#Hana and Alope be like 'I HATE ACTS OF SERVICE!!!' Ignis and Enid ๐Ÿšน๐Ÿšน 'too bad'
ragnar0c ยท 4 months
While I'm here... love languages for da guild:
Likes recieving: Quality time, acts of service (stubborn about this though.)
How she shows affection: She acts cold but she often gives gifts. She also will have moments where she spends quality time with others.
Likes recieving: She's even more stubborn about it than Hana but she likes acts of service. She won't let people do it. But she wants it so bad.
How she shows affection: ALL OF THE LOVE LANGUAGES... esp ACTS OF SERVICE... words of Affirmation and physical touch... Gift giving too but it's always like. Something small she finds outside she feels reminds her of the person. Except for one instance we'll talk about later. She is so filled with love.
Likes recieving: Words of affirmation, Physical touch (Everyone is free game.)
How they show affection: Physical touch, acts of service (esp for Alope, they know her secret.)
Likes recieving: Acts of service, Physical touch,
How he shows affection: Acts of service, words of affirmation.
Likes recieving: Quality time, Physical touch (esp from Enid)
How he shows affection: Gift giving and Quality time...
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