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New update in Madeleine McCann's case!!!!!
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should i try and buy it?...
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aww man they sold it.
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I got questions😃
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What is the one thing you think everyone desires? Why do you think this?
I do want to read it but, i don't want to relive my past even if it mean getting to know the future. So if its an option i would skip my past and start right after present events in the book. if not, i'm not going to read it, or i might contemplate to hard whether to read it and give in and need a lot of tissues.
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I was just kidding around man... asking would you love me if i was the opposite gender...
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Than bro was like this, i didn't screenshot the rest because he said some personal things as insults and such, so i'm going to give you a summary
So basically he start cussing me out, and saying things i will not repeat, and then said my parents sent him screenshots of something (which they didn't) and then proceeded to say he was going to go to jail because (can't say because it's personal) and that i had done things (will not repeat) and that i was a dumbass bitch and some other thing. He then said he never wanted to hear from me again, than about an hour later text me again saying and i quote "OMG are you off your meds is that why your acting like this?" (i could ask him the same at this point, but no i wasn't,) than when i say no, he say "it was JJ wasn't it, your fucking him or something that's why your acting like this!?!?!" (no i was not fucking JJ, he is a friend, who is with someone else.) i say no, he than start listing a list of our guy friends, i say no, than he say "are you gay or something" (i am not, im bisexual and he knows this) i say no, he then proceeds to tell me that he had texted JJ about said fucking from early, (i was with JJ and some other friends at the time playing video game, he has not got a text) i ask what did he JJ say, he says that he said we had been going out behind his back for about 2 years (i only met JJ about a year and a half ago, and only became close friends a year ago) i call his bullshit, he says that he's not lying, i then send him a video of me and my friends including JJ to him say, "are you sure", he than calls me a dumbass bItch hoe wh*re c*nt and blocks me.
I than use a move he fake used, i call his grandma and mom, and tell them what he said, last i heard he was getting his ass beat for talking to a girl like this.
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frfr they be hearing my conversations, one minute im telling my bf he need to try bojangles, and what you know, we get a youtube ad for bojangles in the middle of the video we were watching.
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ngl best plan to get free ice cream....
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Have you ever been told... Your Not Good Enough...
it's a feeling no one wants to feel, but everyone has felt it at least once. I remember i wanted to take a AP english class in high school, but i was SPED so they wouldn't let me, they said i needed to talk to my mom about it. So i talked to her about it and gave her the paper to sign. She laughed at me. Told me i was too stupid, and ripped the paper in half. i still wonder, what if i had taken the class. I write books all the time. Usually on wattpad, because who is going to publish a book from someone so stupid. No matter what i did, I was never enough. Not just at english, but at life. Never enough for anyone or anything... what's the point in living, when no matter what, your a disappointment...
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HoW tHe FuCk!?!?!? MoM iM fAmOuS!?!?!?
Mom: Your a whore... that's not good enough...
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