calder · 7 hours
photograph is an insane word for that
it does graph photons if you wanna be a martian about it
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calder · 8 hours
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nukapedia mods trying to determine if couriers stash is canon
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calder · 8 hours
great work!! proud of you! n_n
Sierra has a habit of cheerfully 'infodumping' large swaths of her knowledge about Nuka-Cola onto other parties,[19][20] whether or not they show interest in it,[18] a habit that she is aware can be "overwhelming" to some people.[21] Her lifelong pursuit of anything related to Nuka-Cola has left her with little time to form meaningful relationships, and those few friends that she does have, such as with her neighbor Ronald, are often sidelined by her hyperfixation. Sierra also has difficulties recognizing sarcasm[1] or understanding euphemisms, often taking people's words at their literal meaning.[10][11][22][23][24][25] Though Sierra understands the dangers of the wasteland, enough to warn the Lone Wanderer about the raiders at Evergreen Mills,[12] she struggles to recognize these dangers when confronted with them directly.[17] When threatened with a bullet to the head by a member of the Disciples raider gang, she shows no self awareness about the danger she finds herself in, only remarking about how unfriendly they are.[17] When describing how Ronald was attacked by a group of raiders led by Lug-Nut, she imitates their voices and treats it as if it were an exciting anecdote rather than a brush with death.[14] Sierra also displays difficulties with empathy and understanding the feelings of others. Upon meeting her idol John-Caleb Bradberton, she shows little regard for his current predicament, that being a disembodied head in a glass container kept alive for 210 years. When Bradberton asks the Sole Survivor to shut off his life support, Sierra severely underestimates his suffering, choosing to offer him company rather than respect his dying wishes.[26] Only after the deed is completed does she see the fault in her ways,[27][28][29][30][31] though still viewing his suffering through the lens of her hyperfixation.[32][33] While she tolerates opinions that differ from her own, she also considers them wrong or "silly" and shows naivety in her ability to change said opinions.[34]
Wrote the entirety of Sierra Petrovita's new background page, including this section where I use words such as "hyperfixating" and "infodumping" to allude to her being autistic! Sierra is very much so and I love her. @calder
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calder · 8 hours
fallout needs psychedelia
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calder · 9 hours
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calder · 11 hours
Hey Calder! Have you figured out any good fixes for fallout 76 sunlight shafts becoming just solid white light of blindness? I keep trying to find something but google doesn't seem to understand the problem :[
I think that's something to do with SAO, or some other weird threshhold floats. Try deleting(/removing) your falloutcustom.ini and recompiling it with fewer stipulations on lighting.
If deleting falloutcustom.ini and launching the game didn't get rid of the harsh white sunlight then something is wrong with one of the other ini files. back them up and start over. use quick config to manage your ini settings if you aren't already
that should do the trick. you can also configure reshade to discern the forms in the light. sometimes i experiment with that for screenshots
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calder · 1 day
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oh shit oh fuck dont freak out but i got shadows working on top of all my bullshit
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calder · 1 day
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calder · 1 day
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calder · 1 day
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calder · 2 days
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calder · 2 days
would a beheaded saint wear their halo like this
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or like this
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calder · 2 days
Tribal Names
I don’t think many people, even some native people, are aware that the legal names of many tribes are actually not from the tribe.
Often the names came about because colonizers would ask one tribe "hey, what do you call those people over there?". then they would assign the name given to that tribe. so often the names were descriptions from unrelated tribes, or in more extreme cases, insults.
The Muscogee tribe got pretty lucky since the legal name was "creek" and it came from a different tribe going "oh, those are the people near the creek". which, is accurate enough, most creek settlements were placed along creeks. a famous one that is related to the Muscogee is the name "Cherokee". "Cherokee" is a Muscogee word meaning something along the lines of "people who don’t speak our language". Even this is pretty light compared to some names. some official tribal names translate to phrases like "dog eaters" or "lazy people".
This is why it’s not uncommon for tribes to start using older names. Muscogee comes from the term for our people "Mvskoke", and the tribe has made efforts to distance itself from the name "Creek". Although it is likely still the name you’ll hear most often.
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calder · 2 days
During the completion of the mission Data Recovery, Faraday asks if there was a third storage drive. Picking this up has no bearing on that dialogue, and the item will not be removed from inventory after the completion of the quest. The remaining Storage Drive (if three were recovered for the quest Data Recovery) can be dropped from the player's inventory, but will hang locked in the air and can be used as a platform.[verified]
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calder · 2 days
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the moon is always full in this world
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and i get the impression
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that if anyone finds out ive noticed
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they will personally
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turn into god
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and freak out on me
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calder · 2 days
have i mentioned that i have a real adult home for the first time as of yesterday because fallout
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calder · 2 days
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big man little man
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