#if I remember correctly the writers would just blow something up if a scene wasn't funny enough which is great writing advice all around
adobe-outdesign · 11 months
I think one element modern-day Muppet productions are missing is explosions. if you don't have stuff just blowing up for literally no reason at least once per scene then really what are you doing
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sukirichi · 3 years
chapter 5 really left me numb and speechless. nothing prepared me for that, you woke up and decided you'd ruin us all today. but okay hear me out, THE BEAUTY OF RECKLESS. (this is me simping for your cute ass and your god-tier writing skills so i'm sorry if the long message bothers you)
but reckless is so heartwrengchingly beautiful. five chapters in and we already have such strong settings and a stable background of all the characters, minus the mysteries of gojo's past we've yet to discover. if i remember correctly, gojo can't go against his mother because he did something wrong in the past and she's using it against him? the manipulation of the characters to tie people up to what they want struck me so much. usually i only read fanfiction for the smut (which you're also an absolute goddess at writing btw) so reckless wasn't really my cup of tea. but after chapter one, i kept moving to the next, and the next, and now i'm left heartbroken after chapter five. i don't think i've ever read something as painful as this before which says a lot because i'm a SUCKER for angst. suki, the way you write, you never fail to blow me away...
i thought reckless was going to be a happy story and i still hope it is, but after chapter five, i'm super excited to see where you'll take us with this. y/n herself is such a complex, human character that is conflicted by her own feelings and goals. honestly, i thought she was pretty annoying that she doesn't give gojo a chance and locks up immediately like gurl...just let him speak ffs, but i'm not actually mad at her because you made us understand her perspective. y/n came from a family background in which love wasn't really what she felt, rather a sense of obligation to provide so she would find a spot. again, this could just be my analysis and i could be wrong, but the way you wrote and pieced them all together as if they were actual human beings going through every day conflicts made me root for the characters more. i still want them to make more babies and fall in love, but now you've given us so much more to look forward to. this is my first time wishing that y/n gets more than love. i wouldn't say she was abused like gojo was (FUCK MAMA GOJO, FUCK PAPA GOJO, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE) but she has her own internal struggles that as someone who preferred to do things my own way because i'm "independently strong" i could see myself in her. the struggles are the same and i was crying a waterfall before i knew it. OVER A FANFIC! ONLY YOU, SUKI, ONLY YOU.
i don't know how you manage to tug at our emotions so effortlessly as if writing the story is an instant way for our hearts to be swayed and pulled side to side, but you are so good at this. i swear. i've been following you for a while now, watched you grow and i'm really proud of you. i hope you know that. i also wish people would stop being so rude to you, you're like the sweetest person here with how you're so patient and welcoming to everyone :(
okay i'm steering off path, forgive me its like 4am right now and i'm still not over reckless ch5. speaking of, who's gonna clean my pillows stained with tears or tell my cat who saw me crying that it's just a fanfic and i shouldn't be this heartbroken as if i lost a loved one?
and suki, gojo...your portrayal of him is CHEF'S KISS, never seen before, really fucked with my mind type of portrayal. he's so well-written and feels so real. i love how he's a kind hearted person but can't care for y/n the way he wants to because his bitch ass mom is getting in his way. the scene over him going against his mother shaped his personality and my respect for him deepened, though i still wish he didn't have to say all those. i know his intentions were good and its his way of "keeping us and the baby safe" but he made me cry so bad i actually felt chest pains. he knew where to hurt us and the way he lied by saying we seduced him and he'll turn the whole world against us when what he wanted to say is the exact opposite really broke me. i'm starting to think that there's more to everyone now than what you've originally shown which makes everything sm better, can't wait for the next update. 
gojo saying "he can't defeat his mother, but he knows you can. you will."
the trust he has for her and the way he believes in her capabilities, i want me a baby daddy gojo 😩 now after seeing the teaser for chapter 6, my theory is that y/n and gojo are going to be the most powerful, baddest couple. king and queens. i don't think y/n will forgive him that easily so i'm hoping gojo explains his side and she listens (y/n please for the love of god hear the poor man out, he's a victim in all this) so they can communicate better. but honestly? you'll do great. i know whatever you post will be so amazing that we will be, once again, left speechless. reckless is so beautiful and painful yet it makes me root for them more. i can't wait for y/n's revenge arc and to see how she and gojo will take over the world someday.
✨ absolute icon couple ✨
sorry this was too long! i hope you're proud and giving yourself some credit and rewards because ch5 was truly amazing. hope you get some rest, don't forget to drink water and eat three meals a day. i love you
oh my gosh i’m so sorry i took long to respond to this i was just...i teared up at this! i’m feeling extra emotional today idk its probably bcos the weather is gloomy and i am too but like anon omg i am...i’m really really humbled and so happy rn, i don’t think i can properly express how thankful i am for a message like this. you have graced my inbox and there’s sm i want to thank you for - for the support from me as a writer here, for the kindness of your words, for the feedback on reckless and how much you related to it - just... thank you so much, for everything, this message really means a lot to me and i hope you know that 😭 i’m still sorry you cried over it but omg anon i’m just downright speechless rn thank you so much 🥺 please take care of yourself too and know i love you more and i’m forever grateful for this, thanks so much 😭💕
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