#i'm not rly good at writing comfort cause im p awful at comforting ppl myself
shitfics · 7 years
This is kind of random and I am sorry to bother you with it but I just got rejected from the college of my dreams so could you write a little something jongtae about Taem getting rejected from the college he really wanted to go to?
You’re not a bother, anon. I'm sorry to hear that. :( I'm not very good with wisdom things or advice, so forgive me if my words are awkward or not the kind of comfort you need.
For now, it's okay to be gentle with yourself and mourn what-would-be and all those dreams you had. It's as real a loss as any. Watch some shinee videos and cry it out (I recommend their first perf of a-yo). This rejection doesn't say anything about your worth as a person. And you know how there's that…whole thing about when one door closes, another one opens? I forget the exact saying, but maybe you can look at it like that. Even if not now (I know it's hard to look at things that way right after are rejection) but in the future, you can hopefully look back at this moment see that being set on a different path lead you to become whatever amazing person your future self becomes.
I hope my words are okay...and this probably isn't any good since I have a massive headache right now and I'm at work, but I did try and make a short little drabble for you -- it’s behind the cut. I hope you feel better soon!
Taemin enters the coffee shop with his hood up and his head down. He pauses at the order counter for a second, lifts his head to blink blearily at the menu, then casts his eyes back down and shuffles away to a seat against the counter.
Jonghyun watches him in disbelief. He doesn't think he was imagining that those were nearly tears in Taemin's eyes. And fuck, he has no idea why, but if Taemin's crying, something has to be really wrong.
"Hey, Taemin," he greets gently. "How're you?"
All he gets is a grunt.
"That's not really an answer, Taemin…"
"I'm shitty, thanks."
Jonghyun frowns, even more worried now. Taemin could be reserved, but he was never abrasive.
He looks around the shop, making sure there won't be anyone Taemin would be reluctant to talk in front of, then leans in to force eye contact. "You seem really upset. What's wrong?"
Taemin reaches into his bag. He digs through the mess inside a deep scowl that remains when he finds whatever he was looking for and throws something it onto the counter. Jonghyun chases it  down before it can bounce too far away, swiping it up into his hands before it rolls into one of the tacky sections he'd spilled soda on earlier. It's a crumbled up piece of paper, and the first thing he sees when he opens it is the letterhead for the college that Taemin's been talking about for the past year.
Thank you for applying to our College. We have many talented and highly qualified applicants for a limited number of spaces. Based upon the recommendation of the dance faculty, I regret to inform you that we are unable to admit you as a dance major.
A lump forms in Jonghyun's throat. It's not even his rejection, but it stings, and it hurts all the more because he knows everything he feels must weigh twenty times more in Taemin's chest.
"I wanted to go there so badly, Jonghyun. I dreamed of it. For years."
Jonghyun swallows. There's nothing to say to that, really, nothing that won't sound like a stupid platitude pulled from some after school special.
All he means to do is move around the counter to hug him, to offer some silent understanding -- he figures, with Taemin being the type of person he is, that's all he'd want -- but the moment he takes Taemin in his arms, Taemin collapses against him, shoulders shaking with quiet sobs, and Jonghyun ends up blubbering out as many comforting words as he can. "It's okay, Taemin. You'll be okay."
"No, I won't. I'm a fucking failure."
"No, you're not. You're really not," Jonghyun says. "I could give you a list of celebrities that faced a dozen rejections before getting where they want to, but I can't think of any right now. But I know there's some out there -- I've heard their names before. So don't give up, okay?"
Taemin laughs bitterly against his shoulder. "That's real comforting."
"We can google them later, if it helps." He squeezes Taemin tighter, muffling another dry laugh, and sighs into his bangs. "I'm sorry I'm so awful at this comforting thing."
"You're fine. I don't need it. Normally I can take care of myself. I can dance to get my emotions out, but now…" he sniffles and pulls back. "I don't feel good enough. Dancing's the last thing I want to do."
"Yeah, I can imagine." He continues to rub circles in Taemin's back, thinking hard. "You can take a break from it, though. Take some time to yourself. Do some hobbies you've been neglecting with all your practice."
Taemin scoffs. "All I know is practice. I've forgotten what hobbies I even had."
"You always used to talk about video games, before auditions came up," Jonghyun says, remembering their first chats after Taemin became a regular. The upside of his old crush on Taemin is that he memorized everything the boy said from the day they met. "Maybe you could play some of those?"
"You have work. And I don't have any consoles anymore."
"I have some at home, and my shifts ends in an hour." Jonghyun stops, turning red when he realizes what he's suggesting. "I mean, if you'd be okay with hanging out and waiting for me and all that…"
"Yeah, I'll wait." Taemin pulls away from him with a sigh and dabs at his eyes, but there's a small smile on his lips that makes him want to reach out and hug him again. "Thanks, Jonghyun."
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