden fleece and an eagle owl that acts as a portent of war, discord, and bad fortune.
He drives a golden chariot that’s drawn by four fire-breathing horses.
In Olympus, his Thracian palace is an iron fortress adorned with war-booty and guarded by various divine sentries.
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cypriathus · 19 hours
I updated both of their families.
Here are my versions of Hades and Persephone!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: There is a brief moment of coitus in regards to the second character.
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Hadeszloni is a mysterious and patient fallen angel who has a sadistic enjoyment in torturing the guilty and a gentle-hearted admiration for his family and friends. He shows uncompromising and inflexible resolve due to his very strict and serious nature, taking his underworld duties earnestly. He lacks merciful pity to sinful and irredeemable people, and his presence invokes a sense of fearful apprehension in those unfamiliar with him. When interacting with sinners and wicked strangers, he’s not warm and friendly, treating them in a distant, reserved, and cruel way. He’s a conscientious workaholic with mild manners, logical thinking skills, and bureaucratic ideals based on equality, accountability, responsibility, and continuity. Despite the depressing and morbid environment he works in, he has a happy-go-lucky and positively stoic outlook on life. Hadeszloni is quite affectionate, generous, and welcoming to guests that don’t mean harm, and takes his loyalty to others seriously.
He’s approximately 6’ 3” (190.5 cm) with an average mesomorphic build, a rectangular figure, a slightly protruding ribcage, and sloping shoulders. He has greyish-blue vulture skin with faint golden veins, screech owl wings, yellowed teeth, and sharp black claws and talons. He has shoulder-length, curly raven-black hair, sideburns, and collarbone-reaching goatee with streaks of light grey and reddish-brown. His glowing eyes are the hue of a tuscan cypress with saffron-yellow pupils and glaucous sclera. His pauldrons are donkey skulls that are missing their lower jaws, and he dons a flame-coloured laurel and a black leather necklace with a rose gold key. Hadeszloni has lustrous bluish-black robes made from the finest silk that shimmer with glimpses of eternally tortured faces. He also wears a silver breastplate, a rose quartz girdle with dried pomegranates, golden greaves, and blood red sandals. He has three rings: a golden wedding band on his left ring finger; a blue diamond ring below the wedding band; and a star ruby solitaire on his right middle finger. He’s in possession of a silver-grey dogskin modius that bestows complete invisibility upon the wearer, making them indiscernible to all forms of life. He has a bident of adamantine red spinel that could sunder the earth, creating a passage between the worlds of the living and dead.
He can control all of the riches that are found within the earth and drag people to the underworld if they dared to use his name in a blasphemous manner. He possesses absolute knowledge of the underworld, earth, and death, and can manipulate darkness, harvests, subterranean treasures, earthquakes, soil, and fertility. He has an indomitable will, necromancer abilities, and the power to induce fear and poverty, and bestow golden luck. His physical strength, mental wellness, and brain flexibility are empowered by cemeteries, death, monetary values on earthly goods, sadness, and pomegranate seeds. He’s able to store all mortal and immortal souls and earthly riches in an astral plane of existence that he only has access to. He can summon three-headed hellhounds, navigate treacherous waters, determine the worthiness of souls in the afterlife, and maintain balance and order in Nifjazroghetus.
Unnamed Angel of the Harvest Month and Destructive Time or “Cronus” (father)
Unnamed Angel of Comfort, Good Living and Fertile Mothers or “Rhea” (mother)
Poreszudani (younger brother)
Ziesowa (younger brother)
Herivota (sister-in-law)
Uresaphon (nephew)
Unnamed Angel of Panic, Flight and Rout or “Phobos” (great-nephew)
Unnamed Angel of Terror and Dread or “Deimos” (great-nephew)
Unnamed Angel of Harmony and Concord or “Harmonia” (great-niece)
Hespazotun (nephew)
Unnamed Angel of Youth or “Hebe” (niece)
Unnamed Angel of Childbirth or “Eileithyia” (niece)
Apurvolen (nephew)
Artemokhus (niece)
Dionusza (nephew)
Hermazotius (nephew)
Heraklotius (nephew)
Purszathome (wife)
Unnamed Angel of Nightmares, Ghosts and Funerary Rites or “MelinoĂ«â€ (stepdaughter)
Angel of the Dead and Riches
The Renowned
The Notorious
Good Counsellor
The Rich One
Lord Over All
Host of Many
Receiver of the Dead
Man of Good Repute
He Who Leads People Away
As an Æylphitus, his name means “unseen”.
Whenever he’s furious, his hair turns into a mass of blue flames
He’s the king of Limbo
He rides a rose gold chariot that’s driven by four immortal, pitch-black horses
He has a golden palace that’s located near the centre of Limbo
He received newly arrived sinners in the hall of his palace where, seated upon an ebony throne and attended by four spirit judges, he assigned them their lot in Nifjazroghetus.
He possesses an orchard of pomegranate trees, cypress, mint, and white poplar that’s beside his palace, which is tended by torch-bearing nymphes. Those who dare to eat the seeds of the pomegranates from his orchard will be trapped in Nifjazroghetus for an eternity.
He has an everlasting asphodel field in paradise where his immortalised sable-black cattle roam
He has a pet screech owl that is a bestower of ill omens and acts as his messenger
He holds onto an asphodel flower crown that Purszathome made for her
He often has a solemn and mournful look
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Purszathome is a happy-go-lucky, sombre, and curious fallen angel that loves to playfully tease people and socialise with others. She deeply cares about her family, friends, and lover, willing to loyally protect them, offer them suitable advice, and do fun activities with them. Although seemingly innocent, she can be dreadful and cold-hearted, holding the capability to stand up for herself and do what’s right. She only shows rightful hatred towards those who wronged her or have committed heinous acts, not bothering to turn over a new leaf. Due to how her mother raised her, she’s quite oblivious to many aspects of the multiverse and mortal life. Her experiences in Nifjazroghetus have endowed her with wisdom, resilience, and a profound understanding of the cycles of life and death. Purszathome is more reasonable and compassionate than her husband, and has a considerate, refined, and tasteful attitude.
She’s about 5’ 11” (180.34 cm) with a stunning ectomorphic build, a pear-shaped figure, a well-defined waist, a slightly swollen belly, and prominent thighs. She has snow-white skin that has an earthy brown tint, bronze freckles, and sparkling metallic green eyes with flecks of rose gold, which become a dark red-violet when in Nifjazroghetus. Her long, wavy hair is a strawberry blonde during the morning and early afternoons, and a cherry red during late afternoons and the evening. She possesses large wings that mimic the colouration of a cockerel, and her legs are the hindquarters of a red deer. Purszathome wears a blue-green dress made from rectangular fabric that’s folded around her body with golden pins and a bronze-hued girdle. Her girdle is decorated with dried pomegranates and her dress is adorned with embroidery of light purple roses and golden daffodils. She dons pearlescent white asphodel-shaped earrings, a silver necklace with a tanzanite butterfly charm, and a left side bronze pauldron covered in roses, crocuses, irises, lilies, and larkspurs. She often carries a golden sheaf of freshly harvested grain and a torch of red reed that’s tipped with hellfire.
She can manipulate spring’s bounty, the balance between growth and decay, agriculture, vegetation, grain, innocence, fertility, passion, marriage, girlhood, childbearing, pain, madness, and destruction. She’s able to bestow desired capabilities to those who seek her out with genuine hearts and utilise necromancer abilities. In order to punish sinners and people who utter curses in Purszathome’s name, she summons monstrous creatures of vengeance and retribution to deal with them. She’s capable of renewing floral, animalistic, and humanoid life, facilitating peaceful or agonising deaths, and initiating a safe passage towards the afterlife. She can maintain the balance of the seasons, ensuring that life, death, light, and darkness are in harmony.
Demathonszur (mother)
Unnamed Angel of the Hearth and Home or “Hestia” (aunt)
Hadeszloni (husband)
Unnamed Angel of Nightmares, Ghosts and Funerary Rites or “MelinoĂ«â€ (daughter)
Angel of Spring
Mixed Daughter
Saviour Maiden
Bringer of Fruit
The Knowing One
Exacter of Justice
She Who Must Not Be Named
As an Æylphitus, her name means “to destroy murder”.
She’s the queen of Limbo
She was initially abducted by Hadeszloni in retaliation of her mother’s overprotective and capricious nature, but they ended up falling in love with one another after clearing up some misunderstandings around Demathonszur.
She stays in Nifjazroghetus for one half of the year as Hadeszloni’s wife and the other is spent with Demathonszur in Olympus.
Dionusza is her best friend
She enjoys spending her free time in fields where there’s an abundance of flora, picking flowers and making crowns out of them.
She strongly refuses to admit that Ziesowa transformed into a python and secretly had sex with her in a flower field outside of Nifjazroghetus.
She likes to talk and play with the nymphes
She enjoys collecting flowers with the Oceanids and Artemokhus
She has a field of pomegranate trees, poppies, and garden mint near the entrance of Limbo
She’s in possession of a pet rooster
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cypriathus · 22 hours
I added two new terms:
Druidry: It’s an ancient form of magic that harnesses the vast powers of nature to preserve multiversal equilibrium and protect all life. It allows users to fully comprehend the secrets of the multiverse and unleash nature’s raw energy to perform a wide variety of tasks (e.g. create entire forests, increase land fertility, and restore natural harmony). Users of druidry can rain celestial fury on targets from a great distance, bind them with enchanted vines, and ensnare them in unrelenting cyclones. With experience, they can become skilled practitioners of healing, great seers, and master shapeshifters that can take on the forms of wolves, bears, cats, storm crows, and sea lions.
Druids: It refers to both female and male mages of druidry.
Unique terminology used in my work
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Some things talk about fictional diseases, drugs, and a mental health issue. There is also a proverb that refers to male genitalia.
Land of bloody foam, prosperous milk, and fermented honey: This is used by angels and some fallen angels when talking about heaven. It shows their deep respect and pride in their natural abode.
Earthly purgatory: It’s often used when talking about the Pnemazokhus as they are often described as beings stuck between the corporeal and incorporeal states. It also describes how they’re usually unable to properly move onto the afterlife, hence why being bound to the earthly plane of existence.
To wait before an isle of blowing sand: Waiting to complete or achieve tasks and/or goals for an unsightly amount of time, while opportunities run dry. It can also refer to those who are on their deathbed, waiting to pass away and move onto the afterlife.
Do not go around tasting a pig’s vomit: Respect the privacy of others and don’t bother sticking your nose in their business unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Let his fiery sword touch one’s psyche: To pray for assistance in regards to the arduous purification of rewriting one’s own wrongdoings or to help those who are going through a period of temptation and strife.
Cover one’s mouth with a hot coal: Being aware that certain words and tones of voice can hurt the emotions of others. It’s better to carefully choose your words and tone of voice in order to minimise the likelihood of emotionally hurting someone.
The little sparrow is bigger than a hawk’s ribcage: Some people may appear to be weak and vulnerable, but it isn’t wise to judge them as they’re much more than initial first impressions.
Don’t charge head first for the golden fleece: Think before you act or you’ll suffer the negative consequences as a result.
Under the rule of his cosmic multiverse: All life is eternally bound to the fundamental and indestructible rule of Cosmos, and everyone and everything is obliged to show respect and honour.
Mere flick of the tongue: Being able to instantly know and respond accordingly to what the other person is talking about.
Hissed by the sun: It’s used to refer to those who have been partially or brutally sunburnt.
Tip of the white bull: The penis glans of the male reproductive organ.
Drowning in madness: Going insane or slowly losing one’s own humanity.
Fat-lipped: A liar who is all talk and no action.
Maggot-sucker: Individuals who extort money or live off of other people in order to be provided with basic necessities such as shelter.
Creational mishap: This is used by Æylphitus to refer to offspring and/or newly created lifeforms with noticeable physical and mental differences compared to their own species as an unexpected mistake.
Rebellious defect: This is used by the Government of Interdimensional Peace and Righteousness (GIPAR) when referring to traitors and rebels who are against them and are actively trying to overthrow them.
Esper: It’s a term that the Bureau of Researching and Securing Extramundane Curiosities (BRSEC) use to refer to psychics.
Metaphysical exhaustion: It’s a major form of death amongst the Æylphitus and psychics, and it involves the overuse of their abilities, which is deeply connected with their life energy. The best way to prevent metaphysical exhaustion is to understand one’s own abilities and how much life energy it requires, and learning how to limit their dependence on them.
Secret bodily weakness or physical Achilles’ heel: All Æylphitus are born with one or more physical weaknesses that can be exploited. Once a person figures out their unique bodily weakness(es) and successfully targets it, it noticeably weakens their abilities and they become more susceptible to harm. They’re very specific and can be difficult to properly target as a result of that.
Paranormal psyche: It’s an important magic-giving spirit that the Æylphitus, mages, and psychics are born with. This unique spirit is connected to one’s own life energy, but that varies on its inborn prevalence.
Mage: Humans who are born with a not fully formed paranormal psyche or magical spark. As a result of this unique characteristic, it helps them to have a better grip on controlling the type(s) of magic they’re personally interested in. However, their usage of magic is limited to utilising incantations inscribed in grimoires. They’re sometimes referred to as practitioners of magic.
Psychic: Humans who are born with a fully formed paranormal psyche. Once they’re born, their psychic abilities are either completely or slightly dormant. They only awaken after the individual has encountered a traumatic event. They’re susceptible to metamorphosing into an Æylphitus. Most are born with subtle biological differences that revolve around height, and skin pallor and melanin.
Accursed: People who have been afflicted with a curse. Sometimes they have inherited their curse from one or more biological relatives. Similar to psychics, they can be susceptible to metamorphosing into an Æylphitus, but it depends on the curse they have. They can only have one curse, two or more would result in immediate death from epileptic sensory overload and heart failure.
Incantation: They can only be utilised through loud or quiet verbal speech such as shouting and mumbling. There are different incantations they can utilise and these consist of summoning, defence, offence, healing, love, resurrection, scrying, teleportation, creation, and curse spells. Incantations are often used with wands, which act as easily controllable conductors of magic. By pointing and using specific hand movements, the spell is more likely to perform successfully. For example, a mage might slash the air upwards or downwards to mimic opening a cosmic rift in order to perform a summoning spell. They’re used to create magical items such as potions and inscribe runic symbols that contain a particular spell of choice (e.g. creation spell).
Black magic: It consists of necromancy, magical curses, enchantment (influencing the minds, emotions, and/or senses of living creatures or altering the quality and/or physical properties of objects and beings), and conjuration (creating or transferring an object or living being to a specified location). It originally referred to the use of these aforementioned magic types for evil and selfish purposes.
White magic: It consists of divination (there are numerous types that gain information through different means such as ornithomancy, geomancy, and cartomancy), magical creation, animancy (manipulating the forces of life), manipulation of nature, and abjuration (the ability to heal, protect, and support). It originally referred to the use of these aforementioned magic types for good and selfless purposes.
Druidry: It’s an ancient form of magic that harnesses the vast powers of nature to preserve multiversal equilibrium and protect all life. It allows users to fully comprehend the secrets of the multiverse and unleash nature’s raw energy to perform a wide variety of tasks (e.g. create entire forests, increase land fertility, and restore natural harmony). Users of druidry can rain celestial fury on targets from a great distance, bind them with enchanted vines, and ensnare them in unrelenting cyclones. With experience, they can become skilled practitioners of healing, great seers, and master shapeshifters that can take on the forms of wolves, bears, cats, storm crows, and sea lions.
Eldritch magic: It’s a very ancient form of magic that utilises the combination of incantations and the assistance of one or more Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri. It grants the user immense power, magical insight, and the exceptional ability to wield the kind of magic associated with one or more Hirczalotepus Tiaphozurs. However, it can lead to behavioural and physical changes if used for prolonged periods of time.
Alchemy: It’s a philosophical, protoscientific form of magic that revolves around the transformation and/or combination of matter. Its original purpose was to achieve the conversion of base metals to gold, and the discovery of a universal elixir and means of indefinitely prolonging life.
Archmage: A powerful and fully enlightened mage, and they’re often the leader of a magocracy, which is a society ruled by practitioners of magic.
Witch: It refers to female mages of black magic.
Warlock: It refers to male mages of black magic.
Wizard: It refers to both female and male mages of white magic.
Druids: It refers to both female and male mages of druidry.
Sorcerer: It refers to male mages of eldritch magic.
Sorceress: It refers to female mages of eldritch magic.
Alchemist: It refers to both female and male mages of alchemy.
Cunning folk: People who utilise their magical spark to entertain people by performing various mind-boggling tricks that don’t have a legitimate, clear answer.
Clone: They're made through the use of duplication machines or incantations that can multiply oneself. Some look exactly the same as their original counterparts, while others have slight physical, emotional, and/or mental differences.
Avatar: The belief that a living creature with a soul can be the bodily manifestation of an ascended or full-blooded Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri. Their personality, abilities, and/or appearance are often indications of them being an avatar to a specific deity (e.g. justice deities).
Artificial deity: Non-Æylphitus people who achieved godhood through hyper-advanced technology, biological experiments, genetic transfiguration, and magic.
Ascended deity: Non-Æylphitus people who achieved godhood through overcoming arduous obstacles and successfully completing one or more trials that have been purposefully set by the full-blooded Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri.
Gift of Loving Wheat: It’s an Äylcephomus ritual where an angel gives a bundle of wheat to an angelic warrior in order to show sexual and/or romantic interest or genuine appreciation and admiration.
Dermal confiscation: A form of punishment where an Æylphitus is completely or mostly flayed, while ensuring that they can’t regrow their skin through a curse that can be lifted when their sentence is over. It’s a visible sign that they committed a heinous crime or act that goes against their particular kind and are often ostracised because of that. The Æylphitus believe that the skin is connected to the paranormal psyche and acts as a sacred shield to one’s own internal body. It also represents an individual’s right to physicality and social living.
Material universe: It was created by a malevolent, theriomorphic, corruptive god named Jaldebonszuth who desired and personally believed themselves to be a creator. He generated the material universe and it keeps the souls of physical bodies trapped. He lacked the proper power to maintain its goodness, which explains why the world is full of pain and suffering. These souls are only free upon death.
Red clay: It’s made from mashed insides, partially firm soil, and a small portion of freshwater. This special clay-like material is often used in creating new life.
Great rapture: The eventual and methodical emergence of a multiversal apocalypse that is said to wipe out the current human age.
Wood Era: In the first age of man, humanity was carved from the finest wood. They were originally oblivious to the existence of the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and other Æylphitus. This meant that they didn’t bother to pay any form of satisfying tribute and worship them. They were very isolated from their own kind and preferred to be alone without any unsightly disturbances. They only interacted with other people for the purposes of reproduction. The titans and their Æylphitus helpers felt great shame and disinterest, and wiped them out with a blazing inferno.
Bronze Era: In the second age of man, humanity was intricately formed with polished bronze. They originally acknowledged the existence of the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and other Æylphitus. However, they only paid tribute and worshipped them in order to satisfy their own selfish needs and wants. Most preferred to live by themselves, while others formed very small communal tribes. Fights and arguments started to arise, but they never ended up as full-blown wars and there were often no severe injuries involved. The titans and their Æylphitus helpers felt dissatisfied and even frustrated, so they wiped them out with a world-ending earthquake.
Silver Era: In the third age of man, humanity was sculpted from molten silver. They were originally aware of the existence of the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and other Æylphitus. However, they felt tremendous fear and disgust towards them, which hindered tributes and worshipping. Even though they were considerably more social compared to the last two eras, they often engaged in combat and brutal wars ravaged humanity. They also engaged in other heinous acts such as robbery, domestic violence, kidnapping, arson, and bribery. The titans and their Æylphitus helpers felt horrified and extreme wrath, so they wiped them out with a devastating flood.
Gold Era: In the fourth age of man, humanity was delicately formed with dull, yet shimmering gold. Some believe and acknowledge the existence of the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and other Æylphitus, while others don’t. It’s the current human era where both good and evil are in proper co-existence.
Diamond Era: In the fifth and final age of man, humanity is said to be chiselled from the earth-hidden diamond. They fully believe and properly acknowledge the existence of the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and other Æylphitus. Humanity hasn’t reached this point yet, but numerous prophecies have stated that this is an era of tranquillity, unbroken harmony, and stable relationships. Even though it seems to be a utopian future, there is still a looming evil that lurks behind every corner.
Ezarmylobius: It’s the name of the Awukhoziel’s original home planet, which is now called Mars.
Bolavrenzikus: It’s a hallucinogenic chemical derived from the pearly, golden stems and leaves of an unnamed flower that seems to be a fusion between an orchid and morning glory. This chemical is often injected into semi-hard candy, gelatin cubes, or a drinkable liquid like a smoothie. It changes the way that Æylphitus see, hear, taste, smell and feel, and it produces a wide spectrum of mental states. It’s well known for creating extremely vivid and memorable hallucinations. Æylphitus will experience these hallucinations in either auditory or visual form or a combination of the two. They’re often representations of their unique subconsciousness and personal experiences. Besides hallucinations, the symptoms they may experience after ingesting bolavrenzikus, include the following:
Stomach discomfort
Fast heartbeat
High blood pressure
Breathing quickly
Muscle weakness
Dilation of pupils
Dry mouth
Increased body temperature
Change in sex drive
Poor motor function
Blurry vision
Difficulty with speech articulation and production
Lack of concentration
Return of a “trip” experience days or months later
Glufaszoprine: It’s a semi-synthetic opioid or narcotic analgesic that derives from the protective coating of unicorn horns or an incubus’ tongue. This chemical is often combined with a fruity powder or injected in sugar cubes or small, cooked pieces of meat such as poultry. It usually enters the brain through the preferred passage of ingestion (nasal or mouth) and produces immediate effects associated with the drug. It’s well-known for producing intense euphoria and increased happiness, and it has strong addictive potential as a result of that. It can cause auditory or visual hallucinations based on the previous experiences and subconscious mind of an Æylphitus. The other symptoms of glufaszoprine include:
Runny nose or nosebleeds
Weight loss
Overconsumption of food or loss of appetite
Consistent mood swings
Social isolation
Increased need for privacy
Boost in confidence and self-esteem
Noticeable deterioration of hygiene habits
Apathy and/or lack of motivation
Slurred or forced, pressured speech
Twitching eyes
Shortness of breath
Skin picking
Poor coordination
Hostility towards other individuals
Inconsistent periods of hyperactivity and/or exhaustion
Disorganised motor behaviour
Zubhjotexafin: It’s an empathogen that helps to increase an Æylphitus’ feeling of empathy and benevolence as well as social acceptance. It’s often in tablet or capsule form that come in different colours and sizes, but are sometimes sold as a crystalline powder. It’s currently unknown where this particular empathogen comes from because research on zubhjotexafin isn’t plentiful. The symptoms of zubhjotexafin include the following:
Increased friendliness and playfulness
Increased sexual arousal
Feeling energetic and confident
Mood swings
Out-of-character irrational behaviour
Extremely suspicious and frightened
Disorganised thinking
Muscle aches and pain
Excessive sweating and skin tingling
Heat stroke
Cold extremities
Jaw clenching and teeth grinding
Loss of appetite
Decreased inhibition
Increase sociability
Eystriphozadul: It’s a dissociative anesthetic that’s either made into a chloric or beige capsule, gelatin cube or drinkable liquid. It’s made from a manticore’s “arrow”, the coating of a rippling helminth’s intestines, and Gorgon healing blood and magical eyes. As it affects the brain chemicals of Æylphitus, it produces auditory and visual hallucinations, and a detachment from one’s own body or environment. It can also produce near death experiences and distorted perceptions. Besides the aforementioned effects, other symptoms of eystriphozadul include:
Ulceration in the bladder or rectum
Lowered sensitivity to painful stimuli
Uncontrollable laughter
Blurry vision
Unusually tired or weak
Uncoordinated movements
Psychomotor agitation
Difficulty with speech articulation and/or production
Wemnatruphovszik: It’s a stimulant that comes in the form of sugary tablets, glass slivers, or a chunky crystal-like powder with a potent smell and bittersweet aftertaste. The tablets and powder have traces of grey, rose pink, and/or sky blue. They’re often ingested with cold drinks or sniffed through the nasal passage. It speeds up neural messages that travel between the brain and body, which makes an Æylphitus feel more energetic and alert. Æylphitus usually prefer to take this particular stimulant with either bolavrenzikus or zubhjotexafin in order to “feel” something. The symptoms that are associated with wemnatruphovszik include the following:
A sense of powerfulness and superiority
Increased alertness
Restlessness or excitability
Heart palpitations
Elevated blood pressure
Loss of appetite
Anxiety and irritability
Abdominal pain
Dehydration and needing to urinate more often
Large pupils and dry mouth
Shortness of breath
Teeth grinding
Increased sex drive
Jixtazrobuphen: A special, experimental drug that psychics use to weaken their abilities and decrease the likelihood of metamorphosis. It helps them to have better control over their unique abilities, but it’s highly addictive due to the special chemicals that are used. The signs and symptoms associated with jixtazrobuphen aren’t properly recorded and it varies between person-to-person, but there are a few things to point out. These chemicals increase the amount of dopamine production within the brain and can seem like it’s improving the bodily health of a person. As it alters the brain, people experience mood swings, auditory and visual hallucinations, food cravings, a sense of euphoric happiness, the inability to recognize painful stimuli, and a decrease in body weight. They also feel more energetic and are rarely tired, are sensitive to light, certain types of protein and diary, and physical touch, and experience a noticeable sex drive. Jixtazrobuphen is often described as having a sweet aftertaste, something akin to white chocolate, cake batter or eggnog. There are instances where it has a fruity aftertaste, which is usually linked to tangerine, raspberry, pineapple or dragon fruit. The overuse of jixtazrobuphen often leads to a person’s psychic abilities to run out of control and increase the likelihood of transforming into an Æylphitus.
Jixtakloszephun: Similar to jixtazrobuphen, it significantly weakens the abilities and overall strength of an Æylphitus. It’s a special drug used by the Bureau of Researching and Securing Extramundane Curiosities (BRSEC) when conducting experiments on fully alive Æylphitus. It helps to reduce any potential damage or injury if the experiment goes awry.
Contortionist blood insanity (CBI): It’s often caused by unbreakable curses and direct contact with certain Æylphitus, mostly fairies and disease titans. CBI is one of the very few ways non-Æylphitus individuals can transcend. At first, the host seems to be physically and mentally normal, but that gradually changes overtime once streaks of blood start to pour from their scalp. These streaks of blood indicate physical and mental change as the host slowly transforms into an Æylphitus. This disease only ceases when the host has achieved full metamorphosis, becoming a being that doesn't resemble their former identity. The signs and symptoms include:
Extreme aggressiveness
Unexplainable nervousness
Increased sex drive
Fear of loneliness and abandonment
Overeating or lack of appetite
Auditory and visual hallucinations
Disorganised motor behaviour
Difficulty with concentration or mind “goes blank”
Emotional numbness
Inability to process painful stimuli
Skin sheds to reveal a new epidermis layer of different colour
Swelling of the skin
Erratic muscle spasms
Irregular heartbeat
Purpura and petechiae
Excessive vomiting
Heavy menstrual periods
Rectal bleeding
Severe headaches
Twitching eyes
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
Ravaging crystallisation epidermis disease (RCED): A deadly, airborne virus that slowly mutates people into discoloured statues with colloids that protrude from their “sentient” corpse. The only form of sentience from the fully mutated corpses is how deep breaths and each heartbeat sends a mesmerising ripple effect across their body and up the colloids. These protruding colloids store the memories of their host and can mimic their original voices through telepathy. RCED is extremely rare, and it requires blood circulation and the intake of air to survive, which explains why they try to keep their hosts “alive” for hundreds of years. Once a person is infected, their muscles and skin slowly transforms into an opaque crystal, while effectively numbing them to painful stimuli. The signs and symptoms consist of the following:
Skin pain
Pearly or waxy bumps on the skin
Change in skin colour and texture
Abnormally cold body temperatures
Disorganised motor behaviour and speech articulation
Difficulty with concentration and thinking
Memory problems
Occasional formication
Irregular heartbeat
Chest and/or back pain
Accelerated growth consumption (AGC): It’s a virus that rapidly ages a host and changes their skin to a sickly bluish-grey with immense wrinkles and noticeable veins. They also appear to be malnourished and exhausted, and have brittle teeth, sharp claws, and glowing eyes. It affects numerous areas of their lifestyle such as joint mobility, bone strength, hearing, seeing, coordination, stability, and the different parts of the brain such as the hippocampus. Due to rapid aging, their hosts have an increased susceptibility to various infections and diseases. AGC forces the heart to beat faster in order to accommodate these sudden changes, which often leads to sudden heart failure.
Burrowing rhizome cortex disease (BRCD): It’s caused by an unknown parasitoid that attaches itself to the motor and somatosensory cortex before “becoming” the brain of their host. It impacts the motor cortex’s ability to plan and create electrical signals that cause voluntary muscle contractions. In regards to the somatosensory cortex, it negatively affects the representation of the body, tactile attention, sensorimotor integration, the processing of painful stimuli, and emotion. As the BRCD parasitoid slowly takes over the brain, some other signs and symptoms people may experience include:
Ringing in the ears
Erratic muscles spasms
Loss of appetite
Abnormal weight loss
Poor coordination
Changes in thinking
Inability to dream
Mental and physical exhaustion
A burning sensation in the brain
Stiff neck
Sensitivity to light
Twitching eyes
They’re initially bulb-shaped, but as it slowly transforms itself into their host’s brain, they split themselves into plant-like roots. Once the brain has been engulfed, new root-like tendrils form until coming into contact with the spinal cord. When contact is made, they spread freely and change a host’s appearance. Their muscles and skin will be made up of discoloured, photosynthetic roots with a hint of rosiness, old bones multiply once or twice, and their eyes will disappear overnight. The host doesn’t die until the parasitoid decides they can’t live off of them anymore and finds a new victim to prey on. During that time, they’re capable of breathing and moving, but are unable to perform specific bodily actions such as eating. Once the parasitoid leaves, the root-infested corpse of the host remains and it eventually blooms with new floral and plant life. It’s often in combination with dryad’s hardening integument (DHI).
Dryad’s hardening integument (DHI): It’s caused by coming into contact with a hamadryad and it can quickly spread to new hosts through physical touch, which makes it highly contagious. It slowly hardens the skin of a host throughout one or two years. It turns one’s own skin into something akin to stiff, slightly flexible tree birch and the disease eventually eats away at their eyes, making them completely blind. The first parts to be affected are the hands, forearms, abdomen, lower legs, and feet. The signs and symptoms include:
Uncontrollable itchiness
Digits feeling painful or numb
Twitching eyes and/or eye damage
Loss of hair and sweat glands
Difficulty with muscle movement
Impaired joint mobility
Difficult chewing food
Difficulty swallowing food
Stiffening cardiac muscles
Pulmonary hypertension
Abnormal shortness of breath
Unhealthy decrease of metabolism and weight gain
For those who have DHI, the leading causes of death are starvation, dehydration, severe lung damage, and heart failure. Once they die, their birch skin doesn’t rot and is left behind, but the other parts of the body will begin to decay. Their birch skin eventually blooms with new floral life as well as moss. It’s often in combination with burrowing rhizome cortex disease (BRCD).
Phantasmagoric depersonalisation syndrome (PDS): People are vulnerable to PDS if they have witnessed an indescribable sight and have not died from being burned alive, melted into a bloody mess, or having their head or torso explode from telekinetic sensory overload. They feel deeply disturbed and mentally scarred by the incomprehensible. Individuals start to show all or most signs and symptoms of PDS between 5 minutes and 10 hours after the event. These signs and symptoms consist of:
Feeling detached from reality
Emotional numbness
Deep fixation on what they had seen
The feeling of being watched
Intense paranoia or anxiety
Difficulty handling uncertainty and/or sudden change
Difficulty concentrating on their tasks or the feeling that their mind “goes blank”
Staying away from where the event occurred and/or similar environments that remind them of where the event took place
Disorganised motor behaviour, and/or speech production and articulation
Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts
Visual and/or auditory hallucinations
Abnormally vivid nightmares
Insomnia and fatigue
Puking blood
Twitching eyes
Ringing in their ears
Inconsistent dizziness
Excessive trembling
As a result of the sight and various signs and symptoms, their thoughts and emotions begin to feel unreal and they slowly lose all sense of their identity. Individuals slowly become a different person they don’t imagine themselves being and the fear of losing oneself intensifies. They struggle to hold onto what remains of their identity, while trying to forget and/or comprehend the unknowable.
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cypriathus · 23 hours
ello alien
Hiii! *makes silly alien sounds*
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cypriathus · 2 days
Here are my versions of Osiris, Isis, and Sopdet/Ma'at!
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Ohsawjert is a merciful Äylcephomus that easily forgives those who repent, offering people a chance at redemption. He deeply cherishes his beloved family, friends, and coworkers, even if their moral alignments are drastically different than his. He’s wise and just as he treats every one of his encounters with genuine kindness and fairness. His love and devotion for Woisuna is enduring, and he’ll do anything to make sure that his loyalty to her is never broken. He’s an effective and benevolent leader that’s willing to share his wisdom and assistance to others, strengthening their knowledge and helping them with societal advancements and personal hardships. Despite his harmonious nature, he can use his fearsome presence to dismantle heinous acts and destroy people who resist enlightenment. He’s a lover of leisure, parties, and organising tactical strategies and plans that benefit him and others. He’s grateful for what he has in life, and has a great sense of humour that can easily lighten the mood of intense situations. He’s gullible, dogmatic, and self-assertive, but will hold himself accountable for the consequences of his actions. Ohsawjert is horrified by the idea that there is death beyond the afterlife and that when he does die again, he’ll never be reincarnated.
He’s a 15’ 3” (464.82 cm) slender and handsome ectomorph with a rectangular figure, a semi-gaunt torso, slim limbs, six African sacred ibis wings, and pink-white lotuses covering his entire back. He has a wax phallus and 14 stitches spread across his penis, head, neck, shoulder joints, elbows, abdomen, thighs, knees, and ankles. His once pallid skin is heavily tinted by an earthy green with silvery blue blushing on his joints and face as a result of asphyxiation, the loss of blood, and slight rot. He has dull brownish-black eyes with gold pupils outlined by a glowing red-orange and shoulder-length matte dark blue hair with multiple narrow twisted tresses. He possesses a pharaonic beard of dark blue with four simplistic bands of sparkling gold. He’s in possession of a red-eyed ram mask with emerald green fur and reseda chartreuse curling horns, which has a functioning mouth and eyes when he wears it. Ohsawjert’s head is adorned with an atef crown with a sun disk at the top and two curling ostrich feathers. His torso, arms, and legs are covered in the trappings of mummification, and he dons golden armlets and wristbands. He wears a usekh with rows of rubellite, sapphire, and malachite beads with gold bordering the collar and bottom. He wears a star-studded cloak and a shendyt of black linen that's held up by a belt styled like the djed pillar with alternating rows of rubellite, sapphire, and malachite with each row secured by gold bands. He wields a crook and flail, which are both made from heavy bronze with alternating stripes of blue glass, obsidian, and gold. The crook induces governmental power and guidance to anyone who touches it, while a flail invokes agricultural success and protects the fertility of the land.
Ohsawjert can manipulate snakes, earthquakes, caves, deserts, mountains, earthly boundaries, freshwater, the phases of the moon, kingship, mummification, and the cyclical nature of life and death. He has unquestionable knowledge over death, birth, agriculture, authority, weather, constellations, and the earth. His body can mimic the physical properties of gold and silver, he can summon falcons, and he’s a master of making alcoholic beverages. He can transform into a boar, falcon, ram, and bull, and possesses the strength to lift up Earth’s ocean floor. He’s a guardian of the earth’s secrets, hidden wonders, and ancient knowledge that can bring forth life from barren soil. He can summon the starry sky to shield earth from harm, resurrect withered plants, and restore balance to the natural world. Ohsawjert is able to control the earth’s energies, creating fertile land and nourishing crops.
Unnamed Angel of the Earth or “Geb” (father)
Unnamed Angel of the Sky or “Nut” (mother)
Nulaszomet (adoptive uncle)
Mulawosret (adoptive mother)
Amurkhet (adoptive father)
Woisuna (wife)
Sopadjute (daughter)
Horwazus (adoptive son)
Angel of Agriculture, Fertile Vegetation and Resurrecting Life
King of Those Who Are Not
He Who Is Everlastingly Perfect
Foremost of the Westerners
Enduring in the Good
Lord of the Living
Master of Eternity
The Great Inert
Beneficent Being
As an Æylphitus, his name means “seat of the eye or mighty product”.
He’s held responsible for deciding who is and isn’t worthy of reincarnation and redemption after they have entered the afterlife.
He owns a deep blue water pot full of twinkling stars and colourful space dust, which is rightfully used in the creation of galaxies.
He introduced Awukhoziels to agriculture, wheat, barley, grapes, wine, and copper tools.
When he was extremely drunk, he unwittingly got laid with Woisuna’s twin sister after partying with some of his friends and coworkers. He felt immense guilt for this and told his wife about what happened, being quite shocked that she didn’t ditch him for the drunken mishap.
He almost died in a suffocating molten lead box that Swutazor made to perfectly fit him, but Woisuna managed to save him after a traitor of Swutazor told her about the situation. However, Swutazor would catch word of this during a moonlit boar hunt by one of the 72 conspirators, which ticked him off. When Woisuna was busy healing the incurable illness of an Ethiopian queen’s son and bathing Byblos king’s handmaids, Swutazor brutally cut Ohsawjert into 14 pieces when he was resting. Swutazor managed to throw his phallus into the mouth of Sobtazhek, but Sopadjute would stop him from dumping the other body parts in an unoccupied desert. Sopadjute sewed each body part of Ohsawjert back in place and Woisuna, when she came back home and her daughter told her what happened, created a wax replacement for his phallus. Once he was reassembled, Woisuna convinced the divine council to bring him back to life and they did so out of respect and genuine sympathy.
He has a few demonic associates that are responsible for torturing souls doomed to be thrown in the Stomach of Caligo.
He owns an Egyptian goose as a pet and a man-eating baboon that serves as his protective confidante.
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Woisuna is an Äylcephomus known for her contradictory nature, being bloodthirsty and ruthless one second to suddenly generous and respectful. She possesses motherly instincts and a caring nature, strongly protecting her family, friends, and coworkers from harm. She shows compassion, empathy, and unconditional love to all living beings despite their differing moral alignments and levels of intelligence. She’s fiercely devoted to her loved ones, particularly her husband and children, which increased significantly after the death of her younger sister. She possesses a strong-willed and determined attitude, stopping at nothing to protect those close to her, dismantle chaos, and restore balance. She’s neither passive nor all-accepting, relying overtly on her acumen to handle issues that confront her. Her wisdom and insight is a product of possessing ancient knowledge bound to the secrets of the universe and all of the history she either witnessed or experienced. She’s ingenious and resourceful, using her wit and inherent abilities to overcome difficult challenges. Woisuna has a courageous, initiative, independent, and rational approach to the highs and lows of life.
She’s a 13’ 8” (416.56 cm) sylph-like mesomorph with an hourglass figure, well-endowed breasts, shapely legs, and four red kite wings that are as wide as the Nile river. She has snow-white skin with a lovely golden sheen and sparkling ruddy eyes with a silver outline. Her waist-length hair is a glossy matte black with streaks of cobalt blue and luxor gold, which is worked into multiple narrow plaited tresses. She wears a tight-fitting, elaborately pleated dress that reaches slightly below her ankles and it’s held up by two straps. The dress has a lozenge pattern of cylinder beads of blue, green, and white faience sewn onto the semi-transparent scarlet linen. Woisuna’s head is adorned with a hemhem crown, and she has carnelian wristbands and turquoise anklets that are both set in silver. She dons a pair of obsidian scarab earrings with scarlet jasper wings and a golden sash that’s tied around her waist. She wears a usekh with alternating rows of red jasper, lapis lazuli, emerald, Tahitian pearl, and white opal. Her hair is tied into a low ponytail by a white-edged scarlet ribbon adorned with a central lapis lazuli bead styled as an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of a throne. She’s commonly seen wielding a staff made from a papyrus stalk and a tyet sign of a reddish-brown cotton. The tyet sign is used to absorb menstrual blood and, when she puts it near her neck, can create a protective barrier of red jasper.
Woisuna can manipulate emotional, sexual, and marital bonds, the behaviour of the sun, moon, and stars, destiny, life-force, funerary rites, fertility, nature, and sky. She possesses masterful knowledge over magic and all areas of science, indomitable compassion, and a spiritual connection to life, feeling their pain and joy. The deities gifted her with absolute wits and wisdom, and the ability to create galaxies through her heart’s energy and hands. Her grief can cause the death of innocents, and she has wondrous healing spells that can resurrect people and restore physical, mental, and spiritual health. She can create temporary rifts in reality that will transport righteous souls to Eylvhraszokjumni, sinners to Nifjazroghetus, and redeemable sinners to Plugaboktezrin, which is done by rapidly determining their place in the afterlife. She can detect truths and lies through smell and taste, and transform into a kite (a bird of prey), a sow, a cow, a scorpion, and a woman emerging from a sycamore tree. Woisuna can summon a sanctuary of light to shield the innocent from harm and darkness, and create thrones that channels the power to heal sickness and mental ailments.
Unnamed Angel of Death, Decay and Darkness or “Nephthys” (younger sister)
Ohsawjert (husband)
Sopadjute (daughter)
Horwazus (adoptive son)
Angel of Maternal Love and Healing
She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart
Mistress of the Words of Power
The Brilliant One in the Sky
Queen of the House of Life
Shelter For The Weak
Moon Shining Over the Sea
Lady of Green Crops
Heaven’s light-giver
Great of Magic
As an Æylphitus, her name means “throne”.
Her younger sister deceived her husband when he was drunk to sleep with her and she was rightfully furious about this. She wanted to reprimand her younger sister for doing so, but she was afraid that it might ruin their familial relationship.
After the death of her younger sister, she raised Anjuwobhet and Wepsazokhut as her own because their father, Swutazor, abandoned them out of fury and grief.
She’s responsible for protecting desert lands, travellers, sailors, and leaders and visionaries that seek to make a positive impact.
She mourns the death of the righteous and redeemable in the form of a kite as its shrill cry sounds like the piercing screams of a grieving woman.
She’s good at charming snakes and scorpions through wind instruments
She owns two pets: a maternal sow and a black cow that endlessly comes back to life after being sacrificed.
Serkajoht gifted her with a deathstalker whose sting can heal any injury and disease
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Mulwazort, born as Sopadjute, is a serene and optimistic Äylcephomus whose presence radiates a great deal of warmth, hope, and positivity. With a compassionate heart, she’s able to understand the suffering of others, supporting them with kindness and care. She has a creative imagination, and likes to inspire others, helping them find innovative solutions and new possibilities. She’s celestially wise as she has a deep understanding of the multiverse, offering guidance and wisdom from a higher perspective. She enjoys sharing her talents and resources with others in order to spread joy and abundance. She watches over family, friends, coworkers, and other living creatures with loving care and protective support. She’s known for being a stern and focused stickler to angelic laws, never turning herself to sinful temptation. However, she tempers justice with mercy and honesty as she strongly values moral uprightness, impartiality, fairness, and forgiveness. As an enactor of justice, she ensures that the innocent are protected and the guilty are rightfully punished. Mulwazort is an extremely loyal mediator who’s physically affectionate with her lover, family, and platonic friends.
She’s a 12’ 4” (375.92 cm) gracefully thin ectomorph with a spoon-shaped figure, a flat chest, prominent thighs, and six common quail wings. Her pallid has a warm, aureated glow as if it was kissed by the sun, and she has piercing azure eyes with flecks of gold. She has flowing, silky silver-blue hair with streaks of black and gold that reach slightly below her mid-back. Her hair is styled into multiple narrowed crimped tresses and decorated with light sprinkling of red Pentas lanceolata. She dons a white-edged teal ribbon tied around her head with an ostrich feather dyed in sky blue that has a golden shimmer. She dons star-shaped earrings of polished turquoise with scarlet dots in the centre and peridot wristbands and anklets set in gold. Mulwazort wears a loose-fitting cheetah-hide dress with scarlet tassels at the bottom and sleeves ending in front paws that have black claws. She wears a usekh of pearlescent white leather with alternating beaded rows of amethyst, blue sapphire, citrine, and sunstone. Hanging from her neck is a menat with a faience counterpoise and a series of strings of malachite, rubellite, white opal, lapis lazuli, and turquoise. She wields a was-sceptre of cobalt blue and a levitating, rotating pyramid of starry water with a stylised dog’s face named Satet. This hand-length pyramid can shoot sharp arrows of blinding light and bring summer heatwaves by intensifying the Sun’s heat.
She can manipulate caverns, the west, places of execution, secret areas, the dusk, darkness, the abyss, homes, cities, the star Sirius, the four seasons, annual flooding, directions of the land, absolute law, morality, concord, destiny, justice, and truth. Mulwazort can absolve the sins of falsehood, robbery, stealing grain, land, and godly property, murder, prolonging offerings, lying, taking food without permission, cursing, adultery, causing tears, killing sacred animals, eavesdropping, being loud-voiced and angry, bodily pollution, terrorising, transgression, dishonesty, making disturbances, violence, pederasty, quarrelling, sloth, impatience, iconoclasm, volubility of speech, conjuration against royalty, stopping water flow, reviling the deities, profiteering, and blasphemy. She can easily navigate the stars and lead others through life’s journey, and cause abundant harvests and prosperity by bringing fertility to the land.
Unnamed Angel of the Earth or “Geb” (biological fraternal grandfather)
Unnamed Angel of the Sky or “Nut” (biological fraternal grandmother)
Nulaszomet (adoptive fraternal great-uncle)
Mulawosret (adoptive fraternal grandmother)
Amurkhet (adoptive fraternal grandfather)
Ohsawjert (father)
Unnamed Angel of Death, Decay and Darkness or “Nephthys” (maternal aunt)
Woisuna (mother)
Horwazus (adoptive brother)
Dhowatju (lover)
Angel of the Annual Flood, Dog Star, Truthful Justice and Cosmic Balance
The Demolisher
The Disturber
The Foreteller
Nosey One
Dangerous One
Double Lion
Fiery Eyes
Far Strider
Breaker of Bone
Embracer of Fire
Green of Flame
Swallower of Shades
White of Teeth
Eater of Entrails
Bestower of Powers
Smiter of Water
Commander of Humankind
She of the Cavern
Owner of Horns and Faces
Serpent With A Raised Head
She Who Acted Willfully
As an Æylphitus, her name means “truth or justice”. In regards to her birth name, Sopadjute means “sharp one or triangle”.
She’s responsible for regulating the star Sirius, seasons, and actions of both supernatural beings and mortals.
She’s in possession of a peacock feather pen and a palm stem that bears notches to denote the recording of the passage of time.
She’s also responsible for the measurement of time and the tracking of celestial events.
She aided with designing the temples and monuments of Eylvhraszokjumni
Her sky blue ostrich feather is used to be weighed against the hearts of the deceased who ended up in heaven. If the heart was lighter than the feather, the deceased led a righteous life and would be accepted into heaven. If the heart was equal to the feather, the deceased led a life of both good and evil, promptly bringing them to purgatory. If the heart was slightly below the feather, the deceased led a wicked life and would be sent to the underworld. If the heart touches the ground, the deceased will be flayed alive by Aymeszowut and sent to the Stomach of Caligo.
She moves with elegance and poise, leaving a trail of beauty and harmony in her wake.
The menat was a gift from Haswetor
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cypriathus · 2 days
I removed the fun fact about him having a halo.
I gave him a couple of abilities and a few fun facts/extra pieces of information:
His mind can understand and articulate the languages of animals, and the uneasiness or seriousness of his gaze can pierce through illusions.
The sound of his laughter can create rainbows and the warmth of his smile can calm the most turbulent of seas.
Joluszeniah’s herd of sheep with rainbow-coloured coats that leave trails of glittering stardust wherever they roam and sing in harmony. Their wool is woven into garments that grant wisdom to those who wear them and protect the wearers from physical harm.
Joluszeniah’s fishing nets are woven with threads of pure starlight that allow him to catch fish that grant wisdom and inspiration to those who eat them.
Joluszeniah’s baked goods are infused with the sweetness of divine love and those who consume them will receive temporary blessings of protection, wisdom, or courage.
Joluszeniah likes to communicate with wise old owls and sly foxes as he finds their perspectives on the matters of existence and survival to be unique.
Inemovakhus can sense the vibrations of the multiverse, allowing him to predict and prepare for impending apocalypses.
Inemovakhus’ armour is forged from the metals of a thousand fallen stars, granting him resistance to even the most catastrophic of events.
Inemovakhus likes to track down and collect artifacts from destroyed worlds
All of Inemovakhus’ records are stored in a mystical tome made from the breath of deceased souls and dying planetary cores. When being viewed by mortals, the language in the tome is ever-shifting, which is a tactic used by the divine council to disorient them and keep the histories of all apocalyptic events a secret closely kept amongst the Æylphitus.
Inemovakhus will never admit to this, but he’s haunted by the memories of universes worlds he has seen destroyed and is driven by a deep sense of responsibility to preserve the knowledge of the past.
Here is an OC inspired by the biblical Jonah and the apocryphal Enoch!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I talk about mental health issues like dissociative identity disorder, anxiety, and abandonment issues for the following character. There is also a brief mention of self-harm and an uncomfortable obsession.
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Joluszeniah is a shepherd, fisherman, and baker who’s a hybrid between an ophanim and an earthly angel that developed a second personality after the brutal death of his father and another traumatic event. He struggles to handle his emotional stress, and secretly engages in self-harm and obsessive fantasies about murdering people he dislikes and sexual intercourse. He often experiences memory loss of certain time periods, events, and people that has occurred when as his second personality. He has a blurred sense of his true identity, feels detached from his real emotions, and views people and differences in his surroundings as distorted fiction. He has generalised anxiety disorder, and is occasionally prone to throwing an angry fit when he feels too overwhelmed and annoyed. After his mother mysteriously abandoned him, he began to develop abandonment issues and a deep fear of being left alone or forgotten. He’s overly eager to please people by seeking reassurance from them and trying to grab their attention, but struggles to trust their intentions. He’s not the greatest with communication, so he often comes off as taciturn and unbearably insecure. Joluszeniah also withdraws himself socially, experiences feelings of worthlessness, and is excessively clingy to people who are close to him.
He feels uncomfortable, self-conscious, bashful, and timid when around new faces as he’s unsure if he should trust them or not. He puts a strong emphasis on his moral rectitude and emotional intelligence, believing that everyone should lead a life of righteousness and tenderness. He tries his best to treat everyone with respect and kindness, but will be dismissive of those who aren’t respectful and kind-hearted in return. He can be quite the perfectionist when it comes to filleting fish, decorating baked goods, and doing arts and crafts. He’s somewhat recalcitrant, especially in regards to heavenly authority, protective warfare, and helping people who mistreated him. Joluszeniah is the kind of individual who extremely values his humility, being too afraid to feed into any praise he receives for his hard work. He strongly values his alone time during hardships and moments of relaxation, shows genuine sympathy to the plight of others, and is a lover of nature. He possesses a generous heart, deep curiosity in the unknown, and an enjoyment in sharing his thoughts with other people who are interested in what he has to say. He secretly has a deep hatred for Eylvhraszokjumni for how they abused him and mistreated sinners who had every right to sin, especially if they had a terrible childhood. He absolutely despises horrible and cruel people, and most of the higher-ups of Eylvhraszokjumni without a second thought.
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Inemovakhus is Joluszeniah’s second personality and he’s a warrior, hunter, and record-keeper of all apocalyptic events that took place throughout the multiverse. He has seasonal depression, but never lets it bring him down as he’s passionate about his work and living life to the fullest. He has a fairly optimistic, yet cynical outlook on life and doesn’t give up easily, even if he was defeated or warned to back off. He’s quite flexible when it comes to new circumstances, and isn’t afraid to communicate with people in an assertive manner. He does have anger issues and will become belligerent when pushed over the edge, but is strangely able to remain tranquil during heated situations. For a fighter and hunter, he’s surprisingly kind and gentle, but isn’t gullible and naive like Joluszeniah. He has a courageous spirit, impartial decision-making skills, and a bad habit of spending resources in a recklessly extravagant way. He can easily rekindle people’s faith in whatever they’re beginning to lose confidence in through encouragement and advice. He has a tendency to act pompous and apathetic towards “inferior lifeforms” and individuals who views as annoying, unintelligent, and disrespectful. He can be fairly ruthless when on the battlefield or during hunting expeditions, and is a chivalrous thrill-seeker. Inemovakhus is warmly polite, flirtatious, joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic, and marked by a clever use of humour.
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Joluszeniah is a 7 ft (213.36 cm) mesomorph with a trapezoidal figure, an average musculature, sloping shoulders, a well-endowed penis, and a square chest. He has fairly delicate snow-white skin with reddish-black freckles on his face, neck, chest, and hands. His faint golden veins slightly protrude from his strong neck, biceps, triceps, and muscular back and thighs. He has twenty white-breasted nuthatch wings, three rows of omnivorous teeth, claws and talons that are slightly rounded, and a left seven-fingered hand. His left eye can never physically, psychically, and magically heal, so he had to replace it with a glass greyish-green one. His right eye is a sunburst green-gold and he styled his red blonde hair into a faux hawk with a fringe cut and soft fade. He bleached his hair a gorgeous pink lavender and painted his fingernails and toenails a glittery bluish-black. He has a gruesome scar that snakes down from above his left eyebrow to the bottom of his right ear. He has a blotchy, vaguely triangle-shaped patch of scarred skin that takes up most of his right deltoid. He also has a somewhat U-shaped laceration from the left side of his lower lip to near the tip of his chin. The entirety of his right arm is covered in third-degree burns and his lower left leg has been subjected to second-degree burns. There are cut marks and stab wounds on his inner thighs, lower back, and hips, which he tries his best to hide from the public. Joluszeniah has two tattoos: a brazen serpent with a lamb’s head in its mouth on his left shoulder area; and a winged lion and a phoenix encircling each other on his right outer thigh.
As Joluszeniah, he’s draped in shaggy Alaskan musk ox fur that covers most of his body, only revealing his wings, left arm, forearms, and lower legs. He wears knee-length drawstring pants of plum-hued silk and rope sandals made from olive-brown leather with dull gold grass-woven straps. He has a large scarf with silver tassels and flannel patterning of blue, purple, red, and yellow draped over his left shoulder. He dons a peach basket hat of turquoise-dyed straw that’s adorned with a green bronze silk ribbon and artificial white lilies, common primroses, dark purple tulips, coral roses, and red-and-white anemones. He has a golden cowbell necklace, a pair of steel shears tied around his waist with rope, a hazel fishing rod with an indestructible horsehair line, a fishing net, and a shepherd’s crook made from a yew tree.
As Inemovakhus, he wears a full suit of plate armour in shimmering lilac with silver edging and a moss green and sky blue sheen. His metallic yellow gorget has sculpted wavy fur lines and his pauldrons are emblazoned with two foxes that have shaggy black fur, crimson eyes, and seven golden tails. His right pauldron depicts a fox encircling itself, while the other one is playfully leaping across three dark blue rocks. His armoured gloves have fingers with razor-sharp scarlet claws, his cuirass has tassets, and his greaves have the same design and colour choice as the gorget. He dons a teal blue capirote instead of a helmet and a small cloak of Pallas cat fur that reaches to his mid-back with bleating lamb’s head shoulder clasps in green gold. A wisteria sash with tassels and pearlescent greenish-white polka dots is wrapped around his hips with both ends hanging in front of his crotch area and close to his knees. He wields a bow of gleaming light with quiver of opium-tipped arrows and a 5’ 8” (172.72 cm) sword that has a golden open-mouthed, azure-bearded lóng hilt with a blade of blue holy flames protruding out of its black-toothed maw. He carries around a circular shield of olive wood that’s twice his height, depicting a coppery wheel cross with a fiery blue-green whale jumping in the air. Inemovakhus’ shield has a burningly cold sensation and it can protect people, animals, and flowers from the intense heat of the Sun or any bright star.
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He was born with a magical affliction called the Curse of Yona, which makes his presence on board any ship an omen of bad luck. His presence also attracts large fish that try to eat him and small fish that are dead, and causes sheep to birth deformed lambs. He has prophetic visions about the wickedness and restoration of countries, settlements, and nations every three days. He can manipulate stormy waters, fire, wind, the abyss, completeness, perfection, and all forms of energy, and doesn’t require a need for physical sleep. He’s invulnerable to physical damage, and was gifted with absolute speed from the deities in order to commemorate his hope and skillful evasion. His mind can understand and articulate the languages of animals, and the uneasiness or seriousness of his gaze can pierce through illusions. The sound of his laughter can create rainbows and the warmth of his smile can calm the most turbulent of seas. Joluszeniah can transform into any roaring beast and a lamb with seven horns and eyes, and create a scroll with seven red wax seals. The first, second, third, and fourth seals bring a bought conquest and pestilence, war, famine, and death. The fifth seal summons furies and gives white robes to the morally right people who are about to die to cement their place in Eylvhraszokjumni. The sixth seal creates a global earthquake, blocks out the sun, turns the moon red, causes destructive meteor showers, and moves every mountain and island into different places. The seventh seal creates silence in Eylvhraszokjumni for about half an hour and summons a golden censer filled with fire. This golden censer is thrown into the core Earth after the silence, which creates peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and a less devastating earthquake.
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Unnamed ophanim father
Unnamed earthly angel mother
Smajuzhoktrine Zeliphojandus-Mnelohaviktus Gomeszukiva (ex-lover)
Zorsjahlen (daughter)
Kasvedolun Zuraphomiel (wife)
Yomajuzhiel Galesoturvik (son)
Aremophivus Brejzuktophina (daughter)
Angel of the Lamb and Fish
The Belly of Hate
Joluszeniah is questioning his sexuality, while Inemovakhus is confident that he’s heteroflexible.
As an Æylphitus, his name means “dove”. In regards to the name of his second personality, Inemovakhus means “to inaugurate”.
He was actually born as Dawusoghiel (“roaring beast of god” in the Æylphitus language), but changed his name because he believes that he isn’t worthy of it.
He was born as an accursed angel with no true form and a defected biokinesis that struggles to heal his wounds. As a result of these three things, a lot of angels ostracise him or playfully tease him because he’s different. Whenever he’s being ostracised or teased, Joluszeniah would either ignore them and pretend nothing is wrong or instantly leave to find a safe place and break down in tears. On the other hand, Inemovakhus would either aggressively confront them or politely tell them off and walk away.
Joluszeniah rubs his forearms or bite the inside of her lower lip when feeling anxious or stressed out
He’s strangely popular amongst the female-bodied angels and he’s not sure why
He often dreams of wintry regions of stormy clouds, an outpouring from the watery abyss, an ancient storehouse of all winds, and the four cardinal winds supporting the firmament of Earth.
Inemovakhus has a secret plan to overthrow the corrupted members of the divine council and isn’t afraid of the idea of becoming a fallen angel if it ever happens.
The scarred skin on his deltoid was a result of monstrous ticks eating away at his flesh
Extreme and mild heat bothers his second- and third-degree burns, so he tries to stay inside his ramshackle home or find deepening shade to maintain normal body temperatures.
He gets cranky when hotter weather comes around, especially when it begins to cause him pain.
He sleeps in the fetal position with a thumb in his mouth
Joluszeniah likes to bake pies and different flavoured breads
Joluszeniah loves all animals and flowers equally
Inemovakhus only views animals as food, clothing, or obstacles
Inemovakhus has a greater love for flowers than animals as he’s enamoured by their simplistic, yet intricate beauty.
Joluszeniah’s herd of sheep with rainbow-coloured coats that leave trails of glittering stardust wherever they roam and sing in harmony. Their wool is woven into garments that grant wisdom to those who wear them and protect the wearers from physical harm.
Joluszeniah’s fishing nets are woven with threads of pure starlight that allow him to catch fish that grant wisdom and inspiration to those who eat them.
Joluszeniah’s baked goods are infused with the sweetness of divine love and those who consume them will receive temporary blessings of protection, wisdom, or courage.
Joluszeniah likes to communicate with wise old owls and sly foxes as he finds their perspectives on the matters of existence and survival to be unique.
Inemovakhus can sense the vibrations of the multiverse, allowing him to predict and prepare for impending apocalypses.
Inemovakhus’ armour is forged from the metals of a thousand fallen stars, granting him resistance to even the most catastrophic of events.
Inemovakhus likes to track down and collect artifacts from destroyed worlds
All of Inemovakhus’ records are stored in a mystical tome made from the breath of deceased souls and dying planetary cores. When being viewed by mortals, the language in the tome is ever-shifting, which is a tactic used by the divine council to disorient them and keep the histories of all apocalyptic events a secret closely kept amongst the Æylphitus.
Inemovakhus will never admit to this, but he’s haunted by the memories of countless universes he has seen destroyed and is driven by a deep sense of responsibility to preserve the knowledge of the past.
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13 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave added some more fun facts/extra pieces of information about her:
She has honed her ability to move unseen and strike from the shadows, a skill learned from her troubled past when she resorted to stealing bread and catching fish.
Hirmenogaldus can decipher forgotten languages and ancient texts, unlocking secrets and uncovering hidden knowledge.
She’s an accomplished equestrian, able to ride with precision and speed, making her a formidable cavalry warrior.
She’s haunted by recurring visions of her fallen comrades, the catastrophic event that led to her former mercenary group’s downfall, and all of the verbal and physical abuse she has suffered over the years.
She has glimpsed fleeting apparitions of her fallen comrades, guiding her towards hidden truths and unspoken dangers.
She has knowledge of basic alchemy, using her skills to craft potions and remedies to aid her on her quest.
She knows how to navigate treacherous terrain, find food, water, and shelter in the wilderness, and treat wounds.
Her resolve is unshakeable, even in the face of overwhelming odds, inspiring allies and intimidating foes.
She has a keen strategic mind, often outmaneuvering her foes and exploiting their weaknesses.
She also has a new trauma trigger, which is references to church propaganda.
Main protagonist of As The Weaving Fate Beckons
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Mental health issues and a brief mention of self-harm, alcohol, and discrimination.
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Hirmenogaldus Zuntaheldi L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath is a 31-year-old vigorous, often serious-minded woman and he last known holy knight from Rioghachd a’ Choin Neamhaidh (“Kingdom of the Heavenly Dog” in Scottish Gaelic). She’s referred to as the Knight of Beasts due to being known as Europe’s most famous and recognizable slayer and tamer of animalistic creatures. She originally worked with the Praying House of Älkechirnobus, but later abandoned them and their cause after a few unfortunate incidents. She upholds the many characteristics associated with chivalry such as honesty, loyalty, courage, respect, prowess, and a readiness to help the weak. She’s well-versed on a multitude of subjects such as philosophy, theology, history, military strategies, and even occultism. Despite being stoically aloof and wise, her tangible thirst for knowledge and maintaining healthy relationships lends her to being inquisitive and compassionate. However, there are those occasional moments where Hirmenogaldus can be quite clumsy, gullible, and/or naive. She has desirable leadership skills with the right dose of determination, knowing when to continue or retreat, and extrudes a sense of captivating charisma. She has strong motherly instincts and it’s always an honour for her to protect those she deems worthy of help. She isn’t afraid to properly utilise her emotional intelligence in order to ensure someone’s welfare and build a meaningful connection with them. She will even deliberately put herself in harm’s way when her loved ones, friends, and/or the weak are being threatened. She has a palpable sense of justice and despises those who mistreat others for their own personal gain.
She can be quite vindictive and will even go as far to mercilessly kill the perpetrator who either harmed her, her friends, her family, and/or the weak. When slaying certain beasts or beings that are considered to be a threat, she has no qualms of violently slaughtering them, not showing any compassion, mercy, and/or remorse during the process. Despite being sociable, Hirmenogaldus sometimes intentionally isolates herself from other people because of her trust issues. Her stoic nature results in pushing away people, not showing her true emotions, and not properly dealing with and addressing the issues that’s plaguing her mind. She has horrible self-esteem issues and believes that she has to make up for that by protecting the weak, ensuring the welfare of her friends and family, and enacting justice when necessary. Whenever she fails to do so or it becomes too much for her, she gaslights and guilt trips herself, sowing more seeds of doubt into her. Hirmenogaldus is also afraid of being abandoned and forgotten by those she deeply cares about without being warned of their absence. She often engages in contemplative thought, trying to sort out her sorrows and find an ounce of true peace, hope, and happiness.
She’s prone to sudden emotional outbursts, panic attacks, mood swings, and even mental breakdowns as a result of her depression, PTSD, anorexia nervosa, and generalised anxiety disorder. The inconsiderable amount of expectations placed on her due to being a holy knight also contributes to her poor mental health. As a result of her trauma, she’ll become triggered if her private parts and erogenous zones are touched without consent. Her other triggers are witnessing the death and kidnapping of children and abuse of women, looking at European churches, references to church propaganda, and encountering terrible people from her past. She has inconsistent suicidal thoughts and desperately tries to suppress them by harming herself. She has inconsistent suicidal thoughts and desperately tries to suppress them by harming herself. She usually wants to disappear into nothingness, not having to worry about recurrent, unwanted memories and being afraid of making the wrong decision. She has a tendency to overthink various plans and solutions to all possible worse outcomes in order to avoid making the wrong decision. There are instances where she loses a lot of interest and pleasure in most of her normal activities, making her feel bored and weirdly uneasy. She feels a certain detachedness from those close to her and her mind struggles to concentrate on what’s happening. She often has a pessimistic view on the future as she’s partially fixated on past failures and reliving traumatic events. Hirmenogaldus has a tendency to place heavy restrictions on her eating patterns, having an intense fear of gaining weight. She frequently checks in reflective surfaces for perceived flaws as she’s somewhat relentlessly pursuing thinness. Her perceived body weight negatively influences her self-esteem, and she occasionally complains about being fat. She usually makes excuses for not eating as she doesn’t want to ruin her already distorted body image. There are instances where she perceives certain harmless situations and events as potential threats. She has difficulty handling uncertainty and letting go of her most troubling worries. As a result of all these issues, she tends to feel a sense of looming hopelessness, overwhelming guilt, restlessness, and agitation.
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Compared to most medieval folk, Hirmenogaldus is considered to be a giant due to her impressive stature, clocking in at about 6’ 5” (195.5 cm). She has a pear-shaped mesomorphic body type with slightly broad shoulders, a fairly defined waist, and prominent thighs. Her face and neck are adorned with a myriad of reddish-brown freckles, and she has silvery stretch marks on her upper arms, belly, and hips. Her eyes are almost parallel to the stunning sky-blue bill of a male ruddy duck during breeding season. Her skin is a creamy white and she has hair that is an absolutely beautiful golden copper blonde. She has messy, bowl-cut style bangs with the rest of her curly hair being tied into a thick ponytail. She has four recognizable moles: one on the right side of her upper lip; one directly above the left side of her collarbone; the second is located on her belly; and the last mole is on her right mid-thigh. A blatant scar pierces the left side of her forehead, snaking down and over her nose bridge to the middle of her right cheek. She has a couple of other ones: four slightly horizontal scars from her left trapezius to her right deltoid and a blotchy patch of scarred skin near her left kidney. Her breasts have been cut off, there are five healed stab wounds on the backside of her right upper arm, and she carved four Nordic runes onto her belly: ᛊ (sun), ᚹ (god), ᛉ (elk), and ᚱ (ride/journey). The underside of her forearms are covered in healed and fresh lacerations. Her back hides her most brutal scars, seeming to be a mixture of cuts, puncture wounds, and burns.
Hirmenogaldus is commonly seen wearing a full suit of plate armour and her cursed, gilt-brass helmet is shaped similarly to the head of a Western dragon. She has two differently designed golden pauldrons: on the left, it has an engraved blazing sun with a humanoid face; and on the right, it’s shaped like the head of a tarasque without the lower jaw. Her vambraces and greaves were masterfully crafted to mimic the scales of a serpent and the fingers of her armoured gloves are sharp. Her cuirass is decorated with the golden depiction of the EllĂ©n Trechend, which is a three-headed, draconic vulture that can breathe fire. Its main head is in the centre, two heads looking in their designated direction, their legs and wings are spread out on each side, and a partially wavy, serpentine tail. There are other pieces that make up her armour in order to minimise potential life-threatening harm. Hirmenogaldus has a gilt-brass gorget surrounding her neck, two couters for her elbows, and tassets hanging from her cuirass. She has a pair of sabatons with four draconic claws that cover her feet and cuisses surrounding her thighs. She also has two circular besagews that are part of the harness of her plate armour and help to protect her armpits. Her armour is slightly battle-worn, but its vibrancy has surprisingly remained untouched for years. The colour of her plate armour is a reddish-black with a blue-green sheen. Underneath her armour, she wears a quilted green tunic, padded brown legs, white braies, and a wide belt of leather.
Whenever Hirmenogaldus isn’t donning her iconic armour, she’s wearing a full-length ball gown made from fine silk and a tight-fitted, paprika bodice. For both her noblewoman and armoured outfits, she occasionally dons a royal mantle of faded jade with white fur trim that has black leopard spots. Her blackberry silk gown appears to be voluminous due to an ample skirt underneath. Her silk gown covers half of her shoulders and flows down into a fancy, modest semi-sweetheart neckline with a bow of cosmic purple. Around her neck is a velvet choker of cosmic purple with a cardinal pink ruffled top. She has Juliet sleeves and the wrists have turned back cardinal pink cuffs, and the ball gown is decorated with rich golden embroidery. Underneath her gown is a linen chemise and hose that’s held with a garter just below her knee. For jewellery, she’s adorned with a gold and enamel brooch in the form of a dragon’s head, a dark golden pearl necklace, a gilt bronze sapphire ring on the right index finger, and a table cut ruby ring on the left middle finger. She carries a two engrailed top shield that depicts a one-horned dragon with a jousting lance piercing its heart. Hirmenogaldus wields a blood-letting dagger in a serpentine shape made from polished brass. She also wields a 7 ft (213.36 cm) battle-strong claymore forged from an unknowable metal akin to black steel. Its most noticeable feature is that of three raised, eye-like markings right above the cross-guard in a vertical row. When she activates the sword with her own blood, those markings open to reveal fully functional purple jasper eyes and the blade is consumed by blue holy flames. She possesses a traveller’s backpack, one where she stores her collected souvenirs, camping equipment, basic medicinal items, and books that contain a variety of knowledge as well as a cittern that Odeschuna gave her.
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Like all holy knights trained under the Praying House of Älkechirnobus, she’s considered to be a psychic. Hirmenogaldus isn’t entirely familiar with her psychic abilities because she doesn’t heavily rely on them like the other holy knights before her. Without her knowing, she has precognition, but it’s in the form of cryptic dreams that vaguely predict future events. She can perceive and read the auras of other individuals, being able to clearly understand their emotions and moral alignment. She can also detect the emotions of those she mentally focuses on, but this can result in blood seeping out of her eyes, ears, and/or mouth (e.g. she’ll cry blood if she senses someone’s melancholy). As a result of dermo-optical perception, she can perceive unusual sensory stimuli such as colour and varying brightnesses through her own skin. Hirmenogaldus has telekinetic abilities, being able to move and manipulate matter at a distance without physical interaction. She can perfectly mimic the sounds of animalistic beasts as well as talk to them and understand their unique interactions. She’s able to tap into a feral mind, allowing her to perform extraordinary feats of strength and agility that’s beyond normal for her. She’s a master at taming animals by reading, understanding, and staying in tune to their body language. She’s also able to solve many of their behavioural problems and possess unique insight into their psychology. Lastly, Hirmenogaldus has enhanced strength and stamina, being able to engage in physically strenuous activity as well as lift and/or strike objects that are tens of thousands more than her body weight. Due to her draconic helmet being cursed, it seems to intensify her negative emotions and strengthen her psychic abilities. This is one of the reasons why she tries not to heavily rely on her abilities because she’s afraid that she’ll become an irredeemable monster.
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Broghalenius L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath (father)
Lobaszewinth (mother)
Unnamed older sister
Two unnamed older brothers
Dersabhol Echtagloprinus-Pimbezurta (ex-lover)
Ungelohram Shakjelovi (ex-boyfriend)
Sedulomaith (daughter)
Chaidozluben (son)
Aremophivus Brejzuktophina (adoptive daughter)
Dame Hirmenogaldus
The Accursed Daughter of Duke Broghalenius (by those aware of her psychic abilities)
Knight of Beasts
Lady of Speedy Visitation
Saint of the Billowing Crusade and Dragon’s Ferocity
Mommy (by her children)
Mother (by her children)
Doll-face (by Mutseloniah)
Zarabaaneh ghalbam (“my heartbeat” in Persian) (by Mutseloniah)
Nafasam (“my breath” in Persian) (by Mutseloniah)
Duvshanit (“honey” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Capara (“my blessing” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Otzar shely (“my treasure” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Vile devourer of mages (by Ikarondelus)
Lying bitch (by Ikarondelus)
Foul whore of barbarity (by Ikarondelus)
Bastard with a devil’s silver tongue (by Ikarondelus)
Fucking idiotic drunkard (by Ikarondelus)
Elskan mín (“my darling” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
Ástvinur (“love friend” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
Haustmyrkr (“autumn dusk” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
She Who Dared To Cross Bifröst (by Raskovulde)
Executioner of the World Serpent (by Raskovulde)
The Burning Gladiolus (by Odeschuna)
The Enraged Wyvern (by Odeschuna)
Destroyer of Tainted Pride (by Odeschuna)
A bhuanchara (“my eternal friend” in Irish) (by Nikmuvolefja)
My greatest rival (by Pelmazodius)
Gladiatorial beast (by Pelmazodius)
Vögelchen (“little bird” in German) (by Regnazoldus)
Herzensbrecher (“heartbreaker” in German) (by Regnazoldus)
The Scorching Blade of Älkechirnobus (By Uhteszoga)
Slayer of Cold Hearts (by Uhteszoga)
Liberator of Anguish (by Uhteszoga)
The Draconic Maiden (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mistress With The Coppery Locks (by L’Ayncezosud)
My scarred mademoiselle (by L’Ayncezosud)
Ma tigresse (“my tiger” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mon ciel Ă©toilĂ© (“my starry sky” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mon rayon de soleil (“my ray of sunshine” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Hirmageld (by Perszufoval)
Hirmena (by Bheszawulf)
Sunteholda (by Hulcekrando)
Hellebore of Rosy Blackness (by Hulcekrando)
Soft hyacinth (by Hulcekrando)
Creeping baby’s breath (by Hulcekrando)
Chrysanthemum of a Thousand Winters (by Hulcekrando)
Autumn crocus (by Hulcekrando)
My delicate edelweiss (by Hulcekrando)
Slithering pansy (by Hulcekrando)
She was originally a closeted lesbian, but later became bisexual.
Her birthday is August 26th (Virgo)
Her blood type is B-
She’s allergic to cats, shellfish, egg white, and balsam of Peru.
She's an avatar of Volczebuthrija X’Uylmaboskezirg and an unknown vengeance god
In regards to her ethnicity, she’s 37.5% Scottish, 25% British, 12.5% French, 12.5% German, and 12.5% Spanish.
Her father believed that her psychic abilities are a result of a “family curse” that reigned from his bloodline. It usually affects every third generation of females, but that’s more of an estimate than actual biological fact.
She originally had an older sister, but Broghalenius killed her after she turned 2-years-old in fear of her possessing the “family curse”.
She calls her draconic helmet the wyvern’s cursed helm.
Her claymore is called Kigamozertus, which means “stiffness of death” in the Æylphitus language. It's named that due to causing swift decay to a living being once slain. It's believed that the sword absorbs the soul of those truly sinful blood touches it.
It's believed that her claymore belonged to a destroyer angel. Only people who have a suitable mind and a full paranormal psyche can handle such a blade. When a regular being tries to wield it, the claymore transfers its desire to kill sinful and absolutely vile creatures to them. It’ll put them into a bloodthirsty and destructive frenzy until they stop using it.
She likes cute and exotic animals, seal fur, cleanliness, young children, the sound of string instruments, drinking booze with her friends and comrades, daybreak, swampy environments, burning embers, and intricate tapestry.
She dislikes singing, physical and psychological torture, being touched without permission, the feeling of “shallow accomplishment”, muddy puddles, dissatisfaction, impenetrable darkness, treading through snow, pestilence, and famine.
Her hobbies consist of jousting, horseback riding, making flower crowns, slaying monsters, reading, cloud- and star-gazing, and playing her cittern. She also enjoys collecting porcelain ceramics, tea flavours and spices from around the world, rare swords, souvenirs from her travels, and exotic animal skins.
Out of all tea flavours and spices, she likes black tea and asafoetida.
She finds all animals quite fascinating in regards to their behaviours and biology. If she had to choose a favourite, it would either be the western capercaillie, great spotted woodpecker, garden tiger moth, red deer, great tit, or Atlantic puffin.
Her favourite flowers are the bluebell, peony, cowslip, dog-rose, and early-purple orchid.
Her favourite comfort foods are tayberries, cranachan, rumbledethumps, cullen skink, Forfar bridie, tattie scone, and Flies’ graveyard.
Her favourite colours are the blue dye that woad leaves produce and the orange-yellow petals of a pot marigold.
Her biggest pet peeves consist of people who purposely ignore boundaries, rudeness in general, bad personal hygiene, losing things, loud noises, and one-uppers.
She used to have an actual curly bowl cut before she decided to let her hair grow out as a way for her to separate herself from her traumatic past.
For a short period of her life, she was quite racist and discriminatory against mages due to her religious and white supremacist upbringing. However, that drastically changed after experiencing a fair share of abuse, gaining a better understanding of their struggles. She deeply regrets the verbal and physical harm she was tasked and socially expected to do against minorities and mages.
She has honed her ability to move unseen and strike from the shadows, a skill learned from her troubled past when she resorted to stealing bread and catching fish.
Hirmenogaldus can decipher forgotten languages and ancient texts, unlocking secrets and uncovering hidden knowledge.
She’s an accomplished equestrian, able to ride with precision and speed, making her a formidable cavalry warrior.
She’s haunted by recurring visions of her fallen comrades, the catastrophic event that led to her former mercenary group’s downfall, and all of the verbal and physical abuse she has suffered over the years.
She has glimpsed fleeting apparitions of her fallen comrades, guiding her towards hidden truths and unspoken dangers.
She has knowledge of basic alchemy, using her skills to craft potions and remedies to aid her on her quest.
She knows how to navigate treacherous terrain, find food, water, and shelter in the wilderness, and treat wounds.
Her resolve is unshakeable, even in the face of overwhelming odds, inspiring allies and intimidating foes.
She has a keen strategic mind, often outmaneuvering her foes and exploiting their weaknesses.
Hirmenogaldus always carries around bandages with her at all times because she’s weary that she’ll get attacked out of nowhere.
She’s obsessed with her own personal hygiene
She has a tendency to judge other people too quickly
She is always looking for new adventures and exciting stuff to engage with
Hirmenogaldus can be somewhat forgetful and doesn’t like to be reminded of things from her past.
She bites her lower lip and the inside of her left cheek a lot.
She has fairly quick reflexes
She has an unusually high tolerance for physical pain
Hirmenogaldus’ guilty pleasure is daydreaming about sinking her bare feet in white sand and looking out to the clear blue ocean, what it would be like to become one with a full-blooded titan, and bathing in a sacred waterfall.
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33 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave her some fun facts/extra pieces of information:
Her presence is accompanied by a sweet, melodic hum, said to be the echoes of heavenly music that still resonate with her.
She has a fondness for retro-futuristic music and old-school cyberpunk literature
In regards to the universe she’s staying in, she finds solace in the hum of machinery and the anonymity of the crowded streets.
As a result of living in a technology-infested world, Smajuzhoktrine has developed impressive hacking skills, using her talents to uncover hidden secrets and survive in the shadows.
Main protagonist of Celestial Oblivion
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Smajuzhoktrine Zeliphojandus-Mnelohaviktus Gomeszukiva is an Äylcephomus who fell from grace for reasons currently unbeknownst to her. Many see and describe her as the true definition of unpredictable and whimsical. She can be merciless and defiant, but is also capable of being compassionate and nurturing. She possesses strong motherly instincts and will protect those she deeply cares about from potential harm and unnecessary criticism. She treats those who give off a good impression with a sense of respect and appreciation. Smajuzhoktrine is fully capable of being considerate and trying to comfort people during times of hardship. Through her acts and words of encouragement, cunningness, and understanding, she possesses an unstoppable charisma. She enjoys meaningful fun and spending time with family and friends, ensuring that they feel comfortable and happy. She's grateful for all of the good in her life, and she doesn't view herself as something of high importance, usually putting others before her. Smajuzhoktrine consistently utilises her logical thinking, active listening, and interpersonal skills as well as photographic memory. She prefers interacting with people on the basis of kind-heartedness and genuine tenderness.
She’s an autonomous woman who clearly knows what she wants and will do anything to achieve such things in order to satisfy her needs. She has a rebellious spirit who adores indulging in her hedonistic desires and she often finds a sense of gratifying freedom within the company of those she truly cares about. She’s undeniably a thrill-seeking sadist that’s willing to do anything for the right amount of entertainment. She has a powerful libido and enjoys a variety of delectable pleasures that she'll happily indulge in for the right price. She has no apparent qualms about obliterating countless beings for the sake of joyous fun and/or enacting divine judgement. Smajuzhoktrine has no loyalty to anyone or anything, but is willing to help people if they follow the rules of equivalent exchange or she’s feeling particularly generous that day. She can be fairly competitive with other Æylphitus, especially in regards to feats of strength, usefulness, and bravery. Whenever she experiences happiness, she feels deep satisfaction, harmonious confidence, and inner tranquillity to the point where she’s unnaturally carefree and isn’t easily worried. She's extremely wise and has extraordinary intelligence, which helps her to make firm decisions and good judgements based on previous experiences. However, she’s also naturally inquisitive, closely observing, and possibly engaging with those that catch her attention. She has a clear interest in humanity, finding them to be a multi-faceted, perplexing, and weirdly humorous species.
She may not show it, but she’s secretly afraid of succumbing to her newfound infernal instincts and becoming disconnected from herself and others. When she relies on her infernal instincts, Smajuzhoktrine is more prone to becoming overly aggressive, disturbingly concupiscent, and emotionally distant. It’s personally frustrating for her as it creates a further disconnect from her current footing in reality and it hinders her journey on retrieving her former self. She’s desperate to retrieve her memories and true identity that has been stolen from her by the divine council. She sometimes feels numb to both positive and negative emotions, and doesn’t have the bandwidth to engage with others as she normally would. Smajuzhoktrine can feel quite detached from her current surroundings, people close to her, and herself as though she’s slowly losing what truly defines her as a living creature. There are occasional instances where she is unable to engage with the feelings and emotions of others and herself. She inconsistently feels uncertain about her identity, and is overwhelmed by her emotions and the lack of purposeful meaning.
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Smajuzhoktrine is noticeably much taller than the average height of a human woman, clocking in at about 6’ 8” (203.2 cm). She has an endomorphic, pear-shaped body with prominent hips and a slightly round belly, carrying some weight in her upper arms and thighs. Her smooth skin is as gorgeously white as a common daisy and her mouth is filled with canine teeth. She has a purplish long, forked tongue that’s connected to the larynx opening, which offers better tongue movement. Like all Lorvaztekiphus, she has a noticeable split from the back of where her tongue begins to the lower lip to the middle of her collarbone. Her face, neck, and hands are adorned with greyish freckles that almost replicate the starry sky. Her left eye is a dreamy magenta haze, while the right eye is a gleaming verdigris. She has two striking facial moles: one on the left side of her lower lip and the other below her right eye. Smajuzhoktrine has a tousled layered bob that’s finely chopped and it’s the astonishing gradient of medium light autumn gold, bright orange, medium salmon, cornflower blue, and dark violet. She has razor-sharp claws that are usually painted with silver nail polish or a shimmering sapphire blue. She has six fairly large wings of blackness as though they have been scorched by the sun and they shine with an unearthly lustre. Her secret bodily weakness or physical Achilles’ heel are the lymph nodes, which are found in many parts of her body including the neck, armpits, chest, and groin.
As a fallen angel, she has been given an alternative form that represents her fall from grace and the sins she has committed. This alternative form has a slimmer body, genitalia that's covered in serpentine tentacles, four sagging breasts, elongated limbs, a more prominent belly, and three different heads: her original face (front), a lion (right), and a rooster (left). While in this manifestation, she’s approximately 12’ 4” (381 cm) and her skin is that of a sunbeam snake. Smajuzhoktrine has a thick blade-tipped, segmented tail that is shaped similarly to a human spine and is twice her height. A luminous sun disk made from gilt-brass with an engraved all-seeing eye is right behind her three heads. She has digitigrade legs with silvery lavender pamprodactyl feet as well as sharp claws and talons of polished bronze. It has six wings: two upper wings of turquoise; two middle wings of lavender; the two other middle wings are coral tree; and the two lower wings are old gold. She tries not to stay in this form for too long as she’s afraid that she might lose her sense of self.
After her fall from grace, she wears a rose gold sequined mermaid dress with a ruffled lavender bodice and glossy sapphire lining. She dons an oversized coat of African lion fur, a forsythia yellow himiana of dried Asian bleeding-hearts, eggplant purple fishnet leggings, and bronze-hued rope sandals. She has a shawl with silver tassels and a gradient of greenish-black, gold-brown, yellow-orange, salmon pink, and bright red. She wears a pair of coral tree feather-shaped earrings, a chrysocolla signet on her right middle finger, and a golden dome on her right index finger. When she’s not wearing her Nifjazroghetus attire, she has three T-shirts that she wears most often: a black T-shirt depicting an image that’s a combination between the alchemical symbol of bismuth and black sulphur; a thistle T-shirt depicting an angel’s trumpet with a golden alchemical symbol of the Sun behind it; and a T-shirt depicting a light sea green symbol of phlogiston and the Latin phrase “dulce periculum” (danger is sweet). Smajuzhoktrine wears a pair of high-waisted, burnt umber jeans and eerie black mid-calf combat boots with spikes. However, there are instances where she wears a pair of traditional low-cut, dirty white sneakers. She wears her favourite leather biker jacket of neon orange brilliance and it’s made from expensive cowhide. The inside of her jacket is made from soft sheepskin dyed a deep crimson and it has hidden pockets as well as two straps. One strap holds her trusty shotgun and the other one holds a dirk, while the hidden pockets contain a pack of blueberry-flavoured cigarettes, a box of matches, illicit drugs only taken by other Æylphitus like herself, and a couple of magazines that piqued her interest. On the back of her jacket, it depicts the ouroboros being consumed by flames with the Latin phrase “MORS VINCIT OMNIA” (death conquers all or death always wins) encircling the serpent.
She commonly wields a triple-barrelled, semi-automatic shotgun called the Z-058B Venom Striker that appears to be a combination between the Black Aces Peacekeeper and the Benelli Supernova. It has an ivory grip and has three expensive, yet heavy duty barrels made from an unknownable metal. The special ammunition for this highly dangerous and illegal shotgun is infused with her magical flesh. There are times where she wields a weighty throwing spear made of a blood-red metal that is similar to pure tungsten. Despite her fall from grace, she still carries around her old shield, claymore, and cat-o’-nine-tails. Smajuzhoktrine’s wedge top shield is made from impenetrable bronze, depicting an amazonite basilisk with a sardonyx lion head that’s spewing sunstone fire. The rim of the shield appears to be something akin to pyrite, but is actually made from her golden ichor that she has solidified. Her flaming claymore is made from solidified space dust and dead star remnants that were smelted and forged into what’s now her blade. Lastly, her spiked cat-o’-nine-tails is made from gold-plated leather and it’s believed to embody the supreme authority of Cosmos.
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It should be noted that these abilities consume large amounts of her life energy and she needs to consider how much of their overall power she wants to utilise. If she doesn’t perform these precautions, she’ll most likely die from metaphysical exhaustion. She is capable of projecting her own spirit from her material body through entering a trance. While using astral projection, she has complete control over her spirit, being able to move outside the limit of space and time. Absorption allows her to consume the memories, emotions, powers, and life energy of any living creature through physical contact. In regards to absorbing abilities, she'll temporarily gain such things and has full control of them for about 2-3 hours. Her transformation abilities consist of metamorphosing into a basilisk and a phoenix, shifting between her known forms, and “hiding” her wings. Through the utterance of ancient words, she can create new life by utilising her flesh, golden ichor, and/or breath. She can even create maces, polearms, blades, spears, and ammunition out of her ichor. By manipulating her organic mass, she is able to heal any injuries that have been inflicted upon her. She can also use her organic mass to create far-reaching tendrils and temporary barriers. Like all Äylcephomus, she can only use her ichor and organic mass by harming herself, which explains why she has a dirk. She used to have saliva that can burn naturally sinful things, but has been replaced by an acidic venom after her fall.
As an avatar of Zekwaboruchni, she can manipulate balance, the sky, air, weather, and shadows. She can create a magical door that appears out of thin air or materialises on certain solid surfaces (e.g. a ceiling) and it transports her to different universes. It can be quite frustrating to utilise because she has to travel to another universe and back to the one she was before in order to arrive at her desired place. Æylphitus who have the ability to create a magical door are personally unique to them and this can be applied to her as well. Her magical door is an arch top with chipped cascade paint that has an eerie wisteria and hibiscus sheen. It has two intricate gilt-brass door handles: one depicts the head of a lion and the other is a rooster's head. She possesses omniscience, but she's able to mentally filter what she wants to know and focus her knowledge on what interests her. She can also speak, understand, and decipher all languages, and handle every situation with considerable efficiency. Through the use of telepathy, she can receive and transmit specific information with her mind. She can even perceive the thoughts of other people and detect their presence nearby. She has psychokinesis, being able to manipulate matter and energy with mental effort alone. She has supernatural strength and is capable of moving continents, star clusters, planetary systems, and supermassive galaxies amongst a few others. She’s able to survive the elimination of a galaxy, highly destructive universal events such as supernovae, and objects that travel at the speed of light. She can also endure all kinds of temperatures such as ones that are near kelvin and below negatives worth. Her sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are far more acute compared to humans, Ufrajozlens, and some Æylphitus. She is able to perceive all known energies that bind the multiverse together, observing everything in her heightened field of vision. Like all Äylcephomus as well as some fallen angels and Lorvaztekiphus, she can use her massive wings to fly.
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Eytnozubiwa Yanewozur (adoptive mother)
Verthanogzimus Mandhelosji (adoptive father)
Camusoziel (ex-lover)
Sandezlophim (son)
Mewhatron (daughter)
Joluszeniah (ex-lover)
Zorsjahlen (daughter)
Mom (by her children)
Mama (by her children)
The Honourable and Hallowed Word
The Beautiful and Glorious Saviour
The Great Magnificence of Crying Stars
Hen of the Sanctified Ichor
Lady of Sun-Kissed Ashes
The Fiery Wings of Zekwaboruchni
Overthrower of Decaying Blissfulness
Her Fox-Tongued Protectress
Our Basilisk Pulchritude
Three-Formed Key
Uncreated Mother
Roaring Dragoness
Great Archon
Her sexuality is fluid
It’s unknown when her exact birthday is due to being as old as the GN-z11 galaxy, which was way before the Gregorian calendar was made. However, she jokingly likes to believe that her birthday is October 13th (Libra).
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of her name have special meanings: Smajuzhoktrine means “he warned me or treasure of life”, Zeliphojandus means “shadow of fear and reverence or first rupture”, Mnelohaviktus means “in the lunar mansion of her barker”, and Gomeszukiva means “bleary-eyed one or lucky star of the high-minded”.
She smells like bergamot orange and balsam poplar
She has a high-performing motorcycle that was originally used for racing and it has a reverse function as well as a ceramic, double-rotor, two-wheel disk drive. It has electronically controlled anti-lock brakes and a visible crank and gearbox case on the right side of her motorcycle. It has slightly worn turquoise paint, a red-violet seat, and six motorcycle decals. It’s more of a souvenir from her perspective, but she does occasionally drive it.
A recurring dream she has revolves around her younger self who’s half-dressed in lavish robes and wearing a pair of golden sandals. She’s walking over a pile of flayed corpses writhing in eternal agony and towards something. This something appears to be a massive orb of restrained flames that pulsate with each footstep. Her peculiar dream ends just before she can fully reach out and touch this object.
She likes the feeling of wax on her skin, mixing different soda beverages together, raindrops on a window, frozen lakes, labyrinthine cave systems, internal organs, animal teeth, bird plumage, natural phenomenon, and familial bonds.
She dislikes arrogance, blissful ignorance, being rudely dismissed, psychological warfare, inaccurate information, taxidermy bugs and insects, vomit, optical illusions, all forms of abuse, and loneliness.
Her hobbies consist of watching over humanity, wreath-making, writing poetry and celestial hymns, painting rocks, playing chess. She also enjoys collecting religious memorabilia, kitschy artwork, ceramics, vintage mason jars, bird-themed items, seashells, and figurines.
She loves all animals that are present throughout the multiverse and finds them to be as fascinating as humanity. Like humans, she sees them as a well-needed gift to help keep the equilibrium of the multiverse stable. If she did have to choose, it would either be the thylacine, coelacanth, bearded vulture, scimitar oryx, cerulean warbler, Himalayan monal or Lady Amherst’s pheasant.
Similar to how Smajuzhoktrine views animals, she loves all flowers and their intriguing beauty. If she did have to choose, it would most likely be the common foxglove, Asian bleeding-heart or Miltoniopsis phalaenopsis.
Her favourite comfort foods are homemade potato and cheese perogies, turkey enchiladas with authentic Mexican spices, beer-battered fish, toasted ravioli, gnocchi, macarons, banana split, and molten chocolate pudding.
Even though Smajuzhoktrine does enjoy sweets, she rarely eats such foods.
Smajuzhoktrine's favourite colours are saffron, blue-green, and the hues of her eyes and the sky.
Her biggest pet peeves are lack of boundaries in general, interrupting during a conversation, repetitive tapping, scraping silverware, unsolicited advice and recommendations, the feeling of chalk, the sound of styrofoam rubbing together, know-it-alls, humble-bragging, and using words the wrong way.
She rules over seventy three hundred legions of demons
Her presence is accompanied by a sweet, melodic hum, said to be the echoes of heavenly music that still resonate with her.
She possesses a heirloom that’s a lute carved from animal bone gilded with pristine gold and its strings are of indestructible silk. She finds the melodies that this lute is capable of playing to be quite mesmerising and even peaceful.
Despite having omnilingualism, it can be difficult to learn a language that was originally lost, but was recently found. It takes a fair amount of time to perfectly decipher and understand the language, but it’s a worthwhile effort in her eyes.
She sees crying as a way to relieve stress, believing that people don’t always need a reason to weep. She thinks that sometimes people need a different outlet to let out their pent-up emotions.
An oddity is that she becomes ravenous after using her organic mass to heal herself
She feels melancholic when something becomes lost media because a part of her wishes that she could have found, especially if she knows that it’s going to be impossible to bring back.
She has a fondness for retro-futuristic music and old-school cyberpunk literature
In regards to the universe she’s staying in, she finds solace in the hum of machinery and the anonymity of the crowded streets.
As a result of living in a technology-infested world, Smajuzhoktrine has developed impressive hacking skills, using her talents to uncover hidden secrets and survive in the shadows.
Due to her habit of talking to herself, she uses Zorsjahlen’s rosy-scaled, golden-bellied lóng plushie for emotional support, telling it all of her daily problems.
She's quite the adrenaline junkie
She usually likes to root for the underdogs
Smajuzhoktrine has nicknames for almost everyone
She looks in every mirror
She’s a chain smoker
She usually scarfs down her food and belches loudly after eating.
She enjoys humming to herself
Smajuzhoktrine's guilty pleasure is rating strangers based on how fucked up their childhood is and how sexually appealing their physical appearance is.
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24 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I added a few new fun facts/extra pieces of information about her:
Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for her crew members and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.
She's a skilled strategist and air pilot with exceptional reflexes and quick thinking, which has saved the Ichnaea 5 from countless dangerous situations.
Ephoszumina has a mysterious past that she keeps closely guarded, but rumors hint at a troubled history that has driven her to become the strong, capable commander she is today.
She has discovered over 20 galaxies and outsmarted a few hostile aliens before
Main protagonist of Into Klein’s Bottle
WARNING: I talk about specific mental health issues and how it affects the following character.
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Ephoszumina Uynaszoide Higenbrotamus-Teixojzura is the 36-year-old determined and protective commander of the Ichnaea 5 spacecraft. She’s part of the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD), one of the few subdivisions of the Bureau of Researching and Securing Extramundane Curiosities (BRSEC). As a hard-working individual, she feels confident about her work and possesses an unwavering commitment to her given tasks. She’s a reliable member of the GIAPD, putting effort into their work and obediently following orders. She’s also viewed as trustworthy by her crew members due to her good listening and emotional intelligence skills. Ephoszumina is quite independent and honourable, being able to not rely on others for aid or support and believe in truth as well as doing what’s morally right. However, she sometimes struggles to break out of her unyielding independence and collaborate with her crew members due to her stubbornness. She respects the opinions and ideas of others, showing consideration and regard to what they have to say. However, she will put her foot down and tell them off if she views it as necessary. Ephoszumina is very organised and is quick to notice things, especially if it involves her plans or any potential problems that might arise amongst her group. She’s decently down-to-earth, ensuring that she focuses on the task beforehand and dealing with people practically and directly.
She's capable of uplifting the management of her team, but she does occasionally overthink and/or disregard the potential negative consequences. She tends to appear menacingly and isn’t afraid to threaten those who try to invade her privacy or harm the safety of her and the members of the Ichnaea 5. She can be quite sarcastic at times, which is usually in the form of mocking and contemptible remarks. Ephoszumina does have a bit of a fiery temper, but that’s usually targeted towards those she finds irritating or it’s a sign of wanting to be left alone. She tries to hide the fact that she experiences depression, insomnia, and borderline personality disorder (BPD). Her depression makes her feel sad, empty, and hopeless, and prone to angry outbursts and frustration, even over small matters. She often desires to be non-existent and can be somewhat fixated on past failures. She has difficulty with concentration, decision-making, and recalling, which makes dealing with her tasks feel like an absolute chore. Her BPD makes her feel uncertain about how she sees herself, experiences mild mood swings, and intensifies her fear of abandonment and instability.
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Ephoszumina is slightly above the average height of an Irishwoman and is almost about 5’ 6” (167.64 cm). Her body shape is more rectangular, but her hips are fairly defined, her shoulders and buttocks are slightly rounded, and she carries some weight in her upper thighs. Her medium-length hair is in a side-parted wavy, messy lob and it’s a lovely shade of golden bronze with red brown streaks. She has striking sienna skin with reddish freckles decorating her face, chest, and shoulders. She has long eyelashes and cerulean eyes, but the left one is slightly lighter than the right due to it being made from glass, which she tries to cover up with a purplish eyepatch. She has a tattoo on her abdomen, which depicts a black and gold Rooster of Barcelos holding a bloomed lavender and a Fuchsia magellanica in its beak. After the spaceship crash, her left arm is replaced with a prosthetic, the wires being the veins and muscles tendons, while the flexible metal are the bones and flesh. Her lower back, buttocks, and behind the left leg have received some scars, primarily second- and third-degree burns and lacerations. After being experimented on and tortured by the Zraphelostund Vermuzokilas, there is a line from between the index and middle fingers to the tip of her elbows. She can split them open to reveal adamantine, jagged blades, and her arms are a smoky black with razor-sharp vermilion nails. She has six dark blue stitches: one running along her back; U-shaped ones on both inner thighs; one that wraps around her lower left leg; and two from her right trapezius to her left deltoid. Her hair now has some light purple highlights and her sienna skin is sickly pale with pearlescent blue warts on her shoulders, chest, outer thighs, and upper back. Ephoszumina has a scar below her lower lip that reaches from ear to ear and she has a segmented, bony tail that's tipped with a fleshy ball covered in glossy bronze spikes.
Like the other main members of Ephoszumina’s group, she wears the traditional GIAPD space uniform. This uniform consists of teal blue space flight suits with two white strips from the neck gaiter to the end of their jacket sleeves and well-placed pockets. GIAPD workers also wear position badges, the flag of their country on the left arm, the logo of their organisation on the right arm, and a monochromatic shirt underneath the flight suit. The logo depicts the simplified black silhouette of a rabbit before a burning star of blue, yellow, orange, red, and white. Below that striking logo design is the organisation’s abbreviated name in bold pomp and power lettering. Each member possesses a badge with their position and the depiction of a planet or moon. However, her badge is the only one in her group that depicts the Sun and the title of commander. The sleeves of her uniform jacket are sometimes rolled up or the jacket is wrapped around her waist. Beneath Ephoszumina’s standard uniform, she wears a white button down shirt and a tangerine undershirt. On her left uniform arm, her country’s flag is that of Ireland. Sometime after the spaceship crash, she wears a drop leg holster attached to a flexible waistband and the uniform’s left arm would be ripped off and has some mostly seamless stitching on the lower back area. The back of her ankle-length olive brown cargo pants would receive some crude stitching on the buttocks area and behind her left leg. She wears a solitaire wedding band with a princess-shaped diamond below her engagement ring on the left ring finger. She also has a spacesuit that has her commander badge and Ireland flag in the same places as her flight suit. She occasionally wears a bronze shawl with floral patterns of saffron, red-violet, ruddy blue, and pale rose with a silver amphisbaena engulfed in flames on the back. When wearing her shawl, she dons a pair of dirty brown jeans, which are both gifted from her lover, Friedoschalk.
Besides her BRSEC ID, she holds onto a very special photograph of her with her deceased husband, Veljahomius. As the commander who survived a spaceship crash and is roaming through alien planets, she has a few weapons on her person. One of the weapons she wields is an energy weapon with a sling that’s partially modelled off of the Russian RGS-50M. Instead of regular bullets or the ammunition that the RGS-50M uses, it shoots out either blasts or large orbs of slow-moving energy, but that greatly depends on the firing settings. Another weapon on her person is a double-barrelled pistol with a built-in flash suppressor. Ephoszumina also has a multi-purpose taser that fires three stun probes and is partially based off of the Raysun X-1. The energy weapon is named the Blazing Whispers 0.3, the double-barrelled pistol is called the Zermillionus LCTI-7390, and the taser is referred to as the Weather’s Eye J-XT81. She wears a highly advanced black, blue, and gold wristwatch given to her by the BRSEC, appearing to be modelled after the DB28 Kind of Blue Tourbillon and Rotonde de Cartier Earth and Moon Watch. It’s capable of faster-than-light communication, notifications in regards to receiving work-related emails, passwords to access confidential documents, and telling the time. This very special model of watch is referred to as the BRSEC-35 Cirrostratus Parhelia.
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As a result of the various strange and unorthodox chemicals and injections that the Zraphelostund Vermuzokilas used on her and her crew, she has gained a few abilities. The tips of her fingers have tiny holes that can produce a black ink that burns through any material present in the multiverse. She has telekinesis, slow organic reconfiguration to heal any inflicted wound, and the ability to read minds. She can intuitively translate and learn ancient human languages and unfamiliar dialects, and her body is resistant to all temperatures. She can vomit up corrosive acid, spew toxic gasses, scale walls and ceilings, and manipulate metal, water, and marine life.
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Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed brother
Unnamed grandfather
Veljahomius (ex-husband)
Friedoschalk Raschikopfe (lover)
Aprichotenus (daughter)
Korwudelaszith (daughter)
Musaphordzen (daughter)
Ephoszuma (by a few friends)
Uyneszoda (by a few friends and coworkers)
Commander (by the members of the Ichnaea 5 spacecraft)
Mama (by Aprichotenus, Korwudelaszith, and Musaphordzen)
Liefje (“little dear” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Snoepje (“little candy” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Knapperd (“beautiful” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Lekker ding (“delicious thing” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Fuzzy lumpkins (by Friedoschalk)
Precious heartstring (by Friedoschalk)
My graceful little daffodil (by Friedoschalk)
My strong-hearted lioness (by Friedoschalk)
Schmusebacke (“smooth cheeks” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Liebster (“most beloved” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Honigbienchen (“little honey bee” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Uphoszaide (by Gunaholde)
Ephoszumina Hanimefendi (“lady master” in Turkish) (by Evranfotih)
Unmovable cunt (by Plejzakhominus)
Grumpy albatross (by Mjolahvet)
Lonesome heifer (by Eyschurota)
Mademoiselle of a Rocky Heart (by Kafenodisch)
Uyneszroda (by Gibhazlodus)
Higenbrota (by Gibhazlodus)
Teixoju (by Gibhazlodus)
She’s demisexual
Her birthday is April 12th (Aries)
Her blood type is A-
In regards to her ethnicity, she’s 50% Irish, 37.5% British, and 12.5% Portuguese.
She used to have a Borzoi, but he died from cardiomyopathy.
She has double-jointed fingers
Besides English, she knows five different languages, which are Korean, German, Afrikaans, Portuguese, and Greek. However, she does know some Dutch as a result of her deceased husband.
She likes cappuccino, sea foam, the sounds of the ocean, marine biology, her grandfather’s bike, the spectacular sights of space, her husband and the memories they made together, birds in general, rare dog breeds, and the outdoors.
She likes to listen to the sounds of ocean waves she saved on her phone when she’s having trouble sleeping.
She dislikes the taste of cooked almonds, the uncomfortable vastness of outer space, black holes, social isolation, death, funerals, having an upset stomach after eating spicy foods or drinking booze, dangerous machinery, sexual harassment, and wasting food.
Her hobbies consist of mountain biking, playing badminton, metal detecting, doing word scrambles, reading short stories, trying out magic tricks, collecting bird-themed items and seashells, and going to cozy cafés, pet shops, and non-commercial beaches after a stressful day at work.
Her favourite planets inside the Solar System is Saturn and Neptune
Her favourite animals are the barn owl, mountain hare, Araneus diadematus, horse, and goldcrest.
When she was a kid, she used to like going to an aquarium due to her love of jellyfishes, sea anemones, starfishes, and other small fishes.
Her favourite flowers are the ragged robin, bog rosemary, wood anemone, and cuckoo flower.
Her favourite comfort foods are colcannon, Gur cake, jambon, and garlic cheese chips.
Due to her tritanopia colour blindness, it’s difficult to identify certain hues. From what she can see, her favourite colours are lapis lazuli and rose vale.
Her biggest pet peeves are obnoxiously loud yawning, leaving drawers and cabinets open, not screwing lids on bottles and containers all the way, people who comment on what she’s eating, heating up smelly food in a work kitchen, being condoned to a gender-based stereotype, and microaggression.
Despite her tough exterior, She has a soft spot for her crew members and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.
She's a skilled strategist and air pilot with exceptional reflexes and quick thinking, which has saved the Ichnaea 5 from countless dangerous situations.
Ephoszumina has a mysterious past that she keeps closely guarded, but rumors hint at a troubled history that has driven her to become the strong, capable commander she is today.
She originally wanted to be a marine biologist due to her fascination and love for the ocean and its unique aquatic life. However, she became an astronaut for the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD) due to reasons she doesn’t want to talk about.
She used to get teased a lot the time she first worked at the GIAPD, but it didn't last very long after she beat up a sexist coworker and reported him to his superiors.
Her grandfather's place was near a cozy beach and that's why she's learned to like it as she grows up.
She has discovered over 20 galaxies and outsmarted a few hostile aliens before
During her time at the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD), she has encountered a few strange things before. She has come face-to-face with a couple of extraterrestrial spacecraft and a few alien beings, most commonly the Lacebozritus Reptuzolvas or lizard-folk as many like to call them. From what she's seen and heard, the lizard-folk often work with the GIAPD as they possess superior knowledge in outer space like how it functions, what are the potential dangers, and more. During a field research study on gravitational forces, she caught a glimpse of a supermassive black hole. She has also witnessed two gamma-ray bursts, four quasars, and a galactic cannibalism event. She can even vividly recall seeing a couple of planets and an exoplanet outside of our solar system mysteriously collapse into themselves.
At one point in Ephoszumina’s life during her high school years, she used to be quite a nerd because she read books a lot and focused on her studies more than her other classmates. She also got those thick glasses as well, which many people made fun of. However, when she grew up, she preferred to put contact lenses on instead because she thought those glasses looked ridiculous on her.
Sometimes when she sits down it hurts her because of the injury around her butt, so she tries to avoid sitting down as much as possible.
Her prosthetic arm occasionally doesn’t function properly, so she gets it checked out every Sunday.
She paces a lot when thinking
She has a tendency to talk to herself
She knows a myriad of useless trivia
Ephoszumina secretly loves watching “bad” movies
Ephoszumina sleeps with her old baby blanket
She’s a contortionist
She can’t drive well
She usually taps her fingernails on hard surfaces
Ephoszumina’s guilty pleasure is following conspiracy theories that are considered to be blatantly false and out-of-this-world.
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25 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave him a couple of fun facts:
Mirabozluthek has a flair for the dramatic and loves to make a grand entrance, often descending upon wherever he wants to go in a puff of colourful smoke.
He has a weakness for sweet treats and can often be bribed with offerings of exotic candies and pastries.
Main antagonist of The Beast Within All of Us
WARNING: There is a brief mention of coitus
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Mirabozluthek Talumodeshi, born as Burszolevja, is a hedonistic, whimsical, flirtatious, and modest traitor of the lord (treachery demon) and the main showrunner of a festival called the Day of Unburdening. He feels depressed and strangely out-of-place in the multiverse, but hides this through a happy-go-lucky and joyous facade. When experiencing a depressive episode, he becomes nihilistic, disgustingly indulging himself in murder, exquisite foods, and sexual intercourse. He strongly believes that every single life form is able to achieve redemption by confronting their sins and fears. He’s often unpredictable and sadistic, having a gleeful smile on his face to put people on edge because he understands how disturbing it can be to hide true intentions. He has a massive soft spot for women that he finds to be sexually attractive, well-behaved children, and animals. He can be quite the cunning manipulator, and occasionally comes off as sarcastic and bored. He can attract a mass following through his charisma or false promises, and is vehemently greedy for attention and exquisite items. When people disobey him, Mirabozluthek becomes sinister and cranky, approaching them in a confrontational manner and giving them disgusted looks.
He places emphasis on humour, fun, and living in the moment, always finding an opportunity to lighten the mood. His sense of humour is a mixture between self-deprecation and dark comedy, laughing at his own flaws and the morbidity that surrounds life. He’s naturally spontaneous and brutally honest, and possesses a great deal of unrelenting confidence, ingenuity, and cleverness. It’s difficult to trust him due to his chaotic nature and how his seemingly good intentions are surrounded with questionable methods. He’s emotionally sensitive to the plight of others and purposefully rude insults that are thrown at him or his friends. Once in a blue moon, Mirabozluthek acts on impulse, but that often occurs during overwhelming situations. He has a carefree and optimistic view on life, and uses his charm and verbal facile to disrupt social norms and conformity. He has a raunchy and cryptic tongue, and shows no fear in openly questioning the actions and opinions of others. His pompous superiority makes him believe that he’s above those viewed as irredeemable lowlifes or unworthy of his ideas. He has an insensitive and cruel disregard to individuals who don’t pique his curiosity or are uncomfortably perverted for his liking.
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He’s 7’ 2” (218.44 cm) with a tall and lithe inverted triangular figure, an average musculature, a slightly rounded belly, and prominent thighs. He has dull pale grey skin, a dark red-violet serpentine tongue, and glistening silver-golden yellow eyes with faded black pupils, resembling a solar eclipse. He possesses mid-back puce hair with partial waves and streaks of schist and woody brown. His face is painted a purplish-white with smoky blue-green eyeliner and two yellow-orange vertical stripes across both eyes. Mirabozluthek’s face also has circular jade green cheeks, wisteria lips, and brilliant red elvish ears. He wears a short cape of brown ermine fur with two gilt-brass, ruby-eyed dog head clasps that have tongues serving as hooks. He dons tight breeches of metallic purple with vertical pale rose pinstripes and a long, rippling coat in a gold-and-white checkered pattern, reaching his heels. He has a black leather belt with a gold buckle and an emerald skirt with cardinal pink polka dots and silver tassels.
His feet are covered by knee-high boots of glossy teal with pointed and curled ends, and he possesses elbow-length pink-orange gloves with large cuffs and silver claws. He wears a lilac shirt with a pinkish-white ruffled collar and long, puffed sleeves. The right sleeve is pear-hued with scarlet triangles and the left is a tawny port with chestnut rose semicircles. He’s always wearing a cavalier hat of emerald velvet with the tail feathers of a male greater bird-of-paradise, obscuring his eyes to give off an ominous vibe. Mirabozluthek has a hanging silvery chord with seven RĂŒppell's fox tails tied to it and a bead crochet necklace made from pinkish-white lace, sterling silver, and Tahitian pearls. He carries a marotte with a carved satyr’s head and six triangular pieces of fabric in an alternating pattern of fern green and brilliant red, having a golden bell at the end of each one.
In his demonic form, he has the of an emerald green lion with a wide grin, a shaggy reseda chartreuse mane, and black six goat legs surrounding his body to walk in every direction. He possesses the train of an Indian peacock and an intestinal halo that shines brightly like the moon.
In his boogeyman form, he’s an imposingly tall man with a malnourished figure, pearlescent white horns, shaggy silver-grey hair, and chaffed skin. His bluish-black skin has a harsh burlap texture to it, appearing to be lifelessly dull underneath the sun and gleaming brightly beneath the moon. The inside of his body is made up of crawling bugs, fluttering insects, snakes, deformed bats, small humanoid rats, and cat-sized tapeworms. He has spindly arms that branch out into six nail-tipped tentacles, a neck with goitres, and a bloated throat that dominates his lower jaw. Mirabozluthek’s pale blue face is frozen in a deranged smile with three rows of hideous, crooked anglerfish teeth and a slimy serpent’s tongue. He possesses unblinking, glowing red-green eyes, legs covered in shaggy dark brown fur, and draconic feet with iron talons. He has a large, dew-covered tail that looks like the upper half of a spongy moth caterpillar and it has humanoid teeth. He dons a dragging, flowy cloak made from the skinned faces of tortured humans in multiple natural skin colours.
In his giantess form, he’s a strangely beautiful woman with dewy skin, sagging breasts, sunken cheeks, lavender lips, and piercing rose gold eyes. His skin is an iridescent blue-green with a silver-grey chest and swollen belly that has a scattering of black freckles. He has mid-back red blonde hair with voluminous waves, golden eyelashes, black claws and talons, and hairy legs and armpits. Mirabozluthek wears a fishnet cloak and a layered, flowing dark purple robe with golden undertones that are in the form of shimmering diamonds. Metallic green vines wrap around his thick calves and his hands are covered in elbow-length, fingerless gloves of iridescent red feathers.
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As the personification of acedia, he can induce exhaustion, restlessness, listlessness, excitability, dejection, and inattention to one's duties. He can also manipulate a heightened concern in one’s health and safety, lack of motivation for physical labour, and general discouragement. His physical strength, mental capacity, and positive emotions are greatly enhanced during the afternoon. He has mastery over phobiology, intimidation, escapology, leadership, physical comedy, storytelling, and psychological warfare. He has the capability of making illusions real and creating phobias and grandiose delusions. Mirabozluthek can induce fear, insanity, and laughter into any mortal who stares directly into his eyes or hears his squawking scream. He’s able to turn his body into a living hive of creepy crawlies and crows, possessing a symbiotic relationship with them. He can summon nightmarish beasts through queen cards, imprison disobedient individuals through jack cards, and create portals to other universes through king cards. He can create black sand that’s used to sprinkle into the eyes of dreamers, mentally morphing into nightmares that target their greatest fears.
By manipulating dopamine, the chemicals in bile, and skin, he can create fleshy balloons with or without an acidic liquid inside. He can rearrange the bone and flesh of his face into whatever humanoid or animalistic form he pleases. Through the use of animal pelts, his cloak of skin, and psychological torment, he can alter between any form he desires. He possesses a neutralised sensitivity to physical and spiritual pain, and the ability to manipulate and create any toy that comes to mind. He has necroscience, precognition, remote viewing, psychokinesis, omnilingualism, and omnicompetence. He can grant any wish related to one’s deepest desire, and he constantly leaves behind a trail of ultraviolet rays and radiation. Mirabozluthek is capable of inducing the solar eclipse, temporarily stopping time, and manipulating the lunar energy that radiates from his heart. He can project seductive thoughts into one’s subconsciousness, and is simultaneously everywhere reflective surfaces, artificial lights, and the dead are. He has absolute knowledge on natural and moral philosophy, logic, and the qualities and uses of all herbs and plants, and can heal all infirmities.
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Lord of Noontide
Meridian Harlequin
Sir Talumodeshi (by his servants)
Mirabothek (by most people)
Broszlutheka (by Kriptahmozendus and Toxiplusneza)
Pan Mirabozluthek (“mister” in Ukrainian) (by Odurkheniya)
Babay (by Odurkheniya)
Lustmolch (“pleasure newt” in German) (by Libakzurchet)
Black vessel (by Eylcaborith)
Freak In A Jester’s Guise (by Giespozhan, Haplocernius, and Rumahelt)
Pičkin dim (“vagina smoke” in Croatian) (by Shelobad)
Gschichtldrucker (“storyprinter” in Austrian) (by Shelobad)
Bodach (by Lusczrefhona)
Mirabo-sama (by Yoshazume)
Bonhomme Sept Heures (“Seven O’Clock Man” in French) (by Crisaphen)
Baboulas (by Plocedruszina)
His sexuality is fluid
He’s twenty decades older than the Gregorian calendar, but he jokingly pretends that his birthday is on April 1st (Aries).
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Mirabozluthek means “place of strife” and Talumodeshi means “nether regions of renewal or under the new moon”. In regards to his birth name, Burszolevja means “temporary dwelling, small house or hut”.
He likes exquisite dinner dates, exercising his idea of redemption, moral philosophy, and entertaining people through pranks, flute music, and slapstick comedy.
He likes listening to classical and ancient forms of music because, in his opinion, they sound naturally pleasant.
He dislikes spoiled children, disobedience, nihilism, gross-out humour, and the idea of blissful ignorance.
His hobbies are dimension-hopping, playing and cuddling with Felapothuki, playing card games, putting on jester performances for the high-ranking nobles and lesser royalty of Nifjazroghetus, punishing slothful sinners in Limbo, chatting with Luxasofer in his palace garden, and spreading nightmares to naughty children.
His favourite animals are the satanic leaf-tailed gecko, Zanzibar red colobus, poison dart frog, sunset moth, candy crab, and kangaroo.
His favourite flowers are the blue paya, ghost orchid, Darwin’s slippers, Catherine-wheel pincushion, and Caribbean parrot tulip.
His favourite comfort foods are cotton candy, banana split funnel cake, slow-shimmered burgundy beef stew, chicken tikka masala, bacon-wrapped scallops with pineapple quinoa, and cooked human liver with Greek salad ravioli.
His favourite colours are yellow-orange, bright teal, gold, silver, green, red, soft pink, coral tree, and sandrift.
His biggest pet peeves are cheating, misanthropic insults, cynical people, individuals who take jokes seriously, and religious fanatics.
Mirabozluthek has a flair for the dramatic and loves to make a grand entrance, often descending upon wherever he wants to go in a puff of colourful smoke.
He has a weakness for sweet treats and can often be bribed with offerings of exotic candies and pastries.
He’s the avatar of Nerjzluhtopiad
He’s the president of Limbo
His skin is highly allergic to tears
His skin is icy cold
He either ties his hair into a large braid or a low ponytail
He has prosopagnosia
In order to clearly remember people, he uses fitting nicknames for everyone he encounters
Mirabozluthek is not fond of the punishments that people are subjected to in Nifjazroghetus and the Stomach of Caligo as they’re barely given the chance to redeem themselves.
Most infernal beings ostracise him for his “flawed” idea of redemption
The angels find his idea of redemption to be amusingly out-of-character for a demon to not believe in eternal damnation.
Some titans agree with his idea of redemption, some aren’t interested or fond of it, and some don’t believe it, but they’re intrigued nonetheless.
He owns a silvery pan flute that controls pests like mice and parasites
He often smokes a kiseru with a bronze-hued mouthpiece and bowl
He often alters between his main forms in order to humorously confuse people
He has a gigantic Scolopendra paradoxa as a pet and he named her Desmazrovukti
He’s commonly seen flirting with sirens, succubi, female manticores, Gorgons, satyresses, nymphes, huldras, and earthly angels.
Mirabozluthek prefers to drink herbal teas and fancy alcoholic beverages
He’s a delicate and cautious eater
He devours misbehaving children
He usually walks with a few jolly skips
His guilty pleasure is excessively large batches of ice cream when he’s feeling extremely bored or quite miserable.
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9 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave her two fun facts/extra pieces of information:
Despite her timid nature, Odurkheniya has a secret love for karaoke and can belt out her favorite Ukrainian folk songs with surprising confidence.
She's a coffee aficionado and can often be found sipping on a latte at a local café, lost in her own thoughts and doodles.
Main protagonist of The Beast Within All of Us
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Mental health issues, the fear of coitus and childbirth, and drugs are mentioned/talked about. There is also a brief mention of suicide.
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Odurkheniya-Lubochkeva Ystolukhevina Pelvzrumjachinko is a 21-year-old petite, timid Ukrainian girl who graduated from a two-year college art program. As a contestant, the main showrunner, Mirabozluthek, gave her the nickname Thimble Mouse due to her apparent shyness and watchfulness as well as her protective nature. As an independent artist, she goes by Holsudrega and utilises digital art to conceptualise and express her creativity. However, there are times where she decides to indulge in abstract painting. She finds art to be very therapeutic and thoughtful, giving her room to breathe when dealing with anxiety and stress. Besides art, Odurkheniya is capable of using her creativity to inspire innovation amongst her peers as well as view and solve whatever problems she’s facing more openly. She’s quite the introvert, finding that large groups or crowds tend to drain her motivation to interact with others. She enjoys solitude without any disturbances and is keenly self-aware of her surroundings, which can make her notice certain things that others don’t. She’s fairly quiet, which allows her to focus and listen to the thoughts of whoever she’s conversing with. She also notices the small details, helping her to understand people better and make more proper decisions in life. Odurkheniya is very polite and sweet, showing her genuine respect and consideration towards those worth her time. However, she will put her foot down when things go way too far for her liking. She also has a strong willingness to defend those who are personally close to her.
Odurkheniya can be fairly shy and awkward around new people, but she does slowly warm up to them throughout their relationship. Her shyness stems from the tendency to avoid being judged and the insecurities she comes across in her daily life. She doesn’t want to be viewed as a nuisance as she secretly desires belonging and acceptance amongst her peers. There are instances when she can be somewhat stubborn under certain circumstances and even dismissive of other people’s ideas. She has severe erotophobia (the fear of sex) and tokophobia (the fear of childbirth) due to a couple of unfortunate incidents. Anything related to sex and childbirth makes her genuinely uncomfortable and disgusted, which leads to her vomiting and sobbing. Odurkheniya is also prone to anxiety attacks when she's exposed to things surrounding her phobias or she's put through situations that aren't familiar to her. She overthinks about the possible worst outcomes that surround most of her daily situations, and she does have occasional mood swings. She’s in severe disbelief and denial in regards to her traumatic past, and she’s prone to vivid thoughts of suicide.
She’s quite indecisive, often feeling emotionally numb and immensely afraid to make the wrong decisions. As a result of her mind “going blank” and trauma, she has noticeable memory problems. This makes her feel frustrated about not being able to remember certain things and uncertain about what or has happened. She has this persistent worry about a number of areas that are disproportionate to the impact of certain events. She has difficulty experiencing positive emotions and tends to engage in negative self-talk. She’s secretly addicted to methamphetamine and heroin, which she uses to suppress her anxiety and trauma. Methamphetamine makes her feel exhilarated, weirdly paranoid and alert about her surroundings, and easily agitated by others. On the other hand, heroin makes her feel a sense of euphoria, happiness, and tranquillity as well as noticeably tired.
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She is slightly smaller than the average height of a Ukrainian woman, which is about 5' 4” (162.56 cm). She has an ectomorphic, spoon-shaped body type with pinkish stretch marks on her chest, tummy, and hip areas. Her skin is the hue of luscious warm ivory and her eyes are a light green. She has an observable facial mole slightly below her left brow and a bit more can be seen on her legs and back. She has short dark auburn hair that’s in a feathered wolf cut with shaggy bangs. The ends of her soft, feathery hair is dyed an acid apple green. Ever since Kicnemura possessed her and resided in her spine, her back has gone through a few noticeable changes. Her back appears to be malnourished with her spine emerging from her flesh and the skin looking like burnt ashes. On the back of her left thigh, just above her buttocks, there's a large patch of scar tissue. It's impossible to tell how she got it and she refuses to talk about it.
Odurkheniya is often seen wearing her favourite hoodie, one that has been experimented on by using the rainbow tie dye technique with beauty bush, whimsy yellow, jungle mist, and baby blue. With her silvery fabric marker, she wrote the Ukrainian idiom â€œĐ‘Ń–Đ»Đ° ĐČĐŸŃ€ĐŸĐœĐ°â€ (a white crow) on the back of the hoodie. She has four distinguishable black T-shirts with their own unique Ukrainian phrases and images. The first has the line from the poem “You know that you are a human
” by Vasyl Simonenko, which is “МуĐșĐ° тĐČĐŸŃ — Ń”ĐŽĐžĐœĐ°â€ (That torment of yours is unique to you). It depicts a golden mask of comedy in front of a simplistic pedunculate oak. The second phrase is â€œĐ‘Đ”Đ· ĐœĐ°ĐŽŃ–Ń— ŃĐżĐŸĐŽŃ–ĐČаюсь!” (Contra Spem Spero!), the title of a poem written by Lesya Ukrainka, and it arches above a snowy mountain standing before a night sky. The third has the Ukrainian proverb “Жоття Đ·Đ°ĐșĐŸŃ€ĐŸŃ‚ĐșĐ” ĐŽĐ»Ń щастя, Đ° Đ·Đ°ĐŽĐŸĐČгД ĐŽĐ»Ń Ń‚Đ”Ń€ĐżŃ–ĐœĐœŃ" (Life is too short for happiness and too long for patience) on the back. On the front, it depicts a lone Hesperia comma, the silver-spotted skipper or common branded skipper, on top of a human skull. The last T-shirt has another proverb, which is "ĐĐ±ĐŸ ĐżĐ°Đœ Đ°Đ±ĐŸ ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐżĐ°ĐČ" (Either the master or the missing), acting as the horizon for the beaming sun to peer out of. Odurkheniya wears a comfy pair of grey jean shorts, barn red knee-high socks, and leopard print sneakers. Her ears are adorned with a pair of dangling earrings that contain her birthstone (alexandrite). She also has a nose bridge piercing, vertical labret piercing, and a few homemade bracelets on both of her wrists. On her right wrist, she has a saffron and magenta zipper bracelet, a sapphire chain link bracelet, and ocean wave bracelet. On her left wrist, she has a watermelon bracelet, a stretchy bracelet with evil eye and burgundy beads, a sunflower-patterned hololith, and a gold chain bracelet with a dog tag that spells out “Vernadobi”. She carries around a blue-green saddlebag with a pattern of stylised calico cat faces—it was a gift from a horse enthusiast friend. It contains her asthma inhaler, a small sketchbook, a watercolour paint set, graphite pencils, two Vanish erasers, a butterfly knife, and pepper spray.
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Unnamed father
Vernadobi (step-father)
Unnamed mother
Thimble Mouse (by Mirabozluthek, Kriptahmozendus, and Toxiplusneza)
Holsudrega (artist pen name) 
Odarkhe (by most of her friends)
Lubokeva (by a few of her friends)
My little broom (by Kicnemura)
Swamp Chicken (by Kicnemura)
Solnyshko moi (“my little sun” in Ukrainian) (by Kicnemura)
Kulbaba (“dandelion” in Ukrainian) (by Kicnemura)
Lastivka (“swallow” in Ukrainian) (by Kicnemura)
Bdzhilka (“bee” in Ukrainian) (by Kicnemura)
Miss Pelvzrumjachinko (by Dimophelaktus)
Ferruginous Swift (by Giespozhan)
Taciturn Osprey (by Giespozhan)
Kheniya (by Rumahelt)
Unchaste wretch (by Shelobad)
Drolja (“slut” in Croatian) (by Shelobad)
Pizda (“cunt” in Croatian) (by Shelobad)
Svinje (“wild pig” in Croatian) (by Shelobad)
Vernadob (by Garfhelodius)
Odaren (by Kelatodrich)
Ystola (by Kelatodrich)
Poor craythur (“creature” in Irish) (by Lusczrefhona)
Min kjéreste (“my dearest” in Norwegian) (by Jorvastein)
MĂ„nestrĂ„le (“my moonbeam” in Norwegian) (by Jorvastein)
Ystolukhe (by Eylcaborith)
Lubochkeva-chan (by Yoshazume)
Holsedruga (by Libakzurchet)
Pelvzrumja (by Libakzurchet)
Lefki (“white” in Greek) (by Hildeborta)
Odurkheliini (by Oyrvacke)
She’s asexual
Her birthday is March 6th (Pisces)
Her blood type is O+
She’s allergic to house dust mites, nickel, and red meat.
She has asthma, fibromyalgia, somatic complaints, and eating disturbances.
She has a bit of Russian blood within her family lineage
Whenever her anxiety kicks in, she rubs her hands together or picks at her delicate skin.
She doesn't know a lot of English due to her struggle with adapting to unfamiliar languages.
She likes scented candles, poetic language, the natural beauty of gemstones and crystals, the sound of windchimes, the beach, soaking up tranquil ambience, folklore, true crime documentaries, walking through old cemeteries, and antique art.
She dislikes creepy men, feeling pain and tenderness throughout her body, epileptic seizures, lukewarm chocolate milk, the texture of tinfoil, being dismissed as weak and unintelligent, war and genocide, extreme cold, loud noises, and aquatic pollution.
Besides creating digital art and abstract paintings, her other hobbies consist of listening to music, collecting stuffed animals, making paper mache masks, visiting art and nature museums, baking, and journaling.
Her favourite animals are the moose, chamois, steppe polecat, and Eurasian eagle-owl.
Her favourite flowers are the iris, cornflower, viburnum, high mallow, and apple blossoms.
Her favourite comfort foods are Chervonyi borshch, ptashyne moloko, bryndza, syrniki, and mlyntsi.
Odurkheniya has too many favourite colours. If she did have to choose, it would be Uranian blue, magic mint, aquamarine, and celadon.
Her biggest pet peeves are people who overstay their welcome, those who can’t apologise, technical difficulties of any kind, not feeling welcomed at a gathering, leaving the toilet seat up, and loud chewing.
Despite her timid nature, Odurkheniya has a secret love for karaoke and can belt out her favorite Ukrainian folk songs with surprising confidence.
She's a coffee aficionado and can often be found sipping on a latte at a local café, lost in her own thoughts and doodles.
She knows a secret technique that could make her feel better while she's having an asthma attack, especially when she forgot to bring her inhaler. This secret technique is the Buteyko method, breathing slowly and through her nose. This method is used to keep the air in one’s body to stay warm and moist, making the airways less sensitive.
She likes to keep her house clean every weekend, but when she needs to dust off her furniture, she’ll wear a mask before she does that or the dust will get in her nose.
She used to be pretty tomboyish and brash during her high school years
Odurkheniya's eyes are quite sensitive, so she doesn’t like noticeably bright lights.
She painted her bedroom in magic mint
She doesn’t like going outside at all
She’s a perfectionist when it comes to creating art
She still keeps her old drawings to herself and most of them are sketches from when she was 11.
She has a problem with over planning
Unbeknownst to many people, Odurkheniya secretly believes in cryptids, extraterrestrials, and even UFOs.
Odurkheniya sniffs a lot
She also clears her throat somewhat frequently
She enters all familiar and unfamiliar rooms quite timidly
She prefers to have the lights out or dimmed at all times
Odurkheniya’s guilty pleasure is re-watching childhood shows and movies for nostalgia, even if some of them aren’t really good.
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11 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave her some fun facts/extra pieces of information:
She has an advanced hacking system integrated into her brain, allowing her to access and control technology with her mind.
Ymoghelanus's consciousness is stored in a quantum-encrypted server, making her virtually unkillable and able to transfer her consciousness into new bodies if needed.
She has a vast arsenal of weapons and gadgets integrated into her body, including retractable blades, grappling hooks, and a holographic disguise system.
She has a hidden vulnerability: her cybernetic body is sensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses, which can temporarily disable her systems.
Ymoghelanus has a secret passion for poetry and writing, often composing verses in her spare time to process her emotions and reflect on her experiences.
The pins and keychains on her backpack is kawaii, and her phone has a case with a subtle, metallic finish and a hint of neon blue.
Main protagonist of Factory of the Closing Judgement
WARNING: I do talk about how mental health issues affect the following character.
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Ymoghelanus Vjekuslowa-Bisevozurka Grostalphen is an independent and fierce cybernetic mercenary who was originally a human, but a terrible accident left her original body paralyzed. Luckily for her, her younger brother managed to install her consciousness and DNA into an unused Tier Unidentifiable Azhelowin body. Similar to her father, she possesses dyscalculia and PTSD, but she also has sensory processing disorder (SPD) and mild ADHD. As an individual with mild ADHD, she has a tendency to be lost in her thoughts and forget certain things a lot. Ymoghelanus is also quite talkative and has a habit of taking unnecessary risks or making careless mistakes. SPD makes her feel uncoordinated in her surrounding environments, which intensifies her clumsiness such as bumping into walls or accidentally dropping items. PTSD makes it difficult for her to experience positive emotions as she’s plagued with overwhelming guilt and the occasional emotional numbness. She also feels detached from those close to her and has a fairly pessimistic view on the future. As a result of her trauma, she’ll become triggered if people throw sexual remarks at her and try to sensually touch her without consent, and she witnesses bullying. Due to her accountability, she’s capable of answering for her own conduct and obligation. However, she has experienced moments where she has forgotten to consider the consequences of her actions. She’s mostly reliable and trustworthy, but her mental health issues can tamper with her trustability. Generosity allows her to be friendly, helpful, and willing to see the good qualities in many people. She views the needs, wishes, and interests of other individuals as more important than hers.
She sees it as one of her many responsibilities to uphold the safety of others and help them during a difficult or unhappy time in their life. However, she forgets that her own personal safety and well-being is also important to maintain. She’s somewhat eager for new knowledge and is intellectually curious, always asking questions and searching for answers to further her understanding. Ymoghelanus usually shows her consideration and regard towards those she’s personally comfortable with. She tries to treat her peers and family with utmost politeness, but her slight impatience can get the best of her. She possesses the moral strength to face dangerous situations, fear, and the difficulties of life headfirst without easily stopping her unless it’s related to her trauma. She carefully looks out for the comfort and welfare of others, notices many details that most don’t, and devises clear solutions to any problem. She’s mostly easygoing, but can be somewhat hot-tempered towards those she adamantly despises or views as annoying pests. She can even be quite destructive and violent when pushed over the edge. Due to unfortunate past incidents, she has a sneering disbelief in integrity and believes that most people are interested in satisfying their egos and desires. Ymoghelanus has a tendency to feel uncomfortable and out of place in many social situations, which is made more difficult because of her somewhat low self-esteem. As a result of this, she sometimes has trouble understanding certain social norms and clearly communicating with others.
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She’s noticeably taller than the average height of a human woman, being approximately 5' 8” (172.72 cm). During her human years, she had a triangular body with her shoulders and bust being narrower than her hips. Ymoghelanus had sandy blonde shoulder-length beachy waves and her skin was limestone. She had hazel eyes that sport a yellow-brownish hue with green specks around the centre. She had a claw mark on her right cheek, which she received from her mother’s Cornish Rex. Now that she's an Azhelowin, her body has gone through numerous and noticeable changes. Her body type is now spoon-shaped with a defined waist and carries some weight in her upper arms and thighs. She has red blonde hair in a voluminous bob with a wavy right side bang. Her eyes are now a tangerine with each one possessing an iris, a crosshair, and two concentric circles that are all gleaming pyrite. She has a tattoo on her left arm and it depicts a koi trying to jump over a waterfall. Ymoghelanus has another tattoo on her right outer thigh, which shows a green heron standing before a sunrise. As an Azhelowin, her pale ivory skin is made from an unknown liquid that's virtually indestructible. Her body is made up of various technological parts, Æylphitus organs, and a biomechanical brain that contains her downloaded consciousness.
When she was 17-years-old, she often wore a sky magenta crop top that exposes her abdomen with either an eerie black T-shirt or a long-sleeved, white shirt that has vertical blue and yellow stripes. The crop top depicts a red skull with a burning candle and the line “The Masque of the Red Death”, which is a reference to a Edgar Allan Poe short story of the same name. Ymoghelanus often wears jorts that reach at her knees with pelorus blue over-the-calf socks, but she sometimes opts for shiny mahogany leggings and lavenderblush quarter socks with tapestry purple stripes. She wears a pair of rose quartz sneakers and three bracelets on both wrists: a beagle and two braided bracelets on her left wrist; and a charm bracelet with star, horseshoe, four-leaf clover, and key charms on her right wrist. Now that she’s 38-years-old and after becoming an Azhelowin, she sports a completely different attire, but she still has the bracelets and crop top. She has a dolphin bites piercing below her lower lip and a left vertical eyebrow piercing with a cone ball type. Her biker jacket is made from expensive cowhide that’s dyed gunmetal and the inside has been perfectly crafted with blizzard blue sheepskin. The back of her jacket depicts the health hazard pictogram in aquamarine with an aureole of deep blue kyanite flames. On top and below the health hazard pictogram is the Latin phrase “fundamenta inconcussa” (unshakeable foundation) in reflective gold. Underneath her jacket is an amaranth purple shoulder holster and a platinum T-shirt with bismark Raglan-sleeves. A silver pendant necklace with the Celtic cross hangs around Ymoghelanus’ neck, which was given to her by her father. She wears combat pants with 8 pockets and the camouflage hues consist of cosmic purple, fresh eggplant, sky magenta, and pompadour. Her pants are held up by a studded belt of varnished leather that’s been dyed an amaranth purple.
Ymoghelanus wears a M50 protective mask whenever she uses her flamethrower, biochemical rocket launcher, and hand grenades infused with psychopharmacological chemicals or an incapacitating agent. The second aforementioned weapon is a shoulder-fired, break action, anti-tank launcher that fires biochemical rockets. It appears to be a unique hybrid between the M79 grenade launcher and M20A1B1 super bazooka. Besides the flamethrower, rocket launcher, and hand grenades, she wields one other weapon. This one is a six-shot, carbon steel framed revolver with a silencer and it’s partially based off of the Smith & Wesson Model 36. The biochemical rocket launcher is called the Shrieking Nucleolus WJ58 and the revolver is named the Circumhorizontal Sunburst 6T-240. Ymoghelanus also carries around her father’s brass knuckles, butterfly knife, and lucky rabbit’s foot. She possesses a photograph with her, her mother, her father, and little brother during her younger years. She also has a pack of mint gum, her phone with a case that has a subtle, metallic finish and a hint of neon blue, purple-tinted sunglasses, and an epinephrine autoinjector. She often carries around a navy blue backpack adorned with a couple of kawaii pins and keychains, which helps to store most of her items.
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She has inherited most of her father’s psychic abilities, but she has a bit of trouble controlling them. She can manipulate various forms of energy and matter by utilising her mental effort. Like her father, she is capable of lifting cars, trucks, buses, moderate-to-large sized rocks, trains, and massive trees. However, she does become exhausted after using her psychokinesis and enhanced strength. Besides her superior physical strength, she is quite agile and has much better control of her limbs, muscles, and digits. Her blood can produce eldritch beings that only listen to her commands, and she can read the thoughts and feelings of mortal beings. As a result of dermo-optical perception, Ymoghelanus can feel a variety of colours and brightnesses through her skin. She can obtain specific pieces of information about someone's or something's past and present by touching them. She can transport herself and one other person deep within her subconsciousness, entering a bleak corridor. This place is filled with multiple coloured doors and it spans on almost infinitely. While in this dream area, she and the person she brought with her can telepathically communicate with other people or supernatural beings. They can also catch numerous glimpses of near future events.
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Unnamed fraternal great-grandfather
Unnamed fraternal great-grandmother
Unnamed foster great-grandfather
Unnamed foster great-grandmother
Nelachodimus Oghilevan Grostalphen (fraternal grandfather)
Bronazechus Grostalphen (half-aunt)
Menszaroch Grostalphen (half-uncle)
Fiachtelon Grostalphen (half-uncle)
Zdruveloka Knelazovic (fraternal grandmother)
Ksenzrija Grostalphen (aunt)
Mukenodria Eyndakhotius (cousin)
Sinjuzola Eyndakhotius (cousin)
Demaphorkus Eyndakhotius (cousin)
Tighezorvanus Biruteslov-Ljudevoti Grostalphen (father)
Kalixotus Hopkalen (maternal grandfather)
Emalonius Suratophine Hopkalen (mother)
Cimabozulen Kruneslov-Domagujilte Grostalphen (younger brother)
Ymoghelan (by most people)
Bisevozu (by some people)
Miơiću (“little mouse” in Croatian) (by Tighezorvanus)
Nelasomh (by Velabhort)
Bumbling apricot (by Emalonius)
Big sis (by Cimabozulen)
Daughter of the Three-Faced (by Lapemokusi)
Ymoghela (by Logmazent and Jorekhusta)
Vjebozurka (by Ushmezoravi)
Bisevozluwa (by Colszabhe)
Girly (by Theszoridan)
Sugar tits (by Theszoridan)
Honey bunny (by Theszoridan)
Uymeszlova (by Frankelomius)
Ymoghelaszi (by Ridwafokut)
Daddy’s girl (by Loreszudina and Lebhuzorinda)
Aggressive retard (by Lebhuzorinda)
Hyperactive cunt (by Lebhuzorinda)
Pathetic whore (by Lebhuzorinda)
Miss Ymoghelanus (by Hockebari and Ezustolar)
Vjekazo (by Gawuszofred)
Uymeszlowa (by Migaszedur)
Chandramukhi Ymoghelanus (“moon-faced” in Indian) (by Kulidozesa)
My secret partner-in-crime (by Murvezhosja)
Sheifale (“lamb” in Yiddish) (by Jehoszludak)
Bisevozu-chan (by Hagesozuki)
Lady of the Frolicking Snowdrop (by Soletzunad)
Noteworthy fiend (by Gorvazedinus)
She’s homoromantic asexual
Her birthday is June 5th (Cancer)
Her blood type is AB-
She’s left-handed
She’s allergic to insect stings, chromium, perfume, and semen.
She originally had hyperdontia, which is a condition that causes extra teeth to grow in one’s mouth.
As a human, she had two wisdom teeth located on her upper jaw removed.
She has a sulphur-crested cockatoo named Krusvateli
She used to have an African grey parrot, but has unfortunately passed away due to a malignant tumour.
In regards to her ethnicity, she’s 62.5% American, 12.5% Scottish, 12.5% Russian, and 12.5% Croatian.
Her and her brother’s childhood friend is Gawuszofred Maseloduf Falevogur-Komtezula.
She likes reptilian scales, plant overgrowth, nature reclaiming what was rightfully theirs, photographs and the memories they store, kawaii blankets, cinnamon powder, taking strolls through ghost towns, solar eclipses, misty weather, and amusement parks.
She dislikes the texture of pineapple skin and fruit crown, bandages, stickers, purses, lack of pockets on women’s clothing, slimy slugs, flashing lights, wasting things, sound of a ticking clock, and heavy rainfall.
Her hobbies consist of glassblowing, taekwondo, cosplaying, playing the banjo and djembe, collecting driftwood, baking sweet foods, photography, and learning how to write with her non-dominant hand.
Her favourite animals are the sunbeam snake, Scottish wildcat, humpback whale, groundhog, and porcupine.
Her favourite flowers are the primrose, snowdrop, Carolina lily, pink lady’s slipper, and Alpine forget-me-not.
Her favourite comfort foods are Nashville hot chicken with potato salad, turkey with mlinci, scotch broth, crab cake, shortbread, and krafne.
Her favourite colours are moonraker, algae green, black rose, and morning glory.
Her biggest pet peeves are being creepy, loud computer clackers, not flushing the toilet, sneezing or coughing in public, hair stuck to the shower wall, men who consistently speak over women, and people who always relay it back to themselves.
Velabhort Smekzurnova believes that she's his deceased daughter and is the only person he treats with respect, tenderness, and compassion. He also smothers her with unconditional love and praise, and goes out of his way to protect albeit in an aggressive and intimidating manner.
She has an advanced hacking system integrated into her brain, allowing her to access and control technology with her mind.
Ymoghelanus's consciousness is stored in a quantum-encrypted server, making her virtually unkillable and able to transfer her consciousness into new bodies if needed.
She has a vast arsenal of weapons and gadgets integrated into her body, including retractable blades, grappling hooks, and a holographic disguise system.
She has a hidden vulnerability: her cybernetic body is sensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses, which can temporarily disable her systems.
Ymoghelanus has a secret passion for poetry and writing, often composing verses in her spare time to process her emotions and reflect on her experiences.
She tends to make assumptions about the motive of other people.
She habitually avoids eye contact
She occasionally pauses for a long time before speaking
Ymoghelanus bites her lip when thinking or trying to remember something
Ymoghelanus often grazes throughout the day
She grasps a spoon with her full fist to eat
She scratches her head quite frequently
She likes to give herself bouquets and cherishes them, but understands that they won’t last long.
Her guilty pleasure is putting on makeup and trying all tutorials associated with it in secret. She does this because she likes to have fun with her identity without being shamed and it helps to relieve some stress.
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13 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I gave him some more fun facts/extra pieces of information:
Despite his intimidating appearance, Zelutjoskhriva has a soft spot for children and animals, often going out of his way to protect them from harm.
He can sense the emotional resonance of a place, allowing him to track beasts by the darkness they leave in their wake.
His presence seems to draw the attention of ravens, which often follow him like a dark, feathered entourage.
His eyes glow with an ethereal light in the dark, allowing him to see in the shadows and track his prey with uncanny accuracy.
He has lived through so many battles that he's developed a unique ability to sense the presence of monstrosities, even when they're hiding in plain sight.
Zelutjoskhriva's silence is a result of a centuries-old vow to only speak when absolutely necessary, making his rare words carry significant weight.
He carries a worn leather journal containing the names of every beast he's slain, a grim reminder of his endless quest for justice.
Main protagonist of Between Monster and Corpse
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Zelutjoskhriva Mnelothuszria Etraklodinus Kirsevothazund is a 147-year-old intimidating and efficient Nephilim beast-slayer that silently roams the land. He’s often referred to as The Roaming Consumption because he eats the organs of his freshly deceased targets and drinks their blood. He has a very careful eye, ensuring that his movements aren’t being followed or some other event that will greatly hinder him and his mission. He’s aware of his surroundings and the potential risks associated with his job, helping him to make worthwhile decisions and uphold survival. Zelutjoskhriva is a taciturn man, only speaking to others either through asking questions, remarks, warnings, or simply responding to their inquiries. His impenetrable silence usually makes him a good listener, and is often viewed as a trustworthy and reliable member of Venator’s Wardrobe because of that. However, that’s only when he’s not in deep contemplation or distracted with other more important matters. Despite that, his excellent listening skills can help him to thoroughly understand a situation or a person’s circumstances. With this, he can utilise his emotional intelligence and wisdom to make connections and/or resolve a problem through conversation. He has a decent photographic memory, which is very helpful during investigations on sudden Æylphitus attacks. 
He shows a strong desire to keep his community, friends, coworkers, family (his daughter to be more specific), and those who he views as vulnerable safe from injury or damage. He has very high respect for women and the matriarchy, and believes that chauvinism is a plague on both sexes. Zelutjoskhriva is very compliant with the orders and certain requests he’s given and expected to perform. He has astonishing resource management skills, helping him to be prepared and well-organised before performing his duties. He can be somewhat snarky towards those he can care less about, making him come off as a rudely critical person. He’s stoic and down-to-earth, being able to endure hardship without showing a hint of how he feels and having a firm grip on reality. However, his palpable stoicism can make him feel uncomfortably ruthless and unbending. During his darkest hours, he feels like nothing but a mere shadow in the presence of others. He questions why he was born and if he should continue moving on with his life. He secretly feels useless and left behind by his peers and coworkers, yearning to be properly recognised beyond first impressions. He tends to feel guilt-ridden and hopeless, becoming less motivated to move on. He can also get fairly irritable and intolerable with other people, which often leads to aggressive threats and angry outbursts. He doesn’t have the greatest self-esteem, which often leads him to being extremely critical of himself and downplaying his positive qualities.
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He is one of the shorter known Nephilim to ever grace the multiverse, appearing to be approximately 7’ 8” (233.68 cm). Zelutjoskhriva has a milky white complexion, rough skin, and noticeably muscular, mesomorphic build, possessing a powerful frame and broad shoulders. He has a large, distinguishable birthmark that’s a lovely shade of purple tanzanite. It partially covers the right side of his face and a small portion of his upper neck. He has a medium-sized, pointed tongue and angelic saliva glands that can burn naturally sinful things. Like all Nephilim, he has feathery patches of wisteria, fountain blue, yellow-orange, and red-violet adorning his form, which can be seen on his back, chest, crotch, and outer thighs. His coarse hands possess razor-sharp claws and he has bone-crushing, carnivorous teeth. His left eye is a pink lavender with a poppy red iris with a saffron dot in the middle, while his right eye is cloudy shadow green. Zelutjoskhriva has long, curly hair that reaches slightly over the middle of his back and is a greying Indian khaki to petite orchid, but it’s often braided or up in a ponytail. His secret bodily weakness or physical Achilles’ heel is the radius bone, which is part of the skeletal system.
He’s often seen wearing his iconic wide-brimmed traveller’s hat, one that is the hue of black onyx. His long, glossy black cloak has a high, pointed collar as well as the metallic green and violet sheen of a Eurasian magpie. He usually covers his entire being (except his head) with this darkened cloak, which helps him to conceal any weapons and keep a low profile. In order to hide his partial blindness and most of his birthmark, he wears a theatrical mask of polished brass, one that has an eerily blank, neutral expression. Whenever he pulls back his cloak, it’s revealed that he wears a fancy waistcoat of wisteria blooms with a golden lapel chain. His waistcoat is worn over an alabaster dress shirt and a silky, striped necktie of powder blue, royal yellow, and mantis green. Zelutjoskhriva also wears a lavish pair of formal cinereous trousers with vertical, platinum grey stripes. He possesses a nazar amulet that a friend gave him, two bandoliers that form an X-shape, and a handgun holster, which is attached to his belt. He also wears a kyanite thumb ring on his left hand, a rose quartz solitaire on his right index finger, and an ametrine signet on his left middle finger.
He’s commonly seen carrying a large cross of rosewood with a shoulder strap and two nailed corpses on each side, one is feminine and the other is masculine. These humanoid corpses are cut in half and have a clear, marbled stone in the middle of their chests, which are white (female) and black (male) respectively. These stones hold the spiritual psyche of Thuszemona and Uyrszamen, two Gorclatenius who act as his servants. He carries a few items on his person, which consists of a golden pocket watch, a pack of minty cigars, a glaive, and two firearms. His first weapon of choice is a cursed, two-handed glaive that has a curved, single-edged tapering blade and a 7 ft (213.36 cm) handle. His second is a selective fire, muzzle-loaded submachine long gun with a sling, appearing to be a unique hybrid between a long rifle, flintlock musket, and the PPSh-41, but it has a sling. This particular weapon is half his height and is used to deal heavy damage on his enemies from a distance. The last weapon he wields is a semi-automatic pistol equipped with a silencer and it’s partially modelled after the Desert Eagle. The submachine long gun is called the Dicentra Sulphur WJ6Z4-239057, while the pistol is named the Bleach-Skinned Camelopardalis. Lastly, he has a satchel that he uses to hold onto small souvenirs, a couple of novels, 3 or 4 coals, and a fire-resistant white glove.
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Zelutjoskhriva is capable of manipulating his own organic mass, but can only use it to either partially or fully heal his injuries. He can generate force fields that help to prevent incoming attacks, but chooses to use it and the aforementioned ability 2-4 times every second day. This is because it drains a decent chunk of his life energy and he has difficulties controlling his absorption ability. On that note, he can consume the memories, emotions, and life energy of other living creatures. However, as already mentioned, he has trouble utilising absorption because it can overwhelm his senses and leave him paralysed for half a week in some coma-like, epileptic state. His biological senses are significantly more heightened than the average human. His stamina helps him to perform certain physically taxing activities and actions for days on end without worrying about immediate exhaustion. Due to his extraordinary strength, he can lift and even move hundreds of billions of pounds and strike with the force of a hydrogen bomb. He possesses intuition, pattern-solving, information storage and retrieval, logical and philosophical structuring, wisdom, and comprehension that’s beyond the human ability to understand. Zelutjoskhriva is also capable of speaking, writing, and understanding any language he has never heard before. Interestingly enough, his blind eye can detect the auras of other people, sensing their emotions and moral alignment on a visual level. He possesses sancti-pyrokinesis, and he can purify people by touching their lips with hot coal. He uses Thuszemona and Uyrszamen to obtain oracles that are etched into the fabric of the multiverse. He uses their chest stones to perform cleromancy, which is a form of divination by casting lots.
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Unnamed seraph father
Unnamed human mother
Velduzhonta Shilaborczunte Dolcatrephius Eysifhalondur (twin brother)
Oyrtegunda D’Clathervoxius-Piestrocuna (ex-lover)
Gordaplebithus Lutebjorga D’Clathervoxius-Piestrocuna (daughter)
Z. (self-proclaimed and by most people)
Zelutjo (by most people)
Mnelothius (by a few people)
Etradinus (by a few people)
The Roaming Consumption
Master Zelutjoskhriva (by Thuszemona and Uyrszamen)
Liberator of Our Antediluvian Imprisonment (by Thuszemona and Uyrszamen)
Disgusting rapist (by Bertaholdius)
Maiden-defiler (by Bertaholdius)
Loathsome Beast (by Oyrtegunda)
Papa (by Gordaplebithus)
Sir Mnelothuszria (by Ghodeluva)
Meine Zuckerschnute (“my sugar mouth” in German) (by Rapinozhel)
Padhaku (“studious” in Hindi) (by Muneholaski)
Kirsevotha (by Thanecrodius)
Zelutjochen (by Eckaghurd)
Chalciope (“bronze-face” in Greek) (by Beljzraphontius)
Zelutjo-san (by Kinashuro, Shuktandoje, and Ibrakudoje)
Zelutjo-kun (by Tamnojushi)
The Man Cloaked In A False Silhouette (by Oynamezuri)
The Oxen Mystery (by Eynuthoka)
Cicada of Quietude (by Tilahopenus)
Rough Thistle Skin (by Eyrishokugal)
Ástvinur (“love friend” in Norse) (by Svanotrude)
Mneszalutjo (by Kehaszomund)
Etraklobus (by Kehaszomund)
Herr Etraklodinus (“mister” in German) (by Dulfatroschen)
Taliavio (“tallow brain” in Finnish) (by Frejavuld)
Our most trusted man (by the D’Sturgheno-Aktnopergius family)
Mister Kirsevothazund (by Ozehamindus)
Kirsevoba (by Borgahulde)
Gluttonous prick (by Grimaweldus)
The Foul Man Who Opposes His Brethren
Enigmatic Stampede
Betrayer of Seraphic Kindred
He’s heterosexual
His birthday is May 18th (Taurus)
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Zelutjoskhriva means “distress at a solar eclipse or darkness by midday”, Mnelothuszria means “heaven’s face”, Etraklodinus means “easterly surger”, and Kirsevothazund means “having meager”.
He likes open country, the taste of aged wine, the smell of a new book (bibliosmia), twilight, long forgotten castles, mountainous regions, sage lemon and balm rose-hip tea, amulets that ward off the evil eye, animal trails, and the sounds of cicadas during a hot summer.
He secretly likes autumn the most due to its romantic vibes as well as the crisp and refreshing air.
He dislikes male catkins, blazing hot deserts, vandalism, trespassing, hibiscus and Earl Grey tea, espresso, crunchy leaves, random obnoxious sounds at night, comedy and bad erotica novels, and the smell of burning gasoline.
The reason why he doesn't like espresso is that he tried to drink it out of curiosity, but the taste was too much for his liking. Then the caffeine kicked in and he didn't like the side effects of drinking it, which made him stay awake for an entire day and his anxiety was through the roof. Anyways, he doesn't dare to even take another sip of a cup of coffee after that horrible experience.
He hates obnoxious noises that come from loud and annoying people the most
He doesn’t like extremely hot weather because it makes his skin itchy, especially on his birthmark. So, he likes to stay inside for the most part if it's too hot outside.
His hobbies consist of darts, sudoku, reading novels, writing musical lyrics, and playing the harpsichord. He also likes to collect ties, candles, sheet music, and vintage wine.
He specifically likes to collect wine-scented candles
His favourite animals are the bald-faced hornet, sixgill hagfish, golden jackal, and king vulture.
His favourite flowers are the tulip, wisteria blossoms, Hydrangea aspera, and Jury’s Yellow camellia.
His favourite comfort foods are creamy chicken pesto pasta, coconut curry salmon, vegan shepherd’s pie, strawberry crunch poke cake, and triple-chocolate trifle.
His biggest pet peeves are people who are trying to talk to him while he’s reading, sharing unwanted personal details with strangers, not washing hands after using the restroom, arrogance in general, loudly slurping drinks, and stomach-churning smells.
Despite his intimidating appearance, Zelutjoskhriva has a soft spot for children and animals, often going out of his way to protect them from harm.
He can sense the emotional resonance of a place, allowing him to track beasts by the darkness they leave in their wake.
His presence seems to draw the attention of ravens, which often follow him like a dark, feathered entourage.
His eyes glow with an ethereal light in the dark, allowing him to see in the shadows and track his prey with uncanny accuracy.
He has lived through so many battles that he's developed a unique ability to sense the presence of monstrosities, even when they're hiding in plain sight.
Zelutjoskhriva's silence is a result of a centuries-old vow to only speak when absolutely necessary, making his rare words carry significant weight.
He carries a worn leather journal containing the names of every beast he's slain, a grim reminder of his endless quest for justice.
He tried to write his own book once, but he scrapped it because it started to get on his nerves and it was difficult to think of something that’s creatively interesting.
He has a mug with words written on it that says "I'm so fucking tired."
He doesn’t like to talk about his personal life
He secretly needs the approval of other people
Zelutjoskhriva is a very delicate eater and doesn’t like to eat in front of people.
He usually gulps down his drink
He whistles a lot
It’s quite difficult to make him laugh
He flicks people in the forehead when he gets annoyed
Zelutjoskhriva’s guilty pleasure is taking bubble baths with scented candles and drinking multiple shots of whisky on every second weekend.
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16 notes · View notes
cypriathus · 4 days
I added a few more fun facts for her:
She has a luminescent, worm-like mouse with glowing copper eyes and iridescent wings named Astebuki Whimugleva. He’s quick-witted and mischievous with a strong fascination for magic, and can be seen sitting on her left shoulder. He loves assisting his master with her spells, and he can communicate with the wind, control fireflies, and use its singing voice to temporarily charm people.
She has a profound love for moonlit serenades
She’s secretly a skilled aerialist and acrobat
Main protagonist of Vendetta for the Circus Mage
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Azuroswedi Niktezoschula Robhazegus-Kandzlephorium is an orphaned Skjezulofima girl who was born with a curse. Mingefolszurcha gave her the nickname of Luscegnobitha and it has stuck with her ever since then. As a fairly observant and quiet person, her cautiousness and keen eye allows her to carefully plan her next move and assess the situation beforehand. She has a strong fondness for ancient magic, full-blooded Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri, ascended deities, nature, religion, philosophy, and history. Such inborn curiosity feeds into her exploratory nature and the apparent thirst for enlightenment. By obtaining knowledge on her well-loved interests, Azuroswedi has become endowed with growing wisdom. She secretly enjoys sharing her intellect with others who are worth her time and patience. With her leadership skills and impressive dedication, she can take the initiative and utilise her courage to face and deal with most dangers. Even though she takes her responsibilities quite seriously and is usually on top of things, there are instances where she’ll try to avoid them. She does this by sneaking into a library or going to her favourite spot to study and read. She also has a habit of physically and/or emotionally distancing herself from most people as a result of her trust issues. She’s quite protective about the items she has collected over the years and if one of them goes missing, she’ll struggle to recover from it. Even though she doesn’t always show it, Azuroswedi is actually quite considerate and compassionate towards her friends, coworkers, and eventual child.
Due to now having to live on without the presence of her parents, she feels a persistent gloom and sense of unwantedness slowly eating away at her. She’s afraid to confront her trauma and would rather ignore it or use it to let out her unbridled wrath onto others. She’s slightly inconsiderate to the needs of others and her species, and has somewhat learned how to endure hardship without complaining. However, this often results in her thinking that showing emotion is a weakness and actively puts up unnecessary walls instead of dealing with her issues and addressing them. Azuroswedi is quite vengeful due to the fact that her species is slowly going extinct, her parents were brutally murdered, her cozy home was burnt to the ground, and she was born with a nasty curse. She deeply wants to avenge the death of her parents and loss of innocence in order to make herself feel complete, willing to do anything out of desperation to make her dream into a reality. Due to her sly nature, she’s secretly two-faced, being capable of misleading others and using controlling behaviours to conceal her true intentions. She’s willing to get what she truly desires, not caring if she hurts other people, but she tries her best to not get her friends, coworkers, and eventual child involved. When she feels underpressured or in danger, Azuroswedi is somewhat prone to violent outbursts, which is often targeted towards the person who is causing her problems. She isn’t afraid to threaten and even harm people in order to ease her anger and thirst for vengeance, and show them why they shouldn’t be messing with her. She doesn’t fully trust and even respect the goodness of people and their actions, believing that they’re simply selfish and narcissistic.
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Azuroswedi is approximately 5’ 2” (157.48 cm) when she’s 16-years-old and as a 24-year-old, she’s about 5’ 10” (177.8 cm). She has a lanky, rectangular body with a bit of muscle and when she becomes an adult, she has slightly broader hips and rounder buttocks. Her skin is a gleaming alabaster and she possesses heterochromia eyes, the right is goldenrod and the other is a sunburst green-hazel. She has long honey blonde hair that has slight waves and is often tied into a ponytail, but is occasionally in a messy bun. She has six moles located across her body: one is above her left breast; another is on her left cheek; the third is above her right brow; the fourth and fifth are on her left shoulder, one located above the acromion and the other above the bursa; and the sixth slightly to the right of the middle of her collarbone. Azuroswedi originally lost her right arm during the murder of her parents and house fire. However, it has since been replaced with a new one that’s made of psychic matter and shimmering space dust. Due to her curse, a massive blotch of reddish skin with wood-like patterning can be seen from below her right ear, partially above her right knee, and expanding a little over her right breast.
During her adolescent years, she’s seen wearing a pair of teal knickerbockers and lace up walking boots made of dull bronze kidskin. She wears a loose-fitting, chiffon white azure blouse with long sleeves and a stunning lotus ruffle. She is sometimes seen wearing a frock coat that’s in the hue of rosy brown and it reaches slightly below her knees. During her early adult years, she’s now adorned with a large coat of grey fox fur that reaches down to the middle of her calves and it was given by her husband, Ayledzorius. Azuroswedi has a verdigris waistcoat with a golden lapel chain, which is over a vanilla dress shirt and a silk cravat tie of light blue. She wears cigar brown knee breeches, khaki stockings made from the finest silk, and lace up oxford shoes of patent bronze kidskin. She carries a cane with its handle being shaped like the head of a snallygaster. It’s an elongated, feathery bird head with a metallic beak, razor-sharp teeth, and two octopus tentacles protruding from its open maw. She possesses a wide-brimmed, fashionable hat made of felt and velvet with a veil that shields her face from the sun and dirt. Her hat resembles an elaborate walking garden, decorated with artificial flowers, a high rooster’s feather, two ostrich plumes, and a raven’s skull with bejewelled amethyst eyes intermingled with loops of moire ribbon.
Despite the noticeable differences between these outfits, there are a few similarities. Azuroswedi wears a magical nazar amulet around her neck in the style of a black bolo tie. She has six potion bottles full of magical ingredients tied to her Greta belt and each one is ascribed with a runic symbol. She has a heavy grimoire bound in faded crocodile skin with pyrite trim and the printing is elegantly written. She wields a hand-crafted yew wand and a ceremonial dagger that’s similar to the phurba and it’s made from ivory, metal, and crystal. She carries her grimoire, wand, and ceremonial dagger in a burgundy satchel bag with a single front pocket and a handle on top of it. She is sometimes seen carrying a couple of scrolls obtained from the library archive and a celestial globe that was given to her by Mingefolszurcha. The celestial globe is designed to show the apparent positions of the numerous stars in the sky.
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Due to being a Skjezulofima, she possesses the psychic abilities that they’re naturally born with. She can hold an infinite amount of knowledge without experiencing a cognitive overload. She can discern the thoughts of other people and communicate with others without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. Azuroswedi can levitate lighter objects such as books, scrolls, lanterns, sextants, and rotating globes. As her right arm is magical, she’s able to stretch it to about 16 ft (487.68 cm) and sharpen its fingers into deadly claws. As mentioned in the beginning and when talking about her physical appearance, she was born with a peculiar curse. It’s called the Curse of a Wild Hunt, which is considered to be very rare and only sometimes occurs if a universe partakes in the annual wild hunt. During this annual wild hunt, her curse transforms her into either an albino stag, boar, wolf, or lioness with goldenrod eyes, which are the four most common targets of this festival. In late autumn, she has to skillfully survive for one full week before turning back into who she truly is. She has to do all of this without her memories and being able to physically articulate human speech, but she can temporarily use her telepathy.
She’s a wielder of black and eldritch magic, utilising the assistance of Prekuzlosiah, an empyreal god, J’Pluchabtokreszind, a nature and fertility god, Nerjzluhtopiad, a fear god, and Povichulaszred, a destruction god. With the help of Prekuzlosiah, she can wield magic that changes the weather and diurnal cycle, manipulates the stars, light, auroras, rainbows, air, clouds, and vapour, and controls flying animals. With the help of J’Pluchabtokreszind, she can wield magic that changes the temperament of nature, induces prosperous harvests, and makes land fertile or infertile. The magic of J’Pluchabtokreszind also allows her to control and understand animals, cause natural disasters, and manipulate the earthly environment and reproduction. With the help of Nerjzluhtopiad, she can wield magic that induces mental torment, manipulates fear, and creates horrifying monsters based on phobias. The magic of Nerjzluhtopiad also allows her to induce vivid nightmares and sleep paralysis, and make terrifying illusions that deceive the most perceptive individuals. With the help of Povichulaszred, she can wield magic that allows her to disintegrate and shatter enemies, manipulate destructive energy, and enhance her telekinetic strength through bodily harm. As a mage, she can cast spells by reading incantations from her grimoire either aloud or mumbling. She can channel these spells through her wand and place magic-infused runes onto her desired target.
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Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Ayledzorius G. Klevabonszur (husband)
Medaszurvo Gweskalotich Robhazegus-Kandzlephorium (son)
Azuroswe (by most people and coworkers)
Niktezosch (by a few friends and coworkers)
Luscegnobitha (by most people and coworkers)
Witch of Tempting Vendetta
Spider That Unravels Hindering Blindness
Unfortunate Prey of the Annual Wild Hunt
Cursed sow (during her adult years)
Lady Robhazegus-Kandzlephorium (by Ayledzorius, Mingefolszurcha, and L’Pescharvozin)
My durable candlelight (by Ayledzorius)
My precious bookworm (by Ayledzorius)
My pallid moonbeam (by Ayledzorius)
Mommy (by Medaszurvo)
Mom (by Medaszurvo)
Golden raspberry (by Mingefolszurcha)
Kandzlepho (by Maslethondur)
Missy Pissy Robhazegus (by Athecyrondium, Skhtrocezluna, Blepharktonius, and Pakhezroctumin)
Fragile Tempest (by L’Kendzarothius) 
Snallygaster Princess (by Uynchjasolervi)
Bitch-faced hermit (by Roschamunde, Ezramylonius, Selophurinda, Welghaboji, and Kratephonius)
Red blotch (by Roschamunde, Ezramylonius, and Selophurinda)
Astral-limbed mongrel (by Svunegoriwa)
Leccaculo (“ass-licker” in Italian) (by the Phesvuronkta family)
Ciba (“little dog” in Georgian) (by Tahjuvosiel)
Hawk With A Fiery Tongue (by Hugabozert and Plobjekanthius)
Foul Honey (by Plobjekanthius)
The Dearie With Mellifluous Hair (by Etalhogur)
Perfectionistic sorceress (by Banekhulo)
Little darling (by Banekhulo)
Wielder of Enchanted Anguish (by Ljonafrude, Wihtaburge, Ozurmaheid, Æylfuswith, and Ermunoswitha)
Lying goldenrod (by Ortawhine)
She Who Let Monstrous Vengeance Consume Her Delicate Flesh (by Kadjezoghin)
Loathing Maiden With A Grievous Curse (by Galcheboszur)
Kaldmunnr (“cold-mouth” in Norse) (by Hlafogremius)
Harpy’s Wrath (by Dagebhortius)
She’s sapiosexual
Her birthday is December 16th (Sagittarius)
Her blood type is O-
She’s ambidextrous
She has sleep paralysis
She likes philosophical thinking, the biology of plants and flowers, ancient written languages, gouache, libraries, the smell of freshly cut grass, light, her gift-given celestial globe, carnivals, and obtaining new knowledge.
She dislikes unwanted crowds, the mistreatment of mages and psychics, hysteria, dogs, heights, darkness, ruined manuscripts, poisonous mushrooms, toad skin, and narcissism.
She associates light with company and joyous fun, and darkness as being a form of loneliness and dread.
Her hobbies consist of gardening, juggling, flower arranging, painting landscapes, bird-watching, reading books on what she’s interested in, listening to classical music, and collecting coins, manuscripts, and gemstones. She also likes to study ancient magic, history, philosophy, religion, astrology, theogony, mythology, folklore, and biology.
She owns many books than she could read and most of them are really old, but she always keeps them, finding some knowledgeable and decorative value to them.
Her favourite animals are the Eurasian griffon vulture, European fallow deer, fire salamander, peacock butterfly, Pieris rapae, osprey, and donkey.
Her favourite flowers are the creeping buttercup, saffron crocus, sweet pea, snapdragon, and edelweiss.
Her favourite comfort foods are Battenberg cake, knickerbocker glory, Bedfordshire clanger, Welsh rarebit, devilled kidneys, scotch egg, and chicken tikka masala.
Her favourite colours are sea foam green, reseda chartreuse, poppy red, sapphire, and mulberry.
Her biggest pet peeves are people who chew with their mouths open, different foods touching each other on the same plate, borrowing and not returning, impatience in general, loud walkers, liars, and fanatics.
After losing her left arm and passing out from blood loss and fear, a manifestation of Prekuzlosiah appeared to her in a miserable dream, looking to help one of his loyal worshippers. Prekuzlosiah proposed a deal that if she wants a functioning left arm and to seek revenge on those who hurt her and her family, she would become a mage that wields magic in his name. He warned her that his magic will eat away at her life-force whenever she wields it, giving her the chance to either accept the deal or not. Out of desperation, she mutually agrees to this and Prekuzlosiah created a new arm for her, attaching itself to her wound like a clingy parasite.
She made a deal with J’Pluchabtokreszind that if he allows her to wield his magic, she’ll protect the earth and make animal sacrifices to him. However, he has to promise that she’ll have a successful pregnancy when she’s ready to start a family. J’Pluchabtokreszind found this deal to be amusing yet admirable and courageous, so he granted her access to his magic and induced her with immense luck with fertility.
She originally didn’t want to wield the magic of Nerjzluhtopiad as she’s vehemently disgusted by him and is aware that he’s untrustworthy. However, he seduced her with a tempting promise to protect her and those close to her from certain dangers if she became one of his mage devotees.
She managed to convince Povichulaszred to allow her to wield his magic after indiscriminately slaughtering an entire town and burying it into the subterranean ground in his name.
Each eldritch magic type she wields has physical and mental side effects: sky magic eats a bit of her life-force whenever she uses it and expands her lung capacity; nature magic makes her more animalistic in appearance and mentality; fertility magic causes the flow of her menstrual blood to fluctuate wildly from not a single drop to a large puddle; fear magic makes her presence more intimidating, lessens her courage, and worsens her sleep paralysis; and destruction magic grotesquely strengthens her muscles and makes her emotionally numb to death and disasters.
She has a luminescent, worm-like mouse with glowing copper eyes and iridescent wings named Astebuki Whimugleva. He’s quick-witted and mischievous with a strong fascination for magic, and can be seen sitting on her left shoulder. He loves assisting his master with her spells, and he can communicate with the wind, control fireflies, and use its singing voice to temporarily charm people.
She has a profound love for moonlit serenades
She’s secretly a skilled aerialist and acrobat
She’s a hardcore clean freak
She has an odd sense of humour that most don’t find funny.
Azuroswedi can do sleight-of-hand pickpocketing, but doesn’t like to admit it.
Azuroswedi has a habit of listening to classical music from foreign lands during times of study and relaxation.
She has exceptional memory
She also has super-quick logical reasoning
She’s quite socially awkward, which makes it difficult for her to make friends.
Azuroswedi's guilty pleasure is attending very expensive and lavish theatre plays, even if some of them aren’t particularly worth her time.
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cypriathus · 4 days
I added some more fun facts about her:
During a lazy day, she’s curled on the couch with a big, fluffy blanket, watching soap operas, and doing a thick crossword puzzle book, while eating homemade mochi. If friends are over, she’ll act all silly, making them laugh at how stupid and corny her jokes are.
Despite her deadly skills, Nawovuherszi has a soft spot for stray cats and has fostered over 20 felines in her lifetime.
She has a secret talent for baking and makes a wicked chocolate cake.
She's a skilled contortionist and can fit into spaces smaller than a coffin.
Nawovuherszi has a vast collection of wigs, with over 50 different styles and colors.
Main protagonist of The Smiting Peak
WARNING: I do go into brief detail about their mental health issue.
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Nawovuherszi Hilogwena L’Ärmigezodun-Belanogirtus is a 59-year-old government-trained changeling assassin working alongside her three closest friends. She’s quite happy-go-lucky, being cheerfully optimistic about most things and maintaining her positive view on life. She’s surprisingly passionate about her work and goals in life despite the seriousness of her occupation and how cruel reality can be. She clearly understands the various risks and consequences that surround the duties of being a trained assassin. Nawovuherszi is very gentle around those she’s comfortable with, which makes her presence feel amiable and respectful. She’s keenly aware of other people’s emotions, which helps her to understand their situations and make comforting decisions based on insight. She tries to both feel and see things from the perspective of someone she’s interacting with, ensuring that she gets the full picture of what they’re personally going through. She is decently courageous, ensuring that her fears don't interfere with her duties as well as helping her to overcome and manage such things. She can be overbearingly protective in regards to the vulnerable and will do anything to ensure their safety. Her resilient determination helps to motivate her and focus on the duties given to her.
However, her undying determination can lead to her being stubborn, unwilling to change her mind even if it’s for the better. There are instances where she can be somewhat reckless with her actions and a bit clumsy. She can be ruthless, but that’s only when she’s dealing with people she views as despicable or personally dishonourable. She’s fond of causing mischief by planning harmless pranks and playfully doing things that she’s not supposed to. She tends to display her feelings quite openly and is easily aroused by the emotions of others. It’s her major way of showing how she understands the inner workings of emotion, but sometimes it can be a slight distraction when performing her assassination duties. She does have occasional violent urges, especially when she feels naturally threatened and belittled. Nawovuherszi does have sudden mood swings, which means that she’s happy and upbeat for one moment to randomly sad and irritable. She has a ravenous hunger and a violent greediness for food or whatever satisfies her appetite. She also possesses uncanny insight and some intelligence that’s beyond human comprehension. Despite her intelligence, she often pretends that she's amusingly gullible and naive. She shows a few symptoms of PTSD, which are overwhelming guilt and shame, trouble with concentration, nervousness, crying spells, and hypervigilance. She also experiences obsessive-compulsive tendencies that revolve around her safety such as checking the locks on the door of her home and arming her firearms. In regards to her trauma, she’ll become triggered if people touch her backside and mock her for looking like a “freak”. She will also become triggered if she witnesses the mistreatment of animals and supernatural beings.
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She’s considerably taller compared to most of her fellow coworkers, almost nearing 6’ 9” (205.74 cm). She has an ectomorphic, rectangle-shaped body and appears to be in her late to mid 30s. She has glistening geyser skin with rose quartz freckles on her face and chest. Her eyes are a magnificent tradewind with a rose bud cherry outer rim, giving them a sunburst effect. She has blue roan Belgian Draught horse ears, brazen claws that are razor-sharp, and a long, forked tongue. Nawovuherszi has three gills on each side of the torso and it’s underneath her ribcage. These gills are usually closed because most of her work is on land, but she instinctively opens them when underwater, allowing her to breathe beneath the water’s surface. She has a long, thick fish tail that resembles a blackfin tuna protruding from her lower back. On her upper back, she used to possess fairly large wings that are similar to a male widow skimmer. Unfortunately, her wings have been ripped off, only leaving scars on where they once were. She has a thick windswept crop cut that has a beautiful gradient from red damask to dark burgundy. Whenever she’s angry or feeling threatened, her hair turns into aurora house snakes with piercing blue-grey eyes. Her secret bodily weakness or physical Achilles’ heel is the vitreous, which is a major part of the eyes.
She wears fabulous tassel earrings with embroidery thread that’s the shade of moss green as well as golden forward helix, purplish rook, and silvery industrial piercings. Nawovuherszi also wears a pristine medallion that hangs from her neck with a coin-shaped piece depicting the ouroboros. She possesses a trench coat that’s the hue of beaver brown and it reaches slightly above her lower leg. Her top of choice is a ribbed knit turtleneck sweater with a boob window and it’s a nice myrtle green. She is also seen wearing navy blue leggings that are perfectly flexible and dark brown darbies. She wields a semi-automatic pistol that comes with a detachable silencer and flash suppressor. She even carries a general-purpose machine gun that appears to be a fusion between the Heckler & Koch HK21A1 and MG 42, but it has a built-in silencer. Her semi-automatic pistol and general-purpose machine gun are called the VK138 Ultrasonic Blithe and Bachelorette Moon-Dancer ZSCH7519 respectively. Nawovuherszi always has her authority badge, government ID, taser, golden wrist watch, and digital camera on her person. There are times where she carries around a suitcase that’s either occupied by her Bachelorette Moon-Dancer ZSCH7519 and its ammunition or specific confidential documents and important photographs, but it depends on the given mission.
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Similar to her biological mother, she has the ability to shapeshift into different creatures. She can transform into a hippocampus, a horse, a dragonfly, and a rainbow boa. As a hippocampus, she has the upper body of a blue roan Belgian Draught with the lower body of a massive fish that resembles a blackfin tuna. Her horse form is that of a Belgian Draught with blue roan fur, which is similar to her hippocampus transformation. As a dragonfly, she’s a female widow skimmer, but with the wings of a male. However, due to her wings being ripped off, she is unable to transform into a dragonfly. Whenever Nawovuherszi instinctively activates her Gorgon hair and eyes, she can petrify anyone who stares directly into her eyes or the eyes of the venomous boas. Her blood is extremely acidic on the left, while the right side contains healing properties. She can read the thoughts and emotions of those who are standing 96 metres, which may be a result of her heightened vision. Her vision can capture everything with amazing detail and colour, but cannot see beyond 160 metres. Nawovuherszi even has remote viewing abilities, allowing her to see visual impressions from great distances, unseen subjects, and locations beyond a normal range of perception.
Due to being born with minimal telekinetic abilities, she’s capable of moving and manipulating any solid object that is approximately about 150 pounds. Besides enhanced vision, her sense of hearing and smell has also been heightened significantly. She can lift tens of thousands of pounds and strike with the force of a massive, speeding train. She’s capable of performing strenuous activities and actions for days or even weeks without tiring. Nawovuherszi is unnaturally agile and dexterous, allowing her to effectively dodge projectiles and have better control over her limbs, muscles, and digits. She’s immune to the cold, being able to whole-heartedly resist the direct and indirect effects associated with such a climate/temperature. As a result of possessing psychometry, she can obtain information about the past or future of a person or object by touching them. Besides her abilities, she knows some kickboxing moves and these consist of the jab, cross, lead hook, rear uppercut and bodyshot, roundhouse kick, snap kick, parry, lead roll, and rear slip.
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Unnamed adoptive human parents
Unnamed ichthyocentaur father
Unnamed half-fairy half-Gorgon mother
Nawovuheri (by most of her friends and coworkers)
Nawovu (by most of her friends and coworkers)
Hiloge (by a few friends and coworkers)
Herigwa (by a few friends and coworkers)
Ärmegodun (by a few friends and coworkers)
Belanogius (by most of her friends and coworkers)
Miss L’Ärmigezodun (by a few of her coworkers and Phinazertus)
Madam Belanogirtus (by a few of her coworkers, Phinazertus, and Ljufriche)
Disrupter of Still Waves
Lady of Serpentine Horses and Ripped Wings
changeling Who Frolickes Amongst His Sunbeam
Breath of Watery Quintessence (by Uzelona, Unelodiga, Emnodugha, Enmaglotius, Enmobluga, Anelojzud, and Utabhozer)
Nawuhervo (by Bruchasofziel)
Pcholka (“little bee” in Russian) (by Yoruszlena)
Golubushka (“little pigeon” in Russian) (by Yoruszlena)
Zhizn moya (“my life” in Russian) (by Yoruszlena)
Zvyezdochka moya (“my star” in Russian) (by Yoruszlena)
Moya nezhnaya devochka (“my tender girl” in Russian) (by Yoruszlena)
Inn skygna (“swift-eyed” in Norse) (by Mulenofrida)
Sverrir (“trouble-maker” in Norse) (by Mulenofrida)
Newovuba (by Azruhton)
The Fearsome Petrifier (by Azruhton)
Nahoszu (by Miratholenus)
Mevrouw Nawovuheri (“miss” in Dutch) (by Irmahylke)
Blockflötengesicht (“recorder face” in German) (by Folcevardius)
Unstoppable beast (by Marelozhu)
Fish-tailed mutt (by Napulozrine)
Wovuszera (by Malvorechius)
First Betrayer of His Unwavering Salvation (by many members of The Reunion of Flesh, Breath, and Pus)
She’s libidoist asexual
Her real birthday was January 28th (Aquarius), but her human parents didn't know that due to receiving her on a much later date, so they assumed she was born on February 1st.
Her blood type is AB-
She has a tongue piercing
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of her name have special meanings: Nawovuherszi means “firmament, quintessence, heaven’s energy or vigorous sky”, Hilogwena means “sun-blessed”, L’Äyrmegidonus means “mountain of invasion or accumulated harrowing fortune”, and Belanogirtus means “bear spear”.
She’s 50% ichthyocentaur, 25% fairy, and 25% Gorgon.
Her biological parents gave her to a married, childless human couple due to their unrequited love.
She hatched out an egg that her mother laid
She likes the texture of pickles, pyrotechnics, petrichor, abandoned buildings, cultivated flowers, falling leaves, warm and comfy blankets, picture frames, magazines that focus or contain antique flower vases, and the taste of pumpkin spice and salted caramel.
She dislikes pickle juice, animal cruelty, hunting trophies, thunderstorms, the taste of cinnamon, overfishing, white lies, gossip, judging people based on their appearance, and the smell of decay.
Her hobbies consist of archery, yoga, swimming, kickboxing, calligraphy, embroidery, grilling, growing bonsai, completing crossword puzzles, and collecting books about insects and aquatic life.
Her favourite animals are the pearl crescent, Cyaniris semiargus, eastern pondhawk, scarce chaser, rosy maple moth, rainbow trout, longnose gar, and plains zebra.
Her favourite flowers are the Paphiopedilum gratrixianum, chrysanthemum, wisteria, ox-eye daisy, and lily of the valley.
Her favourite comfort foods are Italian veggie cottage pie, spicy chicken and chickpea curry, butternut squash mac and cheese, buttermilk biscuits, homemade calzones, Brunswick stew, whisky-maple dumplings, and chocolate mousse with salted caramel and mochi.
Her favourite colours are the colour of wisteria blooms and viridian green.
Her biggest pet peeves are bragging, pen clicking, bad grammar, people who are always late, perverts, roommates who don’t clean up, and individuals who write or pronounce her name wrong.
During a lazy day, she’s curled on the couch with a big, fluffy blanket, watching soap operas, and doing a thick crossword puzzle book, while eating homemade mochi. If friends are over, she’ll act all silly, making them laugh at how stupid and corny her jokes are.
She has a pet albino crow named Marvoleni that can bestow golden luck and great wisdom to those who treat it with respect. Marvoleni can summon more crows and cease all fighting by cawing at a group of people in its vicinity.
Despite her deadly skills, Nawovuherszi has a soft spot for stray cats and has fostered over 20 felines in her lifetime.
She has a secret talent for baking and makes a wicked chocolate cake.
She's a skilled contortionist and can fit into spaces smaller than a coffin.
Nawovuherszi has a vast collection of wigs, with over 50 different styles and colors.
She has a usual habit of running late for important meetings
She makes a lot of hand gestures while conversing with other people.
She has even made up words for common household items
Nawovuherszi clicks her tongue a lot
She snores quite loudly at night
She snorts while laughing
She prefers to overeat in private
She’s born with venom glands, but due to a genetic dysfunction, she can’t use them. 
Nawovuherszi’s guilty pleasure is consuming human intestines and livers because it gives her instant gratification and calms her down after a traumatic flashback or nightmare.
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cypriathus · 5 days
Here is my version of Armaros/Arakiel!
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Aremophivus Brejzuktophina is an intuitive Äylcephomus with autism, having a difficult time reading social cues and body language. She has trouble with trying out new things and moving onto different activities as well as problems with organisation and planning. Her dependence is directed towards the support of parental figures and people she can trust like good friends. She has a morbid, self-destructive way of thinking and restless, agitated behaviour that makes concentration difficult. She needs some encouragement and hyperfixation every now and then by hugging her plushies or reading books on her special interests to a very concerning extent. At first glance, she’s quite emotionally sensitive in a violent way and appears to be cold, barely expressing her emotions. In actuality, she’s a tender and sweet person that tries her best to maintain a nonchalant attitude and an optimistic outlook on life. During intense and disorientating circumstances, she’s more likely to act on impulse, not considering the consequences of her actions. Other than that, Aremophivus has mediocre self-control and is relatively timid, treating most situations with hesitant caution.
As a curious individual, she finds comfort in exploring unfamiliar areas and acquiring knowledge, but stays on high alert for potential danger. Whenever she’s in a happier mood, she can be irresponsibly playful at times, pulling off harmless pranks and annoying tricks for the fun of it. She feels satisfied by her achievements and talents, trying not to outwardly boast about them. She can be aggressively self-assertive and veracious, but tries to remain respectful and humble in all situations. She’s firmly devoted to her relationships, constantly staying by the side of those she cares about through all highs and lows. Aremophivus will only leave someone behind if they betrayed her trust and/or had malicious intentions to use her for some unsavoury purpose. She can withstand adversity, but her extreme mood swings can make it difficult for her to adjust to certain life situations like accepting the death of a loved one. She isn’t afraid to resist politically corrupt individuals and people who abuse their position over others. Whenever she feels furious, she has an intimidating aura and no qualms in hurting the people who provoked her wrath. She has a strong hatred towards cruel and sadistic individuals as well as the feeling of unfair defeat.
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Her body type is a triangular ectomorph with slim arms, semi-sloping shoulders, a well-defined waist, large hips, and a flat chest. She has ashen skin with dark green freckles on her face, neck, and hands, and silvery pink stretch marks on her hips and upper arms. Her hip-length hair is a glimmering medium ash blonde with messy waves and middle-parted, ear-reaching bangs. She has eighteen male Himalayan monal wings and six-fingered hands tipped with slightly rounded claws. She also has two rows of omnivorous teeth and heterochromatic eyes—the right is a sunburst green-hazel and the left is teal. Her left foot has four digits with her big toe and second toe being infused together, her back is covered in scourging marks, and her hands and feet have healed holes. On her left lumbar region, there is a pinkish birthmark that appears to be strangely shaped like a gnarly tree stump.
Aremophivus is approximately 4’ 3” (129.54 cm) as a pre-teen, wearing a twinkling sapphire dress with a luxurious blend of rich velvet and flowing chiffon. The floor-touching sleeves have a dramatic bell shape that are snug at the shoulders, only to billow out past the elbows, and reminiscent of the wings of angels. They’re made from sparkling black chiffon, edged with delicate silver lace that mimics the intricate ironwork of Gothic cathedrals. The bodice is reminiscent of a gorget and cuirass, but with threads in gunmetal grey, muted gold, and deep scarlet weaving a pattern of zodiac constellations, nebulae, and vines. Around her waist, she dons a girdle of blackened chainmail, studded with sardonyx and metallic grey hematite, cinching her dress. Flowing from the cinched waist, the skirt unfurls like the petals of a rose, layers of earthy green translucent chiffon cascading over one another. The hem is hand-painted with a gradient that fades into a rusty brown and teal, which has flecks of burgundy. Aremophivus dons a waist-length half a circle cape in a muted brown, purple, and gold plaid pattern, a faded jade lining, and seven gilt-brass holly sprigs with ruby berries as clasps.
Aremophivus is about 6’ 5” (198.12 cm) as an adult, wearing a silk chiffon dress that appears to be basked in the golden glow of the setting sun. Her long sleeves slightly belled at the wrists, being made from a translucent gossamer fabric that has a gradient of strikemaster, ocean green, and apple blossom. The billowing sleeves are secured at intervals with gold-coloured bands of embroidered velvet. The bodice has a modest yet regal neckline with a gentle scoop that frames the collarbone, giving way to a dusting of fine and cobweb-like deep scarlet lace. It’s adorned with intricate patterns of slain dragons, guarding gryphons, wildflowers, and vines in silver-blue, gold, soft pink, wisteria, and metallic green embroidery. Purple pearls and small sapphire beads are sewn among the embroidery, catching the light and adding to the heavenly glow of the dress. Around her waist, she wears a belt crafted from woven silver threads with green gold filigree detailing, featuring a central rhomboid moonstone. Flowing from the waist is a skirt that cascades like a chiffon waterfall of liquid sapphire and the multiple layers of tulle creates both volume and a soft, cloud-like silhouette. The white tulle layers are subtly dusted with iridescent glitter, while the sapphire chiffon features appliquĂ©s of golden stars, scarlet sun crosses, and rusty brown alchemical earth symbols (🜃). The hem brushes the ground softly and trails behind with a gentle rustle, which is hand-painted with a shimmering green gold hue. Aremophivus wears a pair of dull copper rope sandals and a dragging saffron grey stole with green gold tassels and edge-embellished scarlet flames.
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She can create an invisible dome of blinding light that can engulf twenty to thirty irredeemable sinners three times per week. This dome will send her chosen targets to a dimension that’s full of colourful life and gracious earth, completely alien from their world. However, once the earth has distorted and become hellish, her targets will begin to suffer horrific hallucinations. These hallucinations symbolise their past and heinous actions, proceeding to violently eviscerate their target until she pulls back the dome. She possesses a deep bond with nature, being able to understand and communicate with animals. Aremophivus has greatly heightened senses and the abnormal strength to move entire mountains. As a result of her agility and super quick reflexes, she’s capable of effortlessly evading capture and light-speed projectiles. She possesses unlimited knowledge of the earth’s physical phenomena and the resolving of enchantments. She’s able to unleash tremendous bursts of geokinetic power that can shake the very foundation of the earth. She can create miniature geological formations with a mere thought, and use empathy to heal the land, stabilise fault lines, calm natural disasters, and protect endangered species. She’s capable of communicating with the earth, restoring balance to ecosystems, and rectifying geological anomalies. However, she can cause immense damage to natural landscapes by utilising the negative energy of human neglect and greed.
She can manipulate incubation, imperfection, duality, balance, paradoxes, rampages, madness, rust, the reversal of time, decay, fiery and bloody explosions, daybreak, the rotation of all planets, gravity, leylines, and physical and spiritual boundaries. She can force people to view the goodness and wickedness of their souls, predict apocalyptic events and natural disasters, and bring down bolts of red lightning. She’s a master of alchemy that can speak and understand all languages, temporarily encase herself in a protective layer of holy light, and summon twelve wild animals. She can change the age and sturdiness of objects (e.g. carpet) and plants, influence good dreams, and procure temporal dignities. Aremophivus can absorb deteriorating health, sinful souls, pleasant memories, and internal organs, and endow forbidden secrets of the multiverse and hidden knowledge of music, logic, morals, and karmic laws. She’s able to influence romantic and sexual feelings between partners, and give death-inducing and life-giving properties to precious stones. In order to travel across the multiverse, she can use beautiful flowers, occupied and abandoned thrones, and boring rocks to teleport. She can grant beastly creatures dominion over mortals and create objects of authority that influence political power and competency (e.g. crown). She can curse mortals and unholy things by touching the centre of their form and reciting an ancient prayer of hate and vengeance.
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Unnamed half-watcher half-seraph biological great-grandmother
Unnamed watcher biological great-grandmother
Unnamed biological grandfather
Unnamed princedom biological great-grandmother
Unnamed power biological great-grandfather
Unnamed half-princedom half-power biological grandmother
Unnamed ophanim biological grandfather
Unnamed earthly angel biological grandmother
Joluszeniah (biological father)
Zorsjahlen (biological younger half-sister)
Kasvedolun Zuraphomiel (biological mother)
Yomajuzhiel Galesoturvik (biological older brother)
Broghalenius L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath (adoptive grandfather)
Lobaszewinth (adoptive grandmother)
Hirmenogaldus Zuntaheldi L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath (adoptive mother)
Sedulomaith (adoptive sister)
Chaidozluben (adoptive brother)
Angel of the Distorted Earth, Rusty Throne and Undoing
Rest of the Mighty Land
Her birthday is December 25th (Sagittarius)
She’s questioning her sexual identity as a pre-teen, but eventually decides that she's a libidoist asexual during early adulthood.
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of her name have special meanings: Aremophivus means “accursed one” and Brejzuktophina means “world of distortion”. In regards to her true form, Buphemosvazit means “praiseworthy or adoption of wisdom”.
She’s 25% ophanim, 25% earthly angel, 18.75% watcher, 12.5% power, 12.5% princedom, and 6.25% seraph.
She’s the avatar of Povichulaszred, J’Tervazoschin, and Uylgabtoszerji.
Her special interests are plushies, geology, alchemy, and religious and moral philosophy. For plushies, her fascination with them goes beyond their softness and cuddliness; she sees them as companions that offer comfort and solace in times of distress. For geology, she likes to delve into the study of rocks and minerals, while uncovering the secrets of planetary crusts. For alchemy, she’s captivated by the idea of transformation through a magically scientific lens and the strange symbols used to mask such knowledge. For religious and moral philosophy, she likes to explore complex ethical questions and engage in philosophical debates.
She likes the feel of all earthy textures and soft breezes, solar and lunar eclipses, watching horrible people die painful deaths, viewing simple situations through a religious and/or morally philosophical lens, pretty dresses that are soft, and alchemical instruments.
She likes to ponder the mysteries of existence, morality, and the nature of the divine.
She dislikes people who prey on the vulnerable, rough and stiff dresses, different foods touching each other, ripped up, abandoned, and “life-like” plushies, being bossed around by total strangers, and trampled flowers.
She doesn’t care about dolls, but often feels disdain and discomfort when looking at them because they feel like a cheap mockery of human life.
Her hobbies consist of making elaborate flower crowns, enacting imaginary scenarios with her plushies, watching animals from a distance, and playing the ocarina. Due to owning a rock and gemstone collection, she always writes some information about and where she found each one in her journal.
Her favourite pastime is crafting intricate crystal structures that reflect the beauty of the natural world.
Her favourite animals are the chestnut-hooded laughingthrush, purple-stained daggerwing, Chinese water dragon, spotted lanternbug, European goldfinch, red fox, unicorn, and aspidochelone.
Her favourite flowers are the western underground orchid, chocolate cosmos, acolyte tears, tiger lily, jade vine, and marigold.
Her favourite comfort foods are rollmops, croissants with strained yogurt, baklava, sfiha, tayberries, clootie dumplings, marzipan cakes, and angel’s food with fresh pear slices and rice wafers.
Her three safe foods are hard-boiled eggs, cooked deer meat, and caramel shortbread.
Her favourite colours are Uranian blue, imperial purple, spring green, earthy red, harvest orange, soft gold, and copper.
Her biggest pet peeves are being told to “speak up” when talking, chaotic messes, the sight of bees, wasps, and hornets, lack of privacy, yelling, nail noises (e.g. cutting), sleeping in beds that have unfamiliar fabric textures, having to eat foods that feel slimy and/or plastic-y, exposed stomachs, and overreactions.
She has a profound capacity for empathy, stunning pattern recognition, and an exceptional memory.
She’s secretly a lover of solitude, preferring to interact with people who share similar interests or show her unconditional love and respect.
In order to regulate herself internally, she covers her ears, twirls her hair, flaps her hands, and moves her fingers vigorously.
Whenever she’s confused or curious, she instinctively tilts her head to the left.
She owns a wide array plushies, which includes the following: a clay golem that has the main planetary symbols on its back, a blue-and-purple serpent with a green gold eyeball for a head, a white-and-red foxhound with a silver unicorn horn, a two-headed black cat with lavender eyes, five kittens, a brownish-grey bunny that wears a dark purple nightgown, eleven bunnies, a sleepy cream-coloured lop rabbit, a pearlescent white dragon with icy blue wings, a copper axolotl with emerald button eyes, a lion-headed tortoise, a human-headed golden calf, a falcon holding a fiery disk in its beak, a four-headed leopard with rooster wings, and a polar bear with three ribs in its mouth.
She has plushies that represent different geological formations and alchemical symbols, which she uses to explain complex concepts to mortals in a way that’s both cuddly and enlightening.
She owns a taxidermied rat king in a fitting glass box
She has a rusty teal leather traveller’s backpack that holds her plushies, journal, a self-replenishing big pouch of gold, silver, and bronze coins, alchemical, geological, and philosophical books, rock and gemstone collection, and taxidermied rat king.
She smells like lavender, grapefruit, and cedarwood.
Once she reached adulthood, she was given the responsibility to watch for warnings of the last judgement.
She’s a guardian of harmony between opposing forces (e.g. human and animal) and a gatekeeper of hidden knowledge and forbidden secrets.
She creates maps of Earth’s hidden structures, revealing secrets of the planet’s ancient multiversal history and hidden energies.
As an adult, she eventually earns a library of ancient texts in the Sun of The Wise, which aren’t accessible to everyone as she’s very selective about who she shares her wisdom with.
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cypriathus · 5 days
Hello! This is your monthly positivity mail :)
I hope the month of May has been nice to you! As we slowly approach this year's halfway point, try to think of the moments you've enjoyed, and the ones you're looking forward to. Remember to appreciate the small wins, and don't beat yourself up if you feel like you could be doing more. Take it easy, and see you next month!
Thank you. This month of May has been relatively uninteresting, but at least it wasn't extremely stress-inducing. I had a couple of hiccups, but they were relatively minor.
Here is a picture of one of my cats:
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