#i have my own yuusona but i'm still working out the kinks in the plot i'm wokring on
devintrinidad · 1 year
Your one reply to my one post got me thinking. If you could ship any of the TWST boys with a Disney Princess/Hero, who would they be and why?
Hey, Devin here!
Oooooffff, that's a good question! I think you mentioned one of the more popular ones like Azul/Tiana, Alice/Riddle, etc., so I'll go with one that is pretty cracky (???) but could work if written/executed properly.
Don't laugh, hehehe.
But what about Floyd/Moana?
Like, Floyd is all about freedom and independence. He does what he wants to do whenever he feels like it. He's like the ocean in that way. One minute as calm as a sleeping baby and the next, as temperamental as a hurricane.
On the other hand, Moana (whose name means ocean!!!), she also likes independence and freedom, but she still adheres to the rules and restrictions of tradition and what's best for her people. Of course, she does go out of her way to leave her island so she can rescue her people, but again, that's because of tradition--that little bit of rebellion was just a bonus.
So, they're kind of like opposites in a way? Floyd is inhibited, while Moana is more restrictive. Both crave freedom and independence in their own ways and regard consequences quite differently. I suppose if they were ever paired together (romantically or otherwise), Floyd would teach Moana to not put so much emphasis on her people's needs over her own while Moana would teach Floyd about thinking before doing.
Plus, I think it would be fun if Floyd were trying to flirt with her, but the ocean decides to interfere if it thinks Floyd is getting too rowdy (like sending a tidal wave his way and splashing him). Also, can you imagine a "kiss the girl" sort of situation where Moana is on her small boat and Floyd is in his merform and he's leaning up to meet her halfway as she leans down? Peak romance, hehehe. Or Moana swimming with Floyd as both humans or when he's in his merform?
I bet Floyd would also have fun with Maui while Moana would try not to get on Jade's hit list.
Both of the Tweels would definitely be after Hei Hei if only just for the bit and to bother Moana.
Thanks for the ask and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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