#i know it'sa thing
bennyyrabbit · 2 years
Controversial Opinion
I related to Luke Castellan more than Percy Jackson.
He was angry. He was still a kid. He was only 19. At 14 he helped a 7 year old girl after she ran from her family and her godly mother didn't care. At 14 he watched Thalia be turned into a tree, because otherwise she would've died.
At 10-11 years old, I read Luke Castellan betray Camp Halfblood, and rejoiced, because forgiving those who neglected you just because they're powerful or family is bullshit. I rejoiced because I was an angry kid. At 17, I am waiting impatiently to see it happen on screen. I will scream and I will cry and I will Rejoice to see ON SCREEN Luke Castellan's story unfold.
I love him. He will forever be my first favorite Riordanverse character.
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wp100 · 1 year
ppl who have seen duran duran live are so lucky
they haven't been here since like 2008. RCM. Wtf. That long ago... sobbing rn.
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sm64mario · 1 month
do you think there's secretly good in bowser or wario or dk?
Donkey Kong? Definitely! He'a can be a bit'a brutish and'a quick to anger, but he'a great person through and through! Cranky Kong'a little more questionable, but I'a actually think he'a mellowed out with age.
Wario... Maybe! I'a think deep down, he'a got a good heart. He'a just not so good at'a showing affection! I'a might have something to do with that - I'a wasn't the fairiest friend towards'a him when we'a were little paisanos. The guy'a might be greedy, but he'a constantly putting his money to'a games or'a projects, or'a even things like'a infastructure! I'a hear he'a working on a dam by a mountain that'a supposed to generate power for a whole village!
Bowser? Psssshhhhh. He'a big softy. He'a act all big and tough, but I'a know the truth - he'a great boss! He pays his minions proper wages, give'a them time off, and even has dental! He'a constantly playing Parties and'a Kartings and'a Sports with us, and - and I'a not supposed to know about this yet, but between you and me? - I think having a kid softened him up. It'sa good!
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: $8
Stephen King: submitted for the approval of the Elon Musk: [emerging from bushes] eyyyyy stephano king! Musk: you still no paya $8 for X? King: no elon i'm King: wait King: $8 for what?
Musk: eyyyyy iss x now! Musk: cuz x itta do everything! Musk: it da everything app! King: what do you mean it'll "do everything?" Musk: eyyyy you know Musk: it do Musk: it do Musk: it do-a alla da things capiche???
Musk: now you alla post onna da x capiche? King: Musk: King: Musk: [grappling with King] gimmie da $8! King: [struggling] no! never! i'm never paying for twitter! Musk: [struggling] itsa notta twitter! IT'SA X!!!
King: criminy elon why are you so obsessed with the letter x? Musk: eyyyy itta all start 24 years ago Musk: 24 years ago dissa very night Musk: in desa very woods...
[24 years ago] Young Musk: eyyyy i maka da X dot com! I no paya da taxes! eyyy!! Peter Thiel: [rising from coffin like count orlock] once again, elon, there is nothing you can possess which i cannot take away Young Musk: mama mia!!
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leagueofuselessness · 4 months
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Hey! thanks for stopping by our blog. :3
Nice to meet you! the mortal flesh sack you see before you with the purple hair... their name's Taylor, but we tend to go by many different names...
Here's some things you should know about us!
-Level 26 Dragon Shapeshifter.
-Trans in whatever way makes all of us faggots.
-pretty fem presenting most of the time and prefer she/her but we're very chill abt it.
-we like to skateboard, longboard, and roller blade!
-PC Gamer (primarily FPS/RTS/Survival but also some MMORPG/Simulation games as well)
-Traditional Artist (pencil/pen/marker)
-Roleplay enthusiast
-Stoner / Psychedelics user
and a lot of other more specific things :)
The tags that we primarily use are "#it'sa me" for selfies and "#my art" for drawing :3
Our plurality is something we've been putting more effort into understanding lately, and while Marisse has always been the front, the other "characterizations of myself" tend to pop in to influence the choices the front makes and change the course of what they would usually do in a situation.
We have other aspects of ourselves that we've injected into my other fursonas but the main one here besides Marissse is Natasha.
Marisse the water dragoness - 🌊
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Strong and wide momma dragon with a daredevil streak, unable to keep herself from the dangerous and the thrilling for too long before she gets herself tangled in another adventure! Competitive, stubborn, and self-driven!
Her two girlfriends are Bessie the cow and Tori the giraffe, and they live in an apartment with their adoptive son tempest the Clydesdale.
Natasha the Husky - 🐾
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Voluptuous and sultry purple husky with a lavender underbelly and a black collar from which a purple bell hangs. She is overtly flirty with anyone she deems worth her time and slurps up attention with an incessantly wagging curl of tail floof.
Edit 5/5/24:
We feel comfortable enough in ourselves enough to express this through changing the pronouns on our pinned, even though I don't neccessarily use them each and every time I refer to myself in real life.
We shouldn't have to. who is anyone to define how when and where we decide to express our plurality? What we DO know is we feel comfortable about sharing that with you.
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thefangirlfever · 7 months
Brace yourself for Miguel O'Hara Halloween headcanons 🎃
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So... I guess it's time for Miguel O'Hara Halloween headcanons.
•goes trick'r treating with Gabriella ofc (duh)
•she is the only one who can get him to dress up. It wouldn't be something too crazy at first, like small devil horns or vampire teeth. With the years passing, they would get some matching costumes. In the end, he would be such a huge fan of this little tradition of them(teenage Gabriella would die of embarrassment but in a good way)
• He covers Gabriellas's eyes every time something scary appears on the screen when they watch a spooky movie. He tries to act tough but is in fact very scared of some horror movies himself.
•Would carve pumpkins if Gabriella asked him to. Since he had to learn how to cook for him and his daughter, you can be sure he will bake some amazing pastries during that time of the year, including cinnamon rolls and apple pies.
• very generous when it comes to give candies to trick'r treaters. The kids love his house. But he always makes sure to keep his favorite candies and Gabriella's favorites.
• When he has to empty her bag of candies at the end of the night, he is very careful and checks everything with her. He lets her have the best candies and eats the one she doesn't like (jelly worms and dark chocolate treats)
• Definitely has a food coma after this evening (it'sa good thing his suit is a hologram so it can still fit even after eating a lot), but not as much as during Christmas.
•Dios de la Muertos, I mean. I mean, I can see him rocking one of those tradurional masks or maybe a make up inspired by caravelas.
• So, feel free to correct me if I am wrong (I don't live in a South American country, so I had to do some researches about this), but apparently Mexican people clean the graves of their dead every year for el Dia de los Muertos. I can see Miguel trying to make his daughter feel close to her heritage and maybe brings her with him that day.
• (also in the Canon when Gabriella's universe has been destroyed, since she has no grave, I think he would have a little altar for her somewhere in the house. Not something too big but definitely has some pictures of her, candles and he puts some flowers every year. Apparently the 1st november is when people celebrate the dead children, called angelito, so I would clearly see him doing it that day. Sorry for the angst, let's get back to the fluff now)
• Does he like haunted houses? Definitely no. This would imply for him to always be on his guard and if he feels threatened, he knows his claws would come out or maybe his fangs, so no, he prefers keeping it simple on Halloween.
• That doesn't mean people don't play tricks on him. If it's Gabriella, she would probably just wear a mask or a sheet over her head and tries to scare him when he does the dishes for example. He would fake being scared and they would actually end up laughing. If someone else tries to scare him, he would simply not react (which frustrates people a lot)
Disclaimer: I know el dia de los muertos is not the same as Halloween but apparently more and more people celebrate these two together and mix some elements of each celebration (which I find really interesting).
Thanks for reading my mess, little goblins 🎃
Happy Halloween !
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it'sa me! funny anon
uhm, yeah.
i could do that weekly dinner thing but then, knowing the way my family is they'd invite EVERYONE.
my best bet is just waiting for the day she gets a phone tbh. i really have run out of options tsk.
thank you so much for being so understanding tho!!! i really appreciate it.
also i don't know if you remember but i was that anon a couple of weeks ago, that one that sent so much shit about the muffin man
i'd had one too many coffees that day and i was way too embarrassed to apologise 😭😭
so sorry 😞
I'm so sorry you have to wait. That honestly is horrible. But if you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here!
HAHAHAHA feel free to send me coffee-induced randomness anytime. It was funny. I guess I picked a good name for you!
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nakasumi-sims · 1 month
✩ Can you do the Miscellaneous section from the Ultimate Relationship list for Hikaru & Toshio? Thanks 😊 (or the whole list if you want! I just didn’t want to overwhelm you)
Ah I see you've chosen the characters from my main project of the last 12 years. The original brain rot that is Shuriken Souls. In that case, imma have to go with the whole list 🤣 I would've gone in game to take a sims pic but since I wanna make them better I'm just gonna go with their actual artwork and maybe some sim pics sprinkled in.
Hikaru & Toshio
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🌟 Disagreements:
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Who trashes the house?
Neither of them because they're above that. Plus Hikaru owns way too many priceless artifacts and valuables that he's over protective of so...
Do either of them get physical?
Hikaru might if his demonic side comes out, but he usually has it under control unless he's plastered.
How often do they argue/disagree?
Very rarely, but when it actually happens, it can be quite big. At the start of Shuriken Souls (not the prequel/Freshman Year), they're taking a break due to a fight.
Who is the first to apologise?
Depends on what the fight was about, but neither of them are going to be first if they believe they're in the right.
🌟 Sex:
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Who is on top? Who is on the bottom?
They're switches
Who has the strangest desires?
Probably Toshio because he actually likes getting whipped with Hikaru's chain whip. There's definitely a non sexual desire for punishment for loving Hikaru which is also part of it, but he'd keep that to himself.
Any kinks?
Both of them are sadistic, but as above and really just with Hikaru, Toshio can be masochistic.
Specific kinks...uhhh Hikaru likes banging in front of mirrors (if it's convenient enough) so he can show off how good he's making you feel and can get the best views of you. Just a little conceited. The only thing I can really think of for both of them is they both just love loving on each other since Hikaru is more used to occasional sex with humans he doesn't give a crap about and Toshio hasn't been with anyone since his ex wife 15 years prior.
Who’s dominant in bed?
Depends on their moods, but usually Hikaru
Is head ever in the equation?
Absolutely. They be wining, dining, 69ing
If so, who is better at performing it?
Hikaru, but that's just because he has more experience being over 2,000 yrs old
Ever had sex in public?
Sorta? Public place, but it was private due to it being after hours. Their first time was in Toshio’s classroom and they did get caught in the morning. It's known as the Lab Incident (and yes it is available to read if asked because it is nsfw, but I've been told it'sa good read)
Who moans the most?
Who leaves the most marks?
Who screams the loudest?
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Both but more 'make love'
Rough or soft?
Usually softer but they have their more wild nights
How long do they usually last?
They can go for hours
Is protection used?
Toshio insists even though Hikaru
Does it ever get boring?
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? 
Classroom after hours
🌟 Family:
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
Toshio has a son, Michio, from a previous marriage. He's 16 yrs old. Hikaru has no kids and doesn't want any
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Just one (Michio) but Hikaru never plans on doing any sort of parenting with him or actually being a stepdad if they get married. Toshio is content with just one and doesn't expect or want Hikaru to do any parenting. Toshio hasn't done much parenting in awhile and finds Michio to be self sufficient. Michio and Toshio have lived separately since Michio left for a mission and didn't return for 2 years. Hikaru didn't even know about Michio until he, Kaori, and Ryo rescued Michio and Sumiko from under a giant boulder.
Who is the favorite parent?
Who is the authoritative parent?
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Toshio, but only for special circumstances and it wouldn't be a real day off
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
Toshio used to, but either he doesn't show up now or he only shows up to judge his son's progress
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
Who changes the diapers?
Toshio (single dad life)
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
Who spends the most time with the children?
Who packs their lunch boxes?
Toshio. Well he hasn't for a long time, but he used to
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
Who cleans up after the kids?
Who worries the most?
Toshio used to worry but not anymore
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
🌟 Affection:
Who likes to cuddle?
Toshio is definitely more of the cuddler. Hikaru still has some trouble getting used to it since he's not used to being intimate with someone he's in love with.
Who is the little spoon?
They take turns
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Hikaru usually gets uncomfortable after a couple hours but he pushes through it to get more used to the feelings even though he does have the desire to hold onto Toshio. Toshio could either be cuddled by Hikaru or hold him for hours even if it gets uncomfortable
Who gives the most kisses?
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Slow dancing
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
In Hikaru's living room because the couch is really comfy and the atmosphere all over is very nice. But rarely do they get to cuddle there because of Ryo and Kaori also living there. It's just best for Toshio not to be over when Ryo is home cause they despise each other and it'll cause problems
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 
How often do they get time to themselves?
Quite rarely due to Toshio being a professor with classes in multiple subjects and supervising a club and Hikaru having to deal with Ryo's shenanigans on top of attending classes at the Academy, going on missions, and having to travel for work. They usually make time when they can at night when Toshio shows up drunk or they make plans to go get drunk.
🌟 Sleeping:
Who snores?
Neither. Toshio did used to snore when he was younger, but he had to train himself to stop for reasons
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
They share the bed when they can, but normally sleep separately since they don't live together and live in different districts within Tamashi Tera.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
They cozy up at the start, but Hikaru will separate from him after a couple hours, but then Toshio will end up migrating back to cuddle
Who talks in their sleep?
What do they wear to bed?
They both wear pajama sets though Hikaru's are a lot nicer fabrics
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
No they both sleep well. Very rarely, but Hikaru can get insomnia when his memories bother him. It's great for his job, but terrible for being able to recall everything vividly. He's gotten over most of it though
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Mostly side by side unless Toshio is getting cuddly
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Toshio. Hikaru is too perfect and having silk pillowcases helps
Who wakes up first?
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
They'd rather order in than cook, but if someone was prepping it, it would be Toshio because Hikaru is used to Ryo doing the cooking. Not that he's bad at it or anything
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Toshio likes when Hikaru lays on his chest so he can hold him close. Hikaru prefers spooning or lying on his side holding hands with a little hand caressing until he falls asleep
Who hogs the sheets?
Do they set an alarm each night?
Yes because Toshio has work and Hikaru has work/school
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Hikaru has one in a separate sitting area of his room. Toshio doesn't have a tv in his room
Who has nightmares?
Who has ridiculous dreams?
They both do, but Hikaru's are ridiculous in the sense of wacky things that have happened in the past. Toshio’s got normally wacky dreams when he has them
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? 
Who makes the bed? 
They both make their beds
What time is bed time? 
Depends what they're doing. If it's a normal night, around 11pm-12am. If they've been out, then around 4am
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Hikaru has a shower and useless skincare routine. He doesn't need it as a demon, but he just likes it. Toshio has a drink, prays, but keeps it to himself
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Hikaru because he has to deal with Ryo
🌟 Work:
Who is the busiest?
I would say Toshio is, but only by a slight margin. Hikaru is usually just about as busy.
Who rakes in the highest income?
Hikaru by a looooooong shot
Are any of your muses unemployed?
They're both employed
Who takes the most sick days?
Toshio just because he can actually get sick since he's human. He does have a good immune system from being a father and working at the Academy though so it is rare he uses a sick day for actually being sick. He'll usually use them for other reasons.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Who sucks up to their boss?
Neither of them are suck ups per se, but they'll be manipulative in their jobs if needed to get something done. Usually Hikaru has to do it more in his line of work
What are their jobs?
Toshio is a professor at Southern Temple Academy in Tamashi Tera. He has classes in most of the sciences, maths, computer science, combat, and is the advisor of the sewing club (the club was forced on him cause no one would take it)
Hikaru is a historian and works with and as a museum curator in many museums across the world. He's also an archeologist, but the reality of that is that he's just "finding" things he's hidden around the world over his centuries of travels and digs them up/finds them again once they're of value depending on the time period. Most of the antiquities he's recovered, stay in his own private collection which he keeps in multiple floors of his building and then he loans the artifacts out. He also gives talks on them and writes history books. At the same time, he attends Southern Temple Academy as a student even though he really doesn't need to, but he does it for Kaori and it has some benefits even if it's dangerous as a demon.
Who stresses the most?
They're equally stressed and bond over how much Ryo stresses them out
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They both love their jobs. The only thing Toshio hates about his job in recent years is dealing with Ryo because, like Hikaru, he doesn't need to be there so he puts in zero effort (except combat for fun) and is a nuisance.
Are your muses financially stable? 
🌟 Home:
Who does the washing?
They both do their own washing
Who takes out the trash?
They both do their own
Who does the ironing?
They both do their own. Hikaru does typically goes for dry cleaning though for most of his clothes
Who does the cooking?
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
They're both competent enough not to burn the house down, but I'd say Hikaru just because Ryo might prank him or something
Who is messier? 
Toshio, but he's barely messy
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Who is the prankster around the house?
Neither, but if Toshio is over at Hikaru's and Ryo is bothering them then he might pull a prank as revenge
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Toshio. Neither of them actually own a car though. They both can drive, but Hikaru hasn't driven in decades and Toshio doesn't really need a car in Tamashi Tera cause it's walkable and has excellent public transportation
Who mows the lawn?
Neither of them have lawns
Who answers the telephone?
Hikaru is more likely to answer
Who does the vacuuming?
Hikaru hires a cleaning service and Toshio does his own
Who does the groceries?
They each do their own
Who takes the longest to shower?
Toshio because he's often dirtier after working on his inventions
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Hikaru. He's gotta get his hair styled juuuust right
🌟 Miscellaneous:
Is money a problem?
For Hikaru, hell no, he's ridiculously wealthy, but unlike rich humans he uses a lot of his money for good. For Toshio, he's comfortable enough
How many cars do they own?
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Hikaru owns the building he, Ryo, and Kaori live in the East District as its only occupants while the rest of the space is for his collection. Toshio rents a condo in the Southern District closer to the Academy
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
Sort of coast? Tamashi Tera is its own partially man made land mass (lots of lore stuff)
Do they live in the city or in the country? 
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
They do. It's really one of the only nice places left even if there is some problems
What’s their song?
Mmm I'd probably say La Vie En Rose
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Focus on work, but they'll often text each other when it's convenient. They both know that they're busy people and mostly respect that
Where did they first meet?
At Southern Temple Academy! Here's a doodle comic of it! (Right to left)
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How did they first meet?
See above
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Toshio just because it's nice to see that Hikaru isn't always perfect
Any mental issues?
Hikaru has a lot of unaddressed trauma from his childhood, maybe a little ptsd, but he's mostly over what happened and gets rare nightmares. Toshio....uhhhhhh idk if there's anything to truly label him with
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Their favourite place?
A little live music cafe not too far from Hikaru's place in the East District
Who pays the bills?
They each pay their own. (Ryo technically splits with Hikaru though as they are brothers)
Do they have any fears for their future?
The both have fears for the future of their relationship. Each for different reasons which are extreme spoilers
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Who uses up all of the hot water? 
Toshio probably on an experiment vs showering etc
Who’s the tallest?
Hikaru by an inch
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Neither, but if it's a lazy morning in a hotel room, Toshio might
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
What do they tease each other about?
Dealing with Ryo mostly
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Hikaru, even though it's like boi you've 100% worn some wacky ass shit over the last couple of millennia
Do they have mutual friends?
Not really
Who crushed first? 
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
They're both alcoholics. It affects Hikaru differently with him being a demon and even more so being a sin of gluttony demon. Toshio also smokes cigarettes.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Who swears the most?
Probably Toshio. Hikaru does swear, but he tries not to so he comes off as more eloquent and poised
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fuckyeah-jessicabiel · 10 months
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Jessica Biel for Details Magazine, September 2002
JENNY GAGE AND TOM BETTERTON : When shooting all-American beauty Jessica Biel (page 256), husband-and- wife team Tom Betterton and Jenny Gage wanted to keep things real. "At this point in her career, it seems like everyone wants to sex her up," says Betterton. "But her beauty is very nat- ural." The couple has shot for W, among other magazines, and has a video instal- lation opening at the Luhring Augustine Gallery in New York this month.
"If you don't sign my ass, I'm gonna have to do fifteen shots of Jack Daniel's." Rarely in the course of a lifetime does an individual get a clear opportunity to directly affect the destiny of a complete stranger. For Jessica Biel, the chance to prevent a tragic death—or at least a long, ugly night of toilet hugging-came at 4 A.M. during pledge week of her freshman year at Tufts University.
Emboldened by copious amounts of liquor (and no doubt a few keg stands), a staggering pack of frat boys descended on Biel's dorm room with a mission- to get her to scrawl her name on a pledge's butt. Despite the obscene hour, Biel shook off her initial shock and took Sharpie in hand.
"The poor guy just drops trou and bends over right in front of me," Biel says, trying her best not to blush. "So I reached out and scribbled some illegible thing, and then they took off. You know, I hope they were serious, because I felt really bad. Fifteen shots of Jack? That could kill somebody."
While it's possible that her squeaky-clean work on the WB dramedy 7th Heaven brought her to the attention of Tufts' homy mob of chronic masturbators, more likely it was her ill-fated brush with kiddie-porn infamy when she was 17. Biel sus- pected that her Heaven-sent image had kept her from landing the meaty role in American Beauty that went to Thora Birch. So, at a magazine shoot, she had Frank W. Ockenfels 3 take pictures of her sprawled out in nothing but high heels and a thong. As if the photos weren't saucy enough, the article painted her as a foul- mouthed Lolita trying to bait Aaron Spelling into booting her off the show so she could pursue a proper big-screen career.
Part One of the equation worked like a charm: Soon after the story hit news- stands in March 2000, her character was packed off to do some soul-searching, and returns in just a handful of episodes. But the movie-star part? Well, let's
just say that the resounding thud of her first post-pinup role-Summer Catch- made her realize that there are worse fates than an eternity in Heaven.
"Yes, the pictures were supposed to be a little more mature and sexy than what I'd done before, but it went further than what I expected or wanted it to, she says. "Looking back, I would've made a different choice. I learned a shitload from the experience and grew a lot—but I wouldn't do it again.”
The year at Tufts helped bring her back to earth; tiny Medford, Massachu setts, was the perfect place to plot her next move. "I was pretty depressed, but most of all I was angry that I put myself in that situation," she says. "I never wanted to get off 7th Heaven. I just wanted to go to college."
She'll return to Tufts this fall, but not before giving the movies another shot In October she'll star alongside James Van Der Beek, Shannyn Sossamon, and Kip Pardue in The Rules of Attraction. Based on the Bret Easton Ellis novel, it'sa satiric look at a sexual triangle among friends at a New England liberal-arts col lege. Biel passed on a nude scene, but still manages to play against type-jus like she's always wanted.
"What's most impressive about Jess is that she's really brave when the camera rolls," says Van Der Beek. "There was this one scene where she had to break down and cry, and she nailed it on the first take. She absolutely grabbed the scene by the balls. The girl knows her shit."
Biel admits that returning to the cineplex after her public comeuppance is bit nerve-racking, but she's ready to put the controversy behind her. "You do crazy things when you're 17, and I've changed a lot since then," the 20-year-old says with a smile. "I'm finally ready to show people that there is very different side of me."
The woman in Bungalow 27 at the Topanga Ranch Motel is getting nervous. So is the dandered militia of meowing cats pouring from every loose shingle of her beachfront cottage. She emerges from behind her rusting screen door, kitty tucked under one arm, and steps over an assortment of food-encrusted dishes to size up Biel.
"This isn't a party, is it?" she demands.
Biel names the approaching stranger Cat Woman under her breath, then charms her into submission. "Yes, ma'am," she says, managing to sound more sweet than smarmy. "The frat boys are on their way." Curiosity quenched, the Cat Woman herds her feline conga line back into the house and retreats.
Looking like a SoCal queen with her low-slung jeans and flip-flops, Biel has and arrived at this Pacific-coast hideaway to step in front of a photographer's lens once again. This time around, she'll prove she can turn it on without taking it off. After she wraps up here, she'll hop a plane for Austin to begin filming the just remake of seventies trash classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A horror junkie,
Biel snagged the role by auditioning for producer Michael Bay himself, and she's obviously ecstatic about reimagining Leatherface's sordid tale.
She coils up on the bed of the cramped motel room and rocks back and forth as she excitedly describes one of the scenes.
"I jump out a window and gash my knee, but I'm still running," she explains, eyes wide. "I'm in these semi-stiletto clogs and I trip and twist my ankle. So now I'm bleeding and I've got a busted ankle. But I'm not the typical horror-movie wuss girl-not at all. I get right back up on my feet and keep on running." Falling down and getting back up again? It's something Biel has become pretty damn good at. Leatherface had better watch out.■
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knightofhylia · 9 months
Life Overview
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It's been a while since I've used this deck and the spirit is rather shy so I did the Life Overview spread for myself for those who like to see before they try tarot!
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What potential exits in me now? To be honest, all the potential. Through a mix of good and bad life events (moving, changing jobs) I have a LOT of free time. I definitely am not sitting in the lap of luxury so that is about the only hindrance to the growth. But that being said there is a lot I can do without financial support, my main issue is just choosing a focus (it'sa AuDHD). I'm my own limit and my own roadblock (as usual). Trying to figure out what I want to focus on leads to a lot of reprioritizing and stuff gets thrown out. Currently, I'm still sorting through, creating and aborting projects as they come along.
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What have I learned from my visit to the underworld? Well, I have been in recovery of Borderline Personality Disorder for a few months and I'm only getting better. My therapist is extremely proud of the progress I am making. In her 15 years od doing therapy she has only cleared 3 people of being fully recovered from BPD and I intend to be the 4th! Being in the process of recovery has taught me so much. I know when a lot of people see stuff about people overcoming depression or any number of mental illnesses they think 'that can't be me, I'm unfixable' and for 20+ fucking awful miserable years my husband made me get my act together. Recovery feels BAD people. There is nothing glorious about being in your 20s having to fill out emotion charts and hygiene routines and food menus like a preschooler BUT IT WORKED. Now, I can't even remember the last major mood swing I had? it's been years since I last self harmed? I'm comfortable in my body and my friendships? I get along with my family?
And the part about the ancestors is right in light with ancestor month coming in November. I've been pretty hesitant to do ancestor work because of how little information I have, and my history with my relatives. I have been noticing my abusive dad's spirit's influence around and I am nervous about interacting with him spiritually (to be clear, not as a threat, I've asked my guides many times if he is a threat and no, they are filtering his interactions, but that obviously means that they want us to interact).
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lord knows I have had some pretty tumultuous friendships in the past few years. I've been getting dreams about friends from ELEMENTARY school I used to roleplay sonic with and had messy fall outs with, like cmon that was 2 decades ago!! But they are all pointing to the same thing. I've had to cut so many people out, distance myself, it's taken a lot to be able to finally have a comfortable give and take with my friends :) No one is constantly begging me for money anymore, or getting jealous or competitive, we all build each other up and have vast interests and hobbies! during this quarantine after being trapped with my so-called-bestie and having that messy fallout, then being isolated in a new town, the wound has been slow to heal. But I'm at the point where I just don't give a fuck about any of the shit that happened anymore because it's not relevant now. I am definitely seeing my relationships in difference angles from this view.
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I think I'm more of the guide in this one lol as a poly marriaged person who has been dating for like 3 years with fucking zero zilch nada to show for it :'). Mostly people who get scared off when we set a single boundary or too immature in too many ways. Not that I haven't dated or had fun relationships but I haven't felt anything NEAR a connection like I have had with my husband even back when we were roomies. As an poly autistic person my platonic and romantic boundary is pretty blurry. Usually like first week of talking to a new friend I'm like damn do I have a romantic crush? Then I'm like nope just new person friend energy. Well it's been a few months and now I'm laying on the floor listening to mitski, hillary duff,and fob so you know they've been haunting my dreams and psyche🙄cringe right? my goofy ass downloaded pokemon go to catch some hearts, and now my husband is playing it with me so it's kinda of a win win either way LOL (hashtag poly life). and to think 7 years ago I was playing Pokemon Go with my roomie so we didn't have to go back to the apartment and deal with my cheating boyfriend and bedbugs.... now we are married 3 years with 4 cats and a mortgage <3 I could not be able to love like I do now without being shown what unconditional love truly with from my spouse <3
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Are theyre bonds I still have strong? Oh yes. This card directly correlates to what all my cards across many decks say when I ask them about career. They all talk about community, networks, friends, building things together. At first I interpreted this as 'rely on commissions to live' but now I see it is 'going to events and talking to irl people and bonding with them makes you a good customer to them and therefore they can be a good customer to you when you put yourself out there'. which is why I've been working on more tarot stuff! Another interesting thing about this, with the second question asking if someone can help, I have been considering summoning an ancestor that owes me a LOT and having them to help clear a way for our business. A lot of this is also, a lot of life events happened so the other people who are part of the business are farther away but now we can actually visit each other so working together more is the key.
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Although these cards did not appear next to each other I included the duality interpretation because I believe it is still relevant that they both showed up. I think a lot about my legacy since I am doing my part and ending my bloodline :). for me that means preparing for my future reincarnations. I have some ideas for spells I want to do before my death to ensure that my next incarnations have a best astral foot forward! I'm interested in this 'desire for the taboo'. For the two cards to be in the 'career' and 'friends' spot I assume maybe this has to do with the taboo of starting businesses with your friends (which we are doing). Also 'taboo' forms of career could also mean vending and tarot commissions since they are pretty frankly looked down upon as a legit business.
Life is good! Lots of themes of coming out of darkness, seeing things from different views, and renewal, but not without points to focus on. Friends and Career seem to be my weakest links right now, which both revolve around me interacting socially which like you know how that goes. Lot of things are confirmed here (my crush, my ancestors reaching out, my career path). Looking forward to doing more readings with him!
->Like this spread and deck? Get a free reading from me! <-
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autisticlio · 6 months
Hello there everyone. It'sa me, Nerdie. You may know me for classics such as teapotcutie, nerdienerdlord, animeweegs (Super Mario Kun and HxH translations), and ferallio (Daily Lio Fotia account). But you may have also noticed that they all suddenly vanished in the middle of the night. So why is that? You see, it's a little thing called
Anyway, my daily Lio account got me copyright striked to hell and back. So here we are. This is what I get for having shit taste still at the age of 22.
In any case, they won't let me use my old urls or email either, so I had to go back to this blog aaall the way back when I was into JJBA and stimboards which I have since deleted the posts for. Feel free to unfollow. Or keep following. Idc.
So this all leads to the questions of what now? Well, I'll be making a proper post to have my mutuals RB as this is moreso an explanation kinda thing of what happened. How ironic this happens after I retranslated the ending D thing or whatever you kids are obsessed with. I might remake animeweegs, but for now will talk about translation stuff here too.
Ferallio? That's dead as hell after dealing with that. Sorry buckos. 'sides, some of you were getting too weird about it.
My art blog I've been posting more on Instagram so I doubt I'll be remaking it cause I don't get that many notes here and plus the skeleton crew stuff.
Anyway! That's what happened. Remember to say "Fuck Thanksgiving!" this week.
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haeminlgc · 1 year
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hello it'sa me, circe! some of you may know me from previous rps like rk and may remember that I used to have an ong seongwu fc in lgc a few years back. anyway I am once again going to try my hand at rping and writing, this time with my boy yoo haemin!
originally from busan, he is now an aspiring actor and currently works in a convenience store. his acting rolemodels are lee seunggi, gong yoo, lee dongwook, and kim seohyung or whoever the lgc equivalents are.
he is a little bit quiet, a little bit shy but once he trusts you he will give smol cuddles and gentle shirt sleeve tugs to call your attention to things. and will talk a great deal more. and will buy you food if you're younger, if you're older than him he will ask you to pay lmao.
some connections I'd like are friends, older hyung/noona that he's rather attached to, busan buddies, convenience store regular, blind date idk hmu if you have an idea
find me on twt @qveenscove or on discord (im me for it!)
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twotangledsisters · 2 years
So, one of the funnest things about writing re-imaginings is sometimes the audience already knows, which means things that previously were secret, no longer are.
For example, in Queen for a Day Part 1 we see Arianna and Frederic fall of the mountain but not if they survive the fall (it'sa kid cartoon, we assumed they were fine but... Disney parents so?) A cool cliffhanger for the episode.
But because I'm assuming all readers have seen the series people know they survive the fall, so instead when I write I get to have fun showing the fall.
Anyway, here's a way early, sneak peak of Queen for a Day because this isn't technically spoilers as it's the same in the show, just an extended scene:
The pull of gravity was a horrible feeling, both king and queen's hearts sped and Frederic's grip on Arianna's hand tightened to the point it was painful.
Though perhaps it was a good pain, allowing her less awareness of the air around her as they free fell for the longest six seconds of both their lives.
Then the carriage hit solid ground, tumbling, the snow blew against their skin and the slipperiness caused Arianna's hand to slip out of Frederic's.
"Ari!" Frederic screamed, his eyes wide as the carriage continued to tumble. The snowstorm made it impossible to see even inches in front of them.
Then things came to a standstill.
The carriage was on solid ground, the open door was against the floor, locking the snowstorm outside.
"Ari!" Frederic gasped.
"I'm here, I'm okay," Arianna responded fast from the other side of the carriage.
Frederic stood fast, intending to wrap his arms around his wife, grateful to be alive, but his foot gave way and he crashed to the ground.
"Frederic," Arianna rushed over, thankfully her feet were working. "Oh, your ankle." She helped him into a sitting position.
Frederic wrapped his arms around Arianna, not caring for the ankle or the snowstorm outside. "Thank goodness you're okay."
She smiled and pressed her forehead against his. "That was the scariest five seconds of my life."
Frederic nodded.
For a few minutes, they just sat there in each other's arms, unaware where they'd even fallen, just grateful to be alive. But the winds were howling, and the wood was creaking. With each passing second it was colder inside.
"I'm going to check where we are. Stay here, my love."
"I don't think I can go very far," he looked at his ankle, which was quickly becoming swollen.
Arianna had to climb up on the seats and out of the other door. The strong winds immediately hit her as ice cut her skin, she pulled the hood of her winter coat up further before climbing out, closing the door behind her. She jumped down into the snow, not able to see the mountains that surely surrounded them.
She walked until she found the edge, after following the edge for a bit she quickly realized they were trapped, there was a mountain they could climb up, hopefully to get back on the path, probably where they fell from, however, Arianna was not athletic enough to climb up there during a snowstorm with no gear.
And even if she were, she wasn't leaving Frederic behind. So she returned to the carriage.
"Any luck?"
"We're going to have to hold in here." She made sure the door was fully closed before jumping down, looking around. She began to break apart the wood of the seats.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to start a fire. It's only going to get colder as night falls."
Frederic frowned. "The girls..."
"They're safe at the palace. We can't be worrying about them right now Frederic, we have to worry about us."
Frederic nodded. "How can I help?"
She passed him the wood. "Make some space for this on the ground beneath the snow."
Frederic did as he was told, and soon Arianna had started a small fire inside the broken carriage.
"What about the smoke?"
"I'll open the door to let it out," she grabbed another piece of wood and climbed up, not opening the door fully so the snow couldn't sneak in but enough for the smoke to exit.
"Corona has never seen a storm this bad," Frederic frowned at the sound of the wind.
Arianna climbed down and sat next to her husband, who wrapped his arms and coat around her, holding their bodies close, sharing in their warmth. "Corona has shelters just past the island. The advisers will tell them to evacuate."
"What if we don't make it back to Corona?"
"Then it's a good thing the girls have each other. But that won't happen Fred," her hand reached up to his face, pulling him in for a kiss. When she pulled away, barely inches, just enough to speak, her voice was full of determination. "I've not spent eighteen years searching to die in a snowstorm."
Frederic smiled at his wife's determination. Though he wasn't fully sure he believed they'd get a choice in the matter.
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sm64mario · 3 months
Yo, Mario! I like to rip Goombas apart to get the coins inside.
You'a know, at first, I'a was a little concerned about'a defeating enemies. Jumping on'a Goombas until they'a get squash'a so flat you'a can't see them anymore, or'a kicking away a Koopa hiding in it'a shell felt mean! But eventually, Mario'a get over it! I'a could probably wrap things up in'a nice and valiant'a bow, but I'a be honest - it'sa fun! I'a like chaining'a jumps between enemies, spin jumping to'a obliterate foes, punching Goomba so hard they'a turn into coins! I'a the mighty plumber! I'a never die! Wahoo!
...But I'a try not to let it get to my head.
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mrstsung · 1 year
New oc dropped!
New fankid.
(This is more of an au idea than anything. But im loving this idea. It'sa w.i.p still but I'll give the basics)
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Ok so this fankid is an au where me n shang have a son. But this baby is a magic baby.
His name is Xian Tsung.
Ok so here's how it happened.
Basically someone. Haven't decided who. Might just leave it anonymous and a non canon related character. But someone decided to get into shang's old magic stuff in his old outworld keep. The place is practically unused and abandoned. Only small amouts of it remains behind. The more important equipment is on his island with him,where he resides permanently. Anyways. Someone decided to try to make their own creation warrior to "get back at shang tsung". But instead of a full grown warrior,accidentally creates a baby. Just a 1yr old baby. How? Well somehow they got a hold of both me n shangs dnd n spliced it. And with a bit of magic,and what was available. Boom. Magic baby. But this person thought "well i can't do anything with a baby" so basically played ding dong ditch and left it on the doorstep of shang's main castle keep on his island. And left.
Now me n shang have to take care of this poor thing.
Shang said he wasnt gonna get attached...you know damn well thats a lie he tells himself.
By all accounts it technically is his child. But he's more mad that someone had the audacity to create a child of him and me. He's mad they did this without his knowledge. And did it so successfully. Also mad he didn't get to make the child himself,by himself. (Cuz shang is totally the dude that would rather "make the baby" with someone he genuinely loves than in a lab.)
But he sees how this child makes me smile. And how much it makes me happy. So he plays along. And he ultimately ends up giving in and genuinely becomes attached.
Again xian when we find him he is essentially just 1yrs old. Basically baby. And he ages just like any baby would. All in all a perfectly magically lab made baby.
Xian has more of my traits of compassion,laid back attitude,and chill vibes.
But has his father's cunning,intellect,is magically adept,and ability to diplomatically disarm.
He is more into elemental magic. And fighting styles that disarm,defend,and or turn the energy back onto his opponent.
His fighting styles can manipulate chi,and redirects the flow. He can block it as well. So he essentially can make you paralyzed with one pinky touch.
All without killing.
Xian isn't above killing but he hates getting his hands dirty.
He tries not to kill if he can't help it.
Unlike me who does it because i have no choice. Also i do it for others health not my own. (Id know what im capable of if i was in mk ok?) So mostly noble reasons.
xian don't do it out of sheer laziness.
Anyways that's all for now. Like i said it's a w.i.p. but that's what i got for now. And its an au idea.
Enjoy sweet baby boy.
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milescottontail · 2 months
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<3 fav oc things
original template-> https://www.deviantart.com/icewingcalamity/art/OC-chart-blank-977596577
vvv more info vvv
Favorite OC- Harts You know them!
First OC- Rosi the Pinkears MY LOVELY LESBIAN RAT CHILD! I made her when I was a straight up baby (she's based on my mousie plushie)
Latest OC- Hyacinth Technically she's apart of a randomly generated WC clan buuuuuuuuuut she's the only one I've really given a personality soo I thought she'd be the most fitting ^^ tbh she's currently my brainrot but idk how to talk about her V_V
Easiest to draw OC- Error Bonnie The parent
Hardest to draw OC- Ruby the Kitsune I love her so much but she... takes so long to draw
Artist- It'sa me
Honorable mention: Most fun to draw- Shine I just felt like they needed to be here 'cuz I love them
NOTE- for Easiest and Hardest to draw OC I didn't choose my actual easiest and hardest to draw but instead ones I draw more often- cuz I felt like that would make more sense?
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