#and ignore how uncomfortable it'd be when they go inside
A cold winter day, and for some reason Howdy is unusually fluffy and Barnaby loves it
NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND i think about them w/ winter coats So Fucking Much its not even funny-
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
Can you please rate the current husband rotation (scara,blade and chrollo) based on highest sex drive to lowest?
Btw i love your work your amazingggg <333333
thank you very much!!!!!!!! i'll throw gojo in there for good measure. whether anyone wants him, that's up for debate, but he's slapped into the mix now.
warning for not SFW beneath the cut, obviously, and afab reader. dubcon if you squint.
alright, so, this'll be ranked from 10 as the highest and 1 as the lowest.
scaramouche — 9.
it's bad. it's real bad. you weren't expecting it either. from what little scaramouche has allowed you to know about himself, you considered him the type to look down at sex as debased and pointless. this assessment of yours would've been accurate had you not been in the picture. sadly, you are very much in the picture, and it's a picture he'd stare at until his eyes ceased functioning.
he is clingy, he is needy, he is relentless. it's embarrassing and he'll never admit it, but he views sex as the ultimate connection lovers can experience. two becoming one. he places far more sentimentality on it than you'll ever be privy to. or so he'd like to think, because the tears he sheds into your neck as he enters you for the first time give him away. he'll hold you in an uncomfortably tight grip, almost in a trance. he's inside you, the closest anyone can physically get. sure, there's pleasure to be found, but that isn't the main allure. he can move forward and you'll gasp. pull back and feel how you squeeze him, as if you couldn't bear to let him go, not even for a second.
deep down, does he know this is an involuntary muscle spasm and not some long-awaited reciprocation of his awful love? yes, he knows. he ignores that rational explanation, as he so often does when you're involved. from the second his tip began pushing in, he knew he'd become addicted. for you to encourage him, declare your undying love between moans and gasps, reassure him that he's all you can ever think about.
he'd deliver the seven nations to your feet if it meant experiencing that.
if anyone were to interrupt his time with you, even if it's a report that the sky itself is cracking open, he'd kill them for the infraction.
basically, every second that passes without him being inside you further sours his mood. his underlings dread long missions away for this very reason. one of them made the mistake of consoling his lord that it's just a few more days until he can see you again. scaramouche ordered that his tongue be cut out for daring to speak your name. he's the only one who deserves the privilege. anyone else is entirely unworthy of the right.
when he comes back, you won't be leaving the bedroom for hours. he cannot detach himself from you. he's insatiable, utterly insatiable.
gojo — 8.
satoru thinks you're hot. like really hot. call-to-wake-you-up-at-four-in-the-morning-for-phone-sex hot. he cannot behave and he doesn't want to. if he's driving you somewhere, his hand is on your thigh. when you're taking an important phone call, his fingers will rub circles into your clit through your panties, no matter how desperately you try and shoo him off. the type to send you those memes that if he died in between your thighs, it'd be a happy death. he loves your body, how his name sounds when you sigh it, the scent of sweat on your skin, the taste of your favorite cocktail on your lips.
for as long as he can remember, he's never been the type to resist doing what he wants. he'll be late to meetings with the higher-ups because you fell asleep in his arms and he refused to wake you up. he'll tell a special grade curse he's fighting to wait a second because you sent him a cute text he wants to reread. should he notice someone checking you out, he'll appear beside them, praising their excellent taste. throw in a comment that they can have your phone number if they just approach you. then, every time they try, he'll warp them back a little further at a time.
this isn't to say no one is allowed to admire you, though. that wouldn't be fair. he likens it to if leonardo da vinci kept the mona lisa hidden in some dark, dusty corner. others can appreciate your beauty, so long as it's on his terms. poor nanami gets texted to pick between what dresses he should buy you, with the unnecessary addendum that 'it'll get ripped off at a later time wwww.' the very first time nanami heard gojo speak your name, he knew the strongest sorcerer was going to become infinitely more grating.
satoru just finds every second he spends with you worthwhile. whether it be the two of you lazing around in pajamas and watching a b-movie, or if you've been teasing him relentlessly all day, earning you a sleepless night. you're like air to him. there's something about being around you that has him hooked. which is why he never wants to put out that lovely flame burning within you. no, he stokes it, savors the burn that only you can leave on his skin. if you're his world, he has to be yours.
chrollo — 6.
you can call this man all sorts of negative labels and each one will apply. immoral? depraved? a murderer? all are perfectly true, he won't claim otherwise. from all the potential insults to sling his way, however, impatient can't be found among them. he's anything but that. his patience is impeccable. otherworldly, at times. he will sit there with a soft smile as you get upset in any manner you wish. he doesn't rush you or interrupt, you're allowed to get it out of your system. it's then that you realize the threat you're dealing with can't be properly understood.
from the list of real winners here, chrollo is the closest to being 'classy.' he holds doors open for you. takes your jacket off when you walk inside. pulls your chair out on dates. for anyone else, these acts would be hollow performances, but for you? oh, he adores every second. he wants to make your heart flutter. feel how your breath hitches as he clasps a necklace around your neck, the chain cold against your clammy skin. observe how your pupils dilate when he rolls his sleeves up to help cook, revealing toned arms.
he takes his time with you. would he love to bend you over and rail you against the nearest surface? absolutely. what he absolutely loves, though, is foreplay. testing how long an indulgent man such as himself can deny his base urges. chrollo wants to see the exact moment you realize that despite everything, you want him. you want him bad enough to discard your pride and accept the affections of someone you once called the devil. the thought alone makes him shudder with anticipation. it's how he maintains control when your skirt rides up or when you brush against him in your sleep.
eye contact is a must when you abandon your inhibitions and let him bed you. the expressions you make when his fingers curl against your walls, as he sinks into you for the first time, when you clench and come undone around him; everything is a delight that gives him such a rush. then there's your visage after you're done. how you wince when he pulls out, his cum seeping down your legs. it's like he can hear each neuron of yours firing away to form a rationalization for why you just let him fuck you.
he's patient, but that just means when he does get what he wants, he'll be starved for everything you can give.
blade — ???
blade either wants to go at it like rabbits or has the self-restraint of an ascetic who committed themselves to celibacy for life. there is no in-between.
his mara suggests that he break your legs and fuck you until eternity itself comes to an end. he possesses enough lucidity to realize he shouldn't do that, regardless of the tiny part of himself that coos over the idea. due to the extreme fantasies that'd cause you irreparable harm should he ever carry them out, blade shoves down his desire that's become intertwined with his mara. this works for a time. sure, you might be unnerved by how he's always staring at you, but at least the integrity of your legs is ensured. how romantic.
because truthfully, no matter how curt his words are or sharp his glare is when you test his patience, he likes you. it's such a childish sentiment that it makes him want to groan with embarrassment. he tried suffocating the budding attachment, going as far away from you as he could, only to come crawling back each time. what if you fell in love? what if you opened your legs for someone else? these fears grow to such a degree that it influences his swordplay. he may or may not have allowed his opponent to skewer his heart, to see if that'd get the traitorous organ to stop pounding away at the thought of you.
this cycle of denying himself of you -> returning with an intensified obsession carries over to his sex drive. even blade doesn't know what will tip him over. it could be you saying his name in a particularly cute voice, how you bite your lip while thinking about something, or just him getting a whiff of your shampoo as he walks by. the next thing he knows, he's throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the closest bed. or couch. even a countertop will do. the abundance's curse on his body extends to his refractory period as well. he gets hard again almost immediately after he cums. especially because you'll be underneath him, out of breath, looking like you're meant to be ravished.
he'll do all the work, you don't have to move a muscle if you're too exhausted. he gives you his release in every way possible. inside you, on your chest, face, mouth, and inside your stomach from all the times you've swallowed his spend.
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3rachaslut · 8 months
i saw the virgin partner post and i just want to say that we need a VIRGIN SKZ version of it!, like what they think about it and how it feels and how excited they're about it it'd be also really nice it was written with dots like a headcanon that fits their personality and what are they most likely to do!
i hope I'm not asking too much and please ignore this ask if you're uncomfortable no pressure at all! 💖
okay so i may have gotten slightly carried away with this one but the thought of of virgin!SKZ x fem experienced reader is adorable ahh
warning; smut obvs but mainly fluff MINORS DNI !!
(not proof read, please forgive any mistakes)
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HYUNG LINE; virgin!skz x fem!reader
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he would be so nervous on how to approach the topic that he’s ready to have sex with you. like, you two would be watching a film and he’s tickling you and down your thigh whilst PANICKING.
“y/n, i think i’m ready?” “ready for what baby?” “you know…” and your eyes would light up at his words. you would bring him in to the longest, most loving kiss ever and he feels like a weight has come off his shoulder now he’s actually SAID it!
he would definitely be giving you oral for so long just to try and psych himself up for what’s to come. he’s so so excited but so nervous. he wants to impress you so bad but all you want is for him to enjoy himself.
once the time finally comes he is hesitant but mainly because he feels so much pressure to make you feel good. “relax baby, enjoy it. i know i will” you would say as you bring him in to a kiss whilst rubbing his cheeks to calm him down and when he pushes into you, he ASCENDS. i’m talking, eyes rolling back and the WHIMPERS he’s letting out- oh my god.
“you can go faster baby, ah ‘feel so big inside me oh fuck-“. he’s so careful not to hurt you though because when i tell you chan has a BIG dick i mean that shit with my entire chest. he may have never had sex before but my god he knows what to do with his cock. you’d be a moaning mess and so would he. the whines he would let out whilst telling you he’s “cl- close..close” and the way you would grip him whilst clenching around him would tip him over the edge.
he’s trying his best to still buck into you as his orgasm hits him like a tonne of bricks and he’s moaning SO. LOUD. he would collapse into you after coming down from his climax and cover your flushed face full of kisses and tell you how fucking amazing you felt and how he can’t wait to make love to you again and again and again….
lee know
you’d be straddling him on the couch, yet again lost in the filthiest make out session. you’d be grinding on his thigh so desperately when he says “-wanna fuck you babe”. your eyes widen so big and you have to check you heard correctly. “what?” you say, “i said, i wanna fuck you” and he’d instantly be taking your clothes off. you don’t stop to question where his sudden confidence has come from because you’re too damn thrilled about the situation. he’d be so hungry for you, like he’d be running his hands up and down all of you whilst he takes your nipple in his mouth and lapping at it like a starved man.
unlike channie, lee knows nerves wouldn’t be so obvious but i swear this man is petrified inside, he just won’t let on that he is AT ALL. his dirty talk is the same as usual though, saying the filthiest things in your ear as you become more and more horny, wanting, no, needing him more than ever.
he’d lay you down on your bed and undress the rest of you whilst trailing kisses everywhere your clothes leave your skin. “so beautiful baby, you’re so beautiful” he’d say and you’d blush, remember what this foreplay would end in. he’s so eager to fuck you omg. he’d be telling you how badly he wants you whilst he preps you and his words truly get you going. you’re getting wetter and wetter at the thought.
before he enters you he’d say “you ready babe?” and omg you are more than ready. the moment he enters you, he lets out the loudest moan you’ve ever heard and you whine at his size. you knew he was big but having him inside you was another story. he’d speed up slightly and every time he’d hit your sweet spot, you’d make the most beautiful noises that turn him on so much. he definitely wouldn’t last long but it’s his first time so you can’t blame him at all.
“think.. ah- think i’m gonna cum baby fuck-“ he says whilst frantically bucking into you, his thrusts getting sloppier as he gets closer to his release. you’d clench around him tighter and he MOANS so loud. cusses and ah-s leave him mouth with every breathe as he cums inside you and he would lay on top of you afterwards stroking your hair and kissing all over your face until you both fall asleep….
he’d be on top of you, kissing your neck and caressing your face, whispering in you ear how beautiful you are. “baby..” he would say, sounding really nervous and you can’t help but think how cute he is. what you weren’t expecting was him to tell you how he is ‘ready’. “what?” you’d say, sure you must have misheard. “i’m ready.. to have sex with you” he would say and the blush on his face is crimson. “okay” you nod your head, smiling at his shyness.
the closer and closer he gets to your pussy as he’s trailing kissing all down your body, the more his nerves become apparent. he would be eating you out for AGESS, forcing his body to buck up the courage to just fuck you. your fingers are in his hair, tugging slightly and he’s whimpering at that, sending shock waves to your pussy with each moan and at this point you’re DESPERATE for him but don’t wanna add more pressure on him by saying “please binnie, i want you so much.”
once he’s ready, he would be caressing your legs and thighs and say “can i.. put it in now?” with uncertainty and shy eyes and you melt at his cuteness. “please!” you beg, absolutely dying for him to. when he enters you, he would let out the longest sigh ever, stilling inside you once he bottoms out and just taking in the feeling of you clenching around him. his eyes would be roll back and his mouth agape.
at first he be hesitant to start thrusting in case it felt too good and was scared he wouldn’t last long. “oh my god baby, you feel amazing ah-“ he’d mewl, his face contorting ever so slightly at your pussy taking all of him in so good. your head would be thrown back in bliss but you’re aching for him to go faster. “please binnie, faster. want you” you’d practically beg and he’d oblige, speeding up slightly and you’d start to moan louder. the feeling of your cunt around him mixed with your moans brings him closer to his orgasm. you knew he was gonna come fairly quick since it was his first time so you didn’t mind, if anything, you thought it was super cute.
“sorry baby, but- ah- i’m so- close” he’d gasp through whimpers, his voice slightly higher than usual. he would be thrusting into you as best as his hips would let him, faltering at the overwhelming pleasure around his cock. “s’okay baby, so good. you wanna cum, then cum babe” you’d say, staring into his eyes and he crumbles. seeing you underneath him looking into his eyes as he fucks you send waves of pleasure to his cock and he he’s quick to cum inside you, eyes scrunched closed and high pitched gasps leaving his mouth every second.
he would collapse on top of you after he comes down from his high and you’d praise him for doing “so good”. he would be so shy, he’d press his face into your neck and you’d let out an affectionate giggle at him. “i love you” he’d say as you kiss his temple and stroke up and down his biceps. “i love you too baby”….
hyune would be stroking up and down your leg, yet again not even making in through the first ten minutes of the movie you and him agreed to watch. you’d look at him and cheekily say “what are you doing hyunjinnie?” already knowing where this is going. “just feeling my princess” he’d lean in towards you and kiss you slowly but so deeply. your make out sessions always felt so full of love and this time was no different. his hands would come to cup your cheeks and he’d pull away, look into your eyes. “y/n..” “yes hyune?” you’d say, gazing into his beautiful eyes, waiting for him to speak. “i wanna make love to you, like, properly”. at first, you wouldn’t know what to say but once he gives you a smile.
you’d pounce onto him pulling him into kiss you. straddling him, you’re both smiling into the kisses you’re sharing and he’s gently unbuttoning your pj top. his kisses would be trailing down from your lips to your jaw, your neck to your chest. he would take your nipple into his mouth and you’d throw your head back in pleasure, grinding onto his thigh in desperation to feel something on your sore clit. you’d moan down his ear at the way he flicks your nipple around in his mouth with his tongue and gently bites down sending more waves of pleasure straight to your pussy. “hyune…” you’d whine, the knowledge of knowing what’s to come making you more and more horny. “what is it my love?” “need you” you’d say breathlessly, your thrusts on his thighs speeding up and he chuckles at how cute you are. he’d lay you down on the sofa, making you comfortable as he takes hus clothes off, the sight of his naked body never failing to take your breath away.
the gentle rubs he would give your clit have your toes curling and he’s desperate to feel you around him. “please jinnie..” you’d beg, needing him inside you so bad. he’d smile fondly at you beneath him as he lines his cock up to your entrance, gasping slightly at the amazingly foreign feeling. you’d close your eyes but he’d say “look at me baby girl, want to look at my princess” and he’d push in slowly, his mouth falling open and you reciprocate. the new feeling having you both overwhelmed with pleasure. you’d wrap your legs around him, bring in him in closer and he’d moan so loud as he bottoms out inside you. he’d lean down to be face to face with you, kissing you longingly as he begins to thrust into you, his cock dragging along your walls making you feel dizzy. “fuck- you feel so good darling” he’d say as his trails kisses town your neck, sucking gently at the skin and leaving love bites as a temporary reminder of this moment with you.
“so beautiful, my princess” he’d whisper in your ear and you’d fall in love with him all over again. his thrusts would begin to speed up slightly, hitting your sweet spot over and over again, the pleasure in your stomach threatening to tip you over the edge. “fuck hyune- you feel so fucking good in me ah-“ you’d say and he’d whimper in response, a string of ah’s leaving his mouth tell you he’s close. “so beautiful angel, i’m gonna- ah-“ he’d mewl, words shaky and his thrusts into you becoming messier and his legs tremble as he reaches his climax. “jinnie please!” you’d beg, unsure of what for but he cums at your pleas, whimpering and moaning curses into your ear. he would plant kisses all over your flushed face and tell you again how pretty you are, his “pretty girl”….
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blanketbvby · 17 days
i have an idea i think is cute/cool, feel free to ignore of course!
can i get fluff hcs or a drabble of a yandere solomon w a willing mc who trusts him blindly and trusts no one else?
Super short, I wrote this during class :(
Also super sorry this is crazy late, I've been on a tight schedule and haven't had the time to sit and think about how I'd write this so it's rushed and messy, I may come back to this and edit it to be longer in a few days
Also this is less yandere and more possessive, mainly because I don't see him as a very violent yandere, more just possessive or manipulative
yandere!Solomon x trusting!darling
Brief warning for mentions of body horror to a child (made up story by the slimy bastard /aff)
"Mammon tried to make a pact with me. Said it was to keep me safe."
A still pause occurred.
"And did you?" The sorcerer's eyes raked over the room to your curled up form, sat on the bed with a blanket in your lap and book in your hand.
The sigil on the back of your neck burned with the masked fury of the immortal, and you gave a snort despite the discomfort.
"Who do you take me for?" Silence envelopes the room once again as Solomon blinked before smiling eyes narrowing a sliver. He nods in silent approval as he stands from his chair.
A hand ghosts the back of your neck, and the magically tattooed figure on the skin soothed as his anger dissipated. He hummed and cupped it, your head bowing along to accommodate the action.
"My good, adorable apprentice." You shudder softly.
Yes, that's how it'd been for quite some time now. Sure, it was wrong. You weren't stupid. But you merely didn't care.
Chapped lips pressed into. Yours with a thumb tilting your chin, and your eyes shut as you feel the familiar warmth of a spell being cast on you. Solomon never told you what it was. That's how it always was, and how it'd always be.
When the kiss ended, the warmth faded and settled deep into your bones. You'd come to associate this particular warmth with protection.
The sorcerer was all yours, and no amount of prying or pushing from otherworldly beings such as the demons who'd kidnapped you or the angels who were too kind would ever have him slipping away from you.
He certainly wouldn't let you go without a fight, anyways.
- There is no doubt in my mind Solomon would be a casually possessive yandere. He'd thrive if you were so trusting towards him, and would get a power trip if it's only him you seem to trust
- I like to imagine he'd have taken advantage of the immediate mistrust that came with the whole "summoned into another world by stranger demons who claim this and that" to swoop you off your feet. After all, wouldn't you trust the only human around?
- the sigil on the back of your neck is like a pact I like to think, something he has to mark you as his. It burns and warms with his emotion like one, too, so if he's mad it'll get uncomfortably hot and if he's happy, it'll simmer down
- he'd definitely cast magic on you without telling you what it is, though. I picture him doing anything from tracking spells to minor love spells (as needed if needed at all) to wards to get otherworldly beings to back off
- you probably still live at the HoL officially, but you definitely spend your time with him 24/7
- after all, who knows what those rotten demons may do to you if you're not kept safe and sound? You certainly don't trust the people who kidnapped you, and Solomon feeds into that by sharing stories of all the bad things demons have done to him and others
- speaking of, he'd probably not be the kind of yandere to get his hands dirty, I imagine he'd wind up probably being a lot more manipulative and let his magic do the trick
- oh, a demon offered you something that was supposedly human safe, but you didn't take it anyways? Smart choice, has he told you of the time one of those pathetic monsters offered a child candy that melted the poor kid's insides?
- he'd be possessive, manipulative, and would definitely twist stories to keep you relying on the only human around— him
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areislol · 1 year
nsfw hcs | MINORS DNI !
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ft— neteyam x fem. human! reader warnings— (^) mdni, praises, aged up characters, neteyam being the soft boy we know, soft sex, consent king!! slight breast/nipple play, as i said before, minors PLEASE do not interact but then again, read what you want, size + breeding kink, vanilla(?) sex, p in v, fingering, marking, riding but no pen. long like reeaaally long, first smut hc ever so if there's any mistake pls ignore them a/n— im just feeling it today i don't know why... image layout ib by @luvsellie also, isn't neteyam so pretty?
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he is so, so sweet. so expect many praises when you're being stuffed <3
service soft dom!!!
loves hearing you plead so he can fulfill your wishes, doesn't like the idea of denying your wishes.
he acknowledges how you're much smaller than him but that just fuels his size kink even more..
neteyam is the sweetheart king, so he always resists his animalistic urge to just pound you but can't since his dick is well.. too big, way too big for you and it'd probably hurt you. the idea of hurting you during a special time pains him so he takes it slow.
he asks you if you're okay with just the tip and if you want more he will of course oblige, and when he does he makes sure to put it in (painfully for him) slow.
speaking of asking, he is the consent king!! always asks if you're okay with this and that, making sure that you're not hurting or that you aren't uncomfortable.
so many kisses/open-mouthed kisses, whether it be on your forehead, lips, cheeks, stomach, pussy, thighs, he just loves giving you kisses.
he worships your body... like.. a lot... since you're (obviously) different to him he takes his time to observe every part of your body, your moles, birthmarks, (stretchmarks if you have any), and any "flaw" you say you have he will kiss them and reassure you that you're beautiful <3
foreplay!! he loves it, kissing you while he presses his knee to your sex as you grind against it
he also loves it because you told him that it gets the person more aroused and wet—meaning it would hurt less when entering you and that's the reason why he always does foreplay.
the first time you two had sex he's slow and sensual but after a few times he gets more bolder and confident and might just go slightly quicker than usual.
when he gets jealous you best believe he's going to be fucking you all night long.
he will never admit it to you but he has multiple wet dreams of you, so when his dream comes true, the sight of you naked, laying down on the grass makes him drool and thank eywa.
when you touch his tail or accidentally brush up against it he whimpers.. and groans
he knows all of your sensitive spots, inside and on the outside.
tickles you softly when he sees that you're uncomfortable that you're naked. even though when having sex with you it's special and intimate, he won't hesitate to make you laugh/giggle when he sees that you're uncomfortable.
!! loves giving you oral, hearing your soft moans when he's licking your slit makes him excited and you know it when you see his tail swaying.
talking about oral, he loves the taste of you while he's lapping your folds, when your thighs start to close he lightly pushes your legs away with a firm but not too tight grip on your thighs.
sometimes he wishes you could suck him off but considering the size.. no way. but he doesn't mind, as long as you're (moaning) in pleasure and enjoying it.
he's needy but he can be patient. if he's jealous though.. it's quite the opposite, making up an excuse to why both of you have to leave and once you two are alone he makes sure that you're full of his cum, full of his children so that everybody knows that your his.
loves to mark you with his fangs, leaving little imprints on your shoulder, thighs and neck (if you're comfortable with that)
since he is na'vi and you're human, you two couldn't really bond. he doesn't know any other way of bonding or be intimate with each other, other than tsaheylu, so when you introduce him to sex he doesn't know what to do.. at first anyways
when you had your first orgasm with him he was confused and worried.
"are you okay? why are you shaking?" "i didn't hurt you did i?"
it was a bit awkward when you had to explain to him what an "orgasm" was, not before you calmed down though but ever since you explained what an orgasm was he started teasing you.
"so i made you feel good? am i that good?"
after you two had sex he's starved for you a whole lot, he wants your touches and love + obsessed but not obsessed obsessed, but there were times where he wants you out of nowhere.
his favourite places to have sex with you is in his room or somewhere private. he isn't a fan of public sex, rather, a place where it's only you and him—somewhere secluded.
he definenetly encourages you to not cover your noises, when he sees you covering your mouth he grabs onto your hand to take it off "don't be afraid, i want to.. hear you", your moans and whining are like music to his ears, it makes him harder when he hears you moaning, also makes him want to please you even harder.
he loveees it when you moan his name, he (sometimes) whimpers when he hears his name coming from your mouth.
no matter what your kinks are he will NOT hurt you, never. small bites (using his fangs) are okay but nothing where he scratches you, uses a knife or a sharp object on you.
when he's impatient he rips off your clothes, he doesn't break it, but he immediately removes your buttons quickly (he's good with his hands) while hurriedly kissing you, sliding you panties off.
but when he's really impatient and just wants to eat you out or when he's hungry for you he might actually rip your clothes off
he's a boob man, no matter what size he will literally lay on your chest and litter it with kisses, leaving open mouthed kisses on your nipples <3
he nips and sucks your nipples, cupping your breasts as he keeps on suckling on your breasts. your nipples are probably and most likely sensitive from all his licking and sucking.
so now he teases you. for eg. he places his finger on your nipple you shiver to which neteyam chuckles at, "sensitive there, hm?" he continues to circle your nipple before you feel his warm and soft tongue on your nipple, soft moans escaping your mouth.
loves seeing you in a mess while you're a babbling mess, mumbling incoherent words, finds you so adorable <3
when you squirt for the first time he's confused at first but he doesn't mind as it probably meant you were enjoying it.
his fingers are long and slim (his man is literally 9-10ft of course his fingers are gonna be long c'mon), he watches as his fingers slide in and out of your vagina, how your juices slide down from your pussy as he picks up his pace.
your whimpers, cries and whimpering could and can make him cum, your noises make him so horny my lord.
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fingers you while licking your bud/his thumbs pressing on it as he traced little circles on it, he KNOWS how to make you feel good even though he has never done it before (until you came)
enjoys the sight of watching you squirm as he slowly pumps in and out of your sex while sucking and licking your now sensitive bud.
he's literally making out with your pussy, his nose hitting his bud which never fails to make you shiver.
when you introduce neteyam to new positions he's all for it
once of his favourite positions is when you sit on his face, he LOVES it and looks forward to you sitting on his face <3 doesn't care if you suffocate him, he will die happy.
^ loves riding without penetration as your wet pussy lubes his dick, it makes him and you moan in pleasure
his aftercare is *chefs kiss*
he loves doing it, he doesn't understand how anyone could not do aftercare!! like you can't just leave your partner in bed after having sex and not do anything.. right? when you tell him that people do do that he's in shock and assures that he is not like them.
gives you massages on the places where you say it hurts, loves it when you return the favor.
he gives you forehead kisses while tracing circles on your thighs, your head on his chest as he's by your side. he mutters small praises to you and gets you cleaned up before dressing you and letting you sleep on his chest as he continues to whisper loving and caring words, running his fingers through your hair.
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy
taglist: @tomansimp, @howlandhaku, @luciphyls, @vizkiz869, @aonungobsession,
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: tumblr and it's 4000+ block limit whatever it's called, i hate it so much because there are so many writers on tumblr and we do tend to write a lot!!! i hope tumblr will fix this problem. i feel like i have many more nsfw hcs for him but i just can't get it out idk why. ALSO I HAD SO MANY PROBLEMS W THIS FIC BC TUMBLR WASN'T WORKIIINNGG
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Ah, no sex ed Dream my beloved. I'm now thinking about trans Dream and how sex ed can be particularly terrible for people with vaginas. Like, Dream's spent his life being told about how much his first time would hurt, and he'd bleed, and even after it'd never feel as good as it would if he had a dick, female orgasms are just a myth, right?
So Dream grows up being like "no thank you" to the very idea of sex because honestly it sounds pretty bad, and for what? To make his partner happy? Dream doesn't like *anyone* that much. If he sometimes feels 'weird' (the word he's looking for is 'horny' but of course he doesn't recognize that) it's easy enough to ignore and get on with his life.
Enter trans Hob who is extremely passionate about comprehensive sex ed and decides his new purpose in life is educating his new roommate. He's got diagrams and youtube videos and toys and hands on experience. Hob will happily demonstrate all the fun he has with his own pussy to show Dream there's nothing to be scared of.
Hob encourages Dream to touch himself, but at this point Dream would much rather have *Hob's* hands on him.
T4T dreamling is my favourite food!!! Yummy!!!! AND no sex Ed Dream!!!! A feast!!!!
Hob finds out about Dream’s complete lack of experience (and even self exploration) a few months after they've started not hating each other and become close as friends. And Hob is careful. Dream’s aversion to exploring his body could be a dysphoria thing, and Hob would never want to trigger him that way. He asks careful questions, and once he's established that Dream just... doesn't see the point in touching himself... Hob springs into action. He gets out the powerpoints and the diagrams and the essays on gender and sexuality. Dream sits on his bed watching as Hob rants about how people with female presenting bodies have been oppressed for centuries, and he feels that weird feeling. The tingling in his private parts and the uncomfortable wetness. It's difficult to concentrate on what Hob’s actually saying when all Dream seems to want to do is look at his hands and thighs and neck.
And when Hob finally stops for breath he looks at Dream blushing and squirming, and he knows that the time for verbal education is over. Dream is clearly desperate for a hands on lesson.
Hob really does have the loveliest, most wonderfully masculine hands. His fingers are so thick they make Dream feel tiny. When the pads brush up against the place that Hob had described as his clit, or his dick if he preferred the term - Dream whimpers and feels every muscle in his lower body clamping up. For the first time he understands something primal within himself - the need to have something inside.
Hob is still talking, soft and low, telling Dream exactly what he's doing and what the name of each part he touches is. Dream hopes there won't be a quiz later because he can't think, can't even see through the tears in his eyes. He feels like he needs to let go and he's terrified suddenly that he's about to pee.
And then he has his first ever orgasm, all over Hob’s fingers. He watches, shaking and panting and starstruck, as Hob licks his hands clean.
"You wanna know something great about bodies like ours?" Hob says, propping his chin against Dream’s knee. "Multiple orgasms."
And so Dream’s college education really begins.
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writersdare · 11 months
All Too Well | Calum Hood
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader (she/her)
Summary: It's the first time ever when Calum and Y/N didn't need to be apart, as they were going on tour together. However, things could never just be perfect, could they?
Warning: angst, fluff, a bit of cursing
Word Count: 1 725
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: This was the one I worked really hard to make it softer than it initially was. It'd say it's more of an angst story still, however, not too heavy, and there are sweet moments, too ♡ Inspired by Taylor Swift's short film "All Too Well". I hope you'll like it!
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It almost felt like Christmas, when Y/N and Calum took a seat next to each other in the plane. It was the first time when the girl was going on tour with him, and both were very excited.
Cal was really glad they finally managed to go together, they didn’t need to be separated for so long again. 
Y/N could compare it with a miracle, truly. The last month was very stressful, as she had to do a lot at work before getting a remote project. At some point Y/N even doubted she was going to finish everything in time. However, there she was, holding a hand in Calum’s, while he was quietly sleeping on her shoulder. There was no need to be homesick, because Cal’s home was right next to him. And Y/N didn’t need to learn how to live alone again, because she was in the company of a loved one.
Sometimes “too perfect” could bring unexpected problems. It couldn’t all go smoothly. The musician wasn’t exactly a pessimist, but he always agreed with that way of Y/N’s thinking. 
However, Calum didn’t exactly expect his girl to blow up easily only because he didn’t pay much of attention to her after a concert. For Cal it wasn’t a big deal. Once they finished the performance, everyone went to have dinner in their dressing room, not being able to wait for any longer and go to some restaurant nearby. It was a usual evening, chatting with the bandmates and discussing how good the concert was. Y/N was happy that fans were welcoming and active during the whole show, and of course, she could share the joy of her boyfriend, but it still felt slightly uncomfortable. Even though they started dating a while ago, Y/N didn’t know Calum’s friends well. She surely didn’t mind him spending time with them, but the girl hoped for some little reassurance here and there; after all, it was the first time, when she went on tour. Few attempts to join the conversation were interrupted by her own boyfriend, and Y/N’s mood went down completely. Yet, she stayed polite and kept smiling lightly, ignoring unpleasant feelings inside. The girl didn’t ask for much, she only hoped Cal would stop making her feel that dumb, would stop as if reminding her that she didn’t belong there. As if she wasn’t there at all, even when Y/N tried to touch Calum’s palm. She wasn’t begging for attention, the girl only thought that as she came with him, they’d spend more time together. Wasn’t it the point? All of sudden Y/N felt like a mannequin which Cal would look at only when he needed it. 
“You just walked in the room and behaved as if I wasn’t there!”
Y/N tried. She really tired. The girl promised herself she wouldn’t make a scene, she wouldn’t argue, because it was a very wrong place and time. However, Calum brought up the topic himself, saying she was “hell annoying” and looked “weirdly upset.”
“I was fucking tired! Exhausted, Y/N! I didn’t mean anything, I was just hanging out with my friends!” Cal blew up immediately, although by nature he was pretty calm. “I’d look at you if you’d jump around, sing for few hours, Y/N. Would you have powers for anything else after it?” the guy run a hand through his hair and sighed heavily, apparently analysing what he had just said.
Calum used to say he valued words a lot, the musician hated when people would tell things they didn’t actually mean. He never rushed up to answer on the interviews; Cal liked to think first, before saying anything, completely anything. Perhaps, that’s why sudden accusations shocked Y/N that much. If he said it, he probably really meant it, and that was quite upsetting. The girl never even dared to think that Calum wasn’t a hard worker or that his job wasn’t difficult. Of course, it was, and she knew it very well. That’s why Y/N was always there, supporting him no matter what. And yet, she couldn’t get the connection between him acting like a moron during the dinner and blaming her for saying he wasn’t tired. She never even said it.
“You know what? Back off," after a short pause Y/N realised that she was too overwhelmed to continue arguing. These past days were rather exhausting, the trip, so far, was very stressful as there were too many unknown faces, and Cal’s words didn’t exactly make the girl feel any better.
“No, Cal, you’re right," she nodded, being dangerously calm.
The girl grabbed a bag and threw a phone in there. Y/N wasn’t going to leave, it’d be too immature of her, but she desperately needed fresh air and time alone at that moment. Lately it was getting harder to breathe, and she finally admitted that she was simply choking. Being busy with tour and job issues the girl didn’t have time to check on herself. For some reason, Calum didn’t see it either, apparently, he was busy working, as well. She knew how it could be, so the girl wasn’t blaming him. At times Cal couldn’t take care even of himself. 
"How would I know? You’re the only one who works hard," Y/N snapped, regretting she took that hell of a project at first place just to be closer to Cal. What for? Surely, emotions were speaking at that moment, and sometimes it was very hard to gain control of them. Suddenly nothing was working anymore, their relationship included.
“I didn’t mean it this way," Calum’s voice became small, too. He gently touched the girl’s wrist with his fingers, and felt a little relief, as Y/N didn’t attempt to break the touch. However, her eyes didn’t give him any hope.
“No, you did.”
“No, I didn’t," he hurried up to deny. "Look, I’m just stressed, I swear I…" her hand slipped through his fingers, and Y/N headed to the exit of the dressing room. "I know you’re… Y/N, c’mon! Don’t do this right now!" Cal outraged. "We’re trying to talk, and you’re running away again!"
"It’s you, who is trying to talk, Calum!" the girl turned around quickly, hoping her body wouldn't betray, and salty tears wouldn’t flow down the cheeks. "You can’t even understand me! I worked as hard as you to get here at first place! I don’t mind you hang out with friends and have a rest after the concerts, but since the day one of the tour you’ve never asked how I was feeling! I don’t even know these people! They are total strangers to me," she finally broke in tears. Cal didn’t dare to touch her and only watched from the distance. "And this evening I only asked for a small reassurance, I wanted to feel that you’re here with me, because I don’t feel damn comfortable here, I need time! And now you make me feel like a total dickhead for asking that, because you are damn tired, because you had a show to perform! Maybe it was a bad idea to come with you at first place. It could have been totally different," she shook the head and looked down, wiping the tears with her fingers quickly.
A storm was attacking inside, Cal wanted to say a lot, but words got stuck in his throat.
"I had no idea," he finally mumbled, feeling rather ashamed. "This tour… is really important to me," the musician continued, even though everything didn’t seem to have any sense once he spoke it out loud. "I was too focused on work, but it doesn’t mean I forgot about you, Y/N," Cal made a step forward and reached out to her uncertainly. The fingertips didn’t touch hers, he was waiting for the girl to do it instead, if she wanted to. Or waiting to give him a sign that he was allowed to.
The girl closed the eyes for a moment and shook the head negatively. She touched a handle of the bag to avoid Calum’s sudden affection. 
"I know it’s hard for both of us," she spoke up quietly. "But we need to learn how to understand each other, and I’m tired of being the only one who is trying to do that. Relationships don’t work this way."
"I know. I fucking know," he lost it, made a step forward and squeezed Y/N in his arms, resting a head on her shoulder. For that Cal had to bend down a little, but it was worth it. "I’m sorry."
A heavy sigh left Y/N’s lips. She looked up on the ceiling, hoping to stop herself from crying again. Just some time ago Calum was behaving like a sick superstar, and now he was asking for forgiveness. Why was it always like a seesaw with him? And why did she still love him?
The girl closed the eyes and tilted her head to touch the top of his with a tip of a nose. Cal smelled with berries – a shampoo she bought him few days before the very first tour. Since that time she was always doing it, and Calum was always taking the black jar with blueberries on the cover with him. Funny, that smell reminded him of her. And to Y/N that smell reminded her of them. Them, being together, happy, in love.
"I love you," she whispered, feeling that sudden wave of affection after a long day and bitter argument that left a small but still a wound on the heart.
"I love you more," he whispered back and hid the face in a crotch of her neck, leaving then a short kiss on her skin. 
The touch was too familiar to give up on everything they went through. Calum knew he needed to keep in mind that the tour was going to be be different, as his girl was there. He needed to give Y/N time, as it wasn’t normal for her as for him, who has been performing since a young age.
"I know I didn’t give you the best tour experience so far," Cal whispered in her ear after a long silence. "But, please, let me try again."
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner, found the 1st one here @uservalentine & the 2nd one here @carriedawayfromhome –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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noowayybroo · 1 year
Bite Shift (Part 1) (ignore my bad names)
Characters: GN!Vampire!Reader, Corrupt Cop!Leon Kennedy
Warnings: Blood, Mentions of Assault + Violence, GN!Vampire!Reader, Corrupt Cop!Leon Kennedy. Mentions of / attempted non-con, biting n vampires n stuff (NSFW for violence's sake), Reader is AGAIN GN for purpose of inclusivity! None of the reader's age, job title, gender or appearances described also.
This fic is not for the faint of heart holy flip and Leon WILL get hurt in it. Leon is entirely inspired by @lipglossanon's Corrupt Cop Leon character and Character.ai Bot which are amazing n you should go look NOW!
In this fic, Our dirty little evil Leon will offer the reader a ride home (Out of the blackness in his heart), but instead of returning the Reader home, will attempt to have his way with them. Little does Leon know, the reader is a frickin' vampire, and absolutely makes him pay. I'm not a huge fan of Leon being anything but sweet, but here we get to make him pay!!! So rejoice!
I'm keeping this short as hell cuz I don't love the idea and I don't know what to do or how to take it seriously... Sorry!
It's 7:16pm (Oddly specific, I know) and you're making your way home along a main road by foot. It's been a busy day and everyone's seemed to have had some sort of issue, either with you or for you to resolve. You do love your job, you do, but waiting for it to get dark enough for you to head home without feeling uncomfortable under the sun's rays often gets... mundane.
The rain is pouring down through closely-knitted dark clouds, splattering heavily onto the road and pavement around you. This morning, much to your displeasure, the sky was bright and blue, not a speck of white nor grey against it. That leaves you, now, entirely unprepared. You hurry along the fairly busy road, holding the collar of your coat up firmly, trying to pull it to a close above your head with both hands. Otherwise, your mind is pleasantly empty, despite being preoccupied with your minor inconvenience.
The rhythm at which cars pass you on your 25 minute-or-so walk is comforting, and you often find yourself keeping tally of the quantities of each make you can see, or how many pass you, travelling in the same direction as you or otherwise. The drivers of each bicycle, motorcycle, car and lorry are fairly well-mannered, and whilst it has happened to you in the past, nobody's splashed you today... yet.
Admittedly, it'd have been nice to have brought an umbrella with you, for the sake of your own appearance and dignity. Overall though, it felt quite good to let yourself get swept up in the winds and drenched in the downpour after such an uneventful, samey day. You're around 10 minutes' walk from your home when you hear a car slow beside you. You worry for a second - perhaps it was someone looking for directions? Perhaps it was a mugging? (though it'd never happened to you, there was always the possibility.) Whatever it was, there were no turnings nearby, so it was certainly odd enough to notice by sound alone.
You turn on your heels and, depending on how you look at it, see something worse: A police car.
It looks brand new, as do the glittering blue eyes in the driver's seat, beaming back at you as his window rolls down. Inside the car seems to be a lone officer, pulled up quite close to the side of the road to let other traffic pass as he greets you. His long, silver hair is tousled across his face, lazily swept to the side of his young, seemingly innocent features. You wonder how he can focus on the road or on his work, having to flick or brush his mane from his view every few seconds, as he does before speaking:
"Heyy... I uhh.. I couldn't help but notice you walking alone in this rain, are you- do you need a lift? I can get the heaters on and we can warm you right up-", his voice is hesitant but determined, almost as though he's already decided on the outcome of this encounter. It strikes you as odd, to see a police officer patrolling these quiet roads at 7pm, but you don't mind him too much if he's keeping people safe. You stop, courteously, to hear him out and offer him a response.
"I'm alright, thanks. Just- uh... not long to go now!" You chirp reassuringly as rain dribbles down your face. You continue to walk, eager to get back home into the warm; into the dry. Whilst it may have been a little risky to be out here on your own, no attacker could be prepared for the means which you had to defend yourself, nor were you too weak to continue your walk, of which you'd already completed about 15 minutes.
The man seems taken aback somewhat, as if he'd entirely expected you to leap into his car, into his open arms, and allow him to take you wherever he'd pleased. His excitable eyes almost cutely rest on your figure, as your soggy clothes hug tightly to and weigh down on them, before he snaps himself out of his trance and gets back to pressing matters. Or rather, back to pressing you.
The low hum of his engine can be heard, as Leon begins to slowly roll alongside you, following you. His car is very close to you, probably to stay out of the way of the traffic in his lane, but it makes you feel slightly caged.
"It's absolutely pouring down, and you look like you're freezing", he persists, giving you another syrupy sweet smile. His voice has this eager edge to it; he really wants you to get in the car. You begin to have your suspicions about why he's so desperate. For a while you are silent as you keep walking alongside his car, thinking to yourself for a while about just how pure his intentions are, and what you might do about it if they're not. Meanwhile, Leon seems to be awaiting an answer. Of course, you don't yet know his name, which is suspicious, too, isn't it?
"Honestly, I don't want to trouble you sir.", you say, forcing a polite smile, although your slightly fearful and more so annoyed emotion shows in your raised brows and the twitch in the corner of your lips. "It's just about 5 minutes' down", you motion ahead vaguely.
Just when you think you've shook him, the officer's eyes light up - he's had an idea. You and Leon hadn't gotten off on the right foot, to say the least, and so you could only dread what his incessant mind had concocted. Meanwhile, you avoid eye contact, and continue to walk, picking up the pace slightly.
"Really?? I live that way too! I've just gotten off work, you see, and...", hm, sounds innocent enough, you think. "I'd hate for something to happen to you.", you hear him say, trailing behind you a little now as he leans from his window. Yep... There it was.
Whilst his voice is chirpy and innocent, his words certainly are not. They're laced with some kind of dark intention, or at least thoughts of such, and you find yourself wondering just what this man was up to. Seeing you being clearly quite taken-aback, Leon quickly spots his mistake and attempts to make amends: "I-I mean, I'm new on this job, right?? But the horrors- the things I've seen... There's... There's horrible people out there." He looks around, enacting scanning your surroundings for said 'horrible people', further trying to sell you his lie through his shaky voice.
All you can think of really is how easily someone else might've fallen for this, or been coerced into following the cop's orders. Here's where you become curious now: What exactly is he planning? Furthermore, how many people has he done this to? Were you his first? In truth, that would be very, very unfortunate for him. Would you be able to feed-
Your thoughts are abruptly halted has his car swerves in front of you, cutting you off as he stares at you through that window still. He's barely been able to take his eyes off of you. He's been studying you, examining you, he's trying to calculate how and when to pounce. His car has cut off your walk-way pretty definitely. If you want to get around him, it'll take about a minute of trudging up a grassy bank, or coming face to face with a relentless stream of cars. Knowing this, Leon looks victorious, he seems to think he's won.
What was his prize, though? At this point, you were quite disgusted by the man before you. Sure, he was cute, perhaps hot if you milked your imagination hard enough, but he was pressuring you, and perhaps others, and his intentions just seemed... off.
People who can't take 'no' for an answer...
You weren't sure if you were really planning to feed on him tonight, or if it was your curiosity and the slight burning rage growing within you, but you decided to hop on board. Slowly, reluctantly, you go to open Leon's front passenger door, leaving him gleefully grinning. You can almost read the "I did it, I actually did it!" on the front page of his mind. ...This as well as other thoughts he might be having as his eyes remain trained on you and your body as you climb in and remove your coat, leaving it on the floor before buckling up which earns you a giggle from him.
"It's alright, No worries about the coat" Leon smiles honestly, turning on his heating as promised to warm you up as he begins to drive again. He wears a warm smile as he continues down the road, giddy, like a child who's just stolen candy and gotten away with it. Behind that smile, there's something a little more black and calculating. He seems sly, proud of himself and disingenuous.
You look away, attempting to give him the silent treatment for the most part, signalling towards your clear discomfort. Even then, when you do steal glances at your 50/50 hero or captor, you avoid eye contact. As you sit there, arms folded, gazing out of your rain-besieged window, Leon attempts to make small-talk, including telling you his name: 'Officer Leon Kennedy', as he seemingly feels more confident now.
You do not wonder why.
Leon tells you he's going to continue down the road, and asks you to let him know if he needs to make a turning or pull over to get to yours. Once you've nodded in agreement, he asks you about your personal life, what job you work, whether you're studying, if you live with anyone, and how long you've lived in the area, for some examples. A lot of information for the short ride, but a lot of time's left for him due to the short, curt nature of your answers. You address him with a polite smile each time though and it works, he doesn't seem to mind.
He seems nice enough, you think as you watch your apartment approach over the horizon gradually. You prepare to let him know to stop.
Guess who just discovered the small text feature!! This guy!
I've noticed also a lot of RE fics are written in American English, with American English phrases! I'm not sure if you've figured, but I tend to have a more Bri'sh approach! I hope this is ok! &lt;3
Many thanks again for reading my nonsense! Ily! I decided to separate this in parts cuz I'm boutta go sleep and if any of you guys read this and like it maybe I can get a gauge if I should actually continue or not or how I should go about doing that
My plan ultimately for the next part is as follows:
-Reader tells Leon their stop is soon
-Leon says nothing n ignores Reader
-Leon drives reader to sussy quiet place
-Leon attempts to have way with Reader
-Reader absolutely does not take that for an answer
-Someone's neck gets nommed and let me tell you he won't be a happy boy
If you like this fic, PLEASE go and look at @lipglossanon Like 100% inspired by them + really good place to go if you like Leon trust me <3
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broodybuck · 9 months
Title: Shitty Boyfriend
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: E
Tags: 18+ explicit smut, consensual cheating, kitchen sex, toxic boyfriend Brock, protective Steve, neighbor, top Steve, bottom Bucky
"Brock, come on, let me back in."
Steve hears the sharp whispering from the hallway. He hears the repeated knocking next door.
"Please, come on. Seriously, Brock."
Steve opens his door and down the hallway, a man he doesn't recognize is standing in nothing but boxer briefs. He jumps when he sees Steve and tries to cower closer to the door, shielding himself.
But there's no hiding how good the guy looks. Steve is already admiring the broad expanse of smooth skin, the muscles tensing in his thighs, bulging in his back. Yum, Steve thinks.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks taking a step further into the hallway.
"Yeah, uh—" the man stammers but then the door in front of him opens and Steve's neighbor steps out.
Steve has never cared for Brock but before tonight he's never had a specific reason to pin him to.
"Hey man," Brock casually greets Steve, ignoring the half-naked man who was knocking on his door.
"Is everything alright here?" Steve asks.
"Oh yeah, we're just having some fun," Brock laughs but the brunette in front of him isn't smiling.
"Really?" the stranger hisses.
When the man tries to move inside, Brock blocks his way. Steve has the strong urge to intervene but he holds himself back. This doesn't feel like his place and the attractive man in his underwear is already uncomfortable as it is.
"It's just a game we play," Brock says, all smiles but they look fake. Brock wraps an arm around the other man. "Goodnight, Steve."
Steve watches Brock drag the man inside his apartment. The door closes and he hears heated arguing.
Two days later, Steve's getting on the elevator in his building when he runs into the attractive stranger again.
"Hey, it's you," Steve says.
When the man recognizes Steve, his face goes pink fast.
"Hey, uh..."
"I'm Steve."
"Bucky," the man says.
"Sorry about our awkward meeting the other night," Steve says with a friendly laugh.
"No, I'm sorry about that. Brock can be..." Bucky hesitates and Steve senses he doesn't want to finish that sentence.
"Hey, if you ever get locked out again, knock on my door. I'm usually home," Steve says.
Bucky's eyes widen slightly but then he nods.
To be honest, Steve wasn't expecting Bucky to ever take him up on his offer but he's more than thrilled when he finds Bucky on the other side of his door a week later.
"Hey, uh sorry. I know you said—"
"Come in," Steve interrupts, stepping aside to let Bucky in. He shuts the door behind him. "Are you okay?"
Steve looks him up and down.
"You're dressed this time."
"Yeah," Bucky chuckles shyly.
"That's a shame," Steve comments as he walks to his kitchen. "Water?"
He turns back to find Bucky wordless from his comment.
"I'll pour you a glass," Steve answers for him.
He walks over with the glass of water and hands it out to him.
"How long have you and Brock been together?" Steve questions.
Bucky chugs a few gulps of water before replying.
"Only a month."
"Very new then. Still going well?" Steve asks, he knows the answer but Bucky looks surprised by the question.
"I... don't know," Bucky says.
"It might not be my place," Steve says, "but if you want my opinion. I think you're too young and pretty to be wasting your time with a guy like that."
Bucky blinks in astonishment. Steve had a feeling it'd throw him a bit.
"Like what?" Bucky asks, even though he knows.
"A guy who doesn't know how to treat you right. I hope he's at least good in bed."
Bucky chokes on his next sip of water. He wipes his mouth quickly, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.
Steve smiles patiently at him.
"He's alright."
Steve's surprised by his honesty, but it only makes him smile wider.
"Well," Steve shrugs, "if you're ever dissatisfied, you can also knock on my door."
Bucky looks positively shocked. He stands for a moment. After a long beat, he manages to place the glass of water down on the kitchen island before he says, "actually, I am."
By the time he has Bucky bent over the counter with his pants around his ankles, they've stopped caring about the repeating knocks at his door. They've completely ignored the sound of Brock's voice demanding them to open the door.
Steve slides inside Bucky and even with how much he opened him up, Bucky's so tight it makes him groan wildly. Loud enough for Brock to hear. He kisses Bucky's back and then draws back to rocket into an easy, fast pace.
The sounds that begin falling out of Bucky are more than enough to tell Brock what's going on although the man already knows. Fuck it, Steve thinks, Bucky's never moaning for that guy again. He fucks Bucky harder.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Steve grits.
"Ahhgn," Bucky babbles.
"Bucky, seriously?" Brock's voice calls out again. He pounds on the door. "Open the door!"
Steve's holding on Bucky's hips, slamming his cock in and out of him as hard as Brock's fist is pounding on the door. Even the sound of their skin slapping is adding to the blend of filthy noises. Brock continues to yell and slam on the door but neither of them answers, they just keep fucking.
The hallway is quiet after they finish. Brock must've given up. They're panting over the kitchen island. Steve's got Bucky pressed against his chest while his come leaks out of him and mixes with Bucky's release on the tile floor.
"Fuck," Bucky huffs, "I might be knocking on your door a lot more often."
Steve laughs breathlessly and kisses Bucky's shoulder.
"That's fine with me, honey. More than fine with me if you never see your shitty boyfriend again."
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devils-wonderland · 2 years
Hello, hello, Devil!! I absolutely loved your scenarios for the "Pretending to be their Boyfriend" stuff (especially Azul's part). I thought your ideas were very interesting, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to do the same idea for Riddle and Lilia? Of course, you don't have to, but it'd be splendid if you did. Again, thanks for the great content. I hope you have an amazing day~
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"Pretending To Be His S/O"
⛓Summary: Uncomfortable situations lead to NRC boys asking for your help. You wouldn't mind pretending to be their partner for a while, right?
⛓CW: GN!Reader, a little angst on Riddle's part, Lilia being a gamer.
⛓Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Lilia Vanrouge.
⛓Notes: Thank you for requesting, and enjoying the previous part! I hope you enjoy this one just as much.
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⛓Riddle Rosehearts⛓
Riddle was filled with nerves, feelings indescribable inside of him. It turns out his mother had asked for a visit to the college, with news on her too. Yet again, is she disregarding everything her son has to say, and even worse, it's about his love life. Thankfully, she warned him about her visit, leading him to plan for her appearance.
She had suitress, and suitors picked out for him, but surely his own mother would understand if he had fallen in love with another, right? So the proper thing to do was ask you for help, as Riddle feels most comfortable around you, and very few others.
So now you're here, waiting in the garden, holding Riddle's shaky hands. "You alright?" You had to ask, the male nodded, hesitantly.
"I've went over what I wanted to say to her when she arrives, yes. Thank you for accompanying me today, y/n."
The thing is, Riddle's mother didn't want to hear anything he had to say, ignoring it completely. "Don't be silly, dear. I've picked carefully of who you want to be with-"
"I-I don't want to be with them..! Must you choose everything I do, can't I be happy?" Globs of tears fell down Riddle's cheeks, he couldn't keep himself composed whatsoever, not even around you.
"You're being selfish, we'll discuss this later." She wasted no time leaving her own son in agony. You couldn't believe this bullshit, Riddle wanted a fake partner? He was going to get one.
Leaving Riddle alone for a second, you marched to the magic mirror before his mother could leave, staring at her in disgust. "There will be no next time, he's made his decision."
"Excuse me?" The woman looked back at you, shocked by your words.
"You heard me the first time. You wonder why he doesn't open up to you more, huh? It's quite obvious, and if you're not willing to improve yourself for Riddle, you need to go kick rocks, you hag."
She couldn't get a word out, Crowley pushing her into the mirror before she could report this, or even complain to him about your behavior. You got one hell of a scolding, but it was worth it.
Meeting back with Riddle, you pulled him into a hug. You could feel his tears seep through your shirt. "How about we get some dessert? My treat, and you can choose whatever you want, maybe pick up a movie also." You comb your fingers through his red locks of hair.
"...I-I'd appreciate that." He sniffled, holding you tighter. Riddle couldn't thank you enough for being by his side right here now, and afterwards.
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⛓Lilia Vanrouge⛓
It was a horrible time to walk by the light music club, really. Especially when Lilia took notice to you right away, catching you before you could walk away faster. "You seem to be avoiding me, y/n." Lilia smirks, already walking side by side with you.
"Because I know you're gonna rope me into some trouble, like that one other time-"
"Knee hee, well now that you bring it up, I do need help with something...you wouldn't mind, no? I'll reward you greatly." Lilia already hooked his arm onto yours, dragging you all the way to his dorm.
There was a certain problem bugging Lilia for a while, with his gaming life. A player had been doting on him for a while now, obsessive really, but he didn't want to ruin the friendship he currently had with them, especially when it had gotten him buddy points in one of his favorite games.
"So you want me to tell them that I'm dating you? That's all?" Lilia nodded, shoving his mic into you.
"I know how charming I may come off, but it is getting to be a tad bit weird. They're online now, so all you need to do is speak into this microphone." The small male logs himself in, you stare blankly at his username.
"Fitting name if I do say so myself." No, you weren't going to comment any further. Grabbing the mic, you cleared your voice.
"Hey, PurpleCat14, I'm going to need you to stop hitting on my boyfriend, alright?" Lilia urged you to speak more, which made you roll your eyes. "Yeah, I know his name radiates 'Big Dick Energy', but I can assure you..." switching the mic off, Lilia pouted.
"You're no fun, teasing me like that." He leaned himself on top of you, basking in your tall figure. "But I did promise a reward for my hero, haven't I? How about you take me on a real date, y/n~?"
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trentsixtysix · 2 years
Trent angst request: one where Trent is the only guy you’ve been with sexually and then you guys go to a party of one of Trent’s old frmale friends together. And whilst you there she starts talking about how her and Trent were each other’s firsts and it makes you insecure bc you didn’t know so then you get mad at him and u can decide the rest. It doesn’t even have to end with fluff if u don’t want it to xx
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, oblivious Trent
Sorry this is so short I hope I did it justice!
Word Count: 1.6k
Angst, Fluff
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It had been a while since you and Trent had spent time together. Although you lived together and saw each other frequently it was rare for you both to appreciate each others presence recently.
Trent was focused on his games and you were focused with work, which is exactly why you were looking forward to spending both of your odd night off this week together, sat inside with a takeaway watching the new series you both promised to start.
Instead you found yourself stood in your shared closet, staring at yourself in the mirror as you wore a black midi dress, your hair curled and makeup perfected whilst you prepared for this party.
It annoyed you that you had to be there tonight, practically begging Trent to just stay home, telling him no one would necessarily miss you both too much.
'She's my mate Y/n.' He said, for what felt like the 1000th time whilst he fixed his pants, all while you sat down next to him staring him down in annoyance.
'And this mate is more important than us? Or me?' You asked, aware you were reaching slightly, but not understanding why he was so determined to attend.
'Don’t be like that, it's her birthday and we've not seen her in ages.' He reprimanded.
'I don't care, I've not seen you in ages.' You said, perched on the stool next to him.
'We go to bed with each other every night, you see me every morning, all day Y/n.' He said, rolling his eyes.
'And you're still not present, that's saying something!' You laughed.
'It's not worth arguing about, you can drag me to all of your friends' parties whenever you want.' He argued.
'That's different, my friends don't wanna fuck me, she clearly likes you.' You informed him.
'Of course they do, don't be ridiculous. And I’ve always been friends with her Y/n, when did you become so insecure?' Challenged Trent, getting on your last nerve now.
'When I found out my boyfriend had fucked half of Liverpool before I came along.' You mocked, taking into account the fact you'd had so many girls come over to you, telling you about how they'd been with Trent at some point or another back in the day, making you uncomfortable as Trent was the only person you'd slept with.
'Key word; before, I fuck you now and you seem to love it so what's the problem?'
'The problem is I'm not your priority, I'd rather do anything else than watch you flirt with your little girlfriend tonight.' You challenged.
'Do you hear yourself? If you don't wanna come then don't. I'm sick of your constant whining.' He suggested, grabbing his car keys as you got ready to go.
You were hurt at his words, but couldn't let him know it ever, you strutted off away from him, walking ahead as you speeded to the car, waiting outside for him to finally meet you there - there was no way you were gonna miss this party now.
He tried to converse with you in the car, but you weren't having any of it. You were visibly annoyed he had made you attend tonight knowing you didn't get on with her, not only ruining your time together but now ruining your mood and night with his harsh words.
'You wanna put some music on babe?' He asked, trying to be nice as he noticed your change in body language; you were turned away from him towards the window in the passenger seat as you held your hand on your head, over the night already before it'd even started.
He opted for the radio instead when he noticed you weren't in the mood and ignoring him, and finally pulled up to the restaurant where she was celebrating.
You felt more at ease seeing there were loads more guys there, as you knew she had a tendency to chase after yours specifically, thankful she had other options now.
'Trentski!' She exclaimed, rushing over to give him a hug, and you wished you could pull her to the ground right there.
'Happy birthday Lily.' He said, handing her a gift.
'This is from me and Y/n.' He said, lying as you both knew he picked and bought the gift, and you wouldn't know what to get her, even if you wanted to.
'Y/n thank you so much! So nice to see you, and I love the outfit, you're so brave!' She said, leaning in to kiss your cheek, and you couldn't believe the audacity she had to hand out that backhanded compliment.
You got seated next to Trent, and you had all finally ordered your food when the waiter came round, watching as she remained heavy in conversation with her other friends.
'You ok?' Whispered Trent, kissing your forehead, and from across the table you could see Lily shooting you both a glare.
'I'll survive.' You sarcastically said, suddenly feeling guilty as you felt your mood was ruining his night too.
After you guys had ate everyone had planned to go to the club, and you had loosened up a little after a glass of wine, not minding to meet everyone there.
Upon entering you saw everyone had got there before you, with the birthday girl grabbing your arm to take you to dance.
You weren't big on dancing infront of people, and only Trent truly knew what you could get up to when no one was there, but here you were dancing away with Lily, even though you never thought you would be.
'Look at you! Trent is one lucky man.' She said, giggling with you.
'I'm the lucky one! He's the best.' You told her, watching him from across the room as he sat shyly with some of his friends, gossiping.
'You're right, he's always been like that. He's such boyfriend material right? So glad you guys are together.' She explained, shooting you a wide smile.
'How would you know?' You asked, unsure if you heard her correctly, suddenly putting your dancing to a stop.
'Silly, from back when me and Trent used to date!' She revealed, noticing your rapid change in expression.
'Don't worry we were nothing serious.' She added, laughing.
'How serious was it then?' You questioned, and she definitely noticed you were now becoming annoyed, shocked as to why Trent had never told you they dated.
'Y/n, we just dated back and forth when we were younger, we were each others' firsts but we were so young it doesn't matter!' She laughed, adding more fuel to the fire.
You walked away from her, heading towards Trent, and he could see from a mile away you were not happy, signalling for his friends next to him to give you guys some space.
'Give me the keys.' You demanded, holding your hand out to him.
He placed them in your hands, before you began to storm out of the club, walking into the carpark, with him following closely behind.
'Woah Y/n what's up?' He asked, gently grabbing ahold of you to face him.
'I'm driving home, call yourself a taxi or get your girlfriend to drop you home when you decide you wanna come back to me.' You snapped.
'Y/n what are you on about now?' He questioned, following you closely still.
'Do you think I'm an idiot Trent? This is why you've been so adamant on coming to her party? You guys used to be together!' You shouted, unlocking the car.
'Woah woah, did she tell you that?' He asked, watching you lose patience, getting into the driver's seat.
He stepped into the car with you, seating himself in the passenger to avoid you driving away.
'Is it true?' You grilled.
'Yes but-.'
'So why wouldn't you tell me? This doesn't look good for you Trent.' You scoffed.
'Because I knew you'd overreact and make a scene like this Y/n!' He shouted, silencing you.
'Can you not see why I am upset?' You said, suddenly teary eyed.
'Don't do that, don't cry. She's a friend Y/n nothing more.' He explained, wiping your face.
'You lost your virginities to each other? Clearly there's gotta be some sort of feeling there?' You muttered.
'Not at all, it's in the past.'
'I'm sorry. It's just not the first time this has happened Trent, everywhere I go I have girls telling me about you in bed, and I've only been with you.'
'It makes me insecure, knowing you've probably had better than me.' You explained, realising you were being a little irrational before.
'You're joking. You're the best I've ever had Y/n, the best I'll ever have.' He told you, making you feel a lot better.
'You've got no reason to be insecure, I've not had better than you before.' Added Trent, making you smile.
'But that doesn't explain why you're so keen on going to her party, seeing her again when you know she's not the nicest to me.' You said.
'I'm not, our parents are friends and I have to play nice. I'm sorry if I haven't noticed it before.' He apologised, placing a kiss on your cheek.
'Whatever, it's probably me overreacting again.' You said, pettily unbuckling your seatbelt as you prepared to go back inside.
'No. I'm done with this party, let's go home and watch TV all night, yeah?' He proposed.
'You sure? Or are you sick of my whining?' You said, mocking him.
'I could listen to your whining for the rest of my life baby.' He replied, kissing you again. 'I love you Y/n, only you.'
'And you agree I'm the sexiest, best girl you've ever been with?' You bantered, chuckling.
'Oh 100%...but if you want we can test that statement again.' He winked, making you laugh, as you got into the passenger seat to allow him to drive, being too tired tonight and wanting to make up, but making sure you'd let him hear the rest of your thoughts another night for sure..
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Caved In
Kaeya finds himself in a difficult situation
FTM!Kaeya x Top!Male Reader
From: Let's Go Public! (Series)
Warnings: Non-Con, Sexual Harassment, Semi-Public Sex, Virginity, Corruption, Face Fucking, Daddy Kink, Fingering/Fingerfucking
Words: 1,364
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You grab hold of Kaeya and put your hand over his mouth. "It'd be in your best interest to stop struggling."
"Unless you want to fight those lawachurls all on your own, don't make a sound and follow me. Got it?" There was an abnormal amount of stonehide lawachurls roaming around the area and you didn't want to go through the trouble of fighting them.
Kaeya nods. He assumed you were a good person if you were going out of your way to save him. You let go of him and lead him to your camp. It was a cave covered by a large rock.
Kaeya's surprised to see you lift it up and move it out of the way.
"Come in." You say. Kaeya quickly walks into the cave, intimidated by your strength. He sits on a log and waits for you. You cover the cave back up and go towards him, using your pyro vision to give you sight.
You light the campfire and sit next to Kaeya.
"You're Calvary Captain Kaeya, correct?"
"Yeah." He nods. "You recognize me?"
"How could I not. Long way from home aren't you?"
"I just felt like I should get out more often." He shrugs.
"I get it. Adventuring is sort of healing." You turn your body towards him. "You're much prettier in person, I've only seen you in pictures."
"Is that so?" Kaeya attempts to maintain composure.
"You've got beautiful blue hair." You run your hand through his hair. "A great body as well. I bet you've got tons of people drooling over you." You look at his cleavage for a moment to long, causing him to become uncomfortable.
"Not really." Kaeya tries to lean away from you. Your finger brushes his cheek briefly, you noticed his face was extremely warm.
"That's a surprise. I don't know how anyone could ignore how gorgeous you are." You move your hand to rub his thigh.
"Please don't..." He frowns.
"Why not? Don't you like it?" You tilt your head.
He shakes his head. "I don't. Please stop."
"Alright." Your hand makes its way towards his crotch.
His eyes widen and he stands up abruptly. "I think I'll take my leave now." He walks to the boulder.
"The lawachurls are still out there you know? They won't leave for hours." You walk up behind him. "Unless you want to get killed by them, be my guest."
Kaeya frowns. "Please, please don't anything to me."
"Why are you so guarded?" You wrap your arms around him, his ass flush against your crotch. "Don't tell me the Calvary Captain's a virgin."
"I don't see how that's important." He avoids answering.
"So you are. Good to know~" You sing, moving your hand into his pants. "You at least touch yourself, right?" Your fingers were rubbing against his bottom growth.
"St~ stop~" He slaps your arm desperately.
"Yeesh, you're a defiant one." You move your hand out of his pants and dig into your pockets. Kaeya's sense of relief is taken away when you move his hands behind his back and tie them together with rope.
You cover his mouth before he can say anything. "Don't yell, they'll hear you." You remove your hand and pull his pants down.
"I'm serious, stop!" He tries to stab you with an ice shard but it melts on contact.
"Don't bother using your vision love. Just relax, okay?" You rip his panties off and stuff them into his mouth. "You're better when you don't fight back."
Kaeya spits it out. "You're a sick fuck."
"Tell me more." You nibble on his ear, slipping two fingers inside his pussy and start fucking him with them.
"Y- you can- hnngh~ rot in hell!"
"I love when you talk dirty to me baby." You joke, kissing his ear.
"Bast- bastard." He growls.
"Since you're a virgin, maybe I should do your ass instead?" You pull your fingers out and tease the outside of his ass hole.
"No! Don't!"
"Beg for me." You smile mischievously. "Tell me you want me to fuck your pussy instead."
Kaeya hesitates. He knows it'll hurt more in the ass so he doesn't have much of a choice. "I want...I want you to fuck my pussy, please."
"Oh Kaeya.." You breathe out, taking your hard cock out. "Gonna let me fuck you now, hm?"
Kaeya shivers at your change in tone. "Y- yes.."
You grin and lift his thigh up to get a better angle to fuck him. "Wish I had a mirror to see your face right now."
He was glad you didn't. There's no way he could've handled seeing himself get his virginity taken in the most unideal situation possible.
You line your dick up with his cunt and lower him down.
"Mm-" Kaeya bites his lip, tears spilling as his pussy stretches to make room for your thick cock. "Hurts- it hurts, sir, please."
"Just a little more." You move him further down.
Kaeya whimpers as he fully envelops your dick.
"Mm~ good job baby. Taking daddy's cock like the good boy you are." You kiss his neck.
"I'm not...not your good boy..."
"You wanna be a bad boy instead?" You smirk. "You know what that means, right? Bad boys get punished." You tease his hole again, pretending that you'll put a finger in.
"Don't! I- I'll be...I'll be a good boy, okay? Just stop that..." He says, embarrassed.
"You're so obedient when you need to be, huh?" You move your hand away, going for his bottom growth instead.
While he's distracted by the pleasure, you take the opportunity to thrust into him.
"Ah~!" He moans in surprise. "Wa- wait-"
Still playing with his dicklit, you fuck into him mercilessly. He throws his head back, leaning onto your shoulder as he's clearly getting closer to an orgasm.
"Come for me." You force him into a kiss, Kaeya wasn't reciprocating in the slightest. However, he did comply to your command. Whether willingly or not.
"Such a good boy," You smile. "Listening to daddy's orders."
"You're- hnng- disgusting!" His face scrunches up.
"I know." You pick up Kaeya's other leg and thrust into him even harder than before.
"Fuck~!" He moans loudly. "Slow- slow down~!"
"You feel too good baby~"
"Aah~! No~!" He rests his head on your shoulder again, tears falling from his eyes.
You lick up his tears, making him cry even harder. "I'm close-"
"Pull out~!"
"Gonna swallow it?"
"Nngh- No!"
"Then just take it."
"Wait- Okay~!"
You sigh but pull out anyway. You set him gently on the floor.
"C'mon, drink up." You guide him to your dick. Kaeya begrudgingly opens his mouth and sucks you off.
"Like that- fuck." You thrust into his mouth. "Don't waste any." You say before unloading into his mouth.
His face crinkles in disgust as he tries not to gag from the bitter taste. "You happy now?"
"Not yet." You push him onto the ground. "Two more rounds at least."
He looks at you in horror. "No way! I can't let that thing in me again!"
"It should be easier the second time. Don't stress." You pick up his legs and gently ease into him.
"How can I- hnn- not?! It almost- fuck- split me open last time!"
"Your words only make me more eager." You bottom out inside him.
"Hngh- Every wor- word I say tur- turns mm~ you on!"
"Exactly, so keep talking baby." You roll your hips, fucking into him.
Kaeya shuts his mouth, not wanting to indulge you.
"You're so cute, Kae." You give him a quick peck on the lips.
He furrows his eyebrows, upset that he still managed to get you aroused. It doesn't matter what he does, it'll turn you on regardless.
And it even started to feel good.
"Aah~!" Kaeya moans. "Slo- slow down~~!"
"Do you really want me to slow down?" You smirk.
"Fuh- fuck~! Co- coming~!" Kaeya cries out, shaking as he comes. "Mm~ Don't- don't slow down~!"
Kaeya finally lets loose, crying and begging for more. You broke him, the only thing he wants is you and your cock.
He's your whore now.
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silverynight · 1 year
Maid cafe for pro heroes
If he's being honest, the job is definitely not that bad. The pay is excellent and he gets to meet pro heroes all the time. The only thing Izuku doesn't enjoy that much is wearing that maid outfit, not because of the outfit itself, it's not uncomfortable and he might even say it's cute, but Izuku is sure he looks ridiculous in it.
Besides, for some reason the outfit he was given is shorter than the others and the stockings are a little bit too tight for his legs. However, his boss has told him she can't give him another one, she even insists that's the perfect one for him.
After a few weeks, he starts getting used to it...
Besides, the pro heroes who stay at the cafe always tell him he looks good; they seem to like the maid outfit for some reason.
Of course, not everything is perfect, as he realizes one day in which the only pro hero he was afraid to see walks right inside with a couple of other heroes he recognizes immediately.
He thinks about leaving them to one of his co-workers, but it seems he's the only one free at the moment and he's pretty sure Pinky spots him almost immediately (she's been there a couple of times already).
"Don't make that face, Blasty!" She chuckles. "You're gonna love this place. Oh, Midoriya!"
Izuku decides to pretend he doesn't recognize Dynamight, like he doesn't remember he was his childhood friend until he started ignoring him and sometimes push him around when he was with the other kids. No, he definitely doesn't remember the day he had to move out or that, for some reason, Katsuki was absolutely furious with him that day. Izuku never understood that.
"Welcome to the maid cafe for pro heroes!" He smiles, as he purposely ignores Katsuki, who suddenly gasps as soon as he sees him. "It's nice to see you again, Ashido-sama."
Pinky looks absolutely pleased and proceeds to introduce him to her friends...
"It's nice to see you too, pretty!" She grins before glancing at the others and rolling her eyes at the one with yellow hair. "The one drooling is Kaminari Denki..."
"I'm not drooling!"
"Then there's Kirishima Eijiro," she continues as if Kaminari didn't say a thing. "And last, but not least is–"
"De... Izuku?"
Oh no... Of course he remembers him.
"It's been a while, Bakugo-sama..." Izuku mumbles, finally turning around to look at him; Katsuki grimaces as soon as he hears his last name coming from his lips.
"I need to speak to you for a moment," Katsuki says, rising from his seat. He's grown so tall now, Izuku feels tiny compared to him, although he's glad he's not wearing his hero suit, otherwise he'd look more intimidating.
"O-Okay," he mumbles, leading him outside. One of his co-workers looks at him with concern, but he assures him everything's alright with a gesture of his hand.
Then as soon as they're outside, Dynamight, the number one hero, bows in front of him, cheeks slightly pink as he looks into Izuku's eyes.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you when we were young. You didn't deserve to be treated that way. I'm... I hope you can forgive me... Please."
There's no pride in his voice, in fact, Katsuki sounds sincere and almost desperate as he asks for Izuku's forgiveness.
He has truly changed.
Izuku smiles up at him before touching his cheek and Katsuki closes his eyes as he leans completely into it.
"Of course I forgive you, Bakugo–"
"Please... Don't call me that," Katsuki grimaces again. "It doesn't sound right coming from you."
"Then how..."
"You can use the nickname you used to call me when we were kids..." Katsuki mumbles, blushing even more. "I don't mind."
"Kacchan? Are you sure?"
Katsuki nods and Izuku can't help but giggle.
"Okay... If that's what you want."
"Can I keep calling you Izuku?"
It sounds intimate, but he admits it'd be weird to hear Katsuki calling him by his last name.
"It's fine. Now we should go back inside, I'm working after all..."
"Wait," Katsuki grabs his hand to stop him, although he's very gentle. He starts nervously rubbing the back of his neck as the blush comes back to his cheeks. "I just wanted to say... You look pretty."
"Oh, thanks!" Izuku tries to stop himself from turning red, but he knows it's useless.
Instead, he decides to go back inside.
Katsuki's friends are looking at them with curiosity and Izuku knows everything can turn into a false rumor these days so he decides to explain them a little. Then it'll be up to Katsuki if he wants to tell them the rest or not.
"We're childhood friends," he says, to which Ashido's grin only becomes wide. "We were catching up."
"You never mentioned him before, Blasty. Did you want to keep him to yourself?" Kaminari complains before smiling at Izuku. "You are really beau–"
"OI!" Katsuki growls. It seems they're used to it, because none of them seem scared, although Kaminari stops smiling. "Don't try that bullshit on him!"
"What do you mean?" The other pro hero looks almost outraged.
"You know his flirting is harmless, Blasty! Unless you have a personal reason to–"
"Don't mind them, Midoriya!" Kirishima cuts Ashido off at the same time he pushes Katsuki back on his seat before he can "hurt" Ashido. Although he keeps snarling at her. "I think we're ready to order!"
Even though Katsuki keeps looking at him, especially at his outfit, he doesn't say that much, although Izuku finds him glaring at his friends every time he comes back from the kitchen with more food.
However, Katsuki stays behind as the other pro heroes get out of the place.
"It was nice to see you again," he says, prompting Izuku to smile at him. "I'll... be in touch."
Despite his words, Izuku doesn't expect to see him again, at least not soon, although he's certainly glad he got to talk to him after all those years.
"Goodbye, Kacchan."
Katsuki comes back the next day, alone. It's early in the morning and he's wearing his hero suit which means he's going to go to work.
Instead of sitting at one of the tables, he approaches Izuku.
"Good morning, nerd," he mumbles, looking a little bit nervous. "I'd like a... cup of coffee."
"Of course. I'll be right back!"
He doesn't speak that much, he just stays until he finishes his cup and thanks Izuku for it before leaving.
Katsuki comes back every day; he always approaches Izuku first and sometimes tells him something about the outfit he's wearing, he always wears the maid one, but every now and then his boss asks everyone to wear something extra.
That day he's wearing a headband with bunny ears that make Katsuki chuckle; he's probably making fun of Izuku, but it's not usual to see him laugh so Izuku doesn't mind.
"I always thought you were like a bunny," Katsuki grins. "They look good on you."
"Thanks," Izuku blushes, feeling the pro hero's eyes still on him. Although it seems like there's a fond expression on his face. "The usual?"
"Yes, please."
One afternoon, Ashido comes back alone. As soon as her eyes meet Izuku's she starts grinning from ear to ear, which is not usually a good sign.
"So... Blasty," she comments immediately like she's talking about the weather. "How often does he come here?"
"Everyday," Izuku tells her, although he gets a little bit flustered when the smile on her face becomes wider somehow. "He loves our coffee!"
Ashido rolls her eyes and looks like she wants to slam her own head against the table, but fortunately she doesn't.
"My sweet Midoriya, let me tell you something... The thing Bakugo loves, the reason he's here everyday, is not the coffee. He comes here to see you, because he's in love with you."
Izuku can feel the blush on his cheeks, his face must be bright red at the moment...
"I don't think–"
"It's true... You just need to pay attention."
"Are you r-ready to order?" Izuku is really nervous now and doesn't know what else to say.
Ashido sighs, but at least doesn't insist.
"Just think about it."
Katsuki doesn't come in the morning and Izuku starts worrying about him.
"Hey, Midoriya," one of his co-workers puts a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him. "Your hero is going to be fine. He's the number one, isn't he?"
"Yes, he is," Izuku tries to smile at her. He doesn't tell her Dynamight is not his because he's honestly too concerned to say anything else.
Fortunately, Katsuki comes later that day, but Izuku's worry only grows as he notices the cuts on his cheeks and arms. Part of his hero suit has been torn apart, although not too much.
"Are you alright?" He asks immediately, running directly towards him.
"These are just scratches, nerd!"
Instead of smiling back, Izuku narrows his eyes at him, grabs his arm and leads him to the table in the farthest corner.
Without saying anything else, he runs towards the kitchen and comes back with a first aid kit.
"I'm not–"
Izuku stops Katsuki's protests with a look and starts patching him up. Only when Izuku makes sure Katsuki's wounds have been taken care of he smiles again.
"There you go!"
"Thank you," the pro hero mumbles, almost shyly.
"You're welcome, now I'm just going to get this back in–" Izuku can't finish because Katsuki pulls him by the skirt and makes him sit on his lap. "Wait, I–"
"I need to tell you something," Katsuki cuts him off, staring into his eyes. He probably has noticed the pink color all over Izuku's cheeks.
"But Kacchan..."
"Please, it's important."
Only when he notices the pleading look in his eyes, Izuku decides to let him speak.
"Not that this excuses my behavior, but I need you to understand why I yelled at you the day you left," Katsuki says before taking a deep breath. "I didn't know how to deal with my feelings back then and used anger to try to control them. I just... I didn't want you to leave me. I knew I was going to miss you and I did..."
"But I thought you hated me..."
"I know that and I'm sorry," Katsuki whispers before cupping Izuku's face. From that distance it looks like the pro hero is about to cry. "I was an idiot... When we were close, the other kids started making fun of me for that and I panicked, so I started pushing you away to prove to them I didn't care... I... This is not an excuse and I'm deeply sorry for what I did, I wish I wasn't such an idiot and–"
"You already apologized for that," Izuku cuts him off, leaning closer to him. His heart is beating inside his chest like crazy, but he tries to ignore it.
"I just needed you to know that I loved you back then," Katsuki blurts out, much to Izuku's surprise. "And meeting you again made me realize that I never stopped loving you."
Izuku starts sobbing, he can't stop the tears sliding from his eyes, but Katsuki quickly begins to wipe them off with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset... I just needed you to know, Izuku. I understand if you don't want to–"
Izuku shuts him up with a kiss on the lips, remembering that they're still in the cafe and that he could get fired for that but he doesn't care at the moment.
Katsuki's hopeful smile is worth it.
"I want to take you out on a date."
"I'd like that, Kacchan."
Katsuki leans closer to initiate another kiss that takes Izuku's breath away. Fortunately, one of Izuku's co-workers stop them before they take things too far.
"I'll see you tonight, nerd."
"I can't wait!"
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a-friend-of-mara · 3 months
Hey uh
I'm leaving my mask at the door for a minute
If you enjoy the image of myself I put forward, the happy cheery autistic trans girl who doesn't dwell on her issues
Please just ignore this post
If you are uncomfortable with mentions of self harm, talking about non prescription drug addiction, suicide rates of trans kids
Please just go
I say my biggest fear is that I'll be forgotten
It's easier than saying that I'm scared to death of myself
I'm worried I'll give up on life and stop eating... considering I can't gain or maintain weight I'd have a week before I was dead at the most
I'm afraid that I'll give up trying to look like the person I want to be rather than being stuck, trapped in a body that isn't mine but I'm wired up to like some sick torture method
I don't want to fall into drug use or self harm hoping that it'd pull me out of this pit of self hatred and hopelessness
I don't wanna be another tally mark on the trans suicide charts
I don't wanna die
I feel like I'm suffocating
That I can't move my legs... only the ones attached to me
I don't even know if I matter at this point
I just
I wanna be me
Not some false image that I was born with
Nobody understands how it is for me
My dad almost killed me with th fact he understood so little he put me into survival mode where I cared about nothing but staying alive because of how much damage his insistence that my body was in fact his son and not the cage that trapped his daughter
He used to have twins now he just has one kid with her twin sister... my sister
Now I live with my mom who doesn't understand, how could she? She's never wanted to tear her skin off because it wasn't hers... she understands how much I hurt though
She's able to see through my mask that I'm really suffering inside
Without her yall wouldn't have ever known I existed
You would've heard a news article of a trans kid who killed herself by diving off the balcony at her school although the media would misgender me.
I've almost done it
Sitting on the edge of a lethal drop fighting with myself to not do it
Not sure if I was lying when i told myself things would get better
I'm not sure if they are
Everything just keeps getting worse and worse
I can't even cry anymore
I don't care about so many things that I used to
I used to love
Then I was heartbroken
I used to care for my friends
Until I moved away
I used to enjoy helping others
Now I'm so tired I can't
It's kinda funny
How part of me thinks it's all my fault
How I'm not sure if it's something I did
But then I have to think
What could I possibly have done that'd make this torment justified?
How can any higher power exist when I've prayed to every God and Goddess I've ever learned of and not once has a goddam thing happened
How would a higher power let the world get this fucked up
Fuckin hell
My trans siblings are getting murdered for being themselves
Innocent people who live in unfortunate places are being killed because of stupid ass reasons
Fucking hell in America most people aren't free enough to take a month off work without becoming homeless
Decades of prejudice make people think women are weak and need defending but don't pay them well because... fuckin I don't know why!
It's pathetic that men get away with rape while women get away with false rape accusations usually destroying every relationship the man ever cared about
People look at others and treat them differently based on the color of their skin
What for?!
The privilege to go through 12 to 20 years of school to earn the right to have to work a job I'll probably hate until I'm like 60?!
Right now I'm pretty sure my life is gonna end before I reach 30!
What's the fuckin point?!
America for fucks sake
The land of the free
Yeah free to work or die because the 0.01% run the fucking nation like their playground
People wonder why I've responded to hostility with hostility in the last 3 years
I've bottled my emotions for so long the bottles are all full
Yelling and ranting always make me feel a little better
If anyone comments on this negatively I hope you die in a vat of boiling vinegar and drown in the yolks of rotten eggs
That goes for all the phobic people too
If you made it through this whole essay sized emotional breakdown and don't think I'm a complaining winey bitch
I can only say I wish the world was made of more people like you
Time for sleep
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wrenreid · 2 years
Just Acting
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18+ content, all chapters in masterlist
Chapter Nine
It's been two weeks since you and Jordan started seeing each other. You've gone on a few lowkey dates when you both could manage the time. He's a good guy.
Work has been keeping you busy, so today you're going to see each other for the first time in a few days. Your plans are to watch a movie or two and just kind of chill in your apartment.
You get into a pair of leggings and a fairly nice top. You wear your white sneakers too, even though you're going to be inside. You're not comfortable enough with each other to be in your normal home attire loungewear.
After starting the coffee pot, you brush your teeth for obvious reasons and make sure your light makeup looks alright.
A knock at your door makes your heart pound faster. This is the first time Jordan will be in your apartment. Why is every first so weird?
You open the door with a smile, he leans in giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Hey! I brought popcorn."
You chuckle. "Oh good. I have coffee."
He smiles again. You ask him how he wants the coffee, and you fix it quickly then take a seat next to him on the couch. The lights are off, the sun setting outside is the only source of light aside from the tv.
He sips his coffee as you press play on the movie. The two of you had decided on watching The Hunger Games, because a romance movie didn't sound right.
The two of you eat the popcorn and drink your coffee in a slightly uncomfortable silence. It's been a while since you've done this whole dating thing.
Boldly, you turn his face towards you with your right hand and lean in. If you're not going to talk, you might as well make out. Your mouth moves against his slowly. Neither of you are paying attention to the game of survival happening on the screen.
You lean back against the couch, causing him to be hovering above you. When you pull away for air, he doesn't lean back in. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Oh now he wants to talk.
"Sure, go ahead."
"I think we should take things slow."
Slower than we're already going? Granny speed??
"Oh... alright." You say questioningly.
"I just mean, I don't want to ruin this. You're really cool, and I think if we just let it happen when it happen, it'd be nice."
You sit up, "Okay. Sure."
You're not mad or upset about this, but he says this in the middle of making out? It's not like you were asking for sex, you wouldn't be complaining if it happened, but that's not what you were doing. Maybe he's just new to this, and he's scared. Which is kind of sweet, but he was the one trying to fuck you on the first date wasn’t he?
The two of you continue to watch the movie, neither of you even looking at each other. When the credits start rolling in, he turns around and says, "I should get going. I have work early."
"Okay, no problem. See you later?” He asks, and you nod.
You kiss goodbye and plop on the couch when he's gone. That just seemed kinda weird. Everything was going good, and now it's just a little off. Maybe it's just in your head. You’re not the best at relationships anyway.
"Y/n! Y/n!" Aisha and AJ come knocking on your trailer door. Before you even have the chance to open it, they come in.
"Oh my God, what?" You look up at the two women.
"We have news."
"Unless somebody is dead, I'm now rich, or Elvis is coming on the show I don't particularly care at this moment,” you say honestly. You were going through lines and answering some important emails with casting directors and your manager.
"Well neither of those things are happening, butttt we're going on a cast trip this weekend and you are coming."
"A cast trip?" Your eyebrows raise.
"Yes. Joe invited us all to his giant ass lake house," Aisha says.
"It's a weekend away from kids, technology, and anything that isn't fun!" AJ says excitedly.
"Is Matthew going to be there?"
They both nod.
"Then it's not a weekend away from kids,” you say bluntly.
"Oh come on. You have to go. You can stay with one of us and completely ignore him,” Aisha tells you.
"Tempting.... But I have an audition on Tuesday and I need to rehearse."
"You'll have plenty of time," AJ assures.
"And You have no choice." Aisha says.
You exhale loudly. "Fine. I'll go."
A weekend trip? Sounds nice enough. And if you avoid Gubler at any chance you can, it'll be even better. It could be good for you to leave LA for a bit, go on an end of summer get away from the city of angels. Which is more like the city of crime and traffic.
You've convinced yourself this will be a good thing. The weather will be nice since September is nearing its end, and the water will feel great. Yes. This will be good.
You hurry into hair and makeup and get ready for the next scene. Wardrobe as picked out a nice pants suit for you today, it's blue and just the right mixture of girly and classy. You wear a black crop top under it that barely shows any skin because of the high waisted pants. Black heels tie the whole look together.
"Hello Ms Reign, Jenna Bailey."  Delilah's new assistant shakes her hand. It's her first day on the job; she's fairly young, maybe 2 years younger than Delilah herself.
"Oh yes. Nice to meet you in person," Delilah offers her a smile. She had her assistant manager interview possible assistants while she was in meetings.
"Thank you for offering me the job. What do I need to do first?"
Delilah likes someone eager to get to work. She gives her a polite grin. "Actually can you give this stack of papers to Jaycee there behind the desk."
"Yes ma'am." Jenna takes the pile of papers and hands them to the receptionist.
"I'll tell you if I need anything else. There's coffee in the lobby, and if you need anything ask me or Jaycee."
"Will do," she smiles and heads to get a cup of coffee.
A few hours later:
"Is there anyway you can get off work right now?"
A text chimes to her phone.
"Yeah I suppose. Why what's up?"
She replies.
"I'm outside of your building."
"Come on! Let's go do something."
Delilah rolls her eyes with a smile, and heads out of her office, through the lobby, and out onto the side walk.
"What are we doing, Mr Genius?"
"Oh don't call me that, makes me sound like an old man. ‘Dr. Spencer Reid, Genius’ will do."
She gets in the car and punches his arm playfully. He laughs, shaking his head and begins to drive.
"You never said what we're doing."
"It's a surprise."
"Sorta," he shrugs.
Not too long after, Spencer pulls into a gravel pathway.
"There's a really pretty river up here. I like the waterfall."
He leads her to the water, her hand in his.
"It is pretty," Delilah smiles.
"I just thought you could use a break from work stuff and enjoy the quiet. I'll even not talk about random things so you can relax."
"I like when you talk about random things."
"You do?" His eyes perk up.
"Of course I do,” she smiles up at him.
The two sit down a few feet in front of the water and listen to the sounds of peace, away from the city and honking car horns.
Delilah leans her head on Spencer's shoulder. He pulls her in closer by the waist, planting a kiss on her forehead. "It's nice, right?"
"Very nice. Thank you, Spencer."
"You're welcome," he beams proudly.
Matthew surprisingly doesn't say any snarky or obnoxious remark after the scene. He doesn't say anything in fact. Strange, peaceful, but strange.
You get dressed in your normal Y/n clothes, and head back to your apartment. That was the last scene of the day. You're not needed again in this episode until tomorrow night for a quick scene. (that shan't be revealed yet.)
You decide to have Jess come over for a bit to hang out since you haven't seen her in a while. You guys talk for a bit about your love lives and drink wine. You tell her about the upcoming lake trip, and she wiggles her eyebrows.
"How does Jordan feel about that?"
"I'm not sure. I'll tell him later. It's not like we're official official or anything so..."
"Right. Right."
You down the rest of your wine glass and gush about Jess and Jacklyn.
"I'm glad you've got a good one, J."
"Me too, love." She smiles.
chapter ten
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here <3
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hiyoir · 2 years
since your reqs are also open may as well shoot my shot given i had this idea in my mind for a while and you also seem to like souma so...
what about a yan!kanata with a darling who has a crush on souma? kanata and the reader could be best friends or generally close、so they know him and souma are friends and proceed to ask kanata on help how to confess to souma、unaware of a certain's feelings~~ not a good time for him to be such a mysterious fish ;; gn reader please! it can also derive into nsfw if you feel like it♡
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Synopsis: Kanata originally had a plan to talk to you and Souma to catch up with things, but your sudden question sparked an odd resort to Kanata.
A/N: im so SLEEPYLYPP anhways im so zorry this got sent out late.. i wasnt feeling wel yada yada im gonna snooze gn
Cw/s: Unconsensual kissing, a bit of grinding, getting walked in on.
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"You… Like Kanzaki-kun…?" Kanata tilts his head, blinking twice to show confusion. You tilt your head back as you were confused on why Kanata acted this way. He knew you two were close, but the sudden shock at the news made you slightly anxious. Was this the wrong time to bring this topic up?
"Yes…? Is something wrong, Kanata?" You asked Kanata, a hint of worry in your voice. He sighed, walking closer towards you. He grinned ear to ear when he grabbed your hand.
A small shriek escaped your mouth as his surprisingly firm grip on your hand dragged your feet from the hallways to an empty classroom. When he pushed you inside, the door slid shut.
"Wait— What's the meaning of all of this…?!" The look of confusion painted on your face excited Kanata more than it should. His hand lunges for your neck as he pulls you in for a kiss. A very painful and uncomfortable kiss.
Teeth clashed with one another as you try to retract from the painful mess you've gotten yourself in. However the more you struggled, the more Kanata choked you. As his grip on your neck loosened, his free hand firmly grabbed your shoulder. Once having you secured in place, his hand once on your neck is now on your chest, his fingers wiggling to touch your chest from the open bits of cloth of your buttoned uniform. You gasped in the kiss, giving Kanata the opportunity to sneak his tongue into this uncomfortable kiss.
With every struggle, he only stepped on your foot to fiercely make love with your lips. It went on for so long, tears began to well up in your eyes from the unwanted pleasure. Your back arched at the cabinet near the windows. Anyone could see Kanata ferociously making love to you, anyone. And it scared you to your core. He was practically grinding himself against your soft thigh which was the breaking point for you. As you were about to bite Kanata's tongue, the worst had happened when the classroom door swung open.
"Hey, (Name), you said you— Shinkai?!" After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulls away from the kiss. Your lips were swollen and sore. Kanata smiles, waving at Souma.
"Hello, Souumaaa~" He chuckles, completely ignoring the fact he just assaulted you. "I'm sorry, me and my partner are just having a bit of fun…♪"
Your eyes widened as the puzzles clicked in your head. He was keeping you busy so when Souma walked in on you, it'd seem like something completely different.
"Oh...I apologize deeply. However, you shouldn't be doing this on school grounds, you might get caught."
"Mmmhmm~ Thank you for your concern, Souumaaa…" He smiles, his smile concerningly fake.
"Is it fine if we talk after school…? I wanted to have a chat with you and (name), but my beloved darling here got bored…" Kanata smiles, nuzzling his nose against yours.
"Oh…! Yes, sure. I'll get going for now…" Souma bows as an apology before leaving. As the door slid shut, you shot up from your position. A million questions flooded your brain, but you only managed to mutter out one.
"What are you going to do to Souma?"
"Ooh…♪ That… Is a secret! You needn't worry, (Name)."
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