#he's such a. Gh.Ghsdk
sans-guy · 1 year
butch lore.. but with romantic jazz music
-I know it kind of sucks but butch will not instantly fall in love with someone (u can pretend tho its ok.) -It's gotta be someone he's known for a bit, or at least knows quite a bit about, enough to want to care about them even platonically. -This part isn't really an admirable quality, but he's emotionally withdrawn. He doesn't like people that try to crack open his brain or.. like.. the best way i can say this is he hates therapists most of this technicality stuff existed even before his questionable actions, since he was raised to be that way. What he does really only amplifies it, so trust between him and whoever is a massive factor. not like he tells the people he loves what he does, but still, maybe they would hate him a little less than everyone else if they found out.
ok fluff time -he loves doing things for people, cooking, building stuff, cleaning. all you really have to do is recognize a job well done. or a job done. or partly done. sometimes he's too tired to do it all the way, its the thought that counts -he likes the praise ok. -he loves holding hands and all that. he's too proud to ask verbally for physical touch so you just have to learn to recognize when he wants it. -he will speak up and comment on things a little more around people he likes, and especially around the one he loves. yes he is a serial jokester (runs in the skelly dna) but they're ones you gotta think about instead of puns or whatever (he'll still make those tho) -compliment him enough in high succession and he will be rendered a useless mess probably
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