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I forgot to post Astarion! This was my first time trying embroidery rather then painting on the details. I simplified the embroidery A LOT, but I'm content with how it came out. I also simplified his scars.
I put magnets in his hands so he can hold knives! Right now he only has one basic knife. I might make him a nicer one later. Like most of my plushies, his arms are fully rotatable!
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Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion inspired hoodie! Unlike Astarion, I'm terrible at embroidery, so the design is VERY simplified. I might slowly add embellishment over time, but for now I'm satisfied with the outcome!
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Hi hi! Asking 4 a friend , do you still have the pattern for the Captain General Kitten stuffed toy ? They really wanna make their own stuffed toy of him & were too shy 2 ask 4 themselves , so I'm volunteering in their stead ! [ I hope you have a lovely day, your stuffies look very sweet and made with lotsa love :o) ]
Sorry for the long answer, I hope it helps!!
Unfortunately, I no longer have all the pieces of Captain General Kitten's pattern. I was able to find a handful of the decorative pattern pieces and have included a photo of them. I made a quick sketch of the pattern for the body and armor base (it's not to scale with one another) to give an idea of what the pattern looked like.
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Most of my humanoid plushies have the same or almost the same body base. A front chest/stomach, 2 pieces that wrap around to form the sides and back, two legs/feet that get sewn onto the bottom of the front of the body, a butt piece that the front (with the legs already attached) and side/back pieces attach to (this allows them to sit), and two arms that are attached to the sides of the body via buttons, so the arms can be rotated. The back of the head is two pieces to help give the head a round shape. Normally, I have one flat piece for the face, since you normally don't want a seam down the middle of the face. However, since Kitten has a mask and helmet covering his face, I used two pieces for the front to further round out his head. You can also add a chin piece to the bottom of the head to round the bottom and give the appearance of a neck.
I was in the middle of making my own Kitten (the one on here was a commission), and I've included some photos of what he looks like under all the armor pieces.
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The part that really makes Kitten look like himself is all the details on the armor. For most of the armor pieces, I used felt as the base and either glued the gold fabric to the front or sewed the felt to two layers of the gold fabric except for one side, turned it inside out then ladder stitched up the gold fabric so that the felt was inside and no longer visible. This makes the armor pieces stiff enough to hold their shape but still be soft to the touch. It also allowed me to layer the fabric, so the armor was three-dimensional. The lion and eagle details are several layers thick to achieve the desired effect. I didn't really use a pre-sketched-out pattern for all the armor but instead made them as I went. I made the body base and stuffed it first, then I laid tracing paper over the doll to sketch out the details (rivets, eagles, etc) at the correct size for the doll. I also cut out holes for places like his eye and glued black felt on the back (I've included photos to show how the front and back of the face mask look).
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I just realized I never posted my RAD uniform!! I might take better quality/staged photos of it later, but for now this is what I have.
Since most everyone has a slightly different uniform/wears it differently, I decided to make mine unique with the way the front closes and the large flowy sleeves. Also made myself a bell bow like the sheep MC is depicted wearing. I got the RAD badge from this Etsy store.
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Eeyore! He was my favorite Pooh character when I was little.
Made him for a coworker's first baby. I put a rattle in him so he jingles! His tail velcros on and off, but is still attached to the body with string so it can't get lost. It's a little hard to see, but there are stars on his belly and nose.
Work in progress and faceless photos under the cut
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The gangs all here!
|Diavolo Plush Demon|Diavolo Plush RAD Uniform|Diavolo Plush with Lucifer|Diavolo Plush with MC Sheep|
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The prince and his favorite human sheep.
|Diavolo Plush Demon Form|Diavolo Plush RAD Uniform|Diavolo Plush with Lucifer|
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Diavolo and his plushie Lucifer collection.
The next plush I make will most likely be a Lucifer to match Dia, but that will be a while from now! (I'm to busy playing Baldur's Gate)
|Diavolo Plush Demon Form|Diavolo Plush RAD Uniform|Diavolo Plush with MC Sheep|
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He's ready for school!
|Diavolo Plush Demon Form|Diavolo plush with Lucifer|Diavolo Plush with MC Sheep|
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My magnum opus is complete!
Detail Pics and explanations under the cut.
|Diavolo pulsh RAD Uniform|Diavolo plush with Lucifer|Diavolo Plush with MC Sheep|
It's taken over a year of working on him on and off, but I have finally finished my Diavolo demon plush!!! (I've also made his RAD uniform)
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I made his wings, horns, and tattoos detachable/removable so the body base can wear multiple outfits. The tattoos have been painted/glued on to shear fabric that can be taken off the body.
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The horns attach with red Velcro that is hidden under Dia's hair when the horns are detached. The bottom wings are butted onto the body and the top pair snap onto the bottom wings so you (mostly) can't see the buttons. They are attached in a way so that all the wings are rotatable. The wings also have posable wires in them so they can be bent into the pose you like. Like almost all of my plushies, his arms are attached with buttons, so his arms can be rotated as well.
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I had originally made his wings out of minky fabric like the rest of him, but they were WAY to heavy, so I mad him this pair out of foam. In order to save my sanity, I ended up simplifying the wings on his boots and fur mantel.
Also shout out to @silentstreetserenity for their post of Dia's texture sheets. They were super helpful when drawing out the wings and gold gilding on the horns and wings!
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Hello, may I request a sheep for the dress up game?
Background: A
Sheep: C ( ankle biter)
Sheep color: Mint Candy
Silver bell
Purple bow
Trans flag and ace flag
Buddies B9, B14, and B8
Thank you!
You may~
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For the menu today we have a Dia loaf topped with miniature peacock and a side of grapes
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Magikarp I choose you!
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Life sized Magikarp plushy commission I recently finished. My kitties loved him, and miss him now that he's been shipped to his new trainer.
I'll post some in progress shots later.
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Down to the wire, but I fucking did! This is the first (and probably last ) time i gotten the event UR card! Just got to unflower him now 💕
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I hope u don't mind me adding my 2 cents.
Kira convinced Sisko to let Ziyal paint a mural on one of the walls, and he absolutely loved it! He was so impressed he now holds a local artist event every year.
au where ds9 is a struggling rollerskating rink at the edge of town that just came under new management
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A VERY belated Christmas gift for the lovely @fuukonomiko , of her traitor Space Wolf oc Hirvik! ❤
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