#they were simply blocks . oh how joyful and young i was (it wasn't even two years ago)
quirkle2 · 2 years
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hands over da months
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
The Girl Next Door And The Five Times She Stopped Time
Pairing: James Potter x muggle!reader
Word Count: 3,433
Warnings: Swearing?, None fluffy
Summary: James slowly begins to fall in love with the girl next door
A/n: Sorry I havent posted in a while, this isn't really edited so ignore my mistakes, anyway, hope you guys like it!
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James Potter can remember when he first met her. Her y/h/c hair was cut into a bob that ended just above her shoulders. Her deep y/e/c eyes were shining in ways that would make stars envious. She was wearing a soft blue dress that fell just beneath her knees, feet bare. 
She leapt out of the back seat of an old Subaru and stood in the dewy morning grass outside of your house. That was the first time he felt time stop 
Your eyes seemed to trace over every inch of your new home in slow motion everything else around you fading into white. As James drunk in your appearance. 
Time resumed when you set into a sprint and darted up the porch, steps two at a time running through the front door and out of the curious boys view. 
James was 10 years old at the time, you 9 but he could still feel his heart race watching you from his own yard. At the time he was sure that it was because of cooties. You were making him get sweaty and his stomach feel funny simply because you had infected him with your contagious disease. 
So when his parents had a welcoming dinner for their new neighbors, he completely avoided you, only going near you when absolutely necessary. 
You hadn't seemed to notice or if you did you didn't let it bother you in the slightest, you simply shrugged it off and opened some muggle book called 'The Hobbit'. 
It wasn't until your family was totally set up when James realized something. He could see directly into your new room. 
You had repainted the walls a joyful blue and covered them with colorful posters from muggle cartoons and books. You had purple curtains but they were knotted on either side of the two windows that now faced the young boy.
So he couldn't help it as he watched your small frame move around the room organizing nick-nacks or sit on your bed and read. 
Quickly he began to feel sick again and promptly closed his curtains decided that you could catch cooties by simply watching a girl too. 
By the time he was 11 he no longer agnollaged cooties as a factual illness so when he met Lily Evan's and he felt his heart speed up and his palms get sweaty he realised that he simply liked her. 
But still something sat in the back of the boys mind when he glanced out the window of his dormitory hoping that there would be two rectangles of warm yellow light leering back at him to reveal a little girl perched on her bed a book that was much to thick for her age sitting open in her hand as she smiled softly at the pages. 
Everytime James came home the room he gazed into changed, the desk would be in a different spot, or maybe the bed. There would almost always be a new poster on the walls the cartoons slowly dispersing and getting replaced with posters of bands or pictures of friends and family. But the one thing that always seemed to change the most every year was the girl who sat on the bed and read her books. But no matter how much she changed he would always feel that sickening feeling in his gut when he looked at her and he could feel his palms grow sweaty as he thought of you. 
You had just gotten back from a partially damaging party. Your best friend had decided to  lock lips with the boy you had been crushing on since the sixth grade. You prided yourself on your ability to keep emotions at bay so when you finally reached the safety and security of your bedroom you let your tears flow freely. Unaware if the pair of dark eyes watching you from next door. 
When James saw tears spring from your eyes he felt sadness and fury take him. The simple idea of you being upset made him so himself. And there you were sitting on your bed tears sliding slowly down your cheeks. And once again time stopped seeming to slow down before coming to a halt as he watched your tears leave slow shimmering tracks down your y/s/c checks.
James had wanted nothing more than to go to you, comfort you. But there were too many things that kept him from doing so. The fact that you hadn't spoken in four years being the main one. Also the fact that he had been borderline stalking you for the past few years would be revealed. So he couldn't go to you which made him utterly disappointed. 
That is when James realize that something was up. He didn't just see you as the muggle girl who lived next door but he was confused. The image of Lily seemed to flash in his head but he still stared across at you wishing he could help. Because he felt something different with you. But what was it?
A year later James had finally figured it out. 
You had been in a partially happy mood. Your parents were out of town for the night and your older brother was at his girlfriend's which meant you had the house all to yourself. So you did the one reasonable thing to do when your home alone. You stole your brothers speakers and blasted music so loud you could hear your eardrums thumping dully in your head. 
Fifth year had been one of the more difficult for James, tests had gotten much more difficult, his best friend had gone through hell and back with his parents and his whole love life seemed to flip completely upside down. 
Lily had grown more and more unimportant as the year went on. Like over the summer he had simply fallen out of love with her, which was half true but the whole truth was that he had fallen in love with you. 
He couldn't keep you from his mind. He missed you even though he barely knew you, he found himself glance out his window every day in a slim hope that you had somehow temported to the Hogwarts grounds and was now reading some 1,000 page horror book in the grass below. 
Yet somehow he had managed to convince himself that he was still in love with Lily. He contorted his mind building walls between memories, blocking certain ones off. All of it was completely exhausting.
So when he and Sirius ascended to his bedroom after getting home he wanted to do nothing but plop onto his bed and pass out and that was what he was doing until he heard Sirius emit a low whistle. 
"What?" James groaned pulling himself from his bed to see his friend smirking deviously out his window. 
"You never told me you lived next to that." Sirius gawked biting his lip. 
James turned and felt his soul leave his body. Over the year you had, well matured. 
You had gone from looking like a 13 year old to looking like a 16 year old. 
You had grown at least 2 inches, your hair was now y/h/l and you had well, gotten much curvier.
In a sense puberty had hit you like a 16 wheeler and now you were wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and a pair of lacy magenta underwear. 
James mouth hit the floor as you pranced around your room using a hairbrush as a microphone. He could hear the dull thump of the bass from Rocketman coursing through your speakers. And once again time slowed to a stop as he watched as you flipped your y/h/c hair over your head in slow motion, leaping from your bed to in front of the mirror. Everything around you fade before suddenly snapping back to reality when Sirius let out a laugh. 
You were singing the words, James only wished he could hear you. You pointed at the mirror and closed your eyes swing your hips as your lips split into a brilliantly wide grin
Sirius turned to James The poor boy's mouth hung agape his eyes the size of a snitch. 
"Looks like you didn't know either." He chuckled. 
"S-she looks s-so dif-different." The dark haired boy stuttered, his infatuation causing him to stumble over words. 
"Clearly, she bloody hot." Sirius smirked watching you jump to your bed raising your hands above your head enjoying the view of the small lacy undergarment the action exposed.
"She's incredible." James breathed out dreamily snapping the other boys attention back to him. 
"Woah, woah, woah. She's not the reason you suddenly lost interest in Lily is she?" 
James flushed, his dark eyes flicking quickly to his friend before retreating back to your moving form. "No." He lied. 
"Oh Merlin." Sirus groaned smacking his forehead, "Just when I thought you were going to stop acting like a love sick puppy here you are again in love with another girl you barely know." 
"I'm not in love with her." James scoffed 
"Sure. Sure." Sirius mumbled picking at his fingernails. "Quick question, what's her favourite color?" 
"Y/f/c." James answered without hesitation.
"What about her favorite book?" 
"Probably y/f/b." He paused for a second his eyes still trained on you, now dancing along to Bennie and the Jets. "Or y/sf/b." 
"And her favourite band?" Sirius asked in an almost disappointed tone. 
"Definitely Queen, although Led Zeppelin is probably a close second. Why are you asking me this?" James asked prying his eyes from you to land on his extremely exhausted looking friend.
Sirius just shot him a knowing glance both his eyebrows raised. Realization quickly dawned over James face. 
"Oh no." He groaned, letting his head fall to his mattress. "I am in love with her." 
"Bingo." Sirus spoke a pitying smile grazing his lips. 
James just moaned sourly into his blanket. "I didn't even know I knew that shit." 
"Let's go to bed man." Sirius sighed closing James curtains blocking you out. 
As much as James wished to wipe you from his mind he couldn't help but feel disappointed as you disappeared from view. 
For the rest of the summer Sirius made it his mission to reconnect you and James, as if you were ever really connected. Either way he made sure to make James as obvious as possible to you. 
He introduced himself to you and made friends quickly. He was sure to have you come over as often as possible. 
The first time this happened James damn near shit himself when you walked through the door wearing a bikini as he was getting ready for the trip he and Sirius had planned.
"Hey James" you smiled meekly, waving a bit. 
"H-hey." He smiled back before shooting Sirius a glare. 
"Y/n is going to come swimming with us remember I told you about it last night." Sirius smirked winking slyly. 
"O-oh yeah of course."
Many other awkward interactions were induced by Sirius, including both of you getting locked "accidentally" into a closet together, you falling asleep on James shoulder, James and you falling on top of eachother and Sirius' personal favorite of yelling at the top of his lungs while James was changing and your window was open, causing you to look over and see James with nothing but boxers on red faced and angry as Sirius scrambled out of the room. (You would be lying if you didn't enjoy that one little bit.)
But just as Sirius was sure he was going to be the next matchmaker the two older boys had to leave, much to both of their dismay. 
The whole year James could do nothing to keep you from his mind. The way you smiled stuck in his brain like glue, your laugh cemented to his skull. You were all he could think of so when he came back for summer after his sixth year he had never been more ecstatic. 
James dashed up his stairs hoping that he might catch just a glimpse of you through his window. 
And he did. He saw you laying on your bed, a laugh escaping a wide smile that was carved into your face. Your eyes were shining brightly, your y/h/c hair splayed across you pillow.
This broke James. It made him fall to pieces, heart filling with grief. Because the laugh wasn't because of him, the smile wasn't for him and the shine in your eyes wasn't directed at him. 
He watched in agony as the red headed boy who leaned over you connected his lips to yours gracefully. The moment he wished more than anything could  seemed to slow as if the universe was mocking him, showing him a nightmare that seemed to never end. Time had once again stopped as you wrapped your delicate hands around the boys neck and pulled him closer to you. He watched in pain as the girl he loved kissed another man. 
Sirius had come up the stairs now and instantly saw the scene taking place behind the opposite window. He cursed under his breath quickly closing the curtains and turning to face his heart broken best friend. 
James looked defeated, his mouth slightly agape, his eyes downcast and filled with sorrow. He blinked a few times before turning around and walking straight out of the room.
"Shit." Sirius mumbled knowing this wasn't going to end well, "James!" He called running down the stairs to find him reaching for the door handle. "What are you doing?" The long haired boy questioned. 
"I have to stop her." James said turning to his best friend, a new look of determination etched onto his strong features.
"For doing what?" Sirius pointed out angrily.
"From kissing some freckled bastard that's what!" James shouted anger filling his dark eyes. 
"You can't!" Sirius shot back harshly.
"Why in bloody hell not?!" James yelled taking two steps towards his friend but Sirius stood his ground.
"BECAUSE SHES NOT YOURS!" Sirius bellowed angry at his friend for being so blinded by love. 
James eyes flickered with doubt before his entire face collapsed with it. Determination flipping to guilt then to misery as he realized what was really happening. 
"I'm sorry man, you can't stop her from doing anything." Sirius sighed disappointment readable in his own voice. 
Summer was suddenly a bleak occasion for James. Now that y/n had a boyfriend he had to become more and more accustomed to the presence of the "freaked bastard" who he soon found out was Austin Bostian. Austin was a muggle that went to the same school as y/n. Not that James cared. All he cared about was the fact that Austin got to kiss y/n and hold her and touch her.
James and y/n drifted away from each other slowly and painful over the vacation and to James it felt like his heart was slowly being torn in two. But seeing Austin with her made him dizzy and upset, he just couldn't bear being around her. 
So when school finally rolled back around he felt a sense of relief filled him. Of course the image of you still burned bright in his memory he just did his best to bury it deep within the pictures of you and Austin locking lips or holding hands. It almost made it easier.
The school year was a strange one for James. He forced himself onto Lily more than ever, when truth was he didn't even want to go anywhere with her. Sirius of course knew he was really simply distracting himself, but he couldn't help but feel bad for Lily who actually seemed more into it than before. 
Sirius' suspicions were confirmed when Lily finally answered yes to James catching everyone by surprise, especially the quidditch star. 
James had then fled the scene only to return a few moments later and attempt to explain himself. Which of course failed miserably and a shit storm hit him in a wave. Most of the Gryffindor girls wouldn't even look at him anymore, claiming he was a monster who shouldn't lead on someone like that. Which of course he did. James had felt like shit and just wanted to go home the entire time. But the idea of seeing you and Austin again crushed the poor boy. So he played quidditch and a lot of it. 
When he graduated it was bitter sweet. He wasn't sure what he was feeling anymore but he knew that he wanted to see you at least one last time. He needed to confess. 
Now as he stood in front of your door he felt the familiar feeling of nervousness and embarrassment flush over him. He ignored the fluttering in his stomach and squeezed his eyes shut briefly before knocking twice on the door. 
He heard the patter of feet followed by a muffled "I'm coming" before the door swung open to reveal you. Your hair was stuck up into a terribly messy bun, strands of hair hanging in front of your face. You had on a pair of athletic shorts and a Atari crop top that you had clearly cut yourself. 
"Hey James." You smiled up at him either not noticing or caring that his cheeks were flaming red. 
"Uh hey y/n." He answered suddenly realizing he had zero plan whatsoever. "Can I talk to you for a second?" 
"Of course." You answered inviting him inside. You ead him upstairs to your room. Once inside Jmaes realized that after all these years if staring into your room he had never been inside it. It was decently clean a few items of clothing scattered across the ground here and there. 
"Sorry for the mess." You muttered plopping onto your bed. "So what's up?" 
James felt his throat close up. His hands suddenly felt extensively sweaty and he thought he might throw up.
"Well umm.." he took in a deep breath closing his eyes before snapping them open to meet your curious y/e/c ones. "I'm in love with you." 
The room fell deathly silent, the faint hum of cicadas drumming outside. 
Your eyes went wide mouth falling slightly open. "Y-you love me?" Your voice uncharacteristically high. 
"Yeah." James mumbled quietly, "And I know that your with Austin and everything but I just, I can't leave without telling you." 
You let out a small giggle, which in other circumstances would have made his heart soar but now he felt it sink into the floor. You were laughing at him. 
"I'm not with Austin dumbass." You scoffed rolling your eyes. 
That was much better than what James was expecting, "R-really?" He asked tripping over this words. 
"Yeah. I broke up with him like a week after you left for school." You rolled your eyes playfully. 
"Oh." James voice hopefully, "That's good." His eyes widened, "Not like good that you had to break up with him, just you know good that I didn't-" 
You cut off his ramblings by grabbing his shirt and pulling him onto you. You smashed your lips onto his tasting mint. James quickly melted into the kiss placing his arms on either side of you to keep from toppling onto you as you grabbed his neck and forced your tongue into his mouth.
And for the fifth time in his life he felt time stop. Your soft yet rough touch making everything but you disappear. He could only feel you pressed hot against his skin, lips moving slowly against his own. 
The spell you put him under broke when you pulled away gasping for air. "You're an idiot you know." You smiled,  hands playing with his dark locks.
James shot you a confused look. 
"I've been in love with you since you ignored me at the welcoming dinner your family threw." You explained. Causing the boys eyes to widen. 
"Really?" He asked in disbelief. 
You scoffed. "You are terribly blind. And you suck at flirting, I thought you hated me." 
"What?" James asked confused.
"Well, I mean you ignored me and always got all weird around me. I thought you hated me." 
"Oh." James cringed, suddenly realizing how his strange actions must have looked from your prospective.
You giggled, a heavenly sound before pulling the boy back down to meet your lips.
From across the street Sirius smiled widely watching his best friend. 
"That girl seriously needs to close her curtains." He muttered still grinning as he turned away from the new couple.
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