bananna-threads · 5 hours
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Beaded embroidery whale on painted fabric in a 15”x8” oval hoop!
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bananna-threads · 1 day
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I decided to make a very rough mockup in order to start working on star placement, since all of the pleating would potentially cover them up if they were in the wrong spot. Seeing it now, I don't think I'll need 15 stars like I originally guesstimated. Maybe 4 more? Bringing the total to 10 stars.
I'm also worried about the other half of my design.
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The pleating at the sides might make the sun all scrunched up and not "readable." The two solutions I'm considering are decreasing the size of the pleats, or increasing the size of the panniers underneath. The former would get rid of some of the fulness of the skirt but would require fewer alterations, and the latter might make the petticoat hem uneven but would make the silhouette more dramatic and "mattress-like". I'll stew on it...but if anyone has suggestions I am all ears 👂👂👂👂
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bananna-threads · 2 days
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Made a Peach Melba Tart from Claire Saffitz' cookbook Dessert Person today! Delicious poached peaches and raspberries on a bed of flakey pastry and vanilla cream. I bought a bunch of peaches at Costco on a whim last weekend, thinking I'd eat them all before they went bad. That'll teach me to grocery shop on an empty stomach lol.
I remembered this recipe and figured it would be a perfect way to use them up! I was supposed to have friends over for game night, and thought I'd have some help polishing off the massive tart, but like many hangouts as an adult, it was canceled 😔
I made enough pastry dough, pastry cream, etc. for a whole one, but only assembled enough for my partner and I tonight since the pastry isn't as good the next day otherwise. I'll probably bake the other portion in a few days. More for me, as they say!
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bananna-threads · 2 days
People who don’t do or create shit are always the most critical because they have no frame of reference. They severely underestimate how much energy it takes, how much fear and other psychic burdens need to be overcome, the sheer amount of relentless persistence, faith and self-belief it takes to put something, no matter how feeble and shitty, out in to the world.
It seems so easy just looking. “I could do that”. “I could’ve made that”. Well then do it. Look at the most feeble and easy looking creative work and then replicate it in your own way. And with no irony or hiding or joking- in all sincerity put your name on it - and show it to others. People you know in real life. As a representation of yourself. See how it feels. You’ll have a new appreciation and softness towards creative friends and strangers.
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bananna-threads · 3 days
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Front right bodice cut and attached to the lining! I put a layer of batting in between, but I'm leaving the quilting for later. I have a free motion quilting needle, but have never used it, so I have to practice with it first.
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Working on the sky! Trying to make the pieces for the front of the bodice, so the white pieces of paper poking through are the gaps I need to fill. Also have to take into account the seam allowance between each square, but I think even if I'm off I can fill in the edge gaps with scraps if that makes sense. The stars are much more fun to work on, but I'm waiting on a paper piecing book from the library before I continue those. I'm already drained thinking about how I have to do a whole skirt of this 😵 Oh well, I am unwilling to compromise on my original design, so here goes nothing!
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bananna-threads · 4 days
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Working on the sky! Trying to make the pieces for the front of the bodice, so the white pieces of paper poking through are the gaps I need to fill. Also have to take into account the seam allowance between each square, but I think even if I'm off I can fill in the edge gaps with scraps if that makes sense. The stars are much more fun to work on, but I'm waiting on a paper piecing book from the library before I continue those. I'm already drained thinking about how I have to do a whole skirt of this 😵 Oh well, I am unwilling to compromise on my original design, so here goes nothing!
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bananna-threads · 7 days
I love this artist's work! I know I don't have many followers, but I still thought "OP deserves a shout out for the cool stuff they are doing." I first read about stump work in the Royal School of Needlework's book on embroidery, and have since taken notice of the neat 3D stuff you can do with a needle and thread. Lots of fun, bold colors, but with a vintage feel. I embroider a bit and I wish I could make stuff like this!
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oooh child!
i’ve made lots of brooches for the next my own exhibition tho!
it’s going to be next january tho!
i’m so exited
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bananna-threads · 8 days
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Finally starting the filling of my irish crochet project! I severely regret doing it on the lace pillow as it's hard to find a good angle.... Also yes I obtained a bobbin lace pillow which is another story entirely
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bananna-threads · 9 days
So this all started when I got it in my head that I wanted to make a speakeasy...in my basement. I was looking through Buy Nothing when I saw a post for a pair of red velvet Victorian couches--a full size and a love seat. From the pics and the description, these seemed a little worse for wear, but not too bad. What this did not convey, however, was the smell...
it didn't help that it was raining the day we brought them home. Let me tell you--it was RIPE. I brought them inside at first, but I couldn't stop gagging, so even though it was 11 PM at this point and dark out, we brought them to the porch and vacuumed them as best we could. I sprayed SO much fabreeze. And still it wasn't enough. After a few days of them being in the basement, I couldn't take it anymore and they were relegated to the shed.
If we were ever going to use these, I needed to strip them down to the bone and rebuild, because I swear the smell permeated everything. I chose to work on the love seat first since it was smaller and I could work out all the kinks before I tackled the bigger one.
Over the next few months I pulled many many staples and nails. When I took off the backing fabric, all that remained of the foam cusion was grey dust. This stuff had straight up decomposed. I removed all the springs, burlap, and jute straps, taking note of how it was constructed so I could reverse engineer it.
Next up was removing the old stain, which I had to do twice. A process that involved a lot of steel wool, citrustrip, and wire brushes. The first time I re-stained it, I layed it on waaay too thick. It looked more like paint than stain (below).
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Which is why I had to do it again. Not fun. I'm still not super happy with the color, but there was no way in hell I was doing it a third time.
I then took all the old fabric, seam ripped the seat cushions, layed it out on paper, and created pattern pieces--marking out things like where the buttons would go, etc.
I bought this really nice dark green upholstery fabric that has a sort of felted back (which makes it lay so smoothly over upholstery foam--the friction between the two really makes them stick together and not budge!)
For the seat (sans cushions, which are separate and will sit on top), I stapled jute straps to the bottom and atop that layed down a mattress(?) of my own making. I had an old Ikea futon that I no longer needed--it was basically a collection of fabric-covered box springs wrapped in foam. I went at it with a hack saw, scissors, and spray gorilla glue until it was the right shape and sat smoothly over the beams
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I'm pretty proud that I manage to re-use a half an old mattress for this (the other half will be used on the other couch)
I stapled base fabrics to the backs and sides where the new foam would be glued onto and stapled the front of the mattress down. I cut foam for the arms using my pattern pieces from before and glued/stapled them down, smoothed and stapled the fabric over top, and used a nail strip for upholstery to hide the raw edges of the fabric. The nails are a bit wonky in places because the foam, in hindsight, was much too thick and would bulge in places
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For the backs of the arms, I used poly batting instead of foam
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Next, I cut out foam for the back rest and used a special foam cutting tool that I had to order online to drill out holes for the button tufting
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I stapled that down (very tough, because as I mentioned before, the foam I got was much too thick).
And that's pretty much where I've left off. I've done a couple of practice swatches to figure out how spaced out the diamonds on the fabric need to be for the pleats to look taught and smooth. I don't think I've got the perfect ratio yet, so I've been procrastinating on doing another swatch before marking where the buttons will go on the fabric. I don't think I can use the ones marked on the original fabric since the spacing and thickness of the holes in the foam are probably a little different from the OG.
Anywho, wish me luck on the rest! I will update in the future. Sorry for the long ramblings, and thanks if you've managed to read this far ;)
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Behold! The Victorian couch I'm reupholstering. I got a pair of these off of Buy Nothing and they were beautiful, but not in the best shape--the backrest foam had totally disintegrated, it smelled of cat urine, and the wood stain was chipped and scraped all over. Although I was a complete novice in furniture...restoration(?) I decided to try my hand at it anyway. Follow the tag [#bananna reupholsters] for updates!
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bananna-threads · 9 days
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Behold! The Victorian couch I'm reupholstering.
I got a pair of these off of Buy Nothing and they were beautiful, but not in the best shape--the backrest foam had totally disintegrated, it smelled of cat urine, and the wood stain was chipped and scraped all over. Although I was a complete novice in furniture...restoration(?) I decided to try my hand at it anyway. Follow the tag [#bananna reupholsters] for updates!
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bananna-threads · 9 days
Thanks so much!!! Took a lot of seam ripping to get there 🥲 Nice to find another Wombat Quilt Veteran 💪Here, a new star for you lol:
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Star #5/15 is added to the night sky!
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"Are you going to post every single star???" Yes. Yes I am. Helps with my motivation 😅 God knows I need it. Anyone else struggle with...doing anything at all?
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bananna-threads · 10 days
Maybe this is already common knowledge for most sewists out there, but I just learned about the pattern review website
I've only been browsing for a bit, but I've already found some cool patterns to try and also people whose blogs on Blogspot look promising. Maybe it's because I'm new to the site and don't know the best way to navigate it, but I wish I could sort patterns by "most reviewed", just so I could get a sense of the most tried and true stuff out there. But I guess the biggest use case is that you already have a pattern in mind, and you are checking for potential pitfalls that others have already fallen into and know how to get out of. Handy!
One thing that I am also really excited about is that they have regular contests with fun topics--I think the most recent one that concluded was the "Matchy Matchy Contest" where people were challenged to create whole outfits in the same color/pattern. Too bad I just missed it because I do love a good monochromatic 'fit!
They also have an Instagram with useful updates, which is nice because the website itself seems a little hectic to me :P
Makes me wonder...do they have a tumblr? 🤔
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bananna-threads · 11 days
Star #5/15 is added to the night sky!
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"Are you going to post every single star???" Yes. Yes I am. Helps with my motivation 😅 God knows I need it. Anyone else struggle with...doing anything at all?
Credit to Wombat Quilts' "Starry Night"
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bananna-threads · 11 days
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I know I'm not the best illustrator, but thought I'd share my original sketch for the queen mattress costume. As the Queen of All Mattresses, she needed to be big, luxurious, and comfy looking. And so I wanted soft, silky sheets for the decorative petticoat, and a warm, quilted over dress. The quilt top might be a little on-the-nose, but I thought transitioning from day to night would make one think of bedtime. Like the moving ceiling of the nursery from Spirited Away.
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Originally I toyed with the idea of the stomacher having some Hey Diddle Diddle type design, but decided to scrap that. It would have been too busy looking, and a little random lol.
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bananna-threads · 12 days
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Blackwater Dive
2024, hand bleached and dyed denim, cotton batting and thread
inspired by blackwater photography of plankton! this was my first time layering bleach painting. All the silhouettes were painted with bleaching gel, loosely tie dyed, and then bleached again to make the highlights. I quilted the piece using my free motion foot to outline each individual animal and tacked down the rest of the quilt with small satin stitches that remind me of marine snow. I dyed bias tape to match. super happy with this one and excited to show it in a gallery setting soon!
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bananna-threads · 13 days
I bought this really cool, literally one of a kind, hand-dyed fabric at a sewing convention and bought the perfect dress pattern that I thought would suit it. Printed out the pattern, taped it together, layed out my pieces, cut them out, and started to assemble. And to my horror, the bodice seemed weirdly...
Then I had a flashback to that moment when I was about to print my pattern and I saw a little checked box that said "scale print." Hm. Wonder if that's important? Probably fine. Flash back to current timeline where it was decidedly NOT FINE.
What's funny is that I had several chances to correct my mistake, but just shrugged it off like an idiot. Even after failing to uncheck that innocuous little box, I thought to myself "oh, I'll just check that the scale is right by measuring that little 1 inch box that's usually on printable patterns." But after I printed it, I couldn't see that little box so I just...forgot about it? UGH!
I guess I could have done a mock up, but my reasoning was that this was supposed to be a loose fitting dress, so even if I chose the slightly wrong size, there was some wiggle room to make changes. I'm kicking myself now of course.
I bought a different fabric to make this cursed dress, but I need to figure out what to do with the pieces of the old fabric, so I don't feel like it's been totally wasted. Might make a poll to decide what to make out of it for the two or three people who actually follow me lolol.
A word to the wise: remember to check that the scale of your print-at-home pattern is correct BEFORE cutting out your fabric...
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bananna-threads · 13 days
A word to the wise: remember to check that the scale of your print-at-home pattern is correct BEFORE cutting out your fabric...
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