bees-in-the-machine · 3 hours
worried that thing you put in your art or writing or game or music is too self-indulgent, too self-referential, too niche for anyone but yourself? fear not! you can do whatever you want forever. and you should.
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bees-in-the-machine · 4 hours
hmmmmm..... but what to make spreadsheets About..........
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bees-in-the-machine · 4 hours
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my favorite joke from the latest jan misali video
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bees-in-the-machine · 6 hours
Not me spending my whole shower imagining a rewilding sim with a procedurally generated world like dwarf fortress where you plant various plants and try to shape the ecosystem throughout the process of ecological succession
The plants would all have different stats based on their spreading and competitive capabilities and each little square of land would have stats based on the plants that are there and other conditions
Every time you advanced the clock forward by another year your plants would grow and potentially spread to new squares, and there would be a chance for new plants to "volunteer"
Each square would have a "Disturbance" stat that lowers every time you advance the clock and rises according to major removals of plants or cultivation activities, and modifies other stats including how competitive certain species are and which species could volunteer
For example, Dandelion would have a high chance of volunteering on squares with high disturbance stats, but not on squares with low disturbance stats
It would be partly a strategy game to see how you can fight and outcompete invasive species and raise biodiversity, like for example you might want to combine plants with high resistance to being outcompeted with plants that have an allelopathic effect to debuff an invasive plant enough that the volunteer chances of a square go up and you can have natural regeneration of trees
The reason I think this is so cool is that if stats were intentionally made as accurate as possible, you could legitimately use this to model rewilding strategies in the real world
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bees-in-the-machine · 8 hours
my earliest callouts were retaliation for defending trans women who I didn’t know, but knew the accusations and harassment against them were wrong. Everything I’ve personally been harassed for on here has stemmed from that, because if you stick your neck out for trans women, that terrifies the transmisogynists wielding callouts as this effective weapon of ostracization and fear, and they do everything in their power to put you on the chopping block next, I’ve even seen it done for tme people who stand up for us.
But this, like most reactionary projections of force, is a paper tiger. It relies on you being afraid of being targeted for guilt by association next if you don’t fall in line, and when you stand up against it, when you speak out, it’s powerless, and their only other recourse is turning to moderators to try getting us banned outright.
Which they do, but for every one trans woman they get banned, there’s another 100 who have been just as effectively ostracized through callouts, and it’s the weapon you can personally disarm much more effectively. Denounce callouts when you see them, refuse to perpetuate their spread, and confront your friends who participate, especially if you’re tme. It’s a winnable fight, but you have to fight
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bees-in-the-machine · 12 hours
my hungry ass could never be a lesbian
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bees-in-the-machine · 15 hours
She's got that Ohio pussy
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bees-in-the-machine · 17 hours
Everyone (in universe and in fandom) loves silly Izutsumi in the magic ghost kingdom thing, and like I get it, cat girl :) but also it drives me nuts how utterly dehumanizing it is. Her personhood is totally supressed and now she's just. A cat. The part of her she hates the most is now the only part. And she doesn't even have the ability to be angry about it. Especially considering her whole thing of freedom and personhood, it's just such a fucked up thing to happen to her, masked by funny cat. The more I think about it the more horrifying it is.
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bees-in-the-machine · 18 hours
mutuals do this
take care of yourself
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bees-in-the-machine · 21 hours
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i don't have it saved on my phone so you'll just have have to imagine a gif of the word "AUTISM" in flaming letters here
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bees-in-the-machine · 24 hours
Everyone else talked about outdoor cats, it's time for me to talk about offleash dogs
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really enjoying the dungeon meshi ships like it appears to be two lovely lesbians having a childhood friends to lover arc and then two gay dudes who are complete freaks in exactly opposite ways
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[id: a closeup picture of a medical wristband which says "Pronouns:" with a barcode underneath. end id]
back from the hospital
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Sylvia Jackson says she had recurring nightmares after the death of her friend, George Floyd.
“He’d come to me and say, ‘Hey I’m OK,’ or ‘You ain’t got to worry,’ and then I’d wake up and he’s not there,” Jackson recalled. 
As the trials of the Minneapolis police officers accused of killing Floyd moved forward, Jackson says it was often too hard to watch, but she remained a silent party to the judicial process.
Floyd borrowed Jackson’s car on May 25, 2020 and was sitting in her blue 2001 Mercedes SUV the moment officers first approached him at 38th Street and Chicago Avenue.
Now, nearly four years after Floyd’s murder, Jackson is still waiting for investigators to return her vehicle.
“All I can do is just hold on,” Jackson said. 
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ok but what is up with people being so vicious to transfems who dare joke about dudes being eggs. i thought it was like generally accepted that gender as a construct is, y'know, bad, and that being transgender is good. why wouldn't you want more trans people in that case. in what possible world would having more trans people NOT contribute to a greater understanding of gender as it is. don't actually answer me because i know it's transmisogyny re people seeing being a trans woman as a wholly negative thing
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I have a transfem friend who says the stuff in the scishow video is basically the same as what she's been hearing from her doctor & she doesn't understand why people are saying it's wrong. Do you have a compilation of more accurate info anywhere?
yeah part of the problem here is that the medical science that gets to cis doctors has not caught up with the knowledge trans women and the general transfem community have. As for where to get better info, uhhhhhh im gonna ask @marxism-transgenderism and @euniexenoblade....
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im feeling The Transformation come over me... i need... to make spreadsheets..............
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