#please someone notice that he's mixing the icing simeon is using-
shootingstarrfish · 17 days
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luke maid outfit!
he's matching with simeon hehe and at long last, that concludes the triworlds squad :,DDD just the newer trio left!
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Angel in Hell Season 2 part 4
Gen. reader insert.
Words 2k
@gothjuulpod  ; @purgatoryhall ; @sibit360  ; @a-personnamed-ace   ;  @romy350-romyakari 
You wake up feeling strangely relaxed. 
It takes you to open your eyes to realize you are in the same room as Luke and Simeon. 
You didn't even hear Luke come in last night, but now he is still softly breathing in his bed. 
Inaudibly you crawl out of bed. 
Simeon just comes back from his shower. His hair is still wet but he is already completely clothed.
You wave to him in the dimly lit room.
  Simeon comes your way and speaks with a lowered voice. "Good morning have you rested well?" 
"Good morning Simeon, I have slept pretty well. Probably the best since I came here." You whisper back with a faint smile. 
Simeon seems glad to hear that. "You can take a shower now. That way Luke can sleep just a bit longer. He will hate that I mention it, but he was extremely worried about you last night." 
You nod. "I will make sure to make him some treats too. I have to make a lot by the end of this." You softly giggle. 
"I'm looking forward to that. It's good to see you haven't lost your optimistic spirit." Simeon elevates his hand seemingly tempted to pat you on the head but holds himself back for some reason. 
You are slightly confused by his action but don't mind it too much. 
You head to the shower, unlike yesterday the shower feels very relaxing. Since you don't have any of your products here you end up using some of Simeon's.
  It feels pleasant to be surrounded by his scent. He even put some clothes out for you. They are from your room. 
Simeon is always such a compassionate person. You probably never can make up for his kindness. 
Feeling refreshed you open the door back to the room. Luke is now up and already prepared breakfast. He is very fast. 
"Good morning Luke." You cheerfully greet him. 
"Ah, good morning! Have you rested well?" Luke smiles at you. 
"Yes, it was the right move to come here. I should thank Diavolo for placing the extra bed here too. Do you think he will approve of baked goods?" You sit down. 
"I do not doubt it." Luke sounds confident. 
That gives you some hope. "I will need to buy many ingredients." 
"For Beel alone, you probably need a truckload." Simeon laughs. 
"You are probably right." 
Together you eat. You manage to eat more than yesterday. 
When Luke isn't looking Simeon takes the previous piece from your dish and hushes you with a finger over his lips. It's rare to see Simeon so mischievous. It makes you somehow laugh.
  Luke is very delighted that you ate everything. 
After you are all done, and the dishes are all taken care of. The topic of the mysterious wizard is back on your mind. 
"That wizard you talked about yesterday will you contact him?" 
"I already did and according to him, I'm not the only one that contacted him about this topic. To make a long story short he will come later and take a look at you. Solomon told me; he can't say for sure without seeing you and performing some tests." Simeon knows this was still weighing on your mind.
"So his name is Solomon. Can we trust him?" You can imagine who else contacted him. 
"Well, from my personal experience he will be able to provide you answers." Simeon has some mixed feelings about the brothers' involvement but he knows that Solomon is always up for something interesting. 
You have mixed feelings about this but trust Simeon's judgment. 
"Is Solomon coming here?" You wonder what kind of person he is. 
"No, due to current events he will come to Diavolos castle. I had to agree for Lucifer to oversee Solomon's opinion as well." Simeon looks extremely unhappy about this. 
You hold your breath for a moment. "Do you think that will become an issue?"
  Your hands suddenly tremble. 
"Diavolo said we will be discreet in the castle. You will not be forced to do anything at all. Especially not against your will. I trust his words." Simeon seems to be sure of this. 
You hope he is right but this time you don't stop feeling uneasy. 
"Don't worry we will keep you safe." Luke tries to sound confident but his voice is shaking. 
You still appreciate his effort. "I count on you, Luke." You smile at him, trying desperately to convince yourself that it will be fine. 
Luke nods eagerly. At least someone is confident. Even Simeon only looks calm but you can tell that he is uneasy. 
Together you head to the castle. Usually, it's a pretty vibrant place but today it seems strangely gloomy. 
You draw a deep breath before entering the castle. 
Barbatos is already waiting for you at the entrance. The security is unusually high. You can see countless guards. 
"Welcome, I will escort you to the meeting room. As you can see lord Diavolo has spared no expenses to keep everything calm." Barbatos is unreadable as always.
  You and the others follow after him. Simeon is on edge just as much as you are.
  You only tense more once you enter the big meeting room.
  Lucifer is already there. Your eyes meet his. He looks so cold, almost like he is made from ice. It also looks like he didn't sleep at all. 
Beel stands behind him, he smiles when he sees you. He also seems to be tense. 
Diavolo sits in the center of the room. Like the great divide between you and Lucifer.
  Simeon heads to the other side of the room, followed by you. 
You feel like daggers getting shot at you from behind. 
Barbatos stays at the door. Keeping an eye on everything. 
"So now we are all here. I welcome you to my castle. Despite the current situation I hope you will all enjoy your stay." Diavolo greets you all cheerfully. Nobody responds in kind. 
Diavolo clears his voice. He didn't expect this cold of a reaction." Regardless, Solomon will you please tell our angel exchange student what tests you will perform."
At this moment you notice a silver-haired man that you haven't met yet. 
"With great pleasure. At first, I will need to examine you closely. I will cast a spell on your brain to see what they have done to erase your memories. Depending on the outcome I might need to do some other tests." Solomon explains everything calmly. 
It sounds pretty harmless. 
"Alright then. Does that sound agreeable to you?" Diavolo looks at you. 
"Yes, but what do you mean by examining me closely?" The pictures of a doctor's exam pop into your head. You hope he won't require you to undress. 
"I just need to look at you closely. Don't worry you won't need to undress." Solomon adds a light-hearted comment but everyone else just glares at him. 
"That sounds reasonable. So can I just stay here?" You feel a bit safer this far away from Lucifer's ominous presence. 
"I got no issue with that," Lucifer states clearly. 
You feel a sense of relief. He might be reasonable in the end. 
Solomon shrugs and comes to your chair. 
He looks at you and hums. "Well, you undoubtedly look the same." Solomon then shines a light in your eyes and tests your reflexes. 
He also measures your blood pressure and holds a few devices to your body that measure several things. 
"This is all extremely fascinating." He smiles with glee. 
"Now to the main test." Solomon then grabs a big device and places it on your head. "This will show me if they used any magic on you to suppress your memories." Solomon only explains the bare minimum to you. 
Simeon looks closely at you. 
This is kind of scary.
  "Don't worry it won't hurt," Solomon assures you. 
At that moment the device starts to hum and rattle for a bit. Then a lengthy piece of paper emerges from it. 
Solomon curiously looks at it. "Wow, I have never seen anything like this." He seems extremely delighted for some reason. 
"So umm what does it say?" You can't help but ask. 
Everyone else is equally curious. 
"Well, I have to do some digging since I have never seen this. It's certainly interesting. They have cast something on you. I will need to do some research. I have various theories at this point." Solomon is very nonchalant about it. 
"How long will that take?" You have mixed feelings about the potential outcome but you have to know. 
"I'm not sure. I will need some books that I don't own." Solomon provides only a vague answer. 
"I will make sure that you get everything you need. I have a room at the castle prepared for you, as promised." Diavolo seems to want to help as much as he can. 
"Can I have a copy of the data?" Lucifer seems impatient. 
"Sure." Solomon shrugs without a care. "I will bring it later to you. Do you also want a copy?" He looks at you. 
You aren't sure if it will be of any use to you but it's probably good to have it. "Yes, please." 
"Alright. I guess I will get to work then. Feel free to check on my progress as much as you want. I will inform the rest when I'm done." Solomon smiles at only you. 
"That is very nice of you Solomon." You feel a sense of relief.
“I suppose that ends this meeting.” Diavolo is just glad it went rather smoothly.
“I'd like to talk to you for a moment. I would prefer it to be just the two of us...but I understand that you wouldn’t want to be alone with me right now. So I would be alright with Barbatos or Diavolo listening.” Lucifer has something on his mind. His eyes look sincere.
  Avoiding him forever won’t work. You look at him with a wavering heart.
“You are unreasonable! You don't have to listen to him at all.” Simeon protests loudly.
You look at Simeon and then at Lucifer. He slightly glares at Simeon before looking back at you. Lucifer's eyes plead with you. “Please, it's important.”
It really must be important if he is begging you to listen. “Okay but if you do anything shady I won’t ever forgive you.” You speak clearly with a strong emphasis on ever.
Lucifer doesn't hesitate even for a moment. “Of course.”
This surprises you a bit.
  You hesitate for a moment and look at Diavolo. "Would it be okay for you to stay?" 
"I'm pretty curious about what he has to say as well." Diavolo sounds like he would be more offended having to leave. 
"I only request to keep it confidential." Lucifer only looks at Diavolo, who shrugs. 
"Sure if I have to." Diavolo seems pretty nonchalant about it. 
"Are you sure about that? Don't forget that Diavolo has a long history with Lucifer." Simeon whispers to you. 
"I think I can trust him. He doesn't want to risk a war." Your gut tells you so. 
Diavolo looks at you with a kind smile.
  Simeon frowns but leaves the room anyway. 
In the end, it's just you, Diavolo, and Lucifer in the room. 
There is now less space left in between you two. You are still far enough away, just in case. 
Lucifer looks at you with a pained expression, he wants to say something about the distance but doesn't. 
He gathers a breath. You practically hold yours in anticipation.
"First of all, I want to apologize for whatever Satan was trying to archive yesterday. I assure you that he has been severely punished for his actions. It was wrong of him to pressure you." Lucifer starts with something that gives you some relief. 
"What is his punishment?" You just have to know. 
"He spent all night hanging from the ceiling and I took all his books away." Lucifer is calm about this. 
"Hanging him from the ceiling seems a bit extreme." You narrow your eyes. 
"That's just how I deal with them." Lucifer doesn't seem to see the issue. 
"I also want to assure you that I have no intention of harming you in any kind of way. The only thing I want is for you to stay in the devildom." Lucifer wishes to clearly state his full intentions. 
"Don't you mean you want MC back in the devildom?" You sneer at him. 
Lucifer takes a sharp breath. "I'm pretty certain you are still the same person. I have my reasons for my suspicions. One of them being your looks and the fact that you still have pacts with all of us." Lucifer drops this bomb so calmly it feels unreal. 
You take a step back, you can't believe it at all.
  "That's impossible! I'm an angel, humans can't become angels without dying." You raise your voice in anger. 
Lucifer nods. "That is usually true and I have seen the dead body but now it's gone." Lucifer clenches his fist. It must've been so hard to check the grave. 
Your body is shaking. You can't comprehend his words. "What are you saying?" 
Lucifer closes his eyes. Looking away from your pleading eyes. 
"I'm saying that someone took their body. Someone made sure that you still have the pacts with all of us. I'm quite certain that it was the celestial realm."
You hold your hands over your mouth. You want to scream. No sounds leave your horrified face. 
Then a wave of anger washes over you. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ACCUSE THE CELESTIAL REALM OF SUCH THINGS." You feel your eyes start to sting. They have always been nothing but kind to you. They would never do anything like this to you. 
You shake your head. "I won't believe you." You hiss at Lucifer. 
Lucifer takes a single step in your direction, with his hands up. Like he naturally wants to calm you down. 
You have none of it. You don't even want to look at him right now. 
"STOP." You yell and the ground starts to rumble again. Lucifer is frozen on the spot. 
"Please I know it's hard to believe but the celestial realm isn't just a great place. They have done horrible things before. Don't just blindly trust them." Lucifer seems in such agony right now. 
You don't even hear his words. "SHUT UP. I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." You bite your lips, turn around and just dash out of the room. 
Lucifer tries to stop you but isn't able to move. He calls for you but you don't even look at him. 
Diavolo says something that you can't hear.
  You don't care anymore.
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yukiobeyme · 3 years
For the MammoBarb bartender AU!
The bar is a joint project, owned by both Diavolo and Lucifer. And Barbatos is their best (and only) bartender. His skill’s are absolutely top notch, and none can compare. But he is also only one person, and business has been booming.
Diavolo starts to worry for his friend, that the stress of it all might be too much. But Barbatos insists that the tips alone are well worth all of the effort. Still, he can’t help but tell Lucifer about his concerns. And Lucifer agrees.
Mammon is a troublemaker, in every sense of the word. He often gets into fights, and gambles away most of his money. (His prized possession is his motorcycle Goldie!) And one day, after bailing him out of jail yet again, Lucifer has had enough.
He tells his brother that he’s going to be a bartender at his bar until he can pay off all of the money that he owes, to both Lucifer and the debt collectors. It seems like an impossible task, but if Mammon could get tipped as well as Barbatos...
It’s up to Barbatos to get Mammon, his new coworker, into tip top shape. And Barbatos isn’t easily pleased. When he first meets Mammon, he definitely isn’t impressed. Yet despite that, he’s determined to turn him into the perfect bartender.
And maybe they start hanging out after his lessons. Maybe sometimes Mammon drags him out on that motorcycle (which Barbatos insists is a death trap). It’s only natural for them to drink together, and to chat. It’s all in the name of teaching him... right?
And if Mammon becomes a waiter at times, and walks around the bar wearing bunny ears and a tail, he definitely isn’t starting. (Despite what Lucifer and Diavolo may think).
~ s8ncake 💚🎂
@s8ncake you spoil me so much! (and I love it) looking back now I guess my hand spilled I hope you enjoy and feel a little spoiled too?
Mammon is known for his bar fights, loud mouth, and Goldie. He has a record as long as he is tall, starting from age 18. Though if his record was wiped when he turned 18 it would probably be twice as long. Most of the stuff is minor, usually just consequences from bar fights or his motorcycle being too loud, but it’s enough that he has spent a night or two. The cops, Simeon and Solomon, are use to Mammon’s antics and they usually let stuff slide or just give a warning. Though Simeon will always goes to Lucifer to let him know when Mammon gets in trouble. I also imagine him having tattoos, especially hand tattoos.
Mammon is now an apprentice bartender for Barbatos to pay off debts. And honestly Barbatos is equal pissed and nervous. Barbatos knows of Mammon through stories from Lucifer and Diavolo but also from other bartenders. None of those bartender stories are good, they paint a picture of a man that is rowdy, loud, and disrespectful to anybody who has authority. Though Barbatos decides he will raise to the challenge and sets to work.
Mammon is clumsy and dropped bottles while doing drinks, which hurts Barbatos’ soul. But the sheepish look Barbatos gets makes him forgive him instantly. Mammon is in awe whenever Barbatos does a trick and Barbatos just rolls his eyes.
Mammon gets about two weeks of intense training from Barbatos before his first real shift. Barbatos might not have been impressed when he first saw Mammon but Barbatos can’t lie, he cleans up nicely. A black button up with his sleeves rolled up, his tattoos on full display and tight black jeans. Mammon might not be able to do all the tricks Barbatos can, but he definitely is a hit with the ladies and the men (and the non-binary folks). Barbatos is quite impressed by the end of the shift, Mammon didn’t break anything and he made all the drinks correctly, though he had to ask Barbatos twice what a drink was but Barbatos let it slide.
They know only have intense lessons twice a week and just meet up two hours before the bar opens where Barbatos tests his knowledge and teaches his some simplier tricks. And on Sundays after the last person leaves at 3am and they are closed after three full swing days, they each make a drink and toast to surviving the weekend crowd. Mammon goes for a simple rum and coke and Barbatos a gin and tonic. The chat about everything, or that’s what Barbatos thought. He just didn’t think there was much to Mammon but he was wrong.
It was about month of Mammon being a bartender before he got into his first fight. Barbatos was shocked and surprised to watch Mammon get out from behind the bar before picking a fight with a patron. Barbatos is furious as he watches the patron getting kicked out and Mammon being dragged to the back by Lucifer, Diavolo following close behind. What surprised Barbatos the most though, when he hears that the person Mammon just beat the crap out of was a creep and making unwanted moves on someone and even talk about a tampered drink. It leaves Barbatos wondering and he makes a note to ask Mammon about it.
Barbatos leaves the bar unattended to check on Mammob, bringing ice from the cooler. Mammon is in a heat debate with Lucifer, telling Lucifer exactly what Barbatos heard from the patrons. Mammon was defending someone. Barbatos doesn’t know what caused him to say something but he speaks up and defends Mammon and thrusts the bag of ice for him. Gesturing to Mammon’s brusing face. Lucifer freezes, not knowing Barbatos was there and shocked to have someone stuck up for Mammon. Lucifer leaves with reminding Mammon, that he can’t throw the first punch. Barbatos waits half a second before realizing he has left the bar unattended, so he ducks out the room and makes his way back to the bar. Mammon is still a hot topic, most wondering if he will come back out or not. Barbatos tells them he has the rest of the night off but would be back the next night.
That night when they finally close, Barbatos finds Mammon standing awkwardly at the bar before making his way to clean up. They work in silence before Barbatos finally asks, if that’s how Mammon usually gets into fights. Mammon seems to light up in anger and before Barbatos knows it Mammon is talking about how people don’t pay attention. That it takes one second and something bad can happen. Or how it takes one second and a creep in trying to make a move on an unwilling person. He hates it and won’t stand for it, and if he doesn’t do something no one will, bystander effect. Barbatos feels something shift inside him, he realizes he growing a soft spot for Mammon. Mammon didn’t fight because he was drunk, he was fighting to protect. Barbatos makes sure he doesn’t condemn Mammon’s choice. Because Barbatos has been a bartender long enough he knows that. Lucifer’s words from earlier makes sense, Mammon throws the first punch which is what gets him in trouble. Then why Simeon and Solomon seem okay with just giving him warnings and not making it so charges aren’t pressed. Mammon is trying to do good, justice.
After the first fight, Barbatos makes a code system with Mammon. Let him know through drinks what’s going on. Giving Barbatos a heads up what’s happening in his bar and let’s him contact security. Which successfully keeps Mammon out of trouble. While Mammon seem to fume a bit and needs to walk away for a few moments, he always comes back without having to throw a punch and each time Barbatos has pride flowing through his veins.
The longer Mammon works at the bar, the more Barbatos learns about him. Mammon isn’t shallow and easy to read, he is an ocean and complex. Barbatos finds himself wanting to understand. Something Barbatos knows is Mammon has some angry issues and some days are harder than others. Those days Barbatos finds Mammon at the bar before their lesson, in old clothes and messing with his motorcycle out front. Barbatos has learned to not talk to Mammon but just sit near him and watch him work. It’s therapeutic in its own way, Mammon knows his way around this death machine and it’s attractive. Mammon moves so fluidly and eventually Mammon will start narrating what he doing, whether it’s just checking fluids, readjusting his seat or handles, or just purely messing with the engine. Then about thirty minutes before their lesson Mammon will head in and try and clean up the best he can. He mostly grease free and Barbatos says as long as his hands and arms are clean, he can mix.
It’s on a summer day when Mammon is working on his motorcycle and they are sitting in silence, when Mammon mentions he made enough money to pay off all his debts. So he is free to leave, but he is holding off until he decides what he wants to do. Barbatos felt his heart dropped, he wasn’t ready for Mammon to leave yet. He doesn’t want Mammon to leave, he forgot it was a temporary employment. Barbatos tries to shove away all his emotions. Barbatos is unusually quiet that night and Mammon notices and doesn’t know what to think of it.
After two weeks, Mammon breaks the news to Barbatos that he won’t be bartending with him... full time anymore. At first Barbatos is heart broken but then it hits him, full time? Mammon tells him, he going to be helping Beel with the kitchen being a waiter. He even grumbles about having to wear the stupid bunny outfit. Mammon tells Barbatos he hopes he doesn’t mind, but tells him he still willing to help during the busy hours.
The first time Barbatos sees Mammon wearing bunny ears and a tail, he looking respectfully. When Diavolo and Lucifer come to watch, grab a drink and catch up with patrons. They make a comment about how Barbatos seems distracted by something. Which is by far ridiculous. Barbatos isn’t staring, and he sure isn’t staring hard at the white tail that matches Mammon’s hair color perfectly. At some point though, Mammon notices and definitely starts throwing winks and exaggerating bending over for Barbatos, which leaves him hot and bother and flushed.
The patrons catch on to the show and while some are disappointed the great Bartender and the hot assistant are not only taken but taken by each other. Which Mammon never denies and only fuels that rumor through a red face, while Barbatos is barely holding composure. Though when Lucifer and Diavolo catch on, Mammon completely denies everything, which only makes him seem more quilty in their eyes. And on the nights they flirt the most, if there is an increase in tips, they don’t speak about it.
Mammon asks Barbatos if he wants to ride on his motorcycle with him and Barbatos instantly says no. It takes another month before he says maybe and by the second month he says yes. At this point, they are completely dancing around each other. Awkward pauses and staring at each other’s lips, brushing fingers, and blushing and avoiding other eyes. Barbatos hates he agreed to go on the death trap, but it’s their first day off in a while and he doesn’t want to be away from Mammon. Barbatos makes it known and Mammon flashes him a dangerous smile and tells him to hold on.
Barbatos squeezes the life out of Mammon, brushed flush against his back and tries to hide his face in Mammon’s neck. After what feels like forever, Mammon tells Barbatos they have arrived. It’s to a cliff side that over looks city and it’s dark now so there are city lights. Before Barbatos can say anything, Mammon pulls him close and clashes their lips together. It’s a messy first kiss, too much teeth and their noses kept getting in the way. They pulled away flushed, swollen lips, and panting. The second kiss Barbatos leads and isnt as urgent but expresses the same amount of emotion.
Now the bar is more lively and fun, and if Lucifer or Diavolo had to pinpoint why, it was because it seemed a strict and uptight bartender fell for a no good troublemaker. Though they can’t say they are too happy when those two start work with the outfits already askew or if during the night they both disappear for a few moments. Though Barbatos says Mammon is still a trouble maker, just in a very different way.
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