#edit: in fact i saw a few reviews like this just now
hbyrde36 · 5 months
STWG Prompt 12/24/2023 Missed Mistletoe 🎄
Merry Christmas Eve! Please ignore any typos or grammar errors and whatever else, I would have reviewed and edited more but it's time to prepare for my own celebrations!!
Christmas Eve, 1989.
Today was the day. 
After nearly three years of pining after Eddie, Steve was finally going to do something about it. Though, to be fair there were a lot of reasons he had hesitated to take action before now. 
In the months after Vecna and the Upside Down, Steve and Eddie grew close. It was bound to happen, trauma bonding and all that, and it didn’t hurt that Eddie and his Uncle spent a few weeks staying in Steve’s guest room while Eddie recovered from his injuries and he and his uncle looked for a new place to live. 
When the two of them did finally move out, Steve found that his house felt even more empty than it had before. He spent a little time feeling depressed and a little lonely about it, and trying to hide it from everyone as best he could, but of course Eddie noticed anyway. He began to show up at Steve’s house unannounced, coming over any time he felt like it. Steve would often come home from work to find Eddie already there curled up on the couch waiting for him. It was nice. 
Nicer were the nights they spent at Eddie’s own home, a small two bedroom house not far from the Byers old place. He, Eddie, and Wayne would have dinner together and talk about their days, and Steve would find himself wishing he could have this all the time, especially when he and Eddie would crash together on the other boy’s full size bed. It was big enough to hold them both, but small enough that they had to cuddle a bit to make sure neither of them fell off as they slept, which quickly became Steve's favorite part of nights at Eddie’s.
1987 saw Steve privately coming to grips with the fact that he was not as straight as he had previously thought, and had developed a debilitating crush on Eddie, using the term private loosely of course, because Robin was with him, supporting him every step of the way. 
The following year he and Eddie continued to grow closer, to the detriment of Steve’s sanity.
Best friends for all intents and purposes, though they never used that phrase out loud to describe each other, lest Dustin catch wind of it. He was already appalled at the amount of time they spent together without him. Obviously the kid knew it was possible to have more than one best friend, himself having several, but it was still a fight Steve had no interest in listening to. 
‘88 was also the year that Eddie came out to him, as well as the rest of the party. Steve was elated to find out that he might actually have a chance with his crush, but nervous since just because Eddie liked boys didn’t mean he would be interested in Steve that way. 
But, Steve never got a chance to confess his feelings. 
It turned out that the reason Eddie had finally come out was because he wanted to introduce them all, and Steve in particular, to his new boyfriend. They were (best) friends after all, and he wanted Steve’s opinion. 
There was nothing wrong with the guy, per se. He treated Eddie well and they had the same taste in movies and music. It was more than he and Steve had in common. Mark seemed to make Eddie happy, and that was all that really mattered. 
So, as heartbroken as he was about it, Steve gave his stamp of approval and spent the next 6 months in agony. Their sleepovers came to an end, and dinners with Eddie and Wayne became fewer and far between. It wasn’t Eddie’s doing, in fact he confronted Steve about it a few times, hurt that they were spending less and less time together. He couldn’t tell Eddie the truth, that he was pulling away to save his own heart, so he just said he was busy, and besides, he didn’t want to take away from Eddie’s time with his boyfriend. 
Then, Eddie and Mark broke up. Steve would have felt worse about how happy he was to hear that news, but Eddie didn’t seem overly broken up about it. He’d even told Steve that while he was a little sad that things didn’t work out, it was for the best, though he never really explained why, and the two of them fell back into old habits in no time. 
That had been a few months ago, and Steve finally felt like the time was right to tell Eddie how he felt, he just wasn’t sure exactly how to go about it. 
The idea came to him a few weeks before Christmas, when he and Robin were putting up decorations around Family Video, desperately trying to bring a little festive cheer to the place. He spotted a sprig of artificial mistletoe mixed in with tinsel and garland in a box and instantly came up with the perfect plan. 
He would hang it above the door to the break room, and the next time Eddie came in to bug him on his lunch break he would make sure they walked through that doorway together. It was a foolproof way to find out the truth. If Eddie kissed him, he’d know his feelings were returned, and if Eddie made a joke about it, then he’d know it wasn’t meant to be. 
Except when Eddie did finally come in, he didn’t even seem to notice the mistletoe hanging there. He completely missed it! Steve knew he could have pointed it out but he lost his nerve, and somehow it felt like cheating. They still had a nice time hanging out that day, his breaks were always more fun when Eddie stopped by, and he figured he’d get another chance. There was still a week and a half to go until Christmas. 
But, Eddie continued to be frustratingly oblivious every time he entered the video store. 
Steve tried everything, well, everything except using his words.
He moved the plastic mockery of mistletoe all around the store. Tried hanging it from the alcove that separated the kids section from the rest of the movies, and then the spot above the cash register where the little door opened to let them get behind the desk. He even hung it next to the bell above the front door a few times, which would admittedly be an ill-advised location for a same-sex kiss in a town like Hawkins, but Steve was beginning to get desperate. 
Each time Eddie visited Steve made sure they walked together under wherever he had placed the godforsaken plant that day, and each time Eddie refused to look up. At a certain point Steve began to think that maybe he was ignoring it on purpose, but in his defense Eddie had been acting a little distracted lately.
Before Steve knew it, Christmas eve had rolled around and his window for getting Eddie to kiss him under the mistletoe was rapidly closing. He was hosting the entire crew at his house for a little party and asked Eddie to come along early to help set up. 
He was taking no chances this time, forgoing the artificial Mistletoe for the real thing, he hung a fresh sprig of the plant from every single doorway and transitional space in the house. He was pretty sure there wasn’t a single piece of the stuff left in the entire county that he hadn’t bought, and if his plan worked, it would have been more than worth it. 
He jumped when the doorbell rang a half past 4. He wasn’t expecting anyone else to arrive this early, and Eddie hadn't used the doorbell at his house in years. He glanced through the peephole and sure enough it was Eddie, standing awkwardly on the front porch. He looked the same way Steve felt, nervous.  
Steve took a deep breath and opened the door slowly, palms immediately gone sweaty when he took in Eddie’s full appearance. He was wearing his nicest jeans, the only pair he owned without any rips in them and what had to be, hands down, the ugliest Christmas sweater Steve had ever seen. It was incredible, he loved it, even more for the fact that he knew Eddie had only worn it for him, to be festive for his party. 
He opened his mouth to tease the other boy for it but felt all the breath get sucked out of his lungs when Eddie stepped in close, bringing them nearly chest to chest and gave a shy tentative smile. 
He had one hand hidden behind his back, something Steve hadn’t noticed at first, but did now as Eddie raised his arm up high above their heads and dangling from his fingers was a small bundle of mistletoe tied together with a bright red ribbon. 
Steve froze, staring at Eddie in shock. 
He must have hesitated for a second too long. Eddie’s smile fell, face crumpling a bit as his arm began to drop. Steve snapped himself out of it and reached up to grasp Eddie’s wrist gently, holding the plant where it was as he finally closed the distance between them to crash their lips together. 
It was Eddie’s turn to freeze, but only for a second. He recovered quickly, melting into the kiss as he wound his free arm around Steve’s waist, tugging him in close. 
When they finally separated Eddie sighed happily, he let the mistletoe drop and as they lowered their hands Steve slid his palm into Eddie’s, fingers entwined. 
Eddie rested his forehead against Steves, a wide grin spreading over his face as he spoke. “Wow, that went about as well as I could have hoped for. I’ve wanted to do that for so long, Stevie, you have no idea. I just didn’t know if you could ever be interested in me like that.” 
And Steve couldn't help it, he burst out laughing.
He laughed so hard he doubled over, completely hysterical and out of breath, and only managed to stop when a look of hurt crossed over Eddie’s face. 
He leaned in and pressed another quick kiss to Eddie’s cheek and squeezed his hand. 
“I swear I'm not laughing at you, Eds. It’s just… “ He giggled again, unable to contain himself. “Come inside and I'll show you.” 
Eddie quirked his eyebrow curiously but let himself be led inside.
Steve walked them over hand and hand to the doorway between the living room and the kitchen looking up pointedly until Eddie followed his gaze, eyes growing wide as he spotted the mistletoe hanging there. 
“Steve, what…?”
He cut off Eddie’s question with a quick kiss before dragging him off to the entrance of the dining room where another bit of green hung above their heads. Another quick touch of lips and off they went to the next doorway, and then the next, and the next, and the next.
After a full tour the two boys collapsed on the couch in a fresh fit of giggles. “I can’t believe you did all this!” Eddie said.
“I’ll admit it might have been a little over the top, but this was my hail mary attempt. I’ve been trying to get you to kiss me under the mistletoe for weeks! I can’t believe you beat me to it, and on your first try!” 
Eddie blanched. “Wait, what?!!”
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devils-dares · 1 year
frank castle x reader with like a bakery au or where he always comes in just to see her
wordcount: 1004
i apologize for any editing errors, my brain is not working currently.
“Black with room and a slice of toast?” You ask, cleaning out an espresso puck when you see Pete at the counter.
“You know it, sugar.”
“For here or to go?” You wipe your hands on your apron, punching in the items in the register.
“For here, favorite spot’s open.” He nods his head towards the small chair and table in the corner of the cafe, basked in golden morning sun.
“Alright, have a seat,” you smile at him, “I’ll bring it over.”
Readying his coffee and filling a cup with cream, you deliver everything to him. He looks up at you with wide soft eyes, muttering a “thanks, sugar.” before indulging himself.
It wasn’t a busy day, a Tuesday at 10am meant the morning rush had left and it was only retirees and people like Pete. You’d kept the counters clean and baked more treats, but there wasn’t much to do. You boxed a few to-go orders, only leaving the counter when someone wanted to have their coffee topped up.
Sooner or later, you find yourself and Pete alone in the cafe, life bustling outside the cafe doors. You hum along to the background music playing, and Pete scratches away at his journal. He stares out the window a few times, watching families with an almost heartbroken look in his eyes. You watch him for a while, and although he can feel your eyes on him, he lets you.
After he sits in the cafe for about two hours, he gets up with a sigh, wrapping up the leather-bound journal and tucking it into his pocket.
“I’ve gotta be on my way, sweetheart,” he calls out to you, “see you soon.”
“Wait!” You call out after him, “can you- can you take this? Just as a taste test, it’s a new recipe I’m working on and I need someone other than myself to tell me how it is.” He glances at you wearily but still takes the pastry bag. You watch him leave, sighing when he leaves. He was genuinely one of your favorite customers, he didn’t talk much but when he did, the two of you had amazing conversations about everything. You didn’t know much about him, only that he served as a marine and didn’t really have anyone else, other than a nice man named Curtis who came in maybe twice.
A few days had passed before you saw him in the morning at opening time. He was the first customer, in fact, ordering his usual with the addition of the pastry you gave him the other day, “if you have it sweetheart.”
“I take it you enjoyed it?” He hums.
“Keep giving me treats like that and I'll be your taster forever.”
“Gotta come here every day then,” you tease, “constant feedback.”
He tenses at your words and you panic, thinking you overstepped or something, but he relaxes soon enough.
“I’ll see.” He says simply, and that was that. He takes a seat after paying and you deliver him his typical order, along with the pastry. He hums out a thanks and you leave him to himself.
The cycle continues, he sits quietly in his spot jotting in his journal while you tidy up the never ending mess. He takes his leave after a few hours, and you wave him off after giving him a new pastry to try, cleaning up his table when he leaves. You spot a napkin face-side-down on the table, sharpie ink bleeding through the thin sheet. You look around before flipping it over.
“So you don’t have to wait for my reviews.” It read, and under was his phone number scribbled into the napkin. You smiled, thinking you’ll wait until tonight to text him.
“Hey Pete.” Frank’s phone dinged as he stitched himself up, glancing knife wound on his thigh. He cleaned himself up of blood and grime before responding to you.
“I was waiting for you to text me, sugar.” His teeth gritted almost immediately after sending the text, hoping he didn’t come off as too straightforward.
“Did you try the pastry I packed for you?” Your response read. He smiled.
“Eating it right now. It’s yummy.” He could hear your laugh, airy and full of light.
“Glad you like it, any criticism?” You ask.
“Yeah, you’ve gotta pack me more next time, sweetheart.”
“Will do.” The two of you ended up texting for hours about everything and anything and Frank realizes just how easy it is to talk to you. You two talk until Frank realizes the gaps between your texts are growing longer and longer, and Frank chuckles at you.
“Head to bed, sugar. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Promise, Pete?” His heart aches just a little when he hears his fake name.
“Of course.”
Sure enough? He’s there when you walk to the door, bouquet of flowers in hand.
“Who’s the lucky girl?” You joke, inserting your keys into the lock to open up the café.
“They’re uh- actually for you.” He hands the flowers to you.
“Oh! Thank you!” You take the flowers, grabbing a vase from behind the counter and placing the flowers in them, displaying them on the counter.
“Do you want to order anything?” You ask as he makes his way towards the counter.
“No.” He says simply, and he places his hands on your hips.
“This okay, sugar?” He asks, thumb rubbing light circles.
“Yeah.” He leans down, lips hovering right over yours, but he lets you make the final move to pull him in.
The kiss was short and sweet. His hands pulled your hips flush to his as your arms wound themselves around his neck.
“Pete…” your voice trails off.
“It’s Frank.”
“What?” You pull away.
“My name, it’s Frank. I don’t like people getting too close, but I’d break that rule for you.”
“I mean, you’re not as mysterious as my last boyfriend, he had a lot more secrets than that.”
“You’ve no idea, sugar.” He leans down to kiss you again.
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snowshowerwriting · 1 year
Hiding Underneath
Edit 1 : Grammar review, minor changes
Part 1
What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?
Those four words rang in Hero's head like a chant from a crowd, a displeased crowd. Silently, Hero berated themselves for not bringing up their fists when they saw Villain. It had been a while since Hero had faced off the Villain without a team- it had been a while since they had faced off Villain themselves.
It didn't feel like the old times, not after the time the two worked together, and especially not after their final battle against Supervillain.
Not with how Villain slithered into their thoughts every day, in every waking moment.
"You don't seem so excited to see me today, Darling," Villain's smooth voice chuckled.
Hero gulped, shifting their weight from one leg to the other. "Well, you seem much too eager to see me," they muttered, shoulders tense and stiff. "So I guess you can say it evens out?" Villain raised a brow, half amused at the other's response.
With a hop and a skip, Villain had made it from the fire escapes onto the rooftop. Their silhouette blended in amongst the shadows of the taller buildings surrounding them. Even then, Hero's eyes could make out his shape as moved swiftly towards him.
"You're awfully quiet, darling," the villain hummed lowly. A small glint came from Villain's hands, and Hero realized that he held a knife. Though nothing threateningly. In fact, Villain simply spun the blade around with his nimble fingers. They stared at it for a few moments before turning their gaze back out to the cityscape.
"I've got nothing much to say," Hero sighed, moving to hug themself. "Not after all that you've given me last time we met, anyways." They continued, quieter than before.
Out of all the responses, Hero didn'te expect the Villain to spill out into laughter. "Really? Think nothing much of it, honestly. I doubt anyone will believe you anyways," he said, the laughter ebbing into chuckling. He leaned to the side, balancing his weight on an arm.
Hero frowned in skepticism. It didn't really seem fair, not with how much Villain had opened up about himself to Hero. Meanwhile, the most their nemesis knew was probably Hero's scheduled fights and perhaps how much of a heavy sleeper Hero was (from when they had a 72-hour stakeout outside one of Supervillain's hideouts).
"How about this," Villain started, catching the other's attention. "You tell me a secret about yourself, yeah?" He offered. The villain quickly noticed how devious that question sounded, before adding on quickly, "Like, I just mean small secrets. It doesn't have to be some shit like where you live or when you go to work or whatever. It can literally be your favorite food for all I care. I mean, it's a secret for me nonetheless."
After a few seconds passed, the hero smiled. It was small, but frankly speaking, Hero probably hadn't been able to ease up for a while now. They took in a deep breath, looking at Villain before sighing. "You know how we had to do the stakeout a month back?" Villain nodded at the question, leaning it while resting his elbows on his knees. "Yeah, well I actually hate the ramen you bought during those days."
Villain's eyes widened whilst Hero laughed at the other's reaction. "What?! Why didn't you just tell me, I don't mind buying a different packet!"
"No, nono, it's not your fault," the hero said between laughter. Once calming down, they continued on. "Actually, I don't like ramen at all. Not just that specific brand... When I was small, uh, my older sister.." Hero drifted off for a moment, debating whether to continue the story. Would this be breaching any of their rules? Bringing family into this business? But with how the villain encouraged them with that face, Hero couldn't back down.
"My older sister basically raised me and my brother. Unfortunately, the first couple of years she looked after us, we practically survived on junk food including ramen," they recounted, scrunching their nose at the memory. "Eventually, she learned to make some food. Every Friday, we'd have this killer fried rice she'd spend an hour making. All with the leftover vegetables and stuff from the week. Now that? I'd kill for that."
A fond smile fell over their lips as they recalled the long-forgotten memory being rediscovered. That wasn't the only secret they spilled that night.
Stories of the Hero's childhood were now exposed to Villain over the course of two hours, between bouts of jester and laughter. As the sun began to rise, Hero finally came to terms with something that had been plaguing them. Hero trusted Villain with much more than just their secrets. Neither of them lied to eachother during their conversations. Comforting words, and honest memories were shared.
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billsfangearring · 1 year
Monthly Fandom Faves: February 2023 (ALOTO Edition)
I have Jess/Lupe recs again this month! The hyperfixation continues!
I didn't read as much as I normally do in February because I wrote something like 7.5k words this month and that's approximately 7.5k more than my usual. However, I do have two fics I'd like to highlight in addition to pointing all of you to the collection of Jess/Lupe Valentine's sprint week fics! I'm way behind on reading and commenting but there are some really excellent, creative takes on the prompts in there so I encourage you to check them out. :)
(If you'll indulge a little self-rec, in my opinion this is the best 250-word ficlet I wrote for the sprints week.)
Back to our regularly scheduled programming... fics reviewed below the cut, from longest to shortest:
some of us just had to fight (for even being looked at right) by @talaricula
an ocean of violets by @were-sailing
some of us just had to fight (for even being looked at right) by talaricula
(Jess/Lupe, E, 60k)
Jess and Lupe know too well how the world looks at people like them. But then they meet, and they see each other. This is an exploration of Jess’ and Lupe’s relationship throughout Season 1, as they become friends, get wildly horny for each other, fall in love, and finally do something about it. This fic is as canon compliant as humanly possible, and is built out of a mix of scenes from the show told from their perspectives, expanded upon background moments, and plenty of missing scenes.
I should probably start this little review by 'fessing up to the fact I'm an absolute weirdo who watched episodes 1-6 in September and episodes 7-8 this month. That's relevant because I read chapters 1-6 of this fic in October but didn't let myself read chapters 7-11 until now, because some of us is the ultimate love letter to Jess and Lupe's canon story. I can't comprehend how much careful study of the show must have gone into writing this, because talaricula masterfully weaves together every moment Jess or Lupe is on screen—even out of focus in the background—with introspection and missing moments in a way that feels fresh and fascinating and not like a rehash of canon. Jess and Lupe are both good people trying their best while still being flawed and human, and the POV switches highlight their strengths and blind spots. Queer themes abound, from personal identity to solidarity on the team and community in Rockford and in the history the story draws on to flesh out Jess and Lupe's world. I'm shy but I'll close by saying that the NSFW portions are very well-written and add a lot to the emotional arc of the fic!
She’s angry, in the uniquely tender way that Jess’ anger so often is. It’s like a fire – lethal when aimed at you, warm and bright when wielded for you.
an ocean of violets by weresailing
(Jess/Lupe, M, 6k)
It would be Jess’ first time seeing her house. Jess’ first time seeing her. Lupe stared at her reflection in the blank screen of the TV and wondered how much more time she needed before she might feel ready for it. It's the 80s; Lupe and Jess meet via a personal ad.
Concision and precision of language is something I strive for in my own writing, and weresailing puts on an absolute masterclass in both in an ocean of violets. Every word and punctuation mark is deliberate, resulting in prose that's arresting in its directness and that pairs perfectly with the solitary and repressed Lupe's POV. Lupe's personality and lifestyle are sharply defined within the first few paragraphs, and the brief but memorable hints at her backstory that are sprinkled in throughout the fic make her feel even more real. The churning, visceral knot of Lupe's conflicted emotions about herself, Jess, and their meeting is wrenching and relatable, and the ending holds onto both characters' hope and uncertainty instead of rushing through to a neat happily-ever-after. I was excited to read this as soon as I saw the summary because what a premise for a historical AU, and it blew past all my expectations and then some.
Lupe felt thirty-four and seventeen at once, standing next to a woman in her home and wishing she would come closer, so Lupe didn’t have to be responsible for it.
All of my ALOTO fic recs can be found here. I hope you find something you like!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
My Movie Review: "I Wanna Dance With Somebody"
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I'm FINALLY getting around to writing this movie review after all of the unfortunate craziness that's been going on in my life for the past two months.....🤪🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I saw “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” at theaters over a month ago lol!  😅 I just wanted to share my own personal Movie Review, and see what you all maybe thought about the film as well.  
**NOTE:  I will first start off by giving a very general overview/review of the movie overall, and then further down below, I will discuss the pros and cons from the movie, and will go more in-depth and be more candid with how I felt about the movie. 😊
With that said….
Overall, I felt like this movie was the type of film that someone who is a fan of Whitney's music might want to check out just for the sheer enjoyment of her music alone.
I had forgotten how many great hits Whitney had over the years, and how many of her songs have been iconic to me growing up. I've always been a huge fan, and so this movie was a nice tribute to her music. I got chills down my spine during some of her performance scenes. 😊 I was even singing and dancing along to most of her music lol. 😂 There were quite a few things that I didn't know about Whitney's personal life (especially her younger life) that this movie seemed to touch on a little bit, so that was interesting. Personally? I felt like the acting of Naomi, Ashton, Nafessa, and Tamara Tunie especially, really stood out in this film imo.
The music was great!
The acting was decent
I liked the "back-in-time" 80s and 90s wardrobe/fashions lol
They tried their best to make the cast look like the real Whitney/Bobby/Clive/Cissy/Bobbi Christina, etc.
I feel like I learned a lot more about Whitney's younger life, and her relationship with Robyn than I knew about.
I actually felt like Nafessa kind of stole the show in her scenes with Naomi. 👀
I hate to say it.... But the main thing that took me out of this movie each and every time was the fact that Naomi looked NOTHING AT ALL like Whitney HOUSTON!!!! 😤😡 Usually I'm not that picky and I don't really care as much and I can suspend my disbelief even if the actor doesn't look exactly like the real person in history because their acting is so good, but for some reason, with this movie, I just couldn't do it.....I'm sorry! I would hear Whitney's VOICE singing, but then when I would LOOK at the actress, it just took me out of the whole entire scene. :(
I almost felt like it was someone cosplaying as Whitney Houston. To her credit, Naomi is a great actress... But I just kept asking myself throughout the whole entire movie: "You mean to tell me there were NO African-American actresses who looked a LITTLE like Whitney that they could have chosen for this role??"
Whoever wrote this film certainly gave Bobby Brown the "Good Edit", cuz ummmm..... 👀 In this movie they almost made it seem like Bobby and Whitney just had regular normal spats like most couples, and we all know THAT is a lie. 😒🙄 I'm shocked they didn't show her with not one black eye in the film, nor did they even allude to him hitting her. But oh well....
My other gripe with this movie was the fact that I didn't feel like enough money was put into it. I feel like this movie should have been BIGGER. I have seen at least two Whitney biopics now (a made-for-TV one, and this movie), and EACH and every single time, I feel like they just don't do Whitney's life story justice. I feel like it's always some low-budget type deal. 🥴 I'm sorry, but after seeing awesome biopics like "Ray", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Elvis", "JFK", "Malcolm X", etc. , I just can't with this biopic. It's just NOT on the same level as those others at all. It makes me sad that it almost felt like they didn't even TRY with this biopic. 😔
MY OVERALL SCORE:  6/10  - Overall, if you love Whitney's iconic music, and just want to have a great time dancing and enjoying a light-hearted film, then check it out! But if you're expecting this film to be on any sort of level as other biopics done.... Then, you're going to be sorely disappointed. 😔 They just didn't put as much MONEY into this film as I would have hoped. I just hope that Michael's biopic has some BIG money behind it. I just feel like Whitney's biopic deserved better...and I would have started by casting someone else as the lead. 👀
I gave this movie a chance even despite my overwhelming feeling that the actress looked NOTHING like Whitney. I tried...But it did make a difference in some of my enjoyment of the film. (no offense) Maybe it's because I actually remember when Whitney was alive lol. Anyway.... Overall, it's a fun movie to watch at least once, and I encourage anyone who is just a fan of her music to check it out. I would say that it's streamable.... It's not one you have to watch on the big screen in other words. It was good fun though! So, definitely one worth checking out if you're a fan of Whitney's music. 😊👍
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asksuccubussides · 10 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what Chapter 3
Masterpost of chapters
(Cw: There's a short Remus section towards the end with imagined violence and references to sex)
Etymology, psychology, Hauntology. These were all topics that Janus adored and he'd managed to fit them all into a single essay assignment. He should be bursting with the urge to write about it, But he wasn't.
He was sitting in bed with an empty word document open in front of him. Even though it was nearing noon he still hadn't changed from his night time clothes and a headache was building at his temples from staring at the screen for so long.
The thing was that he could clearly see in his mind each sentence he wanted to write to the point that he could vizualise every word one after the other. It was only when it came to actually moving his fingers to type it out that he froze. All his teachers had always-
"Dude! I think I just found even more proof that def proves that the occult is real!" Virgil exclaimed while barging in through the door.
Virgil's voice was constantly hoarse and he always smelled slightly of coffee and cigarettes even though Janus had never actually seen him smoke. While he carefully closed the door behind him his black bangs hung down in front of his eyes, like if the monster from the ring had short hair, and his overly big hoodie loosely clutched around his shouldero like usual. He always looked like he'd either sprinted away from a tornado just now or hidden away like a mouse for 5 hours.
He was a man who desperately wanted to slouch until he was invisible stuck in the body of a tall, boney and annoyingly noticeable man.
"Ough...I wasn't uhh interrupting you was I?" he asked when he noticed Janus sitting with the word document open.
Janus immediately closed the laptop and threw it aside "most definitely not! In fact I have done absolutely nothing today except for wait for someone to disrupt me"
"Great. Okay so dude I was checking up on some of my normal paranormal sites yeah? And I found this video. Definitive proof I'm telling you"
While Virgil took out his phone to show him Janus moved the blanket on the bed aside to make room for the other man to crawl under. (Like they always had done when they were kids). Though Viv just took an awkward look at Jan before sitting down on the floor with his back leant against the bed so Jan had to lean over his shoulder to see the video.
It was some grainy cctv footage taken of a parking lot during a late night. A seemingly normal person walked past but stopped by a random part of wall far away in the distance. After a few seconds it sort of looked like the person walked through the wall and disappeared.
"See? Ghosts!"
"Oh please, I could manually count the amount of pixels in that video. It's just a trick of the light. Besides Virge your source evaluation is horrible, it could be an edited youtube video for all you know"
"Right. let me just get a peer reviewed paper out about this 20 second video out real quick"
"I'd be one of the peer reviewers if you asked me to" Janus replied with a smile.
"Duh dude. I know you would be. Not like you have anything better to do"
Jan fake gasped "A daring accusation! A proper rude one as well! For your information my schedule is incredibly packed!"
"Yeah yeah" He waved his hand around while rolling his eyes "Anyway, I got an update on that ufo sighting as well"
The morning after Remus had fed he woke up in a groggy haze with his eyes all in blur and with his head feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton. Roman had been sitting beside his bed but as soon as she saw that her brother had woken up she left without even giving him a chance to say anything.
Instead Remy had stayed by his side for the rest of the morning, or the equivalent to morning that hell had. They hadn't asked about the feeding or what had happened afterwards. They had just laid down next to him in bed and started telling him about the latest gossip and drama between the various succubi.
Eventually Remus put on some background music, (an experimental band from the rage circle that used stuff like bones and bottles of piss as instruments), and started making paper-war machines while listening to them talk. He only butted in with a comment or dirty joke every now and then, the important thing was that they knew he was listening.
"Soo like yeah girlie. That's the tea. Their breakup was so messy they both got sent to heaven. Fucking rough. Think that's all for now. Wanna switch?"
"Yayayay! Ranting time"
The friends swiftly changed positions so Remy chose the music (they put their hand against the speaker so they could feel the bass) and Remus set aside his paper makings to focus on rambling and stimming. He began to tell them about the latest torture methods he'd come up with which included showing them the paper models he'd made of the torture devices.
'But like who you torturing?
'Humans! Oh and angels!"
'Not angeeelllss' Remy pouted a little 'They're so cute'
'Your whole brain is a tumor dude'
'Even with a tumor brain i would still be hotter than you.....Also what's a like tumor?'
Remus shone up at the chance to explain 'Well to make a long story longer it was discovered in-'
'Great girl just keep talking just like that' Remy laid down with their head against his chest and closed their eyes with a relaxed smile playing on their lips.
"You can't even read my lips from the- Eh whatever. Imma just keep ranting" He laid his arms around their back and kept talking.
Remy could still remember the sound of Emile's voice but by the time the twins appeared they had long since been deaf. If they focused really hard they could sort of make out an idea of what Remus' voice should be like. The way his chest heaved in for heavy breaths bretween quick and jumbled sentences. They way his neck and throat moved when he spoke. The amount of lip movement he did.
They liked to think of his voice as shrill and annoying in the best way. His voice should be quite high in constrast to Roman's deeper though just as expressive voice.
It took Remus poking at them several times for them to actually open their eyes again and to their happy surprise they saw that Emile had come back. They could read on his lips that he said "The new puppy hell hounds were so precious! You two really have to go see them later"
"Sup slut" Remy greeted while wrapping their hand around their partner's tie to bring him closer.
"Hi honey" He gave them a quick kiss before letting himself be pulled down beside them. Remus immediately showed him the war machines he'd made out of paper and Emile complimented the creativity of it all.
Emile laid his hand against the speaker and felt the bass of the music his lover had choosen. He knew one of Remy's favorite things still was music (no matter how many times demons made snarky jokes about how ironic it was) so whenever his lover put something on he at least tried to 'listen' to it in the same way they did. He let himself feel the instruments pump up from his hand into the rest of his body and let the words being sung melt into melodies of the bass.
'I like this song'
'Yeah duh babe. It's Carly Rae Jepsen, you always like love her....As should everyone'
'I think I saw some demons in the uhmm....whichever ring it was, it sounded similar to hers'.
Remus started to smack his tail against the ground out of boredom as he noticed the couple zoning out into their own little conversations.
It was like watching an old married couple that had slowly grown entangled into each other. Lungs and bones slowly morphing together over the years. Sometimes Remus caught Remy humming on cartoon intros even though they couldn't name the cartoon if asked and even though Emile prefered not to eat or drink he still argued that decaf was the worst kind of coffee one could ever drink whenever it was brought up.
Unlike the succubi Emile didn't have a tail nor the ability to conjure wings. His horns were shiningly light pink and frayed at the ends as if small thorns were protuding out. His skin was so dark it made his smile look like stars in the night sky while his clothes were always in light shades of orange, brown and pink making him look like he was stuck in an outwashed version of the 60s.
He was "Like sooo much man. A lot of man" as Remy put it and when asked said he'd worked as an earth observer some half century and a bit ago which was why he knew so much about humans....Well knew and knew. He'd spent most of his time observing the rise of Disney, Hanna Barbera and animated films and had gotten really into psychology and medicine after having a nasty walk in with Sigmund Freud at a party. He still argued that Remy had been the inspiration for the Sleepy dwarf in Snow white.
"Hi Ro-Ro!" Emile waved as he saw Roman come into the sleeping quarters.
She gave the tiniest of waves back to him before adverting her eyes as far away from her brother as she could. The other three demons watched as she basically jogged past to get to her bed.
"There he comes"
Roman quickly grabbed a change of clothes and jogged out of the room again without even passing another glance to them.
"Aaaand there she goes"
'silent treatment huh' Remy signed to Remus.
'Perfect time to annoy him'
'Pretty sure it's objectivly not' Emile added in.
'What does he know. He goes on and on bla bla bla about how much he enjoys humans' Remus mimicked barfing 'But he's never even eaten enough food to take a shit! I have! I am basically connected to humanity now! The shit is what brings us toge-'.
'Okay gross. Too gross. Go girl. Get outa here'.
There was a mischevious grin on Remus' face as he jumped from the bed and skidadadled out of the room. The couple looked at each other, Emile sighed to which Remy shrugged.
"HeY! Hey! HEY! HEY!" Remus repeated as he ran up alongisde his brother. He kept shouting into her ear even though she did her best to not give any reaction. "Whatcha doing? Where you going? Why you such a pisshat?"
"Can I just get like one day without you" Roman finally replied.
".....Hmmm...Lemme think.....No! Why are you even pissed at me? I didn't even put any bugs in your clothes this time"
Roman stopped midstep and turned to him "I was having a really nice time you know, until I felt you being all miserable and had to come get you because you can't do the job we are literally created for"
"I didn't ask you to come get me??? Dude?? You're blaming me for your own shit"
"Was I just supposed to-" Roman took a deep breathe and looked away again. His hands started to fix the ends of his shirt to have something to distract himself "I'm not gonna do this today! I'm not! I have a really nice dinner with a historian planned and he will listen to me when I gush about historic eras and it will be good and nice and then we're going to see a broadway show and I won't let you destroy that for me!....Bitch!"
"A date with a human" Remus let up into a toothy grin "Sounds a bit patton-ish to me"
"Don't! I am not breaking any rules! I love human culture! I've never loved a single specific human and you know that! Don't you compare me that- that traitor!"
"It's more fun if I do though"
Roman kept walking towards the door to earth "I'm not letting you do this today!"
"You're no fun!" Remus yelled back as his brother slammed the door shut behind him.
"I think it should be ethically okay for me to shoot people with an eye laser if they stare at me for too long" Janus muttered out.
He and Virgil were sitting in the corner of the college classroom as hidden away as possible while listening to a lecture on philosophy. Viv had managed to pull Jan out of bed with the threat that he would definitely get failed at this class if he didn't at least show up physically every now and then.
If Virgil wasn't taking notes he either got anxious about forgetting anything important later, or worse, the teacher getting mad at him. Even though he was an adult man who shouldn't get anxious about not meeting the expectations of authority figures. Honestly Viv's obsessive note taking was probably half the reason Janus was still getting through his classes.
An essay should have been turned in to this class a week ago which Janus hadn't even though he could recite it nearly perfectly in his brain.
"A simply lie would do don't you think. College professors are usually nice like that. Not like our middle school teachers" Janus continued to mutter.
"Dude you were just taking the piss to see how far your lying could get you"
"And it got me some very nice stars in my margin! Thank you very much!"
Janus sent his friend a leering smile to which Virgil just rolled his eyes in return.
"Maybe I should have just let you fail this class as well" Viv teased.
"Aw but you loooove me" He made kissy noises while moving to lean his head against his friend's arm but Virgil scooted further away before he could.
The class ended and Virgil sat back and begrudingly watched as Janus hurried to the front of class to talk to the professor. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop Jan even if he tried.
After just a minute or so Janus returned "I got an extension time of two weeks. I told him my poor mum had caught a bad case of tubercolous and I had been faaar too busy taking care of her to have time to finish the essay"
"Your mum is rolling in her grave"
"If we have the same genetics I am quite sure she is cheering me on actually. I'm just the most innocent man there ever was"
"You wanna go to the library and work on it with me? I have thought of the perfect path of getting from here to the library while still stopping by a shop to get coffee While being seen by the least people AND the coffee shop allows app orders. It's a lifesaver"
"Would love to because there is certaintly no chance in the slightest that I will keep procrastinating"
"Obviously dude. Procrastination are what libraries are for"
Remus thought once again what humans flesh must taste like. The only time he'd taken a step into a library or ever used a human phone were both times to try and look up what it would taste like.
He thought about the blood spilling out and the veins bursting. He thought about the skin ripping open and giving way to fat and bone. He thought about if that could feed him instead of having to do this stupid fucking succubus shit.
The human had requested oral sex and he'd obliged even though he vastly prefered doing as little as possible because then he could zone out and think about something more pleasant. He had his mouth around the human's genitalia and the image of him twisting his teeth and ripping their genitalia away filled his mind.
He hated the feeling of the human's hands grabbing him. He hated their stupid hotel rooms and their stupid cars constantly making noise and the stupid fan in the background and the stupid overly bright lights and the stupid fuzzy carpets and the stupid perfume they wore and he hated it he hated it hated it. He didn't understand how Roman could love any of this. Any of them.
Bile filled his throat before the human filled it. He choked and sputtered and pushed away to spit it out on the fuzzy carpet. The human requested something else and he followed along. Selfish selfish beings always wanting more. It made their job too easy.
The human was wearing a cross necklace and when it touched his skin it burned. He gnarled like a wounded animal but the human didn't notice. He wished he could hurt them, even just a little. Like how they always pulled his hair and dragged their nails across his skin and spat and slapped and choked. God, sometimes he thought maybe being sent to heaven would be worth it if he just got to mutilate one of them.
The human was long gone when Roman entered the hotel room. He looked around for his brother but all he saw was a messy bed and an emptied out mini fridge. His brother must have forged himself on everything, including the plastic wrappers containing the candy. He nearly stepped on a piece of broken glass and groaned as he realized Remus had attempted to crush and eat a bottle again.
"Dukey I already told you that it isn't safe to eat glass or plastic!" She called out to the empty room before deciding to look in the bathroom.
She pushed the door aside and it gave way so easily it nearly fell from it's hinges. Her brother was sitting slumped over in the bathtub with the water up to his ankles and only his socks on. He was repeatedly lighting matches before throwing them in the water to see them fizzle out. Dozens upon dozens of matches were floating like dead fish in the bathtub.
"..Hey" Roman's voice softened if just a little.
Remus turned to her and his eyes were glassy and his face red. A piece of his hair was missing, probably burnt away by one of the matches. She knew what kind of night this would be.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Ro said before putting his arms under his brother's armpits to try and pull him up from the bathtub. Even though he got grossed out by angels he conjured just the tiniest of wings to help give him the strenght needed to pull Remus to a half stand at least. "I would prefer if I didn't have to be your knight in shitty armor all the time you know"
Remus slurred something out about flesh and Roman tried not to reel at the heavy scent of alcohol. He really had emptied the full fridge. She also did her best to not gag at how greasy and sweaty his hair was even when it got pressed against her nice historically accurate corset.
She tried to make him put on his clothes again but gave up as he slumped over like a ragdoll every time she didn't activly hold him up with all her strenght. She settled on putting her coat around him and hoped he wouldn't get too cold.
There was a wound on his hand that blistered and bubbled. Roman got the urge to hug him but reminded himself that Remus was an adult who had to learn his actions had consequenses and that he couldn't be coddled all the time.
"How many times are you going to burn yourself you stUPID-" She stopped herself when her speech turned into a yell and took a deep breathe "You know what happens! You don't have to experiment about it anymore! It's just the same wound every time! I'm going to have to drag you to Emile to get you patched up now! Are you happy!? Do you just want to give me another headache!? Why can you never make yourself sober once you're drunk! You neVER-"
She got close to yelling again and decided it was best to just not speak too much. She held her arm around his shoulders while muttering the phrase to open the door to hell.
".....Even if I don't always like you....I still love you.....You're aware of that right?" She mumbled out while helping him forward.
He just let out another slurred sentence about flesh.
"I get worried someone has put a hex on me late at night when I can't sleep y'know? I know it's illogical but it still gives me the hibbie jibbies" Virgil said.
"'Hibbie jibbies' huh? If I had the chance to hex someone I would do it. No hesitation" Janus replied.
It was close to 3 am and they were using one of the college's shared bathrooms as a make-do hair salon. Viv was standing leant over with his head in the sink. At the top of his head his naturally golden blonde hairhad started to peak through so he had to destroy it as quick as possible. Janus was sitting on the sink counter and had plastic gloves on to help massage the black hair dye into Virgil's hair.
"Who would you hex if you could?"
Janus without any second to think immediately said "Billionares. World leaders. Those sorts of people"
"Fair. Fair"
"Dear you're gonna get black dye on your hoodie if you don't-"
Virgil flinched away as Janus moved to lower his hoodie. He backed off so quickly black dye dripped down from his wet hair onto the entire sink.
His hair hung in thick bangs over his eyes as he spat out "It's fine! I got like 20 of these hoodies" He let out a yawn to seem nonchalant "Can you help me out with that" He waved at the now stained sink "I have to shower this out"
Janus watched as his friend went into one of the showers and drew the sickly blue curtain between them. His bare ankles could still be seen with his light blonde leg hair peeking through. His veins were so noticeable through his pale skin and Janus got stuck watching the way the muscles in his feet moved and how the skin stretched over the bones as he undressed. He stuck his arm out from the curtain and held out his hoodie and boxers.
"Could you ta-"
"No problem" Janus interrupted while taking the clothes.
He folded the hoodie before using all of the paper left in the paper dispenser to try and clean the hair dye stains away. The sound of the shower running filled the room.
Correlation does not imply causation. Janus knew that very well and yet in moments like these he couldn't help but think that a distance had started growing between him and Virgil ever since he came out as gay. The last thing Jan wanted was his straight (and only) friend to get all paranoid over him making a move. The last thing he wanted was to lose him.
Janus and the notoriously straight Virgil are now open for asks!
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shinakazami1 · 7 months
Been busy lately so I don’t have much time to review and edit, but here I am! (this was supposed to be sent on the anniversary.) (edit 1: It’s already (edit 2: halfway through) november.)
(edit 3: i gave up. words be damned, i’m sending this. there should have been more. curse you writing)
(edit 4: reminder. write a long ask anywhere else except the actual tumblr ask window. sending again just to make sure i didn’t hallucinate all this- it would be so, very embarassing...)
hehehehehe love your art. Crunchy. Pringles. Crushing it in my mouth. yummy colors and perspective (That bucket sexyman design looking kinda fine though.,..i mean who said that) (->absolutely normal behavior)
I love how you interact with others’ art, leaving your comments and compliments. Really appreciate that little motivation boost and positivity you spread :)
As seen from Paratober, you seem to take the prompts beyond their face value and messed around with the concepts of those prompts (gonna put Jester in a carton box hehe. Can we have Jester loafing? Loafing in a box?)
Personally I’m not a writer, so I don’t know how you guys’ brains work but I love how you come up with interesting ideas stemming from the game’s original material, expanding, digging deeper into them. I look up at you all in wonder hehe
Also, I read unheard wishes.
You see, I rarely ever seek out angst. I came in there with “this is gonna hurt but I can totally bring myself through this”
Boy was I wrong. Now, because I didn’t read it properly enough to leave a comment that would do it justice (time restraints get you like that), I won’t give a lengthy review. But just so you know, my general feelings were “who do you think you are. did you really think you had the right to hurt me like this. *inhales* aaaaaaaaaAA *cars crashing glass breaking sound effects idk* *lays motionless on the ground* (affectionate)”
Maybe i’ll read your filk wip next. Biology is fun :]
It’s your way with the images you make for your stories and art. Candlecurator? Whatever’s up with fernarrator? I’m not listing the ones in your writings. A lazy, lazy anon I am, I know. [insert another keyboard smash]
I haven’t been here for a while so i don’t really remember much, sorry ;; (-> fake fan detected?!? *vine boom*)
Your theories definitely left the strongest impressions on me. How do you all think like that?? (this goes to the rest of you, tsp theorists/analysts/meta. what are you all on??? damn. give me some.). Perhaps it’s a writer’s thing, maybe I’m just incompetent in this deep thinking kind of stuff.
My favourite was the nature connection theory. Absolutely ate that up. (definitely not because of my bias for plants and nature-related stuff, noooo-). You somehow connected the plants in the parable, creating these wonderful strings of text about what you saw in these plants, the implications, and then sharing those ideas to us. Give me your braincells, shina. Give me-
[Close your eyes.]
Anyway- I think you’re pretty neat :]
Have a nice day!
✨✨✨!!!!!307 ANON!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
ᴬᵍᵃᶦⁿ since I was already writing a draft to respond to your previous ask. The fact you have this copy makes me hope you are saving these asks somewhere because I lost a lot of posts thanks to the great Tumblr editing system....
Happy (belated and too early at the same time hehe) anniversary 307 :] To your edits - PLEASE start writing drafts somewhere else oshsaoifas I don't want you to lose your versions again. You might say you are not a writer but you decide to write such beautiful comments and asks - value your words more :]
Anon. I have an exam this week so it will take my energy but DO KNOW YOU WILL GET BUCKET SEXYMEN SKETCH. I imagine you will see it in a few months but,,, I hope you will like it, just like you like my art in general.
I feel now in retrospect so silly I hadn't done this sooner!! While I sometimes don't have the energy to comment on other people's stuff in my own comments, I know how much joy being told your words could make someone happy :] And I love interacting like that!! Shared appreciation!!! That's why I adore Tumblr in general - it feels most organic in that ability to engage with others as a social media.
I'm glad you like the Paratober prompts! I am happy I mixed the prompts to try to get even more creative with them!! And feel free to put him in every box!! Some old art of Jester in a box:
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(I gotta finally start uploading my old art I do have. There is so much...
FEEL FREE PLEASE TO LEAVE MORE COMMENTS EVEN A SILLY ONE BUT OUGHHH I am so proud of Unheard WIshes so thank you so much <333333 Glad you could enjoy
Just remember anon that I do not know your age and the rating for Filk is Mature so please respect the ratings :]]] Ao3 tagging system is there for a reason!! However I still keep on getting opinions that Filk seems to target 16+ demographic since it's more South Park style...But still, please respect it :]
Oh sure, you are so lazy *looks at your very detailed an amazing asks* so lazy. But WAH THIS IS LIKE??? A VERY RARE CANDLECURATOR APPRECIATION??? Like I know folks see Fernator and like him but to hear you like her means so much to me ;;;;;;
And hey - life gets busy :] The fact you wanted to come again, read my story and wrote this, rewrote even god knows how many times... I will always think fondly of you.
DUDE OUGH I need to return to theories, I have so many yet to share,,, you wanting one means a lot to me :} I worked hard on the Fernator theory post so I am glad to hear you could enjoy it! I might do a pool on what people could want hehe
[Closes my eyes and tries to close yours]
I think you are very neat, 307 anon. Thank you, for being you and I hope I will see you one day again. Every ask, I worry it's also a farewell. And then - you come back. I hope you are okay out there - I hope your life, even if so busy, gives you moments of happiness and calmness.
Have a lovely day, 307 :]
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iantimony · 11 months
back to your regularly scheduled tuesdayposts
book review edition
listening: im on episode 52 of twilight mirage now! final stretch!!
reading: hooo boy. so. i read 'every heart a doorway' yesterday. not gonna lie! i'm bummed! i thought it was bad! i've been marinating on it overnight and i want to put some thoughts down about it. i saw some folks on goodreads changing their reviews after a few days to be a higher rating because they'd "judged it as a novel, not a novella" and no offense but i think that is stupid. yes, a novella can be approached with different expectations than a novel, but i still expect it to have, like...character arcs?? a Beginning Middle and End???
it felt like it was trying very hard to have Representation and Feminism, yet fell into the trap of "only a certain amount of pretty is ok, if you're Too Pretty you must have a bad personality to make up for it or be otherwise evil" (seraphina) and had a character (angela i think) say "i'm transphobic" and there is zero resolution with that! it is never brought up again! she goes "i think you're a fake man" kade goes "fuck you" and that's it!! then the climax of the book happens! it's totally irrelevant and served no purpose! we don't even know who angela is!!!! it means nothing!!! really bizarre! this isn't even touching the Quirky Token Asian who gets murdered almost immediately. 
in general i think the scale of characters was a little weird. there are about 40 students in this house but it felt very amorphous, especially for the type of story i thought it was trying to tell; i think i would have preferred a smaller cast where we got to learn everyone's names and general vibes at least instead of just "blue haired girl". this isn't a huge problem i just thought it made the setting feel a bit strange. the few characters we got to see named and have motivations were really two dimensional. i don't think this is a problem of it being a YA book, i think it was just too rushed to actually flesh out anyone beyond the most general strokes.
i think the most natural-feeling and fleshed out was kade, i liked him a lot. nancy felt...not like a character, she felt like a collection of Facts. it's nice to see asexual rep, don't get me wrong, but she basically felt like an empty shell of a character. not that any of the other characters felt especially fleshed out, but they all at least has allusions to Character Arcs In The Past, with whole adventures in each of their respective fairytale lands; nancy didn't even have an adventure it seems like!! like she just Stood There A Lot!
and apparently standing Very Still is a superpower, which leads me to my next complaint - why the hell do these kids have magic in the real world still? christopher taking out his little bone flute and reanimating lorelei's skeleton made me put the book down for a minute and take a lap. why! the stuff like standing very still, or lorelei's really good eyesight i could excuse; fully Reanimating The Dead is very silly. maybe i'm missing something but it doesn't seem to serve any purpose. the book would have been missing nothing if that whole skeleton scene was cut. similarly with the aging-backwards therapist, was clearly built entirely for the "oooooh how quirky she looks 8 but she acts like an adult!" factor. it served no purpose. she could have been a normal adult woman. her suspicion of nancy was really silly too. basically magic continuing to exist in the "real world" served no narrative purpose and felt out of place with the message i thought the book was trying to have. and speaking of message:
i think this book's biggest crime is not having a cohesive message. i started this book thinking it would be about loss, grief, and coming to terms with a life you didn't think you'd have. those are all really good messages for a YA book! not that there is a "correct" ending for a story like this but just sending nancy back to her fantasy land was completely antithetical to the book saying "sometimes you just need to move on a little, you can still keep your hope but you have to live your life as well". no offense to mcguire but that ending felt like her choosing an "unexpected" ending just for the sake of it, not to serve any narrative purpose. then again nancy was kinda not a character so it doesn't make the worst sense to just get her out of the way a little. i found myself feeling more bad for nancy's parents than anything else. yes they don't understand, and probably didn't understand her for a while even before she went through her door, but they clearly were so worried about her and nancy really didn't seem to have any good will towards them for it. all teenagers feel misunderstood! all i can think about is these two well-meaning parents grieving for literally the rest of their lives lol. like listen. i get it. i was That Kid. i wanted something like that so badly. but i would have at least hesitated. i know it's just a YA novel but it really rubbed me the wrong way.
in terms of narrative, i definitely saw the twist coming, basically from the point where jill vanished for a little bit following the first murder, which is fine! i'm a little confused on the logistics of it, like her and jack shared a room and the timeline makes it seem like jack would definitely have had to notice earlier. doesn't really matter either way. i would have loved a little more drama around the murders - maybe being suspicious of lundy or even eleanor? especially when lundy was weirdly in kade's room after the first murder. the main characters seemed strangely apathetic to it all, no drive to investigate or search for clues like you'd expect in a YA novel. it's fine. i did really like mcguire's prose, though, she has some nice sentences in there.
idk tl;dr i had high expectations because i saw a lot of people talking this book up a lot but it really did nothing for me except make me a little sad for nancy's parents which i don't think was the intended result. 2/5 stars for me :(
watching: a bunch of mina le mostly
making: i finished carving out my watch block, i haven't done a test print yet but i'm going to try and do that this week! i'm almost done with my tank top knitting project too, i'm on the last strap now.
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misc: it's been like a month since i tuesdayposted! hello everyone! i got a really really bad stomach bug when i was in korea but other than that my travels went well! i had a minor breakdown last week when i was puppysitting by myself bc of how sleep deprived i was! but i'm better now! things feel like they're moving veerrrrrryyyy slowly with my research but that's just how it is with that i guess. being home for the summer has been really nice but i do miss having my own space and independence.
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arsonyte · 1 year
She *is* pretty! Why can’t you see it?!!
Note: This was written back in 2017, but I never got to publishing it.
A “She Was Pretty” Review:
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I discovered the trailer for this drama last year when I was *cough* trying to drown myself in KDramas as I avoid a British Spy-Themed TV Event with one Sexualized Nerd-Hunk that just gave me collossal headaches... *cough* ANYWAY. I just finished “Personal Preference” at long last, since I started it around 2013 and didn’t finish it... till three years later due to... real life things. Unfortunately, due to other unforseen real life things, I didn’t manage to watch “She Was Pretty” last year as well. 
This year, it just suddenly popped up in my mind while trying to find something to watch: “What’s the title of that KDrama again where there’s this weird girl who had this hot pixie-ish haircut dancing about in this pool-side party? And she was ugly?” I had to check out this KDrama list of “Best Dramas” per year -- and I found my answer.
Spoilers ahead!
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Kim Hye Jin - I love the fact that she really is pretty -- freckles, frizzy hair and all. I was like -- “Okay just a little hairstyling like a ponytail or half-ponytail of some sort, and she’d be fine without having a full makeover.” And with someone who’s got untameable hair, Hyejin-a is someone very relatable. She’s also a kind person and has this knack for efficiency when working -- something I can also relate to. 
Though yes, my mother (whom I also dragged into watch this series) was right: Hye Jin is over the top sometimes with how she reacts to things around her. Some of her quirks seem to be overdone too, like the way she makes that sound with clucking her teeth when she’s nervous. I mean sure, she’s weird and all -- but no need to overdo it. It just made the first few episodes a bit too much for someone who isn’t fond of slapstick humor (like my mother). Fortunately, its the slapstick humor that made me stay. It is my thing anyway. XD
Despite the whole predictable “makeover plot”, I love how Hye Jin turned out to be a writer at the end, loving her work. And she keeps her curly hair and freckles! I would say her journey through MOST makes it worthwhile, and I love how she managed to interact with everyone who was with her along the way.
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Ji Sung Joon - I haven’t been watching a lot of KDramas lately, but I saw clips of “Kiss Me, Heal Me” (where both Hwang Jung-eum and Park Seo-Joon also starred) and I realized that the other reviewers were right: The whole “stoic, cold-hearted” characterization just doesn’t fit Park Seo-Joon. Although I understand that it was all for plot... but did Sung-Joon really need to be that harsh?!
And what happened to that sweet, quiet overweight boy at the start? What was it that turned him into this rich, stoic, and cold-hearted man whom Hye Jin meets again? I wish we saw more of what transformed Sung-Joon to what he was now. I mean we were shown the backstory of his mother dying and how he was bullied when he transferred to the US... but I wish there was more to support his character.
Yes, I understand he was being keen on getting Most to the top spot. Yes, I know he needed to succeed or else MOST Korea would close down and that would spell doom for his career in MOST NYC. But did he really have to be that harsh?! I feel like all that effort of being crude and strict we as all for naught since it turns out that it would have worked better if he was transparent with the MOST Editing Team and collaborated with them in the process. The fact that he was still terrorizing his team at the end made me wonder if the whole character development was worth it.
But once he finds out the truth about Hye Jin and (Ha Ri as well), he suddenly turns into this sweet guy who just loves his childhood sweetheart so much and it was easier for me to watch Sung-Joon go about. I just wish he didn’t just go through the whole “POOF! I’M A SWEETHEART NOW!” transformation after all the harshness Hye Jin had to go through. They could have characterized his coldness as a facade and was truly sweet and gentle underneath it all.
However, Sung-Joon’s flaws are hilarious. The fact that he can barely hear anything when he’s holding his tablet that he’s reduced into drinking water from vases thinking its his coffee and slamming nose-first into elevator doors and glass walls made him a bit more well-rounded as a character.
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Min Ha Ri - I love how Ha Ri was a well-rounded character, not your typical antagonistic second lead. Her friendship with Hye Jin is something amazing -- something you don’t usually find in frikking dramas lately. But I’ll discuss that later. I love how Ha Ri serves as Hye Jin’s foil somewhat: being that rich, cool, pretty best-friend whom all the boys line up for. And yet, despite getting everything she ever wanted, she’d drop everything for her “wifey” Hye Jin. 
I understand that the whole conflict in the plot was construed by her and Hye Jin and they do take responsibility for it. And I give her credit for stretching her neck as far as she could just so she can tell Jung-Soon the truth, despite being blocked every single time she tries. It just so happens that she fell in love with Jung-Soon too... and I suddenly had my heart going out to her.
“He was my first love too.” Her stomach cramps spelled her guilt for it all. The way she bounces back and becomes supportive for Hye Jin just shows how her friendship with her is solid. Her dedication to claim her future and shape her own destiny by giving up everything that wasn’t hers: from her clothes, her car, and the job where her father shoe’d her in just shows how Ha Ri has integrity. And I love it when she perseveres through the end.
As much as I do wish she ended up with someone (like Shin-hyuk), I think her ending suits her. <3
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Kim Shin-Hyuk - Seriously, I wasn’t a Choi Siwon fan when I walked into this fandom. I did walk out as one. 
I swear, if it weren’t for Shin-Hyuk’s little quirks and Choi Siwon’s perfect comedic timing then I don’t know... He makes everything worthwhile and bearable when the second-hand embarrassment is too much from Hye Jin and when I think that Ha Ri is losing her conscience. I mean, Reporter Kim even brought out the humanity out of the cold Jung-Soon!
And they were right how Siwon’s acting spectrum came out with Shin-Hyuk: he shifted from goofy to someone scarred and hurting inside in SECONDS. Those scenes after the motorcycle accident where he goofs around to cheer Hye Jin up while trying to hide the fact that he’s still receiving treatment for his wounds are just one of his milestones.
Even his catchphrases such as calling Hye Jin as “Jackson” is just too precious. 
Although I do have quite the second-lead syndrome, I don’t think he’s perfect for Hye Jin. I believe that with how gullible Hye Jin is, his quirkiness would just cause her much stress. And from the start you just knew that Hye Jin already chose Jung-Soon... Although he may be a perfect match for Min Ha Ri, I think the latter and Reporter Kim should be at least stand alones. Well, for these relationships, I’ll elaborate further later on.
I do wish that there’s a happier ending for Reporter Kim though.
Honorable Mentions:
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Kim Ra Ra - Aside from Reporter Kim, the deranged yet chic Chief Editor of Most Korea takes the cake in comedy! She’s like a hilarious version of Miranda Priestly of “Devil Wears Prada” without the utter devastation and filled with crazy crack. I swear she steals the show everytime she’s on screen (along with that upbeat track just made for her - Shung! Shung! Shung!) whether she’s speaking in some European Language of God Knows What, throwing her stuff about and expecting them to be caught, or flirting with guys who are 20 years her junior.
This story has three major ongoing plots ongoing:
Hye Jin and Ha Ri concocting this plot of making the latter appear as the former in front of Sung-Joon due to Hye Jin's insecurities
Sung-Joon's attempt to rekindle his friendship/romance with childhood friend Hye Jin
MOST Korea's attempt to break through the charts and end up as #1 in sales in three months
There are several subplots that I think are more interesting and are stand-outs from the main story:
The guest from #2024 (a.k.a. Min Ha Ri's and Kim Shin-Hyuk's friendship)
Who is Ten (the world-renknowned mysterious writer)?
Who is the Vice-President's son who was working secretly in MOST Korea's Editing team?
Han Seol and Kim Joon-woo's side love story
0 notes
fearsmagazine · 2 years
DISTRIBUTOR: Universal Pictures
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SYNOPSIS:  Dominion takes place four years after Isla Nublar has been destroyed. Dinosaurs now live—and hunt—alongside humans all over the world. The raptor “Blue” has had a baby (nature finds a way!). Owen Grady and Claire Dearing and living in the mountains trying to keep Maisie Lockwood, and the raptors, safe from poachers. Lewis Dodgson is the CEO of bio-sync. He needs the baby raptor and Maisie to complete his nefarious plans that have to do with genetically engineered locus, yes, using dinosaur DNA. If human beings are to remain on the planet they must figure out how to share it with history’s most fearsome creatures.
REVIEW: JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION feels like someone, somewhere, said, “Let’s get the Jurassic Park band back together,” either that or, like Sony and Spiderman, they need to make the movie or lose the franchise. Either way, what’s not to like about this cast, dinosaurs, and action!
The screenplay feels like there was a checklist and they clearly check all the boxes. There are moments where it feels like a dino sequence take on an Indiana Jones film or a Bond movie.  Yes, there is a Bond like villain, in fact two. The character of Lewis Dodgson, like the dinosaurs, is a literary hybrid of a bond villain, mixed with a little bit of Steve Jobs, Mark Zukerburg, Elan Musk… you get it. The premise, for a large part of the plot, is more about the genetically modified locus, Blue’s baby, and Maisie. The dinosaurs feel like a subtext, but of course there have to be some epic dino battles to compete with the Kong and Godzilla films. Having all the characters together is nice as they secure some loose ends. I enjoyed the new character editions and how they fit into the narrative. There is a moment in the film, with a visual element, that harkens back to the first film. It was a nice touch, but it goes a bit too far as it almost recreates a similar moment in that film. At its core, the plot is dealing with a disrupted ecosystem, so it becomes a bit preachy. The closing moments put a pin in it and like good science fiction gives the viewer something to mull over. Personally, I felt them approaching a line that would have alienated me, but thankfully they never crossed it.
The film looks great, but what film in the franchise didn’t. I didn’t quite agree with Ellie Sattler when she said, “It never gets old.” I think, it’s been four years since the last film, technology advances, there has to be some “wow” moments. It seems that some of that thought went into new dinosaur designs. Since then, I know there have been some new theories and discoveries, but a few of the new additions looked more like something from a Ray Harryhausen sketch book than an issue of Science Digest Scientific America. I’m still a nerd at heart so what’s not to like but it just feels like it is a bit more removed from scientific fact. I did love the giant locus, which feels like a nod to the classic giant creature movies of the 50’s and 60’s. The production designs are phenomenal and overall there is plenty of visual eye-candy for your entertainment dollar.
The cast is marvelous. Everyone seamlessly slides back into character and picks up from when we last saw them. I have to say the writers did a nice job of giving them all enough satisfying screen time. Pratt and Goldblum have some excellent screen time together, it’s nice to see how Dern and Neill come together, and Pratt and Howard are delightful as adventuring, concerned parents. DeWanda Wise is excellent as this moxy pilot, a role that often goes to men. She does an outstanding job of putting this fresh spin on it. It’s an excellent ensemble cast that makes the film worth a second view.
When I was younger, my father would take me to the drive-in during the summer to take in films my grandmother and mother wouldn’t sit through. Thanks to him, we went “Ape For a Night” and saw all five “Planet of the Ape” movies at the drive-in. One of the last movies we saw together before he passed was “Jurassic Park.” I had already seen it at an early critics screening, but I didn’t tell him that. He had read the novel and had high expectations for the film. When they opened up the doors to let us into the theater I tried to repress my smile, which turned into a smirk. He asked me what I was smirking out, to which I replied, “Nothing.” Deep down I knew this would be one of those rare moments where the movies would provide my dad and I a special bonding moment. Now some 29 years later I had the pleasure to enjoy the film in the company of my daughter. That is the cornerstone of this franchise, it transcends generations that allows families to come together and have a thrilling adventure. Hopefully there will be another film in the next ten years that embodies those elements of these films and provides families a memorable movie experience that creates lasting memories.
CAST: Mamoudou Athie, Chris Pratt, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Scott Haze, Bryce Dallas Howard, Dichen Lachman, Sam Neill, Daniella Pineda, Isabella Sermon, Justice Smith, Omar Sy, DeWanda Wise, and Bd Wong. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Colin Trevorrow; Screenplay - Emily Carmichael; Based on Characters Created by Michael Crichton; Producer - Patrick Crowley; Cinematographer - John Schwartzman; Score - Michael Giacchino; Editor - Mark Sanger; Production Designer - Kevin Jenkins; Visual Effects Companies - ILM, Lidar Lounge, Hybride, & Lola VFX; Special Effects Supervisors & Artists - Too many to name her. OFFICIAL: www.jurassicworld.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/JurassicWorld TWITTER: twitter.com/JurassicWorld TRAILER: https://youtu.be/k-RY-1UPFgQ RELEASE DATE: In Theaters June 10th, 2022
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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Stressful streaming [Corpse  x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “What if y/n isnt a good gamer (they do something else on yt and never really got into it) so they just really suck at being the imposter? And everyone is trying to make them feel better but they feel super crappy about ruining the game for everyone- especially when they get paired up with corpse?” Requested by anon
“can I request something where y/n and corpse are dating, she is the group's baby and everytime she kills everyone's like 'yeah, that's cute bUT YOUR BOYFRIEND THO'.” Requested by anon
Warnings: Idk, this took a complete 180 midway through, and even idk what’s going on anymore. Fluff?  Comfort? Cuddles???
Words: 2k
A/N: Open for requests. And a two for one, you know me at this point.
The two of you had been living together for quite a while now. And you had been public about your relationship for a long time, had it been up to either of you, nobody still wouldn’t know. But it’s definitely better on both of your nerves not having to tiptoe around each other when you recorded, or he streamed.
You really enjoy books, so that’s what you naturally made the topic of your YouTube channel, book reviews. You had always recorded yourself reading and made it into a time-lapse after, it was when easier now that you didn’t have to worry if Corpse said anything and you looked up to answer him. You weren’t really into gaming so it surprised you a lot when Corpse had sat you down yesterday and asked if you wanted join them in the game today. The other had been bugging him to get you on call for longer than just saying a quick hi and then leaving him again. You weren’t much of a people person, honestly neither of you were. But Corpse was still better at interacting with others. Both of your setups was already in the studio, due to you liking edit your videos when he streamed, so you could still be together. Despite you mostly reading whenever he streamed, because then there wasn’t a chance he accidentally got caught on your camera.
Your routines worked for each other, but this was new territory for you. Both being live and gaming. You were nervous. To put it out there you were straight up shaking of nerves. Sure you wouldn’t be live yourself, and it was just among us, you had seem him play it a million times, but it still scared you what if you said something stupid, or did something stupid. Then you wouldn’t be able to cut it out, everyone would know in an instant.
Corpse greet his stream, as you load up your game, you’re fiddling with the hem of his sweater, makes him feel like he’s closer than the short distance that’s between you, because right now he seemed like an ocean away.
He shows you how to join the call and you accidentally squeak in chock as someone yells into their microphone. You can feel Corpse moving beside you, as he tries his best not to laugh at you.
“Shut up.” You mumble, and lightly shoves his shoulder.
“Me?” A guy with an irish accent asks.
“No! Not you, I’m so sorry that wasn’t to you- Corpse stop laughing at me!” You cut your own sentence off. As he now is completely failing at keeping himself from laughing, inviting everyone and their mom to listen to his beautiful laugh. You sulk for a bit, before he composes himself.
“But you’re just so damn cute.” He pets the top of your head, and walks back to his own setup, where chat is going rocket speed. He tries to read a couple in passing, but he turns his attention back to you when you whine.
“I’m not a child!” you pout at him and sticks out your tongue. A smile right on your lips as he copies you. You just love this man with all of your heart.
“Never said you were.” He teases back, before he starts to greet the people in the call. You realise most of your nerves have disappeared, no longer shaking, you’re getting a bit excited to do this. You listen closely when corpse says the name of each of the people in the call. You only knew the names before joining, but not what voice that belonged to whom.
When you’re finally in the game, Corpse suggests you put on the white skin and a flower. Your reply?
You lean close to the microphone and goes. “No.” And picks the yellow skin with the plant hat, declaring you’re now a citrus fruit.
“Corpse, how in the world did you catch someone like her?” you think her name was Rae asked.
“I didn’t she caught me.” He admits, happily. “Still having trouble believing she chose me.”
Earning an awe from the rest of the call. Two lovebirds.
“Simp!” someone yells in the call, you’re not really sure who, in the sea of mixed noises. Earning a laugh from you.
Crewmate flash across your screen, and you didn’t totally mean to peak, but you saw the red flash from his pc. As the game starts up and your character isn’t moving you realise you don’t know what you’re doing. Corpse realises too when his character starts to circle yours and nothing happens.
“Babe you good there?” He looks over at you, as you’re pressing each key on your keyboard testing out what happens. He chuckles at the sight. “let me help you.” He gets up, and leans over you, as he shows you how to move. His own character standing still, as he helps you around the map and shows you how to do the tasks. You happily let him guide your hands, enjoying the warmth he radiates as he stands near you.
That’s when a warning flash over the screen. Emergency meeting. You think it said. A screen with a portrait of all of your characters comes up.
“Corpse you good there, you haven’t moved all game?” Felix asks.
“Oh, sorry, I was helping Y/N with how to play.” Corpse answers over your mic.
“Hey guys, how do I make my name red like Corpses?” you innocently ask, with a gleam in your eyes as you look up at Corpse knowing damn well why his name is red. He’s the bad guy.
Corpse furrows his eyebrows at you. Glaring at you, as the rest of the call is laughing, it doesn’t take long before his astronaut is floating across the screen ejected into outer space. He leans close to you, making sure to mute your microphone first.
“You sure you want to play like this kitten?” He whispers to you, you respond by smacking his shoulder, and once again telling him to shut up.
Corpse helps you through the rest of the game. He makes sure you’re good before walking back to his own chair and greets his chat, finally paying attention back to them. Another game starts and the two of you  are imposters together. Corpse quickly goes over the rules of impostors, and it doesn’t take long before you have made your first kill, not noticing Sean was in Nav together with Rae.  But before he’s able to report it,Corpse comes to your rescue by venting into the room and killing Sean. The relief is short lived as  Felix comes running into Nav and see the two of you standing over Seans body, quickly reporting.
“Y/N you’re doing good, but you need to press the report button when it comes visible.” Felix starts out. “Also, it’s Corpse, there was a body in Nav, Sean. Wait Rae and Mark is dead too.” You smile to yourself as you realise he didn’t discover Raes body in there too, you feel a bit of pride.
Corpse looks over to you grinning at him. “We walked in together I was showing her where the report button is and how to use it.” Corpse defends himself. “She never found a body in the last game.”
“That’s true.” You choose to ignore he fact you’re lying to these strangers, and tell yourself that you’re technically speaking the truth. You never found a body in the last game.
“I’m sus of you Corpse, but we have no other evidence.” Felix says,
“And we shouldn’t vote on 7.” Toast comments. Everyone votes skip, and the two of you live to see another round.
The next kill is by Corpse, and you immediately report it, stating you found it in… what was that room now called?
“We found it in… that room?” You try and look over at Corpse for help.
“Electrical, headed there for wires.” Corpse quickly takes over to cover for you. Knowing full well the rest very much knows it’s the two of you.
“I think it’s a self-report, Y/N you’re trying out some big brain strats, but I saw you vent from med bay.” Toast tells the rest. You curse underneath your breath; you are starting to catch on the rest are trying to be nice. But you get it, you’re ruining the game for them, especially Corpse. A few seconds passes as everyone votes and your astronaut is sent into the vacuum of space. You sigh.  You watch as Corpse, gets one kill before it gets reported.
“What was everyone’s last task?” Grease asks the group. He gets an array of answers, but all to him seems nowhere near the body.
“I’m still sus of you Corpse.” Felix says, “You either failed card swipe twice, or forgot you already faked it.”
“How could it have been me? I was with you the entire time.” Corpse responds.
“That’s not true, when lights went out I couldn’t find you, and we just split up before I found the body now.” Felix tells the other incriminating Corpse. It doesn’t take long before he gets voted off. He looks a bit annoyed at the outcome. Knowing it was a risky kill. But instead in your mind you take it as he’s annoyed you were his partner. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it, you stroke it a few times and he seems to calm down again.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m not really good at this, I think I’m going to get back to do some reading. It was fun though.” You announce to the rest, Corpse watching in confusion over the sudden need to leave. The others bid their goodbyes. You get off the discord call. And closes up the game and shuts off your pc.
“Hey chat, I’ll be right back, I’m taking a quick break before we continue.” Corpse mutes his setup and walks over to you. While doing that you’ve frustratedly put your head in your hands, and is onboard the blame train for ruining the game for the others. Corpse wraps his arms around you and brings you right back to reality and where you belong, in his embrace.
“Babe, are you okay? Do you need me to stop the stream?” He carefully asks.
“I’m sorry I ruined your game. I really tried my best, I promise.” You sigh, looking at him, and leaning into his hug and the warmth.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Y/N. You made it better, I had a fun time with you, even if we weren’t the best pair.” Corpse starts peppering you in kisses alround your face until you start giggling.
“There is my beautiful Y/N.” He smiles at you, he knows he’s so whipped, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world when he sees that smile of yours.
“Thank you.” You mumble as you put your neck into his neck, cuddling up against him. “Can I stay for the rest of your stream?” He doesn’t need to answer, he just sits back down in his own chair, and you automatically and easily, swing a leg over him. You cuddle into his chest and listens as he starts talking to his chat again.
“Y/N says thanks for everything, but this is really out of her comfort zone, and I’m proud of her for having done it.” He praises you to the rest of the world. He looks down at you smiling. He mute his mic as he whisper to you. “You’re still my favourite impostor, kitten.” You giggle, and he turns his attention back to the game. Getting ready to be a crewmate.
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thepariahcontinuum · 2 years
So I finished reading the Dune Trilogy.
I'm not gonna sit here and give an extensive book review, but what I will say is that I know my opinion is one that's going to be regarded as heresy by a certain subsection of old school geeks:
Dune has a legacy bigger than itself and had the potential to be a far more interesting story than the one Frank Herbert actually wrote.
I say that with all the praise I can muster, I have loved Warhammer 40k since I was a kid playing 3rd edition, Dune inspired 40k which by rights makes Dune the Grandparent of Grimdark Sci-Fi.
The individual ideas and how of them interact with each other to create Watsonian explanations for what is obviously rule of cool is Interested, the idea of advanced science actually regressing warfare to melee is a peak example of that.
The intricacies of a far future sci-fi Neo-Feudal empire has an absolute wealth of potential.
A future where science and invention got humanity across the galaxy only for us to disregard machinery, evolving and adapt to compensate for what we'd given up is interesting.
The idea of an entirely fabricated Messiah, with both the Messianic figure and the faith and prophecies telling of them being orchestrated by some larger, shadowy cabal over the course of centuries is interested.
The problems come from Herbert's writing style.
A lot of the world building feels hollow and shallow, a few Arabic words thrown in and some references to things that don't amount to anything whilst at the same time things that become major plot devices come out of nowhere....See Leto II taking on his "Second skin" we should have seen more Sand Trout behaviour before that, there's plenty of examples but that was just the first one to come to mind.
A lot of the characters feel like plot devices and set pieces rather than characters with arcs that amount to nothing, which leads to me not giving a single fuck about them. Feyd-Rautha and Beast Rabban could absolutely have been used more interestingly and the fact that Gurney got no closure at all felt strange.
Frank Herbert is either unwilling or incapable of writing both battles and naturally developing relationships....The Sardaukar had more weight and presence in a 40 second clip I saw of the new movie than they did in the entire trilogy, for all the talk about them they felt like they existed to get Worfed because all their wins were off screen. Paul had two years in which he got married, led a guerrilla campaign and fathered a child that was completely passed over....that is lunacy.
Finally, this one's going to get me accused of being all kinds of Woke SJW and I will wear those badges proudly, so consider this a pre-emptive fuck off.... Frank Herbert cannot write women. I'll tie this back to the previous point, upon their first meeting Paul was put into Chani's care; not only should we have seen their relationship and dynamic beyond "It happened because plot" but there is no reason that Chani shouldn't have been, at least for a time one of the Fedaykin Death Commandos.
Seriously that time skip could have been a book on its' own.
But anyway....Next on my to read list is "The Colour of magic" Pratchett's Discworld books have been recommended to me several times now.
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fific7 · 3 years
Unexpected - Part 3
King Caspian x Reader
Summary: What happens if you push the respectful and well-behaved King Caspian a little too far? You’re about to find out.
A/N: The final chapter. This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with some lemon zest 🍋 Friends to Lovers AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including debatable consent at first, loss of virginity and oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My video edit)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ever since his hasty departure from your study, Caspian had not exactly avoided you but had taken to just popping his head round the door and wishing you a cheerful good day before disappearing again. You had smiled to yourself. It certainly did seem that you had some kind of an effect on the King. You weren’t absolutely sure what that was, but it appeared to be a positive one.
You were excitedly planning an outfit for that evening as a banquet was being held to celebrate Cornelius’ birthday. No-one had mentioned how old he actually was and you weren’t sure if that was because they didn’t know or if they were just being tactful. You’d bought him three new quills as his gift, which he’d accepted gratefully as he was always snapping the tips off his.
Later that afternoon, there was a brief knock and Caspian’s smiling face appeared round your door. “You are coming to the birthday banquet tonight, aren’t you, my lady?” You nodded, “I am, Caspian.” “Well… I’ll see you there,” he grinned, and then he was gone.
Smiling, you went back to mentally reviewing the dresses in your wardrobe. Tonight you’d make sure you looked your very best for Caspian.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Meanwhile Caspian walked off down the corridor, deep in thought. He was sure that she’d noticed that he was keeping a physical distance between them the past few days, but it was the only way he could think of to avoid making a complete fool of himself. Again. Like he had the last time. His face burned every time he thought about it. She’d known why he’d rushed off, he was sure of it.
He would have to dance with her tonight. It would look strange if he didn’t, and he felt his stomach tie itself into a knot. How on earth was he going to keep himself under control? He would just have to figure out a way… somehow.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Eventually, after several changes, you’d chosen a deep ruby red velvet dress with a sweetheart neckline, your hair was artfully pinned up and you had added a sparkling necklace and earrings.
The music played, the tables were laden with food and drink and Cornelius was thoroughly enjoying himself as the centre of attention. The courtiers whirled around the room in spirited waltzes and you watched as Caspian danced with girl after girl after girl. Everyone apart from you, in fact. You had a sick sinking feeling in your stomach - it looked like you’d got it all wrong, he obviously didn’t have any feelings for you at all. You blinked fiercely as you felt your eyes fill up. Well, your mother always said pride comes before a fall, and you supposed that you’d been prideful in thinking that he felt something special for you.
Taking a large drink of your wine, you considered leaving the banquet. What use was there in staying? Just to watch Caspian dancing with all the other women, while you - a sorrowful heap of jealousy - sat in the corner by yourself? No, that was not going to be you, you thought.
Standing, you smoothed your dress and started to move out from behind the table, only for Cornelius to lightly grip your wrist. “You’re surely not going already?” he questioned you. You nodded, “Yes, my lord. I.. I have a headache and should retire to my chamber, I think.” He did not let go of you, “Oh, my lady, can’t I persuade you to stay just a little longer? It is my birthday after all!” he smiled mischievously at you. Oh, he had to make you feel guilty, didn’t he? You sighed, “Very well, my lord, just for a very short time though.” He refilled your wine cup, “Have some more wine,” he encouraged you, “I’ve heard it’s very efficacious in treating headaches!”
Laughing, you sat down and took the goblet from him. “Indeed? I confess I haven’t heard that said of wine, my lord.” Nodding vigorously, he replied, “Oh, yes - I am sure I read that recently somewhere - in a medical book or suchlike.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure approaching you, one of the Kingsguard. Before you turned to look fully at him, you saw a look of annoyance flit over Cornelius’ face, before his usual small smile returned.
“May I have the pleasure of the next dance, my lady?” asked the handsome soldier, whose name you didn’t know. You nodded and stood, taking his outstretched hand and allowing him to lead you onto the dance floor. The orchestra finished playing the previous waltz, and prepared to play the next one.
Caspian’s dark eyes met yours as he straightened up from bowing to his partner. Something flashed in them and you looked away, up at your own partner. Wasn’t he happy to see you dancing with someone? Well, that was a shame, you thought - he can just have a taste of his own medicine! The music began and you and the soldier began to dance, thankfully neither of you treading on each other’s toes. You saw that Caspian was dancing with yet another lady. Hmmm, not so bothered then, you thought somewhat bitterly.
Throughout the dance, however, any time you looked towards Caspian his eyes were on you. Continuing to look away, you’d wait a few moments and look again. Yes - still looking. Now you were confused, if he didn’t care, why was he staring? Maybe it was just a ‘big brother’ kind of thing. The dance came to an end and you and your partner bowed to each other, and as you stood straight again you realised with a start that Caspian was standing slightly to the right of your soldier, gazing at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian’s heart had jolted in his chest when he saw her take the floor with one of his Kingsguard. Jealousy raged through his veins. She was only supposed to dance with him! He continued staring over at them as the dance progressed, barely looking at his own new partner, and as soon as the dance finished he quickly bowed, mumbled a thank you and hurried over to her and the soldier.
The soldier bowed his head to his King and took himself off at speed. Caspian was still looking at her, and eventually she cleared her throat and said, “Good evening, your Majesty,” bowed her head slightly and also started to leave the dance floor. “No!” he exclaimed, and her eyes met his again, a confused look in them. “I mean… don’t go, I was about to ask you to dance.” She gave him a small smile, “And are you asking me, your Majesty?” Now it was his turn to look confused, “Why, yes… I am,” he replied and extended his hand towards her.
Taking it, she followed him to a more central area of the dance floor and as they reached it he swung around, pulling her close against him and drinking in her scent. He heard her give a small gasp and realised what he’d done - the waltz the orchestra was playing required a side by side promenade at arms’ length for a few steps before traditional waltzing then took over. Hastily, he released her and they performed their promenade steps, before he was able to take her into his arms once more.
“You look absolutely beautiful,” he breathed next to her ear, “I was overwhelmed when I saw you arrive.” She laughed, not meeting his eyes, “Really, your Majesty? I didn’t think you were even aware I was here.” “What?” he said, totally confused, “Of course I knew you were here!” She still wouldn’t meet his eyes as they moved around the dance floor. “Well, it’s just that you were so busy with all your dance partners I didn’t think that you were, your Majesty.”
Caspian felt like a thunderbolt had hit him. Of course! What a damn fool he was. He’d been so busy trying to distract himself from mooning over her, that it hadn’t dawned on him what it might look like to her - that he was totally ignoring her. He’d noticed that she’d gone back to calling him ‘your Majesty’. He desperately thought of how he could explain this without giving himself away. “Oh… no, no… I’m, I’m always aware of… of where you are,” he said then winced as he realised how lame that sounded. “I thought I would save the last dance for you,” he added, hoping this would redeem him somewhat.
She finally looked at him, a slightly reproachful look in her eyes but she didn’t speak. “I’m so sorry if it looked like I was ignoring you,” he said in a rush, “I just didn’t want to seem too eager.” She laughed but he could tell there wasn’t a lot of humour in it, “Don’t worry, your Majesty, that definitely wasn’t the impression you gave.”
Caspian was panicking. How could he be so stupid? Now she was upset with him, and he only wanted her more than ever - she looked stunning in her ruby red gown. He held her even closer to him and decided to stop talking, maybe he could just show her how he felt by holding her close. He saw her eyes widen and realised that had been a mistake too. There was no doubt that she’d felt his rampant erection, even through the heavy fabric of her dress.
He made a sudden decision and danced her rapidly across the floor back to the table, hastily sitting down and tugging her into the seat next to him. He pulled his tunic down as far as he could over the bulge in his lap and leant forward slightly, embarrassed and running his hands over his face. “Are you alright, my King?” she questioned him. He looked sidelong at her, “I think you know exactly what’s wrong with me.” Then in an even quieter voice, “The same as in the orchard that time.”
He saw a blush start to rise over her face. So she did remember it.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh! you thought, your mind racing back to that encounter in the gathering dusk. You had thought about it frequently over the years with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. You knew you’d been quite forward in your curiosity, and often wondered if Caspian ever thought about it too. And now it seemed that he had. With a frisson of jealousy, you’d also wondered what other sexual experiences he’d had since.
“I… we said we’d never talk about that, Caspian.” While dancing and when he’d pulled you closer to him, you’d felt that hard length of his against your stomach and knew exactly what it meant. But now here he was, bringing up the subject himself.
“We said we’d never speak of it to other people,” he corrected you, gazing into your eyes, “but maybe we need to discuss it further between ourselves. Come, let us leave the banquet for a while so we can speak in private.” He stood up and held out his hand so you also stood, taking it and following him as he led you out of the banqueting hall, aware of the many envious glances from the other women as you left with the King.
They could think what they liked, you thought. They will know you were childhood friends, although you’d made a point of never telling that to any of them. Castle gossip will have ensured that they all knew about it in any case.
Caspian led you upstairs to one of the empty salons and outside onto the large balconied terrace which was attached to it. He knew his castle well, you thought. Due to its position in one of the towers it wasn’t overlooked by any other window or balcony, and the size of the large terrace prevented anyone from seeing anything if they looked up from the grounds.
He came to a halt and turned towards you, his eyes blazing with something - you weren’t sure what - as he looked into yours, “I…I want,” he faltered, “I need…!”
You opened your mouth to ask him what he wanted and needed but before you could speak, he pushed you up against the terrace wall, you felt his mouth on yours and he was kissing you passionately. You realised he was also raising your dress and felt the fabric creep past your knee and then halfway up your leg.
Looking down you saw that Caspian had unlaced his breeches, just as you felt his fingers brush past your undergarments. Because unlike last time, it was he who had hold of his manhood and before you fully realised what he was doing, he’d slid his erection inside you and continued to push until he was fully sheathed. You were gasping and his dark brown eyes looked more like deepest black as he stared into yours, before he lowered his head onto your shoulder, groaning and whispering your name.
“Caspian!” you eventually managed to breathe, “what are you doing?!”
“What you wanted me to do that night in the orchard,” he said through gritted teeth, his voice rough.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian gripped her hips through the dress fabric and began to thrust up into her. She’d wanted him to do this to her those few years ago, right? She’d told him he was a coward because he’d pulled out. So now he was only taking what he could’ve had under the pear trees that evening, wasn’t he?
He heard her voice, through her gasps, “We were children, Caspian, who didn’t know any better. Now we do. What if you get me pregnant?” Caspian stopped thrusting, she needed to hear the truth.
“I don’t care! I’ve wanted you every second of every day since!” his voice broke, “Don’t you realise I’ve always been in love with you?!” He leaned his head back slightly and looked into her eyes, “Tell me you don’t want me to do this and I’ll stop.” She hesitated and he immediately began thrusting again, kissing her and pulling her closer to him. Eventually he felt her fists pummelling his chest, “Caspian! Please! I can’t get pregnant.”
He stopped with a heavy sigh, resting his forehead on hers for a moment before straightening up and pulling out of her. Taking his dick in his hand he turned away from her, frantically rubbing and squeezing his length before finishing quickly, bending over slightly and catching his seed in the palm of his other hand.
Turning back towards her, he found he was looking at empty space. She was gone.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You ran as fast as your fancy dancing shoes would let you to your chamber. Throwing yourself headlong onto your bed and beginning to sob, you wondered how on earth you’d got yourself into this stupid situation. Because you teased him! your brain yelled back at you, it’s all your fault and you know it! Caspian is such a polite, shy, well-behaved boy and look what you made him do!
Eventually your tears stopped flowing and you wearily got up from the bed, struggling a little to unlace your dress at the back but eventually managing it. You’d had to learn how to do that as you didn’t have a lady’s maid, unlike at home. Having washed your face, taken down your hair and changed into your nightdress, you had just lain back down in bed and pulled the quilt over your head when you heard a single knock at your door.
You knew it was Caspian, that one knock had been a special signal between the two of you since you were children. Knowing in your heart that you shouldn’t answer it, you nevertheless got up and opened the door.
It looked as if Caspian had also been crying, his dark eyes were as wide as saucers. “I need to explain.”
You nodded and stood back, allowing him to come into your chamber.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He locked the door behind him, he didn’t want any interruptions during the discussion he was about to have. She’d walked back to her bed and sat on the edge of it, looking down into her lap. He followed her over there, also perching on the bed next to her.
He drew in a deep breath then said in a low voice, “I’m truly sorry for what I did earlier.” He looked down, “You looked so beautiful but you danced with him, you were in his arms and I was so very jealous! I wanted you so much. But what I did was unforgivable.” He heard her exhale then she said, “I have to say, it’s not how I imagined losing my virginity, Caspian.” His head flew up, “But that… we… didn’t that happen when we…?” She shook her head, blushing, “No, not properly. You didn’t get far enough inside that time,” and looked up at him, “but you did this time.”
Now he felt himself blushing. “Oh! I always thought I lost my virginity to you that evening,” he said, “And you? That means you haven’t been with anyone else?” He held his breath and then she shook her head, her eyes downcast again. He felt an immense sense of relief, blowing out a big breath of air. There was a short silence and then he heard, “Caspian?” He looked over at her, “Yes?” “How many women have you been with since then?”
He leapt up off the bed, drawing himself up to his full height, “None!” he shouted, then as he saw her jump, lowered his voice, “I have been with no woman except you.” Suddenly he knelt in front of her, and he met her intent gaze, “I’ve never wanted anyone else apart from you.” He noticed her eyes welling up, and a few tears slid down her cheeks. He reached up and gently wiped them away, “Why are you crying, my darling?” he asked, “Doesn’t that please you?” She managed a feeble smile, “I’m crying because I am pleased to hear that, yes.”
Caspian’s brain hurt a little as he heard this; he wondered if he’d ever understand women. He decided the wisest course of action would be to remain silent and just smiled back at her, nodding as if he fully understood. She sniffled a little and then said more boldly, “Caspian, when you were… you know… earlier, you said you’d always been in love with me.”
His mind rapidly rewound to when he’d been trying to make love to her, had he said that?! He really didn’t recall - his mind had been on other things! - but as it was the truth in any case, he nodded. He took hold of her hand, “Yes, it’s the truth. I’ve loved you since I met you.” “But we were just children.” “It doesn’t matter. You’re my soulmate, I’ve always known that. It was truly awful when I had to flee the castle as I knew I wouldn’t see you - maybe ever again - but I had no choice, and I just had to try and put you out of my mind until Narnia was safe.”
He got up and sat next to her on the bed again. “It was really difficult. Just recently, everything was starting to return to normal and I was about to try and find you, when you arrived here as Cornelius’ assistant. It seemed fated that we should be together. But you kept on saying how I was your dear friend and.. and my heart broke. I was sure that’s all you felt for me - friendship.”
She shook her head, “No, Caspian. I don’t think I realised it until I came to the castle and saw you again, but I think I’ve always loved you too.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian’s face had the hugest grin on it as you finished speaking. “Really? You love me?” You nodded, “Yes, I do.” Suddenly he was back down on one knee, “Then please - make me the happiest man in Narnia and marry me!” You must have looked like an idiot with your mouth forming a large O, but eventually you managed to say “Yes!” Then he had jumped up, pulling you off the bed and wrapping his arms around you, whirling you round while you squealed and he kissed you.
After the two of you had calmed down somewhat, he left to go back to his own chambers as even although you were now betrothed, it wouldn’t be seemly for him to spend the night with you, even if you just slept in the same bed. He promised that he would have a ring for you by the next day and while you’d assured him there was no rush, he’d insisted that he wanted a betrothal ring on your finger as soon as possible.
You lay awake most of the night, too excited to sleep. It seemed incredible but all of your most precious dreams had come true.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning, Cornelius had appeared in front of your desk as usual and throwing aside his usual decorous manner, had hugged you. “I am so pleased to hear your news!” he declared. “I’ve never seen Caspian so happy. He was bouncing around like an over-excited rabbit this morning,” he chuckled, taking your hand and squeezing it while you laughed at his description of Caspian’s reaction. “I know the two of you will be so happy together,” he continued, “Now! We must start planning the wedding!”
When Caspian came to your study later that afternoon, he led you out from behind your desk, went down on one knee and proposed to you once again. This time, he produced a small jewellery box from his tunic pocket and opened it, showing you a ring with a large pear-shaped diamond as the centrepiece. It was beautiful and as Caspian slipped it onto your finger, he whispered, “To always remind you of the pear trees in the orchard,” with a small mischievous grin at you.
“How did you get the ring so quickly?” you asked him, as you were amazed that he’d managed to find such a beautiful, perfect ring in the space of one morning. He’d winked at you, “I have my contacts, that’s all I’m going to say.” You never did find out for sure, but there was one diamond merchant in the town nearest to Cair Paravel who had similar gems and you thought it might be from there.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
One thing you did know for sure, the other ladies of the court’s eyes were out on stalks as they glimpsed your new ring when you joined them for dinner that evening. Every single one of them was praying you were going to tell them to whom you were now betrothed and eventually - when you had still said nothing and dinner was nearly over - one of them could keep quiet no longer.
“My lady… umm, I cannot help but notice your beautiful ring!” You dipped your head, “Why thank you, my lady,” you replied. She smirked at you, “But you are not willing to share the name of your betrothed with us?” You shook your head, a faux-regretful look on your face, “I cannot as yet, my lady. My betrothed has to be the one to announce it,” you went on, with a small shrug. Of course, this just meant that their curiosity ate them up even more.
But Caspian had advised you that he had to firstly tell the Grand Council, then your parents, the courtiers and the people of Narnia in that order - that was the accepted, traditional procedure and that was that. So you had to keep quiet, although in truth you were literally bursting to tell everyone!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
When the news was finally announced, everyone showered congratulations onto you and Caspian. Although you did get the feeling that the other ladies of the court gave their best wishes through gritted teeth and with fake smiles. You knew that they were secretly devastated as you’d won the prize they had been trying to win, and you felt slightly sorry for them as you knew you’d have felt the same if Caspian had asked one of them to marry him.
In the meantime, Cornelius - much to your surprise - had indeed become almost your sole wedding planner, and very good at it he was too! He’d already arranged just about everything. In fact the only thing you had left to worry about choosing was your dress.
Caspian was getting nervous about the actual ceremony; he was worried he was going to forget his vows when he tried to say them to you. You had just told him, “Make them up! As long as you mean them, it doesn’t matter what you actually say.” He’d laughed, pulling you into his arms and kissing you hungrily, but then the two of you had to spring apart as two female courtiers appeared round the corner without warning. You’d all nodded to each other; they pretended they hadn’t seen you and Caspian kissing, and you two pretended you hadn��t been caught.
Until you were married this was frowned on in public, in what you considered to be one of various out-dated court traditions. You’d be shaking up some things once you were Queen, you smiled to yourself.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian was super-excited on his wedding day. He was nervous, yes - but it was a good nervous. Apart from the fact that in a few moments he’d be joined together for all eternity to the woman of his dreams, tonight, their wedding night, they would finally - finally - be able to make love properly. He couldn’t wait.
Their first two attempts hadn’t exactly been stellar successes - and of course, they shouldn’t even have been trying the first time around! - but he just knew that it would be third time lucky. No guilty childish fumblings, no adult angry/jealous sex… it would be just the two of them, lying in amongst the crisp cotton sheets and deep quilts of their marital bed. No prying eyes, no interruptions, no rush - it would be just heavenly. He already felt a little thrill of arousal.
He heard the musicians begin to play the joyful wedding music and he turned to see his beautiful bride - in a gorgeous white dress and holding a bouquet of delicate white flowers - bathed in sunlight and standing in the entranceway. Would he ever feel as happy as this again, he wondered? He didn’t think he would.
She paused for a few seconds and then began to walk gracefully across the Great Hall towards him. Approaching him, through her veil she met his gaze and gave him a dazzling smile.
His smile in return was even brighter and totally blissful.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@paracosmenthusiast @jessevans
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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green-socks · 3 years
Endless Nights
Pairing: Benny Miller x gn!reader (no descriptions or pronouns)
Summary: You and Benny can't seem to get enough of each other's company. Could tonight be the night you find the courage to do something about that crush?
Words: 2,101
Warnings: Nudity but not the sexual kind, food/eating. Almost zero editing and a tired writer.
Notes: I don't always participate in Writer Wednesday, but when I do I take one look at the picture, get an idea and then go completely off the rails. Sorry. So the pic doesn't really have a lot to do with the rest of the fic but I hope that's okay. For this week's @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday, thanks for organizing it every week!
I had the idea for midnight shopping at the supermarket with Benny and then realized I didn't want the night to end there... So it didn't. I actually like this piece, even if it probably suffered a lot from my fast writing and non-existent editing. Reader is mentioned having shorter legs than Benny but other than that I think there are no descriptions or pronouns used of reader, lmk if I'm wrong.
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You and Benny have been driving around aimlessly for a couple of hours already, taking turns in picking the music, and talking about this and that while sometimes falling into a companionable silence. It still amazes you how easy and comfortable everything is with him. You have never felt like this with a crush before, used to the feeling of always obsessing over what you felt like you could and couldn’t say or do, or spending a lot of time and energy into trying to figure out what the other thought.
No, with Benny you don’t have to pretend anything or force yourself to keep the conversation running in fear of those horrid awkward silences, because both of you know that you can talk for hours on end when the mood strikes. You met through mutual friends only a few weeks ago, but the connection was clearly there. As was the obvious mutual attraction.
Strictly speaking, though, you and Benny are just friends. Nothing has ever really happened to indicate otherwise in any case. But friends don’t usually try this hard to find any excuse just to hang out, nor do you stay up late every night talking to your other friends. And when you hang out in a group you always seem to gravitate towards one another. What’s more, somehow it always seems to be just the two of you left at the end of the night, often not even noticing the others leave.
Your interactions always border on the line of obvious flirting with your touches and already formed inside jokes, but neither of you ever dare do anything that couldn’t be brushed off as innocent behavior between friends. You guess you’re both just kind of scared to take the leap - you have been burned before, and so has he.
It’s not that you doubt your own feelings for Benny, or indeed his feelings for you. Even you have to admit that he does seem pretty interested in you, but you still wave away your friends’ squeals of “he’s totally in love with you!”, mainly not wanting to get your hopes up too much.
Because a small part of you still finds it a little hard to believe; someone so handsome and funny and kind wanting to be with you? What if he likes you, but just not as much as you like him? What if you were just a second choice for someone you really like until something better comes along - again? That scares you, both of you.
Tonight has been like many other nights lately; you had been to the movies with some of your friends, but after the movie ended you had been grasping at straws to come up with a way to continue the night so they (Benny) wouldn’t go home just yet. Benny had helpfully suggested just driving around and seeing if any ideas came to mind.
Santiago in turn had rolled his eyes at you two knowingly (making both you and Benny fluster and try to fake complete nonchalance) before saying good night and leaving with the others, who apparently didn’t feel the compulsive need to continue spending time together.
The sun has gone down already but you two are still enjoying each other’s company too much to go home yet.
You end up in the 24/7 supermarket parking lot, craving a midnight snack. You are reminded of your teenage years, when you used to hang around different parking lots, popping into the store to buy a soda or a candy bar, spending all day outside with friends.
The only other customers doing their midnight shopping are tired people just off their shifts or young people staying up late just for the hell of it, much like you and Benny are, in fact. You wander around the huge store together, pointing out different products you’d like to try and reviewing stuff one of you already has tried.
Before long you realize that you have already spent almost forty minutes idly wandering around the supermarket, collecting new soda or chip flavors to test. Neither of you thought to grab a basket at the entrance, so your arms are starting to get a bit full.
“Benny, do you think this might be enough?” you ask while struggling to maintain your hold on the different bags of chips.
Benny looks back at you from where he is pondering over whether to get some ice cream. “Huh, I guess. I do still wanna get a sandwich, though!” he exclaims and promptly takes off in the direction of the deli counter where they sell sandwiches and salads left over from the day.
You try to keep up with his long strides, certain that you must look a bit comical half-running after a man with your hands full of treats. Oh, well. Benny often complains about how much focus it requires of him to “modify his steps” to fit your much shorter legs, and he always forgets about it when he gets excited.
When you catch up with him, he has already picked a sandwich for himself and one for you. “I got you salmon, that’s your favorite, right?”
“Yeah, thanks!” you say a little breathlessly after your speed-walk, taken that he remembers.
As you finally get to the cash register and start loading your stuff in your bag you see Benny sneak one more candy bar among the rest of your purchases. For someone in such good physical shape he sure does like his candy.
“Where to next?” Benny inquires as you get back to the car.
“Hmm, how about this one waterfront type swimming spot? It’s pretty secluded, has a pier, and there’s a nice view to the sea. I sometimes like to sit there on the cliffs to watch the sun go down,” you suggest, and offer him directions to the place.
It’s a short drive and you show Benny where to park his car. Even though it’s somewhere around 1 a.m. and the sun went down hours ago, the night is still light enough that you can easily see where you’re going and it doesn’t feel like you’re just sitting in the dark.
You settle down on the small pier with your sandwiches and sodas and chips and munch away happily.
Benny hands you the candy bar you saw him grab earlier at the cash register “for dessert”. It has a cheesy text on the packaging about giving this to someone special. He grins and shrugs, “I know you love these”.
It’s such a simple gesture but you can’t help feeling really flattered and even more smitten with him than you already were. You don’t read too much into the text on the packaging, but even the fact that he would buy you a candy bar he knows you love - just because - warms your heart.
(What you don’t know is that the candy bars have lots of different texts to choose from, and that Benny specifically picked “give this to someone special” instead of “give this to a friend”. There was also “give this to someone you love”, but Benny worried that might scare you off.)
After you’re both done with snacking you try to think of what to do next, still reluctant to pronounce this night to be over, you get an idea.
“You know what I would really like to do right now?” you ask Benny, looking out over the water that looks so tempting. “Go swim,” you announce, turning to look at him.
“You don’t have a swimsuit with you, do you?” Benny asks, turning to look at you too.
“No… But there’s no one here,” you point out with your eyebrows raised in challenge.
Benny looks at you for a few beats with a blank expression on his face, before shrugging “Alright,” and throwing off his hoodie and t-shirt, jeans following next. “What are you waiting for?” he shouts over his shoulder as he jumps from the pier into the water.
You’re left sitting there with your mouth open, blinking rapidly as you try to catch up with the fast turn of events. Shaking your head, you stand up and shrug off your clothes before quickly running after Benny and getting into the refreshing water.
The night is still warm, and the water feels wonderful. You swim to catch up with Benny.
“You know, it’s pretty dark here but I’ve basically seen you naked now,” he remarks, waggling his eyebrows, and you snort with laughter.
“Benny, you’re not allowed to make me laugh in the water or I’ll drown,” you try to say sternly.
“Oh sweetheart, I wouldn’t let you drown,” he answers in a surprisingly serious voice.
Suddenly the energy between you is full of.. something. Something new and buzzing, sort of scary but also exciting. Something you can’t quite explain. You’re swimming around each other, looking at each other intently, but not daring to say anything that would break the moment and burst the bubble.
Someone else does that for you.
A couple of teenage girls, you’d guess around 18 years old, stumble on to the pier and immediately notice you two in the water. The other girl lets out a shriek and tightens her hold on the towel around her, and before you can even try to reassure them that everything is fine, they run off giggling and shrieking some more. Evidently, they had had the same idea for a nighttime swim but found the place already occupied.
“Yeahhhh, maybe we should put some clothes on before someone calls the police,” Benny suggests dryly.
You two climb out of the water giggling and grinning broadly. You don’t have any towels with you since you didn’t exactly plan this impromptu skinny-dipping session, but Benny gives you his hoodie to help keep you warm.
Sitting back down next to Benny you’re even closer together now than earlier, ever so slowly inching closer and closer to each other. Both of you think you could pass it off as huddling for warmth if the other were to question it, but somehow you know that won’t be an issue.
Soon enough you’re snuggling together on the waterfront overlooking the sea. You stay quietly like that for some time, maybe fifteen minutes, maybe more. It’s hard to tell when the world is so still and quiet around you.
Suddenly you think that this is it, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. In all honesty you sort of enjoy the pining stage of new relationships, but right now you feel like you might burst if you keep these feelings inside you any longer.
You turn and burrow your head into the crook of his neck and decide that you will have to take the leap now. You start pressing gentle kisses on his neck and hear Benny’s breath hitch at the first contact of your lips on his skin. He goes still as a statue, but you can feel more than hear his unsteady breathing at your actions. You’re practically vibrating with nervous excitement as you work your way up to his jaw and towards his lips.
Taking one final deep breath you close your eyes, not daring to look at Benny in the eye right now, as you bring your lips to meet his.
The kiss is sweet and unhurried, and yet your head is swimming and your whole body is buzzing with it as you melt into each other. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt, which just proves that everything really is different - better - with Benny. You pull away when you find yourself quickly out of breath just from feeling so much.
You finally dare to open your eyes to find Benny gazing at you with a dazed expression that surely mirrors your own and you slowly beam at each other, not feeling the need for words just now. Maybe you couldn’t even find them if you tried.
You settle back against his chest and the two of you stay like that for the rest of the night, sometimes spending long moments just kissing each other, sometimes talking quietly, sometimes just enjoying each other’s presence.
Around five in the morning, when the sun is already getting up, you finally start to really feel the need for sleep. But this time it doesn’t feel wrong to leave and go home, since you’ll be going home together.
Later that day you wake up to a good morning, sweetheart in Benny’s arms where you fell asleep on his couch, tired but happier than you’ve ever felt in your life.
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
hhhh long ask anon here! thinking of calling myself 307 anon…(not me seeing a person looking at details I didn't care much about and make a whole identity out of it)
SO UHMMM HELLO?? YOUR RESPONSE IS SO LOVELY??? IM SO GLAD MY ASK HAD SUCH A POSITIVE IMPACT (holding my phone tightly giggling kicking my legs) (looking at you compliment chain)
You. you talked about me to your close friends and the server. I was presented in front of the councils. please have mercy on me. aaaaaaaaa *shaking violently*. (how were their reactions. i like reading others’ thoughts)
ok I read the soulmate bodyswap series and. what . that's too much sugar for a normal human to handle. such sweetness, my dentists aren’t going to like this/j
no reviews this ask, sorry! hhhhh I just want to pick the details I liked and then ramble about them (which is…a lot aikdhsadhjd, considering the last ask already took 1 hour and a half to write and edit-) But I've been rereading Dear Stanley and the soulmate bodyswap series for the second time though! getting all those details in…ugh dearest most wonderful blorbos and their writers,,, >:))
i guess i'll make up for it by a marine animal fact? although being called puppers of the sea, seals are actually closer to bears than to dogs!…maybe many people already knew it but-
have a nice weekend!
Anon I hecking stimmed when I saw getting a message from you (tell me if you ever want to become more than parasocial relation and show yourself / silly )
I will start calling you 307 anon too hehe, we adore staring at minor details and making them not as minor anymore
(The Soulmate AU fic is right here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3264705
Lemme respond under the cut:
Of course they have a huge impact, really, today has been a good day overall for me but I showed my roommate that I got another ask from you since I was v happy (read your message 3 times and then reading it rn again to just respond well to each point foahhifaso)
I did! They said that was v nice of you to write and well people from Stanarr and some mutuals decided to send asks and I am just thankful to every single one of you ;w;;w;w;w; I kept saying how nice it is for you to choose to spend time to write these and esp now hearing that you wrote that last ask for 1 hour DUDE my gosh you just are so considerate to share your appreciation with creators and I really am thankful to you!! EDIT: I shared with a few close buds and one of them was like "get them on our discord server, they have been accepted" OIHFSASOA
I AM GLAD, Surf and I wanted it to be a nice funny and fluffy thing and it was a blast writing these idiots (esp Stanley was my fav cus I just kept on throwing the most batshit crazy things to say at this man)
It's alr!! You already just writing the first paragraph made me so happy oiahioaosi and YOU HECKING REREAD THOSE MY GOODNESS 307 ANON YOU ARE SO KIND ;;;; and also hehe glad you think I'm wonderful *twirls my hair like a high school girl and then misses a step falling over-*
I didn't know that actually! I am right now reading this and hearing seals evolved from land creatures, huh, we learn everyday, thank you for the fun trivia anon!!
I hope you yourself will have a lovely rest of the day and weekend and you are doing alr there!! We might be strangers but you doing this for the third time just means a lot, to know you spend so much time and effort on these and want to read my stuff, just thank you :>
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Chocolates | Scaramouche x Reader
Hello!! This fic was inspired by this interaction! I immediately got the idea and wrote it out that night, so here's the finished product! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to @furblrwurblr​ for helping me edit this! Word Count: 1020
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How long had you been working for him now? A few years now? You weren’t even sure, you’d lost track of time already. You were just a measly servant, someone that Scaramouche barely called upon if he wanted something done. There wasn’t anything particularly special about you. You were weak, visionless, and just a henchman. Why.. would he even bat an eye at you?
In fact, Scaramouche barely acknowledged you. You were often in the same room, but it was like you were invisible. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter to you. You’d fallen so deeply in love, that it didn’t matter whether he looked your way or not. Just seeing him made you happy, no matter how dumb it was or how unsatisfying it felt sometimes. He would walk past you numerous times without even looking at you and all you could do was stare at the ground with a dazed smile. Such was your life as a harbinger servant. You didn’t get much say in what you could do, so if you wanted to stay away from Scaramouche, you could only pray that you’d be ordered away from him. However, somehow he always found his way around to you.
As the days went on, it had gotten harder and harder to contain your feelings. One time, you were cleaning Scaramouche’s office (dusting, sweeping, mopping) and your eyes fell on him. He was scribbling away on some paperwork, barely acknowledging your existence, yet the only thing you wanted to do was grab his face and kiss him. Knowing that could literally get you killed, you forced yourself to keep working.
Scaramouche wasn’t the type of man who would have a romantic relationship- or any kind of relationship- so why would he ever give you the time of day? Why wouldn’t he just call you weak and kill you? Actually, he probably would if he could.
You weren’t sure what the hell made you do it, but you had decided to confess. Even after reviewing what would happen, knowing it would take a miracle for Scaramouche to love you back, you still decided to go through with this. Maybe… just maybe he would remember you if you confessed. You could only hope the embarrassment you would go through would put you on his radar. Even if it was a little bit. Oh and that you wouldn’t end up dead. That bit was important.
You were just outside his office, steeling your resolve. A box of chocolates was in your hands, your pensive gaze nearly burning holes through it. The heart-shaped box was pink and red and a small bow adorned the lid. You wanted to get flowers as well, but decided to forgo that and just stick with the chocolates. You sighed as your shaky hand reached out to the door and slowly knocked on it.
“Enter.” You heard, making you inhale sharply as you opened the door. Inside, you saw Scaramouche working away at his desk. Your legs felt like lead as you slowly approached him and stopped awkwardly in front of him while he wrote away. After a moment, he looked up at you with a glare.
“What?” He asked, eyes hard and unchanging. Your hands started shaking even more, your heart was beating out of your chest, and it felt uncomfortably warm in the room. Even so, you took another breath, held the box out, and bowed slightly, looking straight at the ground as you spoke.
“I… I know I’m not strong. I know I don’t have a vision and that I’m an insignificant person. I c-can’t help it though. I h-have a c-cr… I LOVE YOU!” The room was dead silent after your outburst and you were too terrified to look up. So you stood there silently, but your posture started to hurt by the second.
You heard the chair move, meaning Scaramouche had now stood up. You could hear him walking around the table and towards you. Then slowly, you felt the box leave your hands. You stood up straight and looked at him wanting to gauge his emotions. But… there was nothing on his face or in his eyes. For a brief second, he looked up at you, and you immediately felt your heart sink. His gaze felt almost empty, and what little motion he showed seemed to be annoyance.
Your eyes followed his hands as he opened the box, which to your surprise he did quite gently. You mentally prepared yourself for anything and everything you could. All you could hear in the room was the rustling of the box opening. Your hands tighten around the bottom of your shirt, your knuckles turning white. Scaramouche reached inside and pulled out a piece of chocolate, turning it over between his fingers almost reverently. You fully expected him to throw it at you or just drop the whole box to the ground.
However, Scaramouche brought the piece of chocolate to his mouth and bit it in half. He chewed it before walking closer and pressing the chocolate to your mouth. Your lips parted slowly and the chocolate slid in. It was creamy and sweet, melting against your tongue easily.
“It’s good. Thank you.”
“Y-you’re we-welcome…” you whispered, thanking every deity for being able to survive that encounter. But you were curious… when did Scaramouche act nice? When did he thank people?! Why didn’t he just kill you right then and there?
“I… love you too. So don't go flirting with anyone else, because you're mine now.” You stared at his face for a few seconds, watching as it turned red. He… felt the same? THE sixth harbinger of the eleven Fatui Harbingers liked you too? It took a minute for the words to sink in, at which point you felt the anxiety melt away instantly, but it was quickly followed by tears. You were still shaking and you nodded, trying to wipe away the tears. “Tch, why are you crying, idiot?” Scaramouche placed the box on the desk behind him. He pulled you closer as he gently wiped your tears.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I’m just really happy.” Scaramouche nodded as he continued to dry your cheeks, even though your tears didn’t stop.
“Yeah, me too,” he whispered, a trace of the lingering smile on his face.
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