#south falls
renmoldovan · 2 months
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Iguazu Falls, Argentina
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loves2spwge · 7 months
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a very sweet & loving stankyle kiss i commissioned from @currrsy 💙💚
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lesliemeyers · 7 days
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stan, who had a tool-themed herosona thus thinks he's qualified to handle any of his dad's tools in the garage: oh i have a GREAT idea
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expressions-of-nature · 7 months
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by Greg Stokesbury
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saprozoicworm · 4 months
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typical radiohead enjoyer behavior
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clowfish · 1 year
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kyle sends chain mail I know this for a fact actually
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lorillee · 1 year
yada yada yada please rb for a wider sample size because i am actually VERY curious
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still unwell over the prospect of Howdy slowly putting the pieces together and having a complete mental breakdown over it. Laughingstock edition!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Advanced Hall Monitor Technique: Go To Detention
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sundial-star · 10 months
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I don’t know what genre of images these are but they’re my favorite image
And yes I did draw this :)
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renmoldovan · 2 months
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Iguazu Falls, Argentina
Instagram | Prints
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Lago Federa - Dolomites - Italy (by Don McCrady)
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emeraldcity1900 · 1 month
the history of animation in a nutshell
Early 1900s: hey what if comic strips could like move?
Late 1910s early 1920s hey what if we mashed this up with live action people?
late 1920s: hey what if this thing had sound?
Early to mid 1930s: hey what if this had people actually talking and also color?
late 1930s: hey you know that super cool movie that one lady animated with paper cut out silhouettes? What if we did that with painted cells? Would people even pay to see that? Never mind it turns out the answer is yes.
1940s: ah shit most of our animators got drafted and/or hate us now cause we weren’t paying them. IT’S PROPAGANDA TIME BABY. Also haha hitler got hit with a mallet and also the most racist depictions of Japanese people ever.
1950s to 1960s : oh what’s this newfangled thing? Television? What if you could air cartoons on it? Oh fuck no I ain’t paying that much to get the charecters to have different backgrounds and for the charecters to like, move fluidly. Also manga and anime are steadily growing more popular.
1970s: (Ralph Bakshi walks into a comics store and finds a furry comic) X rated animated movie? *cue the screams of mothers and their unsuspecting children now being introduced to the revolutionary idea that cartoons don’t equal kids stuff? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?
1980s to 1990s: we can have full on animated Broadway musicals? Wait, what do you mean animated movies can count for the Oscar’s? What do you mean now they get their own catagory because the academy still thinks their for babies? Anime and manga are taking off in the west. SWEET JESUS WHAT DRUGS ARE THE JAPANESE ON SHOWING THIS SHIT TO KIDS. But also why is it so fucking good. Maybe some of these aren’t even meant for kids? Wait We can sell toys to kids with cartoons? Wait we can actually put effort into these cartoons on television? The fuck to you mean we can animate in 3D now? What do you mean we can have well animated, well written sitcom shows like the simpsons? What do you mean you can make cartoon charecters say fuck? What drugs are creators at Nickelodeon on? Do I even want to know?
2000s: oh my god, there is this one show that I really like cause it’s really well written and genuinely funny but I can’t talk about it because it’s animated and we all know cartoons are for babies right? Oh look it’s the transformers movie, look how far CGI has evolved so we can make the transformers in a movie.
2010s: holy shit I know these shows are for kids but they’re just well written and have so much meaningful things to say about the world. Wait, it’s cool to like cartoons now? They they have fandoms for this? Fuck yeah I’m in. (Enters one of the most notoriously toxic fandoms of all time) THEY HAVE GAY PEOPLE IN THESE SHOWS NOW? AND COMPLEX EMOTIONAL STORYTELLING? AND ADULT ANIMATED SHOWS CAN BE MORE THAN JUST SITCOMS WITH THE SAME JOKES AND STYLE? WHY IS IT THAT EVERY DISNEY CARTOON SINCE GRAVITY FALLS INCLUDE THINGS THAT GET MORE AND MORE FUCKED UP? WHY DO I FUCKING LOVE IT? WHY THE FUCK DID DISNEY DO THE OWL HOUSE DIRTY LIKE THAT?
2020s: I got this show I wanna pitch but it dosen’t fit into any box that the networks want and also I’m afraid that they’ll just randomly cancel it before I can finish the story I want to tell. Wait, I can just post the pilot on my YouTube channel, see if anybody actually likes this thing I made and just make the show independently? FUCK THE NETWORK! I AM THE NETWORK
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stimtfil · 16 days
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saprozoicworm · 9 months
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some heidis bc she's very awesomesauce to me
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stanpines · 1 year
⚠️fandom stalker alert! ⚠️
tw; death threats, stalking, harassment
I am making this post warning fandom artists, writers, and individuals in the animation industry to be wary of an individual known to plagiarize, stalk, harass, and run individuals off of their platforms: user taurealis, otherwise known as: Grace, deoxyriibos, Summer’s Crush, astroloqueen, sweetnsasssy, availheuristic#1707 (among many other aliases, additionally listed in the original call-out post)
Grace is a serial cyber stalker, who frequently “befriends” others she admires, only to abuse anonymous features to send hate, creates account after account to send toxicity after being blocked, and frequently lies about having “powerful friends” to evade consequences of her actions.
This user has gone as far as to call areas of employment to spread lies in an attempt to have multiple innocent animators fired, try to manipulate minors to move close to her, send death threats via anon (all anons lead back to the same IP address, which I will not share out of concerns for privacy), and frequently pressures others to meet up in real life. 
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(screenshot provided by one of her victims, who was kind enough to allow me to share one of the hateful messages they received)
Multiple industry professionals have been made aware of her actions because she is so notorious for harassing others; many are still too afraid to come forward unless via anon, where you can see multiple testimonies of her behavior.
**If this post shows up on your fandom tag, please be careful, let others know, and stay cautious of her presence in online spaces.**
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