asjjohnson · 10 hours
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asjjohnson · 10 hours
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asjjohnson · 11 hours
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asjjohnson · 12 hours
Climate misinformation on YouTube is changing from saying that climate change isn't happening—now the new form of climate misinformation is saying it's impossible to fix it.
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"arguments suggesting climate solutions won't work...have grown 21.4 percentage points"
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asjjohnson · 13 hours
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This took me three days and my hand hurts so bad. y'all better reblog it
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asjjohnson · 15 hours
One small but extremely annoying effect of Tech Modernization or w/e is how UI contrast is garbage anymore, especially just, like, application windows in general.
"Ooh our scrollbar expands when you mouse over it! Or does it? Only you can know by sitting there like an idiot for 3 seconds waiting for it to expand, only to move your cursor away just as it does so!" or Discord's even more excellent "scrollbar is 2 shades off of the background color and is one (1) pixel wide" fuck OFF
I tried to move a system window around yesterday and had to click 3 times before I got the half of the upper bar that let me drag it. Why are there two separate bars with absolutely nothing to visually differentiate them on that.
"Well if you look closely-" I should not!! have to squint!!! at the screen for a minute straight to detect basic UI elements!! Not mention how ableist this shit is, and for what? ~✨Aesthetic✨~?
and then every website and app imitates this but in different ways so everything is consistently dogshit to try to use but not always in ways you can immediately grok it's!!!! terrible!!!! just put lines on things again I'm begging you!!!!
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asjjohnson · 16 hours
it's definitely my predisposition to extreme frugality+redneck engineering, but i'm now obsessed with creating things literally without buying Anything. no supplies no tools no nothing, only the stuff you can just find outside, like Plants, Sticks, and Rocks.
I'm making textiles with nothing but foraged plant materials using no tools except sticks. Nature allows you to do this! There's no rules! I mean okay well maybe there might be some rules sometimes but they're just weak human rules! The plants themselves? They're like "Why sure! You can make yarn with nothing but fibers from the dead stem I don't need anymore, a couple sticks from that tree over there, and your own body and mind! Why not?"
Plants like to give us gifts! And nobody has the power to stop them!
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asjjohnson · 18 hours
my favorite part in attack of the clones is when obi-wan just fucks off to play space nancy drew on Clone Rain Planet with the alarming giraffe-necked aliens and swans in like “HELLO IT’S ME, the jedi who definitely… … was here before and probably, uh, spoke to you, and stuff” and theyre like “ah you are here for the order” and hes like “beg pardon” and theyre like “the order of millions of identical human men?” and hes like “RIGHT YES. ABSOLUTELY I AM HERE FOR THE ORDER OF MILLIONS OF IDENTICAL HUMAN MEN”
and then later when he SNEAKS INTO A CORNER TO FUCKING… facetime yoda… like “ok so we have these millions of identical human men who were apparently suspiciously ordered for us by someone???” and yodas fucking response is just “when countless sapient lemons life gives you…….. send those lemons into intergalactic battle you must”
 and obi-wan’s like “shit man you’re so right" 
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asjjohnson · 19 hours
So I had the strangest dream this weekend and nobody understands me so I need to share it with you because you might. Press J to skip this post if you can’t deal, I will accept this.
In my dream I was standing on the back deck of a rural cabin that overlooked a beautiful Vermont/Scottish Highlands landscape of unspoiled wilderness. It was a crisp, perfect autumn morning. I held a cup of cooling coffee in my hands as I leaned against the railing and scanned the perfect rolling hills in the midground, behind which the great patterned mountains with their snowcaps marched on until they blended with the horizon: #aesthetic
As I gazed at a distant meadow clearing in the trees, a pair of brightly coloured humanoid creatures emerged from the woods and began to dance for each other. It was an esoteric, beautiful mating dance, a strange combination of instinct and choreography. I felt awe washing over me. I marvelled. I felt a deep sense of wonder and peace as I observed this vanishingly rare encounter that I had never thought to observe in person. These animals were instantly recognisable but had never been studied in the wild. I felt incredibly humbled and privileged to witness this behaviour - I knew that I was the first human witness to observe this behaviour - and I reached for my phone, wondering if I should film it, so it could join the scholarly record, where it NEEDED to be. This could change everything. But then I held back - something told me “no,” to let the creatures have their privacy.
Ok, I can’t go any further without telling you that they were Teletubbies.
A red one and a yellow one. I know. I know. Stay with me here.
The cryptids melted back into the woods. My subconscious drew a discreet veil over the rest of their mating ritual, but I knew instinctively that this had been a dance of courtship. I was busy pondering the implications, because they were critical. You see, although the creatures were instantly recognisable as Teletubbies, as I had studied them, even at a distance, I had an incredible realisation.
They were adult Teletubbies.
This realisation dawned on me and in my dream I understood it fully. The ones that we know of - the captive ones that we have seen on television - are juveniles. In fact, they are the equivalent of toddlers. When you see the adults this becomes obvious. The garbled speech and silly movements of the four captive Teletubbies we know are the babbles of babyhood, a private primal toddler-language brewed up between sentient beings who have never encountered an adult of their own kind.
The adult Teletubbies have more branching, complex antlers and shaggy coats. They are less brightly coloured. They are terrifyingly large. Their strangely human faces, emerging from the thick fur, are unquestionably adult; remote, serene, reproachful. Their television screens are glitchy, esoteric and unknowable. They are cryptids whose public exploitation has undermined their rarity and their strange, alien dignity.
In my dream my feelings of awe and peace turned to great sadness at the fate of the captive toddler Teletubbies. I realised that I had to be the scientist who brought this discovery to the world and raised awareness of their plight. And I also questioned: are Teletubbies like axolotls? Do they exhibit neoteny? (Axolotls, the cute aquarium pets with flaring gills, are actually juveniles of an amphibious species - if given the right conditions they’ll grow up into land-dwelling black newts. But they can breed in their aquatic juvenile form, and most spend their whole lives in this form. Deprived of their wild potential, will the Teletubbies ever mature? Or are they merely experiencing a long childhood, natural for a species that is unimaginably long-lived?)
So in my dream my husband came out onto the back deck and I began to share these discoveries with him and before I could even bring up the axolotls he just said “what the fucking fuck” and went away again.
I woke up disgruntled and unable to capture the feeling of peace and sadness. I then tried to explain this to my husband in the waking world, and he said “what the fucking fuck” and walked away before I even got to the explanation of the Teletubbies being toddlers, which just goes to show that you never know someone as well as you think you do.
Anyway I’m sure you guys will join me in this knowledge. And also I’ve googled it and apparently the Teletubbies reboot features infant Teletubbies, so clearly they are getting more from somewhere and the time to question this is NOW
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asjjohnson · 1 day
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asjjohnson · 1 day
Writers and readers of tumblr, I need your opinions.
It recently occurred to me that if I write a book that gets banned in the state where my dad lives, he’ll have to either agree with me that banning books is bad, or else never read my weird queer fiction. Either way, I win. The spite is strong and it may just be the boost I need to work toward publication.
Reblogs appreciated.
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asjjohnson · 1 day
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how it FEELS to not own a can opener in tf2
#??? That is not supposed to happen what did you do.#Just after my dad's house burned years ago and me and him moved into an apartment#my mom had said something about wanting us to eat black-eyed peas for good luck or something??#We just got a nice new kitchen knife but didn't get a can opener yet. And my dad absolutely refused to ask any neighbors to borrow one.#So he took the kitchen knife to the can to open it. ...Though it had turned out much better than in this post...??#But ever since then the very tip of the knife is a little twisted.#It's still my most-used knife though. I'd tried buying another knife like a year or two ago but it just didn't cut as well.#The blade is sandwiched into the wooden handle for the grip and the blade there is snapped in half (though the wood is fine).#I don't know when that had happened. I don't know if that had also happened while cutting that one can or not.#(I wish I could find another knife just like it (without the twisted tip and broken handle of course). It's the perfect all-purpose knife.)#(Er. For cutting fruit and vegetables and meat. Not for cutting non-food items! D: It'd only been that one single can!)#We did have a few old used can openers after that that didn't cut cans very well#but I'd remembered an OXO can opener that my mom used to have that had always cut cans perfectly.#So I think I'd asked her about it and she ended up buying two new ones and giving me one.#So look for that. It resembles that Goodcook one but it's different.#OXO Good grips. ...Looks like it's the one called 'Soft Handled' on their website.
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asjjohnson · 1 day
look at me. listen to me. this is directed at americans for the record. the reason you think North American animals are boring is because you live here. there are so many cool and beautiful animals here. we have beavers. we have wolves. we have moose. we have sea lions. we have armadillos. we have mountain lions. we have alligators. we have foxes. we have bighorn sheep. we have manatees. we have bears. we have ocelots. we have BISON. and that’s not even touching on the birds! or the turtles! or the snakes! we have amazing beautiful and diverse wildlife right here and it deserves to be appreciated and protected
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asjjohnson · 1 day
Mission School / Supergraphic Ultramodern / Wacky Pomo / Contempo Eclectic / Groovival / Cyberdelia / Neoclassical Pomo / Cassette Futurism / Pulp Fantasy / Radical Surrealism / Rad Dog aka Neon Surf / Whimsigothic
doing this because im very autistic about old design styles and im curious what other people who dont have as much knowledge on the subject prefer. more popular or relatively popular design styles like frutiger aero, vaporwave, global village coffeehouse etc have been excluded from this poll as theres already a lot of people who are aware of those design styles and favor them already. this is more to see what specifically current audiences prefer in terms of "nostalgic old aesthetics" and what could potentially be the next Big Trendy Aesthetic in online culture (or at least the makings of one) ^_^ feel free to rb
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asjjohnson · 1 day
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asjjohnson · 1 day
okay actually I DO have thoughts about how to construct stories and come up with ideas for them but I have to go do some shit so hold that thought
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asjjohnson · 2 days
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