#I mean no Luka doesn't want snuggles what show are you watching
verfound · 8 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 13: Skeleghost (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
“Mini” isn’t so much a word limit as it is something you feel with your heart.  1k is totally “mini” when some of these oneshots I throw at y’all are 10k, right?  😂
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch13: Skeleghost
Luka looked up from his guitar at the knock on the door, his eyebrows lifting.  He wasn’t expecting anyone.  He had been perfectly content to ignore the rest of the world for the evening, actually.  Just…him and his music.
Moping, a dry voice that sounded suspiciously like his sister drawled in his mind.  He told it to fuck off, because he was definitely not moping.
Whoever was outside knocked again, and he sighed as he put his guitar down.
“All right, all right!” he called, scrubbing his hands along his face as he walked over.  “I’m coming!”
Marinette was on the other side when he opened the door, a large tote bag on her arm and bundled in her sweater.  He had to smile at that: he was pretty sure she hadn’t taken it off since he’d left it for her.  She’d been wearing it every time he’d seen her since, at least.  He had to assume that meant she liked it.
“Sorry,” she said, biting down on her lip in that nervous way she had.  “I hope I’m not bothering you?”
You could never bother me, he wanted to say.
“I wasn’t doing anything, no,” he said instead.  “What’s up?"
“Today sucked,” she said, and he had to agree with her.  He’d been distracted all day, ever since Mendeleiev had hauled her and Fred away from breakfast.  Not…not worrying, not really.  Just…worrying.  She pursed her lips and bobbed her head back and forth.  “Actually, this whole week has sucked.  And I really don’t want to be alone tonight.  So…I was hoping…maybe we could not be alone together?  I brought movies.”
She held up her tote, watching him from beneath her lashes with a look that made him a little lightheaded.  He tried not to focus too closely on her words when she looked at him like that – on how not being alone together sounded, what I don’t want to be alone tonight would mean if it was anyone other than Marinette at his door, because Marinette would never mean it like that anyway.  Because it’s not what she meant, he knew, and even if it was…it wasn’t what either of them needed.  What either of them were looking for.
She wasn’t Théo, looking for some meaningless physical connection.
He’d never been good at meaningless, anyway.
She needed a friend.
…but he wasn’t sure he knew how to be a friend anymore, either.
“Fred working again?” he asked, peering into the bag.  Her pink blanket was tucked inside, along with bags of microwave popcorn and at least ten DVD cases.  He thought he even saw a deck of playing cards.
“No, he’s home,” she said.  She looked at the bag, her teeth worrying her lip again.  “I just…I think a movie night with you would be more fun than a movie night with him?”  His eyebrow lifted higher, and she rolled her eyes.  “You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?  Here I was, thinking we were making progress – thinking you actually did want to be friends – and you’re just gonna keep being a butthead.”
His lips quirked with a smile.
“…you can call me an asshole, you know,” he said, stepping out of the way and gesturing for her to come inside.  “Most of my friends do.”
“Well, that shows what they know,” she sniffed, walking past him.  She paused by his side, peeking up at him with those blue, blue eyes of hers twinkling up at him with a knowing little look.  “I don’t think you’re an asshole, Luka.  I think…you’re a grumpy puppy.  I think the world hasn’t been very kind to you, and I think it’s made you hard.  I don’t think you were meant to be hard, though.”  She winked at him.  “Softie.”
“Marinette…” he started, but the words caught in his throat and he looked away.  She didn’t know him.  She was…she was wrong.  He wasn’t soft.  Not…not anymore, though he supposed that was kind of her point.  He shoved a hand through his hair, scratching to dispel some of the anxious energy running through him.  “So.  Movie night.  What did you bring?”
“I hope you like horror,” she said, turning and walking over to the couch.  Her eyes widened when she saw the guitar.  “You play?”
“God, I hate horror,” he laughed, closing the door and following her.  He shoved his hands in his pockets and grinned at her.  “You don’t get enough gruesome shit at work?”
“Luka,” she said, nudging his arm and gesturing to the guitar.  He paused when he remembered he’d been attempting to play when she’d knocked.  “I didn’t know you played.”
“…I…” he tried, but the don’t got stuck in his throat, too.  He didn’t, not really.  Not anymore.  But music had always been so deeply ingrained from the moment he’d held his first guitar.  It was in his blood.  Was it really fair to say he didn’t when lately it had been more a case of wouldn’t?  “…stopped.  For a while.  I’ve been trying to get back into it, though.”
“Would you play me something?” she asked, turning to him.  “Not now, if you don’t want to.  But…sometime?  I’d love to hear you play.”
“…maybe,” he said, moving around her to pick up the guitar.  He hesitated a moment once he was holding it, then he shook his head and went to put it back in his room, where it would be out of sight and (hopefully) out of mind.  “We’ll see.  I’m…pretty rusty.”
“I feel like I should have realized,” Marinette called from the living room.  He paused, his hand still on the guitar.  “I’m pretty sure Juleka had said something about you being in a band.  Of course you’d play, if you were in a band.  It’s just you never talk about it, and I’ve never seen you play, or…well, I guess I’ve never really been over before, have I?  Fred gave me your address – I hope that was ok.  I just thought…I mean, you came to visit me, so I was hoping you wouldn’t mind me visiting you, but…eep!”
He had gone back out to the living room, where she was emptying her bag on the coffee table.  She stood and turned, squeaking when she found him directly behind her.  She laid a hand over her heart, giggling nervously.
“You scared me,” she said, grinning up at him.  His hands had come up to her shoulders when she’d turned, holding on to steady her.
…he hadn’t moved them.  He should probably move them.
“Sorry,” he said, his lips twitching with a smile.  He still wasn’t moving his hands.  “It’s all right, Marinette.  I don’t mind.  I…would like the company.”
She lifted an eyebrow at him, her grin growing, and he chuckled as he shook his head.
“I would like your company,” he conceded.  He squeezed her shoulders and finally let go, looking around her to see what movies she had set out on the table.  His nose scrunched when he saw she actually had brought nothing but horror movies.  “Though maybe we could see what’s streaming?  I’m really not a horror fan.”
“I’m usually not, either,” she confessed.  His eyebrows lifted, surprised, and she shrugged.  “But I figured…I don’t know.  Things feel different now, you know?  Since…I thought maybe I could handle them now.”
“It didn’t change for me,” he said.  He picked up the first movie in her pile.  He didn’t recognize it, but the back said it was about…a ghost?  Skeleton?  Skeleghost?  He supposed that was a thing?  It sounded dumb to him, honestly.  Like Sharknados.  “But I’m game.”
…thirty minutes and five bad jump scares later, they were both huddled under Marinette’s blanket, their heads bent together as they tried to avoid watching the screen.  Theoretically, they could just turn the damn movie off, but the remote was on the far side of the coffee table and neither felt brave enough to leave the safety of the blanket.
Or…well.  At some point, Marinette had practically crawled into his lap, an arm and leg thrown around him while she pressed her face against his chest.  Luka could easily reach for the remote and turn the movie off, but that would mean moving Marinette.
…and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to move her.  Not yet.
She burrowed closer as someone on the screen screamed, and he glanced up in time to see the Skeleghost bludgeon someone with its femur.  He ducked his face back against her shoulder and pulled the blanket over their heads.  Her fingers twisted in his shirt, and her nose pressed into his clavicle.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered, wincing when another scream filled his flat.  “Next time, puppies.  Oh my God, why didn’t I pick puppies?”
…he liked the sound of that.  There being a next time.  And puppies, but…yeah.  He was game for a next time.
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viviennevermillion · 10 months
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date ideas for them
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: had this idea and thought it'd make for a nice post. i love sampo so much. geppie is kinda cute too. writing for luka has made me realize the guy is literally a shounen protagonist. 2,5k words
✧ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: gepard, bronya, sampo, luka
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: long way home — walk off the earth
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: "sampo is a masked fool" theory is canon to me at this point
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✧ Going to the Flower Shop
Gepard loves flowers and likes taking care of them (even though he always manages to mess up). So what better way to introduce you to the softer side of him, the man far removed from the front lines, than to take you to the Eversummer Florist Shop? Gepard may struggle to keep his flowers alive but he's quite knowledgeable when it comes to the meanings of them, medical uses or where they're found in the wild. The florist just smiles at you from the side, remarking how well-informed your boyfriend is about this. He'd wrap his arms around your waist and quietly explains the different kinds of flowers to you. He seems so soft in this moment, so different than how he can be seen commanding the troops. You smile, glad that he is able to take a break from duty, and kiss his cheek gently, causing Gepard to blush. You let out a quiet chuckle and make sure to get him some flowers that show how much you love him sometime soon.
✧ Gardening
He's aware that this is not everybody's cup of tea. If you don't want to help him with his garden, you're welcome to watch from the sidelines and play some music to relax to. Before he starts working on the garden, Gepard makes sure you have some drinks and snacks. If you do decide to help him, he'll happily show you how to tend to the flowers. If you decide to watch instead, whenever he passes you by to get some additional supplies or tools, he can't resist pressing a kiss to your lips. He swears to himself that this time he will manage to grow something worthy of being given to you as a gift.
✧ Singing together
You're the only person he feels comfortable enough around to practice his singing with. He can actually play the piano, something he learned to do as a child as his father never allowed him to play with the "peasant children". He's by no means as skilled as Serval but when you tell him that you find his voice soothing, his cheeks redden a little and he thanks you, snuggling up to you. Gepard makes it his personal mission to learn how to play the songs that are your favorites at the moment. If you're up for it, you two can sing together while he plays the piano.
✧ Indoor Picnic
It's clear that having a nice picnic outdoors in Belobog might be a little bit cold and uncomfortable but luckily, Serval is willing to help her little brother out a little and lends him her shop after hours for a day. She definitely teases him about it but he puts so much effort into organizing this picnic for you. He hangs up pretty fairy lights in the workshop and prepares a comfortable blanket and pillows for you to sit on. He cooks all the food he presents to you himself and it tastes really nice. He puts up some candles and scatters some rose petals as well and when he's done, the workshop looks very different from before. He's trying to look confident when he asks you to come in and shows you the result of his hard work but he gets so flustered again, especially upon seeing you having dressed up for the date, that he stumbles over his words a little. You just chuckle and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving his face with a soft and loving smile. Serval definitely wants to know all about how her brother's date went once it's over but she's going to have to wait for that because there was no way you wouldn't be staying with your boyfriend for the night after how sweet he has been to you.
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✧ Ballroom Dancing
Bronya doesn't know much about love and going on dates other than what she read in books as a child or picked up from other people's conversations. She has been pretty sheltered as a child and now that she knows you like her too, she's wracking her brain; wondering what date to take you on that would make you happy. Luckily, Seele is there to help her out. "Duh, you're an overworld princess. You literally have the whole of Qliphoth Fort at your disposal. Take them ballroom dancing or something!" Bronya is very thankful for this suggestion from her friend and makes sure to invite you to a private evening in the ballroom. She gets you a pretty dress or suit you would like to wear and she herself wears a stunning ballgown herself. At first she tries to apply her customs from the balls she attended growing up; especially because she is nervous and essentially already has a memorized collection of proper etiquette for this type of situation, but soon she finds that around you, she can be a lot more light-hearted and casual. You guys end up giggling and trying out all sorts of dances in the big dance hall whilst playing music Bronya would have never expected herself to play at a ball. But this evening with you feels unrestrained and freeing and she knows that she wants many more days like this.
✧ Spa Day
This is right up Bronya's alley. Qliphoth Fort has a private spa for the Supreme Guardian and when Bronya has worked a lot and feels exhausted or tense, she loves nothing more than to take you there for a relaxing day together. You take a swim in a brine bath together, visit the sauna and do all sorts of spa treatments at your disposal. Bronya chuckles when she finds you falling asleep against her in the hot tub. She presses a kiss to your forehead and wraps her arms around you.
✧ Playing Video Games
This one was your suggestion when you learnt that Bronya; having essentially been raised as a princess and on the technologically underdeveloped Jarilo-VI, has never played a video game before. She's very curious herself to try them out so you sit down on the sofa for an afternoon and you introduce Bronya to Honkai Star Rail's version of Mario Kart whilst you try out all sorts of snacks Cocolia never let Bronya eat. At first she's a little lost at which buttons to push and why the game works the way it does but she gets the hang of it pretty quickly. And she's very competitive. Definitely shoots you a triumphant grin when she sends your character flying off the racing track. She isn't afraid to play dirty in this game and teases you about losing but soothes you with a gentle kiss to your lips.
✧ Going to the Theatre
Bronya loves to hear the singing that comes from the Golden Theatre so going there on a date is a must for sure. You check out the theatre program together to decide on a play both of you are interested in and Bronya gets you the best seats in the theatre. You smile at her from the side during the play upon noticing how captivated and excited she is about seeing the play and hearing the songs from it. The intermission definitely involves sneaking around the theatre with her and kissing away from all eyes.
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✧ Visiting a Fun Fair
Sampo isn't even from Jarilo-VI, so he's ready to leave at any time if it's for taking his beloved on a nice date. And what location would work better for a man like Sampo than the fun fair? For him, laughter and jokes are what gives life meaning and he's experiencing first-hand how much your laughter adds to his life. So the fun fair works in his favor. He kisses you passionately in the mirror labyrinth; pecking at your lower lip repeatedly and trailing kisses down your neck, whispering against your skin to keep your eyes closed because he has a nice surprise for you. When he tells you to open them again, Sampo is way further ahead in the mirror labyrinth, having the time of his life watching you trying to find your way back to him. He's wheezing at this point and you swear to yourself that you're going to get back at him for this. You decide to forgive him when he buys you cotton candy and wins you the most cursed plushie they have at the shooting booth. Sampo also loves to scare you in the haunted house and recount "fun" tales of rollercoasters crashing around the universe when the coaster you sit in starts moving slowly. Some of them are so absurd that you're certain he made them up. He loves to joke around with you on this trip and holding your hand as you walk across the fun fair.
✧ Visiting the Circus
Out of all shows you could take Sampo to watch, aside from a comedy show, the circus is probably the most entertaining for him. He enjoys the whole vibe of it. He gets roasted almonds and candy for you two to snack on while you watch the circus show. You have to be careful with Sampo because he's absolutely the kind of person who'd raise his hand when someone in the ring says "okay and now I need two volunteers".
✧ Spending an Evening at the Tavern
This is Sampo's world. He takes you to a masked fools tavern, introducing you to the people he tends to spend his time with and showing you what he's usually up to when he's not travelling and scamming people. He gets you a pretty mask that fits you and definitely shows you off to anyone who asks with the most proud smile ever. You two listen to the other masked fools recount the stories of the chaos they caused and you back Sampo up when he talks about his time on Jarilo-VI. If you're up for it, he'll happily dance with you to the upbeat music the bard plays. He also plays the masked fools version of poker which is just like regular poker except that aside from losing money, the loser also has to do weird and funny dares. Basically, Sampo makes a complete fool of himself and that's the point. After all, those moments of laughter are the ones he wants you to remember whenever you have a bad day.
✧ Pranks
Sampo would love if you help him with his shenanigans. He's up for pretty much anything he finds funny, whether it's scamming people with you or hanging up hand-drawn "Vote Sampo Koski for Supreme Guardian" posters in the dead of night. He's so proud if you're able to come up with a good scam for him. He kisses you and tells you this is why he loves you so much. He also gets a kick out of hiding from the Silvermane Guards with you after one of his many pranks, having you pressed against his chest and kissing you while the guards are looking for you. If you're able to bring any chaotic ideas to the table for what pranks you could pull together, Sampo's heart is yours forever.
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✧ Sparring together
Luka is a formidable fighter and he can teach you quite a few things about fighting if you want to. Of course, he goes easy on you but he'd love to teach you a few techniques and have a few playful fights. He's definitely not above distracting you with his kisses and affection before you land on the ground and he reminds you not to let your guard down like this.
✧ Riding a Motorcycle
Luka doesn't have a very high opinion of the overworld, but once the two layers of Belobog are no longer divided, he does think it's worth checking out with you. So he gets a motorcycle ready to take a drive with you. He's very thorough about making sure you're safe and he's a good driver; although the ride is definitely still adventurous with Luka. He does this at night so you can see the city lights pass you by and enjoy the atmosphere of freedom and the cool air of the night. He stops at a vantage point to look out onto the city with you and you talk about all sorts of things that are on your mind while watching the people of the overworld go about their business. Luka wants to get a meaty fast food snack for both of you. If you'd rather like to eat something with a lot of vegetables, he'll fulfill your wish but he definitely cringes at the idea of eating something like that himself. Luka is open to teach you about how to drive a motorcycle yourself as well if you don't know, having his arms wrapped around your waist and guiding you during your first few tries. He makes sure both of you wear safety gear and he thinks you look absolutely stunning in leather gear. He bonks your head when both of you wear your helmets.
✧ Stargazing
For the more quiet nights together, Luka takes you stargazing. He sets up a picnic blanket on a roof in the city and after eating dinner, the two of you lay down on it and look up at the stars. Luka knows the constellations but he's much more interested in what you see in the stars; both literally and metaphorically. These are the moments where he gets a little more sentimental and quiet, telling you about his dreams and what's in his heart. Luka is definitely a dreamer with unwavering determination and you find listening to him to be quite inspiring. You could be the most pessimistic person out there, you couldn't help but to hang onto every word he speaks, especially if he drives them home with his lips on yours. There is always that glimmer of hope in his eyes that you wish to protect with all you have and now you understand why he fights. If it were for protecting Luka's smile; you'd fight your way to the end of the world. Your boyfriend is still gazing up at the vast space above but you are already lost in his eyes instead, eventually snuggling up to him to confess to him how much he means to you and that your dream is to spend this life and all that follow by his side.
✧ Karaoke
Luka isn't the most outstanding singer out there but he thinks karaoke is fun, even if he cringes at himself sometimes during it. He's fine with doing karaoke in front of an audience or in a private room rented by just the two of you. He gets you some fun and fruity cocktails and he's done his research, learning the melody of all of your favorite songs so he can sing them with you. He definitely gets lost in the songs, especially the upbeat ones. You can't help but burst out laughing in the middle of the song.
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ladyanput · 4 years
For the Salt!Prompts, my HC Adrien is abused in his household. When with the people he's comfortable with he's practically like a kitten, trying to soak in the love he's been neglected of. No one ever sees what he looks like when someone pushes him. Until Lila tries to kiss him, with Alya encouraging her because Lila let out a sob story about how Adrien, her bf, doesn't give her affection in public. (Feel free to use any pairing. Though it'd be cool to see No tearing into someone
Oh yeah, Adrien is abused alright. I think it's pretty much canon at this point.
Marinette sighed heavily as Adrien practically curled up on her lap as she tried to sketch, shooting a playful glare down at her boyfriend.
"This is getting ridiculous, you know that, right?" Mari gave a wry smile, stroking Adrien's golden hair from his face as she planted a soft kiss on his lips.
"Don't be mean, Mari, he just wants love." Luka easily plucked his boyfriend off his girlfriend's lap and brought him over to Luka's bed for some cuddles. He kissed Adrien softly, causing the boy to purr loudly.
"I know, but I need to have at least another concept fit Jagged by the end of the week." Mari rolled her eyes, but her smile turned tender as she watched her boyfriends.
They were at Luka's place, locked up in his room to be hidden away from the rest of the world for a while; Adrien's abusive father, Marinette's non stop difficulties with Lila, and
Luka with his sudden estrangement from Kitty Section after they kicked him out of the band.
"Just join us, Nette, I wanna cuddle." Adrien whined, eagerly reaching out, making grabby hands in the direction of his beautiful girlfriend. Marinette sighed and gave it, striding over to the bed and snuggling in, Adrien sandwiched between the two people he loved.
Marinette sighed as she stared out the window at the pouring rain. Adrien was late again, no doubt being held up by that monstrous father of his. She closed her eyes and tried to assure herself that her boyfriend would soon be out of that. Adrien was managing to sneak money into a bank account under his name alone a bit at a time; she was working on commissions more frequently, and Luka has been working extra hard at his job. Hopefully, in a month, they could all move into an apartment together.
Her thoughts were list as soon as she heard sobbing. Marinette watched from her seat in the back of the class as Lila wailed rather loudly, showing theatrics as she sobbed into her hands.
"H- he won't even let me hug him, Alya! We've been dating for over three months and I can't even hold his hand." Lila whimpered, hugging Alya tightly, sobbing into her shoulder as the journalist rubbed her back in sympathy.
"That's just not right." Alya muttered, scowling as she glanced up at Nino. "I understand not rushing into a kiss, but not even hugging your girlfriend? That's just not right."
"I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't hug Mylène." Ivan spoke up, pulling his girlfriend close for a tight hug.
"Or kisses from Juleka." Rose piped up, gripping her girlfriend's hand tightly.
It was then Adrien entered. He looked visibly drained, dark shadows under his eyes, his hair slightly greasy. He paused in the doorway when the entire class turned to look at him.
"Good morning. Sorry that I'm late." He murmured, making his way to his seat. When he took a seat, everyone noticed how he purposely kept as much distance as he could between himself and Lila.
"Adrien, today is a very important day." Alya grinned as she set a hand onto his shoulder, not noticing how he tensed. The sight made Marinette's blood boil as everyone seemed to ignore his discomfort. "Today you finally give your girlfriend a proper hug."
"Wha-" Adrien didn't have time to react as he was shoved into Lila. Her arms wrapped around him like a vice and a warm kiss was planted on his cheek, leaving a pink imprint. Panic set in and he began to tremble. "L- let me go!"
"Come on, Adrien, I just want a hug, it will make me so happy." Lila whined, her grip tightening as she leaned close, her lips pressing against his ear. He flinched as her nails dug into his back. "And we both know your father wants me happy."
His breathing became more frantic before he roughly shoved Lila away, causing her to tumble to the floor. He rushed passed the dumbstruck class, clinging tightly to Marinette. He was on his knees, his arms wrapped around her waist as he sobbed into her lap.
"Mari, please, I can't take it anymore, please, I don't want to anymore." Adrien whimpered, glancing up at his girlfriend. Marinette's tender gaze met his and she nodded, taking his hand into her own and standing, using her free hand to wipe away his tears.
Alya stepped forward as soon as the duo headed towards the classroom door, but Marinette turned and shot her a look that could kill.
"Force him into anything like that again and I assure you it will be the last that you have hands."
Marinette took Adrien back to her place, cuddling with him in her bed as her parents brought them up comfort cookies and hot chocolate. A text to Luka and he was there ten minutes later, joining the cuddle pile.
"You don't have to go back, Adrien." Marinette whispered, stroking Adrien's back, smiling as he pressed into her hand, so starved for a loving touch. "You're eighteen, you don't ever have to go back."
"We'll give you all the love you need." Luka assured, kissing Adrien's cheek, before resting his back against the headboard of the bed. He grabbed his guitar off of the floor and began to play a soothing soft as Adrien curled up on his lap, with Marinette stroking his head.
The young model fell asleep surrounded by love, his mind finally at ease.
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