apdreadful · 1 day
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apdreadful · 1 day
Buck is bisexual
Buck is a Grown Ass Man who can handle his business just fucking fine thank you.
Buck is dating/in a happy relationship with Tommy Kinard
Buck was the one who changed the tone of their conversation by making the joke about Daddy Issues while they were eating dinner. He made the joke with a smirk on his face because he was flirting with Tommy, his boyfriend..who he thinks is a “beast”
Tommy flirted back because he thinks Evan, his boyfriend, is adorable.
Now that Bobby is ok, Buck is happy (except for that whole Gerrard business at the end of the episode)
BOBBY NASH said Tommy is good people. And that he’s good for Buck.
Buck and Eddie are best friends..like family. They love each other like family.
Eddie is going through a very difficult time right now.
Eddie mislead Kim and betrayed Marisol
Chris and Marisol walked in on Eddie and Kim in a compromising position
Chris is mad at his father and has left to live with his grandparents in Texas.
Buddie shipper’s, the people who hate Tommy/want him to die (don’t make me pull out receipts. Ya’ll know your special blend of hate/vitriol/ridiculousness is scattered all over the internet)
You can flog your half truths (see above regarding “Daddy Issues”) and your hateful rhetoric (see tags #i would’ve killed him with a gun omfg, #need him executed in the town square, #need that man dead by the first ep of s8) if that is what feeds your soul..
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Enjoy your summer! We know Buck and Tommy will
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apdreadful · 1 day
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The power of brilliant writing and acting that shines through the BuckTommy dinner scene is just incredible. They didn't even have to show us an actual sex scene to show how unabashedly hot these two proud queer men were for each other. Those sensual looks and flirty dialogues? Ughhh. My heart is on fire! ❤‍🔥
I already see haters commenting that we won't ever get Tevan sex scenes because our 'hero' Lou doesn't like filming sex scenes. But you poor children, even if that's the case, our fandom doesn't whine and complain like yours. We appreciate what we get and make the most out of it. We have our fanfics and wild imagination to take care of the rest. Real queer joy can't diminish because of the lack of sex scenes; watching the healthy growth and blossoming of a CANON LGBT romance is just as exciting and wonderful to watch!
We will always ask for more Tommy and Buck, but never be ungrateful for what we are being served for it's all so delicious and we'll savour every tiny crumb of it! ❤
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apdreadful · 2 days
But enough of that.
Let’s discuss the beautiful perfection of the three other canon couples in this show..(and a shoutout to Amir)
-Athena aka “I’m Mrs Bobby Nash” she was a fierce warrior goddess in this episode.
And dammit if Amir didn’t break my fucking heart with his wisdom and empathy. Seriously that was a powerhouse performance.
- Hen and Karen being so broken hearted, desperate, and broken down they were ready to beg to get Mara out of that group home.
- And Maddy and Chimney stepping up to be Mara’s emergency foster home until they can get that shit sorted out..so, that family - Hen, Karen, Denny and Mara, would not suffer anymore.
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I have really loved the focus this season on the deep friendships between Hen/Karen and Maddy/Chimney. That best friends Hen & Chimney are also friends with each other’s spouses, who are also friends with each other. And they’re all like one big extended happy family…Ya’ll, my heart is going kablooey.
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apdreadful · 2 days
Waking up to the same tired ass complaining about last nights episode..
Like Tommy didn’t ask Buck how HE was doing in a very concerned way.
Like Buck didn’t say that Bobby was more of a father figure than his own father.. And Tommy acknowledge it saying Buck was at least lucky to have Bobby as his Captain, because his Captain for the majority of his time with the 118, was that racist, homophobic, mysogynistic bag of excrement Gerrard, who was a lot like the father he grew up with. Where’s your acknowledgement and compassion for that traumatic childhood? Where’s Bucks?
And to clarify I am NOT clocking Buck for his actions or reactions. I’m pointing out that if YOU ALL are going to clutch your pearls and get all knotted up and shirty about Tommy’s so called “lack of understanding and compassion” it’s pretty fucking hypocritical that you clearly don’t feel Buck is lacking in both or either to Tommy here.
Also, it was Buck who steered the conversation to Daddy Issues by saying that maybe they BOTH have Daddy Issues with that goddamn dirty flirty smirk on his face.
This is a man flirting with his boyfriend…
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And this is his boyfriend flirting right back..
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These are two men in a relationship, a COUPLE, communicating, commiserating, and discussing their less than awesome fathers with honesty and HUMOR.
And it is sexy af they’re this comfortable with each other..
But…nice try to twist the narrative..
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apdreadful · 2 days
No seriously. Did we even watch the same episode? Buck was smiling and flirting during that exchange. And he is the one who said he had daddy issues. Ya’ll are getting bunched up over something that a Buck pointed out about himself.
It is always the same tired ass rhetoric with some of ya’ll.
“Oh Tommy calls him Evan when everyone else calls him Buck”
“Tommy ending their date early was mean”
“Tommy isn’t supportive and doesn’t care about making Buck happy, because he didn’t dress in 80’s gear, and instead wore a Henley to the bachelor party”
“Tommy saying “Enjoy it while it lasts” is such a downer. Cant he be positive about anything?”
“Tommy responding to Bucks genuine moment of vulnerability with a comment about daddy issues”
Get out of here with that Bullshit.
By ALL evidence on screen. Buck is HAPPY.
And ya’ll going around acting like Buck isn’t a grown ass man who can advocate for himself, make his own choices, or know what he wants.
Tommy may be the first guy Buck has dated. But Buck has lived plenty. Or have ya’ll not bothered to watch any of the previous seasons?
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apdreadful · 2 days
Ya’ll… if you are genuinely weirded out by Tommy’s Daddy Issues comment..wtf are you even doing on Tumblr?
And..have you watched like ANY other season with Buck? Because he TOTALLY has Daddy Issues and a praise kink.
And Tommy recognizing that and inferring to Buck that he is on board and ok with both of those? Is PEAK hot boyfriend behavior.
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apdreadful · 2 days
::incoherent flustered sounds::
All I can think about is Tommy with his hand fisted in Bucks hair telling him how beautiful he is, as he..::cough::
You know really..sometimes these fics almost write themselves…
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apdreadful · 2 days
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bucktommy daddy kink confirmed
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apdreadful · 2 days
Buck: Maybe we both have daddy issues
Tommy: I don’t
Buck: But you think I do
Tommy: God, I hope so
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JesusHFuckingChrist..that delivery..that look that Tommy gives him after..
You know if he isn’t already, Evan Buckley is going to get his world ROCKED on the regular.
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apdreadful · 4 days
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No one ever tell me anything bad about the person who runs this account.
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apdreadful · 4 days
Sorry lucy8675308 but that’s the premise of American Graffiti. American Gods is about a self made man with an import business during a time of conflict, and the civil servant who thwarts his entrepreneurial endeavors.
My dad is making me read American Gods… So like, what’s it about? The copy of the book we have has no dust jacket, therefore, no summary.
It's about three American Dogs who have to travel home from California to Maine. It's a long journey, but they face down a bear and several other dangers, including dogcatchers.
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apdreadful · 7 days
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Give 👏 Amal 👏 Clooney 👏 her 👏 roses 👏
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apdreadful · 15 days
Something in the way he walks
Evan is leaning against the truck with Ravi and Lucy.
He glances up as Tommy walks out of the back of the garage wiping his hands on a shop towel as he chats with Eddie.
Evan can’t take his eyes off him. He feels the heat rise to his face because yeah he’s totally staring at his boyfriend. His incredibly hot sexy boyfriend. And when Tommy glances up and sees Buck, a grin splits his face and he winks.
He says something to Eddie, tosses the rag on a bench and starts toward him with that loose hipped swagger that makes Buck flush just watching him. He loves the way Tommy walks, slow and laconic and it reminds Buck of the way Tommy likes to fuck on the rare mornings they both don’t have a shift.
Morning sex, any sex, but especially morning sex, is sublime with Tommy. Because he likes to take his time and just dismantle Buck.
Tommy starts to pass him heading toward the hanger, when he gets right next to Buck he leans in and whispers “Evan” in that voice that makes Bucks skin tingle “If you’re going to keep eye fucking me. Be ready for the consequences.”
“If you want me to stop, you’re going to need to stop walking like a fucking wet dream then” Buck retorts softly.
Tommy’s eyebrows shot up followed by the wickedest damn gleam in his eye. “I didn’t say I wanted you to stop”
He ghosts his lips by Bucks ear “But I like that you dream about me”
And Buck feels an honest to god shiver run right down his back and straight to his dick.
Suddenly remembering Lucy and Ravi he turns to look at them.
Lucy’s eyes are wide “Holy shit Buckley. Im not going to lie. I find a man who looks at me like that and I’m climbing him like a tree right then and there”
“Yeah” Ravi chimes in “I’m straight, and even I’m feeling a little something”
Evan’s blush sets his face on fire. But he can’t keep the smile off his face. Because yeah. His boyfriend is hot as fuck.
“That man” Lucy says with awe in her voice “Is 100% into you. Like I think he made me spontaneously ovulate with the look he gave you”
Bucks phone buzzes in his pocket. Pulling it out he sees a text from Tommy “So, let’s get outta here. I’d like to hear more about this dream..in detail, with props, and immersive details”
He knows his face is on fire as he stands up, putting his hands in his pockets to quickly and covertly adjust his erection saying “I’m going to head out. See you both later”
“Yeah. Go on you lucky bastard. Kiss him once for me”Lucy teases.
“Yeah. Not from me though” Ravi adds.
As he’s walking away he hears Lucy say “Ravi, you wanna go grab a drink?”
Bucks still grinning when he slides into the car with Tommy.
“What’s so funny?” Tommy leans over and gives Evan a quick kiss.
“Lucy just asked Ravi out”
“What prompted that?” Tommy asks.
“Well, I’m pretty sure it was the way you looked at me. Apparently, you’re so hot, you’re getting other men laid” Buck told him with a smile.
“Well tell Ravi, He’s welcome”
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55983970"
Inspired by this gif..because reasons 🔥
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apdreadful · 16 days
Two sides to every phone call..or, still Buck
Tommy’s phone dings in his pocket.
It’s a text from Chimney
Chimney: I want to go on the record, I tried to talk him out of it.
He starts to reply asking what Evan has done now, his phone rings.
“What’s he done now?” He asks as a way of greeting.
“Your man is gearing up to do something really stupid. Or more accurately not gearing up”
Tommy could hear Evan’s voice in the background “You called Tommy! What the fuck Hen?”
“Well god knows you never listen to any of us” she replies.
“Put him on” Tommy says torn between wanting to laugh and also throttle his husband.
“You’re part of my team” he hears Evan grouse “Where’s the loyalty?”
“He was part of my team first. Also, do you really want any of us to have to explain to Tommy why you went splat?”
Tommy hears a rustling, presumably Evan taking the phone, and then a masculine sigh “Hey”
“Evan” Tommy says softly
“What were you about to do that Hen and Chimney both had to reach out to me”
“Chimney too?” Bucks voice rises an octave “Et tu Bruté”
“Did you just quote Julius Caesar?”
“Yes. I do know how to read, babe. I’m more than just a pretty face”
Tommy pauses for a beat, and when he speaks his voice has taken on a different tone “I am both annoyed and totally turned on by you right now. A state which I am becoming more and more accustomed to”
“You got a boner?” Evan stage whispers.
“OH MY GOD!” He hears Hen exclaim “You’re on my phone! No boner talk on my phone”
“Sorry babe. Hen wont let me talk spicy to you on her phone. Apparently her phone isn’t into dick either” He snickers.
Tommy manages to bite back his laughter knowing that will only encourage him more.
“Evan” he repeats.
Buck clears his throat. “Yes?”
“What were you about to do?”
Buck hesitates “Well..Crawl up an apartment building, balcony to balcony”
“Without a harness!” Hen yells.
“You are all the worst kind of tattletales” Evan grumbles. “It’s only like six stories”
“Evan” Tommy uses the tone that always gets Bucks attention.
He hears Bucks small intake of breath “Babe. You cannot use the bossy bedroom voice on me when I’m at work” he says huskily.
“Oh for fucks sake! Give me back my phone. Ya’ll are worse than a bunch of horny teenagers”
“You’re the one who called him to tattle on me and handed me your phone”
“Not for you to have phone sex with him. I swear the two of you are actually worse since you got married.”
“Awww thanks Hen” Buck says sweetly.
“That wasn’t a compliment”
“I’m choosing to take it as one though” he volleys back.
“Evan, please do not attempt to climb up a building without a harness” Tommy asks.
“Ok. I won’t”
“Thank you. I’ll see you tonight. I love you”
“Love you too” Buck replies.
“Be safe” they say almost simultaneously.
Tommy grins as he ends the call and slips it back into his pocket.
“Judging from the dopey ass look on your face. That was Buckley”
“Don’t be jealous, Hayes” he winks.
Buck hands the phone back to Hen “Still think you’re a tattletale.”
Hen narrows her eyes at him “That was surprisingly easy”
“What?” Buck says as he heads to the rig to get a harness and ropes.
“Did he threaten to put you over his knee if you did it anyway?”
Buck snorts out a laugh “Like that would have been a deterrent..He asked me not to go up without a harness”
Both Chimney and Hen gape at him “That’s it?? He asked you?”
Evan shrugs “Yes” after a few moments he adds “He’s my somebody, that person that needs me to come home to him”
Hen smiles softly and gives Buck a one armed hug “I like this married Buck. He’s a lot more sensible”
“Regular sex will do that for you!” He quips with a wink.
Hen makes a gagging sound “Never mind, still Buck”
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55979032"
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apdreadful · 16 days
Just a short little Come-to-Jesus moment from Hen to Tommy….
Hen had come by a half an hour ago and sat down in his garage while he worked on his car saying only “Whenever you’re ready. I have some things I need to say to you”
Realizing she isn’t going to go anywhere until he hears her out. Tommy wipes his hands on the towel as he comes out from behind the car.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She asks immediately “Why did you tell Buck you think he needs to date other people?”
“I’m his first. And it would be selfish of me to expect him to not want to go out and experience more” Tommy sits down in the chair across from her.
“What..Why do you think he needs to sleep with a bunch of men before he can be sure of what he wants?”
“I don’t say sleep around, I said date” he finally meets her gaze” I don’t want to pressure him Hen”
Hen sighs heavily “Buck is one of the kindest, most open hearted, and generous people I know.”
“I know. I know Hen”
“I wasn’t finished” she leaned forward. “But, Buck knows himself, and what he wants. And it is clear as fuck he only wants you. And you want him. So not allowing yourself to fully commit to him because you think maybe he could find someone better, is ridiculous as fuck, and a big assed lie”
“How’s that?”
“Buck is a giver, and he gives until he’s got nothing left sometimes. But you give to him as much as he gives to you. You show the fuck up for him. Buck DESERVES that. Did you ever stop to think that you are exactly what he wants and needs? Maybe for Buck there ISN’T anyone better.”
Tommy looks down peeling the label off of his beer bottle
“You’re allowed to be happy too. He loves you..let him! I promise you, you won’t regret that. You deserve to be loved by him. Fuck being noble. BE HAPPY. And Buck makes you happy, doesn’t he?”
“Yes” Tommy admits “He makes me very happy”
“So tell me. What do you see when you look at him Tommy? Fuck all of the thoughts saying you aren’t good enough for him, that it won’t last, that he needs to date around more, what do you see?”
Tommy swallowed past the lump in his throat “He looks like he could be my forever.”
“Then LET him be”
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apdreadful · 18 days
Per request here is the ao3 link to my earlier Buck-Tommy fic
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