#alex also has that ‘nerds rule’ shirt and the shirt he was wearing the other night
candysweetposts · 2 years
Day 169
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Edit: I changed some stuff.
Bad lighting, I get it.
Those are Cordelia and Alexander Làmour. Their parents are Alice and Ren Làmour. They are twins, around 10-13 years old (yeah, I can't decide). They are the same height (approximately 150 cm or 4'11) and almost the same weight. Alex came out a bit earlier, making him the big brother. They're both geniuses but focus this "ability" on different things, Alexander on computers and Cordelia on literature.
As twins, they're expected to look and think alike but that's not the case here. They're quite the opposite in lots of things. Still, they resemble Alice and Alan in some way, Alex being a goofy boy and very cheerful like his uncle, and Cordelia being creative and delicate like her mom. Besides that, they have this aura around them from their father, the elegance and seriousness.
There isn't much about their past since they're still very young in compassion with the others. Something notable is that they got separated from their mother for a while when they were like 3 years old or so but then she came back. Some other things from the present day: they're both at a very prestigious school, the one that the king went to as well and they're currently training.
Their relationship with their parents it's a good one. Alex likes to ask his dad for advice and Delia talks with her mom all the time. Both of them admire their dad for his position and think that their mom is pretty cool. The only problem is that their parents don't spend so much time with them because they are both busy with their jobs. This made Alex and Delia feel a bit lonely.
Now, let's take them separately:
Cordelia is a kind girl but with a bit of an attitude sprinkled. She loves writing stories and reading some from famous authors and even from AO3 or Wattpad. Her tastes are very peculiar. She prefers stories with lots of details and complicated words, mostly romance and fantasy. She also likes collecting cute keychains and has a big wooden box where she keeps them all. She's a good girl and a good student and likes respecting the rules. She doesn't like delinquents or anything that they do. She can't stand being in a dirty place making her very angry especially when she witnesses her brother's room. She dreams big like any child, seeing herself as a famous author who has her books adapted into movies or a screenwriter. She likes wearing cute and elegant outfits in soft colors, like her mom. She mostly chooses dresses with ballerina flats with some accessories and other times shirts with skirts and some loafers. She's not so interested in training but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to be a great fighter. She has a blog where she writes almost daily about her life and story ideas. She thinks that her brother is a bit dumber than her but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him. She does love him very much and appreciates every moment spent with him.
Alex is pretty much a tech guy. He loves everything that is related to computers and how they work and also gaming, of course. He loves playing online games with his friends. He is extroverted and loves interacting with people of any kind of age. He likes speaking in public and is not afraid to speak his mind. He wants to do a lot in the future: making his own games, becoming a youtuber, becoming a master of coding, having his own company, etc. For now, he's learning as much as he can. He's also into music and listens a lot while studying. He doesn't like to be treated like a child or when someone looks down on him just because he's young. He also doesn't like spicy food and romantic movies. For a nerd, he likes traveling and exploring new places. He likes wearing hoodies, jeans, converse, cool accessories, and also elegant clothes, shirts (sometimes patterned), suit pants, and leather shoes. Sometimes he combines these two styles. He wants to get piercings when he gets older because he thinks he would look better like that. He loves his younger sister and will do anything to protect her.
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januarymoreau · 3 years
alright so I know literally no one cares about this but it’s my social media I’m doing what I want /lh
I’ve been seeing a lot of slander about justin russo on the internet lately and I’m currently hyperfixated on wizards of waverly place so here’s why justin is an awesome character/doesn’t deserve the hate he gets
He’s kind and treats those he loves well. Justin is canonically really good at comforting people. Although he argues with Alex a lot, at the end of the day, he’s also her older brother and genuinely cares about her. When Professor Crumbs threatens to take Alex’s magic away because she doesn’t turn her report card in, Justin says that Crumbs will also have to take his magic away. Justin is ultimately selfless. We see again and again the sacrifices he makes for Alex and I think we mainly see his kindness in that relationship. Despite that, I think he’s also notably kind to Juliet. When he finds out that he made the mistake of reporting Juliet and her parents, he instantly tries to fix it. Not only does he try to fix it, but he puts his job as Monster Hunter in jeopardy for Juliet and her parents - her parents haven’t even been that nice to him. Justin is ultimately selfless and at the end of the day, he sacrifices himself or what he wants for others. When Rosie turns back into a good angel, instead of selfishly continuing to date her and keeping her in the mortal world (which he could have done - she literally offers to stay with him), he gives her up because he realizes the world needs a guardian angel more than he needs a girlfriend. Even though it hurts because he loved her, he gives her up. There’s no “award” for doing this - he won’t move up a level in the wizard competition, he really won’t get any recognition for giving Rosie up. He doesn’t even get any recognition for turning the moral compass back to good. He does it because it’s the right thing to do. Although later I’ll argue that Justin is constantly seeking validation, I also think that the heroic/good things he does are often done with no expectation of being praised for it. He does them because he has a strong sense of morals. He’s also kind to Harper, Zeke, his parents, and even Max, who people rarely ever show kindness to in the show.
He’s in touch with his emotions. When the show starts, Justin is very against anything that will show him as feminine or emotional. In fact, he even says he’s allergic to emotions (or something like that) to cover for the fact that he’s crying over his missing dog. As the show goes on, we see Justin start to embrace and accept his emotions more and to lose touch with his toxic masculinity. I think dating Juliet changed him in a lot of ways (making him more relaxed, etc), and I think one was encouraging him to be more emotional. After Wizards vs. Vampires, Justin is pretty emotional and open about his emotions in the show. He’s even open with talking about them. In the movie, he opens up to Alex about how he feels like Jerry & Theresa wouldn’t love him as much if he were less “perfect,” which brings me to my next point.
At the end of the day, Justin is a sad character. I know it’s a kid’s show but they really do cover a lot of issues so bear w me. I’m hyperfixated and I like to over analyze shows so I’ve thought about this a lot. Justin is the oldest, which means he already deals with pressure to be perfect. Then, add in the fact that his parents are constantly describing him as the “perfect child” and putting him on a pedestal, while pitting the kids against each other as a result of the wizard culture bc of the family competition (I love Jerry & Theresa but they���re not perfect). He’s also a high achiever and we know he puts extreme pressure on himself to do well - they always make a joke about it but it’s actually quite sad. He literally feels poorly about himself when he gets a B and bases his entire self worth on his grades and skills as a wizard. In fact, in the movie he voices doubt about whether or not he’s good at anything other than magic. I have a few things I want to say about all of this. First of all, I think Justin is constantly seeking validation. I think as the oldest and “best” child, he feels the need to be perfect all the time, but he also does many of the things he does because he just wants validation. When Harper decides to run a marathon, Justin does too, and sadly his accomplishment of finishing it is overshadowed by Harper “winning.” I also think Justin feels threatened by the success of others because he thinks it invalidates his. When he opens up to Alex in the movie, he says that he’s jealous of her because it seems like everything comes naturally to her. Justin feels as if his parents loving his siblings takes away from their love from his. It’s irrational, but very real. Which brings me to my next point - Justin has generalized anxiety disorder. It makes sense - the overthinking, the outbursts he has (Alex refers to it as a conniption once) of panic or frustration, the overachieving, etc. As someone who probably has autism, I also think he’s autistic (which would explain his troubles with tone, struggle making friends, obsessions with things like Captain Jim Bob Sherwood and science, being better w robots than people, and so much more).
Ultimately, Justin has a strong moral backbone. Although he’s a stickler for the rules and this oftentimes leads him to do bad things initially, he always does the right thing in the end. For example, when Justin and Alex go to court and Justin duplicates himself to be his lawyer, his lawyer ultimately proves that Justin is guilty; he even says something along the lines of “We’re Justin Russo. We always do what’s moral and just.” Justin has a strong sense of justice (which could also be from being autistic but I could do a whole other post about neurodivergency coding in WOWP and Disney & Nick shows overall bc there’s a ton of coding) and does what he thinks is right, most of the time. Sure, sometimes he does bad things, but he’s also a teenager at the end of the day and he’s highly competitive.
Finally, Justin Russo is super progressive - in fact, he’s probably the most progressive characters of the show. He acknowledges climate change and actively tries to create a solution for it. In fact, for his science fair project he makes a water powered engine, which would reduce carbon emissions. He also wears a shirt at one point that says “Make art not war.” I will admit that his biases against the werewolf he dated were problematic, but he clearly grew from that because he never held any of that against Mason. He’s also into science and is a nerd and although this is a stereotype, most young people who are into science and are nerds are progressive. I’m pretty sure he also is well aware of current events and would probably read the newspaper. Also I myself headcanon Justin as trans and bi (again could make another post about characters in wowp that are queer)
Little note even tho probably no one will see this - this is all just for fun. If you disagree with anything I said, just say it politely hahsh. Also please don’t make fun of me for this WOWP is a huge hyperfixation and comfort thing for me rn and I just wanted to make a silly little post where I analyze one of my comfort characters. Also I kin Justin so pls don’t like hate on him in the comments.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Coming Up Easy - First Sightings
I am *SO* sorry this is so hella late this week. It's been... a fucking week. CW: One mention of a homophobic slur.
You can also read this on AO3!
CUE - First Sightings
Unpacking boxes was not one of Alex’s favorite activities. He hadn’t had many when he’d moved because he hadn’t wanted to rent a truck or deal with shipping things, so the twelve boxes he’d been able to load into the late nineties Ford Explorer encompassed all his worldly possessions. He’d finally gotten a chance to start unpacking the miscellaneous boxes after a trip to Ikea for bookshelves, a bed, and a couch. Furthermore, he’d promised himself he’d explore his new city more and find second-hand shops for other household furniture and accessories, but the bookshelves would be enough to finally clear away the last of his unpacked boxes.
Alex opened the last box and looked inside. His heart softened a little as he saw the small shoebox of photographs he kept. Promising himself he’d look through it later, he unpacked the few other knick-knacks out of the box and took them to the bookshelves to start placing them. The box didn’t reenter his mind until after dinner when he found himself lounging across his new sofa with a cold beer in his hand. The box stared at him from the floor where he’d left it. Setting down his beer on the floor, he quickly got up and grabbed the box, and brought it back over to the couch. He flipped open the top and gingerly picked up the pile closest to him.
Michael and him in the desert with guitars. Liz, Max, Michael, and him at a church car wash. Michael, Kyle, and him all leaning against a bathroom wall in various stages of being phenomenally sick from drinking too much. Him and Michael hanging out at the UFO Emporium. Him and Michael eating pizza and playing video games at Max and Isobel’s. Him and Michael in college at a frat party. Him and Michael. Him and Michael. Him and Michael…
It hit Alex quite suddenly that basically since he and Michael had become friends they’d been fairly inseparable. They’d dated other people and had friends that the other didn’t like, but as a rule, it was always the two of them against the world and it had been since they were fifteen. He picked up his phone and snapped a photo of the photograph he held in his hand where they were sixteen, pimply, awkward, and bent over laughing outside the high school band room.
Me 8:46 p.m.>> Who the fuck are these dorks? <<Picture sent at 8:46 p.m.>> <<Michael 8:50 p.m.>> Holy shit, look at those nerds!! <<Michael 8:51 p.m.>> Though I gotta say, the emo one is pretty hot. If I were sixteen, I’d definitely have a crush on him. Me 8:52 p.m.>> You did not have a crush on me at 16! I was so tragic! <<Michael 8:53 p.m.>> You were not. You were fucking feral. You took exactly zero percent shit from anyone. It was hot as fuck. Me 8:55 p.m.>> You are definitely misremembering the amount of bullshit I put up with. <<Michael 9:00 p.m.>> Do you know what you were doing the first time I saw you?
Alex cast back in his memory. He remembered the first time he was aware of Michael, but not necessarily the first time Michael was aware of him. He always assumed it was at the same time.
Me 9:02 p.m.>> Uh? Scribbling emo song lyrics on my bio lab notebook? <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> Nope. <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> You were having a fight with Kyle during gym because he tagged your gym shirt with the word “faggot” in pink sharpie.
“Mr. Manes, you cannot wear shirts with inappropriate text on them. This is the gym. White shirts only,” Coach Heim called at Alex as soon as he walked out of the locker room and started towards where the rest of the class was lounging in the middle of the basketball court. Alex could see Kyle elbowing his football buddies and smirking, barely containing their laughter. Alex felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and fury. He kept walking towards the group.
“MR. MANES! GO CHANGE YOUR SHIRT!” the coach yelled, putting more authority into his deep baritone. He was a fit, balding adult who generally was an alright guy, but Alex was swelling with indignation. He stopped a few feet away from the group so he didn’t have to yell to be heard.
“I don’t have another shirt, sir. This is my gym shirt,” Alex explained through clenched teeth. As the rest of the class got a good look at the words emblazoned across his chest and stomach, he heard them begin to snicker and giggle quietly.
“Well, you can’t wear that one. You’re smarter than this, Alex, why would you wear this out of the locker room?” the coach asked, not sounding unkind. He shot the gathered students a dirty look and they quieted their laughter.
“Because it’s all I had to wear and it’s not my fault it was defaced. Some pink-fingered fucking COWARD of a football player must’ve thought it’d be REAL FUNNY to break into my locker and--” Alex started, voice growing louder as he let the heat behind his cheeks infuse his voice.
“I did no such thing!” Kyle yelled, cutting in on Alex. Coach Heim looked over at him, eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, maybe to tell Kyle to sit down, but as soon as Kyle stepped forward away from his buddies, Alex pounced. He landed the first hit on Kyle’s cheek, the meaty smack of their skin satisfying to him. Kyle shook it off and came at him. Before he knew it, they were rolling on the ground hitting each other as hard as they could in anyplace visible. The pain was nothing new for Alex and he kept his head clear as he tried to aim for spots that would hurt long after he was pulled off.
Too soon, arms were wrapped around his chest and a much bigger body than his was pulling him back and off of where he’d pinned Valenti to the ground. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, his ears still ringing with rage, but he could see the thin trickle of blood from Kyle’s split lip and he felt himself smile at the shock on everyone else’s face as they watched him get dragged back. He would not take Kyle’s shit this year. He would not take anyone’s shit.
Alex rubbed his fingers across his eyebrows and sighed deeply. He had been so ready to cause someone else pain by then. His dad had only gotten worse towards him when Kyle started to pull away because it meant that his “unnaturalness” was evident to everyone. His fight then and the fights in the following year always had more to do with his dad than with him being ashamed of being gay. He put the photos down in the box and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. His phone chimed as he unscrewed the top and after a deep drink, he checked the message.
<<Michael 9:13 p.m.>> Uh oh, you’ve left me on read. You okay? Me 9:14 p.m.>> I’m fine. Sorry. Just got wrapped up in my head for a minute. Me 9:15 p.m.>> How did you see that? You weren’t in my gym class? <<Michael 9:16 p.m.>> I was hiding under the bleachers skipping english. Me 9:17 p.m.>> THAT WAS THE FIRST DAY! <<Michael 9:17 p.m.>> Right? Nothing to do anyway. It was fine. It’s in the past. I graduated high school, didn’t I? No harm, no foul.
Alex laughed quietly to himself, staring at the message screen. He went back to the couch and flopped back down across the cushions with a sigh.
Me 9:20 p.m.>> You did. Even graduated college. I guess you’re right. <<Michael 9:21 p.m.>> When do you remember seeing me for the first time? Me 9: 23 p.m.>> I feel like it was biology when we were lab partners. I was supposed to be with Max, remember? <<Michael 9:24 p.m.>> Yeah, I was with Liz. Max had no chill back then. How the fuck did it take Liz until senior year to notice that he liked her? Me 9:35 p.m.>> Had no chill? *Has* no chill.
“Michael! MI-CHAEL!” Max hissed loudly from his seat next to Alex two rows behind where Liz was sitting. The class period was just getting started and everyone was still milling around trying to find their assigned seats. Michael looked over his shoulder at Max who was looking desperately at him. Michael mouthed ‘what?!’ and gave Max an irritated glare.
“Switch with me!” Max whisper screamed. Alex was smirking into his notebook as he watched the exchange through the side of his eye. He hadn’t really noticed the curly-haired boy before, but the eye roll he gave Max was epic. He started to turn back to the front when Max whispered again. “I’ll pay you!”
Michael turned back around abruptly and narrowed his eyes.
“How much?” Michael asked, not whispering but keeping his voice low enough not to carry to the teacher who was about to start taking roll. Max looked desperately towards the front of the class at Liz’s back where she was ignoring what was happening beside her in favor of actually paying attention. She was about the only one.
“Fifty,” Max called out.
“Seventy-five and you buy my lunch for a week,” Michael countered. Alex was highly amused. Max darted his eyes over to Liz’s back again and nodded. Michael grabbed his stuff and moved quickly towards the back of the classroom while Max grabbed his stuff to go forward.
“Sorry!” Max called out to Alex softly before he left. Alex watched him slide into the seat next to Liz smoothly and take out his notebook. She looked over and smiled at him in confusion, turning to look back at where Michael was now taking his seat next to Alex. Alex looked over at him and was struck full in the face with his mischievous grin.
“That sucker, I would’ve done it for twenty-five,” Michael shared with Alex conspiratorially, leaning closer to him while he spoke so his voice wouldn’t reach Max’s ears. Alex felt himself blushing a little at the somewhat flirtatious smirk Michael was giving him. He’d been aware of Michael, but hadn’t really ever paid him any mind. Now he was near him, he could see the interesting light brown of his eyes somewhere between gold and green. He also smelled a little like lake water and the woodsy, spicy deodorant Alex had smelled on Mr. Valenti. It was weirdly comforting.
“So he has a thing for Liz or is he that afraid of failing bio that badly? I’m not stupid,” Alex asked, clearing his throat and trying not to seem offended by Max’s desperation to switch partners.
“Oh, he has a major thing for Liz. It’s gross. Like, she’s pretty, don’t get me wrong. But he’s been writing Mr. and Mrs. Ortecho-Evans in his notebook since third grade or some shit like that,” Michael revealed, taking out his own bio notebook from his bag and setting in on the lab table in front of him. Alex took in what he was saying and nodded.
“So it’s not cause everyone says I’m gay?” Alex asked, voice low and a little nervous to see Michael’s reaction. Michael looked over at him, eyebrows drawn together and something like sympathy passing over his expression before he responded.
“No, man. Max doesn’t give a shit about that and neither do I. You weren’t planning on trying to date him, were you?” Michael asked, shooting him a grin. Alex grinned back, relieved to hear that someone in the school who was so upstanding and obviously straight like Max wasn’t a complete jerk. Michael didn’t seem too bad either.
“Nah. He’s not my type. I like musicians,” Alex joked, shooting Michael a side-grin.
“You don’t say? Do you play?” Michael asked, eyes forward now in a semblance of paying attention to the teacher. Alex glanced up towards the board, but continued slouching over his lyrics notebook.
“Guitar,” he replied shortly as the teacher started explaining their first lab assignment.
“Cool. Me too,” Michael said. Alex could see him studying him out of the corner of his eye. “We should jam sometime.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
And they did jam together eventually. A week later they’d gotten together and Alex had learned that Michael did not know one end of a guitar from the other. He’d let Michael borrow his brother Greg’s guitar and then taught him everything he knew over the course of the next three months.
Me 9:40 p.m.>> Man. Who knew we’d still be friends this long after. <<Michael 9:45 p.m.>> I did. Once you taught me to play guitar, you were stuck with me for life. There’s an unbreakable bond built when one dude teaches another dude how to finger... Me 9:46 p.m.>> Jesus Christ. That was terrible. <<Michael 9:47 p.m.>> Bet you’re laughing though. Me 9:48 p.m.>> I plead the fifth. Also, I gotta get to bed. Early day tomorrow. <<Michael 9:50 p.m.>> That’s some responsible adult behavior right there. Gross. Me 9:51 p.m.>> You’re gross. <<Michael 9:52 p.m.>> I am gross. I’m going to take a shower and change that, however. When will you be young and fun again? Me 9:53 p.m. >> Shut up. Go take your shower. <<Michael 9:53 p.m.>> Fine. Go to bed. Think about me in bed. Me 9:54 p.m.>> *You* think about me in bed. <<Michael 9:55 p.m.>> Always do. Night Me 9:56 p.m.>> Night.
Alex heaved himself off the couch and went to his room. The apartment always seemed so dark and lonely when he finished talking with Michael. He needed to work on making friends. That would help him not miss him so much.
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rynne311 · 6 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
Tagged by @an-all-write-life, thank you lovely!
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
I think I may have answered this one before, but basically no.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1, maybe 1.5.  I really don’t mind the dark, but sometimes it’s the unexplained sounds that will get me.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
I don’t know if any of you watched Community, but Troy loved LeVar Burton, he was his favorite celebrity.  Even though Troy loved LeVar Burton, the most he ever wanted was a picture/autograph, he explicitly told Pierce that he never wanted to meet him.  When Pierce brought LeVar Burton in as a way to mess with Troy, he was completely starstruck and could not speak, he just sat there wide eyed and terrified of disappointing his hero, until he ran away from dinner screaming.  Long story short, any sort of media hero I have I wouldn’t want to meet because I’d probably make Troy look like a normal person with how starstruck I got.
4. What is your favorite word?
Oh boy, this is a lot of pressure! I don’t want to offend all the other words.  I’ll go with onomatopoeia because it’s kind of fun!
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
An oak, I guess.  They look pretty as they change, and dropping the acorns can cause mild annoyance, which I seem to be able to do pretty easily for the friends and family around me.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Why does it have to be Monday??(I answered this when I started working on these yesterday)
7. What shirt are you wearing?
Simple pink and gray stripes.
8. What do you label yourself as?
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark, it just feels kind of relaxing and like it’s time to unwind.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping - I’m kind of boring and go to bed by 10:30 (usually earlier) every night, so I’m definitely dead asleep at midnight.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I actually really enjoyed ages 18-20, and 23 was pretty good too.  I’m sure I’ll hit a good stride of ages again, but until I hit that sweet spot, I’m just going to roll with it and have the most fun I can.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Umm, probably my friend Alex telling me she loves me more after I had sent her a second reminder in a night that I love her. Or my mom.
13. Your worst enemy?
Honestly, I’m probably my own worst enemy.
14. What is your current desktop picture?
It’s the generic blue design that came with the laptop
15. Do you like someone?
In any way other than platonically, no not right now.
16. The last song you listened to?
Either “Rich” by Maren Morris or “Hotel Key” by Old Dominion on my way into work.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
If I dislike someone that much, shouldn’t they just be left to suffer...like forever.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
It would be too easy to say some of those politicians that I think are awful and spewing hate, but that’s probably who I’d want to hit the most. But then I’m putting hate and violence out there and I aspire to be better than those I wish to punch in the face.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Yeah, people shouldn’t own people. What I would be more interested
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Probably my eyes or smile.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Umm, I sure hope that would mean I would be tall! At least considerably taller than 5’2” and then I’d go and reach stuff on the top shelf...without a step-stool.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
If I do, it’s news to me.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
My fears are pretty run of the mill.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
I might just be pretty boring and say a really good grilled cheese with like a good kind of cheese like pepperjack or something.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
If only that would cover all my loans! I’d probably treat myself to something like a new pair of heels or just save it for a bit and maybe put it towards Christmas presents.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Probably back to Spain.  I loved the four months I lived in Salamanca and want to go back! Also, my host family was amazing, and I’d love to visit them again.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I’d probably get some Barefoot Pink Bubbly, but I’d be a little suspicious of some greater ulterior motive.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Everybody has to be left-handed lol, actually establishing some sort of guidance for rights and behavior, making sure that all groups are treated equally and fairly.
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Shit. As much as I curse in real life, I try to avoid it in my writing, instead opting to find other words to express the sentiment, although that isn’t always possible.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Probably one of my mom’s jewelry or memory boxes that has mementos from my late grandma in them.  It would mean the world to her and I was close with my grandma too, so I’d still be able to preserve a piece of her.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
As much as I’d love to erase any bouts of poor mental health I’ve had in the past, I’ve learned from them and without that experience, I wouldn’t be prepared to tackle my next big challenge whatever it may be.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Just like in question 26, I’d probably move to Spain!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
As much as I would love to bring my godfather back, it wouldn’t be fair to take him from the afterlife, or to put his wife, kids and the rest of us who love him through that pain again.  If I could open some sort of communication between this life and the next, I would absolutely offer it to him.  At least being able to communicate would probably be able to heal some wounds for a lot of us here, and I’d love for his 10 year old son to get to know him outside of the stories he hears from me and the rest of his family.
34. What was your last dream about?
Selling houses and moving...just all around kind of odd.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? -  Are you a good listener?
I’d like to think I am, yes.  Recently at my weekend job, I was clocking out for the day and finished one of my purchases and the woman in front of me had a bag that was just a little too heavy for her to carry, so I brought her bag out to the car for her.  I ended up spending another 20 minutes out there with her talking, well she was doing most of the talking, and before we went separate ways she kept thanking me for listening to her.  So if that is any indication, yes I am a good listener, also it broke my heart that she felt the need to thank me for listening to her because it tells me that she really isn’t getting much of that in her life.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
I’ve been to the emergency room twice, but never admitted to the actual hospital.  And both of those visits were within three days.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Grew up in New England, it’s kind of a mandatory part of childhood here.
38. What is the color of your socks?
Gray and teal
39. What type of music do you like?
Country, plus some pop and rock
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I’m rarely up for sunrises, but when I was in college, I was pulling an all nighter in our computer/printer room and I got the most spectacular view of the sun rising over the mountains in Vermont.  It made up for the severe lack of sleep I was experiencing.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t sport.  As far as American football goes, I suppose the NY Giants, but in reality it’s more of anyone who isn’t the Patriots.
43. Do you have any scars?
A few on my arms from stupid stuff while growing up, like fighting with my sister.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I graduated from college 3 years ago and still don’t know.  Maybe to know and be happy and secure.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Physically - the list is kind of long and pretty personal.  Otherwise, I’d get rid of those nasty things like my anxiety and depression.
46. Are you reliable?
Almost to a fault where some people have tried to take advantage of it so they could slack off.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Have you found the happy path you want to be on?
48. Do you hold grudges?
Yes, but it’s something I’ve been trying to work on.  I’ll stop and think what did this event/person impact my life and is it still important?  That’s been pretty helpful for letting things go.  I doubt I’ll ever be able to move on from things immediately, but being able to step away after I’ve had some time and choose forgiveness really does help.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Probably once when talking about childhoods and one girl brought up how she got sent to water therapy because she would insist that she was a mermaid and didn’t have legs to walk.  If I remember correctly, they thought this was her way of manifesting her fear of water, but really with her red hair, she just wanted to be Ariel from Little Mermaid.  It was definitely a wild ride of a conversation.
51. Are you a good liar?
Yes and no.  I’ve got some tells, but over the past few years, I’ve gotten much better at hiding them.
52. How long could you go without talking?
If I’m not talking because I’m mad, at least a few days.  I love talking, so if there isn’t much of a reason to be silent, I’m probably going to be talking.  There have been a few times I’ve been home alone and will just begin talking to the dogs or the cat as I’m going about my business.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
As much as I like them every time I get them, bangs! Within a few months I’m done with wanting to deal with the maintenance and they never looks as good as when I first get them done.  Some folks look absolutely amazing with bangs, but as a long term thing, they are just not for me.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes! I love to bake.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
A little bit.  With practice I can start to imitate other regions of the US and with enough drinks, I’ve tried an Irish accent.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter with a bit of cinnamon sugar.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
If painting counts, and I’m going to say it does for this, then a nice riverbank landscape I did at a paint and wine studio near me.
58. What would be you dream car?
Jeep Wrangler - like Lorelai’s in Gilmore Girls
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
Not really, I’m mostly focused on getting what I need to done and getting out.  I might go through an argument in the shower while I’m washing my hair, but that’s about it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
I guess so, but that’s more of the universe is so expansive and I think it’s a little narcissistic to think that we are the only ones occupying it.  Besides, if there are no aliens, how will Superman exist to come and save us some day??
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
I don’t, and most of the reason is I don’t believe in them. It’ll pop up in other stuff I’ll be reading, but it always frustrates me that pisces are put at the end of the list so I don’t even try.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
R! Yes, it is my initial, but I also like doing the sign for it in my sign language class.  The sign is like you’re crossing your fingers, so it’s like R has some mystery and is keeping a secret.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They are really cute and I like getting to spend some time with them.  It can be really fun to watch someone experience so many things for the first time, especially things we take for granted.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. - Worst movie you’ve ever watched?
Leprechaun in the Hood without a doubt!
I’ll tag anyone else who wants to do this! :)
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constellations pt 2
series master post
summary: last day before break!!
tw: none (let me know if you need anything tagged)
is it on AO3? sure is
Alexander groaned at the sound of his alarm bright and early at 5:30 AM. Alexander reached over and fumbled with his phone till it was quiet in the room again. 
Alexander sighed as he ran he laid putting his hands above his head, his hands resting on the pillowcase. Alexander sighed as he stared at the ceiling. Alexander turned his head to look out the window immediately wincing at the brightness of the light. “Alex alex,” John said bolting upright, “are—are you okay?” Alexander sat upright then slowly embracing his boyfriend. “Hey hey hey its okay,” Alexander said holding his boyfriend in the hug. Alexander smiled to himself knowing how protective John was of him. Alexander then took to rubbing small circles into John’s back. Alexander continued to hug John until pulled away slowly. He then sat with his head cocked slightly to the side his eyes squinting, with a sleepy smile plastered on his face. Alexander smiled back at him. Alexander then adjusted how he was sitting so he was now sitting criss-cross like a child would in grade school. John then looked down at Alexander’s hand before touching it gently. Alexander nodded, as he did so John gently picked up his hand. John gently moved Alexander’s hand so it was resting on his thigh. John then lifted it softly and squeezed it a little before resting his own hand on Alexander’s thigh. John then began to trace lazy circles on the back of his boyfriends hand. Alexander looked up to watch John. He admired John in the soft morning light. The sunlight danced across his freckles with the utmost beauty. Alexander took his free hand and gently tucked a stray hair behind John’s ear. John then looked up and shot Alexander another sleepy smile. “Hey,” Alexander said in a soft whisper. “Lex hey,” John said his tiredness lacing his voice. “Hey why don’t you go back to sleep, you don't gotta be up for another almost hour,” Alexander said with a smile. “But I woke up because I heard you sound not so good. Like when you wince in pain it scares me I just love you and I don't want you to hurt,” John rambled. “Hey I’m okay,” Alexander said reassuringly, “the sun was just bright, hurt my eyes.” “Your eyes? Alex are your eyes okay?” John asked sounding genuinely concerned. Alexander laughed a little at John asking if his eyes are okay, “yes love my eyes are fine.” “Good. Your eyes are just really pretty I don't want them to be hurt,” John said now slouching. “You wanna’ lay back down?” Alexander asked. John nodded slowly letting go of Alexander’s hand. Alexander then moved to the edge of the bed. John then slowly laid backdown. Alexander then turned to pull the blanket over John. John smiled as he did so mumbling affectionate gestures. Alexander then sat back upright and ran his hand through his hair gently. “Alex no,” John said sounding hurt. “What John?” Alexander asked quietly. “Come back to sleep,” John said whispering. “I gotta get ready for class love,” Alexander whispered back. “No,” John said holding out the ‘o’ sounding child like. “Hey love its okay,” Alexander said softly, “we will see each other at lunch.” “You promise?” John said softly. “Yes love,” Alexander replied. “Goodnight Lex,” John said before yawning. Alexander smiled at the use of his nickname, “I’ll see you soon love.” John nodded before rolling onto his stomach drifting off into sleep. Alexander slowly moved his feet so his toes brushed the ground. He sighed to himself hating being up this early. He leaned over to grab his phone. He then tip toed over the squeaky floorboards, over to the dresser to grab his glasses. After that he made his way to the door and opened it and closed it gently as he left. He then made his way over to his own room. After he opened the door to his own personal room he stood completely still leaning against the door, taking a minute to wake up. “Damn,” Alexander muttered to himself really feeling how late he was up last night. Alexander took this time to look out the window and just watch. His window was northern facing giving him a more rural view compared to John’s southern facing window that you could see the city from. On his windowsill he had a few framed pictures. Of the pictures most of them were dates him and John went on and pictures of his friends. On the wall directly behind the window he had his closet and a desk lining the wall, with his door being in the corner on the left hand side. On the wall to the left of the window wall he had a floor to celling bookcase. His roommates call it the “fire hazard”. Alexander is completely aware of how hazardous it is but he kept it anyway. On the wall to the right of the window wall is Alexander’s bed with his dresser at the foot of his bed. On the back of his door he has a bisexual pride flag hanging. His walls are an off white color with a blue bed sheet and duvet set. After finally feeling more awake Alexander went to the dresser and pulled out a random pair of jeans. He quickly changed into them before laughing at the fact he was wearing John’s shorts. He then took off his t-shirt and threw it on his bed. He walked over to the closet and swiped a black t-shirt off a hanger. He slipped it on struggling to get it over this glasses then smoothed it out. After he finished getting ready he slipped out of his room and into the tiny living room like area. He grabbed his backpack off the couch and slung over his left shoulder then over his right. He then went into the kitchen and started making coffee. The unwritten rule is the first one up has to make a pot of coffee for everyone. Alexander pulled out his phone and leaned against the edge of the counter. He opened twitter and mindlessly scrolled threw his feed. “Hey,” someone said softly. Alexander looked up, adjusting his glasses as needed. He smiled at Hercules and waved a little. “Hey man,” Alexander replies. “What class do you got this early?” Hercules asked. “Journalism,” Alexander says yawning, “you?” “Retail advertising,” Herc replies. “Man we don't have any assignments and shit till after break,” Alexander says opening the cabinet to grabbing two mugs, “so it’s kinda just a study hall but I do need the quiet.” “Fair enough,” Herc says grabbing the second mug from Alexander. Alexander picked up the coffee pot and slowly poured some into each of their mugs, “two more days.” Alexander said referring to the fact that they only had two days left till spring break. “Thank God,” Herc said laughing a little. Alexander checked the time on his phone and then stood up and shrugged, “gotta go man.” “Good luck,” Herc said wrapping his hands around the blue mug. “You too,” Alexander said walking out the front door. –— Alexander looked up from his notebook realizing everyone else in class has already packed up or is packing bags. Alexander then followed suit. Just as he finished packing his bag kids were leaving class. He sighed to himself and slung his bag over his left shoulder then his right. He exhaled dramatically as he left class. He then smiled huge as John was leaning against the wall right outside the class. “Hey what are you doin’ here?” Alexander asked taking John’s hand. “Well my professor canceled class because he’s leavin’ for break early,” John said as they started to walk hand in hand. “Lucky,” Alexander said. “Yep well I'm done with class till after break,” John said laughing a little. “I got one more class after this today but nothin’ Friday,” Alexander said. “Hey we can all pack tomorrow, as a group,” John said smiling. “That’s gay,” Alexander said playfully. “Im excited to be honest,” John said referring to the road trip the four of them are going to take. “Yea its so nice of Angelica to invite us,” Alexander said. “Are we gonna leave late Friday night or early Saturday morning?” Alexander asked again. “Friday night?” John said unsure. “Yea that would work actually, considering the both of us don't have any class we could sleep during the day and drive at night.” Alexander said confirming the plan. “It should take about a day and a half,” John said. “Yea you and I could switch off during the night and if worst comes to worse we could crash at one of those shitty motels,” Alexander said laughing. “Very true, go ghost hunting while were at it,” John said sounding semi-serious. “Hell yea,” Alexander agrees. “Where do you wanna eat?” John asked, “I said i’d help you with your bio stuff.” “Uh student union?” Alexander suggests. “Sure,” John agrees. The two from then on walk hand in hand in a comfortable silence. John shivered after the two left the building Alexander had class in. It was mid spring but New York weather could be so unpredictable he was far under dressed. “You cold?” Alex asked. “Yep,” John said laughing. Alex quick did a one over of John. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black on red flannel. “No jacket?” Alexander asks sarcastically. “Very funny nerd,” John teases. “Lets hurry then,” Alexander says smirking. “Alexander Hamilton I swear if you start running,” John says. Just as John finishes talking Alexander takes off. John sighs knowing he won’t ever catch Alexander, but runs after him anyway. After apologizing to everyone John bumped into while running he slowed to a walk after seeing Alexander leaning against a tree outside the student union. “What the fuck man,” John said breathing heavily. “It felt right,” Alexander said also breathing heavily. “Fair enough,” John said shrugging, “you’re such a dork.” “What can I say,” Alexander said holding out his hand for John. John took is hand and they then walked into the student union. They walked into building it being crowded because it being lunch time. They then made their way to the line to get food. “What steaming shit are they serving today?” John asked joking. “No idea,” Alexander said through laughing. John turned his head watching as a few kids walked by. “Well it looks like pizza and something I cant guess,” John said. “Are you gonna’ take the risk?” Alexander asked. “Are you?” John shot back playfully. “Hell no,” Alexander said with a smile. Alexander and John stood in line and waited in a comfortable silence for their pizza. Alexander then went to the check out line while John went to go get something to drink. “Hey you want somethin’ to drink?”John asked. “It’s too expensive,” Alexander replied shrugging. John just nodded knowing better than to try to pass it off, then waited in line next to Alexander. After the two paid they went and sat at one of the only empty tables. “Okay so what exactly about bio do you need help with?” John asked. “All of it to be honest,” Alexander replied getting his text book out of his backpack. “Okay well what is giving you the most shit,” John said taking a bite of his pizza. “Well uh,” Alexander paused thinking. “You wanna know what I'm best at?” John asked smirking. “Dear god,” Alexander said sarcastically. “Anatomy,” John paused, “of Alexander Hamilton.” “We are in public,” Alexander said laughing. “I don’t know what you expected I make this joke every time,” John says smiling. “Oh yes I am aware,” Alexander replies, “but the whole concept of the Lytic and Lysogenic cycle.” “Awh shit man good stuff,” John says. Alexander listened contently as John was explaining the two, but at the same time admiring how beautiful John is. How is tanned skin complimented his freckles, and just how curly his hair is. “Alright so thats that,” John concluded with. “That was hot,” Alexander blurted out. “Alex what the fuck,” John said laughing. “It was,” Alexander said laughing, “but thanks.” “It’s truly not problem,” John replied. Alexander clicked on his phone to check the time. “I gotta go I got class,” Alexander said taking his book off the table and slipping it into his dark green canvas back pack. John laughed at him a little for having class and earned an eye roll from Alexander. Alexander pulled his backpack onto his lap untangling the black straps. John smiled at the two pins on Alexander’s backpack. One of them being a bi pride pin and the other a pin of a turtle John drew. “Hey you still have that?” John asked laughing. “Oh this?” Alexander asks pointing to the turtle pin. John nodded. “Yep,” Alexander said laughing. “Well I gotta go love,” Alexander said again. “Well good luck at whatever smart people class you got,” John teased. “Smart people class?” Alexander questioned standing up causing John to do the same. “Yep,” John shot back, following Alexander out. “See you later love,” Alexander said to John who was leaning against the building. “What time will you be back?” John asked smirking. “Hm why?” Alexander teased. “Because if it will be dark Ill come and walk you back, buddy system,” John said sounding serious. “Well its two now but it’s a lecture so it’ll take like two hours and it'll take me like about 15 minutes to walk there and then about 20 home considering it'll be crowded in the building because it has dorms on the top level,” Alexander pauses, “so like 4:45? 5:15 at the latest.” “Does it still get dark early now a days?” John asked. “Nah, I should be fine,” Alexander said, “If it is dark before I leave ill call you I promise.” “Okay lex,” John says smiling, “have fun.” “Will do,” Alexander says. Alexander then heads in the direction of his class and once he gets some distance away form John he stops and turns. He sees John looking at him and he waves to him, then continues his walk to class.
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rennyrosie · 7 years
The Gallifrey High AU That No One Needed But Here It Is Anyway
The year is 2XXX. Korean society has evolved so far that our ID schematics have been condensed into chips taking the shape of normal contact lenses. These ID lenses are given to children and are changed according to their growth needs. When their eyes stop changing a permanent lens is fixed onto one of their eyes, thus making ID cards and numbers obsolete. However, a growing number of reports are surfacing of chips becoming scrambled or dislodged after injuries, accidents, and other incidents. What happened to Leela Sae’s eyes to make her unidentifiable? In this new technological age spurred by chaebol conglomerates, whose family will come out on top? Will Korea’s economy be torn asunder in the rumbling threat of an economic war?
I imagined 갈리프레이 고등학교, 갈고 for short (Gallifrey High School, “Galgo” or “Sharpening” for short) as a Special High School, a fancy private high school for students whose parents are affiliated with conglomerates, diplomats, politicians, all kinds of important people. So basically like an international school minus the white people and with only three years in high school: Korean high schools split the twelve grades 6-3-3 as opposed to 5-3-4 as is common in America. (Yes this does mean that I headcanon the entire cast as Korean in this AU). Usually in these private schools, students from lower income families with certain professions (lower level civil servants/bureaucrats, small business owners, etc.) have access to certain degrees of financial aid that depend on how well the student does in school. In some rare cases, a very low income and potentially first generation student can gain a full scholarship for exceptional talent.
This is how we first meet Leela (새리라, Leela Sae), a seventeen-year-old cast out into the world who uses a fake last name for Reasons. She’s always wanted to be free as a bird and bird in Korean is 새 so she chose it as a new last name. She gains admission to Gallifrey High by winning a taekwondo tournament hosted by the conglomerate owned by Romana’s family, the 나라 (Na-Ra, “Nation”) corporation. The tournament was meant to scout new muscle to work as guard staff for Na-Ra with the promise of job security and a scholarship to 갈고 for the youth division. Because Romana is the heir apparent of the corporation, she is of course present at the tournament and as the newly-elected student body president she welcomes Leela to the school. Leela transfers to Gallifrey High as a second year, the same year as Romana.
Romana (나루마, Ruma Na) is the sole child of the ruling Na family, making her heir apparent to the corporation from the age of fifteen. She excels in school, consistently ranking first in her class, but finds her true passions lie in leading the school to victory and prosperity in all aspects of student life. However, recent tensions between conglomerates and within her own family’s corporation have kicked off power struggles in the Korean market as well as in school. A separate faction led by Darkel, the heiress to Kim and Co., a competing conglomerate and the Na corporation’s closest rival and bitterest enemy.
Darkel (김다루, Daru Kim), another second year and the Student Body Vice President, has consistently scored just below Romana in rankings, but despite her sharp intellect her unpopularity and refusal to listen to her peers made her lose the opportunity to hold power over the entire school, an opportunity she thought should be rightfully hers. As such, she gathered all the students whose families worked with or for her and rallied them against Romana and the Na-Ra corporation. This started a kind of turf war in the high school as well as starting an economic meltdown of global proportions as Na-Ra and Kim and Co. slashed prices, salaries, everything to compete against each other, resulting in the near-total collapse of the Korean economy.
As the war rages on, Darkel seeks out Narvin, the Student Body Treasurer and lures him to her side of the fight, intending to bankrupt his family’s large pharmaceutical company later to monopolize more power over the school and the economy.
Narvin (빈나라, Nara Bin, play on words with “empty nation” and also yes matching to one of the conglomerates guess which) is the Treasurer and is very stingy with club budgets despite only being a second year, but that’s what he likes so much about that work: He could know and control the money flow of the entire school. Although he starts out working with Darkel, when he discovers Darkel’s plan, he crosses sides to join Romana, despite his reservations about her and the transfer student she always hung around. Now, he doesn’t care to admit it but he cares deeply about Romana and Leela in the aftermath of the Sul War. Narvin is a huge nerd who is on the math team and participates regularly in the physics Olympiad.
On the other hand, Brax (시보락, Borak Si) seeks to gain more power than his position as Secretary of the Student Body by aligning himself and his family’s company with Romana. As a third year, this year is his last chance to try for student body president and he is growing more desperate. Darkel considers him a prime threat as a key player in this war due to his parents’ microchip development and manufacturing company, Si Sees Ltd. This emphasis on technological advancement to tear the other side apart led to the coining of this economic war the Sul War, for “Kisul”, meaning “technology.”
Wynter (태위영, Wi-Young Tae) is an impressionable first year who looks up to Romana and considers her his 선배. His family is among the first to go bankrupt when the falling cost of iron makes his family’s ironworks company go under and he leaves the country to pay off his debt to loan sharks.
Andred (뢰안도, Ando Rae), a second year who took interest in Leela, the new transfer student, as he was also a recipient of financial aid as the son of a lower ranking bureaucrat. He found Leela’s blunt language and unconventional wisdom charming and they dated for a while until Leela saw that Andred was just like all the other spoiled asshole brats at this entitled school and left him. Soon afterward, Andred was expelled for beating another student into unconsciousness despite multiple suspensions and warnings from similar behavior.
Matthias (아마디, Madi A, first name means “words”), was a quiet second year student but his family seemed to be the only one really staying afloat as he kept to himself and was often ignored by the likes of Darkel and Romana. However, when he was noticed he was generally well liked and as the son of a high ranking politician he knew how the game worked even if he chose not to play. Until now. Sensing a weakness in both Romana and Darkel, Matthias seized an opportunity to make himself student body president with the support of weary and newly broke students and the promise of rebuilding Korea’s techno-economic infrastructure.
The Doctor (닥터, Doctor), is a truant. No one knows what year he’s in, only that he’s smart but he pops in and out as he pleases and the teachers can only sigh and shake their heads at him because heaven knows they’ve tried yelling, punishing, locking up, it didn’t seem to matter to him.
Valyes is taking his second year a second time because he failed out the year before. Despite knowing how the school works and how the political game is played he lacks the common sense and patience to use what he knows effectively. (Yes I realize I’m being way too nice but I’m trying to get something of a consistent tone here ;w; )
Other minor commanders and such are class reps in the student council.
I haven’t met Ace yet where I’m up to (haven’t started season 6 yet) but according to Alex’s description my version of Ace is a delinquent with constantly dyed hair who could use the nearest object to smash your head in but would rather shatter your kneecaps and let Leela finish you off.
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newstfionline · 7 years
By correctly spelling ‘marocain,’ California girl becomes bee queen
By Sarah Larimer, Washington Post, June 1, 2017
Back and forth they went, Rohan Rajeev and Ananya Vinay.
Some of the words they spelled: Heiligenschein. Durchkomponiert. Sceloporus.
One, or both of them, would be the new champion of the Scripps National Spelling Bee at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Maryland. But late into the night Thursday, it still wasn’t clear who would win yet. By 11:30, though, confetti rained down and a champion emerged. Ananya had won on “marocain,” a fabric.
Ananya, a 12-year old Californian, cheers for the Golden State Warriors. She is a big reader. Her bio noted that in her free time, she imagines stories. The one she was writing for herself Thursday sure was pretty rad. “I’m so happy right now,” she said after she won.
The two were among the brightest and best young spellers gathered for Thursday’s finals, a marathon event that stretched late into the evening. Among the other words young participants were asked to conquer: pterygoideus, mollienisia, cinerarium and hesychast. Could you spell hesychast? I mean, truly, could you hang with these kids?
It’s okay to answer honestly: Nope. N-o-p-e.
This was the 90th National Spelling Bee, an event celebrated on social media, shown on ESPN, and generally, something that serves as a true delight for even the most casual of word nerds.
“It’s unbelievable,” said Greg Howard, father of Erin, who spoke after his daughter learned that she would be appearing on ESPN later in the night. But she went out on “klydonograph,” a device that records a surge in electrical voltage on a sulphur-dusted photographic film, according to Wikipedia--in case you didn’t know.
“This is her second Bee,” Howard said earlier. “She has worked in­cred­ibly hard, but it’s very easy to see that every kid up there has worked in­cred­ibly hard. So, I’m just thrilled that the roulette wheel spun in her favor. It’s been great.”
On Thursday morning, 40 finalists sat onstage in a ballroom, wearing T-shirts, jeans and their game faces. As they approached the mic, some nervously greeted Jaques Bailly, the steady and calming voice of the Bee. Some spelled out words with their hands. Some appeared unsure, only to get there in the end.
Later, on prime-time television, at least one of these kids onstage would be named champion. But first the group had to be whittled down. In the morning and early afternoon, they were tested by words such as “perinephric.”
“Words fail, ironically,” Howard said, when asked what it felt like to watch his daughter onstage. “There’s nothing like it.”
Of more than 250 participants, 40 qualified for Thursday’s finals, including Tejas Muthusamy, 14, an eighth-grader from Glen Allen, Va., in his fourth national Bee.
By midday, the group had been narrowed to 15 contestants who would appear on ESPN. Erin was among them. Also in the group: Alice Liu, a smiley 10-year-old Missouri girl. And there was Alex Iyer, a 14-year-old Texan, who sure looked like he was having a ton of fun up there, at least during the parts that weren’t super tough.
Tejas made the cut, too. He carried a lucky rock in his pocket, and said it worked “really well” Thursday. He didn’t stumble until late into the night.
To the victor, or victors, goes a $40,000 cash prize from Scripps, a big trophy and other awards, including a $2,500 U.S. savings bond from Merriam-Webster (boring), and trips to New York and California for televised appearances (significantly less boring).
The past three Bees have ended in a tie, including the 2016 edition, a competition held after officials changed the rules in an attempt to discourage such results. Nihar Janga and Jairam Hathwar shared last year’s title, winning with “Gesellschaft” and “Feldenkrais.” They were in the audience Thursday night.
The small but mighty Edith Fuller, perhaps the year’s biggest little spellebrity, was not in the finals. She had been eliminated during prelims. Edith, the event’s youngest-ever contestant, was 5 when she qualified.
The home-schooled 6-year-old from Oklahoma stood tall Wednesday as she nailed “tapas,” but she did not advance to the next round.
Brendan Pawlicki, 10, of Michigan, was the first to go down Thursday morning after being handed “desman.” “Uh, what is it?” Brendan said, after learning his word. He was later followed offstage by Paul Hamrick, a home-schooled 13-year-old from California, who was bummed to learn that ”occiput” has that tricky “u” in there.
Maggie’s first word was “whirlicote,” something she definitely did not appear to know, in that she struggled to pronounce it. Ur-la-coat? Wore-le-coat? What is even happening with this word, whirlicote? Poor Maggie looked so hopeless up there onstage as she spit out a spelling--which seemed like any spelling, whatever, here are some letters, maybe?--as the time ticked away.
“WHAT?!” Maggie exclaimed, throwing her hands to her head in shock, after learning that she had spelled it correctly and would continue in the Bee.
The joy didn’t last. In the next round, Maggie was asked to spell “saccharomycete.”
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