#my strange silly crafts
teslacoils-and-hubris · 9 months
There's this show i only watched one episode of called ugliest house in America, and the premise is that the host goes around America looking at submitted ugly houses and the Most Ugly house gets remodeled at the end of the season.
All this only matters because the one episode I caught made me just.... really sad. They show three houses per episode and I don't really remember the other two houses because they were bland and not that interesting, but the one house, the one that won that round and was closer to being remodeled was obviously an artists house.
Everything in this house had been customized around the previous owners life Pasion: birds. And I do mean everything. They had literally printed out dozens of various drawings of birds and plastered them onto the basement wall. They had made tile mosseics of cranes right on the front entrance. Drawn egrets with what I'm pretty sure were crayons on the walls. And it was really obvious how many hours and how much love went into making this house something beautiful to that artist. And here it was, being toured around on television, touted as the ugliest house in America.
Every time they saw another bird the show played up the hosts surprise and eventually disgust. How WEEIRD that this unnamed, presumably dead artist was soooo into birds that they carefully crafted their whole life around them. The attic was an aviary for (the current owners assumed) pigeons. How silly and foolish and stupid that artist was for ruining the market value of their home by making it a shrine to something they loved. Do I blame the current owners? No. Of course not. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a house plastered wall to wall with birds with an attic that still smells like bird. But it's just..... the way they talked about it was upsetting.
There was no compassion for the person who put so much time and effort into lovingly crafting a house they really were happy in. The genuinely well done and skilled crayon drawings on the wall talked about the exact same way as you'd talk about a stain on the carpet. Unsightly. Strange. Unmarketable.
I look at my own room, lovingly crafted to be my oasis after a hard day. Halloween decoration sticker bats permanently on the wall. The ufo mural I spent a good month on that would probably be more at home in a minigolf course than a bedroom. Years of artwork both handmade and purchased tacked up to the walls. How much of it would the host mock. Teal walls sanded down and painted the off-white eggshell of marketability. It's going to happen regardless, I can't take the mural with me and even if I live in this house until I die someone will be here after me and they probably won't want it. But there's a certain kind of.... humiliating exposure of watching someone's heart and soul get torn apart on television. The ugliest house in America.
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https-genesis · 1 year
your beauty, beside me | neteyam x f!reader
Summary; Neteyam is positively infatuated with you. He'll prove it if he has to.
Contents; small drabble, fluff, omatikaya reader, soft neteyam, reader is depicted to have long hair/braids, friends to lovers
Dictionary; sempul - father , sa'nok - mother
A/N; im back :)) neteyam is so babygirl it hurts my heart
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The first time Neteyam Te Suli Tsyeyk'itan set his eyes on you, he was a still a small toddler. His sa'nok had told him that playing with other kids would make him happy, so the first person apart from his sister, Kiri, that he went to, was you.
The years went by, and you grew togheter. You watched him grow into a beautiful young man, the mighty warrior and future Olo'eyktan that he is, and he watched you grow into the most ethereal na'vi he had ever seen. Your hair that fell onto the small of your back had him wondering what it would feel like to the touch. Your eyes that seemed to shine a brighter shade of yellow than the others made him think that if Eywa had a physical body, you two would be twins. The way you'd ride your ikran with the rest of the hunting party, your war cries that , to his ears, sounded more majestic than any other song Neytiri would sing to him.
His sempul had noticed the way Neteyam stared at you. With his eyes full of the same love Jake had for Neytiri during all these years. So, Jake decided he'd catch his son alone, and have 'the talk' with him. Alone in one of High Camp's huts.
"So... son. ' He pauses to cough.' I uh... I've noticed somethin' is off 'bout you these last days." Neteyam felt his cheeks heat up. He took a breath, and his eyes moved to his feet. "Oh uh... It's.. it's nothing sir. I guess the last hunting party has gotten to me." Jake laughed, and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "Look, Neteyam. I know you've had a lil' crush on that girl... and watchin' you stare at her from a mile away's creepin' me out." Jake shook Neteyam's shoulder lightly. His cheeks were a deep purple by now, and he started into his father's eyes.
"Dad I- I don't know. What if she doesn't like me? I mean we are friends and all but I do not know if she likes me that way and I'm scared that it'll ruin our friendship and I-" Jake laughs, so loud the he has to hold his stomach to keep himself from getting a cramp.
That day, Neteyam had an hour long talk with his sempul about love. Jake told him about Neytiri, the way they fell in love, and how they survived the war together. Neteyam found himself imagining you and him, riding your ikrans off to wherever Eywa would take you. He decided to make up strange and silly little reasons to make contact with you, maybe even try to gift you courting presents. He asked Kiri to craft a beautiful beaded necklace with oranges and deep blues like his ikran, and he made sure to add one of the prettiest rocks he'd found at the bottom of it. You were weaving a basket when he knew this was the right time to approach you.
Neteyam walked fast and stiff to you, and the cracking of branches under his feet made your ears perk up and twist your head towards him. The way your hair moved with it made his stomach do flips. "Oh- Neteyam! Hi!" You gave him one of your sickeningly sweet smiles that made his face hot, and patted the empty spot next to you, signaling for him to sit. "Hey, um.. Hi." He took a seat close to you, his body stiff and rigid, and hid the necklace in his hands. Looking at you, he forced words out his mouth. "I have a gift for you. I-uh.. I hope you'll like it." Neteyam slowly reached one of his hands to yours, and you took it as a sign to put your work down and give the backside of you palm to his. You smiled again, and cocked your head to the side in a curious manner. "I made it with Kiri." He said as he placed the necklace into your much smaller hand. "It's for you.. Well, yeah." You smiled again, brighter, and giggled. He start to wonder if you were ridiculing him. "Oh, Neteyam... It's... It's beautiful. I love it... Thank you." You ran your finger along the thing beaded piece, and pat the small rock dangling at its bottom. Neteyam felt his heart flutter again, and his eyes rapidly shifted from your face to your hands. "You.. want me to put it on you?"
You nodded eagerly, your hairs following suit. Handing him back the necklace, you shifted and turned you back to him. His touch uncertain, he placed your hair over your shoulder and the slight graze of his fingertips against your skin made you shiver. You felt his arms reaching around you, and his heaving breathing agasint your shoulder as he passed the necklace from one side to another. Few seconds later, he tied it at the back of your neck and gently caressed the skin there. Shifting again, you turned back to front him, and he went a deep shade of purple. The necklace accentuated your skin and yellow eyes even better than he pictured it to, and the way your face lit up made him feel faint.
"I love it Neteyam. It's beautiful, really." You grinned again, and for a second you seemed unsure of yourself. Closing your eyes for no more than a few seconds, you opened them again to press a kiss to his cheek. He fell out of his lovestruck trance, and his smile rivaled the sun's. He took your hands again, and he felt you squeeze them gently. "I see you, beautiful girl. I see you."
"I see you, Neteyam. My mighty warrior."
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my first avatar drabble! live laugh love neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan
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toastedfries · 11 months
Our Heartbeats: a Welcome Home AU
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(HEAVILY) Inspired by Doki Doki literature club, the AU comes in the form of a visual novel and centers around the members of the theatrics club: Wally Darling, Sally Starlet, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful and last but not least, you!
Below are the character profiles of your clubmates, enjoy what Team Salami has cooked up for you!
Wally Darling: your club leader and set designer, he's not very good at it though... Usually being a bit of a klutz, Wally falls over often and has trouble picking up dialogue cues. He has a particularly strange and charming way of communicating. If you're blunt enough while romancing him, he just might offer you to be his occasional ladder
Sally Starlet: your mutual friend, the club's lighting specialist, and play director. She practically dragged you into the club because of your casual interest in plays and such. Sally is very passionate about everything play related and takes a lot of pride in every role she fulfills. Your relationship as friends might go further... well, only if you choose for it to of course
Frank Frankly: the club's screen writer, you've never seen Frank on school grounds and due to that you've never had a chance to interact with him, and it seems like he'd like to keep it that way. Frank shows an obvious dislike towards you and you can't quite put a finger on why. Winning him over will take quite the effort.
Julie Joyful: the club's costume designer, from the moment you met Julie you get the impression that she's a very extraordinary person. From what you've heard she's a very down to earth and dedicated person, usually being a little too absorbed in her craft. You've never seen her donning a normal school blazer, only the ones she's made from scratch. She's rather shy around you so it's your job to bring her out of that shell.
Holy fuck that took a hot minute to make, I hoped you liked this silly silly idea that came into my head randomly that I'm now going to dedicate months or years of my life to haha. Anyhow I'd like to give a shoutout to @shadyauthor and their Heartstrings AU we had similar ideas with the ddlc inspo and all (read their AU fic on their blog (pls))
Sorry if my English is a little wacky sometimes I'm not a native speaker
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 4 months
I’d love a short story of spider at bridgehead with the recons and them teasing him after seeing his infatuated with a girl he sees. I just imagine him as a teenager who has not been around female humans before would stir up hormones.
Summary; Spider accidentally meets a human girl his age at Bridgehead, and thoughts of her refuse to leave his mind. To Spider’s misfortune, recoms can immediately tell.
Author’s note: I fully believe Spider could have a crush on a Na’vi, but the premise sounded like a lot of fun so here you have it! Just Spider being a silly kid lol 🥹
“Ow! What the—”
“Watch where you’re going you—”
The two fell silent when they caught a glimpse of each other. A neatly dressed girl, her style minimalist and regal…in front of a boy with dirty army camouflage pants and a head of poorly twisted dreads. The youth in their features was undeniable, they couldn’t be far apart in age.
“…who…who are you?” Spider asked, his previous sass gone. He’d seen old humans, and seen young children, but a teenager? That was new.
“Deliah.” She turned her gaze to her clothes, dusting them off. “And you?”
The girl smiled, amused. “Spider? That’s your real name?”
Socorro stood. “Got a problem with it?”
“Not really, it’s just kinda silly. I like it.” She brushed her curls behind the ear. “Are you native then? Thought I was the only kid in this hole.”
“Yeah, I’m Pandorian.”
Deliah took liberty to circle the blonde, her attention on the hand-crafted beads in his hair. “Are you…like, a Na’vi?”
“Culturally, yeah.”
She grinned. “Wow! I heard grown ups talk about some "wildling" found in the forest, but didn’t believe them. How’d you survive??”
Spider noticed that he had a hard time turning his eyes away from hers. They were dark like his…and beautiful, glowing in the light steaming from a nearby window. Her attention felt strange. He wanted all and none of it at the same time.
Blood rushed to his cheeks. “I…uh, I dunno. It’s not that difficult once you learn how to keep up.”
“Is it true Na’vi don’t wear clothes?” She giggled.
“Sorry, was that rude?”
“Kinda. We do, just not much. Jungle gets hot, wearing too much can cause a heat-stroke.”
“Oooh, right, sorry, got it. It’s like a survival thing.”
Deliah had a pleasant voice, one akin to a light rain after the storm, or a calm stream on a sunlit morning. The sound of her made something flutter in Spider’s stomach, like he swallowed a flock of butterflies.
“….so…you’re like…what?”
She giggled again, what is so funny to her? Is she making fun of me? The boy thought as his face grew redder and heart kept pounding for a reason he could not understand. All he knew is that he wanted to run as far as possible from this person and hide, as well as stay in her presence forever.
“I’m mixed, kinda like most people around here. My mom’s a vice-rep and she wanted me off Earth asap, so now I’m here…dying of boredom instead of smoke.” She rocked on her heels.
“Was it scary? Leaving it all behind?”
“I um…didn’t have many friends.”
“Relatable.” He rubbed his neck.
Deliah raised her brows, her head side-ways. “Na’vi don’t like you?”
“Kinda, but it’s not because I’m human. It’s my ancestry…my squad’s small but we tight. They’re my ride or die.”
“Oh, hope you get to go home soon then..”
Spider smiled sadly. Just as he thought; she didn’t know he was kept here as a prisoner of war. It made the boy wonder what else RDA higher-ups hid from their people to keep them in line.
“But, while you’re here…do you um…since we’re the only human kids for miles—”
“Spider, what the hell did I tell you about wandering off?” A loud voice boomed across the corridor, making both children flinch. Spider turned with a grimace, meeting a cold gaze of his father’s clone.
“Who’s that guy??” Deliah whispered, half-hiding behind the boy. Her touch on his shoulder was soft, and her hand so delicate compared to his…
“Socorro, get your ass over here!”
“Okay okay! Fine…” Spider groaned, before throwing a last look at Deliah. “Goodbye.”
“Where are you going?”
“I Wasn’t supposed to be here. I’m usually in the military block. Just wanted to explore a bit.”
“So…you won’t come back?” The girl’s full lips pursed in a slight frown.
Spider felt a sudden tug on his bicep and whipped his head to see a blue hand wrapped around it, dragging him off. Quaritch’s gaze minutely fixed on the girl, who initially shrunk under it, then tried to assert herself by crossing her arms, but Miles couldn’t be fooled; she was a child.
A girl. In Bridgehead. Talking to Spider.
Oh Lord.
“Let go! I can walk on my own!” The kid hissed when the two entered an elevator. He then noticed Quaritch throwing mischievous glances his way. “What??”
“You sly dog.” He smirked.
Time in Bridgehead never passed this slow. Spider couldn’t wait to be back where he belongs; in the forest, where he could somewhat forget he was a hostage.
And forget about her.
Spider rolled over on the bunk, face in his pillow. Three days have passed and Deliah still plagued his thoughts. How? Why? He’d never know. It must have been out of boredom. That was it. Just boredom.
Not at all her beautiful voice or shining curls or big eyes or that smile…
“Missing your girlfriend again?”
Maybe Spider would have already forgotten if not for recombinants. He’d have to slit Miles’s throat for spinning them a twisted version of their conversation. You should have seen this, he told his colleagues. This boy was whipped, ready to propose right then and there!
“So you were huh.” Lyle chuckled, leaning on the doorframe. “Pouting won’t make it better. Get up, breakfast is serving.”
The mess had been loud as usual, but as Spider sat to reluctantly eat an RDA prepared meal, something caught his attention.
A head of dark brown curls in the crowd.
Before the kid even knew it, he stood up, then climbed onto his seat to get a better look. Could it be…
“It’s not her, Spider. That Deliah girl is high rank, but still civilian. She’d never be let in here.” Miles pressed a hand on his shoulder, forcing Socorro back down.
Zdog giggled. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
“Shut up.” The kid pouted. “We had only one conversation. I’m not like, in love or anything.”
“You sure look like it…she did too.” Miles nudged him.
The boy gasped. “She was just being nice.”
“She was twirling her hair and giggling at your every word, that’s the clearest "I like you" I’ve ever seen.”
Spider blushed. Deliah wouldn’t like a boy from the forest. Why? He was a total opposite to her, a "princess" from Brideghead, with her neat clothes and golden jewellery and glowing skin and…
“Oh great, Romeo’s off into the clouds again.” Lopez rolled his eyes.
“You’re unbearable.” Spider growled, digging into his disgusting porridge. The faster he ate, the faster he could escape this embarrassing exchange with immature soldiers who seemingly had nothing better to do than to pick on him.
“You want me to take you along next time I report to the investors?” Lyle teased. “Maybe she’d be there~~”
“Lyle I didn’t ask you—…wait…really?”
The table erupted in guffaws and Socorro’s face turned as red as a tomato. He wanted to die.
“Dawwww~!” Ja mused. “This is too cute.”
“I HATE all of you!”
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
obey me dateables (+ luke) presenting you with a friendship bracelet in return
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lol sorry i've been a bit mia recently... i finish undergrad in a few days and have been a little swamped! + i have a mystery health condition i'm still trying to get under control that flares up with stress, so... clearly it's been a bit busy for me. i thought finally reversing my friendship bracelet prompt would be a wonderful way to get back in touch with all my blorbos. so! without any further ado, enjoy!
[presenting the demon brothers with a friendship bracelet]
[presenting the dateables (+ luke) with a friendship bracelet]
content warnings: none
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prompt: you took the first step in commemorating your friendship by presenting him with a friendship bracelet. but it would be rude not to return the gesture, right? that's what he thinks. maybe that's why he's slaving away over these thin strings, all to see that smile on your face...
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oh, what was that? yeah, he’s listening. lucifer, it’s fine, just let him–
diavolo had been ignoring the strange looks from several of his advisors all week as he took the craft in and out of meetings. usually, he'd just fidget with a pen as ancient demons droned on about witch pact laws and realm relations for the nth time this month. but now that he's on a quest to make you a cute friendship bracelet to match his own, he's got something to keep his hand busy-- and to keep him from getting a stern look from lucifer for clicking said pen under the desk over and over.
unfortunately, making the bracelet made him a much worse listener. it's not even that he's distracted by keeping the pattern going! but once he starts knotting the strings together, he starts thinking about you. would you like this gift, or should he get you something nicer? how long did it take you to make his bracelet? would you wear this bracelet? because if so, you should definitely let him know, because he can wear his and you two will match--
lord diavolo.
he looks up to find barbatos giving him a stern look. uh-oh. that means he's been lost in thought long enough for someone to notice.
he can't help it. not really. he's just never had a human friend like you before! you're just so fascinating. all your little childhood stories and human traditions send his mind racing a mile a minute. children in the devildom are often much rougher with each other. they're trying to get a grasp on their demonic instincts, and often their play turns to fighting in a matter of moments. diavolo loves the idea of childhood friendships-- something he never got and cannot make up now-- and little tokens of affection to commemorate them.
he might not be a child anymore, but something about your silly human traditions make him feel young and rambunctious again. last week, you told him you wanted to take him to a human world zoo to pet the sharks. petting animals! at the zoo! in the devildom, touching any of the zoo's creatures is practically a death sentence. yet humans could get up close and person with theirs and walk away unscathed. incredible! the more he hears about human culture, the more he wants to know everything.
when the meeting is over (and after a brief-- and well deserved-- scolding from both barbatos and lucifer), diavolo retreats to his office to finish the bracelet for you. his big hands and thick fingers struggle to find purchase on the tiny strings, but when they do, he ties each knot with the utmost care. this is for you, after all.
diavolo find you at RAD the next morning and presents you with his gift then. he craves your approval more than he'd ever let on-- with that expectant grin and pleading eyes, though, you're not exactly surprised.
he's overjoyed when you accept his gift and even more so when you ask for help putting it on immediately. that stupid, eager grin won't leave no matter how serious he tries to look. diavolo's just so glad that you think of him-- and now, when he looks down at his bracelet and remembers this exchange, he'll think of you, too.
weeks had gone by since you gave barbatos that friendship bracelet. it remains pinned against the inside of his uniform day in and day out for safekeeping-- and as a little reminder of your affection for him. it's nice that someone as wonderous as you has taken such an interest in a demon like him.
however, not once does making you a bracelet in return cross his mind, despite lord diavolo's not-so-subtle hints. he prefers to return your affections in other ways-- "accidentally" buying too much of a fruit you like at the market that morning, inviting you over to sample new varieties of tea he's preparing for lord diavolo, soft smiles and lingering eyes when your back is turned.
one morning, he's surprised by an urgent call from the demon prince's office.
barbatos makes his way to the young master's office right away, only to come across a surprising scene: the stacks of papers usually populating the desk are now tucked away on nearby shelves, replaced by a near-obscene amount of embroidery floss in every color of the rainbow. lord diavolo's face was twisted into a grin-- it was not often he was able to pull a fast one like this on the butler, but when he did, he was always very smug about it for the next few days.
"ahh, barbatos, it's good to have you here. please, sit."
the two of them danced around pleasantries for a few moments before barbatos quirked a brow-- that micro-expression asked everything he had on his mind.
"i've decided that we need to make those human friendship bracelets today. it's important that we foster bonds in our community, and exchanging traditions like this are a fantastic way to do so." the prince made this announcement with a very serious, earnest expression.
the two men stare at each other in silence for a few moments. finally, lord diavolo cracks a smile.
"do you think lucifer would wear a friendship bracelet if i made him one?"
"young master, i think he'll do anything you ask of him."
the rest of the afternoon is spent per the lord's whims, holed up in that office wasting the day with silly human world crafts. diavolo makes some excuses about "cultural exchange", but he's not fooling anyone. barbatos only allows this to happen because the young master has been on top of his paperwork all week. the castle has felt quite cold and suffocating lately-- it's nice to bring warm laughter and sunny smiles back between the gilded walls once again, even if just for a few hours.
barbatos is good at everything. in this case, he's able to simply look at the bracelet you gave him and recreate the pattern near-perfect on his first try. his nimble fingers create delicate knots with ease, leaving the future demon king in his dust (metaphorically, of course-- he has to help diavolo several times throughout the afternoon).
he presents the bracelet to you one day over afternoon tea. a thin, decorative box wrapped in golden ribbon appears by your side. inside is a friendship bracelet made in your favorite colors. he's very aloof as you ask questions about it, but he indulges you with the answers and accompanying stories of his little craft session with the young master.
his gloved fingers carefully secure the bracelet around your wrist. you don't neglect to notice the ghost of a smile on his lips-- a quiet moment of pride, of adoration-- after he moves on to finish serving tea.
simeon had the perfect excuse to crave time out of his busy schedule to make you a friendship bracelet. hey luke? do you want to try this craft too?
he'd been waiting for a free afternoon where he could finally make you a friendship bracelet in return. you said it was a human tradition, right? well, it would certainly be rude to not reciprocate. and since it was a common tradition amongst kids, simeon figures he can rope luke into joining him while he's on babysitting duty.
he did what he always does when he wants to figure something out-- he sought out a book from the RAD library to teach him. satan guided him to the section on human culture and traditions. from there, he scoured the shelves until he found one with adequate instructions. that was the book he currently had sprawled out in front of him, propped open with a candle as his fingers were tangled in embroidery floss.
(satan did try to convince him to use a video instead. deviltube has many useful tutorials, y'know? learning from a book is much harder. yet peepaw simeon didn't trust himself to find a video, nor keep it up on his D.D.D. after satan leaves. which is... valid.)
the problem with following pictures is that they can only tell you so much. and the written instructions made enough sense to be passable, but to actually guide a beginner in the art of friendship bracelet creation? dubious. that was simeon's current predicament. he was supposed to be guiding the blonde cherub across from in on how to make his own bracelet, but... why was this so confusing?
at some point, solomon emerged from his lair room and found himself leaning over the grown angel's shoulder. even the sorcerer, who learned most everything from books, didn't quite get what the book meant. is that string supposed to go under...? maybe around...? these pictures are grainy as hell, too, so it's not like they're much help.
by the grace of god and many hours of trial and error, simeon managed to figure the pattern out. him and luke both finished the night with a few bracelets each. luke made one for simeon, one for solomon, and two for barbatos. simeon had several failed attempts of the bracelet he tried to make you, with one successful attempt to give to you the next time he saw you. solomon ducked in and out of the angels' crafting session and came away with one very ugly little bracelet-- he didn't mind, because apparently he'd been needing a new bookmark anyways.
simeon's a little sheepish the next time you come over to purgatory hall. it's not that he's ashamed to give you a gift in public, per se-- it's more that the whole thing feels strangely personal. he put a lot of effort into making that bracelet for you! now that he knows how much time you devoted to making him such a gift (he doesn't quite realize you didn't have to learn from scratch, so it took way less time for you), he really treasures the intimacy of homemade gifts.
still, despite his initial hesitation, he gives you the gift with a smile. he wanted to return the favor, you see, since he likes your gift so much. do you like it? please say you like it, his fingers are still sore
simeon will secure the bracelet to your wrist with a smile-- a bit clumsy, as the tie mechanism confused him as he was making the bracelet-- but he eventually gets the hang of it. the rest of the evening, he'll sneak little glances at your wrist, a proud little smile on his lips. he really likes seeing you-- what's that, luke? why is he smiling at mc like that? don't worry about it. you'll understand when your older.
solomon had a not-so-healthy habit of staying up entirely too late, nose deep in experiments and new spells, that he often lost track of time and place. at times, the sleep deprivation made him careless. the night would usually end when he grows too frustrated with his groggy movements to go on.
tonight's experimenting ended in a flurry of hushed swears as the contents of this new potion spilled on him and across his chest. it's his fault-- he's the one who knocked the flask over-- yet he's cursing some abstract villain out to get him tonight.
in all the chaos, his bracelet is drenched in a viscous ooze, which quickly sunk right into the strings and refused to budge. great. what was that, his third ruined bracelet this month? if he didn't know any better, he'd think he was hexed to suffer a string of minor-yet-infuriating inconveniences every day.
he took the knife on his workbench and cut the ruined bracelet off. it hit the wood with a slop, strings fraying already from the new sever between strings. what was that, his third destroyed bracelet this month? he should really be more careful with these things.
still, though, part of him liked how you'd always make him a new one. ruining these bracelets gave him a reason to see you on a semi-regular basis.
strings uncoiled from each other, now freed from the confines of the knots that once held them together. solomon watched with tired fascination as it unraveled in slow motion.
was that all? just a couple of knots? he could do that.
his experiment now laid half-finished on his workbench, abandoned in favor of the new challenge laid out before him. a knotted pile of embroidery floss covered spellbooks and containers of potion ingredients. his hands shook from exhaustion-- at this point, he was so used to his shitty sleep schedule that he stopped noticing. his body may be tired, but his brain was hyperfocused on this task. he wasn't going to stop until he reverse engineered this friendship bracelet for you.
simeon found him slumped back in his chair the next morning, fast asleep with his neck quirked at an odd angle. he very carefully woke the sorcerer up with a hand on the shoulder and a few quiet words. before he did, though, he brought luke in to get a look. what? it's not often solomon let himself be caught slacking like this. if he didn't want two angels whispering and giggling over the way he slept with his arms crossed and head back (like an old man passed out in front of the TV), maybe he should learn to get in bed first.
after a rough morning dragging his sore body around purgatory hall (hmm, i wonder why?), solomon found you in the halls at RAD between classes. his tired expression melted into a smug grin as he found his way to your side.
ah-hem. behold, mc. a friendship bracelet. what's that? it's wonderful? of course it is. solomon is good at everything, after all. (this quite nearly erupts into chaos as mammon very loudly reminds him that even beel can't stand his cooking).
he's delighted by that surprised look on your face. that made the lack of sleep all worth it. you go to reach for the gift when he holds it out of your reach. nuh-uh, mc. see this bare wrist? yeah. it's that time of the month. he needs a new bracelet. solomon laughs off your exasperated sigh and gently takes your wrist in his cold hands. slender fingers ghost across your pulse points with care as he secures his creation to your wrist. a small, genuine smile pulls at his lips.
... he does still need a new bracelet, though. so, y'know... let him know when you finish. jackass
luke is immediately gung-ho about making you a friendship bracelet. he adores his! the only thing that would make it better was if the two of you were matching.
he's honestly ready to start working the moment you leave for the night. simeon is able to convince him to at least wait until the weekend. after all, RAD has demanding coursework that he needs to dedicate his time to during the week. luke doesn't like this much, seeing as he's already this excited just thinking about the craft.
simeon sweetens the pot like the responsible adult he is-- if luke can wait until the weekend, then simeon will run out and grab all the supplies they could possibly need. they can make a day of it, with snacks and other little crafts to make for their friends. doesn't that sound nice?
somehow, luke is able to muster up the patience to wait until the weekend to begin his friendship bracelet quest. he does wake simeon up ass early on saturday morning, though. he can't help it! he's just a kid, after all.
the morning starts with breakfast (luckily for everyone, solomon slept in too late to offer to cook). luke chatters on and on about his plan. he had the foresight to ask just how you made the bracelet when you gave him his, so he's confident he can follow the instructions you gave him.
it goes... okay. at least at first. in the beginning, he'd get frustrated about how he couldn't quite remember what to do here or why this knot here looked funky. some kind words and a little assistance from lithe-fingered simeon are able to fix both his bracelet and his mood. eventually, he's all giddy laughs and big grins as he looks over his masterpiece. white and gold strands are somewhat neatly knotted together to mimic the design of the bracelet you made for him.
monday morning, bright and early, the little angel bounds up to you like a golden retriever off-leash at a dog park, all gilded hair and excitement galloping down the hall until he's by your side. he shoves the bracelet up towards your face and grins. look, mc! i made you a friendship bracelet, too! now we can match!
every day you wear that bracelet is another day luke finds a way to express his appreciation for your friendship. his go-to is to absentmindedly toy with the strings around your wrist at lunch or in class. sometimes he'll bump your bracelets together and smile at you, a silent question hung in the air between your matching grins: best friends forever, right?
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years
TommyInnit Times article
Hey, so Tommy apparently did an Interview for the Times. I’m copy and pasting the whole Times article for those who can’t access it. It’s a nice read. Enjoy!
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If you’ve never heard of Tom Simons — aka TommyInnit — your children most definitely have. The 18-year-old gamer from Nottingham is one of the world’s most successful online streamers, with 40 million followers across all social platforms hanging on his every (loud) word and anarchic in-joke. You know, the kind of shouty Minecraft-related banter that tweens and teens find hilarious but leaves their parents baffled.
There’s no doubt he’s a master of his craft, with Guinness world records for most viewers of a Minecraft livestream on Twitch, the gamers’ platform, and most followed Minecraft channel. His net worth is estimated to be $10 million. His live show in July at the Brighton Dome sold out within 24 hours and he had a book published this week. Not many gamers make that crossover, or have their first interview in The Times come to that.
Simons must be one of the richest self-made 18-year-olds in the country and has a running joke with his subscribers that he’s a billionaire. (It’s presumably a joke, but he won’t be drawn.) “It’s cool I’m set up for life, but it doesn’t feel relevant to who I am. I don’t spend very much,” he says. “It hasn’t changed how pissed off I was when they upped the cost of the bus fare by 10p to £1.30.” He seems to mean it. This summer he visited fellow YouTube millionaires in their mansions and on private jets in LA, but he’s content living in the two-bedroom flat in Brighton he bought from his landlord, and his mum still orders him a Tesco shop occasionally.
He’s definitely got one over on the kids at his secondary school in Nottingham who made fun of him after they discovered Channelnutpig, the first gaming channel he set up on YouTube aged 11. He was mortified and took it down immediately. “You want to fit in and make friends, and in year 7 you’re beginning to understand that girls exist,” he says. “So it wasn’t that cool shouting, ‘Hello everyone, it’s me, Tom!’ on my channel every week and have people play that back in front of you.”
Two years later he migrated to Twitch, again streaming Minecraft videos and filming banter with his online friends, and at 14 began the TommyInnit YouTube channel that now has 11.8 million subscribers. This time he kept it secret. “Every time we’d be in a science lesson and they’d show an educational video my eyes would be glued to the ‘recommended’ on YouTube in case I popped up and people found out. I kept that secret for so long. I had 100,000 subscribers when people started finding out. “When I got to 100,000 there was this weird new respect everyone had for me. I’d walk through the hallway and they would still glare at me, but no one would shove me. It was like I had a force field around me. It was so strange. I remember a week before someone getting me in a headlock and shoving me around. I thought, ‘Wow, I’ve levelled up!’ ”
Was he bullied at school? He pauses. “Just normal arseholes, not anything more than anyone else. I was quite quiet. I just teetered on the edge of being funny enough that people wouldn’t beat me up. If someone was shoving me around I’d just make jokes and they’d leave me alone. But also funny enough that no one thought I was cool. At all. Which is the exact place I’m in now really.”
Simons is more quiet, thoughtful and endearing in person than he is on his channels or in the book, a collection of silly quotes and zany ramblings. He’s a self-confessed nerd (“My dad and I are massive nerds”) and says that his audience are mostly “the people I would hang out with at school, who were awkward like me”. He adds, “I’m quite anxious in real life, but I’ve always been very social on the internet. If you message someone and they ignore you, who cares? It’s not real life.”
He believes that most of his fans are aged between 14 and 20, but he knows that a lot of younger kids tune in for the Minecraft banter (or possibly the swearing). A year ago he started a YouTube channel under his own name to make real-life videos that now has 5.6 million followers. It’s free to subscribe — his earnings come from the advertising. He recently spent a month in New York vlogging his daily antics, such as I’m literally Spider-Man, in which he dressed up as the superhero, and Making 100 Friends in 1 Day.
Why does he think he’s so successful when there are others creating content along the same lines? He’s perceptive in his answer. “I think it’s the loud funniness — me having fun with my friends. But there’s also this element of warmness. It’s welcoming and safe,” he says. “It’s never toxic or preying on other people. Nothing is at the expense of anyone else. It’s better for the world not to say the easy, rude joke or the put-downs. There’s so much of that on YouTube.”
He says that his parents have always been supportive. His dad, Iain, was in the gaming industry, owning an arcade in Nottingham before setting up the GameCity festival. He now works with his son.
Simons’s mum, Sarah, is an actor-turned-English teacher for adults with disabilities who set up the further education group, UKFEchat on Twitter. “She was on Twitter long before I was,” he says. “Now she has a cool internet personality advising people how to keep safe online.”
She was less cool, he admits, when his GCSEs were approaching in 2020. “She sat me down and said, ‘Right, you have 100,000 subscribers and that’s really good, but you need to take school seriously. I know you’re not revising and your grades are dropping.’ She was right — I was getting grade 3s in science. Then that week we went into a global pandemic and I didn’t do a minute of revision as the exams were cancelled.” He ended up with a very respectable collection of GCSEs, including a 9 (the top grade) in English language. “It was the perfect amount of ‘mum points’ I needed to spend the [lockdowns] in my bedroom making videos.”
He then went to college to study for a BTEC in film and TV. By now he was vlogging and would spend time out filming. “Near the start of the second year I remember saying to my tutor, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t make it in very much.’ He said, ‘Listen, I shouldn’t say this, but we’re teaching you the thing you’re already doing so if I were you I would drop out.’ So I did. I started college with a million [subscribers] and ended it with ten million.”
When his schoolfriends were studying for their A-levels this summer, Simons already had his own flat in Brighton, renting then buying it. However, he says: “A lot of people want to live a lavish life and I just don’t. Mum still orders me a Tesco shop occasionally and will say, ‘I knew you needed groceries.’ I’ll say, ‘How on earth did you know that from Nottingham?’ ”
He says that his parents were no pushovers when he was younger and his dad refused to let him play Grand Theft Auto 5, even though his friends were allowed. “He said: ‘It’s got strippers in; you murder in that game. You’re 12, you can’t look at that, I’m sorry.’ They were really on top of it because they understood [gaming] and they communicated with me about it. When it turned into a career, they said, ‘OK, it’s important. We get it.’ But they’d still make sure I didn’t stay in my room all day. I’d still have to walk the dogs and [we’d] have dinner as a family.”
Simons doesn’t know how his career will unfold. He’s also getting used to being recognised. “Walking through Brighton I can hear my name being whispered all around me. It was a big adjustment. I became a bit scared of people after being inside for a year [during the pandemic]. I forgot how big the world was beyond my screen, but I’m loving it now.”
TommyInnit Says . . . The Quote Book by Tom Simons, curated and edited by Wilbur Soot, is published by Quercus, £14.99
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idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
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Horropedia // Dating Headcanons
Note// First Reverse: 1999 writing. A bit suggestive in some parts. This is my version of Horropedia, so if you don’t like it,,,, you might as well have to write your own because this is meant for my self-indulgence;; sowwy <//3
// preferably female s/o- gender neutral is also okay since I didn’t exactly mention a specific gender :)
As a strange autistic guy, I just imagine him to be the type of guy who probably have indirectly confessed to you earlier before you can even realize that months after- like you're just laid down on an armchair and you suddenly connected lines on the previous lines you once heard him before-
"Ah, hey! I've been waiting all my life to meet someone like you, so I had to come and say hello."
...he literally just say a simple remark with that smile as he gifted you a spirit catcher pistol- and then left....
Sometimes, you might not understand him. But you eventually asked him out on a date (in a normal way for once-).
"Oh? A date? Great! Let's go get coffee together. " :))
Little do you know, he also plans to have a ghost hunting date after that---
Kissing scenes in horror films? Horropedia at first felt a bit skeptical about them, finding that unnecessary... Until he got a crush on you, and then FELL for you - That's when he lowkey wondered in his autism brain... how would a kiss with you feels like?
Oh gosh, so many possibilities;;;
Horropedia would slowly realize the fact that he would unconsciously check his mouth breathing and fix his hair a bit whenever he spots you entering the room. "Who knows when that kiss scene happened cough cough -"/hj
There was a time Horropedia sneakily slipped during those ironically cute kissing scenes in a horror movie.. You may think you would just slip away from the unknown opportunity he would be searching for - But no, you wouldn't even get the peace to resume watching or have time to recover from a jumpscare that happened few minutes ago when there is this silly dork softly nibbling and smooching on your face and neck like that;;;
aaaand now you're making out with him in the middle of the movie ..
It seems there are now more reasons for him to ask you to stay over. ;)
He wants to impress you so bad ever since the moment he heard about you - You just happened to be... ordinary? But at the same time, refreshing... someone who easily connects with almost anyone.
Darn, I think you’re made for him. ☺️ (lol)
At first, he wanted to be the Mr. Mysterious and only introduced himself to you as "Horropedia. "... At some certain point after, he would  bashfully let you call him "Joshua." Just don't get too cocky...-/ih
If you're just as comfortable with dark humor and other kinds of morbid stuff, there is this small scenario where you and Horropedia would roleplay a bit as to help him make up stories involving these morbid antagonists and anti-heroes...- He would be kinda a bit down bad if you say Wednesday Adams stuff technically./hj
He is not sure If he has the right to die or laugh when he gets called "Joshy"... it's cringe, but he finds your silly demeanor very cute and funny.
You happen to be a big listener when it comes to horror movies, horror stories, and horror video games- whatever horropedia rambles at you at 3 am. as if it is a nearly daily basis/ih
He loves sharing hobbies with you, even cherishing the moments when you get to do whatever activities with him that are close to his interests and what he's passionate about...
You can already tell he's not interested in anything else other than that sense of thrill he has for phenomenon or violent drama... but he'll try his best to be flexible when it comes to giving you quality time... Like crafting, cooking, maybe painting?
You might know what he will create in his own hands...- ghost cupcakes, a sculpture of Friday the 13th's killer, Michael Myers mask---
Jumpscares are out of date for him, of course, but then... he still watches those classical horror movies once in a while since they're pretty much fundamental to the art of fear.
Ironically... He does like surprise back touches! Well... As long as it doesn't have to imply his poor posture, back hugs are good to go.
He finds it pleasant to have you sit next to him or on his lap as he plays those Indie horror games(?), "mmmm... Dark deception? World of Horror? Resident Evil? The Last of Us? What about Outlast? What do you think, Babe? :))"
FNAF would be obviously a breeze for him... Bro, imagine him going crazy about fnaf lore, hahahha-
DDLC gave him mixed feelings. He is half glad his baby is not that mad crazy because of that/ih
LITTLE NIGHRMARESSSS- Man, imagine him having these silly moments with how he just concerningly reacts so happily at a kid eating a gnome who just offered a sausage oh gosh-
Watching horror movies with him would be like watching a live commentary channel as you feel a slim hand rubbing your waist throughout the movie.
You might have mixed reactions alongside him when accidentally encountering sex scenes on horror movies...- things might get awkward but he would make sure to close your eyes if you don't like to see that kind of stuff- intercourse is not the option,,,, mass arson it is/ih
I can only imagine Horropedia calling you either your name, Babe, Baby, or  Boo (NOT PUN INTENDED I SWEAR FJNFNF;;) Is usually your name being called normally. Unless he is so so happy,,, or is because he just did something you probably not going to like~ 😇✨️
“Is your name Boo? Because you’re making me scream in delight.” ♥️
Oh boy-
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aritsukemo · 3 months
hiii ari! this is leman speaking! i put some thought into this one along with neso (she’s xiao’s certified lover /srs) and we like the detail where he doesn’t like eating in front of people, he prefers eating alone, it’s cute despite the slight angst potential.
anyways, requesting a drabble of xiao eating with/ in front of his lover for the first time?! it can be full fluff or fluff with angsty undertones, whichever, as long as there’s sweetness to it! <33
A Meal in the Company of the Ones You Cherish Most | Xiao
Xiao x reader ( @ourolite/@fancymooncherryblossom )
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting, leman!! I know you requested a drabble, but as you can see I went..very overboard.😅 I had a lot of trouble wrapping up the drabble I initially made so I said fuck it and made whatever this is. 'Hope you and Neso don't mind too much! ( Also sorry this took so long to complete! )
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Orangish rays mix with the purple-tinted clouds and the blush in between them, giving off the illusion of the familiar evening sky through the glassless window of your kitchen.
The rich smell of spices accompany the crackling of the stove and the tune that slips from your damp lips in the form of a smooth, thin hum. Your eyes drift between the food that sizzles on the stove and the beautifully crafted archway that leads to the large balcony of Wangshu Inn.
Dinner time was once again approaching and Xiao has yet to return. Not that it was common for him to be home in the first place. With danger always lurking about somewhere and your fiancé being none other than the Conqueror of Demons himself, being home in time for dinner was a rare occurrence..
Despite this, you always set his plate aside for when he finally comes home; usually at the dead of night when you're fast asleep in bed.
A particularly loud pop from the stove steals your attention, stilling your thoughts as you forced your attention away from the archway so that you can diminish the fire. It was only for a brief moment, no more than a few seconds, and even then, he managed to sneak up on you.
"Wha-!" You jump when you turn and are immediately met with his piercing gaze. His golden eyes study you, silted pupils examining your face for a second before his lips, which were thinned out in a straight line just a moment ago, dip downward into a frown. Ruining the beauty of his features with it's ugly appearance.
"Don't look like that. I was just surprised," Your face relaxes and a soft smile appears on your face in hopes that it would convey the sincerity of your next words, "I'm glad you're home."
For a few moments, Xiao simply stares, face unchanging. He used to feel so uncomfortable whenever you smiled at him like that. It always felt so wrong seeing you so happy to see him. He felt like he didn't deserve such a lovely smile, especially from someone as pure as you..
But nowadays are different. Being around you as long as he has, he's grown..accustomed to this. Seeing you genuinely delighted at the mere mention of anything that involves him. Seeing you smile whenever he decides to make his presence known to you. Frowning whenever he said anything bad or degrading about himself in the past. He's grown comfortable with it all. Not entirely used to it yet, but not so uncomfortable that he wants to flee. In fact, lately he's been yearning to see your smile more and more..
It's all so strange, he thinks.
"Xiao," You call, your voice akin to a soothing melody. It carries him away from his thoughts as effortlessly as the feeling of your warm hand on his face, "I'm glad to see that you're safe."
A huff leaves his lips, "My safety shouldn't concern you. You should be worried about more important things," His tone was as harsh as ever and his words were as a cold as a steel blade. It only makes your smile widen.
"Silly, you are one of the things most important to me," You say. And oh, how he wishes to follow up with a self-degrading comment of how someone like him is undeserving of your worry. How he wishes he could say that you shouldn't speak such loving things to a monster like him who's stained his hands with the blood of countless enemies..
But he inevitably keeps his comments to himself. Although he deserves it, you aren't fond of him "bad-mouthing himself" or so you've said before. It's odd to him, but at this point, you've dedicated countless hours to helping him break this so called "habit" of his so he shouldn't insult that by speaking his mind.
"I didn't expect you home so early so I haven't made your dinner yet. I'll get to working on it right away!"
"There's no need for that. Adepti don't--"
"Nonsense! Everyone deserves a nice meal after a long day of work, especially you, Xiao," You brush off his attempts with a simple wave of your hand, "Since its been a while, I'll cook your favorite! Just let me go downstairs real quick and get some ingredients from Yanxiao first!" Xiao sighs.
Eventually you came back with the ingredients for the Almond Tofu. Xiao decided to stay and watch as you cooked—something he often did ever since you joked about how little time the two of you spent together because of how busy he always was—and as always, you talked his ears off about various things. As the evening yellows turned into starry blues through your window and as the fire made the stove crackle to life, Xiao listened intently, face neutral as you told him about your day.
"I think I'll take him up on the offer," You say, referring to Aether, who you managed to run into by chance at Liyue Harbor, "It's not often I get to travel to other nations anymore. I think it would be a nice change of pace. What do you think?"
"If the traveler is the one accompanying you, there's little to worry about. I don't have any objections."
You giggle, "I didn't think you would. ..So I guess this settle things. ..Hm, I can't wait to see the hydro nation for myself. ..Oh! But don't worry, I'll make sure to bring back lots of souvenirs. I heard Fontaine has some great desserts so I'll definitely make sure to bring some back! Heh, although I can't promise it'll make the entire journey back home."
"There's no need to do that. Any form of gift is useless to me and'll only be ruined by my hands as a result. The need to spend mora on me shouldn't be something that crosses your mind.."
Putting the final touches on the almond tofu, you grab it and walk towards him. The pleasant smells floating closer and becoming more potent the closer you get to him, "Even so, I'd feel bad if i just didn't get you anything. I mean, what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn't show that I was thinking of you while away?"
As you outstretch your hand to give him his food, Xiao briefly glances down, his pretty golden gems eyeing the plate for a moment before raising his hand to grab it. It's swift, and it's only after he takes the plate from you that he speaks again, "You don't need to prove anything to me. You make your fondness of me clear enough as is. Just enjoy your trip and I'd be happy.."
After that, there's a silence that fills the room. Usually you wouldn't mind it, but today you seemed confused. Xiao was still here. It's routine of him to soon disappear after you handed off his food if you were awake to give it to him, but this time was different. This time he's stayed, mostly unmoving and looking at you with his eyes flickering with something undescribable. How odd.
"Xiao?" You call, "Is there something you want to tell me?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Well, you usually don't stick around like this— Ah, not that I'm complaining!" Your hands shoot up like a defense mechanism triggering as you swing them around in a slight panic, "I just assumed you wanted to ask or tell me something before you left and..yeah.."
Silence fills the room once again and for a moment, you thought he'd just end up vanishing like he usually did when he didn't feel like answering questions. That never happened however, and when he finally answered you, he spoke in a tone that you haven't heard since the day you conveyed your feelings to him for the first time all those years ago..
"Bosacius and Indarias were always more fond to human customs like this," He began, his voice low as he recalled the memory with a forgone look in his eyes, "Bosacius especially liked to eat in the company of others. He found great joy in it despite having no need to partake in such an activity. He claimed that even the worst of foods tasted delicious when he had someone to feast with him. I..never took part or humored him in the past. I saw no reason to, but now that the centuries have passed and I have you, I'd..like to try it out.."
"You.." You mumble, eyes wide with innocent shock evident in your voice and on your face, "You want to..eat dinner with me?"
"Do you not want to?" His brows crease and his once neutral expression scrunches into one that's more foreign to you—hesitance, "If it's not something you wish to do with me, I understand."
"No, no!" You shake your head aggressively quick to the point Xiao fears it'll just spin right off your shoulders, "I- I don't mind! Not at all! I'm really happy you decided to come to me about this and..! L- Lemme just— Hold on," As if you were being timed by a clock and were running out of time, you run over to the counter and grab your plate of grilled tiger fish before returning back to Xiao in record time.
"Let's eat on the balcony- Uh! Only if you want to that is! If you'd prefer to eat here we can! I don't want you to think I'm trying to force you or anything—!"
"I'm fine with eating on the balcony," He replies rather simply, cutting your spiraling short. You open your mouth to reply with some simple response but inevitably decide to grab his hand and led him outside instead, fearing you'll have a repeat of what just happened.
Sitting along the wooden railing, your eyes subconsciously drift to your lover, who seemed to be looking at you with expectant eyes. Normally, you wouldn't mind it all that much—heh, if anything you'd be overjoyed to have his attention like this—but today, it just makes you feel..anxious.
Your eyes glance away and you play it off as if you were just admiring the scenery around you, which isn't much to look at since you decided it was a smart idea to sit back against the balcony railing, which left you to stare at the decorum of the entranceway that led back inside the inn.
Why are you so nervous anyways? Over the years, you've done things with Xiao that are wayyyy more intimate than this. You've kissed him, been vulnerable in front him—hell, you were even naked in front of him one time! ( It was purely on accident, but still! ) Eating with him isn't a big deal!
..Oh, who are you fooling? This is a big no—huge deal. For you, for him.. Although to others, one would find it silly to make such a big fuss over something like this; but to you, this can easily be marked as one of the most intimate moments of your life. With the wind picking up, blowing it's quiet tune in your ear and through your hair, the birds that rest atop the Wangshuu Inn flapping their wings at one another and chirping happily, and the most beautiful person in the world sitting before you—who feels safe enough to do this with you and only you—yep, this is ten times more romantic than any date he's ever took you on. ( Which says a lot because although he doesn't take you out often, dates with Xiao are always unforgettable experiences )
A breath leaves your lips and at last, your smile returns to your face and your courage returns, allowing yourself to gaze at him again. Xiao notices the change and physically relaxes at the sight. He notices that as well, it felt odd to be so at ease—almost uncomfortable—but he has little time to dwell on the feeling before you begin speaking.
"I ran into that Wushou Dancer I was telling you about. He was so polite, he even volunteered to push my cart from Qingce Village all the way back here to the Inn," As you spoke, you stuff some food in your mouth; only taking a small break from talking to chew before continuing, "I felt so bad that I ended up offering to make him dinner, but he declined!"
"Oh! I also saw Lady Xianyun at the marketplace a few days ago! She was buying so many trinkets, I feared she'd buy up everything that was offered there, hehehe~!"
As you rambled on, hopping from one story to the next, Xiao took his chopsticks in hand and picked up some tofu. He slide it into his mouth and the flavor hits his tongue with so much force, he couldn't help the way his eyes widened just a tad.
Something seemed different about this. Usually the almond tofu was sweet and brought reminiscent memories of the dreams he used to devour in his hayday, but this seems more intense. Even more delightful.. As your laughter tickles his ears and he takes another bite, a feeling of security slowly overcomes his being. Is this what Bosacius and Indarias was so fond of? This gentle feeling of bliss? The peaceful sounds of Teyvat? The sound of the excited rambles of someone they were fond of? Is this the reason Bosacius always tried so hard to convince him to join them during meals and listen to his tales? It makes regrets begin to bubble inside of him at the thought..
"Xiao?" He blinks, did he really just..zone out? Huh, that's not something that happens often..
"Are you..alright?" You ask with slight hesitancy, "Was I talking too much? If you'd prefer to eat in silence, I don't mind."
"No," He says immediately, "Please, keep talking. Your voice is.." He pauses, trying to find the right word to describe this feeling you've given him, this feeling that has accompanied some of his fondest memories, "It's..comforting to listen to."
A golden smile stretches across your face as the last of your fear finally leaves you. Now, without holding anything back, your rambling continues with no sign of ending anytime soon. As the birds chirp away in the back and the sun very slowly sets behind you, Xiao continues to indulge in the meal you so eagerly made for him.
Hm, turns out Bosacius was right. No matter how heavenly the dish already is, a meal will always taste best in the company of someone you cherish.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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dollcherray · 29 days
HI I SAW YOU WERE PART OF THE SMG4 FANDOM!!! IM SO HAPPI, so I was wondering if you could do a smg3 x gothic reader 😱 if u dont wanna then me understand 😼 U MAKE THE BEST FREAKING FANFICS OR WHATEVER THEIR CALLED😍
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A/N: Me love you for requesting me thank you for appreciating me writing, me happy because you (pookie) like me (evil adhd) silly writing, me smooch you now. (Also i dont know MUCH about goth subculture so forgive me if i fuck up AURGH)
Type: Romantic, fluff, headcanons.
Warnings: only some mentions of rituals? thats it ig
Song: II Sextile - Visions of You
Playlist: Breakcore fatal frame
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✮⋆˙ Code red: He is deeply in love, i repeat he is deeply in love, you have turned him into a total dog for you, YOU BROKE HIM!!! (bonus points if you are taller than him)
✮⋆˙ He really LOVES your style, clothing and makeup, ESPECIALLY your makeup, but if its before you two date he didnt admit it so he did some kind of teasing because this man was too embarrassed to tell you that he finds your "style" attractive, so instead of owning up to it he would call you "edgelord".
✮⋆˙ I think he would have complimented you without you knowing before you guys got into dating, like you know those scenes in enemies to lovers films where one of the enemies goes "you look pretty" and the other asks "huh?" and the one that said the compliment would go "i said you look shitty!"? that was you two.
✮⋆˙ I think he would be a bit of a grandpa sometimes, dont get me wrong, he knows what goth is but sometimes he may ask some questions out of pure curiosity, like: "So... do u do rituals?" and stuff, basically thinking you are into witch craft (and he will be extra convinced if you are a Victorian goth)
✮⋆˙ Ok, when you two started dating he would be ALL OVER YOU, complimenting your outfit, makeup, hair and whatever you have on, he's just head over heels on your subculture, he finds it so pretty.
✮⋆˙ I think he would be a bit flabbergasted when he first saw you without your goth makeup and fit, like he would find it a little strange when you are just wearing non-goth comfy clothes, because he got too used to you with your goth fits.
✮⋆˙ Teach him about gothic music, dances and etc and he will be 100% invested, like he would just be kicking his feet like a teenage girl while you ramble about the goth culture and its story, he really likes it.
✮⋆˙ Would probably secretly try to listen to your favorite bands, just so he could talk about them to you and he would probably like it tbh, i can see him liking those type of music tbh.
✮⋆˙ Offer him a makeover and he will just accept, say no less, like you could just text him about the makeover, he could be on the other side of the world and he would just pop into your house and be like "lets go." (OMG GOTH SMG3 AKJEKWNEKSJDJRB)
✮⋆˙ One time he tried doing his own goth makeup to surprise you but it looked like he melt grease on his face and a bird shitted all over his face, it looked pretty funny but you found it very sweet.
✮⋆˙ If someone say something about your way to dress he would either just let you stand up for yourself or he would just straight up bully the person saying that they are just mad you are way cooler and prettier than them and that they wish to be so talented like you to do your makeup.
✮⋆˙ If you are or get a bit insecure to go dressed in goth in public, he would reassure you are pretty no matter what you are wearing, that you look stunning in black/red and any other color and that if someone dared to open their mouth about you he would kick their ass for you.
✮⋆˙ He just loves you no matter what <3
✮⋆˙ "Yo, look at my partner, arent they cool?"
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sgiandubh · 4 months
La transparence et l'obstacle/Transparency and the obstacle
And since Social Media seems to be the dish of the day...
Case in point:
OL S7 Part 1 promo ended sometime around July, right? Cut short by The Strikes and all that.
Never mind. The Chorus wrote the fanfic all by itself. FWIW. It has been a fascinating ride trying to make sense of all the manipulation, multiple webs of lies and thick curtain of smoke.
Meanwhile, what did we see?
S promoting his booze. But what else could he do? Honoring a pre-programmed contractual obligation in Kansas City immediately gave birth to an Endless Hullaballoo, where the most noisy voices were (as always) those who knew nothing at all. Legally, morally, culturally.
C promoting her outfits and make up. But what else could she do? Sometimes lending a hand to lifelong friends. Other times lurking like a ghost in the background of dinner pics that look like an Illuminati banquet, or something. #Silly fashion, nowadays - less is never more, when it comes to gourmet.
Out of the two, S is the louder, more colorful one. But when we draw a line on these last six months, do we know more about S or C's life than we ever did before?
Nope. Savant innuendo and trolling by particular bloggers do not count. Poorly crafted images of uxoriousness, either. It's been done before, with little long term success to the critical thinking crowd - those stupid Shippers, that inconvenient glitch in the matrix.
Her strange silence did not start yesterday, just because a thirsty, easy to bait & lure, amnesic crowd likes to believe so. It started way before the strikes and the promo, when she 'forgot' to congratulate S on his birthday and many bought into the ruse.
His OTT innuendo game did not start yesterday, just because his mommies and the listless fencers who 'worry' every single time lapped it like clotted cream. It started right after that botched paparazzi pic, when the fandom has been played about a dog being an Afghan and an Afghan being a dog, not unlike that silly Internet Dress Folly, not so long ago.
He is in full protective mode. She is just following the lead. Forget about windows and hotel rooms and pandas: that is mandatory white noise. Ultimately, their social media strategies are identical. And that, my friends, is important.
It is my strong belief that the more we are shown, the less we see.
On the 13th of August 1789, a long-forgotten French Jacobin (not Jacobite, quite the opposite of it!), Jean-Sylvain Bailly, who was then the mayor of Paris, uttered a prophetic phrase: 'la publicité est la sauvegarde du peuple'. Publicity is people's safeguard.
By 'publicity', Bailly meant transparency, not advertisement. A distinction S and C came to perfectly master, by now.
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Tea Set Painting Date With Riddle Headcanons
Warning: I write the Reader as female
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This idea came to you one day to have a tea set painting date with your boyfriend so you went to Sam’s store (since you didn’t know if there was a Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Hobbycraft and he always seemed to have everything you needed) and purchased about five to six different blank white ceramic tea sets, the appropriate paints, paintbrushes, and all of the other supplies.
Then you handmade a very formal and professional-looking invitation card, telling Riddle to come to Ramshackle on the afternoon of the next day for your date and that you already double checked with Trey and you know that his schedule is clear, which you gave to the resident baker to give to the love of your life.
Strawberry boy is very confused but on the day of the date, he finds himself knocking on the front door of Ramshackle.
He was very excited for whatever it is you’ve scheduled. Whether it’s a study date, tea party date, picnics with his beloved hedgehogs or simply just sitting side by side in complete silence - he adores every minute he spends with his precious rose ♡
He even kept your invitation all nice and secure in the drawer of his bedside table.
You greet him with a beaming smile and usher him inside where he finds a newspaper covered table with an assortment of different arts and craft supplies
When he asks you what you’ve got planned you tell him that since you enjoy spending tea time with him, you thought it might be a fun idea to decorate your own tea sets together 
As strange as the proposal sounds, he’s all for it. After all, any time spent with you is worthwhile.
So you lead him towards your table and start your relaxing painting session by playing some calming classical music on your phone
At first he’s a little insecure - since he spent his childhood locked in his room studying all day he doesn’t have the first clue on how to draw and paint, making him worry on whether or not this would reflect poorly on him in your eyes - but you reassure him like you always do
“Don’t be silly, Riddle,” you smile at him, taking his hand and pressing a kiss on his knuckles before nuzzling your cheek on them, “art is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And allow me to tell you that my eyes will always consider you and everything that you do beautiful. So just relax and have fun, dearest. I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“Of course I will, my rose,” he clenched his free hand into a fist in front of his mouth and turned his head away so that you don’t see his blush
So the two of you start painting together, decorating the blank tea cups, saucers and teapots with his motifs: red roses (of course), strawberries, colourful hedgehogs wearing crowns (they looked more like lopsided spiky jelly beans, though), flamingoes 
You both even sign your initials inside a heart underneath every piece of crockery 
Riddle is having the time of his life decorating them, scrunching his nose in concentration as he paints on all of the finer details
Usually he’d raise a fuss if he got even a speck of paint on him but he’s having so much fun and your joy is so beautifully contagious that he doesn’t even think about the possible mess.
To anyone else they look a little slapdash and unprofessional and definitely amateurish, but to Riddle they were worth more than quadruple their weight in gold.
He keeps them all in a special tea cabinet in his bedroom so that he proudly gaze upon them in his own time, and to prevent anything from happening to them
Trey has walked in on his friend lovingly staring at one of the sets at multiple points in time 
At first he was too scared to use them because he was worried that they’ll get damaged and he doesn’t want your handiwork to go to waste but you point out that tea sets are meant to be used not looked at so he relents
He likes to use them whenever he misses you, smiling fondly as he traces over your artwork
Whenever the two of you have private tea parties, you bet that those sets are going to replace the expensive one-of-a-kind limited edition royal tea set that was imported straight from the Queendom of Roses.
At one point, he was drinking from one of those tea cups during a Dorm Leader zoom meeting and he looked at everyone, just daring them to say anything about his and his precious rose’s handiwork - no really, he wanted someone to say something so that he has a reason to brag about you
Riddle in the near future: *proudly showing off the sets, which have been placed in a rich, luxurious glass cabinet* And here we have the fine china
Poor unsuspecting person: *stares confusedly at a set of tea cups with a bunch of paint splatters that appear to have been done by reception aged children*
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mistyplace-ghost · 7 months
Hey! Back from my little box!
I came back with a little treat about my fav silly barely in lore character resh!
Thought making of a base of how I think resh's development would be like
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Early childhood: adopted by dawn elder, he was in pretty good hands, and was well loved. he often draws and collects pretty rocks in his spare time(finding dark stone in the process)
Baby 1st trauma: resh is socially awkward and very strange to an outsiders perspective, this got him bullied badly. So much so he lost an eye when being cornered, he finds himself more distrustful and careful , this also made home selectively mute
Prince: after a long and agonizing goal to achieve all the elements(colored light idk) and fulfill the prophecy, he returns with the title monarch, at the cost of his childhood and innocents
He copes with ignoring his emotional side and subjects himself to using light and dark stone and it's uses for the kingdom
Prime: resh has gained a liking to crafting/engineering and isolated himself with crafting machines, and fully covered his face to hide any forms of emotions and his appearance (he hates how he looks, and acts thanks to his childhood trauma) he keeps his reputation pretty well at this stage
Imprisonment: after losing his kingdom, people, family and his own light all because of his pride and greed, his own guilt acts as a constant chain that keeps him from reconnecting to orbit, pretty much rotting away ever so slowly
(au) rebirth: not really a interpretation of character but more of an idea on what could happen, he would finally let go near to his weakest moments and be reborn in a similar maner to present day sky kids, thought completely forgotten his past identity and simply wanders around the realm, meeting sky kids alike finally belonging in a group that could understand him (despite literally being a living fossil fuel in appearance and age lol)
That's abouty rough idea really, ask some questions I will answer eventually!
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oxyphara · 7 months
Major Path to Nowhere spoilers under the readmore, Shalom Interrogation thoughts and theories, got some serious theory crafting and some silly ones
Chiefff I love her so much, getting to hear her voice again is amazing, and her past is so sad!
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Due to her saying: "Mark my words, you'll regret this. If you don't end me right now, you're in for a world of pain!" It leads me to believe that past Chief was provoking her on purpose, so that Shalom would be "forced" to kill her in order to remove the shackles.
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About that Chief.... um, past you probably would depise that you're still alive... :(
Past Chief: *hates Shalom, hates everything, everyone, herself, shackles Shalom out of anger and desperation so Shalom would kill her*
Shalom, finally experiencing emotions again: FRIEND :) She's so amazing, able to fly under the radar, she's so great, incredible, even now she keeps her humanity(-> proceeds to call us a monster, multiple times)
SHALOM I know your experiencing emotions again in awhile so you're clearly overwhelmed but girl calm down she didn't do what she did to be nice or to help you! She probably knew nothing about that, she just wanted death... :(
Also... I know the Shalom touches the Chief (presumably on the head as seen in the first CG) Also the CG is so pretty, poor past Chief looks so depressed and broken in how she was slumped over in that chair. Yet even after that, there seems to have been a delay between that touch and Shalom being shackled..? Does this mean that the Chief shackled Shalom without touching her?? Chief is straight-jacketed. If the Chief's shackles were always hers, then it stands to reason past her would know more about it, things she possibility wouldn't want to tell anyone about. Something present her has also done, hiding information for her own protection.
Not to mention, in the prologue, the Chief also shackled Hella without meaning to... So maybe it really doesn't require touch, it's just easier to establish the connection to a Sinner's mania through touch?
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On a serious note.. What happened... Past Chief seems to hate everything, everyone, and most importantly, herself. She obviously seemed to want to be dead. (Whose protection is the straightjacket for? Hmmm?) I mean, obviously a lot happened to her.
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"I will never forgive, never!!" Forgive what? Did Past Chief find out something she shouldn't have about the MBCC, FAC, 9th Agency, Paradiasoes? Never forgive about being experimented on by the Underground?(In the unfurl flashbacks when taking about how the shackles were acquired from the Underground, it shows the Chief in a strange form, so it seems that she and her shackles were the og, and her shackles were presumably "defective" from the Underground Shephard's(?) ).
Then due to her being presumed defective, hence a risk Paradiasoes wouldn't like, when really it was her shackles and not her personally, her shackles were replicated into the previous Chiefs of MBCC until for some reason("no other choice but her") she was forced to become Chief. Perhaps the shackles being implanted into her, and possibly the experiments done on her to replicate it so other people could wield them. Perhaps she found out about the secret MBCC lab(possibly the lab the replication experiments happened) that Suspect R destroyed in the prologue which is shown behind her actually. It's all very curious, and all of those could be a factor. It required the Chief credentials to access, so it's possible that the Chief found out about it, and hence Suspect R somehow? (To me due to Suspect R's closeness with Chief and how initially she wanted to take Chief with her in the prologue, it makes me feel like Past Chief and Suspect R were in cahoots until the plan fell apart? Perhaps to get back at the world, since Suspect-R seems motivated by the administrations failures, and also Suspect-R expresses disgust by the shackles, perhaps Past Chief shared a similar view on the shackles and the exploitation(replication) of her powers, hence one of the reasons she wanted death to prevent this? )
It's all so interesting and curious. It's hard to craft theories with so little info since a lot of it isn't certain, and what info we were given spawns even more questions...
Anywho, serious theory crafting over, silly theory crafting next:
Second of all,
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I love how this implies that the Chief was given a haircut BEFORE being shoved into the reconstruction pod. The Chief's hair is indeed longer in the past!
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Lmfaooo, who do you think gave her a haircut and why?
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I vote Nightingale 😂
Nightingale: Chief, with all the operations you've been on, your hair gets so messy because it's so long. Instead of complaining about it, let me fix that for you :)
Past Chief, probably traumatized by experimentation: NO
Nightingale: *>:(*
Reconstruction Researcher: We're about to place her in the pod.
Nightingale, scissors in hand: ONE MOMENT-
Adela: If you ever need a haircut, please, stop on by.
Present Chief: I'll consider it :)
Nightingale: You've got to be kidding me...
Lmfao, remember the whole "Midnight Barber" meme audio, Nightingale is the Midnight(ingale) Barber
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luveline · 2 years
such a strange girl + someone spiked the punch with steve harrington? where maybe r is a fairy and loves to go around secretly pranking people but when it comes to steve she loves to leave him little secret handmade gifts?
join luveline's halloween party ♡
tysm for ur req baby! ditzy!fairy!fem!reader
Steve spots the little box in his cubby at work and goes very still, because he knows exactly what you're like. You get into places you can't possibly get into and leave your weird trinkets, rocks and pressed flowers and bugs suspended in amber. Robin had found one herself last week, a spider wrapped in orange resin. She'd thought it was cool, and taken it home, and the resin had dissolved and let her spider loose.
He doesn't want to open the box, lest something sweet turn out to be a prank.
But you always smile so nicely at him. He's curious.
He glances over his shoulder before picking the box up with stiff fingers from the autumn chill outside, untying the black ribbon holding the lid on and prying it open, box held away from his face in case something goes poof.
Silence. He peeks through his lashes and finds a small felt flower, a black dahlia made of intricate, neatly trimmed pieces.
A note is curled into a scroll on top, but when he unfurls it he's dissapointed to find only three words.
Happy Hallow's Eve.
"Do you like it?" you ask.
He flinches hard. Your disregard for the employees only sign might get him fired, and your ability to suddenly and silently creep up on him will kill him, one day.
"It's awesome," he says genuinely, though his voice sounds far away, heart pump-pump-pumping in his ears.
You bite your lip like you're tamping down a smile before you cross the room and throw your arms around him. He's not so surprised at your need for affection — quiet you may be, but shy you most certainly aren't — and he wraps his arms around you familiarly, careful not to squash your handmade craft. You smell like grass and flowers and something heady.
"I haven't, uh, made you anything."
You look up, your eyes impossibly light and dark at the same time. "That's okay, Stevie, I didn't expect you to. I like making you stuff, anyway."
He coughs. "Yeah, about that. It's not going to turn into a weird little creature that suffocates me in my sleep, is it? Mike's still sleeping with a night-light."
You frown. "Why would it do that?"
"'Cause you like scaring people?"
"Yeah, but not you," you say, like it's super obvious and he's silly for thinking otherwise. You nuzzle your face back under his chin and squeeze his ribs.
He peers over your shoulder at the gift in his hand, finding he really likes the implication of what you said. "Not me, huh?" he asks, pressing the side of his face to the top of your head.
"You don't play games with someone when you're courting."
He raises his eyebrows. "Duh," he says, like a liar. He makes a mental note to ask Robin what 'courting' means.
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
hello i am giving u an excuse to talk about the chucky TV series because i generally don't like horror but i watched it and it was great
My friend... this goes so much deeper than the TV series.
DATELINE 1988! The horror movie slasher genre is THRIVING in the boom of video and cheap rental stores. Jason. Freddy. Michael. Already household names, nay! Heroes! Enter one Don Mancini, young and queer and ready to share some fear with a little idea knocking around in his head about a killer doll. With little more than a dream and few friends he tackled the enormous task of crafting the next horror legend. On the advice of a lawyer friend, he loaded Chucky up with distinct, trademarked features and made sure copyright on the titular killer doll was his and HIS ALONE.
Child's Play, the original Chucky movie, debuted to instant classic status. To modern eyes it may seem strange that a concept as silly as a killer doll could ascend to the heights of the holy triumvirate, but SIMULTANEOUS to Chucky we found such properties as Cabbage Patch Kids and My Buddy dolls - a virtual BUFFET of saccharine toys just begging for a counterpart with edge, and Chucky edged hard. The My Buddy doll never recovered as millions of children globally cowered from the mere TRAILER of Chucky and his slimeball snarl voice broadcast it's way to hearts and minds. But this wasn't all, no, for you see Chucky had a most peculiar gift, the gift of a soulful heart.
While many other slasher movies focused on a test of wills between survivor girl and unstoppable monster, Child's Play was first and foremost the coming of age story for Andy Barclay and his, Karen. In particular credit must be given to actor Catherine Hicks who never wanted to be in a horror movie, and made the conscious decision to play Karen as a straight dramatic role about a single mother and her son. In a sea of peculiarly good choices, it perhaps was hers more than any other that granted Child's Play a quasi-Spielberg-esque movie magic to transcend the genre stereotypes and absurd premise, to create something unique.
While she would not return for Child's Play 2, the die was cast with Alex Vincent as Andy and Brad Dourif as Chucky. We saw the introduction of street smart older stepsister played by Christine Elise. With a bigger budget, nastier deaths, and a truly grotesque version of Chucky, Child's Play 2 is likely considered the best in the series, as it predates the series' later campiness and had the delightfully rubbery 80s practical effects. Not me though, I love them all except of course Child's Play 3, the military academy one, which rounds out the first arc of Chucky. For a little while.
In 1998, just in time for a ten year anniversary, Chucky would RISE AGAIN, in Bride of Chucky. You see, while Don Mancini no longer had the rights to the Child's Play name, he still owned Chucky. Would this new chapter in the knife wielding minimaniac mean the previous continuity was dispensed with? NO, for this series was and still is violent killer baby of ONE MAN and his found film family. Instead, Bride of Chucky would introduce a new member of the family, Tiffany Valentine, played by the inimitable Jennifer Tilly. In this chapter of Chucky's tale, he and Tiffany took center stage, with no consistent protagonist, and a greater focus on absurd humor. Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky are both movies which give the sense of perhaps Mancini himself being more comfortable with his sexuality, more open and free. It was also the turning point where Chucky would go from a by the numbers slasher to a metatexual interrogation of the horror genre itself.
Besides playing with self referential comedy and genre references, Don Mancini introduced an in-universe awareness of Chucky's prior crimes, both as a human and as a doll, including the set of an in-universe movie (Chucky Goes Psycho) starring actress Jennifer Tilly. Hang onto your butts, because we're going in hot. If Bride of Chucky felt like it was going to weird places by having two dolls fucking and working on their romantic matters, Seed of Chucky abandoned all pretense, enjoying the presence of stuntcasting like John Waters and Redman (as himself) in roles specifically for gruesome deaths. But Jennifer Tilly was the central meta tornado.
Try and follow this. Real actress Jennifer Tilly plays Tiffany Valentine, who gets her soul transferred into a doll which is also voiced by Jennifer Tilly. Subsequently Jennifer Tilly also plays fictional actress Jennifer Tilly (who is otherwise identical to real world Jennifer Tilly), cast to play Tiffany Valentine in fictional fictionalized account of the fictional world real events of Child's Play 1 & 2, and also to voice the fictional Tiffany Valentine doll along with fictional Brad Dourif voicing the fictional Chucky doll, both dolls created for the fictional movie Chucky gets lucky. However, the fictional dolls get possessed by the real fictional characters Chucky and Tiffany, still voiced by real actors Brad Dourif and Jennifer Tilly. Eventually, Tiffany is able to transfer her soul into fictional Jennifer Tilly.
So, hang with me, in Chucky this means that fictional actress Jennifer Tilly (played by real Jennifer Tilly) is now possessed by fictional real murderer Tiffany Valentine (played by real Jennifer Tilly) who has to pretend to be fictional actress Jennifer Tilly (as played by Jennifer Tilly).
Beyond all this fuckery, Chucky and Tiff must cope with their new child who vacillates between Glen or Glenda, a kind of bigender or genderfluid character at a time when those ideas weren't very widespread, but which feels deeply informed both my Mancini's experience as a gay man, and also the long history of queers in Hollywood. At the conclusion of these two movies, it seemed like we were done with Chucky, with Tiffany living happily ever after as Tillyception and Glen/Glenda now living as two children, having their soul split into the twins fictional Tilly was pregnant with.
However, it seems that these five movies total instead were a kind of foundation for the next generation, when Chucky returned in Curse of Chucky and Cult of Chucky. Together these movies added a new layer of recursion, and might be called the Nica Pierce chapter. Both films featured less camp, and a more serious tone which, initially seemed to imply an intent to reboot the series. This was, of course, a fake out as Mancini not only revealed the new movies as a direct continuation, but also gave Chucky an illegitimate human daughter in the form of Nica Pierce, played by Fiona Dourif, the real world daughter of Brad Dourif. Not only that, but we would get the reintroduction of a long absent character, Andy Barclay, still played by Alex Vincent.
In the reprisal, Alex Vincent, an actor who was damaged and traumatized by being a child actor in movies like the original Child's Play, plays Andy as an adult damaged and traumatized by his experiences as a child in the original Child's Play.
Now, eventually Chucky gets control of Nica and Fiona Dourif does drag to play young Chucky and there's fucked up lesbians and gay kissing and a priest explodes, but all that happens in the TV series. What I'm really needing everyone to get at here is that from 1988 up to RIGHT NOW Don Mancini has kept continuity of plot AND ACTORS, with two seasons and an upcoming third which incorporates every single movie detail. A series which, while silly at times, always both respects its audience second, but FIRST is itself above all. Every single movie and episode has been something which set out to be its own thing, free from control or demands of conformity and it always has been, like it or not, love it or leave it. Somehow the killer doll movie has turned into a 35 year long and counting love affair, a found extended nuclear family both on screen and off.
And perhaps the best part is how much the queerness has been given a chance to flourish, going from a whisper of an influence in early films, to campy comedy later, to fully realized queer relationships in the series. Not only that, but it's always seemed to treat its atypical protagonists with a humanity and respect few other media properties manage. The young Andy works so well because he's an actual character, not just some kid, treated like a capable and thinking human. Tiff and Glen/Glenda are bizarre but never dehumanized, never treated as undeserving of human kindness. And Nica, a paraplegic, is amazing, with her disabilities informing the plot, but not innately treated as some definitive limit or inspiration porn. It's rare for so many disenfranchised characters to get such a human treatment, and frankly bizarre that the murder doll series is the one to do it. But that's kind of the real beauty of Chucky. Every character is human first, before anything else.
In fact, there is only one character who is genuinely human second, and it's Chucky himself. Now I'm not saying there's no room for complex antagonists, but in all Chucy movies, the one constant is this: Chucky is a total dick. Not evil, not a menace, just a pure all out asshole. Chucky is a piece of shit person first, murderer second, and that's GREAT. You will never be in a position where you hope the evil murder doll succeeds (Tiff excepted). You will never stop and wonder "Gosh maybe Chucky is secretly a good guy deep down." Chucky is always a gaslighting selfish prick who wants to live for ever and kill everyone, full stop. It's beautiful, it frees the mind to dwell on the humanity of other characters because you never once are getting asked to give the lying cheating manipulative little fucker the benefit of the doubt.
I don't know what it is, but Mancini just gets it. He gets the best and the worst of people and that's what makes this whole machine tick. It's huge and overwhelming to think of how many people and plotlines and stories are encompassed by Chucky and then like a falling air-conditioner it just slams into my head: "Oh yeah, this is about a killer doll."
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
For the kink bingo, rimming and/or pegging with Aegon x wife!reader (maybe twin sister-wife if that’s something you’re okay with writing)?
Uh yes you got it!
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Kink Bingo - Rimming
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Incest, Sub!Aegon, Twin!Wife!Reader, Aegon is a little chubby in this one, Hightowers In The Back, analingus, she runs the show and the actors yup
For anyone that asked, King Aegon Targaryen, second of his name did not bow to anyone. Simultaneously everyone knew he bowed to his twin sister-wife like a loyal servant. They just didn’t utter it aloud, lest the dowager queen or the hand sent Ser Criston to personally cut out their tongue.
Alicent and Otto carefully crafted the image that her son was not a drunk and clung to his wife like a babe. He’d always had, even when Aegon was running the streets of Flea Bottom. The Kingsguard would escort the sniveling prince back to his sister’s quarters in the morn so he could nuzzle at her and wrap up under her sweet-smelling blankets. After she made him wash of course.
The Hightower’s couldn’t have supporters of the late Rhaenyra whispering of putting her Velaryon bastards on the Iron Throne. Still, Aegon was easy to shirk his duties before being dragged by his ever present twin to court. She carried all of the self-confidence and smarts Aegon floundered with.
So the greens had owed her a little bit of gratitude for keeping the king in check, especially Otto who doted on his granddaughter. Alicent, ever pious and holding strange feelings about women in power could be acrid to the pair.
The sister-wife in question laughed in the face of all the flying rumors and her mother’s outdated thinking. Why would it matter when she basically sat the Iron Throne by fucking her brother silly every night. Aegon listened to her, worshipped her, cried for her love. He sat at her feet now, begging, “Sister, my love, something- anything please.” His eyes were glassy with tears and the drink.
His discarded cup of red sat beside the pair on a table. The woman thumbed his cheek and hummed, “What do you want me to do Aegon?” Her husband’s matching violet eyes looked to the side in thought. Aegon worried at his lip, dumbfounded on his response. She was pretty sure he wished for everything under the sun, greedy whore.
She smiled and sighed, “I always have to do the thinking for you, don’t I sweetling?” Aegon pouted, still arching into her touch needily. Pulling on curls that looked exactly like her own the queen ordered, “Go get on the bed and strip down. Don’t touch yourself.” Her other half scrambled to the huge bed, drunkenly pawing and ripping at his clothing.
His wife watched in amusement, taking a drink from Aegon’s discarded goblet. He was so pretty yet so, so vapid. She tilted her head, shifting minutely while watching Aegon fuss with his belt. The annoyed king whined and pulled on the constricting piece.
“Got too plump for it, my king,” she teased meanly, “Lay off the wine and feasts, mayhaps love?”
Aegon cast an annoyed look in her direction, throwing the belt down and yanking off his jacket. He looked down at his padded hips and fleshy stomach, swallowing in panic. He jerked his head up and whined, “Why didn’t you tell me I was growing stout?”
She shrugged and finished the cup, “I never thought you cared, it’s normal for the king to grow a bit…soft.” The female Targaryen eyed him with heat, pointing toward the bed. Personally she liked the extra flesh, made him more sensitive and soft in her opinion. Aegon complained on, glaring at his body and pinching, “I must ride Sunfyre more.”
“Or actually take your lazy ass to the training yard. Get on the bed already or I’ll leave you there.”
Aegon huffed and clambered onto the bed. His twin lowly whistled at the sight— pallid skin and sweet curves stark against the covers. She undid her gauzy nightgown and carefully placed it on the chair. She complimented the trembling Aegon, “I don’t mind it, not really, you’re so beautiful sweetling.”
Hopeful purple eyes peered up at her, looming over his prone form. He whispered, “Do you mean it?” Carding her fingers through his curls she cooed, “More than anything in the world. My perfect brother.” He happily nuzzled into her hand, fighting to stay still.
The queen slung a leg over the side of the bed to settle between his calves. She stared down at his pale ass, cute and bubbly. The twin asked, “Did you clean up like I asked?” He bobbed his head in quick movements. So eager.
She groped one cheek and smacked the other, grinning wildly at Aegon’s sharp yelp. The Valyrian murmured, “Should I eat your greedy cunt tonight?” She expected his wanton response.
“Please oh gods please fuck baby,” he panted.
She smacked his ass again, watching the pink handprint bloom. Of course Aegon wanted that tonight, she always knew what he wanted. They were one and the same, shared a womb, shared a bed, shared their heart. Always meant to be.
“Ass up then, my king.”
She sucked in a breath at his pink twitching furl, always so pretty for her. Aegon’s ringed fingers gripped at the silken sheets desperately. He quivered eagerly, awaiting his love’s tongue. She breathed over his most intimate part and cooed, “Good boy. No touching your cock, it belongs to me.”
He clenched his eyes and whined, “Only you!”
Aegon’s wife grabbed a handful of his fleshy cheeks and laved a hot stripe from taint to tailbone, him shouting and writhing at contact. Aegon’s head fell down as she began to kiss and lick deeply, working his tight hole open with ease.
He whimpered at her tongue flicking over his sensitive rim, thighs clenching wildly. She dug her fingertips into his ass greedily, wanting to eat her brother whole. Sloppier and quicker Aegon’s wife ate and lapped at his cunt, moaning like she was the one getting eaten out.
Aegon had to swallow back the drool collecting in his mouth, squirming and panting. Sweat began to bead all over his body when she pointed her tongue and began to spear his entrance. Aegon babbled, “Love, fuck- fuck! S’good s’goodGODS!”
She wickedly kissed at his hole while tongue deep, one of her hands coming down to grab his heavy balls. Aegon pathetically moaned, rocking back onto her tongue— crying her name. The wife softly rolled his balls while slurping at his loosened hole, sucking in his whimpers and moans like the air she breathed.
“M’close sister, gah, I love you!,” he cried.
She grinned and licked harder, swiping her tongue in playful circles while massaging his sac. Aegon’s sweet belly tightened and rolled as he curled into himself at the nearness of climax. He was close to tearing the sheets. His cock twitched and weakly spurted out pre.
She smacked his ass again for good measure, sending the king over the edge with a bonafide wail. He shook and clenched around her tongue, balls drawing tight. He came on his shaking belly and the silk sheets, crying for her like a maiden. She eased off his rim and cooed, “Good boy, my sweetling cums so pretty, love you.”
He mewled at the last few spurts of his overtaxed prick, sinking back onto the bed into his mess. She clicked her tongue and rolled the worn king over on his back. The woman grabbed a discarded article of clothing to wipe his soft belly, her other hand stroking his pale thigh. Aegon panted and watched her with lidded eyes.
“I love you,” he repeated.
She grinned. “And I love you Aegon.”
He petulantly pulled her into his body, needing her warmth and love. It made him happier than wine— which was saying a lot. Aegon murmured, “I’m so lucky to have you,” he smirked, “And your tongue.”
She jested in return, feeling up the fatty part on his hip, “I’m lucky too and I’ll include your slutty mouth for measure.”
He pouted, “You like my slutty mouth.”
“I’ll put it to good use for me soon, my king.”
His cock twitched again in earnest.
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