#I don't know
mayhaps-a-blog · 13 hours
OK I can't stop thinking about the end of that episode because it was so good. Just, punch you right in the gut good.
Like, you know, you know, the Doctor - who's goal is to save everyone, who doesn't care what they think or say as long as they can live to learn better - has to be wondering if things would be different if he had a different face.
Like why does it have to be him, here, now? Why couldn't it be when his face was young, handsome, white? Would it have ended differently? Would he have been able to save them if he just looked different, if he was just the "right kind" of person?
Or would they have found some other problem - too old, too quirky, too weird - and put him off anyway?
And, fuck, the moral implications of that - sure, he wants to save them, has to save them, but they're so awful - so much that they'd refuse life-saving measures from a person who doesn't look like them. Where can they go that they won't become a toxic drain on that society? How can he, the Doctor, save their lives without somehow supporting their toxic views?
At that point, are they even worth saving?
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femalefemur · 3 days
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alliepretends · 12 hours
Really need people to stop trying to argue on the merits of JH:JY based on the idea that the theme of the season was rage. It isn't! It wasn't! It never was and was never going to be! You've got the right problem but the wrong reasoning and it's extremely annoying. Theme doesn't originate with antagonists. Theme is what a story is trying to say. FH:JY has nothing to say about rage. It never had anything to say about rage. Because rage is not an important topic to the protagonists. And a story can't say something without it mattering to the protaginists in some way. Rage has never been and will never be an important part of how the protagonists of FH:JY think about the world. The theme of JY was academic pressure and burnout. The overall theme of FH is heroism, which in this context is defined as doing dangerous things with your friends to help others. Those were the themes. They weren't well executed but that's what the characters cared about, it's what the story cared about, it's what the story was trying to say. The rage part comes in at the very end with the antagonists. And people are right to say that this was bad! Having random antagonists whose motive and identity is wholly unrelated to the themes the story has been persuing so far is bad storytelling! This was a problem. But there's no version of the story in which reshaping the themes around the antagonist's motive was a good idea. Antagonists only work as purveyors of theme when the thematic conflict between the protagonist and antagonists is clear from the start. (It's why Grix + Ratgrinders did feel like good antagonists at the beginning. Increased pressure on academic achievement + a kind of rigid rules following that doesn't actually allow you to help anyone. Very responsive to FH's overall themes and what our protagonists care about.) If you're going to critique FH:JY on the grounds of its storytelling (which you should), you should understand what's happening in the story. The thematic confusion doesn't come from FH:JY not having something coherent to say about rage; it comes from the fact that it managed to give you the impression in the last handful of episodes that it was ever about Rage at all.
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For those who didn't hear it the first time, I'll say it again. Sexualizing the trauma brought on by neglectful fathers is gross. Combining sex and a pseudo-father relationship is also messed up. The age gap becomes a bit questionable when they put this into the relationship.
For real, go back and watch season 4 and all the pain that Buck went through when his parents showed back up. Now tell me that it's cool if an older man comes along and sexualizes that hurt. That's not a thing to portray as sexy, it's twisted.
Buck may not be real, but if you weren't born yesterday, you know that media does not exist in a vacuum. What these stories portray and promote affect people.
So Ryan Murphy and the others are not off the hook. They're gonna have to answer to every young woman and man who is tired of seeing their pain and family trauma played off as "kinky" or desirable by older men.
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lizardsfromspace · 4 months
If I was Orpheus I wouldn't have looked back at Eurydice. I would have looked down at the ground to maximize the framerate, and then repeatedly run into Cerberus' second head to perform the Cerberus Skip and warp up to the entrance of Hades. I've done this five times and last time I did manage to shave three and a half seconds off my personal best thanks to favorable Cerberus cycle RNG. I honestly don't get why that dweeb Orpheus could not do this, or even a simple Sisyphus Glide
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somanywips · 1 year
I hate that planned obsolescence is starting to reach fandoms. I hate that fandoms are starting to die after two, three years, I hate that whenever you stop getting content that means the fandom will die and be gone.
I need people to stop trying to brush off old interests as being 'cringe' as soon as you lose interest, or worse: make it seem like it's imoral to like something that they themselves held so dear before.
Fandoms are meant to last for years and years, the moment content stops being created is the moment we truly thrive because we keep creating the content ourselves the way we love it and expand on the things that are already there for us.
I don't care if you lost interest on something, it's fine and normal even, but stop trying to blame and make fun of people who still do love the fandom and the content and the things we can create.
I need people to enjoy fandom again
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crackers4jenn · 6 months
spn is such a funny show, it'll be like:
Naomi tells Cas he has to choose "us, or them" and 'them' is meant to imply Sam and Dean both, but then
she makes Cas kill fake copies of Dean only
Or Metatron will speechify about how Cas is "in love... with humanity"
and then give Cas another lil speech about how it was all "to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of Heaven, but ultimately it was about saving one human, right?"
Ishim shows up and tries to tell Cas how weak he is for befriending Sam and Dean
and then when he wants to "cure" Cas of his human weakness, that weakness is just Dean
AND THEN you'll have things like
Sam will say that Cas is family, that he'd die for him
but he also refers to Cas as an "it" just hanging around in a vessel strong enough to take on Lucifer (in season 11!! It's not like he said that in s4 or something, it was like 8 years after knowing the guy)
Or in "Regarding Dean," Dean will say to Sam "and our best friend's an angel!"
and then when he's by himself in the mirror, he'll say "and Cast--Cas is my best friend."
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sparklingjay · 1 month
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aversiteespabilas · 11 months
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"You'll pay for what you've done to me."
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tapakah0 · 9 months
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Hey, so I'm not gonna answer this question with your username out, because I don't want you getting dogpiled.
But I feel the need to address this because it comes up now and then.
First of all: Thank you for liking my comic and wanting it to come faster! I'm psyched to hear that you like it that much.
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And while I fully understand the feeling of "why can't the thing I want just HAPPEN", this is... unfortunately... not a very kind thing to send to an artist. Or a writer. Or any creator.
Not the way it's worded, anyway.
So, let's discuss:
Why can't the comic be weekly again?
Well, if you can understand why THIS is irrational:
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Then you can understand why the comic can't be weekly just because you REALLY REALLY want it to be.
Resources like money and time aren't just something that drops into my hands. I'm an adult. I work. I have a life outside of this. I have a dog! I get up at 6am to walk her. I drive to work an hour each way. I try to help my spouse out around the house.
And I daresay, even though I once posted weekly, the quality and length of my comics has gone up quite a bit and it now requires twice the amount of time to make them without burning out.
Look, to make it 100% clear, when I'm pushing the comics to be two weeks apart, this is NOT what is happening:
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This magical contraption does not exist. It's not effortless, it's not immediate.
It takes me the full two weeks, if not more, to create these comics.
Yes, they're spaced out quite far apart, but that's how far apart they gotta be in order for me to be able to bring them to you.
And yes, I know the comic is already made. But I am making them at a pace of two per month on Patreon, and just because I post them faster doesn't mean I'll make them faster!
Basically your options are:
Regular updates that are two weeks apart
Semi-regular updates that are sometimes less than two weeks apart, but with multiple month-long hiatuses between them.
I've chosen regular updates. For me AND for you guys.
And man, there are MANY better ways to tell an artist or a creator you love "hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!".
For example:
"Hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!"
You can also try:
"I look forward to every update!"
"Every time you put out a new comic, I'm eager to read what comes next!"
It'll go a long way, I promise!
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emmaduerrewatson · 4 months
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TAYLOR SWIFT @ Tokyo Dome on February 7, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.
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videos-i-didnt-make · 29 days
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skylersprompts · 5 months
DC x DP Prompt *25*
Everything hurts. It hurts! It hurts so much! Ithurtsithurtsomuchpleasemomstophisheartwi-
He can't feel anything.
He is floating and thank the Ancients, he can't feel a thing.
It takes quite some time he thinks until he feels something again. Phantom is in the ghost zone. But Danny was just in his parents lab - ithurtssomuchdadstopplease! - but now Phantom is here...
After some time he realized that he feels different, even though he can't explain why. But he didn't have much time, Jazz was probably worried sick. He needed to get home.
He found the portal without a problem and flew through. But the panic set in as soon as Phantom saw the lab. Instinctual he was going invisible and intangible. Danny died here. There is no Danny anymore, just Phantom.
After his panic attack he spots other ghosts. Mostly Blobs and Animals. Some already vivisected, some just in cages. But he also finds Boxlunch. Just bound to his death spot the operation table. She wasn't hurt yet. He quickly frees everyone and takes the injured Ghost to the Far Frozen.
This was going on for weeks. Just Phantom trying to rescue the other Ghosts from his parents lab and later from the GIW labs. The Fentons started to work full-time for them.
But then they moved bases. Away from Amity Park. Just far enough that he couldn't reach them anymore, without burning through all of his ectoplasm and then some.
But they had kidnapped Desiree, Technus and a few more Ghosts! And he needed to safe them!
He remembers some rumors he heard in the Zone. In Gotham exist a Revenant. The Avenger of the unavenged. The Red Hood. And with the Infini-Map he could find a natural portal to Gotham. It was a long shot, but his last hope.
So he flys invisible through the dark streets of Gotham, frantically searching.
Jason was about to throttle his family, every single one of them at the same time. He was already trying to punch the Demon Brat, when a white haired, floating teen with Lazarus green eyes materializes in front of him.
The teen completely ignored the Bats and zeroed in on Red Hood with a look of desperate hope.
"My parents killed me and they are killing more of my friends"
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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summer '93
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sunsestart · 4 months
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Something I noticed with some Papyrus fans I've met, you can also be both
(......oh why did I create this........)
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