chrisrin · 3 days
Not a question but I drive by the research center that makes and develops most of the antivenins in the country every single time I go to my university (:D I no longer have to do this I graduated last weekend!). More than likely the antivenin you were given came from Slade KY!!
wait that's cool as hell. i heard they're a pretty in-depth process to make, and that's what makes it so expensive.
apparently the single vial they used on me was 30k dollars. so fucking grateful i have medical insurance.
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chrisrin · 3 days
Have you ever been bitten by a snake before?
Worse or better than a bee sting?
Did it feel weird being bit by the guy?
Also hope you feel better soon dude
nope! wait, no, actually my pet ball python bit me once when i was 12 years old.
i've been stung by a bee once and it didn't land me in the hospital so this is definitely worse. but bees also aren't venomous (typically? to my understanding? there are probably some nasty ass wasp bites that'll do rough shit to you)
yeah i was very shocked. there's this sorta. feeling that just washes over you when you're in an ambulance getting rushed to the ER with a snake bite that just makes you think "what the fuck is my life" and also think way to in-depth about mortality and how i'd feel mentally about if i died rn and what that would mean for the friends and family around me. thankfully my wound was not fatal (obviously) but damn i see why old ppl can be a little freaked out. medical emergencies are no joke.
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chrisrin · 3 days
u should bite the snake back
next time i see that fucker, it's on sight
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chrisrin · 3 days
Get well soon! For the AMA, do you read any hermitcraft or life series fan fics? I have a couple recommendations if you’ll be on bedrest and need to read something lol
i do like fanfiction though i don't typically read mcyt stuff! dunno why it just doesn't have the same touch for me. unless it's jonny sixteenthdays and in that case i eat it up every time.
i just finished catching up on marigolds by colbub, and now i'm trying to get through my actual book backlog. which is a little slow. but i'm getting there, and i'll have time to now.
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chrisrin · 3 days
How does it feel to be suffering the consequences of going outside to touch grass
never again.
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chrisrin · 3 days
was the snake cute, besides the bite
i saw him for a good 3 seconds before fleeing so i was more scared the fuck out of rather than analyzing his looks but i like snakes usually so he was probably cute.
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chrisrin · 3 days
what happened though, like not to insinuate anything but did you provoke the snake somehow? :0
oh it was TOTALLY because i was inches away from accidentally stepping on it. i wasn't paying attention to where i was walking, very stupidly, in sandals and shorts in the brush behind my trailer.
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chrisrin · 3 days
How long did the doctors say it'll take to recover?
so apparently snake venom is very unpredictable! especially some have very slow-working venom so you can think it's all gone and then get symptoms a week later.
however, from what they told me, the snake i got bit by isn't really like that as much so one dose of antivenom should be enough and i should be good in around a week.
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chrisrin · 3 days
tgat sucks . ddo you like snakes .. hhow did u get bit just like walking around ....
i have had pet snakes when i was a kid but actually it's because i live in a trailer in the middle of the north carolina mountains and woods!
i was trying to clear out my septic system before heading out with a friend who was visiting and didn't see the snake curled up in the grass as i wandered back behind my trailer to clear the system, and it bit me as i was about to step on it.
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chrisrin · 3 days
what did it feel like. the snake bite. also the antivenom. ive never been bitten by a snake
so! at first it felt like a sting, the snake, thank god, did not get a FULL bite into me. it was a warning bite but still enough to inject venom.
there was a sting and some bleeding, i cleaned up the wound and after around 5 minutes i started to get a pins-and-needles feeling in my face. my mouth started to feel funny, but i wasn't really in any pain.
we get to the ER and i'm almost never actively in pain unless the area around the wound was getting touched. it feels now, after a day, very swollen, a little numb, but mostly like if your foot was just permanently asleep? that twinkly pins-and-needles feeling just perpetually. i limp a little when i walk because when it has pressure on it/when i put weight on it, it feels like a VERY sore muscle. but again, no pain really.
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chrisrin · 3 days
u went up? wow I thought we all were going down
you all are going down, skill issue. i'm going to kill god on the way.
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chrisrin · 3 days
bold of you to insinuate you made it to heaven
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chrisrin · 3 days
what kind of snake
copperhead! i think at least. that's what the docs came to as a conclusion, i saw it for a good 3 seconds so i didn't have a great description of it. most likely an adult.
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chrisrin · 3 days
did you die from the snake bite or did you live
no im super dead, i'm typing from beyond the grave. you're not gonna believe what it's like up here dog
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chrisrin · 3 days
hey guys i got bit by a copperhead snake and spent overnight in the ER getting antivenom and now my foot looks like a balloon. ama.
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chrisrin · 7 days
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i commissioned @localwheel for designs of Skywish/Frostdance <33 !! i absolutely ADORE how they came out, local did such an amazing job!
(bonus for skydance design)
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chrisrin · 7 days
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