#Please don't copy my art ;^;
lammy-art · 16 days
A little sketch ✏️
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
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"Slow down, Sunshine. You're not falling behind and you are loved for more than what you do for others."
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Just gonna really quickly challenge all the artists that follow my blog (or just see this in general) to pick out an animal and draw it as a wof dragon. Like draw the dragon as funky as you can- make a real complex hybrid- whatever just make it as similar to that animal as possible.
Anyways, I was not expecting to get so many recommendations. Thank you though if you did send me one!
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churrofoxart · 2 months
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Some of my pmd sky OCs
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october-wing · 2 months
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A custom banner for a commissioners rat room!
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rubysparx · 1 year
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Ok Kira art !! Sorry the quality kinda sucks, anyway I love her so much. One of my top three riptide npcs fs (do not repost!!) Without shading and lighting layers under the cut v
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crescentfool · 4 months
on spoiler tags
since reload is coming out soon, i wanted to give people some heads up for tags i'll be using as a courtesy. please curate your experience accordingly! if you haven't used the mute feature, here's how to 👍
i will continue to use #persona 3 for all posts related to p3 (it's my main tag)
for posts about reload specifically, i'll be using #persona 3 reload, but it might also be worthwhile to mute the abbreviations #p3r and #p3re.
for the people who don't know anything about p3, i will attempt to tag spoilers for p3's events as #persona 3 spoilers but i cannot guarantee that i will remember to do so...
i hope everyone enjoys their experience with the game! i will still post here occasionally, but in general i'll be steering clear of socmed until i'm finished with reload.
tangentially related- i expect splatoon 3's side order dlc to come out during this time. all stuff related to that dlc will be tagged with #side order and will also be tagged as #splatoon (main tag)
thank you for your time! enjoy gaming, and remember to drink water 🥤
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spirit-fingers22 · 2 months
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I think I've got a case of the Steph's
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strawberry-pretzels · 7 months
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things that i did instead of studying for my quiz tomorrow
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reanimatestar · 11 months
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art fighttt
[image description: three digital illustrations of the artist's persona, designed specifically for art fight. the first is a reference sheet, showing them standing with their hands in their pockets against a grey background. they are an east asian person with brown eyes, tan skin, and black wavy hair. she also has two moles on her face, fangs that curve outwards and a black fluffy tail. he wears a black collared shirt over a white turtleneck sweater, and blue jeans tucked into black boots. she also wears glasses and silver ball chain necklace with a star pendant. a swatch with their colour palette is available. the second is another reference sheet, this time with them as a black anthropomorphic wolf with sharp claws and digitigrade legs. the third is an illustration of him from the chest upwards. the atmosphere is dark, with dramatic shading. the glare of the glasses obscures one of her eyes, with the other exhibiting blue eyeshine. the background is purple and teal. /end description]
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lammy-art · 23 days
A little sketch ✏️
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Of course I will draw the remaining two new characters ;3
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montewave · 7 months
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When your dad is cat-coded, while you are clearly wolf-coded.
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svnny-day · 2 months
I created the dinosaur idea I got when posting about my weird, mutated dinosaur design
the thing is, when it comes to created messed up dinosaurs, I try to think of the horror from a dinosaur's pov. of course, humans would be able to see a crime against nature, whether they created it or not, but what would be confusing and unnatural to a dinosaur? what would cause more panic then a normal carnivore being spotted by a herd of herbivores?
this is where my dinosaur design came from, what if, by unnatural means { human or otherwise } , a once-herbivore dinosaur started to change physically and mentally, into a carnivore { along with side effects }. it's canine teeth sharpening, it's beak becoming shaped akin to that of a terror bird, the nails on one of it's legs growing and sharpening, spikes starting to jut out from areas they wouldn't grow naturally.
not only would this be horrific from the dinosaur's { aptly named the stegorer } pov, wondering when it's once herd is being registered in it's brain as prey, seeing it's legs while running and feeling the need to bite,... but also from any other outsiders. it's once herd not knowing what's happening or why { it's too late for them } , carnivores feeling a sense of unease upon approach, humans coming across a shredded herd of stegosaurs, dinosaurs noted for their effective defenses against carnivores, unknowing of the cause until its too late.
a once-herbivore consumed by predator instincts and rage for it's unnatural, unfair, existence.
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miyakuli · 2 years
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This will be my personal icon from now <3 it's a portrait of me drawn by my dear friend @ooriens​ and I always loved it so much, I always wanted to use it someday <333 and I hid some musical symbols too to fit even more hehe
I had MH family since years and it was hard to change bcs I was super attached to my previous one. But I think it’s time to change and this icon suits me better imo. I hope you’ll be ok with it/////
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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everyone seeing the new orbit hardcover editions of the witcher books come out
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october-wing · 1 year
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Oh to be a giant emo possum. Plush i made for a commission.
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