captain-campion · 4 days
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captain-campion · 5 days
Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who cares about the does in the Watership Down mythology. Where’s the Marian veneration of Nur-Rama, who’s called El-ahrairah’s favorite doe in the story about King Furocious? Does seem to have an entirely different social structure and probably have their own private stories about her and El-ahrairah’s other mates and daughters. At least we can probably assume that Flyairth and Hyzenthlay entered the general mythos in the surrounding warrens.
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captain-campion · 5 days
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captain-campion · 5 days
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tales from watership doodles I love how Flyairth is canonicly buff as heck
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captain-campion · 8 days
Random Watership Down Thoughts
- Vervain’s sense of purpose is completely dependent on serving Woundwort and he’s too afraid to find something better for himself. 
- Bigwig and Spartina’s relationship came out of nowhere and has the least development when compared to Hazel and Primrose and Blackberry and Campion’s relationship. I’m not saying the relationship is bad or that Spartina isn’t a good fit for Bigwig but Spartina went from being a spy in one episode and his lover in the next with little to no context or growth and they deserve better than that!
- Silverweed is severely misunderstood: He’s a good rabbit but his mystic powers made him an outsider and Cowslip made it worse by using him as a storyteller. 
- All of Woundwort’s hate stems from unresolved trauma from his past. Everything he did was inexcusable but he needs serious help (this is especially true in season 3. His mind just split after the first episode of the season). 
- Similarly while I’d love to see a redemption arc for Woundwort, I’m not sure if he can be fully forgiven for everything he’s done. I think he’s somewhat more redeemable than Cowslip though (he’s too sick in the head and only does anything if it serves him somehow).
- Hickory and Marigold’s design in the 3rd season kind of bothers me. Their designs are great, but they look so similar that I thought they were siblings at one point (this was back when I first saw them when I was little). 
- The Darkhaven rabbits are essentially a rabbit cult but the history of the warren sounds very interesting and relevant to Woundwort’s evil.
- Woundwort, Vervain and Campion’s relationship is the most damaged and abusive in the entire series and you can see how much it affects them: Vervain goes from respecting Campion to hating and resenting him while also conflicted about being loyal to Woundwort and being sick of him, Campion is heavily conflicted about betraying Woundwort and still struggles with it during season 3 but also knows it was the right thing and Woundwort never gets over Campion’s betrayal and tolerates Vervain.
- In a nutshell, Woundwort, Campion and Vervains relationship with each other is what break up and pop songs are made for.
- Blackavar was only relevant in the TV series for a few episodes but then disappeared (despite having a slightly bigger role in the movie) and Buttercup (from the winter episodes) was never seen or heard from again.
- I would have loved to see a spin off series about Moss and the Efrafans after they left Watership Down and see how their dynamics and relationships changed and see Moss as a leader.
- Skree is a missed opportunity to explore other possible allies with elil.
- Hazel and Primrose’s kittens gained some relevancy in season 3 (as the junior owsla) and that is why they are a consistent three with names versus the previous random baby rabbits we saw in season 2. 
- Vervain is both an asshole and a coward yet I somehow feel bad for him at season 3. 
- If Vervain didn’t survive at the end of season 3, I would have liked to see Granite survive and join Watership Down. That poor giant marshmallow deserves a better life.
- I think Campion had some feelings for Primrose at one point. I don’t know if I’d call it a crush but he does respect her and cares about her.
- Red Stone warren has the saddest history in the whole series.
- Bigwig and Woundwort are my favorites but I like just about everyone in the TV series. I can’t think of a single character I don’t like (yes I even like Vervain and Cowslip). 
- The TV series is full of complex characters. 
- I don’t know if it was originally written for it but the song Bright Eyes is the theme song for the entire Watership Down franchise and no one can convince me otherwise.
- Bigwig’s design in season 3 kind of reminds me of Cruella’s fur coat in 101 Dalmatians. I don’t know why the designs changed in season 3 but I don’t necessarily dislike them (I actually like Woundwort’s design in season 3 more than his design in season 2. I like Bigwig’s season 3 design too but it made me think he grew old when I was little XD). 
- Getting Silverweed out of Cowslip’s warren is arguably one of the few good things Woundwort did. Why? Because, while Woundwort only did it to serve his own purposes, him getting Silverweed would eventually lead to Hazel and the others bringing him to Watership Down and giving him the freedom and happiness he so deserved. He didn’t mean for that to happen but I would count this as an accidental good deed on Woundwort’s part. 
- Pipkin is the most wholesome character of the TV series as he see’s the good in everyone he meets and can make friends with just about anyone.
- Spoiler but the TV series ends with the Black Rabbit basically coming in and saying: “I don’t care who started it, I’m finishing it!” like a parent whose had enough of their kids bickering.
- You know you went too far when even the Black Rabbit of Inle is sick of your bullshit.
- Vervain has had countless opportunities for redemption but he consistently chooses not to take them. He’s either too much of a coward to take them or he’s not confident enough in himself to try. 
- Also, Vervain is no fighter but he enjoys having power over other rabbits.
- Just about all the Watership Down rabbits have relatable moments. 
- Speaker of The Past (or Speaker, she never got a name) mentioned that Hemlock (Woundwort’s father) had other sons before having Woundwort, implying that Woundwort had older brothers and was the baby of the family. Are any of his brothers still alive? Probably not but it makes me sad we didn’t get to see Woundwort get reunited with a surviving relative who later tries to reason with him…I think I have an OC idea now. 
- The idea that Woundwort might have once been someone’s baby brother is as cute as it is sad. I would have loved to know more about his family.
- Hannah is a mood!
- Woundwort still laughs about that ‘hedge wizard’ incident and never lets Vervain forget it. Meanwhile, Vervain is still convinced he saw a hedge wizard. The story doesn’t help his reputation at Darkhaven as many rabbits (manly Granite) tease him for it.
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captain-campion · 8 days
i love watership down those guys r so so scared and being so so brave abt it all truly
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captain-campion · 8 days
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i need 2 say it again. in outdated meme form. holly and bluebell truth
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captain-campion · 10 days
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Realized I never shared the original design I drew for my licensed Watership Down patches. Hazel and Fiver sit atop what would become the Watership Down warren, able to see "the whole world" in all directions.
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captain-campion · 10 days
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Messed with the lineart, making it look partially lineless. I thought it looked so well that i added a nice background to it, making it pretty ^^
Art (c) me Pipkin, Fiver, and Hazel (c) Watership Down
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captain-campion · 13 days
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A test with a soft crayon brush for the outline and just seeing how well i tried, as well as goofing around with the shading too ^^
I meant to post this before when i made this, and looking at him now, i forgot his whiskers lol
Art (c) me Fiver (c) Watership Down
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captain-campion · 13 days
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Art (c) me Fiver and Hazel (c) Watership Down
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captain-campion · 19 days
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See, the thing about that scene is that Hyzenthlay did hear her tell names. She tries to give an apology while still lying to her, that's what makes her so mad about it and she decides to leave Nettle behind.
The difference between the two of them is, if Hyzenthlay had decided to work for Orchis, she most likely would have tried to sabotage everything from within, give Orchis subtle hints, never give him the full the truth or try to twist it - anything to save her family - and I'm certain Orchis is aware of that.
Nettle was the reason why everyone suffered longer, because she was always spying for Orchis, throwing her family under the bus. Hyzenthlay trusted her family. She was so focused on making sure they do not trust any stranger because they could be a spy, but never once suspected there was one among her family.
You feel bad about it? Then maybe don't lie to my face while apologizing. That's why Nettle doesn't even earn a response from her. Hyzenthlay has nothing left to say for her.
Nettle broke the deep trust she had for her. Nettle was always on her side, trying to cheer her up. How much of it was real, how much of it was an act? Hyzenthlay doesn't know.
I do feel bad for Nettle, but I am so glad that Hyzenthlay didn't forgive her. Because I'm a firm believer that just because someone is family, that does not mean you have to forgive them.
Orchis might not have broken Hyzenthlay, but he sure did break two sisters apart.
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captain-campion · 21 days
characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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captain-campion · 23 days
My favorite WSD is the book because it had Bluebell in his rightful place
YES literally!! I love book!Bluebell, he's so fun and I love his dynamic with Holly.
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captain-campion · 24 days
Guys reading Watership Down has made me COMPLETELY delusional. Now whenever I see a gathering of rabbits from the Warren by my parent’s house I think “oh it’s a meeting of the Owsla!! :))” like someone please reality check me
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captain-campion · 24 days
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captain-campion · 27 days
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General Woundwart and Captain Vervain! From the Watership Down cartoon from 1999. I love the dynamic between these two. ❤️
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