c-rowlesdraws · 1 month
Episode 8 of Humans-B-Gone is out!! It looks so good! I’m so proud and grateful that I got to help work on it. Please enjoy the antics of Sophodra and Rose, the two-woman “pest” extermination team— and some really excellent speculative biology/sci-fi worldbuilding.
“That sound pherophone! Ooh, the filth! Don’t think I don’t know what those crickets are singing about!”
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PREVIOUS EPISODE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JQ6EPKm_eQ
Episode eight is here at last! Thanks to all of you for your support!!! Hope you're ready for some mantis mayhem!
Yet another fantastic soundtrack composed by @theelectricdreamsofddx, with Gregorsa's theme by @zestychille!
If you’d like to support what comes next, there’s a Patreon! All patrons get to see videos early. Additionally, $1 gets you a link to the Discord, $2 gets access to early updates and some bonus content, $5 for your name in credits and more bonus content, $20 and $40 for black-and-white and colored commissions of insect or arachnid characters respectively, and $100 if you want a fully rigged, animatable model of your own!
(40 points possible this time. How did you do?)
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
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It’s my blog and I’ll post my dinner if I want to!! Chilled soba noodles and fried shrimp & oysters with tartar sauce!!!
(resippy below)
Fried oysters n shrimp (my nontraditional version of かきフライ/海老フライ)
-however many raw oysters and shrimp u want
-enough AP flour to coat them, mixed with a sprinkle each of maras pepper/any hot pepper flakes, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper
-panko, mixed with other breadcrumbs for interesting texture if u want (I had some made from miscellaneous other bread)
-1 egg, beaten well but not foamy
-if the oysters aren’t shucked, shuck them (or ask a trusted adult if you don’t know how). Gently rinse them in cold water and drain on a paper towel.
-gently bend the raw shrimp backwards to straighten them out and blot them also with paper towel
-arrange the beaten egg, flour, and panko in 3 separate dishes that will be easy to dip and toss the seafood in
-dip each oyster and shrimp into the egg, then the flour, then the egg again, and then into the breadcrumbs, coating thoroughly and gently shaking/dusting off the excess at each step. Lightly press the breadcrumb coating with your fingers so it adheres.
-put prepared seafood in the fridge for at least an hour— chilling will help the coating firm up and adhere, so it won’t fall apart when frying.
-heat about an inch or so of neutral, high smoke point oil (like vegetable oil) in a small saucepan— you don’t need to use a ton of oil. It doesn’t even have to be enough to completely submerge the seafood. If you have a thermometer, heat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit— if not, test the temperature by dropping in some breadcrumbs. If bubbles form around them right away with a soft bubbling sound, the oil is hot enough.
-using kitchen chopsticks or tongs or a spoon or whatever, place the oysters and shrimp in the oil, few enough at a time that they don’t crowd each other, and fry at a controlled temperature for about a minute and a half, flipping once to cook them evenly. When golden brown and crisp to the “touch”, lift them out and place on paper towels or a rack to drain and cool.
For the tartar sauce:
-with permission, take a container of extra sauce that your coworkers made from the office fridge. I didn’t make it lol. It’s got uhh lemon in it
For the soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles):
-fill a pot with enough water to fully immerse the soba and give it plenty of room to move while cooking, or the water will get too starchy and the soba might get sort of gooey (undesirable). Bring water to a boil and put in the dried soba noodles.
-lower the heat to where the noodles are gently circulating in the water, and cook until they’re done.
-strain them and rinse briskly with cold running water, then immerse them (in the strainer) in a bowl of ice water. Chilling them this way improves the texture.
-once they’re chilled, remove from the ice water and drain by hitting the bottom of the strainer against a clean folded dish towel. Arrange the soba in a bowl and top with chopped scallions, and shredded nori if you’ve got it (I do not).
-serve with a dish of zarusoba dipping sauce (store-bought) and more scallions. No, no— more scallions.
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
literally I didn’t make the connection between this feature and April Fool’s until now, I was just like “oh of course tumblr has added a ‘boop’ feature, why the hell not”
Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
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"Easter Starts at Breakfast! And golden, sizzling Treet helps make it gay!"
1946 Armour Treet canned ham ad
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
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Did you know that there is a Toaster Museum????
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
Tonight's round of sketch commissions is now closed! Thank you so much to everyone who responded!
And to anyone who missed out on tonight-- fear not! I will try to get my ass in gear and open up for more sketch commissions and/or real commissions again soon.
I need to get back into the swing of drawing in a real big way, so…!
Same rules as the last time I did this sort of thing back in July! (See these posts for examples of artwork)
➡️Monochrome shaded sketch - you pick the color (hex code appreciated but not required)
➡️ $35 flat rate
➡️ Limit one character per sketch, SFW subject matter only please
➡️ Specify headshot, waist-up, or full-body
➡️ e-mail me reference pics and/or a written character description and a written description of the pose you would like them in (required!) to crowles90 (at) gmail
➡️ Payment via PayPal only, please! Let me know the email address you’d like me to invoice you at, if it’s different from the address you’re emailing me from.
🎆 Let’s go! 🎆
However many inquiries I get until 12 AM EST is however many I’ll draw! However, if I get more responses before then than I feel I can realistically fulfill, I’ll make an announcement here about closing things up early. On the other hand, if midnight comes around and I feel like I could handle a few more sketches, I’ll come crawling back here and boost this post again to see if anyone else wants some art!
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
I need to get back into the swing of drawing in a real big way, so…!
Same rules as the last time I did this sort of thing back in July! (See these posts for examples of artwork)
➡️Monochrome shaded sketch - you pick the color (hex code appreciated but not required)
➡️ $35 flat rate
➡️ Limit one character per sketch, SFW subject matter only please
➡️ Specify headshot, waist-up, or full-body
➡️ e-mail me reference pics and/or a written character description and a written description of the pose you would like them in (required!) to crowles90 (at) gmail
➡️ Payment via PayPal only, please! Let me know the email address you’d like me to invoice you at, if it’s different from the address you’re emailing me from.
🎆 Let’s go! 🎆
However many inquiries I get until 12 AM EST is however many I’ll draw! However, if I get more responses before then than I feel I can realistically fulfill, I’ll make an announcement here about closing things up early. On the other hand, if midnight comes around and I feel like I could handle a few more sketches, I’ll come crawling back here and boost this post again to see if anyone else wants some art!
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
how do you feel about people reusing your art for other OCs or such?
First of all, I’m always surprised and delighted when anyone wants to use my art for anything, and I’m perpetually grateful to everyone who enjoys my art. I always want to emphasize that.
But my answer to this ask depends on your definition of “reusing [my] art”. Some uses I’m fine with, and some I’m less fine with, and in all cases I would ask that I be visibly credited somewhere as the source of the art in question.
If you would like to crop or use a piece of original character art I’ve drawn as display art for an original character, in an online RP or a ttrpg, go for it! I think that’s awesome. If the artwork you want to use was commissioned from me, though, that character is someone else’s, and I’m not comfortable giving permission for that art to be used elsewhere without the commissioner’s permission first.
If you want to “reuse” my art as in trace over it to create a piece of your own… please don’t. Tracing is fine for private art practice though! But please don’t trace my artwork and pass it off as your own (this has happened, and as the original artist, it’s very surreal to stumble across).
If you’re unsure about something you’d like to use my art for, please DM me and ask! I’m always glad to talk these things out.
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
blessing of the primordial pouch
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 months
Hi everyone! I am alive! I’ve just been having an extremely busy and fucked up february and march. I’ll be back posting art again soon!
Here, look at my cat.
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c-rowlesdraws · 3 months
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My first tattoo. Going insane during Alectopause.
Poem from the intro of Nona the Ninth.
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c-rowlesdraws · 3 months
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tumblr has an AI toggle you should turn on to prevent your work being shared with training models/etc! it's under settings & visibility.
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c-rowlesdraws · 3 months
I got to do some work on this upcoming episode of Humans-B-Gone! Please visit the above blog and give the show a watch— Rev has been putting an incredible amount of work into this project, and it’s a very fun and imaginative story!
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Staging is complete on the last four scenes, meaning all staging is now DONE!!! 
Additionally, got some work done on finishing up the backgrounds (previously only complete enough for staging)! Most of the hardest parts are now out of the way, including all complex shading and geometry nodes work! Just lots of repetitive painting, decorating, and shader and lighting tweaks now. 
Here, we see Sophodra doing what she does best! ...Well, what she does a lot, anyway. Featuring a prop that was designed and modeled by @c-rowlesdraws on Tumblr! https://c-rowlesdraws.tumblr.com
I had been losing my creative energy, but it's coming back now that I'm done with staging. And, with the hard parts done, maybe backgrounds won't take too much longer!
So, give 1-2 weeks for backgrounds (definitely aiming for one week). Then, a month for animation...or maybe even less, since I'm getting help animating the longest sections! Finally, a week for sound effects and Gregorsa's stuff. So, hopefully less than two months now! The April 6th release is still in sight! Until next time!
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
this ad is so unintentionally hardcore
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
Weird ask, but have you watched Columbo? I have no idea why, but you have big 'Columbo watcher' energy.
Many cool people I know and also follow on this very website watch Columbo, so I’ll take that as a compliment! But no, I have not yet watched Columbo. I have, however, been exposed to many posts and gifsets. I think his dog is very cute.
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
can't seem to post a full link, but " comments/1akf1v9/on_mr_beast_and_his_charity_what_do_you_think/ " might work if you add it to the end?. When i went back to get the link, the top of it says "Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/CuratedTumblr. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose." not sure what happened? maybe the comment section, or the bit you mentioned with the horses?
lol oh my god, too controversial for the sub I guess. Yeah, it looks like the post is gone. That’s ok, thank you anyway
Edit - typing the URL did work; the post is removed but the comments are there. People sure are saying stuff about me in there. Ah well— I was hyperbolic about a youtube celebrity on a public blog, I guess I asked for it.
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This part is very silly entirely correct though. It’s my very serious and real opinion that a wealthy obnoxious youtuber should be drawn and quartered like a medieval criminal, in real life. I will give each of the horses a kiss on the nose and a carrot afterwards.
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
from what ive seen there are people on the reddit post agreeing with you, so i guess it could be worse?
It could definitely be worse, lol but honestly it’s fine. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was genuinely upset about it; I had hoped the line about wishing for the reddit poster to step on a melted ice cube would make that clearer. I’m not upset! It’s funny when tumblr posts break containment. I’m just kinda annoyed that that post specifically broke containment and got put on reddit, instead of any other post of mine that might have been more fun and positive. But people dig controversy—I get it.
Edit after actually visiting r/curatedtumblr - ok actually this sub seems really chill and positive, I’m glad you guys are having fun over there 👍
(also if anyone feels like linking me the post with my post in it, I am curious to see the discussion!)
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