#don't worry i will write another one
s1utspeare · 2 years
for the whump prompts, brigid my beloved 💕 either heihua 'Don't give me that bullshit', or fuba 'I knew it, you're sick.' 'Go away'
JACK MY LOVE!!!! GIVING ME THE FUBA!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOODDDDD i love u. also yeah i'm obviously doing fuba who do you take me for
Send me a prompt and some characters and I'll write some whump!
Ba-ye is... well. He's not doing great.
He's not bad, really. It's just a cold, more than likely, maybe a flu if he's that unlucky, but nothing he's going to die from. It's just a headache and swollen sinuses and full-body aches and chills and a fever and... well, maybe he's less fine than previously anticipated.
That doesn't mean he's going to take the day off, though. He hasn't been able to read fortunes for weeks now because SOMEONE keeps dragging him off into tombs and on expeditions and not letting him run his business, which is what he's supposed to be doing with his life, but Fo-ye apparently thinks that all of Ba-ye's time is fully his. Which is generally is. That's beside the point.
The point is that even if he wanted to, which he doesn't, Ba-ye really doesn't have the means to take a day off, not when he doesn't know when he'll get a chance to actually do business again. He has an assistant to pay and turtles to feed. He can't be sick.
The universe, unfortunately, thinks otherwise.
He's gotten through about four customers, and each one had been harder than the last. His most recent was a woman who wanted to know whether or not her son would be able to find a good woman to marry, and even though Ba-ye had told her that he wasn't able to tell her son's fortune from her palms, she had insisted, so he had come up with some vague answer that sounded at least half-believable and wasn't specific enough for her to come after him later and demand why the fortune had been wrong. He doesn't normally like swindling his customers like that, but desperate times.
So now he's got his face resting on the tabletop, head turned to the side and arms dangling, feeling like he's just ran through a tomb and gotten kicked by a horse, both of which he has had the great misfortune to experience. He's honestly contemplating just shutting the store down now, because he doesn't think that he'll be able to do much more in this state, but before he can make a decision one way or another, there's footsteps on the floor, and he sits up so quickly that his head spins.
It's not a customer, though, just Zhang Rishan, who enters with his strides sure, but his face open and his shoulders hunched, as if he's not sure whether or not he's allowed in Ba-ye's shop. This is very stupid, because of course he is. He's even been here before, though not nearly as often as Fo-ye, which makes Ba-ye wonder why Zhang Rishan is visiting him now.
"Zhang fuguan," he says, trying not to sound as congested as he feels. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I came to deliver a message," Zhang Rishan says, looking around as though he's expecting ghosts or something to start flooding from the walls.
"From Fo-ye?"
"No," Zhang Rishan says, "From Zhang Furen, actually."
Ba-ye raises an eyebrow. "When did you become Yin Xinyue's messenger boy?"
"I'm not," Zhang Rishan says, "But Fo-ye's at a tribunal and I got kicked off the training grounds."
"Why?" Ba-ye asks, curious.
Zhang Rishan looks mildly unhappy. "I broke two of the training dummies, so Fo-ye told me to go home."
Ba-ye wants to laugh, but his head hurts too much. He coughs, clears his throat. "How did you manage that?"
"I don't know," Zhang Rishan says. "I kicked them."
If Ba-ye hadn't seen the Zhang strength in action, he wouldn't have believed that Zhang Rishan did enough damage with just his legs, but he has, so he does. "What does Furen want?" He coughs again. Gods, his throat is sore.
Zhang Rishan frowns, a little fold appearing between his eyebrows. It's very cute, the way his nose scrunches up and little indents appear at the corner of his mouth. "She wants you to come to dinner. Are you okay?"
"Fine," Ba-ye says, even though his head is pounding, and he can't breathe through his nose correctly. He wants to go to bed. "Dinner?"
Zhang Rishan nods, still looking at Ba-ye suspiciously. "Fo-ye's supposed to be home on time for once, so she thought it would be nice if you and Er-ye came over. Jiu-ye too, maybe, if he's free. I'm supposed to go to him next."
Ba-ye sighs, because while he would like to have dinner with his friends, he's not so sure he'll be able to get from this table to his room without having to take a break, much less across town to Fo-ye's house. Plus, he doesn't want to get any of the rest of them sick, even if they're all stronger than horses. It hasn't been that long since Fo-ye and Er-ye were unresponsive in a tiny village, and he really doesn't want to put any more stress on their delicate health (he knows both of them would pin him down with their twin glares if he said that to their faces, but it's a funny thought).
"Tell Zhang Furen thank you, but I'll have to decline for tonight," Ba-ye says. "I'm not planning on closing the shop until late." Actually, he's planning on closing it as soon as Zhang Rishan leaves, but he can't tell him that. It's a good excuse.
Zhang Rishan does not look as though he's going to accept this. "Ba-ye."
"You're... you don't look like yourself," Zhang Rishan says slowly, apparently trying for tact, but not especially good at it.
"Thank you," Ba-ye says sarcastically. "I appreciate that."
"I don't mean it like that," Zhang Rishan protests.
"Well, I can assure you that I'm—" He's cut off by his breath catching in his throat, and then he's coughing, the sound rough and grating on his throat, and he doubles over in his seat, trying to get his breath back.
"Ba-ye!" Zhang Rishan exclaims, and Ba-ye hears him rushing over, a hand on his back, even though he's distracted by his lungs trying to come out through his mouth. "You... breathe, Ba-ye. Please."
Ba-ye thinks, what do you think I'm trying to do? but he takes Zhang Rishan's advice and tries to quiet himself, letting Zhang Rishan's hand between his shoulder blades become an anchor as he rubs little circles there, trying to help Ba-ye work out whatever's trying to come up, and eventually he gets it. His breath is still a little rattly, but at least he's not dying anymore.
"I'm fine," he gasps.
"No," Zhang Rishan says, "You're not. I knew it." He sounds accusing, as though Ba-ye had chosen this. "You're sick."
"Not," Ba-ye says. "Go away." He waves towards the door. "Go give Jiu-ye your invitation. I'm fine."
"Ba-ye, you're—"
"See, I'll prove it," Ba-ye says, and stands up. This turns out to be a mistake, because the next thing he sees is the ground, and the thing after that is darkness.
He comes to in his own bed, which he knows by the smell of the bundles of spices he has tucked under his pillows to ward away spirits, and the weight of the comforter over him. His glasses are gone, so everything's fuzzy, but he suspected it would be anyways.
There's footsteps, again, somewhere just out of sight, and when he turns his head to the side to try and pinpoint them, he sees Zhang Rishan wearing a path in his floorboards, his arms folded so that his hands are each holding the opposite elbow, like he does whenever he's nervous. Ba-ye wants to give him a hug whenever he does that, because otherwise it looks like Zhang Rishan is trying to hug himself, to get any sort of comfort he can, and Ba-ye doesn't like the idea that Zhang Rishan needs a hug and is too afraid to ask for one.
He clears his throat and is surprised to find that his voice isn't nearly as hoarse as he expected it to be. "Fuguan."
Zhang Rishan stops pacing immediately, whirling to the bed and dropping to his knees besides Ba-ye, so that he's looking him in the eyes. It's a strange position, in all honesty, and Ba-ye has to blink a few times before he gets used to the sight in front of him.
"Ba-ye," Zhang Rishan says. "How... are you alright? You passed out, and so I carried you here, I hope that's okay. I was waiting for you to wake up before I went and got the doctor, but you were really quiet for a long time, and I didn't know if I should leave you or not, and I didn't want to go before you were awake, so I just. I stayed. Um. There's water, do you want water? Do you need anything else, do you—"
"Zhang Rishan," Ba-ye interrupts him. "Stop. You're making my headache worse."
Zhang Rishan snaps his mouth closed so quickly that his teeth clack together.
Ba-ye sighs. "That wasn't an order," he says. "I'm not Fo-ye."
At the mention of Fo-ye's name, Zhang Rishan flinches, which is perhaps the strangest and most worrisome thing that Ba-ye has ever seen, and he's immediately on guard. First Zhang Rishan was rambling, and now he's wincing because of Fo-ye.
"What's wrong?" he asks sharply. "What's the matter?"
Zhang Rishan blinks at him, confused. "I don't... I'm fine, Ba-ye, you're the one who's sick."
"You flinched," Ba-ye says, already struggling to sit up, even though it makes his head whirl. 
He closes his eyes to stave off the lightheadedness, but what he's not expecting is for Zhang Rishan to grab both of his shoulders, making his head flop back a little, and cry, “Ba-ye!” 
Ba-ye blinks his eyes back open, pulling his head back in surprise. Zhang Rishan seems just as shocked, but he doesn’t pull away, just stares at Ba-ye with his eyes wide and scared. 
“Zhang Rishan,” Ba-ye says slowly, almost a whisper, because his voice is too crackly to really convey what he wants it too. “Why are you looking at me like I’m on death’s door?” He wriggles his shoulders free, takes Zhang Rishan’s hands and puts them on the mattress, keeping his own on top of them. “It’s just the flu, I’m pretty sure. I’ll be fine.” 
Zhang Rishan looks down at their hands, at Ba-ye’s cupping his, even though Ba-ye’s are smaller. 
“You passed out,” he says, his voice very low and very soft. “You passed out, and you wouldn’t wake up.” 
Oh, Ba-ye thinks, Oh no. He knew that Zhang Rishan had had a hard time with Fo-ye’s illness, his anxiety on overload at all times for days, but he hadn’t thought about what would happen now. Fo-ye’s better. They solved it. Everything’s fine. 
Apparently not. 
“I’m okay,” he says. “It’s not the same kind of sickness. I didn’t get it in a tomb.” He snorts a little, the sound much grosser than normal given all the phlegm in his head. “Actually, I’m pretty sure I caught it from the fishmonger, that idiot.” 
Zhang Rishan still isn’t looking at him. “You’re still sick.” 
“Yes,” Ba-ye sighs, “I suppose I am.” He turns his head to the side to cough. “But I’ll get better. All by myself, too. I promise.” 
“Don’t,” Zhang Rishan says unhappily. “Don’t promise things.” 
Ba-ye winces internally. He forgets, sometimes, that Zhang Rishan is only twenty, and even though he’s seen a lot more than many of them (Ba-ye still doesn’t know what all the lieutenant has seen), he’s only just barely an adult. He needs looking after, sometimes. 
“Okay,” he says, softly, trying to be reassuring. “I won’t promise things.” 
Zhang Rishan takes a moment, a breath, and then he stands up and straightens, his arm twitching by his side as if he’s going to salute Ba-ye, like he would Fo-ye, and Ba-ye would think it was funny if he wasn’t watching Zhang Rishan very clearly trying to scramble the pieces of himself back into place. 
“I’ll go get Mo Yisheng,” he says. “She’ll be able to help.” He takes one last look at Ba-ye, as if he’s trying to memorize him before he goes, and then disappears through the door, his steps so light that Ba-ye hardly hears him go. 
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katmaatui · 2 years
I’m so tempted to write an Dickroy vampire au based on the new DC vs Vampires issue. It would be so fun
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OKAY, bc this blog is for to do lists and complaining: going 2 clean the kitchen, then do this maths assignment, then send an email and then i am DONE
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mctreeleth · 2 years
Went out to drag bingo at the pub tonight with some work friends and while the queens hosting it perpetuated some shall we say... regressive options on sex workers, in other news we are officially go on the long-threatened podcast. 
#Back in December I made a joke to one of the managers about a perfect game I had invented for one of out staff knowledge functions#which are like group training if the group training is learning stuff about booze#that 5 employees should write down what their guilt pleasure alcohol is and why they love it#and then everyone should try to match the embarrasing booze to the employee#and then we could all learn about the basic bitch boozes that we sell a shit ton of#rather than the interesting but obscure stuff they usually teach us about#and she was like ''no that sounds like a podcast''#and Bruce who is our wine expert who I adore#was saying a couple of weeks ago that he is starting to think about what he wants to be doing in 5 years when he retires#because if he doesn't have anything to entertain him he will probably accidentally go and get another job#because he loves telling people random information about alcohol so so much#and I was like ''don't worry I will help you start a podcast and we can still hang out and do that - Laura even offered to produce it''#which like obviously she hadn't but#I was just gunna do it as a 45 minute fun-time on a Sunday night after close#she was the one who said she would listen to a podcast of people advocating their most shameful/shameless drinks orders#anyway I am going to advocate for West Coast Coolers in episode zero where we introduce the idea and the format#the premise is that every week after we will have another co-worker (from our liquor store) on#to tell us about a drink that someone gave them shit for buying#and they will tell us what happened and why people think it is a boo'd booze#and they will justify why it is in fact good and people should not feel bad about buying/drinking it#and then maybe some fun facts about the drink in question#and then we will all drink some of it#and Bruce with his fancy palate and me with my basic bitch tastes will talk with the guest about what it tastes like#we still need to hash out the specifics of our recording setup so I can make a final choice on which mics to get#because my choices are different if we are going to record in the office versus at Bruce's house#in-office we will definitely need three dynamic mics but if we record at Bruce's we can probably just get one good condenser mic#I did all the starting-a-podcast-hyperfixation research like 2 years ago#anyway it is going to be called Booed Booze and it is about showering love on all the drinks people love to hate on#West Coast Coolers and Cruiser Mudshakes and Carlton Dry and Brown Brothers Cienna#(that is just my favourite commonly boo'd boozes but someone else will probably get to some of them before me)
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inkskinned · 4 years
i don’t want to be here. cut perfectly down. our home a sky of rattlesnakes. you love me like gold and blood. you love me like a hiss. a circle of terror and your delicate hands around the dirt on my neck.
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nikatyler · 2 years
I’m really in the mood to exchange some sims for makeovers again (haven’t done that in months) but since I messed up my exam schedule, I really can’t do it right now, I don’t have time 😭 but I miss it. I’m in such a huge makeover mood lately...and I love seeing how you “reinterpret” (if that’s the right word) my sims in your game...oh well...
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viciousbite · 2 years
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//Like this post for Akaza to come bite your muse.  (Either Main or Cat!Hybrid, specify if you care~) Specify your muse if multi or I will leave it vague or choose myself.
Warning: Can be between nice bites to goodbye flesh.
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septimus-heap · 3 years
First - Previous - Next
Marcia wakes to yelling - never a good sign. She doesn't remember where she is for a moment, and her heart quickens until she remembers all of a sudden what happened and relaxes. She's woken up enough to understand what's being yelled. It's silas, and through the very small gap between her hair and quilt she's pulled right over her head, she can see him holding a plate up with one hand, holding back what looks to be a small wolf with the other. "Maxie, down!! No...yes...MAXIE!!!" He puts the plate down on a shelf out of reach of the wolf and shoves it down to sitting
Marcia sits up, and gives him a barely-comprehensible mumble of a good morning. He looks over in surprise and says "oh, did we wake you up? Sorry about that"
She responds with a tired "why...do you have a wolf?" and silas looks between her and said wolf and bursts out laughing. "Marcia, this is maxie. He's a wolfhound," and at her blank stare he adds "he's a dog. Well, more of a puppy really, that's why he's so small" "Small????"
It takes a minute to get over the 'small' dog and she has to hold back a shriek when it walks over, jumps on the bed and flops it's head into her lap. She keeps her hands very carefully away from it because who even knows where it's been. She looks at silas in the hopes he'll do something but all he does is grin and say "hey, he likes you!" and carries on making whatever he is making - breakfast, by the smell of it. Marcia shoves the dog off of her and flops onto her stomach to go back to sleep, deciding to ignore that the dog is now lying half on her back.
When she wakes up again she is very nearly falling off the bed and the dog is taking up the rest. She rolls the rest of the way onto the ground and picks herself up, glaring at silas, who has taken the only armchair, and sits on the rug in front of the fire, waiting for him to say something. She still can't understand why he let her stay here and she's half expecting to be kicked out. Instead he tells her that there's bacon in the pan and bread on the top shelf and not to catch the place on fire while he takes maxie for a walk
It's not hard to avoid catching the place on fire - she sits at the table in the centre of the room and reads from the nearest magyk book while she eats a bacon sandwich. It's full of spells she doesn't know that are based on other spells she doesn't know and she really doesn't like not knowing things. (it never goes well for her)
When she's eaten her sandwich and sufficiently frustrated herself with the book she has, she shoves it to the side and goes looking for an easier one. It hurts her pride and she's a little scared of not knowing those spells either but she has to start somewhere, she reasons. And domdaniel isn't here to yell at her when she gets things wrong, which is a plus
When silas returns she is close to tears because so many of the things in these books are things that she learned before her apprenticeship, before she got mixed up in darke magyk. It's all basics, she knows that much, but she can't remember how to do any of it and it's making her start to panic, even though she knows there's no reason to
He offers to help, but she shakes her head and shoves her chair back, collapsing onto the bed and curling into a ball under the covers. She regrets her decision immediately - she would like help, she really would - but she can't get back up now. She bites her lip to hold back tears of frustration and makes only a small objection when maxie burrows his way under the covers. She buries her face in his fur and forces herself to breathe steady, to squash her frustration down where she can't feel it and it won't bother her and when she gets up she makes a point to glare hard enough that silas doesn't mention her bloodshot eyes and the few tears she still can't stop
She sits by the fire until long after silas has fallen asleep in his chair, staring into the flames, half-hoping they'll give her some sign of what to do. They don't, of course, and the sun rises and silas tells her that he's going to tell the rest of the old rebellion about her. She pretends not to panic and he reminds her that most of them owe her their lives, that none of them will give her away to the queen. She can't stay here forever though, he says, Sarah and the kids will come back soon enough and she'll need somewhere else to go
She continues staring into the fire long after he's gone. A part of her hopes that maybe, just maybe, she'll get out of this and things will be okay. The idea scares her. She's always known what she wants from life, she's always known what would happen. She wanted to be extraordinary wizard, then the apprentice, and then she was told she'd spend the rest of her life in a dungeon cell. She's never thought about anything else and she doesn't know where to begin, so she ignores it. No point getting her hopes up when things could go badly just as easily as they could go well
@lovelyisadora <3
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shiroselia · 2 years
Okay actually: Here’s my epic opinions on all the Gen 3 horses as of March 2022, because I have lots of opinions and I think which horses you like is one of the most interesting things about SSO players
Just going in whichever order I can remember them, so not in order of release
Also: Long Post, Sorry, I wasn’t gonna read more it. but I feel legally obliged too ngl.
Jorvik Warmblood: I personally really like the Gen 3 starter rework and I think it’s very very cute, I own five of it starter included, and the colours are quite nice, however had I reinvented my Gen 3 purchasing earlier I would only own 3 of it, but I personally think it’s a very good free horse, I just wish SSE would prioritize it for the baroque bridles since the starter is kinda supposed to be your “can do everything accessibility horse”
Connemara: I used to like it during the early days of Gen 3 but not I honestly regret buying it a little and it’s blacklisted from my alt purchasing because it’s honestly a little outdated in my opinion, I generally like early Gen 3 but the absolute start of Gen 3 isn’t really my thing anymore
North Swedish: First things first, I don’t think SSE needed to tweak their animations at all and I don’t understand why you’d tweak the North Swedish’s animations over say, y’know, the Gen 3 Friesian, but I don’t mind them very much, overall I love the North Swedish, it’s very friendshaped and I’ve ridden around on my two copies a lot, I love the coat textures on them and I think it’s a very solid early Gen 3 that definitely holds up
Fjord: Perfectly good Gen 3. My only complaint is that I wish the brown Gen 1 colour got translated to Gen 3. But I think the horse itself is very nice! It’s very friendshaped and cute and huggable and I appreciate it. I don’t adore it or anything but it makes me happy. I don’t really have any strong opinion either way but that’s definitely not a bad thing.
Akhal-Teke: I used to have a way more negative opinion of the Akhal-Teke than I do today but I don’t really like it still. I think it’s objectively really good and a good representation of the breed from what I can tell, but I don’t really like this type of horse. The colours are super cool and I like those, but the horse model doesn’t really work for me. The best thing about the Akhal-Teke is Kampos and Tellina.
Paint Horse: I expected to like this a lot more upon initial impression than I actually did. I wish the colours were executed a bit differently. I think it’s a good Gen 3 horse, but it’s just not realy my thing. I have a super hard time picking a colour I like, ‘cause I could totally see myself buying one if I find a colour I like ‘cause the model itself is cool, but I just can’t really get behind any of them.
Appaloosa: I’m gonna be completely honest I had no expectations for the Gen 3 Appaloosa because both the Quarter and the Paint were breeds I did not care about at all so I expected the last of what I consider the “western three” to be a horse I didn’t care for either. Boi was I wrong. I fucking love the Gen 3 Appaloosa. The coats are amazing. The animations are cute. The horse model itself is the most friendshaped thing I’ve ever seen. Had I not have the biggest name block right now and a strict horse purchasing schedule to follow I would’ve bought one as soon as it released. I adore the Gen 3 Appaloosa and I can’t wait to get one on both of my accounts.
Marwari: I originally didn’t feel very much for the Marwari and it was a horse I was very “Eh, it’s fine” towards for the longest time. It grew on me a little but for a while it was a horse I wanted to buy really only because I wanted as many breeds as possible. Somewhere along the line though I really started liking it, and once I actually bought one way earlier than I originally planned, I ended up loving it. I usually don’t like the neater horses but the Marwari just works for me. The colours are all super cool and I’m having a bit of a crisis on deciding which colour I’m choosing for my alt. Overall a super pleasant surprise of a favourite.
Quarter: I’ve tried liking the Quarter, I really have. It’s honestly a horse I’ve declined in opinion about but I don’t know if it’s me originally liking it just because I felt like I should or if I just reevaluated it. Point being, I don’t realy love the quarter very much. I think it’s perfectly cool, but it’s just not a horse for me. It’s just a horse that every time I consider buying it I always go “But do I really wanna?” and the answer always ends up being no. Yet another horse I wish I liked ‘cause the concept is super cool, but man I just can’t bring myself to. I feel absolutely nothing for the Gen 3 Quarter. (I do like the App colour, but every other colour is way too grayish for me tbh.)
Finnhorse: Whoboi. Talk about an unexpected S-tier. I originally wasn’t going to buy one at all ‘cause it took so long for me to find a colour I liked. But once I decided “No, I like this one colour”, and I actually bought it? This is one of my favourite breeds. I absolutely adore the Finnhorse and I think it is severely underrated. Some of the colours aren’t for me, but the ones that I do like work very well. It’s been an absolute joy to train the one I bought (and am currently training as of writing this), and I’m genuinely shocked at how much I ended up loving it. It was a horse which I originally barely cared about, but it’s definitely in my Top 3 Favourite breeds right now.
Andalusian: I think the Andalusian overall is very cute, but I prefer it as an accessory in my home stable. I’m not super hot on especially the slower animations, and it definitely makes me pick others over it if I wanna ride around on a non-starter. When it first released I wanted to buy like 4 of it, but once the release hype died down I realized that I really only liked one of the colours. but that colour is undisputably the best of its kind (dapple gray Andalusian for Jorvik president).
Arabian: I originally had a very hard time liking the Gen 3 Arabian tbh. It was not for me at all, and I decided that “No, I won’t buy a Gen 3 Arabian”. While it’s still not one of my favourites, that has changed. The Arabian has grown on me a Lot, and I think it’s a very good Gen 3. It’s still not a horse I fawn over or anything, but I think it’s cool and I will atleast buy it, even if it’s of a lower priority.
Clydesdale: They are so friendshaped and I will fight anyone who says a bad word about them (/lh). They were probably among my favourite Gen 3s at one point, but they aren’t anymore simply because there’s other breeds I like more. Among the earlier selection of Gen 3 though I think it is Way ahead of its time. It’s incredibly solid and I want a plushie of one right now. Definitely one where I don’t love every colour, but the ones that I like are Very good. (Gray clydesdales my adored)
Percheron: This is without a doubt The best Gen 3 currently and my absolute favourite breed in the game. I love the Percheron, and its the Gen 3 horse which I have bought the quickest after its release. Usually I wait atleast half a year or so before a horse gets bought, but this one took three months only because I took a break when they initially released. They also hold the crown of “Best alternative mane style” without any competition and I am begging SSE to bring back the person who made it and I want to give them flowers. Nothing more to say but that I love it and it’s my favourite breed.
English Thoroughbred: It has some of the best colour selections out of all Gen 3s and I think it’s cool. I love their nerd mane and I think it’s overall a super cool horse. I have some gripes with it but they’re very minor and aren’t a fault of the horse but how tack interacts with it. (The saddle moving while the horse moves my hated) I think it’s super cool and I like it quite a bit. Not my favourite but it’s a horse I 100% recommend and I think it deserves a pat. The gray one is also one of The best looking horses ever made in the game and I stay firm on that SSE can’t make a bad looking gray horse.
Jorvik Wild Horse: It has the Songsorrow in its roster of course it fucking slaps. I love the Jorvik Wild a lot. I think it’s an exceptional practice in mixing realism and fantasy and it’s just overall expertly made. It’s just one of the coolest things in this game and I love it alot. I originally wasn’t gonna buy more than one of it but the Songsorrow exists and it is undoubtedly the best horse coat in the game so what can you do. The coat variety is overall great too and I am firmly of the opinion that there is a Jorvik Wild for everyone aslong as you actually like the breed itself. Gen 3.5 is one of the best things to happen to this game and I think the JWH is a great receipt on just how far horses have come in this game. It makes me feel like a proud grandma y’know.
Curly: I am literally known as That One Person That Likes The Curlies and it’s an SSOBlocc inside joke that I have bad taste because I like the curlies. I like the curlies a lot. Now, yes, the animations are. what they are. but I like the curlies despite its gait animations not because of it. I love the horse model and it has The cutest idle animations. The coat textures are also super cool and I really like everything about them except for whatever happened to its back. It’s a perfect, lovely, friendshaped home stable accessory with great coat colour variety and I will fight anyone who says that the curlies are bad. I like them, this is my post, fuck you. (/lh as per usual, you can dislike the curlies it’s fine I promise)
Chincoteague: Worst Gen 3 Breed. I have never liked it. I never will. (/lh but I genuinely do think it’s my least favourite Gen 3 and that it has been since release, it’s only really competing with the Connemara these days)
Friesian: The animations are. not good. but the model is good and I like the colours of it. I will never forgive the fandom for witchhunting Lisa for it upon its initial release and I think the Friesian Fiasco Trademark is top 5 worst SSO fandom behaviour across the board and somethign I am still salty about. But I like the horse and if SSE ever get time to redo the animations I would 100% buy the brown one.
Gotland: Best pony breed in the game. I don’t actually own a Gotland as of writing this, but I can’t wait to actually get one. (Or three, technically, two will go to my main and one to my alt) The colours are all really good, and I think its animations are incredibly well suited to the breed. It’s just cute alright I want to give it a hug I think it’s so good I love it. It’s just a well made horse, what can I say.
Irish Cob: I think the Irish Cob slaps mad silly. It’s one of those horses which I think look fucking cool. It’s a horse which I feel is being talked less about these days, which is fine, but I really love it and I wish we talked about it more. The colours I like on it are S-tier, but the other colours I don’t really love. But it’s such a cool horse and I think it’s a very cool coldblood and interpretation of the breed. I’ve always liked it as far as I recall and it’s one of those horses which I have a huge appreciation for. Idonno it’s just realy cool.
Icelandic: It took a very short warming-up-to period of a few days, but once I got a good look at it I realized that yeah no the Gen 3 Icelandic is fucking good. I like whatever SSE tried with the mane tech and it’s super cool. It’s just a cool breed, I don’t really have much of an opinion on it yet ‘cause a) it’s super new b) I don’t own one yet, but I can say that, like the Appaloosa, it is Super ahead in my get-horse-list and that definitely accounts for something.
Jorvik Pony: I think my opinion on the Jorvik Pony has declined a little as more ponies release in the game (read: Nothing can top the Gotland it’s just too much of my thing), but it’s still a horse I like. It’s cute and friendshaped and cheap and the colour variety is great. I just think the lack of leg makes some of its animations look a little silly and I think MC looks better on bigger horses. And therefore, with the JSP being the smallest horse in the game that also looks Very compact, ofc it looks a little silly. Some of its animations I also feel I don’t love that much, but it’s overall a cute little thing. Friendshaped, good, but definitely not a favourite.
Lusitano: I own four of them take a guess. I feel like you either prefer the Lusitano or the Andalusian, and I definitely prefer the Lusitano. I wish the mane wasn’t a flat 2d texture but I can live with it. I love its animations, the colours are fucking good. It’s a solid Gen 3 and one I probably ended up liking way more than I expected. It’s one I like very much and I think it’s a nice breed.
Knabstrupper: Joining the side of “God damn it I wish I could like you but can’t”! Give it up for the most confusing Gen 3 to me. I like it? But I don’t? But I do? Idonno bro. The one thing I know for sure is that it wears the Andalusian animations better than the Andalusian only because actually doesn’t skip leg day.
Trakhener: I to this day mourn the original animations, and for you guys who were around for my early days of SSOBlr knows I have been Salty On Main about that whole fiasco. But I’m quite over that honestly. The ones we have right now are pretty good and spending your life being salty about decisions in a mid horse game takes you fucking nowhere. I like the trakhener a lot and that is fucking that. I think it’s a great warmblood breed in the game and the colours especially a cool. It’s just a good horse what can I say! It’s a horse I like a lot, and I think it deserves a little more recognition than I gets, people never talk about it and I feel like it deserves to be talked about atleast a little. It also has the only genuine orange flaxen horse coat I like and that accounts for a damn lot. (It’s my favourite trakhener coat but I usually never like them on any breed at all)
Welsh: I’mma be real with y’all, I don’t really have a super strong opinion on the Welsh. It’s. a Gen 3 version of the Welsh Pony. Idonno. I think its eyes are a tiny bit too big, but overall I think it’s a perfectly fine horse. I think it’s way too new for me to have solidified any Takes on it, but overall it’s just the definition of Meh (positive). I’m a little sad the normal bay didn’t get translated into Gen 3, but I like the colours we got.
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the-toasted-teacake · 3 years
#I think one of the most utterly infuriating things about the current status of my depression is that I can barely read#reading is my solace#escaping into a story and immersing myself in another world and someone else's brain for a while#and I'll be honest: these last few years I've barely read any books#which in itself frustrates me because I used to love reading books#but the mental energy to engage in a whole new world with new CHARACTERS is sometimes too much#it is what it is#but then I read a lot of fic#amazing fic 🧡#and it lifts my mood and makes me cry and makes me laugh and I'm in awe that people can write like this kust for the joy of it!#but right now my brain isn't even cooperating in reading fic most of the time#and I don't know what the hell my brain is playing at but I'd like it to stop?#it's almost like I've got stuck in a weird mode of wanting to read but worrying I'm not in the right frame of mind to enjoy it properly#which I realise doesn't make much sense#there's not a right way to enjoy a fic#but it's almost like I'm so looking forward to reading a fic that I want to fully appreciate it AS IT DESERVES#and then my brain says 'hold up. can we do a good job of reading this today? you don't want to be reading this in a rush'#'no? then we better hold off and save it for another day.'#while the rest of me says 'but I've been looking forward to reading this for WEEKS!'#yes. we are at the point in the tags where I've written a dialogue between me and my brain#ANYWAY. short version: I haven't read much recently but am VERY MUCH looking forward to doing so soon#on the plus side: I have a very large pile of carlando literature waiting to be devoured#when me and my brain work it out#so fic recs still always appreciated 😁#ttt
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spushii · 2 years
writing feels a lot like banging my head against a brick wall but slow incremental progress is paying off for me at least. have just passed the 2k word threshold on jophie thing. only took me 3 months Lol
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arnold-layne · 2 years
Yesterday it was +16 and sunny here. Today there was hail in the morning, snow at noon, and by evening the temperature dropped to +2. May, what's wrong with you
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direwolf-summer · 3 years
Thinking about that one Russian fangirl who interviewed her fellow Russian shippers for a fest and so sweetly posted the lovely interview on LOFTER (a Chinese fanfic website) in Chinese. Like girl you single-handedly achieved Коммунистический интернационал. 😘
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myassbrokethefall · 2 years
I had an SVU dream the other night: it was the season finale (of something), and for months/years, Elliot had been chasing this mysterious criminal who was always a step ahead of him. There was security footage of the criminal in various disguises, including a clown wig and a fisherman's hat, but you could never see his face. I remember this as a FOUR-SEASON arc that was finally wrapping up.
Olivia invited him and a whole bunch of I guess law-enforcement people to uh, my childhood bedroom, to do an elaborate reveal that would break the whole case wide open. There was this wrapup with black-and-white flashback footage like on Monk (or older crime shows that Monk was doing a throwback to) as she explained how the whole thing went down. And finally she triumphantly revealed that the mysterious and elusive criminal was... Elliot!! Who had found and done some cocaine (lol) and went into a complete blackout every night and did all these crimes I guess. Footage was shown that revealed that it was Elliot's face in the clown wig and the fisherman's hat all along. All this was all greeted with total merriment and relief by everyone, including Elliot. No one seemed concerned that Elliot was having regular nightly blackouts and committing crimes but that's fine. Olivia had just finally gotten fed up, swept in and solved the case I guess. The mood was very jolly and celebratory and almost like a roast/celebration for Elliot.
So Olivia did her presentation (kind of smugly and triumphantly) and then I guess the party was still going on, and she was like all right imma head out and leaned down to kiss Elliot goodbye and he kissed her back like they did this all the time. Me watching was like THIS IS HOW THEY'RE GONNA DO IT??? OK I ACCEPT I ACCEPT.
In addition there was a bunch of stuff about an extremely unhinged press conference, which honestly was not any more unhinged than the actual press conference that my dream was attempting to riff on.
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breadedsinner · 3 years
(Spooky) Six Sentence Sunday
The last she saw him alive; his skin was drained and sallow, eyes dim. But as a vampire, his dark bronze skin seemed to glow with vigor, and his brown hair, slick with blood, was thick and lustrous. His eyes glimmered, an eerie and ethereal shade of blue.
"Darling," he mewed, his voice as velvety as ever. "Care to join me? There's plenty of room."
Hawke sneered, "Bathing in and drinking blood? That's excessive, even for you."
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hilplusterrorss · 3 years
I'll make a formal post about it soon but in case you missed it - knit/crochet commissions are OPEN!! I've got a few examples on my Instagram (hilplusterrors) with sample prices, and can do just about anything from hats to sweaters to stuffies to entire blankets! (Just no socks for now. They have been giving me trouble.) Personalized, color patterned, obscure creations - I'm really versatile and great at figuring out what I'm doing on the go! Just DM me if you've got any questions or want to see samples of things not up on my Insta yet - recently I made several kitties, hats, and even two blankets, and have a lot of stuff from over the years.
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