5sosmusictheories · 3 years
Do you think that wildflower is about sierra natalie
Personally, I do not think that Wildflower is about Sierra Natalie. I do not know much about her, just that she seems obsessed with Calum who is not that into her it seems. All songs are open to everyone’s interpretation and can mean many different things. That’s why music is such a universal thing that brings so many people together. But in the case of Wildflower, honestly, I do not believe it is about her. 
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
i think luke cheats on sierra (this theory applies to mashton as well) but she stays with him for the fame. as we can see on twl, when he says “you never call me out, you know exactly where i’m going” and his actual lover is described in lonely heart, he or she is tired of being in the dark about their relationship and they wish luke would come clean or they’d leave him “if you can’t find another reason to stay” means to me that no matter how strong their love is towards each other, (1/2)
(2/2) the s/o is tired and wants to move on, because luke hasn’t been able to prove the world he’s in love with another person. again i’m not saying he actually cheats, just a theory, that can be applied to the other 2. what do you think about that?
I would have to respectfully disagree. And this isn’t because I think Luke is some saint who would do no wrong either. I’m fully aware that he is capable of mistakes. I don’t think Thin White Lies has anything to do with Sierra at all, in my personal opinion. But you do make some good points. It’s a good theory, that’s for sure.  But I just don’t see it being super plausible because there just hasn’t been any solid proof that Luke has ever cheated. Many will argue that he cheated on Arzaylea, but again, I don’t think he did that either. Because Larzaylea situation was so hot and cold on both sides, if he did actually “cheat” there would have been more proof to back it up, but in reality there was way more proof of Arz being the cheater and just wanting to accuse Luke of cheating. But this ask isn’t about Arz or the past situation, by any means. I feel like Luke wouldn’t have been able to even consider cheating on Sierra because of how controlling she is in general. I mean the girl made him delete his follow to his older brother’s S/O Celeste. I don’t know about you, but to me that’s a huge red flag in my opinion. Thank you for your thoughts!
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
oh you rly like my wyb theory? i’m 🥺🥺 no but fr the more i listened to it the more i felt how i feel with my theory (if that makes sense). also @ the other anon, yeah i know it’s not about us fans and there are other writers but i feel like the chorus is for us especially, obviously the verses are more for a love relationship than anything else
Yes. I really did enjoy your theory. And listening to the song again after reading your theory it does make a lot of sense. 
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
I don't necessarily agree with the theory on the WYB chorus. Songs are generally written at a time when you're feeling strongly about something or when you're reflecting on the feelings you had at the time. Just because you wrote a song at a time when you were feeling strongly about something doesn't mean said feelings continue or don't wane. It doesn't make sense that it's about fans.
Everyone is entitled to their interpretations of the songs. We also have to take into consideration that Luke wasn’t the only writer on the song. There were other writers. I think it does make sense that it can be about the fans to an extent. But it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way about the lyrics. 
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
i think wyb (or at least the chorus) could apply for fans more than it applies to arzaylea, like when luke says “no matter where i go i’m always gonna want you back” and the following lyric, it means for me that fans come and go, and they’re depending on us, like literally to live. we’re essential to them. or when he says “you know even when I say I moved on. you know even though I know that you're gone” the moving on could be them changing their sounds, thus fans never coming back to them.
Theory/interpretation winner! I absolutely love this. I really do. Makes a lot more sense that it’s about the fans than Arzaylea. Thank you for this anon.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
Hii I hope you're well! I'm new here but I've read many times that the fandom doesn't particularly like Woke up in Japan, do you have an idea why? Because I really like it (it's even on my hornysos playlist) and how "raw" it sounds idk
aww thanks anon!! i’m not quite particularly sure why the fandom doesn’t like Woke Up In Japan it’s not my personal fave but i don’t exactly hate it. also this playlist sounds interesting i’d love to see it haha!!! perhaps you could share it to us via dm blog?😌
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
I feel like i'm the only one who hates Best Years. It sounds so fake when you see what's happening in L&M relationships. There is no love story like they like to talk about and idea of Mystal's the first dance to this song sounds like a joke.
You’re not the only one who hates Best Years. I happen to like the song, but that’s because I view the song as something luke is trying to tell a future relationship he may want. And that it has nothing to do with current situations. But I do agree that it can come across as fake given the current situations and everything luke and Michael have both been through. I also really don’t believe Michael would even want one of his own songs, whether he wrote it or not, to be a song for his first dance at his wedding. Then again, I still have my doubts that Michael will even go through with the wedding to crystal.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
Very interesting read. Thank you.
Why I believe 5SOS didn’t work as a pop-punk band (+ my opinion on THAT Rolling Stone article)
This title of this post may be an unpopular opinion for a lot of you. But I don’t believe 5SOS worked as a pop-punk band. In this post I will explain exactly why. I hope that even if you don’t agree, you will at least understand my POV. This post is probably gonna have a lot of text. Not a lot of links, videos or pictures involved. I hope it will still be interesting for you. All of this is just my personal opinion, I have no way of proving that this is 100% true. It’s just a careful deduction of things I’ve seen and thought about over the last few months, mixed with some personal opinions. With this post I’m trying to tackle some topics that are being talked about often and showing them in a different light. I’ve put quite a lot of time into writing this, so I’m hoping you will appreciate it. Finally a huge, massive thank you to my friend R for proofreading this, it means a lot to me.
Keep reading
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
It makes me sad that WWYLM is likely about Arz, like, whatever you think of the relationship (PR or not), Luke (and Arz) are still humans and still have feelings and still lived together and interacted with one another. Anyway, that said, the beginning line of "check my phone to see your face staring back as if to say, don't worry you won't be lonely" is so "urgh mah heart!". But the bit of "just be good 'til I get back", idk man, it just shows how strained their relationship must've been. :((
It is possible that it could be about Arzaylea. I will always believe that, that “relationship” was Modest’s first attempt at a PR stunt for Luke and it just blew up in their faces because of how volatile Arzaylea was. However, you are correct, Luke does have feelings. Do I believe that they lived together? Nope. Never. I believe that she definitely took advantage of him having a large home to try and get people to believe she lived with him. But of course, most of my opinions about that relationship will be reserved for the drama blog. The lyrics of the song are definitely deep and I recognize that everyone will have their opinions on who they think it’s about. 
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
My theory on Catch Fire. I don't think it's a standard love song (boy meets girl). I think the "girl" are the fans. The boys (esp. Ash) have said how they've wanted to branch out to have more male fans since it's like 90% female. I feel like they thought they could get this reaching to America (first line: star-spangled banner). The "try to win you desperately" is winning over fans; the "fool in a one man show" is their words not reaching as far as they'd like. 1/?
The "this is not who I'm supposed to be" is their lack of reaching their potential and them working their way from teen-adult, which we see throughout SGFG... I don't think the "all alone is it so surreal.. ghost of survivors guilt can be so unkind" is speaking to someone else (ie, the "girl" they "tried to deceive). It's talking to themselves. They feel alone, they were concerned about who they were becoming. 2/?
Washing "over you like the sun" is changing themselves, becoming brighter, burning. Exploding in blowing up their band. They can't change the world, but want to change fans / encourage fans to come to them. They're expressing doubt about theri abilities. Or it could be a normal love song lmao. 3/3
This theory is freaking amazing and it honestly would have never crossed my mind to even think about the song this way. But honestly, this makes 100% sense in my head. And it definitely fits their whole image that they’ve always tried to go for. Thank you so much for sharing this theory with us. :)
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
What’s your opinion on kayshton?
This will be answered over on the drama blog. I will add a link into the description for everyone to have easier access to it. This one is strictly about the music theories. Thank you for understanding.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
Where’s the drama page at? This one?
It is not this one. I will place a link to the drama page in the description so you all can find it. But it is called 5secondsofdrama
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
btw, on your new drama page (which tysm for making, esp since Mia has left (which ofc I support her in!) your new drama page doesn't have an ask box. Ik you're just setting up, but just thought I'd let you know incase you didn't know for some reason. ❤❤
Ask box is now open!!! Thank you!!!
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
New to browsing Tumblr,only like a month or so. Glad I found 5SOS drama / unpopular opinion accounts cos fr I was feeling so isolated in my opinions... that said, I'm so glad this acc exists cos I have SOOOO many thoughts and theories about the meanings of of 5SOS songs. Much love. xx
That’s what this account is for. Not drama. But digging into the meanings of their songs and hearing other people’s opinions. If you want to discuss drama for 5SOS, then you can head on over to 5secondsofdrama on here or even 5sosbitchfest.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
Hey everyone!
If you head on over to 5secondsofdrama that is where Phoebe and I will openly discuss any and all drama that is related to 5SOS and their inner circle. I started this blog to keep it drama free and I want to stand by that. So, a drama blog has been created.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
A relatively big blog I follow really suggested songs on CALM “might have been written 2-3 years ago about previous relationships” when Luke in particular mentioned multiple times in interviews/commentary album that some are about his rship with Sierra. Angers me that some1 who claims to care is ignoring words straight from the band’s mouths. The way they insist this is their most meaningful album too; I bet Luke put his true feelings into lyrics bcz he’s said he’s non-confrontational
CALM was definitely not written two to three years ago. Do the guys have tons of unreleased songs from 2-3 years ago. Most definitely. But I fully believe CALM was written during the touring of Youngblood.
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5sosmusictheories · 4 years
I think you should take the old sierratheory blog back. It seems to be abandoned now.
To be honest with you, if there was a way for me to take back the account, I would in a heartbeat.
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